Is it me or is the 3d not even in the same ball park - HTC EVO 3D

I know this may have been discussed, but I went to look at the samsung nexus and samsung galaxy sII and wow do theses phone blow the 3d away. I was really surprised. The 3d is not even in the same ball park. I like my 3d but the 2 just make it feel so cheap. The screen doesnt even compair to either 2. The cameras are so much better than the 3d. If anyone says different they are on crack. Come a few more weeks i'll be able to upgrade and once sprint gets the samsung nexus I will defiantly make the switch. I have always had htc phones but its time to move on to bigger and better things.

They may seem nice at first but I've had nothing but bad experiences with samsung phones. I'm just one person though...I'm gonna stick with htc. Just my 2 cents.
We're comin from a pure power source.

it's just you.
to each his own though. my honest opinion of the s2 was that it felt cheap like a toy and had no "robust" feel to it. the earpiece speaker/call quality was **** compared to my 3D, the screen was low resolution, it had all kinds of bugs, and the OS looked like something from a nintendo game.
i will reluctantly be buying a nexus as well, reluctantly. and it will just be to try it out. i am skeptical simply because it is a samsung.

cds36 said:
I know this may have been discussed, but I went to look at the samsung nexus and samsung galaxy sII and wow do theses phone blow the 3d away. I was really surprised. The 3d is not even in the same ball park. I like my 3d but the 2 just make it feel so cheap. The screen doesnt even compair to either 2. The cameras are so much better than the 3d. If anyone says different they are on crack. Come a few more weeks i'll be able to upgrade and once sprint gets the samsung nexus I will defiantly make the switch. I have always had htc phones but its time to move on to bigger and better things.
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I'm gonna help you out and predict most people's responses:
Troll, have a good life, great story bro, etc.
You might consider giving a better argument. For instance, my gf's galaxy nexus seems to have a brighter and sharper screen. It's also a light phone. The camera appears to instantly take the shots. In fact I took a photo with it of a moving car and the car was barely blurred.

Yeah im in no way bashing Htc I was just really surprised. I know getting updates from samsung is like pulling teeth thats why im going with the nexus straight google.

karate134 said:
I'm gonna help you out and predict most people's responses:
Troll, have a good life, great story bro, etc.
You might consider giving a better argument. For instance, my gf's galaxy nexus seems to have a brighter and sharper screen. It's also a light phone. The camera appears to instantly take the shots. In fact I took a photo with it of a moving car and the car was barely blurred.
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True ... The argument just go see for yourself and compair. Like I said i like my 3d, but these just seem to be in a different class.

I hated how the EVO 3D felt in contrast to my Exhibit II 4G. Something about the overall plasticness that makes it feel lighter and more better.
Not to mention, the plastic body helps absorb shock much better than the dense material HTC uses. I'm glad I got rid of my EVO with its crappy radio.

My 2¢
I've had them all.
Motorola - best antenna
Samsung - lightest
HTC - most development
Or you could just go buy an iphone. Studies have shown, if you own an iPhone you're more likely to have sex

Go for it and enjoy! I'm happy with my 3D and the better dev community here.

Yes it is in the same ball park! I had the SGS2 for about 5 months and yes it was very good and I loved the super amoled plus screen, the things i don't like about it is that if feels cheap in the hand and the lack of Led Notifs (yes you can get bln but that doesn't cut it) Also Touchwiz sucks. From personal experience I would say the SGS2 devs are superb and it does have a great community, I have not looked around the 3D's forum to compare the two, even if it did have a bad community I don't mind as I got this phone at a great price and ill hopefully have it until it's life is over (which I hope isn't soon)
If you want a phone that feels like you could break it apart with you hands by all means go for the Sgs2. The galaxy nexus on the other hand I have to agree that it does look like it's in another league.

fpineda101 said:
Go for it and enjoy! I'm happy with my 3D and the better dev community here.
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Dev support here is huge, and never liked Samsung aside from their screens to an extent...
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I liked using my Evo 3D. I'm using a Nexus S 4G right now (got a really good deal), and I just love the screen. The amoled screen, to me, looks much better than the TFT displays HTC uses. The 3D screen is light years ahead of the Evo 4G screen with it's pink hues when displaying at white background.
I will also say the camera sensors in the samsung devices are of better quality than what HTC uses. Again, this is in my experience, and I'm also not a professional photographer.
To say the 3D is not in the same ballpark as the SGSII, or Galaxy Nexus really isn't fair. At the time of release, the 3D was almost on top of the world. Shortly thereafter, the GSII came out, with its exynos processor, which has better performance than the Snapdragon used in the HTC devices.
Also, the Galaxy Nexus is a newer phone, with a larger screen, higher resolution, plus it's running the latest version of Android. This phone will eventually become "crappy" as the quad core devices come out, or future versions of android roll out that make this phone "sluggish". No phone stays on top for very long. The Nexus One, and Evo 4G are the only phones that have largely kept their halo status, despite their age.

in my opinion from first glance its easy to choose the gs2 or galaxy nexus over the e3d. but after having played with all 3 and knowing ppl with the others and there expierence im gonna go ahead and stick with htc..
screen wise although i love how awesome the super amoleds look the low resolution on the gs2 with such a big screen is a super turn off for me. the galaxy nexus on the other hand is just pure awesomeness screen wise. but the e3d's size and resolution are way more important than how vibrant it is. and this one might just be me but i find the slcd color reproduction to be way more accurate and not excessively vibrant as oppsed to samoled but the blacks suck..
as for the processor i still cant figure out why everyone goes crazy over the exynos its an awesome processor but as is the msm8660 in the e3d neither chip beats the other outright both having strong and weak points. and if uve played with a sense 3.5 or ics rom u know how awesome this phone will be when we do eventually get our update. right now thou its still great sense 3.0 isnt as fluid as 3.5 or above but its fast and runs apps amazingly. i cant stand touchwiz but thats not important because some ppl do. only stock android or sense for me
camera ill give that one to samsung they win big time haha. but the e3d camera still gets the job done and with the right settings i still manage to get some great shots.
i want to get the nexus ive been wanting one forever but the only thing stopping me is the lack of a microsd which isnt to crazy because id still have the same amount of memory i do now but there is no room for expansion which sucks. and i might actually miss sense to much. the widgets mainly but for me sense makes android so easy to get around.
and the build quality of sammy phones is just terrible. such great hardware put into this cheap plastic shell feels like a toy. i love my evo and my e3d ive dropped em several times and have no dents or scratches on my screens and ive never used a case the worse ive gotten is wear marks from using them for so long...
dont overlook the e3d it stands up really well against those two. they all got their perks that make em great just pick which is right for you.

