[Q] freezes! help pleaseee - HTC Rezound

Hi everyone, I've been having serious problems and if anyone can help me I'd love you forever. I got a rezound a week ago and loved it. I decided to root and rom it and afterwards my screenwould randomly freeze. I tried every GB rom and no matter which rom I was on it would freeze
I thought maybe my phone was defective so I returned my phone and got a brand.new.resound. once I installed.inef on my new phone it started freezing again. No apps loaded just stock inef. Could it be my sim card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

mforminio7 said:
Hi everyone, I've been having serious problems and if anyone can help me I'd love you forever. I got a rezound a week ago and loved it. I decided to root and rom it and afterwards my screenwould randomly freeze. I tried every GB rom and no matter which rom I was on it would freeze
I thought maybe my phone was defective so I returned my phone and got a brand.new.resound. once I installed.inef on my new phone it started freezing again. No apps loaded just stock inef. Could it be my sim card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Is it an actual freeze or is Sense crashing? I saw that a lot when I still had a ROM with Sense. If you're hitting home but not going anywhere then that's probably the case. No real cure for it other than to try unlocking and tossing another ROM on. You could also have something wrong with your SD. Pull that out for a while and see if the freezing/crashing still occurs.

You said no apps loaded so I assume you didn't restore any data from another phone either?
I've been running Ineffabilis for a month now without that issue so it shouldn't be the ROM. What happens after the freeze? Do you have to reboot or does it go away? (I don't know why I'm asking that cuz I don't know how to fix it no matter what your answer! But I like pondering and the more info the better for when someone more knowledgeable comes by.)
You could also try flashing a different kernel and see if that helps. I just put on AnthraX and it's running nice and smooth.
MrSmith (that feels so formal after all these months, I might have to call you Smitty now ), or anyone else... would there be an error log generated somewhere that could be looked at?

mforminio7 said:
Hi everyone, I've been having serious problems and if anyone can help me I'd love you forever. I got a rezound a week ago and loved it. I decided to root and rom it and afterwards my screenwould randomly freeze. I tried every GB rom and no matter which rom I was on it would freeze
I thought maybe my phone was defective so I returned my phone and got a brand.new.resound. once I installed.inef on my new phone it started freezing again. No apps loaded just stock inef. Could it be my sim card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I think the problem is in the kernel and not the rom. I had issues with gingerbread rom/kernel combinations. What are you using to control your CPU? Just making sure you aren't using more than one app, but since you didn't mention that you may not be adjusting clock speed at all.
I would recommend flashing an ICS leak and Sebastians modified kernel and seeing how that does. It's not as stable as an OTA but I don't see problems with random reboots and freezes on ICS even when overclocked to 1.7.

Hi guys thanks for the replys. Its not the kernel or rom because I've tried every gb kernel and every gb rom and my problem still persists. And I've swapped out dif SD.cards as well so I'm really scratching my head lol. Could it be the sim card? I think it needs to be hardware related but my last resound had the same issue but the sim is the same. And when it freezes I mean the screen just stops updating. You can press the buttons but the screen will stay frozen until a battery pull. Thanks!

maybe go get a new phone if u say u have tried all those things?

mforminio7 said:
Hi guys thanks for the replys. Its not the kernel or rom because I've tried every gb kernel and every gb rom and my problem still persists. And I've swapped out dif SD.cards as well so I'm really scratching my head lol. Could it be the sim card? I think it needs to be hardware related but my last resound had the same issue but the sim is the same. And when it freezes I mean the screen just stops updating. You can press the buttons but the screen will stay frozen until a battery pull. Thanks!
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Yeah, see about getting a new SIM from Verizon then and see if that works since that's the only constant.

Just got a brand new rezound yesterday.. returned my last rezound for the same issue but they used my old sim. Idk what could be causing it

Make them give you a new SIM.

feralicious said:
Make them give you a new SIM.
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Yea Ill pick one up tonight and update the thread. Hopefully that's the problem. Thanks for the suggestions fera

Didn't solve my problem.. I'm really out of ideas at this point and its so frustrating BC the phone is sick

I would try running the RUU and bring it back to stock and see what happens.

Yes I would also recommend relocking and installing the latest RUU and see what it does. If it persists you will be stock unrooted and should be able to have them replace it under warranty.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk

I actually think the cause of my lockups were due to some buil.prop edits. Does anyone have the debug.sf.hw=1 gpu tweak in their rom? And if so are you experiencing any lockups? I ahve used the RUU and everything was fine but all these roms look to yummy to stay away from lol


No Sound HomeBase just like stock?

