[Q] I've Done Research - Still Have Qs. - HTC EVO 3D

Alright - I'm not the type to ask questions if I haven't done hours of research already. Please do not tell me to google it, look harder, etc. Some of this stuff has frustrated me to no end, and some of you may be able to answer the question off the top of your head. So why not help out, right? ^^.
I did take a lot of time writing these questions out, and I know that it is quote a long read. If you only want to answer one here and there, that is fine. I GREATLY appreciate all help. If I sound mad at all during the read, please excuse that. If anything I'm a little frustrated, but definitely not mad at anyone or anything. I just want answers.
My Device:
3D with Silverlight/Netarchy-5 as the Kernel, and Synergy Rev. 316 2.3.3 as my Rom. So far, I have only been able to get a max quadrant score of 2600. Sort of disappointing compared to my last kernel/rom build, especially when I saw all the good Quadrant scores on Synergy's thread (and yes, I tested Ziggy's Stock Kernel too that came with it, but with no change in Quadrant scores).
I want to stick to 2.3.3 until they have overclocking for 2.3.4.
My old Kernel + Rom build was the RCMIX Kernel that could OC to 2050, and the Shooter Rewind 3D ROM. With this set-up, I was able to get a Quadrant score of 3,660.
Unanswered Questions (Or Questions I am still confused on):
2) In the Kernel threads, I always try to find which one will provide the best performance. I have a 4500 mah battery, so I usually can make almost anything last 2+ days for me. However, I'm not sure how to compare Kernels and determine what is better. This is what is listed under RCMIX:
V(R) I/O
Wifi Tweak to connect a weaker signal -108db over stock -88db
Under Silverneedle, the other one I think of using, it says:
- Overclock up to 1.7ghz (this will likely be expanded in future builds)
- JHash3
- The usual assortment of build tweaks that those familiar with my previous work have come to expect
- Base updated to
HOW am I supposed to compare those two performance wise? Also, what does "TUN," "NLS," "V(R) I/O," and "SLQB," "JHash3," "CIFS," etc, mean? I'm assuming WIMAX is for 4g, but I'm not even entirely sure of that.
3) EXT4. I read the thread here, but a lot isn't explained. It says "You should only need to convert to ext4 optimized if you wipe data/nandroid" - is this just system data? I'm assuming it wouldn't wipe SD Card Data, correct? So basically it is like a Factory Reset? But then it says to flash "svn rev 450 or higher" after. Where would I get the Synergy's revised 450 version when I can only get the rev 316 version myself?
5) Virtuous OC MOD. Oh yes - this has probably given me the most trouble than anything. I used to use SetCPU. When I saw that Mod, I uninstalled it, installed virtuous, and it didn't work. I couldn't edit my files via terminal emulator given su permissions, via root explorer, anything. So I thought there was a conflict through some file left by setcpu and virtuous. SO I did a factory reset.
I then installed rev 316 synergy and RCMIX 4.2 with a 1.8ghz allowable OC on it, and also flashed the virtuous oc + dual core mod. First off, I have no clue what the difference is between DualCore VOC and DualCore 1.1 besides the fact that he said 1.1 solved some lag issue some were experiencing. So I installed that, naturally. Saw nothing change whatsoever. I then tried to edit my Virtuous OC files, which was a success! However, when I ran the command "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq" - which is in his thread to determine if it is working, it showed the unedited number.
So I then did a normal reboot, in hopes it needed init.d to trigger, and I got stuck in an infinite reboot.
Lastly, I installed rev 316 by synergy again with silverneedle/netarchy 5 kernel. And that's where I am now. What did I do wrong?
6) Chainfire 3D / Turbo 3D (can't find link atm, but each are from the same creator). Will this help quadrant scores? What is this used for? Is it helpful?
8) What's the point of the V6 Supercharger for Android? How does it improve memory? Does it do the same thing as far as EXT4 is concerned? Is it already implemented in the current roms/kernels?
9) Besides my questions, is there a kernel or rom that you suggest for the best speed/performance, and why?
10) As far as Dual Core goes, as it been more bad than good? I've seen a lot of posts about people lagging with it on. Does it actually help?
11) Without any Dual Core mod on, what does the second CPU normally do anyways? Why would anyone make a dual-core phone without utilizing both dual cores? Or did we lose the dual core availability when we rooted our phones, and we are just now getting some beta beginnings of it back?
Thanks for anyone's time who reads any part of this, and thanks in advance to those who can answer some of them too.
Questions Answered (Thanks for those that helped!!):
If you believe there is more that could have been said in an answer, or that an answer is wrong feel free to add-on! Otherwise, I'm satisfied with the answers I have received and believe them to be right.
1) I've read through the Synergy thread, mostly the beginning and ending pages, and people talk about Revisions that are better than other (obviously). I just hooked up my SVN File Updater for the Nightly Updates, so would I not have access to anything later than Rev 316, but older than the current 2.3.4 version? I really would like to have access to the latest 2.3.3 build that works the best, which would probably include the EXT4.
1-Answer by life64x) 318 is the latest 2.3.3 and the last 2.3.3. Since they upgraded to 2.3.4
4) Let's say I backup my entire system apps + data using Titanium. Does that mean after I Wipe/Reset and go to a different rom/kern, or sense to aosp, that if I restored EVERYTHING, it would still work? Or should I only restore the things I "essentially" need?
4-Answer by life64x) Not all your system apps will be restored...sense...sense widgets etc. Data yes.. user apps will be restored. | I then asked "So titanium won't restore things incompatible with the ROM I am on, even if I hit restore all?" | Answer by life64x: That's correct becuase sometimes it won't let you...say different versions of rosie.apk or framework stuff that deals with sense UI.
7) What is "Cyanogen?" I don't understand if that is a type of software, group of people, or what the purpose of whatever that word is.
7-Answer by life64x and phatmanxxl)Cyanogen is the handle of a person that created a alternate android OS..away from manufacture stock software that is smaller and faster...bloateware removed, basic android is there. Cyanogen is also the name of the product from them. I forgot his name, but he developed a alternate source open source I might add for our phones and now tablets. Many phones have it and each phone has developers for it also. ASOP ROMs such as CM7 and MIUI are not available for the EVO3d yet, they are still in development.