I'm not sure why everyone gets hung up on the "poor build quality" of the samsung devices. They are made of plastic, and are light weight. Other than that, they are built very solidly. They do have glossy plastic, which shows scratches much easier than on matte plastic. The Evo 3D is entirely encased in a plastic wrapper, but it's heavy. The weight is the only difference in "build quailty".
HTC has had issues with light leakage around their screens. Dust getting between the digitizer and the LCD. I've heard of samsung phones getting blown speakers, lower signal quality (both wifi and 3G/4G), and lack of updates, but beyond that, their devices are fairly solid. HTC has recently been putting out better quality devices, so they have learned from past mistakes.
I'm just curious to see if there are truly a higher percentage of breakage with samsung phones, vs HTC phones.
Please note: I'm not hating on HTC phones, as every smartphone I've ever owned, with the exception of the Nexus S 4G, have been made by HTC. I just don't hear about samsung phones breaking all the time.

The nexus just came out, it should be "better"
The gs2 is good too but they have made like 10 skus of one device and mismatched different hardware on each one which blows for the end user
big screen with no HD, this one has this chip, 4g here not 4g there.... pure milk age of there first widely popular phone
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It's you. One word. Touchwiz.. At least we have the option of either sense, aosp, or miui.
I love my 3D. My next phone will be the next HTC Lte phone in sprints lineup.
Sprint EVO 3D.
HW version: 002
TWRP v1.1.1
Hboot 1.4.1000

for me its the glossy plastic that feels cheap. the lightweight is nice but i prefer a lil weight like the e3d gives u a better grip on it in my opinion. my cousin had the vibrant and any drop wouldnt break the phone but would eat chunks of that plastic were with the plastic htc uses it doesnt dent so easily worst u get is a nice scratch. the galaxy nexus seems interesting because it looks and feels much higher quality imo but i havent heard much if it actually is.
now for defects i havent experienced any and this is my 3rd htc android phone (hero, evo, evo3d) now im probably just lucky as both my evos were launch day and my hero i bought after at&t decided to rape me with some bull**** bill lol. i know there have been defects and although they r bad i much rather have light leakage or dust as opposed to weak signal and no gps.. but thats what warranties are for. there will always be a bad apple in a bunch as long as i can get it replaced for free i wont complain about it
i dont hate samsung btw. there phones are nice ive been considering getting one but for now im liking what htc has been doing and unless samsung changes it up its probably gonna stick that way because from the rumors of sense 4.0 i think im going to fall in love all over again..
only gripe i have with htc that i think they should consider is jumping on the samoled bandwagon as long as they keep the high resolution it would make them the top choice haha

Having had the Sprint version of the SGSII for a few months, I can definitely say this phone is in the same ballpark. My main issue with the SGSII (again, I'm only referring to the Epic Touch 4g here, I have no experience with the other versions) was the build quality, followed by the array of annoying bugs.
The build quality was particularly bad, the plastic felt very cheap and was scuffed extremely easily. The back of the phone is made from some of the thinnest and flimsiest plastic ever, it would come off so easily. The redeeming factor here was the screen, it was fantastic and easily one of the best screens on the market right here. The resolution was a little low but definitely not bad.
Moving on to the bugs...
The first bug that became apparent to me (and practically everyone else) was the random loss of service that would occur. It became very annoying when your phone would randomly drop out of service and stay like that until you clear the RAM or reboot the phone. Many people couldn't even use the phone for a business phone because they had to remain in contact with people, and having to check constantly for LoS was a HUGE annoyance. Next is the GPS, utterly terrible, there are no other words to describe it, it would take up to 20 minutes at times just to get a lock. I remember on one occasion a few days after buying the phone, I was planning on going to a concert and using it to navigate (Between the Buried and Me/Tesseract/Animals as Leaders ) but on the way back I could not receive a lock on the satellites and by the grace of god I somehow managed to make my way back home.
Still, the SGSII is an amazing phone with great specs, but in my personal opinion, from the build quality and support from htc alone, this is better.

Jesus guys....... no offense, but are we comparing a phone that was released June of last year. Buy what you like!! All three are great phones!!

I've handled the E4GT, the GNex, and, of course, my own Evo 3D.
And I prefer the 3D by far. The E4GT, while fluid, feels too insubstantial for my tastes. The 3D is thick and heavy, and I love that. My Evo 4G survived drop after drop and it still works, and I'm confident my 3D will be able to do the same (In fact, near the end of my time using the OG Evo, I would throw it every time it overheated and shut off; still nothing wrong with it besides a few scratches and that overheating issue).
The E4GT may have a better camera, but the 3D is no slouch itself. I have been very satisfied with the pictures I have taken; I'm not a professional photographer by any means, and most of you are in the same boat.
I have always looked at Sense as superior to Touchwiz. Touchwiz is more fluid, but Sense seems to have better integration and it just feels more solid.
It's the development community that makes the difference though. Compared to the 3D, the development community for the E4GT is abysmal. As said by Viperboy, "I really can't wait to get the Galaxy Nexus & get rid of the E4GT. What a development failure, IMO. Phone is great but no good development." Last I checked they barely if at all have CM and MIUI, and they don't have much at all for ICS.
The GNex is a good phone, but the specs are a bit disappointing and I don't see it as being an immensely better phone once other phones start to run ICS. It's main advantage is the screen.


Former Epic owner!!

