[APP] ShortenMobile 1.4 - Automatically shortens urls for Twitter, etc. in background - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

ShortenMobile 1.4 [updated at 2010-03-24]
ShortenMobile watches the clipboard of the device and automatically shortens the urls for you. The application can be set to run at start up and hides in the background. I developed this application cause of the lack of this functionality in HTC Peep.
Currently implemented url shortening services:
How to use:
Install the cab file
Open ShortenMobile from StartMenu
Activate the switch "Run at startup"
Click on Hide-Softkey
Copy any url (including "http://" at the beginning) to the clipboard
The shortened url is available in the clipboard after the confirmation dialog has been shown
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5
Please post any errors, ideas, or your favorite url shortening services.
Changelog said:
Version 1.4:
Completely refreshed user interface, which integrates flawlessly into the HTC Manila dialog style (thanks to Manila Interface SDK)
Allows recognizing hyperlinks with missing "http://" prefix
Fixed crash, when loading plugins (PluginInterface.DefaultPluginAttribute wasn't found in assembly PluginInterface)
Version 1.3:
Added new service: anonym.to
Version 1.2:
Startup is unsuccessful, when the application path contains whitespaces
Version 1.1:
Changed some labels
Added new shortening services: tinyurl.com, snipurl.com, is.gd
Found one minor bug. If you've upgraded from version 1.0, please uncheck and recheck the "Run at startup" checkbox. Otherwise an error message will occur after restart. (That's cause I've changed the installation folder and so the start up routine links to the wrong path.)​
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marcells said:
ShortenMobile watches the clipboard of the device and automatically shortens the urls for you. The application can be set to run at start up and hides in the background.
Currently implemented url shortening services:
How to use:
Install the cab file
Open ShortenMobile from StartMenu
Activate the checkbox "Run at startup"
Click on Hide-Softkey
Copy any url (including "http:/" at the beginning) to the clipboard
The shortened url is available in the clipboard after the confirmation dialog has been shown
Please post any errors or your favorite url shortening services.
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Thanks handy little thing but can you add
Hide Link

wapvirus said:
Thanks handy little thing No list of supported sites so i will try
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Currently, only bit.ly is supported. See "currently implemented url shortening services" in my initial post.

handy app, have given the app some press ..via 1800pocketPC

the0ne said:
handy app, have given the app some press ..via 1800pocketPC
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Thanks a lot!

marcells said:
This version is just a very, very first alpha, but did work for me since a few days. Don't get confused by the version number.
Please post any errors or your favorite url shortening services.
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You did ask for our favorite services i was not being pushy this is very handy little app

Upgrade to Version 1.1
Just upgraded to Version 1.1!
Changed some labels
Added new shortening services: tinyurl.com, snipurl.com, is.gd

Great app now supports more URL's thanks

wapvirus said:
Great app now supports more URL's thanks
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No problem. Just give me some ideas for features to implement next and I will see what I can do.

Error after soft resetting Samsung Omnia
Hi all,
I installed ShortenMobile 1.1 on my Samsung Mobile last night. Looks like a great program. However, the next time I soft reset the phone (Resco Backup requires it after doing a backup), I received an error right after the phone gets past the Windows splash screen. Here's the error:
"The file 'My' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted
certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem
persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file."
Since ShortenMobile is the only new program that's starting at start up I went in and uncheckmarked the "Run at Startup" box, and then soft reset the phone again. Sure enough, the error goes away.
The custom ROM I am using has .NET framework 3.5.9085.00 running on it, and it was installed prior to installing ShortenMobile.
Anybody seen this before with your program? I didn't see any about similar problems. Never had v1.0 installed so this is fresh.

is there a program that will work on a MAC?

Robertjm said:
Hi all,
I installed ShortenMobile 1.1 on my Samsung Mobile last night. Looks like a great program. However, the next time I soft reset the phone (Resco Backup requires it after doing a backup), I received an error right after the phone gets past the Windows splash screen. Here's the error:
"The file 'My' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted
certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem
persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file."
Since ShortenMobile is the only new program that's starting at start up I went in and uncheckmarked the "Run at Startup" box, and then soft reset the phone again. Sure enough, the error goes away.
The custom ROM I am using has .NET framework 3.5.9085.00 running on it, and it was installed prior to installing ShortenMobile.
Anybody seen this before with your program? I didn't see any about similar problems. Never had v1.0 installed so this is fresh.
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Hi Ribert,
to start the application automatically at startup (when the checkbox "Run at startup" is beeing checked), there will be created a shortcut to the executable "ShortenMobile.exe" in the "\Windows\Startup folder" (when the checkbox is unchecked the shortcut is removed). I can't understand why the application tries to open something with "My" in the filename.
Do you have installed the application on sd card, the internal memory (in which path) or moved the application to another folder after installing?
As a workaround you manually could create a shortcut to "ShortenMobile.exe" in the "\Windows\Startup" folder. The parameter for starting the app in hidden mode is "-hidden". (Here's a website, that shows how shortcuts can be built. - http://bansky.net/blog/2007/07/creating-shortcuts-in-windows-mobile-smartphone/).
So your .lnk-file must contains something like this:
#58"\Program Files\ShortenMobile\ShortenMobile.exe" -hidden
I hope I could help you.

santaninja said:
is there a program that will work on a MAC?
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I have no idea.
You must be kidding. Here's a Windows Mobile forum and you ask for Mac software.
But I have one idea to possibly solve your problem.
You could install a virtual machine on your mac.
Then install a windows xp, vista or 7 on your virtual machine.
Then download the windows mobile 6 SDK from Microsoft and install the emulator on your virtual windows system.
Then start the emulator and install the cab you can download in this thread.
(Also don't forget to configure the network settings in both, the virtual windows and the emulator.)​But in earnest, developing an application for the mac will surely be faster than my proposed steps above.

