battery problem awake while phone is idle - HTC Amaze 4G

So I have narrowed down why my battery dies even when I'm not using my phone...for some reason when I look at the stats under battery usage, the battery seems to be awake almost 60 to 70 percent of the time, EVEN when I'm not using the battery lasted a total of 15 hours...I made a 20 minute phone call and screen usage was 25 minutes on lowest settings....4g was on wifi was on...automatic background data was off...gps on....everything else was off....why is the phone waking when it is not being used???? any way to find out?

seansk said:
So I have narrowed down why my battery dies even when I'm not using my phone...for some reason when I look at the stats under battery usage, the battery seems to be awake almost 60 to 70 percent of the time, EVEN when I'm not using the battery lasted a total of 15 hours...I made a 20 minute phone call and screen usage was 25 minutes on lowest settings....4g was on wifi was on...automatic background data was off...gps on....everything else was off....why is the phone waking when it is not being used???? any way to find out?
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Have you tried restarting your phone and then tracking the battery usage?

Just my .02 here, I installed Earth HD live wallpaper and the phone went crazy. I keep it plugged into my laptop during the day and noticed that the battery was slowly draining instead of maintaining, not much only a couple of percent. Toward the end of the day I noticed the the battery charge was in the 50% range and dropping fast, you could see the go down so I did a reboot and the charge came back at 4%. So you may want to look at what you have installed and try removing apps that may cause issues. I removed the app and now no problems, I'm also using Beastmod.


Battery Drain

I've been noticing that my Hero has been gulping battery down VERY fast.
In general, the battery lasts 7-8 hrs, which is not acceptable (I'm out for 12+ hrs).
My usage is not heavy. Wifi, Bluetooth and GPS are rarely, if ever, on.
I do read some news and surf the web a little but only for 2-3 of those 7-8 hrs.
Is my battery life normal?
I've been reading people achieving 12+ hours with their stock battery...
2 or 3 hours websurfing is very heavy on the battery, much more so than phone calls. One of the biggest drains is the screen and you having it on for 2 - 3 hours is going to drain the battery I guess
Seems very poor, much poorer than my iDevice that I use more frequently.
Today, after flashing the 2.1 ROM, it has gotten worse.
Battery's down to 40% in 6 hours, and Battery Usage shows 50% phone idle, 50% cell standby.
I've not even touched the phone since unplugging it 6 hours ago ;S
Is it possible I've a defective battery?
If your battery is down to 40% after 6 hours of it being idle (no screen but switched on) then either you have some power hungry app(s) running in the background or the battery is defective.
At the moment my battery is showing 40%. It was last charged about 40 hours ago, and I have had it switched on the whole time with some light use, picking up emails in the background and occassionally switching the screen on.
I ran task killer and sync was off.
One thing I didn't do was charge it for 10-13 hours straight on first charge; I just unplugged it when the led turned green in ~4 hours (impatient...).
Could this have affected battery life?
Nope - when the LED is green it is fully charged. No minimum charge times suggested in the manual.
peterc10 said:
At the moment my battery is showing 40%. It was last charged about 40 hours ago, and I have had it switched on the whole time with some light use, picking up emails in the background and occassionally switching the screen on.
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That is amazing battery life, I never get more than 24 hours with similar use... what ROM and radio are you using Peter? Also, where are you and what network are you on?
I am in UK on Orange, and have standard Orange ROM and Radio - not the latest one but the one they had before
I have read lots of complaints about battery life, but I think mine is fine for a smartphone. I am a relatively light user of a phone - don't do lots of surfing or watching videos. A few phone calls, very few texts, checking emails and listening to some music is all I normally do with it. The other thing I do use it for is I always have the sat nav on while I am driving, but in that case it is plugged into my Brodit mount and charging from the car.
This latest spell may have been helped because I have not been out over those 40 hours - spent the weekend at home, which means that the Hero has been logged into wifi rather than trying to use mobile data. And not used it to make calls or texts or used the music player.
I notice keep Internet connection active take a lot of battery. Go to settings and turn it off and try to see whether the problem exist. It'll will take you a few seconds to re-establish the connecting whenever you need it... not so unbearable considering it'll save a lot of battery.
Same, I notice the mobile chip is using abnormal amounts of battery.
In the morning I watched a 40 minute episode of drama.
Battery dove from 100% to 65%.
To preserve battery life, I turned Airplane mode on.
When I was done with the episode, there was still 55% battery left!
I'm pretty shocked at the battery drain.
I'm using one of the new 2.1 ROMs. They're known for having a bit of a battery-hunger. I solved it by installing the app Ultimatejuice from Market. it's a pay app, but it's worth it. It's also another app called juicedefender (free, less options) that I used before I bought the Ultimate. It also worked good! Now my battery lasts the whole day without any problem

[Q] Can someone evaluate my battery life on a fresh installation of Bionix 1.3?