Latest HomeBase (BLUR with kernel). When I first got the phone after a few hours you cannot hear or speak. You have to restart the phone in order to make or take a phone call. Assumed using a new rom would fix it considering the Sprint OTA fixed it but I still have the issue. After anywhere between 2 hours and 8 hours of the phone being on is when the problems start.
It was my understanding this was Software related but after trying a few roms with the same problem I don't know? Should I just go back to stock and install the OTA? Roms are cool but being able to talk is better.
I would. Also you should have posted this in the Q&A section or in the homebase rom thread.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
What version of the Home Base rom are you on? I'm on v1.5 with the 4.2 update and have no issues. So perhaps you could try that one? And I had that issue until the OTA update too.
b0r0b said:
Latest HomeBase (BLUR with kernel). When I first got the phone after a few hours you cannot hear or speak. You have to restart the phone in order to make or take a phone call. Assumed using a new rom would fix it considering the Sprint OTA fixed it but I still have the issue. After anywhere between 2 hours and 8 hours of the phone being on is when the problems start.
It was my understanding this was Software related but after trying a few roms with the same problem I don't know? Should I just go back to stock and install the OTA? Roms are cool but being able to talk is better.
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To start, this isnt any type of development so it should be posted in general....
My question to you is do you have a Sprint airave in your home? That was the issue i had. If the problem is in custom roms try stock again.
xTMFxOffshore said:
What version of the Home Base rom are you on? I'm on v1.5 with the 4.2 update and have no issues. So perhaps you could try that one? And I had that issue until the OTA update too.
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I've recently flashed v1.5 and updated with 4.2. Loved it except that when I tried to download anything in the market it would tell me that there was insufficient space on my device. I had even reformatted my external and internal storage. Then I tried using the marketfix.zip. It would say it was downloading and then disappear from my notifications. I was wondering if you were having this problem at all?
The only time I have had a market issue was when I first flashes the ROM and it was the old market then it dud a little song and dance and ypdated to the new market at which point anything I was downloading prior was gone. But after that haven't had any issues. Is this the issue you are having? If not.....try to reflash the ROM
Sent from my Photon via XDA

Touch Screen issues

Hey everyone I'm Danny from Australia and I've had this annoying issue with my SG2 since the day i bought it, my touch screen freezes and starts acting mental every once and again.
Ive rooted my phone and have run multiple Kernals and Roms im currently on WanamLite V7.3 with base band XXLP1 and it still does the same thing any help would be awesome.
Thanks guys
the_Danzilla said:
Hey everyone I'm Danny from Australia and I've had this annoying issue with my SG2 since the day i bought it, my touch screen freezes and starts acting mental every once and again.
Ive rooted my phone and have run multiple Kernals and Roms im currently on WanamLite V7.3 with base band XXLP1 and it still does the same thing any help would be awesome.
Thanks guys
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ICS is still buggy, Flash back to GB. You would be much better off.
Sounds like it could be hardware problem, especially since its over multiple roms...
Re-stock and return for replacement or refund if still in warranty would be my advice...
i have wanamlite too...
i think that wanamlite 7.2 hasn't got this problem.
Did you flash wanamlite 7.2?
I have tried so many roms its not funny
It wouldnt have anything to do with the kernel would it, im jus trying to under stand what part of the rom / kernel controls the touch screen drivers?
I really dont want to return the phone as this is a major pain in the a$$

Phone shutdown

I know there are several posting about Vibrants shutting down on its own even when it is fully charged, but, most of the posting are about rooted phones. I am experiencing the same problem but with a stock Vibrant upgraded to 2.2 Froyo. Is there a fix for this problem? I just experienced this problem twice today already and I'm hoping stock Vibrant owners might have a solution.
I have also had spontaneous shutdowns and reboots using CM. I tried two different ICS builds for a while (Onecosmic's and CM9 Kang) and it didn't happen with either of them, so maybe something about ICS fixes this. I'm waiting for CM permissions management to appear in an ICS build, then switching over for good.
cashmundy said:
I have also had spontaneous shutdowns and reboots using CM. I tried two different ICS builds for a while (Onecosmic's and CM9 Kang) and it didn't happen with either of them, so maybe something about ICS fixes this. I'm waiting for CM permissions management to appear in an ICS build, then switching over for good.
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I'm pretty sure in the OP the guy is looking for help from people on a stock vibrant, unrooted on 2.2...
As far as the random shutdowns go, I would try to factory reset the phone and let the phone sit for about 5-10 minutes after doing so before reinstalling apps and whatnot.
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
dustinkh said:
I'm pretty sure in the OP the guy is looking for help from people on a stock vibrant, unrooted on 2.2...
As far as the random shutdowns go, I would try to factory reset the phone and let the phone sit for about 5-10 minutes after doing so before reinstalling apps and whatnot.
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
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I have put my phone back to JFD via Odin quite a few times, let alone resets, so I wouldn't expect much from that. There will apparently never be a stock ICS for the Vibrant. If the underlying problem is indeed fixed in ICS, the OP may want to make the leap to a good rom at some point.
My GF's phone was on stock 2.2 Froyo and shutdown incidentally, it actually just cut power, black screen suddently. Tried two battery and did the same, reflash to VJI6 and JFD and didn't help at all, but after flashing to Bionix 1.3.1 somehow the problem is gone, weird though
Spontaneous halts and reboots indicate a bug in the kernel or drivers. I don't know what bionic uses. ICS kernels are from the 3.x series of Linux, and are incompatible with older roms. Changing ketnel amd/or radio driver might be a way of attacking the problem short of changing roms. I've changed radios with CM7 but still get the halt/reboots.
A spontaneous shutdowm could also be cause by the battery making bad contact.. try smacking or dropping the phone and see if it happens
sent from the xda app on my android smartphone.