Q. 4. Not all your system apps will be restored...sense...sense widgets etc. Data yes.. user apps will be restored.
Q. 7. Cyanogen is the handle of a person that created a alternate android OS..away from manufacture stock software that is smaller and faster...bloateware removed, basic android is there. Cyanogen is also the name of the product from them. I forgot his name, but he developed a alternate source open source I might add for our phones and now tablets. Many phones have it and each phone has developers for it also.
I am at lunch at work now and possibly later others will give the rest or when I get home from work I will try to do more. You have quite a bit and this thread will also help others.

life64x said:
Q. 4. Not all your system apps will be restored...sense...sense widgets etc. Data yes.. user apps will be restored.
Q. 7. Cyanogen is the handle of a person that created a alternate android OS..away from manufacture stock software that is smaller and faster...bloateware removed, basic android is there. Cyanogen is also the name of the product from them. I forgot his name, but he developed a alternate source open source I might add for our phones and now tablets. Many phones have it and each phone has developers for it also.
I am at lunch at work now and possibly later others will give the rest or when I get home from work I will try to do more. You have quite a bit and this thread will also help others.
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Thanks for the information, I appreciate it a lot. So titanium won't restore things incompatible with the ROM I am on, even if I hit restore all?

That's correct becuase sometimes it won't let you...say different versions of rosie.apk or framework stuff that deals with sense UI.

life64x said:
That's correct becuase sometimes it won't let you...say different versions of rosie.apk or framework stuff that deals with sense UI.
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Awesome. That answers that. Going back to cm7, is it mostly used for tablets? I don't see it for the 3d.

Diabetic said:
Awesome. That answers that. Going back to cm7, is it mostly used for tablets? I don't see it for the 3d.
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ASOP ROMs such as CM7 and MIUI are not available for the EVO3d yet, they are still in development.

