[Q] Battery Status Indicators - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm currently running [ROM] Official 1.70.605.0 MR2 OTA Deodexed Rooted Busybox as my ROM with the 1.70.605.0 Radio.
I enjoy the stock looking froyo Roms however I would like to modify a few of the Status bar indicators. The first one being the Battery indicator in the status bar.
Instead of the traditional battery indicator that leaves you guessing as to what percentage of the battery is left I have looked around the XDA Thunderbolt section for a thread that would help me to add the percentage increments onto the battery icon itself.
I did find 1 such thread in the Thunderbolt Themes and Apps section.
I followed the directions to the letter (nothing really that hard about it) and after rebooting my device, I got hung on the Thunderbolt Splash Screen for what seemed like an eternity.
I pulled the battery, rebooted into recovery, found my backup and flashed it.
Again just looking for some direction as to what I need to be looking for in order to modify my deodexed Rom. By modifying I mean changing my battery indicator as well as replacing the 4bar signal indicator to the 6bar indicator. And possibly removing the gps indicator all together.


[Q] Having some trouble putting a theme on WB TW V8

I'm trying to put the frost theme from here.
The problem is that the battery is always stuck at 100 percent on the status bar. In fact all the themes with a circular battery in that post don't seem to work except for the 4.5 circular battery mod.Matted Blues also has a problem were the battery percentage wont show up in the status bar when you turn it on in CM settings.
Looking at the xmls in root explorer, the battery updates only on certain percentages while in the 4.5 circular mod it updates every percent. Does anyone know how to fix this. I tried myself but the xmls only appear as gibberish on my computer, like if they were corrupt. Using the xmls of 4.5 Circular mod on the Frost theme didn't work either.
Ima keep trying but if anyone else can help that would be great.

What mod/app is this?

Hey I've noticed on lots of peoples phones they have this mod in their upper status bar which shows the numbered percentage left on the battery instead of the green bar the only thing I could find showing percent is a separate widget. Could somebody instruct me on how I could do this on my phone myself without using a pre-made rom?
If you are rooted go to UOT kitchen and you can make your own mod.
Or have a look through the first few pages of http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1059 taking note of ones which start with [MOD] and contain the word battery.

[Q] Xrecovery Flashing Apps/Themes/Updates etc.

I used xrecovery to flash http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1293738 this theme in order to get the notification status bar and it is exactly what I needed. I also wanted to flash http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724778&referrerid=3555048 for the circle battery. However, while reviewing the files that will be flashed for both enhancements, I noticed that they are using/modified the same files. Logic tells me if I flash both enhancements, the second update will wipe out the first given the same files will be flashed. I'm not a developer so modifying either enhancement to include both enhancements is not an option for me. Therefore, how can I get both or at least add a circle or percentage battery to my X10? I already know that there are apps that will give me the battery on the RIGHT side of the status bar, but I was hoping to get it on the LEFT. Any ideas? Thanks!
I found my own answer here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1355279. By using this, I get both the status bar and notification bar enhancements.

[Q] CM7.1 Remove Battery Icon

For CM7.1:
I would like to remove/disable the battery icons in the status bar. I know this involves some smali hacking, but I'm not sure where. I've found this guide for MIUI, but CM7.1 is not quite the same.

[Q] Need help removing the battery icon from the status bar

I'm running Skinny rev2 (198_7) and am looking for a mod to remove the battery completely from the status bar. I'm using T.E.A.M.'s Battery Bar now and would like a cleaner look. I have attempted research, I know that the modification resides in the services.jar, I however have no idea on how to open it let alone edit it. Thanks.

