[Q] Is dex2apk possible on ANDROID PLATFORM? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

We have apkbuilder tool in Android SDK for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Is it possible to develop a similar tool that runs on Android platform?
My friends and I are working on a MiniJava compiler on Android platform, and we hope that the whole process - getting the MiniJava source code, compiling the code into dex file, packaging dex into apk - can run consecutively on Android. Now we're having trouble packaging dex into apk, since the "apkbuilder" file runs some Java commands. Please help me if you have any idea.
p.s. This is my first post, so please tell me if there's something improper.

Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A


[Q] Modifying a stock ROM/kernel

Hello! I'm not sure am I allowed to post this kind of question in this forum, but I couldn't find any better place.
I would like to modify (edit) my SGS II's ROM/kernel. I've already downloaded source from opensource.samsung.com (GT-I9100_OpenSource_Update2, 2.3.5).
I'm not new to programming but I just don't know how to "edit" that ROM/kernel. I have Visual Studio (I know the basics of C/C++, and I'm good at C#). Kernel is the lowest-level "program" so I guess it's written either in C or C++.
So what I'm wondering is how do I open the kernel or ROM in Visual Studio and am I able to compile it later with VS? (I just saw compiling tutorials and everyone is compiling on Linux (I'll install it if necessary)).
You don't have to write me step-by-step guide, but just help me a bit.
Sorry for my bad English by the way.
Link to download GT-I9100_OpenSource_Update2 from linux shell
If anyone is trying to download the files from linux shell, you need to find the file's "attach_id" which you put in the cmdline below to download what you need.
In this case (attach_id=1584) it's GT-I9100_OpenSource_Update2.zip
wget --post-data="method=downLoad&attach_id=1584&down_purpose=EETC" https://opensource.samsung.com/reception/reception_main.do?method=downLoad

Apktool + ICS + Ubuntu 10.04

Hello dear readers forum. I have a question that has matured well, very important to me now, and it is compiling and decompiling applications from the operating system Android ICS 4.0.X.
Tried and aapt from the android-sdk and a bunch of files from xda-forum, but when trying to compile the application, climbs a lot of mistakes, I read that you need to remove ODEX from the archive, and then put in place - about
I work in Ubuntu 10.04. I can read, Google has enjoyed, was looking for.
Having tried all the options from the forum and those that could be found.
For the record - I work with the phone THL W1 - which was just installed Android ICS.
Why do it?
I want to add the Russian language and some change.
I hope for a clear and wise response. Believe me, if I had not tried to find anything - I would not write here.
Sorry for my English. I am writing a google translete.
P.S. I love xda forum)))

[Q] Some basic questions about developing

Hi guys I am new here and I wanted to start programming apps for Android devices. I have some simple questions and I hope you can answer them:
1. In which language do I need to programm in Android Studio? Java or C? Or doesn't it matter?
2. Is there a list where you can find the special comments you need to develop for an Android because programming a programm for a PC is much different than programming an App for a Smartphone (for example a special command line for using the touchscreen)
3. Where can I find source codes from Apps which already have been published because I think looking at source codes from other Apps is the best way for learning.
Thanks in advance guys

Need help compiling a project from github site

Firstly, I don't know if this is a right site/forum to ask this question but this seems to be most active android development forum when googling for 'android development forum' even though this site seems to be mosty about rooting and mods which is not what my question is about.
I'm trying to compile github.com/corbinlc/GNURootDebian from source and make it run on my android emulator. I get 'Configuration with name 'default' not found' in android studio 3.0 when just opening the project. Can anyone help me out tackle this error?
> I tried googling / stackoverflow and couldn't find a satisfying answer
> I have successfully built and run a simple app in emulator using steps outlined in 'Building Your First App' walkthrough on developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html
Thanks in advance,

SQLite In Android App

I am newbie in android app development.
I am going to make a sqlite database with my small android application with xamarin platform.
Before that I want to know about how it can be done with native in Java development with android studio.
If you have find any good tutorial then please share.
Making a SQLite in android app is not a big complex thing if it is coded up carefully.
Here I have found an android sqlite tutorial with example for beginners like you and I have referred this to my other trainees also.
It is simple example with android studio with detailed explanation.
You need to create table first, with required colomn names in separate java class in android studio.
Make sure you make primary key with auto increment in all the tables.
Then you need to trigger sqlite queries to add, edit or delete record in database.
Comment back if you have more questions for this topic.