Q. 1. 318 is the latest 2.3.3 and the last 2.3.3. Since they upgraded to 2.3.4
Q.6. Don't worry about chain fire, unless you are a gamer. Regarding quadrant, it is crap. If you insist on going by it, take it with a grain off salt. Try other testing methods.

phatmanxxl said:
ASOP ROMs such as CM7 and MIUI are not available for the EVO3d yet, they are still in development.
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Try VirusROM. It's a pretty good little AOSP ROM with some of those CM7 features like changeable desktop size, drawer size, custom rosie/launcher, custom animations.

phatmanxxl said:
ASOP ROMs such as CM7 and MIUI are not available for the EVO3d yet, they are still in development.
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Ah - got it. So CM7 and MIUI are for original AOSP then? According to some threads, it is getting close. Should be interesting to watch. Thanks ^^.
life64x said:
Q. 1. 318 is the latest 2.3.3 and the last 2.3.3. Since they upgraded to 2.3.4
Q.6. Don't worry about chain fire, unless you are a gamer. Regarding quadrant, it is crap. If you insist on going by it, take it with a grain off salt. Try other testing methods.
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Ah, I suppose I just read those posts wrong in that thread. I assumed that the 2.3.4 version started near revision 500. Definitely a bummer. I tried their latest 2.3.4 version just to see what it was like and it is much cleaner than the 2.3.3 rev 318 version. Guess I'll wait for an OC on 2.3.4 to go back to Synergy Sense.
As for "other testing methods" - what would you recommend? Anything in specific?
And what do you mean by "gamer." What would qualify as a "gamer" for HTC 3D? For example, I do play Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time on my phone ^^. It ran fine on RCMIX 2.2.3 and Rewind Shooter as long as I used SetCPU to 1728 max and 1080 min (or higher min, depending on if I had any problems). Haven't tried on my latest setup though.
Thanks again for your help!
chillfancy said:
Try VirusROM. It's a pretty good little AOSP ROM with some of those CM7 features like changeable desktop size, drawer size, custom rosie/launcher, custom animations.
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I actually just flashed that yesterday night and am loving how much free RAM space I have. Currently have 305MB used and 497MB free. I love having extra space. I have a few problems with it, but nothing worth complaining over really. Stock Kernel that comes with it is probably best, right? Thanks for helping =-).

Use the dual core kernel less heat=save battery with performance increase by taking off the load on a single processor


[q] best 2.2 rom!

Which 2.2 ROM do you think has the BEST capability to handle the requirements from the HTC Hero?
EDIT: if i missed a/your ROM i'm really sorry!! i can add it if you like, thanks!
the CM6 nightlies are missing.
I am currently testing floyo 1.01 as it is newer (and so more up to date including, finally, a French Canada QWERTY keyboard!) than froyd 1.5 (my last ROM). Also it comes with less crap built-in (not hard to remove, but still). However I think that froyd's policy of switching to the conservative governor while screen is off is a better idea for long battery life. Too bad we need an extra application to handle that (CPUspeed).
I also like the fact that the gallery 3D doesn't rotate. It didn't work anyways.
But what made me change is that I had random reboots when I used my phone with Froyd 1.5.
CM6 for the win anyways. Most (all?) of these roms are based on CM6 so they don't differ much.
Hey dont forget to add cronos froyo, great rom and responsive developer, im sure a good number of us still try out his roms
Id suggest trying out the last three plus cronos froyo, until froydvillain comes out with their updated version since the current one is a bit out of date
You should definately add the nightly builds as an option, i've been running one of the builds for..dunno coming up to a week i think, and its so smooth, consistently, no lag what so ever, and fast, and stable
also to add to the problem, i tried the bluetooth, i cant receive files but i can send files to others..
ooops wrong thread sorry..
yeah its been awhile... i forgot about Crono's ROM, going to flash it right now and compare it with Floyo.
took the advice that FroydVillain may be a bit older relatively and it seemed like the FusionROM wasnt so stable. might try elelinux after crono's but i doubt it... still need to see which one could possibly run Adobe AIR!
zorxd said:
I am currently testing floyo 1.01 as it is newer (and so more up to date including, finally, a French Canada QWERTY keyboard!) than froyd 1.5 (my last ROM). Also it comes with less crap built-in (not hard to remove, but still). However I think that froyd's policy of switching to the conservative governor while screen is off is a better idea for long battery life. Too bad we need an extra application to handle that (CPUspeed).
I also like the fact that the gallery 3D doesn't rotate. It didn't work anyways.
But what made me change is that I had random reboots when I used my phone with Froyd 1.5.
CM6 for the win anyways. Most (all?) of these roms are based on CM6 so they don't differ much.
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First any ROM with flykernel-11 (including Floyo 1.0+) will by default use smartass will automatically cap the speed when sleeping to 352. So actually that is much better for battery life when idle and it does not require any app.
Regarding floyd's policies, I am actually not aware of such an option. It's definitively not in the kernel, so if it does exist it's an option of the included CPU speed app....
walkinhotdog said:
Hey dont forget to add cronos froyo, great rom and responsive developer, im sure a good number of us still try out his roms
Id suggest trying out the last three plus cronos froyo, until froydvillain comes out with their updated version since the current one is a bit out of date
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That is very unfortunate, as that developer has chosen to keep all his work very private and "top secret" and will not share his knowledge, not even on problems he has claimed to solved and was asked to share his solution specifically.... I understand that such issues just look like power struggles to users which do not follow the technical development threads very closely but actually in this case there are very good reasons why this developer is not allowed on XDA.
In the long run such developers do not advance android/hero development at all.

