Activesync - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Accessories

Hello, I cant sync my XDA2, when you put it in the cradle it says "user authentication" then nothing. The Active sync on the pc says "connecting" but never does. Some one said it could be conection settings on the XDA2, If you go to O2 active interface then my XDA Then connections it says Germany if I change this to UK then finish it reboots but comes back as Germany. Any ideas???
Thanks Peter


Bluetooth Dialling from Laptop

I am using an XDA2 with a newly upgraded 1.60.00WWE ROM and was really pleased to see the update to Bluetooth to allow serial connections in this release.
I have a fax application on my laptop and want to connect the comport on the laptop to the BT comport on the XDA2
I click on the new checkbox 'Inbound Com Port' and everything seems well.
If I set up a dialup networking connection to an ISP, or try to fax, the port opens successfully but no data is passed from the XDA back to the PC, so the PC always thinks there is a hardware failure.
The same connection works well with a Nokia (but who wants to use a Nokia?
Anyone else having this problem, or can anyone offer some advice to get this running?
O2 XDA2 on Orange

Hi, can someone help me locate software for my Wallaby?

Hi all. I'm a newcomer to this forum, as well as to the "Wallaby"-type phone, so any and all help or suggestions I receive will be very, very much appreciated.
I recently purchased a very used T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone Edition phone from a private party. The seller's ex-husband was/is a Microsoft developer and had bought this phone when it was brand-new, intending to do software development on it, but had put it away in a drawer and had basically forgotten about it. When the seller transferred the phone to me, she was able to supply ALMOST everything that came with it. The one glaring exception was the Pocket PC Companion CD that originally came with the phone when it was new. (Apparently her ex-hubby took it with him).
I actually didn't intend to use the phone portion of this device at all, as I have a newer Windows SmartPhone for that purpose. I had bought it with the intention of downloading some software into it (Microsoft Money, etc.) that will not run on my SmartPhone. However, I soon discovered that in order to do any downloading at all, I must first establish a connection between my laptop PC and the phone, and herein lies the problem.
Because I did not receive the Pocket PC Companion CD, the software that establishes the connection between the laptop and the Pocket PC Phone does not seem to be installed. I DO have ActiveSync 3.8 installed on my laptop for the purpose of sync'ing up my laptop with my Windows SmartPhone. However, ActiveSync 3.8 does not seem to be able to establish a connection to the Pocket PC Phone. Connecting the USB cable from the USB cradle holding the Pocket PC Phone, to the USB port on my laptop, causes the following error message to display on the phone:
To synchronize this device, you must install ActiveSync 4.0 or higher on your desktop computer"
I was under the impression that ActiveSync version 3.8 was the latest and most-current version -- unless that version is only for SmartPhones, and not for PocketPC Phones??
Can anyone supply the Pocket PC Companion CD (or the software that came with that CD) that was originally provided by T-Mobile?
And can anyone suggest a source for the version of ActiveSync that is needed for this Pocket PC Phone to be able to sync up with my laptop?
Also, if I do install that ActiveSync version, do I risk accidentally overwriting the version of ActiveSync that is already (correctly) loaded on my laptop for syncing the laptop to my Windows SmartPhone?
The following info may be useful:
Model No.: PW10B1
Platform: PocketPC
IMEI: 350314010270552
ROM Version: 3.04.00 ENG
ROM date: 06/12/02
Radio version: 6.24
Protocol version: 324e4
If you have any information and/or suggestions, please e-mail me at the following address:
[email protected]
Have you tried these suggestions?
I'm using active synch 3.8.0 ok.
On my PC I've got "Allow USB connection with this desktop computer" checked in File->connection settings...
Also got in the "Options" dialogue the "Synchronize mobile device clock upon connecting" checked.
After starting active synch it sits in the system tray and grey's itself.
On my XDA I'm running active synch too, and it works a treat.
On XDA run Active Synch, select Tools->Options...
Check "Enable synchro..." and select "'USB"
Also check the "Include PC..." box too.
Select the "ok" button at the top right
Now put your XDA in the cradle...
Active synch should pop-up and spin it's tray icon green spiny thing.
All should be well.
Start Explorer and there should be a "Mobile Device" item in "My Computer"
Good luck...
Did you try soft reset you XDA (small hole down left) or more extreem (as you will go back to factory setting and loose all data in it) by ard reseting it (very small battery hole down right) ?

I can´t syncronize with activesync 4.0 and w2k5 via USB.

