XDA I - OSImageTool Version 1 - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Tried to make a copy of my ROM to SD Card. Dialog Box shows it copying but after completing in 6mins or so nothing shows on the card. I want to back up prior to copying XDA ROM and unlocking. Any advice would be appreciated.

you dont really need to save it on your sd card. You can just back it up in a file on your pc. click the browse button beside the combo box(ie the button with 3 dots) and select a name and a path. it would transfer the os to your pc and u can keep the back up there where its safer. :wink:

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I've already tried that and I just get an error message - Unsupported target filetype - don't know how to write destinationfile c:\Program Files\etc...

okay this is what you'll do :: put this line in the destination "c:\rom\os.nb1"; for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap. :roll:

Thanks again but unfortunately entering c:\rom\os.nb1 in the destination dialog didn't work. It returned: error opening c:\rom\os.nb1 for writing. The system cannot find the path specified. error opening target device.

PS. Should also add I didn't quite understand your reference to "for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap

PS. Should also add I didn't quite understand your reference to "for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap

check the image i just sent u. ull see what i asked you to click for the source.(Device Memory (current rom))
then for the destination clikc the 3 dots on its side and type in a name eg os.nb1 and lcick open. :!: :?:

Thanks, man. It looks like that's done the trick. It's currently copying. Once that's done I believe I need to load the XDA ROM to facilitate the unlock. Many thanks for your help.

no probs men. but i need to unlock some 2 more phones an am having a hell of a time. my bros samsung e700 and my dads hp6315. do u by any chance know how i can get that done

I wish I could reciprocate but unfortunately I don't know much about my Wallaby let alone those you've mentioned. I've just downloaded the XDA ROM and my device is not accepting it. Reading stuff on the forum to try to figure out what the problem is. Don't want to take away from your other problems with the Samsung and HP but let me know if you've heard of any problems as to why a device won't accept the XDA ROM. I'm probably doing something wrong.
Cheers for now.

okay i see you really do not know much. now all you have to do is get the special edition rom u get. then use the same program u used to backup your rom to upload the new one. i really want you to be 100% sure you have a back up. then duplicate the back up for safety reasons. Then extract the speacial edition rom. if its just the rom u got the use the program to do it. if its the whole installation u got a progamm called PROGRAMME A should open and it will guide you throught. Then i hope your phone is a wallaby/qtek 1010/ o2 xda/tmobile MDA they are all the same. else your better stop now. then why dont you lets chat i think it had be easier. yahoo ::nowoxi or msn ::[email protected]

Unfortunately, I haven't IM loaded currently. However, what you told me is a big help. I do have the MDA version of the phone so I'll try that when I get back as I have to leave right now. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted as to how it works out.

Hi nowoxi,
got a problem with OSImageTool, I did my own ROM copy but now how can I upload it to my device in case of need(mine is 2020..)? Do I need a SD card or I can do it directly from the xda image program? Many thanks
P.S. if you find a Yahoo mess request,well...it's me!

Didnt really get your compostition. I dont know where to start from or what to think. I know you have a problem and i know its with the ostool but i really dont get (understand) what your problem is. The rom u said u have. is it one you cooked up or the one on your phone before. then wher edo u wanna send stuff to. your phone or you wanna backup the one on your phone :?:

Sorry for the confusion, here's the story.
I'm the owner of an Orange SPV m1000, I received it last week and don't know much about PocketPC....my device is an English version, I'd like to convert it to an Italian one. I found an ITA ROM (it's for Qtek 2020 but it should work..) and soon I'd like to try to flash it. In case of need (maybe something wrong in the flashing...) I'd like to keep a copy of the original ROM installed in my device so I used XDAtools to get one, as you explained in this thread. Now I have this .nb1 file in my pc and the question is: can I upload it from my pc directly in case something goes wrong during the upgrade flashing? Or should I copy the .nb1 file to the SD card first and then try to flash from it ( but in what way?) ? Hope to made it clear now, thanks to your help!
P.S. Still looking the forum for a guide on using the imagetool....please be patient :wink:

Well you can restore it directly from your pc. just follow the steps in the thread. for source instead of selecting something in the combo box. click the 3 dots at the side then use your phone as destination. i hope that helps you out.