Hi Marcell,
Thanks for responding. I installed it to My Storage, which is the option that lets you install it to the 8gb storage that's on board the Omnia i910. Perhaps the space in My Storage is causing a problem? I had assumed you didn't require installation to main memory...Correct?
I will enable the automatic startup and then look at the shortcut generated to see what it says and let you know later.
marcells said:
Hi Ribert,
to start the application automatically at startup (when the checkbox "Run at startup" is beeing checked), there will be created a shortcut to the executable "ShortenMobile.exe" in the "\Windows\Startup folder" (when the checkbox is unchecked the shortcut is removed). I can't understand why the application tries to open something with "My" in the filename.
Do you have installed the application on sd card, the internal memory (in which path) or moved the application to another folder after installing?...
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malformed link
OK, so here's what the link file has in it:
67#"\My" Storage\Program Files\ShortenMobile\ShortenMobile.exe -hidden
as you can see, the space is causing a problem. I created a copy of the file and moved the second quote mark to behind the .exe. Then I did a soft reboot. sure enough no problem, and I double checked, and the program is currently running!
So I guess this is a bug report that you're not accepting spaces in the file name structure.

Robertjm said:
OK, so here's what the link file has in it:
67#"\My" Storage\Program Files\ShortenMobile\ShortenMobile.exe -hidden
as you can see, the space is causing a problem. I created a copy of the file and moved the second quote mark to behind the .exe. Then I did a soft reboot. sure enough no problem, and I double checked, and the program is currently running!
So I guess this is a bug report that you're not accepting spaces in the file name structure.
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Thanks for your information. Now I know, that I have to build the shortcut on my own way. I expected that the windows mobile api I used would create the shortcut in the right way.
I will see what I can do on this weekend to repair this functionality.

Upgrade to Version 1.2
Just upgraded to Version 1.2!
Startup is unsuccessful, when the application path contains whitespaces

Robertjm said:
OK, so here's what the link file has in it:
67#"\My" Storage\Program Files\ShortenMobile\ShortenMobile.exe -hidden
as you can see, the space is causing a problem. I created a copy of the file and moved the second quote mark to behind the .exe. Then I did a soft reboot. sure enough no problem, and I double checked, and the program is currently running!
So I guess this is a bug report that you're not accepting spaces in the file name structure.
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Now I create quotes around the path and then append the -hidden arguments. I tested the application on my device with an application path which contains whitespaces. It works correctly.
Please inform me, if the upgrade to version 1.2 solves your problem.

Thanks marcells very handy little application I am using it all the time now another service I use is http://anonym.to/en.html not sure if you can include this,
But can i ask as you app is based around Twitter & Facebook about including uploading small files and pictures through a service like drop io
see here:
and here:
Good luck and thanks again

Thanks Marcells. I just uninstalled v1.1 and then reinstalled the newer one (v1.2) to "My Storage" and it worked just fine w/o error msgs!