Gingerbread Rom and Kernels..

This is more of a general suggestion to those making the TB GB roms and adding the kernel to them or thinking about it..
Since it would appear reading through the posts and trying out the kernel for myself, I have found that the current GB kernel just gives my phone fits and it appears that other's have the same issue. I know it works for some, wish mine did. But can we get or keep the GB Roms separate from the kernel for a bit?
My phone runs GB fine without the kernel, and it sounds like it runs fine for others as well, since the kernel appears to add issues, it makes it hard to try out Roms that have the kernel included.
Its just a suggestion and at least at some point down the road I (or we) could try the kernel(s) as it matures more. And for those that the kernel works on, they can use it..
If your talking about random reboots just let it throw a few, every time I change a GB kernel I get a few, then after that it's totally fine.
Me too. Mine usually reboots a few times right after I install and then just works.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
I don't quite get what you're saying. Every rom has a kernel. It's basically what allows the software to communicate with the hardware. You can't take the kernel out of a rom or you don't have a complete functional operating system.
You need to remember that the leak was a test version, kind of like a cyanogenmod nightly. So things are going to be broken. They will fix them over time, especially as new leaks emerge.
In the meantime, if you are having problems, just go back to froyo for now. It's fast and fully functional. Gingerbread will be unleashed with ALL of it's greatness soon enough. Then we'll be anxiously awaiting ice cream sandwich
sent via rooted THUNDERBOLT with Tapatalk
sgtguthrie said:
I don't quite get what you're saying. Every rom has a kernel. It's basically what allows the software to communicate with the hardware. You can't take the kernel out of a rom or you don't have a complete functional operating system.
You need to remember that the leak was a test version, kind of like a cyanogenmod nightly. So things are going to be broken. They will fix them over time, especially as new leaks emerge.
In the meantime, if you are having problems, just go back to froyo for now. It's fast and fully functional. Gingerbread will be unleashed with ALL of it's greatness soon enough. Then we'll be anxiously awaiting ice cream sandwich
sent via rooted THUNDERBOLT with Tapatalk
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He means including the modified kernel in the ROMs, and rather having users flash the modified version optionally. I think it is a valid point, and the kernel is something that is unrelated to the official release of Gingerbread. New kernels will come and the current ones are being worked on. What you may want to try is going into console and using speedtweak.sh to up the voltage if you are having reboot problems.
I know it gets hard to answer every question with a meaningless philosophical argument invalidating the question itself, but then again the forum has a minimum post count.
twistedumbrella said:
He means including the modified kernel in the ROMs, and rather having users flash the modified version optionally. I think it is a valid point, and the kernel is something that is unrelated to the official release of Gingerbread.
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Exactly, I have no problem running the default kernel that comes with GB Gingerjane 1.2 Rom as their is another kernel to possibly fix camera issues and they are separate downloads. Once I load that kernel I start having all kinds of problems, I restore my backup and all is good. I have seen some posts that others run into a similar issue. I thought it would just be good to keep them separate right now if possible. Its possible that some of the other GB Roms would work too, but I have the same issue with those and they include the new kernel as well for camera fix. So I have assume (I know bad word) that the common issue with mine and possibly others just could be that kernel for whatever reason.
twistedumbrella said:
He means including the modified kernel in the ROMs, and rather having users flash the modified version optionally. I think it is a valid point, and the kernel is something that is unrelated to the official release of Gingerbread. New kernels will come and the current ones are being worked on. What you may want to try is going into console and using speedtweak.sh to up the voltage if you are having reboot problems.
I know it gets hard to answer every question with a meaningless philosophical argument invalidating the question itself, but then again the forum has a minimum post count.
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"Meaningless philosophical argument"? I really don't see where you get that from, but whatever...
Also, a low post count doesn't mean you're a noob, just not as active at xda. This isn't the only forum site on the Internet.
I just saw something on twitter, jcase was posting the stock gb kernel in his thread, so there you go...
Edit: it's posted, happy flashing...
Edit 2:
It's in the lightning rom thread too.
sent via rooted THUNDERBOLT with Tapatalk
sgtguthrie said:
I just saw something on twitter, jcase was posting the stock gb kernel in his thread, so there you go...
Edit: it's posted, happy flashing...
Edit 2:
It's in the lightning rom thread too.
sent via rooted THUNDERBOLT with Tapatalk
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Thanks.. that works too.