Sure thing!
Just one more question: what happen after I have finished upload the .bf1 file to my device with imagetools? It's a kind of autostart procedure or do I have to make some move? Thanks again, bye from Italy

I'm back and about to try to load the XDA ROM based on your instructions. However, question: do I have to removed the existing ROM from my device or will the XDA ROM simply overwrite it?
Hope you're around this Sunday evening/Monday morning!

The rom will be overwritten.


Help me unlock this XDA

Guys- I took my phone to be unlocked from a wee shop in Edinburgh and they failed, leaving the XDA useless. I beleive the software version i had on it prevented unlocking. (i had downloaded upgraded software and radio pack off the 02 website about 2 months ago)
Do any of you know what I can do- I need to get it up and working again and then put a vodofone sim card in it..
many thanks in advance from a frustrated scotsman..
Can you explain what you mean by "leaving the xda useless"?
Hi- it wouldn't boot up, however since my first messagem the operating system is back! It still leaves the problem of how to unlock it...Any ideas
Thanks -Stew
Which radio stack are you using?
You can try downloading xdaunlock.exe, copy it your xda, this file has to be dragged/dropped to xda or cut/pasted to xda, do NOT execute the file on the pc, it needs executing on xda, just explore your xda to the place you copied the file to and double tap. The other option is to use a serial cable and download the xda manipulator program and run that on your pc with your xda in bootloader mode while connected by serial cable. The other option is to download the developers rom 1.2, that will unlock your phone automatically. You would be advised to backup your existing rom to sd card then you can go back to that if you decide not to keep the 1.2 rom. The sd backup will also come in handy if you cook a rom in the kitchen and decide you dont want it, I keep a 64 meg sd card for just that purpose.
I also suggest you have a good look around the forum and become aware of problems that may arise and solutions that may be available, there is a mine of information here thanks to the guys that run the forum and their dedication to the task.
Thank you for taking the time to reply
How do I find out which radio stack i am using?
Re the radio stack-I downloaded an upgraded version from the 02 website a few months ago if that gives you a clue..
thanks again
Go to start/settings/system/device information.
Cheers- as you can tell I am not as technically gifted as some of you guys but I learn quick.
Will check out what version it is when I get home and let you know.

newbie stuck his xda1 with rom upgrade, please help

Hi, I already read a lot in the forum and the wiki, but as my first try to update my rom went terribly wrong I tend to ask some pros for help
I got me a used XDA1, it worked fine and was a german O2 Model. Then I got the last Update from O2 (3.19) and updated it with success. Then I wanted to unlock it with your Special Edition Rom, downloaded it and tried to apply it just like the O2 one via active sync and progam A. Result was, that my xda got stuck, now I can only see the empty transfer bar on the xda and can´t connect to the xda with active sync anymore. Both resets won´t help to bring the xda back to live the silly bar comes back every time... I can still get into the bootloader, though. As far as I understand I can still get the thing working again with a SD-Card and a rom on it? Can someone pleasepleaseplease tell me which card to buy (I don´t have one jet...) and how to get a onto this card and where I can get this rom? I still have the Files this O2 exe unzipped onto my disk and theres a nice 31MB NK.nbf in the Program/German folder. I already found the description how to flash from a SD-card with the bootloader, I just don´t know where to find the right rom and how to put it on a card... And maybemaybe, could someone tell me the right way to get this O2 xda working with a D1 card without getting it stuck again???
Thanks a lot to all your answers, I really need this thing to work again, and still ask myself how I could try to update the rom without reading enough, seems I will cry into my pillow till it works again cause it´s the only cell I got at the moment
Download xdatools and install, choose the nbf file as source and your card reader/writer as destination, choose this from the drop down menu at the bottom. You will need a 64 meg minimum sd card, a card reader/writer, xdatools and the nbf file. Once xdatools has programmed the sd card you insert into xda, push reset while holding power, when prompted push the action key which is the centre of the 4 way rocker switch. You will find many roms in the the kitchen that is kindly run my lumpistefan. Make sure to choose sd card flashing at base of screen before cooking rom. Here is the link for the rom kitchen.
thanks a lot for the fast answer I got all the progs and the original 3.19 german o2 rom from rom kitchen. Now I´ll just have to get me a SD-Card... One more little question. I can´t turn the XDA off with the powerswitch and after reseting it also turns on automatically. I´ll have to wait till Monday to buy a SD-Card, so is there a way to get the thing off although it is still in transfermode or will I have to leave it on and in the cradle?
If you want it switched off completely, just poke once into the hole under the headphone socket, this will completely disconnect the battery, when you want it back on just push once again. Always do that procedure after flashing a rom also, push once then leave for on eminute, push once more to switch back on with new rom and noot sequence.
works fine, thanks