Hi, all. Purchased my Vibrant back in July and always had some battery issues. I figured I'd try one last thing before asking T-Mobile for a battery replacement, so here's what I did. Can someone tell me whether or not this seems normal?
Two days ago, I ODIN'd to JFD to start completely from scratch, then flashed Bionix-V 1.3 non-TouchWiz edition (wiping in the process). The flash was on a completely full battery (plugged into AC, unplugging for the first time after booting into Android).
Here are my usage stats for today:
WiFi off, GPS off, Bluetooth off, auto-rotation off, 3G enabled, brightness around 25%, power saving mode enabled
Gmail/Contacts/Calendar - push, Exchange email - every 15 minutes
Google Talk logged in the whole time
No other syncing applications
Usage consisted mainly of web browsing and around an hour of listening to music through PowerAMP
Charged to 100% overnight
Unplugged for 5 hours, 30 minutes (8:30am to 2pm)
Battery stats: Display 97% (display on 1h 35m), cell standby 3%
Final battery at the end of period: 30%
So, does anyone else get similar battery life on a nearly untouched installation of Bionix? A 70% battery loss with only 1 hour and 30 minutes of screen time seems a little high to me.
That seems like a lot. Try downloading an app called battery left from the market. Charge up to 100 percent and let the app calibrate. It will show you how long a full charge should last. With moderate use I get about 15 to 20 hrs of life with bionix.
Exchange Sync? With what app? I've heard that touchdown is a really bad drain on battery and refreshing every 15 minutes might be a problem. Poweramp for an hour probably cost you 20% battery as well. I'd give a few more cycles to judge your battery life. Compared to my phone, been off the phone since about 8 AM, 20% battery now around midnight. This included 30 minutes of music with the TW player, about 3 hours of display time, a few photos, and about 5 minutes of phone calls, 15-20 text messages. Also some web browsing on 3G and wifi.
Sdobron said:
Exchange Sync? With what app? I've heard that touchdown is a really bad drain on battery and refreshing every 15 minutes might be a problem. Poweramp for an hour probably cost you 20% battery as well. I'd give a few more cycles to judge your battery life. Compared to my phone, been off the phone since about 8 AM, 20% battery now around midnight. This included 30 minutes of music with the TW player, about 3 hours of display time, a few photos, and about 5 minutes of phone calls, 15-20 text messages. Also some web browsing on 3G and wifi.
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Just the Samsung Email app. And I don't think 15 minute polling for new email could cause that much drain... that's something I only enabled recently. This is after a few full battery cycles.
I've also never observed PowerAMP using much more battery than the stock music player.
Sounds like your phone is getting much better battery life.
Sdobron said:
Exchange Sync? With what app? I've heard that touchdown is a really bad drain on battery and refreshing every 15 minutes might be a problem. Poweramp for an hour probably cost you 20% battery as well. I'd give a few more cycles to judge your battery life. Compared to my phone, been off the phone since about 8 AM, 20% battery now around midnight. This included 30 minutes of music with the TW player, about 3 hours of display time, a few photos, and about 5 minutes of phone calls, 15-20 text messages. Also some web browsing on 3G and wifi.
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An hour of PowerAMP drains about 3-4% with flipping through songs, and I have been using this app for several weeks.
Check out system panel also, see what apps you have running in the background.
Sdobron said:
Check out system panel also, see what apps you have running in the background.
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As I mentioned, this is a fresh installation of Bionix-V 1.3-- I haven't added on any apps that could possibly be responsible for the battery drain. I've used System Panel in the past to evaluate battery issues with little success.
I've had bionix-v 1.3 for about 3 days now.
This afternoon i pulled it off the charger at 90%. Now, 7 hours later, i'm at 69% with:
display: 79%
cell standby: 16%
phone idle: 4%
Today was pretty light use though. Just about 20 texts, 30 min. of web browsing, 5 min. on phone calls. I also put my display brightness down all the way and freeze a few apps using TiB.
Normally though, i make it through the entire day (18 hours) with one charge and what i consider to be 'average' or medium usage.