[Q] New owner, having few Qs

Hello everyone! I just got my 16gb wifi model a few days ago. I'm from Canada. I think it's a very nice device, I love it, but have a few questions. First I noticed that the device seems to be a little laggy sometimes, specifically when you switch apps, or when in the browser or using the keyboard? Is there any way to make this better?
I have taken the habit of using the task manager to close unused apps, is this a good thing to do? I have the feeling that mine came with stuff that I don't really need/want. For exemple, There is a ^ in the bottom bar that I always tend to open by accident, this bar open another row of icon. Also there is a screenshot icon on the bar. Is this something to do with the TouchWiz? How much clog/more memory is the touch wiz using? Maybe without it I could gain some speed. I have removed all the widgets to make things better and I use a simple wallpaper.
I'm not into flashing for now, I'm not mentally ready, is there anything else I can do to improve speed and responsiveness?
Also, I have a blackberry and I am used to receive instant notifications for facebook. Is there an equivalent app for facebook for the tab?
First things first, Id root it. Its VERY easy. If you have issues with the Mass storage device not being seen my the PC, make sure usb debugging is off. Also, after you root it throw on Pershoots TW UX version of his kernel.
Then download set cpu and OC it to 1400. And if you want to put on a rom, put on task650s rom.
after that all lag is pretty much gone.
mroneeyedboh said:
First things first, Id root it. Its VERY easy. If you have issues with the Mass storage device not being seen my the PC, make sure usb debugging is off. Also, after you root it throw on Pershoots TW UX version of his kernel.
Then download set cpu and OC it to 1400. And if you want to put on a rom, put on task650s rom.
after that all lag is pretty much gone.
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Do you have a link to the best rooting instructions? Also a link to OC?
Sure most guys will tell you to search, but thats not me. I'll help you out bro, np
1) how to root
That is a video with a written tutorial too. That should do ya
2) OC'ing kernel
Pershoot is the one that made it. It also have a nice VooDoo integrated sound matrix ( or whatever ) and it sounds crazy good. To take advantage of it, flash his kernel and then market VooDoo and download that.
If you have a touchwiz / WIFI rom/tablet.. Then you need to download the kernel off of his site that has TW / UX in the title of the link.
mroneeyedboh said:
First things first, Id root it. Its VERY easy. If you have issues with the Mass storage device not being seen my the PC, make sure usb debugging is off. Also, after you root it throw on Pershoots TW UX version of his kernel.
Then download set cpu and OC it to 1400. And if you want to put on a rom, put on task650s rom.
after that all lag is pretty much gone.
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I could not agree more with this, I just got done running benchmarks with just Task650's ROM, loading up the newest pershoot kernel now. Even with just the ROM lag is pretty much gone
Yeah Mann benchmarks don't mean much in terms of Android. But it's a good placebo for some
Sent from a miui powered HTC Evo.
Well, i admit that it is tempting to install a rom. I dont understand tho why it is necessary to clear up the slowness problem. Ppl at samsung need to work more to optimise their sh.t
mickey78 said:
Well, i admit that it is tempting to install a rom. I dont understand tho why it is necessary to clear up the slowness problem. Ppl at samsung need to work more to optimise their sh.t
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Im not sure if I know what you mean... what do you mean on you dont understand why its is necessart to clear up the slowness problem? It is because there is soo much bloat and things misplaced. Its kinda crazy. but after you run an optimized ROM and the kernel at 1.4ghz.. its night a day..
Hie guys. I am new to SGT 10.1 and to this forum.
[Nice little introducing video btw].
I just reply to this thread not to open a new one and start asking questions over there
From what you guys discussed above, after rooting the device and OC it, the lags will go away. How much does OC it to 1.4 affect the battery life and heat? I searched and most people posted it doesn't heat up the tablet much. I guess it is the same to you guys?
If I have rooted my tab and OC it to 1.4. Let says something gone wrong with the hardware of my tab and I would like to exchange it, am I able to un-root it and de-clock to 1.0 before I return?
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
or1onz said:
From what you guys discussed above, after rooting the device and OC it, the lags will go away. How much does OC it to 1.4 affect the battery life and heat? I searched and most people posted it doesn't heat up the tablet much. I guess it is the same to you guys?
If I have rooted my tab and OC it to 1.4. Let says something gone wrong with the hardware of my tab and I would like to exchange it, am I able to un-root it and de-clock to 1.0 before I return?
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The overclock with help with lags. But not all of the lags are based off of speed issues. Some are code related. But in the end, yes it will speed up nicely, and be more fluid.
The heat and battery isn't really an issue. But being that all of the dev'ing going on is all new. Its a wait and see thing. But in all respects, it should be just fine.
And I haven't looked into unrooting, but I'm almost 100% positive that it can be done.
Sent from a miui powered HTC Evo.
I actually have a question about OCing. I flashed the Starburst ROM on my tab, but no custom kernal. Is it still OK to download set CPU and crank it to 1.4ghz? (I've OCed computers 'til they cried, but never phones or tablets )