I like some feedback by former Epic owner with their experiences and comparison with the Evo3d vs the Epic. I'm thinking of pulling the trigger and getting the Evo3d today. I'm looking for honest feedback by former epic owners only and not fanboys.
I would also like to know former Epic owner opinions. I spent some time at the Sprint store, but I couldn't make up my mind. One thing I noticed was that the Epic's camera seemed better than the 2D camera on the EVO 3D.
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ggoldfingerd said:
I would also like to know former Epic owner opinions. I spent some time at the Sprint store, but I couldn't make up my mind. One thing I noticed was that the Epic's camera seemed better than the 2D camera on the EVO 3D.
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I thing Samsung has on HTC is there camera, but I have been able to get some great pics 2d pics with the EVO's camera. With good light, it produces some great color.
I had the Evo running Fresh and Myn's for the longest time. Switched to the Epic just out of boredom. I loved it. I ran ACS SyndicatROM 1.1.0 - 1.1.1...
I made the switch for the faster processor. Ultimately hoping in the end... we could get a clean ROM and it being faster. I miss the keyboard a little. But I have my Epic sitting here chilling. I can go into more detail later... I have to go to work.
I'll bite. Sense 3.0 is amazing. My last experience with Sense was on the Hero and it sucked so I went with vanilla on the Moment. There is less lag with 3D vs the Epic. Good test is opening the application menu waiting for the icons to load. It's like less than a second on the 3D. You'll miss the camera but this is not horrible and 3D is pretty damn neat. The Epic screen does have that "wow" factor to it with blacks and color but after using the qHD screen and its level of detail you won't go back. 3D movie and YouTube watching is amazing. The well produced ones will actually pop out of the screen. The key to viewing is holding the phone at the right spot for your eyes. About 50% better battery life. No joke. The onscreen keyboard rocks. I hate swype's. HTC'S plus having a swype ability makes having a physical keyboard a mute point. The phone is also really solid. Not flimsy and flexible like the Epic. 4G takes a longer time to initialize. The Epic loads it a lot faster but the 3D's is a lot more consistent. ALSO, HTC'S power saver doesn't cripple your phone at low battery like the Epic. You can run it into the ground if you want.
Sent from my Johnny Five.
Well, so far I still have both until we get the within. After that I'm dumping the epic. The 3vo has been a really nice upgrade from the og evo in terms of speed. I just like the way sense incorporates all of the social apps in itself.
In terms of the epic versus 3vo in speed I would have to say that I can't really "feel"a huge jump, but that's probably mostly cause of sense being a huge chunky glob of software that has to be pushed. I'm sure if it were running on the epic it'd probably get bogged down cause the lack of ram.
The one thing you'll still miss is your bright screen and louder speaker. So far those are the only two real world things that are worth a regret if I left the epic entirely. I wouldn't even consider the keyboard a loss since I don't use it, but you might. I find the camera in 2d mode to still struggle in low light compared to the epic which doesn't struggle as bad.
There is still a lot of optimization to be done for alot if apps to run correctly to their full potential as well. Only time will really tell as dual core phones trickle out.
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I would never look back. Sold my Epic, couldn't be happier
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I just recently came to Sprint. Wife got an OG Evo, I got an NS4G. The NS4G's broken radio pissed me off and I took it back, got an Epic instead. I really liked the hardware on the Epic compared to my wife's Evo. The screen in particular, Super AMOLED is the bees knees. The one thing that I really hated though was the lackluster development community. Coming from a G1 and an HD2, I've always had a plethora of choices when it came to choosing a rom. Not the case with the Epic. I was jealous of my wife's Evo in that regard.
Originally, I was going to hold off for a SG2, mostly for the screen... but the more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed that the Evo was going to have more dev support, and ultimately went with that. I was reluctant to give up my beautiful screen, but I did.
A few days in now, and I can't put this damn phone down. I don't like the size of the 4.3 inch screen on the OG Evo, but the 16:9 screen on this is just perfect. It gives me plenty of real estate without the phone being as wide as my pocket. It's the perfectly sized screen for a phone, and I love it.
Sense 3 is neat. A little bloated, but there's a lot of cool **** in there. I look forward to devs picking it apart.
Other than that, the phone is fast as hell. The hardware is solid. The 3D is a little gimmicky, but it's still fun. The 2D camera is disappointing, that will be a downgrade from your Epic. I'm a photographer though, and usually have a plethora of camera's on hand when I'll need them. A cell phone camera, for me, is to catch spur the moment things. It would never be used as a camera in a scenario where I knew I'd need one before hand.
All in all, after being really leery to give up my phone, I'm really glad I did. This phone is great. Get it, you'll be glad you did.
keep ur epic until something better comes out..Epic camera is better..speaker is 10 times louder for streaming music and mp3 files..Epic starts much faster as well..I am switching back 2 my epic sometime next week...HTC 3d speaker is so damn low its horrible and embarrassing..keep ur epic
The epic speaker is MUCH louder, but the battery on the stock 3d is light years better than an epic and I was running SRF with Genocide kernel. My biggest gripe from making the jump is that the data speeds on both 3 and 4G are slower on the 3d. But for the faster day to day use, plus Sense, which IMHO is better than touchwiz, I think its a worthy upgrade especially considering that root is coming shortly and the optimized tons are gonna make this a beast
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The epic is a GREAT phone. I loved that phone. Sometimes i get homesick for the loud speaker and play with my wifes epic. There is no comparison between those two phones. the 3d has twice everything the epic has...memory, processor, bigger battery. the extra 50 for the 3d is money well spent. i am glad i got the 3d, don't regret it.
I had the Epic and in a phone shuffle gave it to my wife and I got the Evo 3D.
I think both phones have their ups and downs. The Epic has a beautiful screen and, if you turn it down the brightness, battery life is greatly increased. I also really miss the keyboard when getting into a "texting conversation" - for 1-2 texts the Swype keyboard is fine, but for hardcore texting, a real keyboard is better.
The phones weigh about the same to me (don't know actual weights) so that isn't an issue.
The capacitive keys on the Epic are fairly unresponsive and often require a few taps to register (the home, back, menu, search keys). That is an issue I have not seen on the E3D.
The Evo is noticeably faster yet the speed difference is not so remarkable that I would just throw away the Epic like yesterdays garbage.
I haven't compared an identical picture side by side from the cameras, but the E3D camera (2D mode) seems comparable.
The biggest difference is in the screens. AMOLED (Epic) is truly a beautiful piece of technology, but the E3D screen looks "sharper" and I would guess it has higher resolution and pixel density...again, don't know the actual numbers. But it is a visible difference.
One of the only other things that bothered me about the Epic was the power switch and USB port. They were both in bad locations and they should have swapped locations.
If given a choice I would probably go with the Evo 3D for the hardware bump and I actually like the 3D. It takes getting used to...kind of like those pictures you have to look at for a long time and a 3D image pops have to almost "stare through" the picture to see the picture, but now I see 3D on it with no problem. Took a few hours of playing and looking to get used to it.
AMOLED screen was bright and nice at the beginning but with time, it got harder to read text on the screen. I don't miss it at all and I'll never switch back. Obviously, the speaker and camera are better on the epic. The 3d aspect of the phone is definitely not a gimmick. Sense is buttery smooth and well worth the switch alone.
Sent from my 3D Beast
Epic has very slow development from sprint and Samsung. I used to own EVO then epic and now back to EVO 3d.
PS. Never going back to Samsung again.
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shook187 said:
I like some feedback by former Epic owner with their experiences and comparison with the Evo3d vs the Epic. I'm thinking of pulling the trigger and getting the Evo3d today. I'm looking for honest feedback by former epic owners only and not fanboys.
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I'm from the Epic. I honestly miss Touchwiz and i can't stand sense. i do like the music widget on the lockscreen, but to use to widget, you have to be using sense launcher. I also miss flashing and theming stuff. Hopefully evo gets s-off soon, kinda turns me off all the way with HTC even thinking about locking it up. Tbh, as soon as sgs 2 comes for Sprint, im ebaying the 3vO for it.
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Ok boys, thanks for the great feedbacks. Well today I ended up getting the EVO3d. So far I only had it for a few hours and I already miss my epic speakers, screen and keyboard. But overall I'm very excited about my new toy.
Any updated thoughts from those of you who have switched?