Never saw such good battery life on my EVO4G or My Nexus S4G

Battery life has been pretty great on my EVO 3D using juice defender and SetCPU.
Switched to Sprint for this thing yesterday and I gotta agree. Coming from an SGS I've learned to be paranoid about my battery life, so when I barely see the battery draining off this thing I have myself convinced that it HAS to be a bug lol
How is your awake time so low compared to your up time!!
How can I see what is keeping my phone awake.
pkny said:
How is your awake time so low compared to your up time!!
How can I see what is keeping my phone awake.
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Because in the time that the phone has actually been powered on, its only been in use 4 hours. If he had been really using it, the battery would be down more than it is, but its still good battery life.
I agree, of all the devices have had so far, HERO, EVO 4G, EPIC, 3D. the 3D (comparing all of them on stock) has had the best battery life of them all. Heck even my Rooted EPIC with SFR 1.1.1 didnt get quite as good battery life, and it was rooted.
you guys know that the 3d has a larger battery than all those phones listed right?
still has the best battery i've used.
Well you will get amazing battery life turning the display brightness down anyday though. Still i have to agree this phone has great battery life. On auto my biggest battery drainer is the display but still I can get through all day with the phone. I unplugged the phone yesterday at 6 in the morning and at 9 at night I still had 20% battery life and that is with medium usage.
you barely used it. i can get great standby time too. but once i have the screen on and turn data on or a game you drop something like 10 percent an hour.
in the past 53 minutes ive had my screen on for 17 minutes. lost 8 percent.
Up Time: 37:49:30
Awake Time: 05:17:50
Battery Remaining - 52%
Impressed with battery life thus far.
I think the battery life is even better at 1.5 GHz and stock voltage.
well you guys are lucky cause my battery life stinks. medium usage, brightness at 30% sync accounts knocked back , no 4g and im getting 4-5 hours out of this thing which I think is terrible. something is wrong. Anyone else experiencing the same ?
how much of the battery is listed as "display"? last week while i was working i would leave my phone in my truck and come check on it an hour later to notice a 30%+ drop in battery. it would die after only being unplugged for 5 hours. but then i realized my screen wasn't ever turning off so if i got a text, notification, etc. that turned my screen on, my battery got drained idling in my truck.
rebooting usually fixed it but i think it was one of the early temp roots that really was causing it because i don't think it happens anymore
under battery usage the display is 75% percent of drain the rest is voice calls
mine is stock, no root here
Wow thats crazy my phone has an up time of 87 hours and an awake time of 69, i still have 95% battery left.
I'm dominating all of you.
Or maybe those two numbers mean nothing besides how long the phone has been on, and not anything to do with battery
tablo said:
Up Time: 37:49:30
Awake Time: 05:17:50
Battery Remaining - 52%
Impressed with battery life thus far.
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Battery Remaining Now - 51%
Battery Usage:
Display - 35%
Voice Calls - 21%
Cell Standby - 14%
Phone Idle - 12%
Wi-Fi - 8%
Maps - 6%
Battery life is awesome on this phone. I still think its too good to be true. When I turn off mobile data, I can easily go a whole weekend without charging my phone. And that's with sending and receiving over a thousand texts, taking random drunken pics and vids, and talking on the phone for long periods of time. I only turn on mobile data when I need to sync up for fb, email and such or look up stuff, and I've pretty much been charging my phone every other day, and sometimes on the 3rd day. This alone makes this phone priceless to me and I've never been so satisfied with a phone like I am now.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
All and all battery life on this phone is average. It lasts the same 9-10 hours as every other android i've owned. I spend the same amount of time doing the same things day in day out.
The only android I've ever noticed an exception was the NS4G and it had crazy battery life, easily 20 hours.
I think its better to post time the display or voice calls was used rather than percentage.
I'm at about 13 hrs usage with about 2hrs and 50 minutes with the display on. Probably close to 20% battery left
Sent from my EVO 3D