Make NEW SoftBank AP setting on ANY Hermes ROM!

SoftBank's known 3G/HSDPA flat-rate packet data connection setting that has hacked from old X01HT ExtROM (user name: "open", password started from "oz...") will be unusable on end of March.
The user name of new setting (available at current ROM that released on end of Nov. 2006) has changed as "opensoftbank", and still no one hacked the password itself.
However, finally I found a way to create the connetcion, using some files dumped from current X01HT ROM.
To create SoftBank's connection that can be used continuously after Apr. 1 2007, you need ROM COOKING as follows, because at least the file WIFIwake.exe should be in the ROM to make the connection.
Step 1. Cook your ROM (add following 2 files in attached ZIP) and update device.
For general instruction of Hermes' ROM cooking, see the Wiki and related resouces.
addfile Out.xml
addfile WIFIwake.exe​(A.xml and Initial.exe aren't needed)
Step 2. Install ConnSBM.CAB (included in ZIP)
The connection will be created, however password entry is still empty at this moment.
Step 3. The files are in ROM, so you need to set to "Menu -> Show All Files" on File Explorer to make ROM-attributed files visible (or, use similar option for 3rd party's file explorers, such as Resco or GSFinder+).
Step 4. Run WIFIwake.exe from \Windows folder.
The password will be created into the connection made by ConnSBM.CAB at Step 2.
To confirm whether success or not, check the connection "Internet > SoftBank", and click "Edit -> Next -> Next". If "****************" is shown at the Password field, the password has been successfully created.
If the password is not created, maybe WIFIwake.exe (non-ROM attributed) exists on \Windows. After running Initial.exe, WIFIwake.exe is copied onto storage from ROM. You need to delete it before retry, if you have run Initial.exe before install ConnSBM.CAB or lost setting.
BTW, I guess this way can be applied not only Hermes, but also Universal and/or any other HTC devices those can edit OS ROM (at least, I have successed on WM6 for Universal).
Great work, a lot of japanese people was pursuing this for long time! Congratulations
Awesome, I had been doing this same thing for 3-4 days no and getting nowhere.
Mad props to you.
I have the Hermes and I'll be going to work as an engineer in Japan from April. I have installed the DoCoMo ROM for the moment (simply because out of the two ROMs, it's the one to have Bootloader 1.0.4, I have no trouble reading Japanese, and I need a Japanese input that's a bit more stable than Bagoj's IME).
However I'm wondering exactly what this thread would enable me to do... I'm planning on getting a subscription with either SoftBank or DoCoMo (whichever provides SIM cards/accepts to register a foreign phone).
If I get a SoftBank subscription, would this enable me to somehow cheat the subscription on getting more Internet for free? Or if that's wrong, what exactly would it enable me to get?
I haven't looked into the phone subscription system at the moment, but soon will. Whatever this thread exactly means could be a huge help in any choice I would have to make.
Many thanks for your help in advance,
Hmm, I get the connection added but when I try to run the initial.exe from Windows is doesnt do anything. Using 3DES Custom.
What Does The File intial.exe Do Exactly?
How Is The Connection Created Without Running initial.exe?
mousey_ said:
What Does The File intial.exe Do Exactly?
How Is The Connection Created Without Running initial.exe?
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I finally got the program to work. Funny thing is that I could nt cook a ROM with the initial.exe in it of it would not install. I was using the Rom Koch 0.99 release. So if I just copied the files over to a fresh install of a ROM it worked but I had to click initial.exe about 4-5 times before the "loading" graphic appeared.
I am assuming that it either installs a dll with the password encoded in it of he knows the password and didn't want it to become public. Initial.exe puts the connection password in the connection that ConnSBM.CAB creates.