I write a little Today Plugin to configure and switch between differents phone modes. The system/phone volume, the ring mode and the SMS, reminders notifs are customizable. The graphics too.
I use it for 2 weeks now but I'd like some people try it and give me their feedback, comments...
You can find all here : PocketZenPhone
These are the future of phone profile control, as far as I can tell. Yours is now the second app to provide this functionality, and more can only be good. The other one is PhoneProfilesSeriously (seriously ), which seems to be full of bugs, judging by the comments made in these forums.
I have some comments about your software. Hope this helps!
- The icons are too big. Maybe we could have the option to choose the profile using smaller icons on the Today screen? I know that we can make our own icons, but even if they are smaller with a transparent surrounding, they will still use the same space on the Today screen.
- I would like more than four definable profiles.
- It would be nice to be able to choose a specific sound to be played for each alert type in each profile (i.e. complete alert- and profile-specific sounds).
Good work!
I can say it's a promising start. However, the setup screen will make THE difference. It's a bit difficult to adjust the configuration using the text file . It reminds me when I was using Borland C++ to develop Win 3.1 applications before the first VB version
I have to do many trials to get the desired result.
Keep going ... Good work!! ... but waiting for the user friendly version
Excellent LITTLE utility.
I had bought "My Phone Profiles", and removed it to use this one. "My phone Profiles" was buggy and made the whole device very slow.
You might want to try the attached settings. Just unzip and copy to:
\Program Files\PocketZenPhone\
I say excellent work (especially with the extra icons)
One thing: Could you find an easier way to setup the profiles, better than to tweak the Phonesettings.txt file
I currently add a window to set the phone modes and I will try to add more settings (notifs ...)
But I have not many time to program this software so it will take a little time to implement new fontions ...
The version 2 is online (download and doc here : http://zendrui.free.Fr )
I add a configuration window and allow to customize the notifications.
I will maybe try to allow to configure the sound for the notification and maybe ring tone but later ...
I don't touch to the icons size for the moment but if it is a big problem I will see :wink:
As always do not hesitate to give me your feedbacks
PS : If somenone has made his own icons could it share them ?
Does this software work with WM2002 as well?
I compiled it using the Pocket PC 2003 SDK but I don't use any PPC2003 specific functions.
So this should work under PPC2002 but I cannot try as my XDA is under WM2003...
Let me know if it works ... if not I will try to make a PPC2002 version ...
Being new to this I downloaded the files but they are not the installer type that automaticly install,
They are .001 files what do I do with them?
On a WM2002 machine the programme (v2, 26-2-2004) does not seem to install correctly. After copying and executing the cab file it looks like it installs and it does make the PocketZenPhone directory, but no .exe file can be found. Did I do something wrong?
To Jim
Just copy the file as it is to your device, and run it from there. It will install automatically as a today plugin.
You should have download a .cab file (PocketZenPhone.arm.cab exactly)
Copy it on your pocket (through activeSync for example)
Then on your pocket click on this .cab
It will install automatically the Today plugin.
After that go to Settings->Today->Items and you should see PocketZenphone in the list (it should be checked)
Simply click on ok and when you return to the today page the plug in should appear...
PS for vhan3 : This is not an exe file but a dll file ... so it is normal you don't see it directly on your pocket ... The cab file only creates the registry keys, create the directory and copy the dll on it
No comments at this time but this nice program seems to have lots of promise.
Nice work, zendrui
Just 3 comments:
1. After first install, all profiles volumes are set to -1 (Perharps because of an empty regisrty at this time). Should set default values like in V1
2. Uninstall is... arrrggg... impossible until you rename dll and reset. Now, I know... no matter (First tried to uninstall after above bug occured)
zendrui said:
You should have download a .cab file (PocketZenPhone.arm.cab exactly)
Copy it on your pocket (through activeSync for example)
Then on your pocket click on this .cab
It will install automatically the Today plugin.
After that go to Settings->Today->Items and you should see PocketZenphone in the list (it should be checked)
Simply click on ok and when you return to the today page the plug in should appear...
PS for vhan3 : This is not an exe file but a dll file ... so it is normal you don't see it directly on your pocket ... The cab file only creates the registry keys, create the directory and copy the dll on it
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Thanks for the tips. I tried this on my Qtek 2020: no problems, however on my XDA-1 (WM2002) the plug-in does not appear, nor is it visible in the Today item list.
How do you rename the Dll?
vhan3 said:
Thanks for the tips. I tried this on my Qtek 2020: no problems, however on my XDA-1 (WM2002) the plug-in does not appear, nor is it visible in the Today item list.
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I will try to compile it for PPC2002 maybe this will make a difference...
But I don't think I will be able to test it as I don't have a PPC2002 target so I will let you try it
Jim Ill said:
How do you rename the Dll?
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Jim why do you want to rename the dll ?
Serge said:
Nice work, zendrui
Just 3 comments:
1. After first install, all profiles volumes are set to -1 (Perharps because of an empty regisrty at this time). Should set default values like in V1
2. Uninstall is... arrrggg... impossible until you rename dll and reset. Now, I know... no matter (First tried to uninstall after above bug occured)
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1) Ok I will add default params for each modes
2) To uninstall a today plugin you have to disable it before uninstall it.
So to uninstall PocketZenPhone, simply go to Settings->Today->Items, then uncheck PocketZenphone in the list. After that you can uninstall it without any problem (no reset ...)
3) Thanks feel free to give more comments
I will try to compile it for PPC2002 maybe this will make a difference...
But I don't think I will be able to test it as I don't have a PPC2002 target so I will let you try it
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Thanks a lot. On my Qtek 2020 your programme works great and just as advertised. It is exactly what I needed so I hope you will be able to compile it for PPC2002 as well. I'll test it for you.