Battery Drain <== Core Apps

Hmm...well, this is the second time that this has happened in the 2.5 weeks that I've owned this phone. I'm currently running unNamed ROM 1.2.0 and noticed that my battery is draining quicker than usual (8%-10% drain per hour on IDLE).
Usually, my battery drain is between 1% - 2% per hour on unNamed. What I've noticed in both the instances where my battery drains rapidly is that I end up seeing 'Core Apps' (white envelope with android icon in the middle) under the Battery Usage. From what I can recall about this icon, it's the icon for the launcher. CPUSpy shows my phone at 78% deep sleep (the phone's usually around 93% - 95% deep sleep when in idle).
The first time this happened, I was away from home on business for 1 night and ended up having to power my phone off when it got down to 11%. Got home later that day and recharged my battery while the phone was off and after the phone was 100% charged, it lasted 38 hours with 7% left before I powered off and recharged. Again, the battery with light usage lasted 30 hours with 30% left.
Today, after charging (while off - seems to charge better this way) I was surprised to see that my battery was draining at ~10% per hour and I saw that 'Core Apps' was listed under Battery Usage again.
Fortunately, I am not away on business this time (yeah, my spare charger is on the way) so I can recharge teh phone at home. Is the only way to "reset" the phone's battery usage history by pulling the battery or charging the phone?
Hopefully, one of the devs can answer or provide a fix/workaround for the 'Core Apps' drain? (BTW, I leave my WiFi on all the time and my phone still lasts anywhere between 28 hours to 40 hours...just wondering why I have these sporadic glitches when the battery doesn't seem to last long.)
From my experience... this will be very hard to fix. Usually appear ramdomly, and disappear randomly.
amtrakcn said:
From my experience... this will be very hard to fix. Usually appear ramdomly, and disappear randomly.
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Yeah...the 1st time it happened, I was wondering "WTF is 'Core Apps'?"
Now that I've seen this the 2nd time, I'm stumped by it since you're doesn't happen often and doesn't seem to be reproducible by any consistent method.
Hard to do a battery pull with this Neo Hybrid case (case is a PITA to remove) and I don't have my 2ndary charger yet...
Rebooting the phone does nothing since the battery history remains and even powering off for an hour and then powering the phone back on still doesn't clear out the battery history so the drain continues!
Oh is what it is then I guess...I was hoping that someone smarter than I could find a way to cure this. (BetterBatteryStats doesn't show this as a wakelock (partial or full)...CPUSpy just that my deep sleep state is in the mid to upper 70% which isn't the norm.
Oh well, hopefully, this doesn't happen too often.
Wiping battery stats in CWM does reset the battery useage screen.
Adelaide. said:
Wiping battery stats in CWM does reset the battery useage screen.
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But a few have reported their phone doesn't behave right in reporting battery percentages after wiping battery stats.
Doesn't mean you can't. But no one has proven it helps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
I haven't had any issues that can't be directly linked to something else (like random reboots).
If all you want to do is reset your battery useage screen to zero it definitely does that. The point isn't to help anything, just to reset the screen to zero without having to wait for the phone to charge all the way.
In that case not a bad idea if you see it show up. If it's as bad of a battery drainer as it seems and still running, it should show up again pretty quick after you clear battery stats.
It'd be useful in reading the logs to know that at a certain time it was for sure running.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
Have you checked entropy's battery drain thread for ideas?
Sent from my Toshiba THRiVE using Tapatalk
hlb3 said:
Have you checked entropy's battery drain thread for ideas?
Sent from my Toshiba THRiVE using Tapatalk
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Dunno, it's just odd...recharged my phone last night and now I'm back to 1%-2% battery drain on idle and the phone's going back into deep sleep at 93% and I haven't touched any of my settings. I just let the phone dip to 19% and powered off and put it on the charger for ~4 hours (I know, I could've pulled it sooner since it wasn't at 0% but honestly, I forgot.)
It's just the weirdest thing...whenever Core Apps appears as the envelope w/Android icon it seems to be persistent and stays in the battery usage. However, there have been times when the Core Apps appears as teh same icon as 'Contacts' and will disappear on it's own after a while. <-- This seems to be okay as the battery drain remains minimal.
I'll have to check out Entropy's battery drain thread later to see if I can gain any insights. (Haven't ever flashed any of Entropy's kernels as standalones -- I've just been flashing unNamed ROM so I know the kernels are stable builds and not the experimentals.)

[Q] Battery acting really weird, is it time for a new one?

Hi all, thanks in advance for your help.
I've been having crazy drain trouble with my stock battery for about six months now (the battery is currently 15 months old). It's draining like crazy, it goes from 100% to dead after two hours of browsing/reading an ebook, even less if I'm playing something like Candy Crush Saga or Asphalt 7. I tried going through several apps such as Wakelock Detector, Better Battery Stats, tried recalibrating the battery and haven't found an obvious culprit - other than the screen, which alone uses up something between 40 and 60% of the battery.
Is this normal?
Sometimes, when the battery is at 30% or less, it will just drop by several percent in the matter of seconds, for example if I switch on mobile internet. If I'm using the phone at <10%, the screen will sometimes start flickering, and the phone will freeze and remain like that until I switch it off manually.
In addition, if I connect the phone to charge, in about 70% of times, it will incorrectly show something like 45-55%, even though it's depleted. Then it remains like that until it's charged up to that point and then the percentage starts rising again.
Honestly, I'm tired of having to bring my charger everywhere and ending up with a dead phone whenever I need it for a longer period of time. I don't remember the last time my battery didn't die by the afternoon
I'm facing exactly the same issues and yes, honestly I believe it's time for a new battery.
After 15 months, assuming daily charging, you would have approx. 450 charging cycles. Lion batteries are known to age and to lose capacity after so many cycles. Try a new battery, if the problem persists, have your phone checked.
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