HTC Amaze or Samsung Galaxt 2?

hey guys i know there are alot of posts like this but i just wanted to see what amaze owners and samsung GS2 owners thought about the phones...
im getting a new phone today and want to know what you hate and like about the HTC Amaze.
Thanks everyone,
a few posts below, there is already a vs thread
Thanks yeah i read a bunch and watched youtube videos... i even went and played with each one i just cant decide which one i would like more lol
LogikWear said:
Thanks yeah i read a bunch and watched youtube videos... i even went and played with each one i just cant decide which one i would like more lol
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I thought the samsung felt cheap... I like the weight of the amaze. Feels like a solid product
Based on build quality, amaze. Samsung makes plastic toys, HTC makes quality phones.
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TheSneakerWhore said:
Based on build quality, amaze. Samsung makes plastic toys, HTC makes quality phones.
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I agree that HTC has very good design quality, but keep in mind that the premium build design comes with a cost. Heavy feeling device that not everybody finds comforting to hold and what feels like slight overheating because of the metals used in the design. Every device heats up with use, but because of HTC's choice of materials you feel it more than other devices such as Samsung etc.
With that being said, I do wish Samsung would step up a little bit more as far as design is concerned. Maybe using 95%
plastic with a few aluminum pieces to add a little more character. The Nexus S might be Samsung's worst looking device IMO but I loved it because of how light and easy it was to hold for long periods of time.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
I actually did all the research etc too like everyone else, I bought the Amaze on the first day, 2 days ago I returned it and got the SGS2 (blasphemy) and yesterday returned it to get an Amaze again... end of story
SGS was nice, some cool software features, but HTC sense just well makes sense (does everything and minimal need if any for 3rd party widgets or any real need for a 3rd party launcher). Camera compared to the Amaze's camera was sh!t. Kies Air was cool though wish HTC did something like that. battery life was fantastic on the SGS2 though. The Amaze feels just soo much better in hand...
edit: dialer/etc on SGS2 looks generic compared to the polish of all the HTC software.
Did you have to pay the 50$ restocking fee each of your returns?
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MRpeabodyia said:
Did you have to pay the 50$ restocking fee each of your returns?
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nope.. not a cent
OuncE718 said:
I agree that HTC has very good design quality, but keep in mind that the premium build design comes with a cost. Heavy feeling device that not everybody finds comforting to hold and what feels like slight overheating because of the metals used in the design. Every device heats up with use, but because of HTC's choice of materials you feel it more than other devices such as Samsung etc.
With that being said, I do wish Samsung would step up a little bit more as far as design is concerned. Maybe using 95%
plastic with a few aluminum pieces to add a little more character. The Nexus S might be Samsung's worst looking device IMO but I loved it because of how light and easy it was to hold for long periods of time.
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I understand your point, but I keep/collect phones as a hobby--nary once have I kept a cheap Sammy device. I'd take heavy and solid over plastic and cheap. I bet Sammy only spends $40/phone to manufacture (if even that).
*Keep in mind, that is US adjusted price, not eastern-labor prices.
OuncE718 said:
I agree that HTC has very good design quality, but keep in mind that the premium build design comes with a cost. Heavy feeling device that not everybody finds comforting to hold and what feels like slight overheating because of the metals used in the design. Every device heats up with use, but because of HTC's choice of materials you feel it more than other devices such as Samsung etc.
With that being said, I do wish Samsung would step up a little bit more as far as design is concerned. Maybe using 95%
plastic with a few aluminum pieces to add a little more character. The Nexus S might be Samsung's worst looking device IMO but I loved it because of how light and easy it was to hold for long periods of time.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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I need an oven glove to use my Samsung Epic Touch, the phone gets hot to the point that I can smell the heat. This happens sporadically but especially when viewing videos.
I got some hands on the with SGSII last night. My wife's friend bought one from Sprint yesterday. It was a quick phone. I am on my first Android device and since I have the Amaze all I really know is Sense. I found it easy to use and customize but it just felt cheap to me. She loved the fact it was light. For me though it felt like a good firm grip would crack something. I am sure it wouldn't but it just felt fragile. Performance wise it was about like the Amaze. I say total toss up / opinion between the two. I love the Amaze it gets my vote.
Oh and I have had no heat issues as all with my Amaze. My iPhone got warmer...
I had a Samsung Vibrant and hated the GPS on that phone. The SGS2 felt like a Vibrant on steroids. Touchwiz is also kinda boring. The HTC Amaze is awesome! Great build quality and Sense UI is beautiful. Amaze also has higher resolution. Go with the Amaze.
hiazn said:
I actually did all the research etc too like everyone else, I bought the Amaze on the first day, 2 days ago I returned it and got the SGS2 (blasphemy) and yesterday returned it to get an Amaze again... end of story
SGS was nice, some cool software features, but HTC sense just well makes sense (does everything and minimal need if any for 3rd party widgets or any real need for a 3rd party launcher). Camera compared to the Amaze's camera was sh!t. Kies Air was cool though wish HTC did something like that. battery life was fantastic on the SGS2 though. The Amaze feels just soo much better in hand...
edit: dialer/etc on SGS2 looks generic compared to the polish of all the HTC software.
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For me battery is important..can you tell me the difference you felt? I don't believe I will be able to go for the is just too wide for me and very difficult to fit it in the pocket..but the battery on the Amaze needs 3rd party softwares to arrive at the end of the day.
I always have Bluetooth on, WiFi or 4g, and sync 2 emails every 15min, Twitter update every 30min.
With normal use for me- txt, phone calls, email, checking twitter, random use of netflix, and checking xda.. I usually jump on a charger in about
6-7hrs at 40-50% maybe. Sgs2 will just about almost double that length of time... Right now I'm at 45% after 6hrs.....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA Premium App
The higher screen resolution is what sold me on the Amaze. The Galaxy S2 has a larger screen but a lower resolution. To me, it looked crappie next to the Amaze.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk
Get HTC amaze.its much prettier better build quality better camera and HTC sense!higher resolution and what else!!Its smooth as butter too and 1.5ghz dual core not 1.2 so its nearly better in every way!apart from battery life though..
MBT93 said:
Get HTC amaze.its much prettier better build quality better camera and HTC sense!higher resolution and what else!!Its smooth as butter too and 1.5ghz dual core not 1.2 so its nearly better in every way!apart from battery life though..
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?? - The Galaxy SII for T-Mobile is a dual core clocked at 1.5 gHz.
You know what is really lame? I went to the T-mobile store and since they redesigned the place with laminate flooring and lots of space so it looks more chic they also removed every single working phone available. There was nothing but cases and accessories hanging on the walls and the only two "dummy" phones for the SGS2 and Amaze were hanging out near the entrance. There was literally no other phones, and definitely no real ones besides shells of phones. The T-mobile version of the SGS2 is much better than the ATT SGS2 and Infuse because the black is completely different with a much nicer material and is actually ergonmic since it isn't flat with a sudden hump, but instead tapers with the hump and has some thickness/ergonomics. I could not really tell if the Amaze was a premium handset or not because I could barely hold it with the giant black chastity belt. The black plastic felt nice, but I could barely tell if was metal. Since it was a dummy phone the weight was also all wrong. Well I'll be playing crapsunless I can find a way to get to the Best Buy out of town.
I went with the Amaze simply because I got burnt so bad with the vibrant. Samsung never addressed the faulty GPS and the the all plastic frame just feels cheap. I also used both at the T-mobile store and they are both very nice but the amaze is just elegant. Go with the amaze you won't be disappointed!
Sent from my Amazing Amaze