[HOWTO] Android on Startrek

I'm happy to announce that, thanks to the awesome work done by the wing-linux project, it is now possible to run Android on the Startrek. Well, kind of.
As of now, functionality is pretty limited on this hardware. The telephony drivers do work, and they automatically pick up many carriers like AT&T, but the most important apps for placing phone calls (Dialer and Contacts) will crash if you try to run them. This is a known issue related to the phone's lack of a touch screen. Audio playback is unsupported, though I've found that the microphone works during phone calls (which I've placed using commands via SSH). The external LCD only displays white.
Interestingly, Android is about as responsive as Windows Mobile on the device. There is no option (yet) to install the OS permanently; Instead, wing-linux installs to an easily-removable file on your SD card (required).
Before you begin, make sure you have about 300MB of free space on the microSD card. (wing-linux requires installing to the microSD at the moment).
UPDATE (Nov. 10 2009)
The new wing-linux 0.4 release includes Startrek support! You can skip the list of instructions below and just install wing-linux normally. See their site for more information.
Download wing-linux (site) and extract it to your computer.
Follow the normal instructions for installing wing-linux, pretending that your phone model is the HTC Elf instead of the Startrek for now.
[*]After wing-linux is installed, browse to your microSD card using your computer and open the folder named "linux".
[*]Download the patched version of zImage, attached to this post.
[*]Replace the "zImage" file in the "linux" folder with the patched version you just downloaded. (This adds support for the Startrek's keypad to Android.)
[*]Open the file named "default.txt" and change the first line, from "set MTYPE 2372" to "set MTYPE 2487". (This tells Android that we're using a Startrek.)
[*]Save everything, place the microSD back into the phone, and start wing-linux again.
[*]After waiting a few minutes, you should have a fully navigable Android desktop!
Button Layout
I have attached a handy button diagram to this post, but the basic ones you need to know are:
Android's "MENU" button is the Startrek's "Home" button.
Android's "Back" button is the Startrek's right softkey (above the Hangup button).
Video Demonstration
Watch it in action at YouTube:
Get Involved
If you're a linux hacker or an Android guru and you think you can help improve this project, come join us at the wing-linux dev forum/IRC!
thx¡*¡*i wait for you a long time¡*¡*¡*¡*
First ,thx.
it can install,and register into andriod .but it doesn't work,even for dialing and SMS
vikinghjf said:
First ,thx.
it can install,and register into andriod .but it doesn't work,even for dialing and SMS
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Yes, I mentioned that. This isn't a final or polished release; it's just to play around with.
Works pretty good! none of the letter keys seem to work but , i did get the on screen keyboard to come up once but now i don't know what i did to get it to come up. I don't know how to remove widgets from the screen once i add one. Also how do i turn it off and get back to windows? Do i just have to pull the battery? Great job though! i can't wait to see if it will get fully functional!
Buckoni said:
Works pretty good! none of the letter keys seem to work but , i did get the on screen keyboard to come up once but now i don't know what i did to get it to come up. I don't know how to remove widgets from the screen once i add one. Also how do i turn it off and get back to windows? Do i just have to pull the battery? Great job though! i can't wait to see if it will get fully functional!
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need much time
Buckoni said:
Works pretty good! none of the letter keys seem to work but , i did get the on screen keyboard to come up once but now i don't know what i did to get it to come up. I don't know how to remove widgets from the screen once i add one. Also how do i turn it off and get back to windows? Do i just have to pull the battery? Great job though! i can't wait to see if it will get fully functional!
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Don't worry, I've observed all of the same things. And yes, I've just been popping off the battery cover to reboot for now.
BHSPitMonkey said:
Download wing-linux (site) and extract it to your computer.
Follow the normal instructions for installing wing-linux, pretending that your phone model is the HTC Elf instead of the Startrek for now.
After wing-linux is installed, browse to your microSD card using your computer and open the folder named "linux".
Download the patched version of zImage, attached to this post.
Replace the "zImage" file in the "linux" folder with the patched version you just downloaded. (This adds support for the Startrek's keypad to Android.)
Open the file named "default.txt" and change the first line, from "set MTYPE 2372" to "set MTYPE 2487". (This tells Android that we're using a Startrek.)
Save everything, place the microSD back into the phone, and start wing-linux again.
After waiting a few minutes, you should have a fully navigable Android desktop!
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EDITED ... I understand !
Update: Now with less hackery!
The wing-linux project has released version 0.4, with Startrek support built-in. You no longer have to do the special steps outlined in the original post. Hooray!
Does the 0.4 update offer any more function than the last one? I'm downloading right now but, i thought i would ask.
Buckoni said:
Does the 0.4 update offer any more function than the last one? I'm downloading right now but, i thought i would ask.
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Other than having Startrek support already included, it shouldn't be much different from 0.4pre. I think there is a file manager application, now.
I install the 0.4 version + startrek cab .
but when i active the icon in start menu , this massage appear :
cannot open script file \storage card\linux\default.txt
i explore this path with pc , and there is no file with this name .
what can i do ? can anybody share the content of default.txt file for me?
please somebody share content of " default.txt " for me .
ceramic said:
I install the 0.4 version + startrek cab .
but when i active the icon in start menu , this massage appear :
cannot open script file \storage card\linux\default.txt
i explore this path with pc , and there is no file with this name .
what can i do ? can anybody share the content of default.txt file for me?
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I've the same problem.
I've tried to change default.txt to startup.txt that exist but doesn't work
jabawack said:
I've the same problem.
I've tried to change default.txt to startup.txt that exist but doesn't work
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of course it can't be done .
contents of " default.txt " is different .
apparently , we must make the " default.txt " with notepad . but what's it's contents ? maybe a path that guide haaret for booting kernel .
COntent of default.txt
set MTYPE 2487
set KERNEL "zImage"
set INITRD "initramfs.cpio.gz"
set CMDLINE "debug quiet psplash=false loglevel=7 init=/sbin/init console=tty0 video=omapfb:accel gsm-wizard.noreset=1 gsm-wizard.noload=1 4"
log "earlylog.txt"
Above is the content of the file, though I would suggest you to reinstall the whole cab as I don't have this problem after installation.
ghost_301 said:
set MTYPE 2487
set KERNEL "zImage"
set INITRD "initramfs.cpio.gz"
set CMDLINE "debug quiet psplash=false loglevel=7 init=/sbin/init console=tty0 video=omapfb:accel gsm-wizard.noreset=1 gsm-wizard.noload=1 4"
log "earlylog.txt"
Above is the content of the file, though I would suggest you to reinstall the whole cab as I don't have this problem after installation.
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Bingo !!!!!!!!
thanks . now it is installed !
booting is slow ( maybe for first time )
Glad it'd help you. Ya, booting is slow and you have to press red button (end call) when it loaded to a stage with the ANDROID, then you will only greet with the Android logo. Enjoy!
Hi everybody
so cool ! I wish full ability of android was accessible !!
more questions : can wing linux complete development of this project ?
I know some linux developers , can a linux expert remap keyboard or run other parts?
what about other packages like phone , bluetooth ? how we can have complete functionality of android on startrek?
can anybody answer?
MTYPE 2487 in default.txt
doesn't work with qtek 8500, must change to 2372.
With this change I can boot linux, but after setup, run the calibration utility, and startrek isn't a touchscreen device as you know. How can bypass this?