[Q] Quadrant score high for stock

I had a bricked SGA returned under warranty - I am assuming they jigged it as I could not even get it to DL mode. (have bought a jig - happy now)
Phone comes back from carphonewarehouse with the following installed
Android 2.3.3
S5830XWKP6 Base
Gingerbread.XWKPU Build
[email protected]#1 Kernal
rather than the old stock Android 2.1.1
Quadrant Score of 1050 - it faster that a galaxy S
It appears to be a stock rom - no scripts or enhancement running - even had to root it with upd_1.zip
Can I install supercharger or A2SD to give it a bit more zip or do I have to use a different kernal as well.
Thank in advance for advice given.
There is a bug with Quadrant which boosts the results with Gingerbread.
The brand new Galaxy Gio of my father which came with 2.3.3 preinstalled had a Quadrantscore of 1083, which doesn't say anything.
A2SD won't give you any great performance boosts, only more space for apps.
Check out the development section, there are plenty of ways, including whole Custom ROMs.
Tap-a-talked from my Galaxy Ace
Thanks for the reply.
I know about the bug with quadrant and I have tried other roms already here.
It just that I installed KPN because KPU is not listed on samfirmware except as a T-Mobile rom for Poland with a different kernal, and got a quadrant score of 575 which was expected - and I reinstalled a nand backup of the KPU rom installed by carphonewarehouse which got the 1050 score and the phone was visibly a lot faster.
A2SD - understood about freeing up internal memory - but to get a QS of 1600+ I would need to flash a custom rom or can I do it wit CF-root and supercharger.
again thanks for the reply.
This might sound off topic but why are people sticking with the stock rom when there is clearly "better" choices xD
QNBT said:
This might sound off topic but why are people sticking with the stock rom when there is clearly "better" choices xD
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Because the word "better" is subjective. For instance, to some people, compatibility and stability may be overriding concerns. It is clear that you are referring to the ROMs based on CM7.1 nightly ports.
Am not in anyway trying to discredit the hardwork the fellas behind the ports but i have encounter frustrating FCs and critical issues namely Market won't update and random apps disappearing on reboots. I am sure there are scores of blokes out there who haven't had such problems but for me who has tried flashing and reflashing for a dozen times (yes 12 times kid you not), i would rather sit it out and wait for the port to be officially ratified and given the works i.e. debugged and tested. Never mind whether this is going to happen.
yeah i kinda agree...sometimes whats work for others doesnt work for me/you...thats when we go back to stock...
happily1986 said:
Because the word "better" is subjective. For instance, to some people, compatibility and stability may be overriding concerns. It is clear that you are referring to the ROMs based on CM7.1 nightly ports.
Am not in anyway trying to discredit the hardwork the fellas behind the ports but i have encounter frustrating FCs and critical issues namely Market won't update and random apps disappearing on reboots. I am sure there are scores of blokes out there who haven't had such problems but for me who has tried flashing and reflashing for a dozen times (yes 12 times kid you not), i would rather sit it out and wait for the port to be officially ratified and given the works i.e. debugged and tested. Never mind whether this is going to happen.
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Going to such a big conclusion... I was refering to all the hardworks of custom ROMs that are available.
i get 1800+ on 800mhz consistently............and around 2200 at 902mhz(921 is pretty stable but i use 902mhz)
hey i saw some ppl getting 2400+ quad scoresat 902mhz........how is it possible?