[Q] Anyone having compatibility issues with Bluetooth and ICS?

Ive used CWM to install different roms over a couple months since I have gotten my GS2. Ive never had a problem with Bluetooth connecting and playing music at all. But I find that since I started running the latest ICS XXLPH roms its been an issue.
Or can switching many roms over a course of time damage the antenna? or hardware? Any suggestions?
I am going to revert back to my stock roms after I send this message. The only reason I am sending this before I try it is because nobody else really seems to be running in to this problem after searching the GS2 thread.
Ive tried a couple ICS roms and all cause my phone to randomly reboot when using BT paired with my stereo either on a call or streaming music.
When it reboots enough times it starts to corrupt the ROM/install. Because after a while it will start to just randomly freeze on its own forcing me to reset the phone.
Ive searched all over I havent pin pointed anyone having the exact problem as me so that is why I wonder if its possible to damage the BT device after multiple custom rom installs.
Thanks in advance.
Chakker3D said:
Ive used CWM to install different roms over a couple months since I have gotten my GS2. Ive never had a problem with Bluetooth connecting and playing music at all. But I find that since I started running the latest ICS XXLPH roms its been an issue.
Or can switching many roms over a course of time damage the antenna? or hardware? Any suggestions?
I am going to revert back to my stock roms after I send this message. The only reason I am sending this before I try it is because nobody else really seems to be running in to this problem after searching the GS2 thread.
Ive tried a couple ICS roms and all cause my phone to randomly reboot when using BT paired with my stereo either on a call or streaming music.
When it reboots enough times it starts to corrupt the ROM/install. Because after a while it will start to just randomly freeze on its own forcing me to reset the phone.
Ive searched all over I havent pin pointed anyone having the exact problem as me so that is why I wonder if its possible to damage the BT device after multiple custom rom installs.
Thanks in advance.
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You are using a leak or *beta* rom which is far from stable
And no installing many roms can not damage any hardware
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Thanks for your response.
I am just concerned because like I said, from what I can tell, nobody else is running in to this problem.
Ive tried /format system along with full data/cache wipes. I wiped dalvik cache.
Im waiting for my phone to fully charge to put stock rom back on so I can test this completely.
But a bit nervous, because I need my phones BT as I am on the road often.
Chakker3D said:
Thanks for your response.
I am just concerned because like I said, from what I can tell, nobody else is running in to this problem.
Ive tried /format system along with full data/cache wipes. I wiped dalvik cache.
Im waiting for my phone to fully charge to put stock rom back on so I can test this completely.
But a bit nervous, because I need my phones BT as I am on the road often.
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Having a similar, if not identical issue on latest Westcrip ROM. Near as I can tell, seems to be related to memory management: while on BT, RAM space drops almost 200Mb. While changing songs, or surfing the tracklist/phonebook, it can cause the RAM to reach a critical level. This causes the OS to crash and the phone to reboot (my case a soft reboot from the animation only) in order to create space. I would chalk this up to inefficient memory management by a beta ICS rom. Look for this to be sorted out in the future with official releases and custom kernels/roms.
Thanks for your response.
Yeah when I installed resurrection, I also ran in to that problem. I had no idea how to diagnose it. But it makes sense, bottling up the ram to the brink of reboot.
Thats what initially was happening to me, soft boot, took a few seconds and was back in. But extended crashes seemed to cause corruption.
Yeah so the XXLPH seems to have an issue. Because I also tried foxhound and got the same result.
I just got back in from testing my BT on my car stereo using my stock rom of KG2 and it played for 20 minutes and i chatted for 19 without any problems.
So I am glad it wasnt anything seriosu. But only reason I was concerned is I found nobody else to have the problem and I felt a bit isolated
But im reading the official ICS rom is out in Europe so im sure we will see some new roms out in the next little while.

[Q] random reboots...

hey guys, im having this issue with random reboots. been rooting since the eris, then dinc, now thunderbolt. now with the tbolt, i bought it around the beginning of the year and now its becoming more and more frequent these random reboots. it happens with every rom ive tried (XDABolt, killasense, thundershed's cm7, now GBR 3.3).
i thought it might of been the base i was using, but now i dont think it was cuz it seems to have happened again on the newest one (.19). the only thing that seems to be constant is this happens while the phone is in my pocket, and USUALLY when im moving around a lot, lots of heat/leg sweat. i actually hope that this is just a heating issue cuz then i at least know that its my own user fault, but i dont know for sure.
i dunno if a last_kmsg will help seeing if this is the case, but i was hoping someone more knowledgeable on these logs could help out?
also im currently running GBR 3.3 w/ stock kernel.
EDIT: O also i am currently using the oem extended from verizon, but this also happens w/ stock battery as well