I have already download the new w2k5 to my XDAII and now I can´t wyncronize it via USB with the new ActiveSync 4.0
I have tried via infrared and it works, but when i put my XDA II in the credle, and I try to do it via USB it doesn´t works... Any idea?¿
are u sure the File/Connection settings/allow USB connection is checked??!!! :wink:....... otherwise,u cannot synchronise via USB...
RAGO :lol:
Yes, everything it´s ok
I don´t know what could it be... Maybe reinstalling activesync 4.0...
thanks 4 all.
The problem with the USB conection of my xda II and activesync 4.0 still kickin´...
I have read something abaut the same problem in another post? Or it´s just a dream?
It's kinda strange what's happening with u... :?
Now am not sure,but try the following:
*u must have service pack 2 installed(it's a prerequisite)
1-on ur mobile:go to active sync/menu/connections check synchronize all PCs using this connection,and in the window tab below choose USB.
2-try changing the USB port on ur PC.
3-try restarting ur PC,and ur mobile as well...
4-make sure the File/Connection settings/allow USB connection is checked
5-make sure ur cable is functionning well(try another device if u can,or another cradle if possible)
Good luck....
RAGO :lol:
I´m trying to synchronize in a IBM T21 Laptop... Maybe USB 2.0 not soported? Does anybody knows if ActiveSync 4.0 and wm2k5 only works with USB 2.0 ?
Many Thanks
spend some time today to make it work.
first check on device manager if under network adapters exist "windows mobile-based device" and is ok (not with ! sign),
then go to control panel at network and internet connection > network connection.if you have network card there will be one local area connection (or maybe much depend how many network cards have in pc).when conected pocketpc (wm2005) will create another local area conection,connect and disconect to see what number have ex. local area connection 2.right click properties then better tick on show icon on notification area to see what is about connection.go to advanced windows firewall > general tab turn off,at advanced tab unmark this area connection only,( I want to say to unmark local area connection 2 or what number have this connection between pocketpc and pc) leave marked other local area conection (if is present) to keep protect your pc from ok in that window,now you are back in properties page check at general tab >tcp/ip protocol > properties to be selected obtain an ip address automatically press ok ok again. now in pocketpc go to start > settings > connections > network cards here select connect to "work" and adapter remote-ndis host select "use server assigned ip address" ok ok again.dissconect and connect pocketpc to pc.look at taskbar right-down corner of monitor,near clock,you should see appear network connection icon.first time at every connection between two little monitor will be a red dot going from one to another,in this time computere search for dhcp server to receive ip address,in short time (4-5-6 seconds) link will be active icon will be clear not fading like previous and the two monitors will blink.if this is not happened check on control panel > Performance and Maintenance > Administrative Tools > services if dhcp client is started,if not start it manual and change startup type to automatic.if until now everything is ok disconnect pocket pc, dezinstall old version of active sync install version 4.0 build 4343 restart pc.after pc started up connect pocketpc to pc,it should work.if still not work dezinstall active sync and from control panel uninstall windows mobile-based device disconect pocketpc restart pc install active sync and connect pocketpc,in this way windows reinstall networ driver and now must work ok.
btw I forgot to tel to check at active sync allow usb connection.
good luck.
Thank you very much for everything gabiz_ro.
Ok, I´m going to tell you what I have realized trying to follow your instructions.
Firstable I don´t have that you call:"windows mobile-based device" Or I didn´t find it... I have looked at Lan or Internet connection.
Then, I have tried to find out the conection that you talk abaut that it must be created when I connect my PPC, but I didn´t find it too. I tried to find it conecting the XDA II via USB and via Infrareds (remember that via IRDA does works)
Finally I changed at my PPC what you say abaut remote ndis host, I saved it, and disconnected and connected again, but it didn´t appear anything at taskbar right-down corner of monitor...
I don´t know what to do... And I´m sure that the problem is hosted the new activesync 5.0 or in wm2k5, cause one hour ago, when I came back to w2003se, I synchronized the ppc correctly with the credle via USB...
I´m feeling very weird with it, cause when I put the PPC in the credle (with wm2k5 and actvesync 4.0) the normal sound of the PC when you connect something reconigzed, don´t sounds... what I hear is the double "tun tun" that sounds when you connect something not recognized.
Many thanks
wm2003 is identified by windows as usb device.
but wm2005 like a network connection.
right click on "my computer" > properties > hardware > device manager.expand network adapters,and here when conected pocketpc to usb you'll see "windows mobile-based device"
local area conection 2 (or other number,in raport with how many network cards are installed on pc) you''l find in start > control panel > network and internet conection > network connection.but appear only when xda is connected if xda is disconected that "local area connection" dissapear too,and xda must be identified and driver installed (windows mobile-based device show without any ! symbol in control panel).infrared connection will not work here.on that local area network who represent connexion between pc and xda right click > properties and mark show icon on notification area.....
if you hear other sound like you say,maybe xda is not identified or windows didn't install corect driver.take a look to see in control panel what is wrong.expand universal serial bus to see if ther is some unknow device or something wrong.
there is control panel print-screen and taskbar area prinscreen.
I think that finally thanks to you we have discovered the problem...
I don´t have everything you talk abaut in the device list...
But what I have is this: Generic RNDIS (PROTOTYPE- Remembber to change id Vendor)
It is with the yellow alert icon.
But what could I do to put it right?
Problem FIXED!
That was the problem... It was not recognized, and with alert yellow icon... Thank you very much gabiz_ro, if you´ll didn´t helped me, now I would be changing back to w2003se
Thank you very much again
glad to can help.
Problem with sync on WM 5.0
Hi, All. Anyone HELP ME pls.
When I finished upgrade my device to WM2005, my Active Sync (4.0) not working, on USB mode.
Only it's working with Bluethooth.
And I saw on PC Device Manager -> Unknown Windows Mobile Device.(Generic RNDIS (PROTOTYPE--Remember to change idVendor)
How can I fix this Problem? :?:
re-install drivers for this device
Hoe installeer je de drivers opnieuw. Volgens mij heb ik die niet
Frenske :lol:
Yes, everything what you need to do, is to click on update drivers, and everything will be fixed
Best Regards
click Update!!!
Windows cannot find this driver...
But I fixed this problem, whereas after than my device is dead. (not working radio, calendar, bluetooth etc...)
Now WM2005 is not good working on XDA II.
try deleting the device, restart pc and have windows find it again.
Ive got the same problem, where can I get the drivers to fix this???
Thanks Peter
IIve got my MDA PRO for afew days now.
I coudnt sync with active sync 4.
I did a rom update and de beta version of active sync 4.2
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This PDA is like the world in my hand.
Greetings pocket pc freaks