Is your ROM stable enough?

To go 2+ days without freezing and/or randomly rebooting?
Lol huh? I don't have this problem ever...
So far:
Deck ROM: yes, could go weeks without rebooting.
CleanROM: yes, only had it about 2 days but no problems
Synergy: no, tried every kernel and it wouldnt go more than about 12 hours without a hard crash.
About all I've tried at length
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Nope. And it always screws up when I need it the most.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
My personal ROM has actually never needed a reboot or crashed.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
Every ROM I've ran except some of myn's nightlies were completely stable.
Synergy - very stable
Cyanogenmod - seems to be the stablest
InfectedROM - Kind of stable
Myn's 2.3 - Not really stable, but these are experimental nightly builds we have
If it reboots randomly and freezes a lot, there is most likely too many apps running or similar stuff that is causing that. I use my phone heavily and have never experienced reboots/freezes/shutoffs.
Steelh never had an issue works for days before reboot just to clean up
Gotcha, nice replies guys.
I refuse to run ROMs with several broken things, aside from AOSP, which is understandable.
Cm7 on airplane mode. No service so im good with wifi. 3D movies. ONLY reboot I ever had was adding 2000 songs to my sdcard. Phone couldnt handle it for 10 minutes. Then it scanned properly and good to go again.
Whooo! (Cole Voice...)
Basically, the reason I'm asking is because virtually every single frequently updated Sense ROM in the development section is full of issues people are having. I'm trying to understand why they are so popular if they are riddled with issues every other update. Do people not enjoy stable phones? I've been running the same ROM since July and to this day there isn't a single 'new' feature that has been implemented in ROMs these days that I don't want. If there happens to be one, it doesn't need a full flash.
My question is: Why are so many people using Sense ROMs that have nothing but issues and stuff that doesn't work properly? Since HTC has already provided a fairly solid foundation with the Stock ROM, how are so many Sense ROMs broken?
If the answer is aesthetics and looks, why not take a stable ROM, and work from there to get the look you want?
I'm also trying to understand the mind of a "Flashaholic" and besides AOSP or MIUI, there doesn't seem to be enough differences between these Sense ROMs other than kernels and random fiddling with the framework that really differentiate them. For a person that understands how ROMs work and can easily determine the core differences between them, I can tell you exactly what differences that ROM A has from ROM B, and yet, the user opinion is much wider.
Take for instance ROM A, which has a cute tagline in its title and is made by a 'veteran' so to speak. The changelog and file-by-file difference between that and ROM B, made by a seemingly unknown person are pretty small, but the audience seems to think ROM A is much more 'stable' and 'fast' than ROM B.
Aside from messing with the framework, I have done side-by-side comparisons of where most of the ROMs features claim to shine--its tweaks to memory, ram usage, cpu, kernel, etc; which reside mostly in the /system/etc folder and under build.prop and the differences are so small and most of the tweaks are identical. With that said, framework 'tweaks' make a minimal difference in every day situations and most phones will perform almost identical to the Stock ROM. The real differences lie in random build.prop tweaks and init.d scripts which mostly come from poorly documented sites and sources that were meant for Desktop computers and/or older phones like the G1 and can actually have a negative effect on our current phone's performance. I'm sure HTC has done enough research that their method of ROM delivery is probably optimal for most people.
At any rate, I'm interested in more discussion from the people in this thread.
Id like to try your dualcore mod with 1st core at 700mhz and 2nd core at 500mhz. Can you make the file for me? But is it possible to get a screen off profile with it?
Whooo! (Cole Voice...)