HTC amaze far superior to SGS2

I used the nexus one for two years EXTREMELY HAPPY. until I dropped and broke it. So I went to buy a phone and I was initially going to buy the amaze, but for some reason my brother, the strore owner and my mom all loved samsung so I said fine. I HATE THIS PHONE.
i've had the sgs2 for about two days and can tell you from all the research i've done and shots i've taken. my moms my touch 4g takes better pictures. my nexus pictures comes out almost the same clarity sometimes even better. I did some research, and this is what I did not know, If you guys knew anything about camera's the HTC amaze comes with a backside illuminated sensor only one other phone has that and that's the iphone 4s. the aperture on the htc amaze is also f/2.2 compared to sgs2 which is around f/2.7 and better than the iphone 4s which is f/2.4. the lower the aperture the more light the camera lets in and thus better picture quality comes out.
As far as the phone itself goes I hate the SGs2, not because its a bad is just retarted with all that real estate I can only see like 6 contacts on a screen at a time and in many screen everything is blow up and cannot be changed unless you changed the density of the phone after rooting, which messes with the programs and doesn't show them correctly and the phone itself. but when I did this, the contact screen and the settings screens looked amazing, they showed, the dialer was about 1/4 of the screen and the rest was black (this is what I mean about messing things up changing pixel density) with the superamoled plus I have changed the densit of my phone to 160 from the original 240 and EVERYTHING looks VERY crisp BECUAUSE OF THE EXTRA SUBPIXELS...everything on the SGs2 looks TOO BIG stock...its like a kids toy, that screen can hold 25 icons easily instead of the regular 16 or whatever (as I use launcherpro to cram the icons) even the notification bar is too big...sure it has a big screen but if you have a smaller phone that gives you the same effect (5 or 5 contacts in one screen etc. and same amound of icons like my old nexus one) I'd take the smaller phone over the sg2 that does not use the big screen efficiently AT ALL so i don't have to lug a big thing around...some programs like the web browser and messaging you can decrease font size and it is still perfectly clear and crisp due to the extra subpixels even though its a 480 by 800 phone, I don't understand why samsung didn't make this an option for the entire phone. there's nothing superior in the galaxy S 2 over the HTC amaze, besides having better color on the screen than a qhd lcd (which some say is better) and being lighter....touchwiz 4.0 has nothing over sense either... even the lockscreen is crap on touchwiz, I had to buy widgetlocker pro to use instead of the regular one. the build quality of HTC amaze is sturdy and nice, yes a little heavier than sgs2 which uses all plastic...I plan on getting a case for either one so I don't care if its made of plastic or metal, if you're going to argue the dropping the phone is better with plastic.
The amaze also packs like 4 microphones while the sgs 2 has 2. the sgs2 speakphone is very muffled and crappy, where the htc amazes is extremely clear.
I am so pissed with such a nice screen on this phone samsung could have lowered the density and given us much more for the real estate instead they were just lazy and kept the same old thing. It like me having a 50 inch monitor that is can show crisp at lower resolutions but I limit the system to having a lower density or resolution. Maybe some people like the BIG OLD spaced out icons and contact list, but I'm not a 90 year old person who needs a big icons and fonts like that.
as far as the galaxy nexus goes I have not seen one yet, but samsung again cheped out on the camera and the processor. it has a 720p pentil amoled, which is yet to be determined if it will prove to overcome the pentile downfall.
also the amaze has a dedicated camera and camcorder button.
I hope as they update to ICS they can change the density of this screen, then I might think about keeping the phone...otherwize I'm going to HTC amaze or something better that comes out by then.
I don't hate samsung, infact I love samsung TV's better than all TV's and have a galaxy tab 10.1 which is running stock honeycomb and will never upgrade to touchwiz. Samsung shines in screen quality thats all they know how to do. ( The camera department and software department of samsung is lacking, as well as some hardware. now If they can only get the software department to use the very nice screen the way it was supposed to be used...if you count the subpixels on the sgs2 and the htc amaze. They both come out almost equal. with and edge actually on the sgs2. learn how to use your screens samsung!!!!
Thanks for listening to my rant.
Tbh im to lazy to read it all XD
Sent From my Galaxy S II T-Mobile
phreshjoker said:
Tbh im to lazy to read it all XD
Sent From my Galaxy S II T-Mobile
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He definitely wrote an essay.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
So you write this to convince yourself to get the amaze. as much as opinions go, you state the camera is better and screen real estate could be better as well as pixel density. It's pretty clear this phone is not for you. If you're within buyers remorse why not just return it if you feel this opinionated and unhappy with it?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
seansk said:
I used the nexus one for two years EXTREMELY HAPPY. until I dropped and broke it. So I went to buy a phone and I was initially going to buy the amaze, but for some reason my brother, the strore owner and my mom all loved samsung so I said fine. I HATE THIS PHONE.
i've had the sgs2 for about two days and can tell you from all the research i've done and shots i've taken. my moms my touch 4g takes better pictures. my nexus pictures comes out almost the same clarity sometimes even better. I did some research, and this is what I did not know, If you guys knew anything about camera's the HTC amaze comes with a backside illuminated sensor only one other phone has that and that's the iphone 4s. the aperture on the htc amaze is also f/2.2 compared to sgs2 which is around f/2.7 and better than the iphone 4s which is f/2.4. the lower the aperture the more light the camera lets in and thus better picture quality comes out.
As far as the phone itself goes I hate the SGs2, not because its a bad is just retarted with all that real estate I can only see like 6 contacts on a screen at a time and in many screen everything is blow up and cannot be changed unless you changed the density of the phone after rooting, which messes with the programs and doesn't show them correctly and the phone itself. but when I did this, the contact screen and the settings screens looked amazing, they showed, the dialer was about 1/4 of the screen and the rest was black (this is what I mean about messing things up changing pixel density) with the superamoled plus I have changed the densit of my phone to 160 from the original 240 and EVERYTHING looks VERY crisp BECUAUSE OF THE EXTRA SUBPIXELS...everything on the SGs2 looks TOO BIG stock...its like a kids toy, that screen can hold 25 icons easily instead of the regular 16 or whatever (as I use launcherpro to cram the icons) even the notification bar is too big...sure it has a big screen but if you have a smaller phone that gives you the same effect (5 or 5 contacts in one screen etc. and same amound of icons like my old nexus one) I'd take the smaller phone over the sg2 that does not use the big screen efficiently AT ALL so i don't have to lug a big thing around...some programs like the web browser and messaging you can decrease font size and it is still perfectly clear and crisp due to the extra subpixels even though its a 480 by 800 phone, I don't understand why samsung didn't make this an option for the entire phone. there's nothing superior in the galaxy S 2 over the HTC amaze, besides having better color on the screen than a qhd lcd (which some say is better) and being lighter....touchwiz 4.0 has nothing over sense either... even the lockscreen is crap on touchwiz, I had to buy widgetlocker pro to use instead of the regular one. the build quality of HTC amaze is sturdy and nice, yes a little heavier than sgs2 which uses all plastic...I plan on getting a case for either one so I don't care if its made of plastic or metal, if you're going to argue the dropping the phone is better with plastic.
The amaze also packs like 4 microphones while the sgs 2 has 2. the sgs2 speakphone is very muffled and crappy, where the htc amazes is extremely clear.
I am so pissed with such a nice screen on this phone samsung could have lowered the density and given us much more for the real estate instead they were just lazy and kept the same old thing. It like me having a 50 inch monitor that is can show crisp at lower resolutions but I limit the system to having a lower density or resolution. Maybe some people like the BIG OLD spaced out icons and contact list, but I'm not a 90 year old person who needs a big icons and fonts like that.
as far as the galaxy nexus goes I have not seen one yet, but samsung again cheped out on the camera and the processor. it has a 720p pentil amoled, which is yet to be determined if it will prove to overcome the pentile downfall.
also the amaze has a dedicated camera and camcorder button.
I hope as they update to ICS they can change the density of this screen, then I might think about keeping the phone...otherwize I'm going to HTC amaze or something better that comes out by then.