DevPrep (Device Prep)

This is my first contribution to xda-developers.com, and hope that someone finds it useful.
DevPrep (Device Prep) is intended to be a replacement for user customisation using autorun.exe or runcc.exe. It has more options than these tools, and supports the following commands: -
CAB - CAB file installation
CFG - Include another config file for processing
CPY1 - The first part of the copy command, specifying the source file name
CPY2 - The second part of the copy command, specifying the destination file name
DEBUG - (Enable/Disable) Turns debugging on or off, which creates a .log file in the same path as your config file
DELE - Deletes a specified file
ERR - (Enable/Disable) Turns error reporting on or off, so that errors are either displayed in the interface, or ignored
EXEC - Allows an executable to be run, or a CAB file to be installed interactively when used with the HIDE or LOCK commands
HIDE - (Enable/Disable) Allows other applications to take the focus away from the DevPrep tool, to allow user interaction to take place (e.g. interactive CAB installs)
LOCK - (Enable/Disable) The same as the HIDE command, but in reverse (i.e. LOCK: Enable is the same as HIDE: Disable)
RST - Resets the device (should be the last command specified, as DevPrep will not continue processing after this)
XML - Processes XML configuration and provisioning files
The commands are used in the same way as autorun.exe and runcc.exe, (for example "CAB: \Storage Card\myfile.cab") however the spaces between the command and the parameter aren't important.
Rather than cooking DevPrep directly in to the ROM, there is a DevPrepLauncher utility that can be cooked in and launches DevPrep.exe from the storage card. If DevPrep doesn't exist, it just ignores it.
This way if there are updates to DevPrep, the new version can just be copied to the storage card without needing to re-flash.
Both the OEM package for DevPrepLaunch and the CAB file for DevPrep are attached. Install the CAB file to the Storage Card.
I was just looking for something like this. I have never used a tool like this before. But the Imagio (my phone) just got HSPL'd. So I am thinking about using something like this. Do you mind a noob question? So- if I set this up, after I flash a ROM or do a hard reset- I could set this up to auto install all my .cabs? Do I need both "DevPrep.cab" and "DevPrepLaunch.zip" what is the difference?
maisonpulaski said:
I was just looking for something like this. I have never used a tool like this before. But the Imagio (my phone) just got HSPL'd. So I am thinking about using something like this. Do you mind a noob question? So- if I set this up, after I flash a ROM or do a hard reset- I could set this up to auto install all my .cabs? Do I need both "DevPrep.cab" and "DevPrepLaunch.zip" what is the difference?
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Yep, you can use it to re-install your .cabs. You can also use RunCC.exe or autorun.exe, but I wrote this tool because I had issues with the interactive installations.
You need DevPrepLaunch if you are cooking your own ROM and you want it to start automatically when you do a hard reset.
If you aren't cooking your own ROM, you can just install DevPrep.cab and then run it manually.
Thanks for the reply. I am still waiting to flash a ROM. Nothing out yet I am interested in. But when I do I might try this. Is it very complicated to set up? And- what do I do if I set it up on my phone, then flash a new ROM- wouldn't it be wiped off the phone?
maisonpulaski said:
Thanks for the reply. I am still waiting to flash a ROM. Nothing out yet I am interested in. But when I do I might try this. Is it very complicated to set up? And- what do I do if I set it up on my phone, then flash a new ROM- wouldn't it be wiped off the phone?
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Yeah, that's right, it would get wiped after every new flash so you would need to cook the DevPrepLauncher in to your ROM that way it is kept there.
Another option is to just run it manually off the storage card after you hard reset.
matm said:
Yeah, that's right, it would get wiped after every new flash so you would need to cook the DevPrepLauncher in to your ROM that way it is kept there.
Another option is to just run it manually off the storage card after you hard reset.
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Duh to me! It will be on the storage card. Not the device memory. So all of the settings are safe? I mean- after I flash- I would just install it again and run it? I wouldn't have to set it all up all over again?
maisonpulaski said:
Duh to me! It will be on the storage card. Not the device memory. So all of the settings are safe? I mean- after I flash- I would just install it again and run it? I wouldn't have to set it all up all over again?
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Yep, that's right. So, for example, the directory structure might look like this: -
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Application\DevPrep.exe <-- The application
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Config.txt <-- The config file with the commands (installing cabs, settings preferences, etc...)
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Installs\myApplication.cab <-- An application you want to install
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Settings\mySettings.xml <-- Some preferences you want to apply
I just fell off my chair reading your thread. Just after finishing these threads ;
First read this to understand User Customization and filling SDConfig.txt;
ROM Chefs: SDAutoRun gives customziation to everybody!
While reading, in a way, I replaced 'SDAutoRun' with 'DevPrepLauncher' and 'AutoRun' in \Windows\ with 'DevPrep' on \Storage Card\
[GUIDE] 60 Universal Tutorials for Customizing any Device and Cooking
[App] ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here!
Within this thread there is an application called SDConfig.txt creator which was created by DoeDoe's. Currently it is replaced by;
[Release] UC ROM SDConfig.txt Builder (reborn) [Prikolchik Ed.]
and ofcourse;
SDConfig.txt Builder Mobile by l3v5y
I'm adding your application too! What a contribution
Thanks a lot matm,
Thanks Senax!
tried it...
Hello- I had some time the other day so I sat down to try and figure out the app. I installed on my storage card. Did a soft reset. Ran the app. It went to the "Preparing Device" screen and stayed there for about 30 minutes. Does it take longer than that? I gave up.
I have the HTC Imagio (Whitestone) WinMo 6.5. Custom Rom. But it is very near stock -only removed Sense and Verizon Wireless needless software.
Thanks for any pointers.
Will someone just attach the files to a post here. I hate spending half a day trying to get an 85 kb cab file since rapidshare always thinks I'm downloading another file (probably because of the network I'm on). Thanks.
maisonpulaski said:
Hello- I had some time the other day so I sat down to try and figure out the app. I installed on my storage card. Did a soft reset. Ran the app. It went to the "Preparing Device" screen and stayed there for about 30 minutes. Does it take longer than that? I gave up.
I have the HTC Imagio (Whitestone) WinMo 6.5. Custom Rom. But it is very near stock -only removed Sense and Verizon Wireless needless software.
Thanks for any pointers.
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Hi maisonpulaski,
Can you please post your config file?
matm said:
Hi maisonpulaski,
Can you please post your config file?
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So after reading your reply it suddenly dawned on me -I have no idea what I am doing. So it is not your app it is me (pretty sure). I thought I would open it and then it would walk me through setting it all up. Now I am thinking that I need to write up a "Config file". No idea how to do that. So I am probably a lost cause. I am guessing you use notepad or something? Anyways -sorry.