Without the initial.exe running you have the connection with a blank password.
Seeing as how none of these files are in the ROM itself is there any way you can post a list of file to help us re-create the process?
Well done !!!
Finally we'll be able to upgrade to XDA Live of Crossbow without fearing to lose our flat rate !!
Alcibiade said:
Well done !!!
Finally we'll be able to upgrade to XDA Live of Crossbow without fearing to lose our flat rate !!
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By the way anybody courageous and kind enough to cook it with the latest WM6 version and post the ROM ?
I am trying to do that but I am learning from scratch... and it will probably take me a huge amount of time
Actually the best would be to compile it with some utilities to be able to read Japanese fonts and input Japanese...
This is wonderful news indeed! Now we only need a way to cook Japanese fonts and stable input into new ROMs and life would be perfect...
Alcibiade said:
By the way anybody courageous and kind enough to cook it with the latest WM6 version and post the ROM ?
I am trying to do that but I am learning from scratch... and it will probably take me a huge amount of time
Actually the best would be to compile it with some utilities to be able to read Japanese fonts and input Japanese...
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Every time I cooked the "addfiles" the initial.exe would not run properly and create the connection. If I cooked the other files minus the initial.exe and the cab it still wouldnt create the password. I could only get it to work by copying the files after flashing. Anybody get it to work in a cooked rom?
Alcibiade said:
By the way anybody courageous and kind enough to cook it with the latest WM6 version and post the ROM ?
I am trying to do that but I am learning from scratch... and it will probably take me a huge amount of time
Actually the best would be to compile it with some utilities to be able to read Japanese fonts and input Japanese...
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mmmh cooked the latest LVSW and it s working great
Thanks, thanks thanks a lot for this itamae !!
Alcibiade said:
mmmh cooked the latest LVSW and it s working great
Thanks, thanks thanks a lot for this itamae !!
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@^#)(!^@$ MMS Lite doesnt work
More EASY way has been found!!!
Another Japanese SoftBank user has found more easier way to add the new SB connection.
Now you DON'T need any ROM cooking. Please move to new thread.
Alcibiade said:
By the way anybody courageous and kind enough to cook it with the latest WM6 version and post the ROM ?
I am trying to do that but I am learning from scratch... and it will probably take me a huge amount of time
Actually the best would be to compile it with some utilities to be able to read Japanese fonts and input Japanese...
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posted here, OS also Japane,,どうだ!参ったか!
I am not sure to understand the "cook" the ROM... are you talking about the OS part? The Radio or the Extended rom ?
great to hear that u made it work. but still i cant get the softbank ap settings work
i got The connection created but however password entry is still empty .i tryed the way u have told. is there a easy way out. i use a o2 xda exec.
i would be really be happy if u could let me know
take care
ysi said:
great to hear that u made it work. but still i cant get the softbank ap settings work
i got The connection created but however password entry is still empty .i tryed the way u have told. is there a easy way out. i use a o2 xda exec.
i would be really be happy if u could let me know
take care
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after copy Out.xml & WIFImake.exe to /windows folder, click on WIFImake.exe then the passwd will be inserted there!
thanks for the mail but still i did not
may be some thing wrong with my rom