I don't hate samsung, infact I love samsung TV's better than all TV's and have a galaxy tab 10.1 which is running stock honeycomb and will never upgrade to touchwiz. Samsung shines in screen quality thats all they know how to do. ( The camera department and software department of samsung is lacking, as well as some hardware. now If they can only get the software department to use the very nice screen the way it was supposed to be used...if you count the subpixels on the sgs2 and the htc amaze. They both come out almost equal. with and edge actually on the sgs2. learn how to use your screens samsung!!!!
Thanks for listening to my rant.
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
I actually read it all 0_0
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
chib1panda said:
So you write this to convince yourself to get the amaze. as much as opinions go, you state the camera is better and screen real estate could be better as well as pixel density. It's pretty clear this phone is not for you. If you're within buyers remorse why not just return it if you feel this opinionated and unhappy with it?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
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I have so much to say in response to the OP, but I don't want to sound like an ass. I really don't see the point of this post. This long, boring essay would of definitely been suited well in the Amaze section.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Didn't you just get it? Take it back and get the amaze. Bet after a week you'll wish you hadn't. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
Or he'll notice the horrible screen bleed from the soft keys and reconsider.
mikeyinid said:
Didn't you just get it? Take it back and get the amaze. Bet after a week you'll wish you hadn't. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
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mikeyinid said:
Didn't you just get it? Take it back and get the amaze. Bet after a week you'll wish you hadn't. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
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This phone has issues too but I think they are much more tolerable than overheating, battery and signal issues. The Amaze has issues that most likely will never be fixed with software.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Don't forget the lack of Dev in amaze forum
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Just go get a POS Amaze and be happy then.. Hahah
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
I bought the Amaze and the GS2. I prefer the GS2 over the Amaze still.
Check our my sig.
I am going to return just hate the restocking fee. I just want to hear from people who have had both and went for the sgs2 and why?I'm going to be paying full price around 600 and keep it for a while just want to now some good evidence why sgs2 is better?
seansk said:
I used the nexus one for two years EXTREMELY HAPPY. until I dropped and broke it. So I went to buy a phone and I was initially going to buy the amaze, but for some reason my brother, the strore owner and my mom all loved samsung so I said fine. I HATE THIS PHONE.
i've had the sgs2 for about two days and can tell you from all the research i've done and shots i've taken. my moms my touch 4g takes better pictures. my nexus pictures comes out almost the same clarity sometimes even better. I did some research, and this is what I did not know, If you guys knew anything about camera's the HTC amaze comes with a backside illuminated sensor only one other phone has that and that's the iphone 4s. the aperture on the htc amaze is also f/2.2 compared to sgs2 which is around f/2.7 and better than the iphone 4s which is f/2.4. the lower the aperture the more light the camera lets in and thus better picture quality comes out.
As far as the phone itself goes I hate the SGs2, not because its a bad is just retarted with all that real estate I can only see like 6 contacts on a screen at a time and in many screen everything is blow up and cannot be changed unless you changed the density of the phone after rooting, which messes with the programs and doesn't show them correctly and the phone itself. but when I did this, the contact screen and the settings screens looked amazing, they showed, the dialer was about 1/4 of the screen and the rest was black (this is what I mean about messing things up changing pixel density) with the superamoled plus I have changed the densit of my phone to 160 from the original 240 and EVERYTHING looks VERY crisp BECUAUSE OF THE EXTRA SUBPIXELS...everything on the SGs2 looks TOO BIG stock...its like a kids toy, that screen can hold 25 icons easily instead of the regular 16 or whatever (as I use launcherpro to cram the icons) even the notification bar is too big...sure it has a big screen but if you have a smaller phone that gives you the same effect (5 or 5 contacts in one screen etc. and same amound of icons like my old nexus one) I'd take the smaller phone over the sg2 that does not use the big screen efficiently AT ALL so i don't have to lug a big thing around...some programs like the web browser and messaging you can decrease font size and it is still perfectly clear and crisp due to the extra subpixels even though its a 480 by 800 phone, I don't understand why samsung didn't make this an option for the entire phone. there's nothing superior in the galaxy S 2 over the HTC amaze, besides having better color on the screen than a qhd lcd (which some say is better) and being lighter....touchwiz 4.0 has nothing over sense either... even the lockscreen is crap on touchwiz, I had to buy widgetlocker pro to use instead of the regular one. the build quality of HTC amaze is sturdy and nice, yes a little heavier than sgs2 which uses all plastic...I plan on getting a case for either one so I don't care if its made of plastic or metal, if you're going to argue the dropping the phone is better with plastic.
The amaze also packs like 4 microphones while the sgs 2 has 2. the sgs2 speakphone is very muffled and crappy, where the htc amazes is extremely clear.
I am so pissed with such a nice screen on this phone samsung could have lowered the density and given us much more for the real estate instead they were just lazy and kept the same old thing. It like me having a 50 inch monitor that is can show crisp at lower resolutions but I limit the system to having a lower density or resolution. Maybe some people like the BIG OLD spaced out icons and contact list, but I'm not a 90 year old person who needs a big icons and fonts like that.
as far as the galaxy nexus goes I have not seen one yet, but samsung again cheped out on the camera and the processor. it has a 720p pentil amoled, which is yet to be determined if it will prove to overcome the pentile downfall.
also the amaze has a dedicated camera and camcorder button.
I hope as they update to ICS they can change the density of this screen, then I might think about keeping the phone...otherwize I'm going to HTC amaze or something better that comes out by then.
I don't hate samsung, infact I love samsung TV's better than all TV's and have a galaxy tab 10.1 which is running stock honeycomb and will never upgrade to touchwiz. Samsung shines in screen quality thats all they know how to do. ( The camera department and software department of samsung is lacking, as well as some hardware. now If they can only get the software department to use the very nice screen the way it was supposed to be used...if you count the subpixels on the sgs2 and the htc amaze. They both come out almost equal. with and edge actually on the sgs2. learn how to use your screens samsung!!!!
Thanks for listening to my rant.
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cool story bro
Sent from my T989 Samsung Galaxy S2
Meh... enjoy being able to fry an egg on your HTC phone & having to carry a charger with you everywhere you go.
This reminds me of waaaaay back in early 05 when I was devving for the Sidekick II. The Treo 650 had just been announced and I was sick of having to hack the hell out of my SKII just to get ringtones on it, so I was gung-ho to get a T650. I went to the Danger forums & posted a long rant just like this about how much I hated the SKII & how I was gonna get the T650 as soon as I got paid. Lets just say that we've been MUCH nicer to the OP here than the Sidekick crew was to me xD Their general (and cleaned up) response was "don't let the door hit you in the ass, *****". Granted, I WAS happier with the Treo, but yeah... bashing a device IN that device's home forum- not the best idea! lol...
I hate HTC phones...I'M on a pos evo .4g right now because i sold my galaxy s vibrant for sgs 2....I love samsung phones and super amoled...Cya and dont let the door hit ya on the way Out!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I can argue everything you just said. But seriously I'm too lazy.
Lets just say.. YOULL COME BACK
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
I'm sick of HTC. I've had the N1, MT4G, and the Sensation ALL with some type of dust under the screen problem with the sensation being the worst (which is why I got rid of it as soon as I noticed and picked up the SGS2 and am damn happy about it). I did love those phones, especially the beloved N1, but I can't stand seeing that dust when the screen was off or if I used a dark wallpaper. The only thing I do miss is the qHD and CM7, but the SAMOLED makes up for the screen and cyanogen himself said CM is being worked on already for the 989, so I'm pretty stoked for that too.