[WVGA] Jmz Manila Playlist Backup V1

Jmz Manila Playlist Backup V1​
This is my latest project. Manila playlist backup. It was tested with Sprint stock Manila 2.5. Please let me know if there are any incompatibilities with other versions.
You must end the process Audiomanager_eng.exe and disable manila for this to work. Still researching on how to kill those two automatically. Should work perfectly after that.
If you have any issues please post at the forum you came from. This is only an EXT for now as I cannot create cabs at the moment. Feel free to create one and post it.
Thanks goes to michyprima for his manila sdk.
Hi jmztaylor,
where i have to copy the single files? Please an advise for me. Then i will create the cab file for you....
mike2nl said:
Hi jmztaylor,
where i have to copy the single files? Please an advise for me. Then i will create the cab file for you....
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the exe and dlls go to "\Program files\Jmz Software\Jmz Manila Playlist Backup\". The shortcut goes to "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"
Hi jmztaylor,
cab file is done and the installation is working, but.....
1. In the program (start) menu there is no icon from the app.
2. An error occours when i use the button export. Please see screenshots.
The top text in the screenshot is in dutch. He means that the app is closed because an error.
So far at this moment. I hope you can work further with this info.
mike2nl said:
Hi jmztaylor,
cab file is done and the installation is working, but.....
1. In the program (start) menu there is no icon from the app.
2. An error occours when i use the button export. Please see screenshots.
The top text in the screenshot is in dutch. He means that the app is closed because an error.
So far at this moment. I hope you can work further with this info.
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the reason for that is that audiomanager_eng.exe was not ended, and manila wasn't disabled. You must manually do both for the current version of this app
Ok, i will test it again and report later. Thanks for the advise.
Can't understand where backup is saved... Ideally would be on storage card to reimport after a flash...
dagosjt said:
Can't understand where backup is saved... Ideally would be on storage card to reimport after a flash...
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/Storage Card/Playlist Backup. It is first release so it is hard coded. The next version will be dynamic.
It's ok! Simply I didn't see it
Next ROM Flash let's see if restore really work
Thank you!
Thanks for this app.
Restored successfully after initially receiving NetCF 3.5 error.
Great work!
can someone please attach the file. I don't have a gmail account and dont want to get one but would like to try this app, thanks.
Please help
To the developer / OP...
I had to have my phone replaced.
I ran the backup just fine on my old phone.
I went to run the restore on my new phone and I just get an error msg (see screen shot).
I have Sense turned off and have confirmed that that audio manager process is not running.
Please help!