Problem with ActiveSyn via Bluetooth and IrDA on WM6

Hi There,
I have upgraded my Atom Life to WM6 (latest version from O2 site). Everything works well. But I have problems with syn via bluetooth and IrDA. Please see my problem below:
Before syn with bluetooth or IR, I can syn with USB well.
* For IrDA:
+ When I choose syn with IR from activesyn menu on Pocket PC it shows "Attention required" then I click on this it shows "Connection Not valid: cannot open the connection 'infrared port'. This connection does not exist or no longer support. Select a difference connection or try again"
+ I am sure that: IR in range and I can do this many time on WM5 as well as send and receive file between my Atom life and My Laptop.
* For Bluetooth:
+ When I choose syn with Bluetooth from activesyn menu on PPC it show "Cannot find an existing Bluetooth partnership with a PC that supports ActiveSyn Would you like to set up Partnership now?"
+ I am sure that: Bluetooth in rang and pair with my laptop, I can send and receive file between my Atom life and Laprop. I can syn via bluetooth with WM5 many times.
If anyboby know what are the problems and solutions for these please let me know. If you can point me some document that would be great.
Thanks in advance
I dont own Atom Life, however sounds like you havent got the COM Ports configured properly...with MS generic bt drivers add (Incoming connection) port (usually COM3 is selected by default) after adding the port go to Connection settings in Activesync and under (allow connection to one of the following) select COM3. Assuming you have already paired your device now go to bt connection settings in device and tap your PC name then tap refresh, wait until it discovers A/S, tick the box then add a com port on your device too. I usually select COM6 but I do not believe it matters. good luck if that doesnt work then you should ask O2.
PS...if you already have an existing partnership and its not syncing, then delete partnership from PC and device and start again.
Thanks for your information but I still not work. I did check carefully incoming connection port and I also configured allowing connect wireless on ActiveSync to connect this port. Every step, I think correctly because I configured and sync with WM5 in the day before I update WM6. I don't know why It happens when I upgrade to WM6 then I could not syn with Bluetooth and IrDA. Maybe, I should get help from O2 support centre.

Blutooth connectivity issue when establishing a cnx with a PC

I'm having some problems with the set-up of a BT connexion between my TG01 and my PC.
PC: i'm using some BT USB dongle on Win7
TG01 : i'm running the November5's FR ROM #4 (WinMo 6.5.5)
Before going any further, note that i've already successfully configured a BT connexion with a HTC Touch2. So to me, the PC conf seems OK.
Now, when i'm doing the same with my TG01, i get 2 messages telling me that the TG01 connected to COMx then disconnected to COMx.
(In fact it never stays connected more than 2-3 secs to the PC.)
On the TG01 i get the screen where i can choose to use the services hosted by the PC (ActiveSync checked) then when i exit this screen, i see the PC in the "Disconnected" menu.
When i click on "connect", i finally get an error message "connexion pbr or wrong password"
Of course the password is OK and working with my HTC Touch2.
Any ideas to solve this pbr ?
Ok nevermind, after doing this, the BT connexion only activates when i go to ActiveSync and click on "bluetooth connexion". So it's OK.
Apparently it cannot be activated manually.