Very impressed

Got my DNA roughly a week ago and have been comparing it with some of the newest phones that colleagues and co-workers have. I knew I'd be impressed with the device after reading the specs and reviews of this beast when compared to the s3, but I really never expected out to be this amazing.
The screen is large, yet the phone is comfortable in the hand. The contour and taper of the rear polycarbonate is among the most, of not the most, comfortable phone I've picked up. A lot easier to handle than Samsung's s3 and note 2. The only real downside is that the back absorbs skin oils very easily and van be a core to clean. I just got through cleaning mine out and it looks as awesome as the day I got it though I know that will change by tomorrow night.
Comparing it to the s3, the note 2, the optimus g, and the evo 4g lte, I was delightfully surprised to see that the only things it was lacking in comparison to its competitors were things that didn't bother me at all, namely battery and sd slot. I was also mildly disappointed with the camera clarity when compared to the optimus g, but my eyes are better than most and other people I showed the comparison couldn't see the same lack of crispness, so I'll not list that as a downfall. The DNA blew everything that wasn't the optimus g away in the benchmark tests, we decided on and really brought to light the superiority of the HTC device over its Samsung rivals. Audio quality was really no contest with the dna's beats audio. Surfing and other everyday routines were personal preference for the most part with some of us absolutely hating the sense ui. I personally prefer sense to any other android ui at the moment. In terms of feel and ergonomics, the almost universal consensus was in favor of the DNA.
At the moment, my phone is the envy of the workplace with some co-workers still running devices as old as the iPhone 3gs. The unlocked SIM slot makes it one of the only stock international capable phones in the store (we sell phones where I work) and is the only 1080p phone in the store.
As amazing as the phone is though, there are definitely some issues with it. Compatibility issues with the phone run rampant and can get very irritating. Battery life, while more than sufficient for typical use, needs to be watched like a hawk over periods of extended use. Pre-installed Verizon apps feel cluttering on grid. SIM card slot is not very easily accessible. The SIM card comes pre-installed and did cause issues upon arrival. And probably most annoyingly of all, the cover for the usb port is just horrible. It falls apart way too easily even worth mild, careful use. Running my finger along the edges of the phone, I can feel a very deliberate bulge where the "door hinge" is at on an otherwise flat surface. It is incredibly annoying to someone like me where the look and feel of the device is just as important as its functionality.
All in all though, this droid has very much impressed me, which I think it's a big thing considering how much I thought I knew I was getting coming in. It's exceeded my expectations in ways I've never even thought of and will likely continue to do so for quite some time now.
On an unrelated note, I was actually somewhat disappointed in the widely respected diztronic case for the DNA. It came in a few days later than expected (ended up having to wait over the weekend), it blocked of the notification light (though I already knew this going in), it made the power button harder to press (the complete opposite of what I'd heard), and it leaves an imprint of their logo on the back of your phone when you take it off (though I've had good luck getting it out thus far). I'll definitely only be keeping it on at work when I'm selling people on phone cases lol.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Nice thoughts, largely agree, particularly about the case though I just took it off and enjoy the bare phone in my hand.
I keep my phone of at home and at this point only use it to not look like an assy salesman when I try to sell people on cases. Not to say cases are horrible, they're just horrible for this phone. I'd probably put an impact resistant case on something as squishy as an s3 and would definitely use out to cover up the twilight sparkles of the optimus g and the nexus 7. To me, the look and feel of the phone matters just as much as its functionality. With the DNA, it just looks and feels perfect as is. Not too much on any modern Verizon phone right now. Only one that comes close is the wp8x imo.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app