SmartBoot - Bootmanager for WM6.5 .NET3.5

Hi guys,
as I've been around for a while, I decided to share a bit of my work with you, too.
So feel free and use this small program if you like. No warranties as usal from my side.
This Bootmanager has a quite intuitive UI. You get an quick overview of the phone status and can select your boot profiles which you can manage inside the UI as you like (see screen shots below).
Additionally you can have voice announcements, SenseUI control, easy backup & restore of startup folder and program settings and an extended information screen. On this info panel you can find all important information about your phone.
This app only requires .NET CF 3.5 to be installed on your device.
The Pattern of the folder structure is always "\_AutoStart_" & selected Foldername. You can change the folder names in the UI settings tab. The folder "_AutoStart_Backup" is created by the program if you back up your current folder. All other "_AutoStart_" & X folders are created initially, but you want to choose which startup links are in there (folder names are case sensitive!). Just ensure the "X" matches your folder name in the ui settings for this specific button exactly. The default buttons are for Sense UI and XDAndroid. Their respective folder names (in the settings tab) are "Sense" and "Android", therefor I have "_AutoStart_Sense" and "_AutoStart_Android" folders on the root of my phone. In the "_AutoStart_Common" folder you have all the shortcuts which have to start no matter which profile is selected.
I have overclocked my device continously (stable) using this method (with this App) and with SmartBoot I can easily select between OC and non-OC configurations.
For your convenience this Windows Mobile® freeware app supports AppToDate, an easy to use application update program. You can obtain it freely from here.
Please download from Post #2.
Thanks to eboelzner for his great Sense SDK!
Download SmartBoot only here please. (Please no mirrors or similar!)
Please feel free to leave a comment or bugs found.
PS: I will not provide any localization support. Just english language.
If you want I can create a "Light" Version without sounds and stuff, just mention it.
Also if there is demand for it I could create a step-by-step guide.
AndiCP said:
Download SmartBoot only here please. (Please no mirrors or similar!)
Please feel free to leave a comment or bugs found.
PS: I will not provide any localization support. Just english language.
If you want I can create a "Light" Version without sounds and stuff, just mention it.
Also if there is demand for it I could create a step-by-step guide.
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Would be nice if we could download it from there. Tried for 30 min but not possible.
claus1953 said:
Would be nice if we could download it from there. Tried for 30 min but not possible.
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Downloaded just fine for me. I plan to experiment with Android soon, and this will come in handy. Thanks.
J_M_H said:
Downloaded just fine for me. I plan to experiment with Android soon, and this will come in handy. Thanks.
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Still no luck for me, it says "site not available or too busy etc etc"
AndiCP said:
Hi guys,
as I've been around for a while, I decided to share a bit of my work with you, too.
So feel free and use this small program if you like. No warranties as usal from my side.
This Bootmanager has a quite intuitive UI. You get an quick overview of the phone status and can select your boot profiles which you can manage inside the UI as you like (see screen shots below).
Additionally you can have voice announcements and an extended information screen. On this info panel you can find all important information about your phone.
This app only requires .NET CF 3.5 to be installed on your device.
I wanted to give the community something back, even though it is not much.
But maybe somebody finds it useful, I just thought I could share. Enjoy!
And please don't be too harsh as this is my first publication. There are more to come if it goes smoothly.
Please download from Post #2.
Thanks to eboelzner for his great Sense SDK!
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big thank
Thanks, good idea & pretty app. I'll try it.
thanks, look like a very powerful and useful program.
downloading is a bit slow, but smooth.
This promises to be a great app.
Would you consider adding a "safe mode" boot option with it? Just wondering.
And thank you very much for sharing.
hello guys. what is XDAndroid? sorry for being a noob
Thank you for your kind feedback
YOSEFE said:
This promises to be a great app.
Would you consider adding a "safe mode" boot option with it? Just wondering.
And thank you very much for sharing.
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You currently have two options for a safe mode:
1. Tap "Do nothing" at the initial screen (will exit immediatly -> no boot programs)
2. go to settings and enable "Confirmation", then click the button of your desired boot environment (and you can decide on each short cut -> safe mode).
@All: Thanks for your kind feedback! You are welcome!
PS: If you choose option 2 from above and tap no for at least one shortcut, you will get an "Ooops! Something went wrong!" message at the end.
You can ignore this, as it simply means not all shortcuts got executed.
Where is this app made? Itsn't really clear to me
Installed .cab, soft reset, error:
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String fullPath, Boolean file)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFiles(String path, String searchPattern)
at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern)
at SmartBoot.Form1.Check()
at SmartBoot.Form1.Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify(Boolean fVis)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
at SmartBoot.Form1.Main()
on TMOUS HD2 2.08 stock rom
twoply said:
Installed .cab, soft reset, error:
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String fullPath, Boolean file)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFiles(String path, String searchPattern)
at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern)
at SmartBoot.Form1.Check()
at SmartBoot.Form1.Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify(Boolean fVis)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
at SmartBoot.Form1.Main()
on TMOUS HD2 2.08 stock rom
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I've got the same problem.
Hi AndiCP,
i think you have forgotten the xml file. I mean: \Application Data\SmartBoot\Configuration.xml
I have made a empty file. Then the message is:
Fehler: There is an error in XML document (0, 0).
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OK, that's clear.
Next point: you have written that you support only english, no problem.
But Fehler in the popup's is german . Please fix it. And also upload an XML file please.
Also the \_AutoStart_ folders are not created automaticly. Is this the way how should be?
Have we to do this on our own, or is this a litlle bug we have found ?
i have allways installed the right .NET version from MS.
you say on your private website that the folder names are case sensitive.
Then it must be: _AutoStart_Backup
In your screenshot: _Autostart_Backup
Sorry to say that the app is NOT working on my phone at this moment.
And i'am not alone. There are more people with problems. Please fix it.
At least sense gives problems on restart the phone.
I had to de-install the good idea app. Also some strange problems
on de-installtion. It was not possible. Only with many know how
i was able to de-install it.
mr.First said:
I've got the same problem.
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Hello twoply and mr.First,
your program error probably comes from a different Startup folder or restricted access to it.