[Q] New rom in hd2

Hey,can anyone just help me to understand how i need to install new software in my hd2? I just buy it,it has some problems with sms and so on,so my friend told me to put in new rom.If it's not a problem,i would be very grateful for all info about doing it,do i need any special programs or snth to do that.
Thanx for any help
Read or watch ROM flashing guides here http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=534
Take your time, don't do anything in haste ; )
I was reading all the forum,and it's only written like to download the rom and vuolia,but what after? Do i need to put the file to sd card or do it in a different way?Do i need to install special program to open files .nbh? Simply my phone isnt working normally,i cant send messages or read it,if i put sd card inside,after few hours phone starts to lag. If there is anyone,who has time to explain how to make it work good,you are god
Sorry, I posted the wrong link. Ooops.
Without know exactly what HD2 you have (european or American), if it's network locked, secondhand and so on, I have know idea why you can't send SMS messages. I recommend reading up on how to flash ROMs via the link above and taking the appropiate action based upon your situation.... We all started this way, honest ; )
In particular this thread is good http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=609477
If you prefer to watch a video, try one of the other links....
try this guide.

[Q] How to install Android on TG01???

hello, I state that my English is poor ... hoping that I apologize for that ...
are now asking if anyone explain to me how to install Android on my TG01 ... are at zero with linux, so it must be a simple explanation ...
Thank you so much for the help
Open your eyes !!
Hey dude !!
Take a look here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=672234
Before opening a new thread, please take a look at all the opened ones.
you're right, but I was not able to find it!
thanks for the suggestion
luckylu1977 said:
you're right, but I was not able to find it!
thanks for the suggestion
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It's right there in VERY FIRST POST in the thread indicated to you! I will be surprised and shocked if you couldn't find it!!
However, in case you really struggled, here is the WHOLE bit copied and pasted from that thread's first post.
Now to run Android properly in your phone !
1.Download any of the builds we have around here.
2.Do backup on your sdcard or if you have additional one use this one.
3.Extract the file with android in your sdcard.
4. Check all the files are inside (sdcard/Android/AndroidApps"folder", media"folder",root"folder",clrcad"file",rootfs"fil e",startup"file",system"file",zImage"file",init rd" file")
5. If you want you can take everything from Android folder and pest it in root of the sdcard but you have to change default text (set cmdline"rel_path=Android change to set cmdline"rel_path=" or set cmdline"rel_path=sdcard") tri with one if is not working try with the other one. I thing the best is leave all files and folder in default Android folder and just copy this folder to your sdcard.
6.Check your zImage and Startup is for Toshidroid :OP (TG01).
7.First RUN haret without CLRCAD.
8.It take no more than10 min to run for the first time.
9. If it take more time RESTART the phone by pressing the POWER BUTTON for 10/20 sec it will restart and back to windows.
11.Try to do the same one more time.
12.If it still not booting to Android and you receive any error messages. Check your sdcard if there is space left in it. Check error message if it say that it can find some file or it can't create a data.
13. Delete everything from your sdcard and format it to fat32.
14.Start from the beginning.
15. If it still not booting to Android then check if you have all files and all set how it has to be.
16. Don't forget you can broke your phone. And we are not responsible for any damage you cause to your phone.
17.It is all up to you.
19. If I forget something sorry about just ask there are other memebers who will try to help you if they can.
20. Sorry for my English mistakes. I'm trying to fix them. :OP
Thanks to all people who try their best to make that possible: Markinus, Arash18k,Bally3,Endrix,Nyl,Arnookie and all other.
Please don't feel bad or offended by any of our posts, but I think the response to you was correct at beginning and we all at XDA do appreciate that the number of threads are kept to minimum and you follow the rule of 'Search before asking' as this keeps it easy for moderators as well as other new members or current members to find something they are looking for in a single thread rather than 10 different threads! Imagine if every new member started opening a new thread!
when it is finished you can put in the NAND as the HD2?