Can't decide, need a little advice please

I am due for an upgrade this coming Wednesday and right off the bat I was thinking "I'm getting the new SGS4!"
Well, first off, let me explain that I'm coming from an international imported galaxy nexus gsm. The developer support on this device is amazing!
After seeing the S4 in person the other day I then also wandered off and looked at the HTC One - seems like a nice device, mostly the build quality.
I think the One has great build quality, or at least the materials are nice to the touch for me personally. The SGS4 is great but I hate how it just fits the moniker of "It's made by Fisher Price". Then, lastly I remembered the ol' Optimus G series. Yes, it's plastic like the SGS4 but it does have a nice back glass piece.
I think I am now heavily considering the Optimus G because of price $50 and it seems to have nearly the same chipset/performance as the SGS4/One.
One thing I'm concerned about is the notification LED on this device. How does it work for alerts? Is it multi-colored? Is it just on the side around the power button, or is there a seperate LED on the front plate? With a custom rom like CM or AOKP can you change the behaviour?
Battery life seems to be slightly better than my GNex, but if it outlasts this I'll be happy with that.
The Optimus G has a really nice build quality but you will probably want to get a case for it if you are prone to dropping things. The thing about is the fact that it is somewhat slippery because of its glass body design, but that is what also makes it feel like a substantial and premium device in the hand.
The led light is only located around the power button on the right side of the phone and it is hard to tell if you have a notification based off of that because it is not in your peripheral vision when you are looking at your phone. But even thought the LG OG does not have a removable back and battery the AT&T version still has a micro sd card slot so you are able to increase your storage compared to GSIV which has both.
In the point of feeling in the hand the quality also affects durability. The GS4 has a plastic casing which makes it more durable but cheap feeling. The HTC One feels very nice in the hand with its Aluminium uni-body design but may be prone to denting. But these qualities may be negligible depending on if you decide to use a case or not.
Regardless I like my LG OG because it's a nice device and custom rom development is starting to pickup so that I am not bound to the stock software.
What do use your phone for?
polarzombies said:
The Optimus G has a really nice build quality but you will probably want to get a case for it if you are prone to dropping things. The thing about is the fact that it is somewhat slippery because of its glass body design, but that is what also makes it feel like a substantial and premium device in the hand.
The led light is only located around the power button on the right side of the phone and it is hard to tell if you have a notification based off of that because it is not in your peripheral vision when you are looking at your phone. But even thought the LG OG does not have a removable back and battery the AT&T version still has a micro sd card slot so you are able to increase your storage compared to GSIV which has both.
In the point of feeling in the hand the quality also affects durability. The GS4 has a plastic casing which makes it more durable but cheap feeling. The HTC One feels very nice in the hand with its Aluminium uni-body design but may be prone to denting. But these qualities may be negligible depending on if you decide to use a case or not.
Regardless I like my LG OG because it's a nice device and custom rom development is starting to pickup so that I am not bound to the stock software.
What do use your phone for?
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For what its worth, I just switched back to my Optimus G from Note 2 (same build quality and materials). I missed the Optimus G quality and sturdy feel in the hand. I wont be getting S4 or HTC One, the Optimus G will be fine for me until I see what the Nexus 5 or the next Optimus G 2 looks look.
And what about using a custom ROM like CM or AOKP, can you change the behaviour of the LED light?
For what it's worth you can probably also get the Lgog for like 50$ and the others will most likely be 200$ and it will probably be identical performance.
That's a pretty big factor for me especially since I'll end up on a custom rom no matter what I pick. May as well get the better quality materials cheaper if you aren't losing a lot of performance. (From what I've seen the newer phones aren't a 150$ upgrade anyway)
Regarding LED...
Just think of it as a red light bulb with low brightness.
It is really not noticeable unless you are seeing it from an angle facing the power button directly. There is no color change like GS3.
Honestly LED is kinda useless in OG.
But I hate LED notification on GS3 oh well
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda premium
I don't think an OG is worth switching to from a GNex. You have much more active ROM development, and updates to Android as soon as they're available. It took AT&T six months to update the OG to Jelly Bean, and the 4.1.2 version we got is probably the end of that road. And because the dev community is relatively modestly sized, your alternatives are much narrower. On the bright side, LG's stock UI is very nice.
The AT&T OG also has a card slot for up to 64GB, so that might be a factor for you. The Sprint version does not.
The Gnex is just suffering from a lot of lag with 4.2.2 now. Doing some minor tasks it's OK.. but try taking a picture, sharing it via Facebook, or SMS, then browsing the web.. etc.. it starts to show it's age quick compared to these other devices with twice the ram about faster CPU's. I will hang on to the GNex I'm sure but the $50 price tag is a huge bonus seeing as how it's nearly identical performance to the One and the SGS4.
I will end up on an AOSP based rom because I'm a vanilla android lover.
If you need a notification light, the LG Optimus G is not the device for you. It's nearly useless on this device. The rest of the phone is great. I'm waiting on a new Nexus phone or similar before even considering an upgrade.
Well if your on T-Mobile goodluck on getting the LTE work as for weeks and weeks. I've been trying to get the LTE to work for this phone. I'm thinking about switching to the Nexus 4 instead.
MZille said:
I don't think an OG is worth switching to from a GNex. You have much more active ROM development, and updates to Android as soon as they're available. It took AT&T six months to update the OG to Jelly Bean, and the 4.1.2 version we got is probably the end of that road. And because the dev community is relatively modestly sized, your alternatives are much narrower. On the bright side, LG's stock UI is very nice.
The AT&T OG also has a card slot for up to 64GB, so that might be a factor for you. The Sprint version does not.
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The most honest feedback you'll ever get up there ^
I think the media aspect is partly to blame. This phone is powerful, but people don't care about specs. If it doesn’t have a serious advertising campaign then no one cares. Since this didn't get much commercial attention the dev community is smaller than a lot other phones. If that matters to you then yeah stay with your phone. Also we don't really have much accessories (the actually look good) to work with. If you could careless about all of that and performance is your thing then yes get the LGOG. Bottom line, this is a great phone that didn't get proper attention. -PhonePhan
Oh the aesthetics, u will def. want a case for reasons alrdy mentioned so that kind of negates the feel n admiring it's build quality somewhat.
The GS4 u may want a case as well so can cancel out its poor feel.
Point is, so many talk bout looks and feel etc in reviews and in person but wouldn't most people want a case for protection?
Sony Xperia Z appeals to me if I was in the market right now. GS4 may be 150 more now but that is easily canceled out when you consider resale value. What I loved about my iPhones before switching to android
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