I have flashed before due to aesthetics but now I'm on a hunt for a smoother (stutter free) rom. I also like having extra settings that some offer like synergys, and Eternity, and having beats is a plus although not necessary. The closest I've gotten is Eternity 1.3.1 w/stock look along with Tiamat sense 1.0.3 kernel and flashable script by Smokin. Smokins script made a difference in smoothness for me specially in the app drawer. The only issue that plagues my phone is intermittent black screen during calls.
Other reason I flash is sometimes I get tired of things and want something new to play with. Makes me feel I have a new device.
knowledge561 said:
Id like to try your dualcore mod with 1st core at 700mhz and 2nd core at 500mhz. Can you make the file for me? But is it possible to get a screen off profile with it?
Whooo! (Cole Voice...)
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I can pretty much build a script that can accomplish this
aznmode said:
I have flashed before due to aesthetics but now I'm on a hunt for a smoother (stutter free) rom. I also like having extra settings that some offer like synergys, and Eternity, and having beats is a plus although not necessary. The closest I've gotten is Eternity 1.3.1 w/stock look along with Tiamat sense 1.0.3 kernel and flashable script by Smokin. Smokins script made a difference in smoothness for me specially in the app drawer. The only issue that plagues my phone is intermittent black screen during calls.
Other reason I flash is sometimes I get tired of things and want something new to play with. Makes me feel I have a new device.
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That I can understand, but with the differences between Sense ROMs being so small, why? I suppose looks is a good enough reason as any, especially if you don't know how or feel like trying to extract the apks or images needed to make your current ROM look like the ROM you're installing.
freeza said:
I can pretty much build a script that can accomplish this
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Thanks. Im on cm7. Do I send you this build.prop or init.d or something? Also I use setcpu, im guessing I wont be able to use it anymore? Screen off profile would be 192-384mhz
Whooo! (Cole Voice...)
Senseless I get way better 4g coverage than any other ROM I've tried. With others my 4g would go on and off every 3-4 minutes. It really bugged me out.
Sent from my 62 inch 3d tv.
I flash roms to have wireless tether mainly. Recently i like using sprint hotspot and it ia easier to flash a modified stock rom instead of tracking down the flashable hack. Other than staying up to date with software without breaking root, i dont see a reason not to be stock rooted. I buy htc for sense so aosp roms just arent for me. Im running infected eternity 1.4.1 and love the themed look just because it seperatea me from the rest if the world, if i wanted to fit a mold i would be rocking that girly iphone.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
What ROM are you using?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
yousefak said:
Synergy - very stable
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First time I've heard anyone claim synergy is stable. Even the synergy devs have given up trying to get non stock kernels to run reliably with it and have recommended limping along by flashing the stock kernel over the included one until the ROM can be fixed.
As to why so many problems: I think half of it is kernel compatibility and half is in the baking. Some bake in the latest version of this or that apk that hasn't been thoroughly tested. Market 3.2 is a good example. Doesn't work: can't buy paid apps. Same problems occur with other apps like all the borked superuser updates between 3.0.2 and 3.0.6. So with all the pushing to include the latest versions of every low level app baked into the ROM, of course there will be some mismatches.
Not a fan of AOSP ROMs. Most of those don't have 20% of the stuff working like 4g, 3d camera, and other stuff. Most say right at the top, "dont expect this to work... Or that to work". No thanks.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Could dual cores always being on cause damage to the phone?
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.