I can't reproduce this error, but I guessed and put an additional entry into the registry ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartBoot\Autostart_Folder").
If your folder is not "\Windows\AutoStart\" you can enter another path there.
I also added a reg key to customize the initial sound file ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartBoot\Sound_Load").
Please download the updated version.
Further you don't have to softreset in order to try or set things up, just go to your start menu and use the shortcut.
Finally I hope this helps you, please report your results here.
mike2nl said:
Hi AndiCP,
i think you have forgotten the xml file. I mean: \Application Data\SmartBoot\Configuration.xml
I have made a empty file. Then the message is:
OK, that's clear.
Next point: you have written that you support only english, no problem.
But Fehler in the popup's is german . Please fix it. And also upload an XML file please.
Also the \_AutoStart_ folders are not created automaticly. Is this the way how should be?
Have we to do this on our own, or is this a litlle bug we have found ?
i have allways installed the right .NET version from MS.
you say on your private website that the folder names are case sensitive.
Then it must be: _AutoStart_Backup
In your screenshot: _Autostart_Backup
Sorry to say that the app is NOT working on my phone at this moment.
And i'am not alone. There are more people with problems. Please fix it.
At least sense gives problems on restart the phone.
I had to de-install the good idea app. Also some strange problems
on de-installtion. It was not possible. Only with many know how
i was able to de-install it.
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Hello mike2nl,
first of all "Fehler" means "Error".
Second, "Configuration.xml" not found comes from the SmartBoot Directory not being created properly. (Bug: Updated version 1.01 fixes this, then you will also have all the other folders created automatically on first launch).
Third, "AutoStart" is correct whereas in the screen shot you saw before was a left-over of an earlier version, which doesn't matter, because if it wouldn't be found it will be created during backup process anyway.
Last but not least, I can say nothing about "strange problems".
Thanks for your feedback!
Please download the updated version 1.01 or just run AppToDate
Hi AndiCP,
thanks for your fast reaction. I will test it again now. Downloaded and then install it. Will report later here....
after installing the app and two times a soft reset the app blocks sense more then once. Strange...
I had to de-install the little app. This was an adventure again. All known ways are not working.
Only massive working in the windows folder and registry cleaning has helped out of that issue.
On which system you have developed thius app? If there something special done for the SonyEricson?
after re-install the application i had denite the folder move for the autostart things. Strange, because
then the app will workig. If i have selected Sense UI i get an error message:
Ooops, something went wrong
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Is this normal? Why you say it is something went wrong? But so far so good. Will test further now.
EDIT 3 (info only):
i have changed the autostart folder in the cab from \Windows\Auto Start to \Windows\Opstarten (dutch version)
EDIT 4 (question):
Have we to copy the apps/shortcuts for the \_AutoStart_xxx\ folders on uor own?
- if the answer yes, no problem (i think thats the way for now)
- if the answer no, then is something wrong
Possible you can think about that issue for a future version of your helpfull app.
Further i think you must add the descirption from your private website here to the first post:
The Pattern is always "\_AutoStart_" & selected Foldername. You can change the folder names in the UI settings tab. The folder "_AutoStart_Backup" is created by the program if you back up your current folder. All other "_AutoStart_" & X folders are created initially, but you want to choose which startup links are in there (folder names are case sensitive!). Just ensure the "X" matches your folder name in the ui settings for this specific button exactly. The default buttons are for Sense UI and XDAndroid. Their respective folder names (in the settings tab) are "Sense" and "Android", therefor I have "_AutoStart_Sense" and "_AutoStart_Android" folders on the root of my phone. In the "_AutoStart_Common" folder you have all the shortcuts which have to start no matter which profile is selected.
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AndiCP said:
Hello twoply and mr.First,
your program error probably comes from a different Startup folder or restricted access to it.
I can't reproduce this error, but I guessed and put an additional entry into the registry ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartBoot\Autostart_Folder").
If your folder is not "\Windows\AutoStart\" you can enter another path there.
I also added a reg key to customize the initial sound file ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartBoot\Sound_Load").
Please download the updated version.
Further you don't have to softreset in order to try or set things up, just go to your start menu and use the shortcut.
Finally I hope this helps you, please report your results here.
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Thank you for updating application.
Indeed, my Startup folder has another name. I changed the path in the registry, and now everything works.
mike2nl said:
Hi AndiCP,
thanks for your fast reaction. I will test it again now. Downloaded and then install it. Will report later here....
after installing the app and two times a soft reset the app blocks sense more then once. Strange...
I had to de-install the little app. This was an adventure again. All known ways are not working.
Only massive working in the windows folder and registry cleaning has helped out of that issue.
On which system you have developed thius app? If there something special done for the SonyEricson?
after re-install the application i had denite the folder move for the autostart things. Strange, because
then the app will workig. If i have selected Sense UI i get an error message:
Is this normal? Why you say it is something went wrong? But so far so good. Will test further now.
EDIT 3 (info only):
i have changed the autostart folder in the cab from \Windows\Auto Start to \Windows\Opstarten (dutch version)
EDIT 4 (question):
Have we to copy the apps/shortcuts for the \_AutoStart_xxx\ folders on uor own?
- if the answer yes, no problem (i think thats the way for now)
- if the answer no, then is something wrong
Possible you can think about that issue for a future version of your helpfull app.
Further i think you must add the descirption from your private website here to the first post:
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to Edit 1: I can't reproduce and never had something like that, sounds like you have problems in your rom anyway as you are the only one reporting this.
Info: Its a simple and standard setup cab (auto generated). Nothing special or changed, it only copies the files. It works the same way on every windows mobile version.
to Edits 2&3: as I said, please check your Autostart folder and change it accordingly.
to Edit 4: Yes. I won't ever include a filemanager!
Hi AndiCP,
i have downloaded the last version yesterday. Installed it and it is running.
At now withour any issue. I think the changings are the solution. But with
un-installation i have my issues. Also when sense is off. But that is not
really a big issue, yet. I will test this again after the next hard reset.
I think this comes with the next CHT test. We, the team, are really haevy busy .
So far, excellent app, that helps me to organize my startup issues on all
CHT (e, s, ...) issues. Thanks for that. That brings us a good effort.
Will report this to co0kie (CHT) and Dark Ninja (GTX).
possible you can tell me (PM) where you get or has made the sound files.
I will change something for my needs

