razr utility 1.6 - Motorola Droid RAZR

Used razr utility to go back to srock, after it completed everything seemed fine, it was like turning on razr for first time everything was wipwd and had to set it all back up, but when go into system/bin the hijack folder and the logwrapper and logwrapper.bin are all still there. Anyone know how to get rid of these. I seen where to delete and rename but seen alot of people fwtting bootloops. Just wondering why there still there


[Q] Rooted 2.2 OTA odd issue with root explorer...

I have the OTA Froyo, rooted...But I can't change any files in the system/media folder. If I do, it says deleted...but comes right back. I also can't write to it either (and yes, It is mounted R/W)...
also, I have tried to fix permissions as recommended by another user but that didn't affect anything.
basically, I am trying to delete the old shutdown_1.png and replace it with my own. Is this possible? Or am I digging a hole?
I have been able to do this easily on my X, but my wifes Fascinate is kicking my arse!!!

[Q] Droid RAZR logwrapper.bin file needed!

I am an experienced Droid aficionado who recently switched from the almight DInc to the Droid RAZR. I bootstrapped with the Bionic Apk, but when I tried to remove the bootstrap via rootexplorer, I was working too fast and deleted the logwrapper and logwrapper.bin file. Could anyone upload this file or post an sbf flash for the phone, please? Before the fury of hate drops down on me, I know I know that this method would possibly brick the device and as of right now there is no way to unbrick the RAZR. So, now it is stuck in a bootloop and I am freakin' out. I am very experienced with Android ROMs, Kernels, Rooting, etc. and I am scouring the net for a logwrapper.bin file. PLEASE HELP
Kind Regards,
Had to go to local verizon wireless store and get a new phone! Thank god for titaniumbackup!

SystemUI.apk fix

Alright, I was trying to replace the SystemUI.apk with the new menu buttons. I renamed the old one to Systemui.apk.bak and after I did that ICS started acting up again and restarted by itself. When it turned back on, no menu bar, and the system won't let me rename it to the original or move the new one. I've tried everything I could think of, such as using adb through my pc and downloading multiple file explorer apps. Nothing works. Any help would be great cause I can't back out of an app without restarting the system.
Are you mounting the drive in R/O mode? Must be Read/Write to make changes.
Wow, I guess I should have thought of that. I got it working now. Thanks alot.

[Q] Milestone X2 - Recovery Working?

I figured I would start a new thread since now we have 2.3.6 rooted on our Milestone X2's. To note this thread is about the Milestone X2 NOT the Droid X2. Unfortunately we don't have our own forum and this is the closest one for us to use. In saying that, I'm a little confused by various posts, has anyone gotten Recovery working on the Milestone X2, if you have would you be able to post a reference to this? Thanks much the community has been awesome.
Have you tried this manual method?
The thing is it does the same as the apk. So if for some reason the apk files are not getting placed right then this will help.
I was able to get recovery to work on my phone. Skiwoodwiva determined that the CM7 MOTO bootstrap APK was what did it. One thing that hasn't been mentioned a lot is that i read somewhere that you install the .apk to your app draw. Then in the app itself you press the "install recovery" button. Don't press the reboot recovery button. Power down phone and take out your battery. Plug your battery-less phone into wall charger. Phone will automatically boot up and go into bootstrap recovery.
This has worked for me every time i have tried it. I have been able to make a nandroid back up of my ACS Milestone X2 2.3.6. I would post a link to the apk but i don't know how or if i can since i am still nee to the forum. Skiwoodwiva, do you have the ability to post the link?
I am not sure what made yours work. If you use the cm7apk on a DX2 it won't work .
I used this method and was able to get recovery working, thank you.
skwoodwiva said:
Have you tried this manual method?
The thing is it does the same as the apk. So if for some reason the apk files are not getting placed right then this will help.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Im sorry but im having a hard time understanding the manual instructions. I just got the milestone x2 coming from a htc desire. Ive never used used es file explorer to set permisions. Ive downloaded the zip and have extracted the files but im lost after that.
Get Root explorer it's easier. I'll be back.
Just copy and paste. A long press on the file is like a right click. You are pasting files and using their location in the zip to know where to paste.

Need copy unmodified tegra-kbc.kl.

Hey I was just wondering if someone could pull an unedited copie of tegra-kbc.kl from system/usr/keylayout for me? I just SBF to 2.34 a couple days to reinstall Eclipse was on CM9. After I SBF my back and home buttons always reverse. I changed my keylayout before trying to update to 418 and install fails bc I modified it. I don't currently have a way to SBF but I'm thinking if I take an unmodified copy push it to keylayout & set permissions it might take the update any thoughts?
Here you go just remove the .zip
Sound's like a plan...
Thanks updated worked like a charm.
Glad to help, and everything's working for you
I ended up needing this too. Does 418 have a messed up key layout built in? I've SBF'd this phone several times and it's like it contains a bad /system that needs to be modified in order to work properly.
I had something weird like that happen to me too never really figured it out but I ended up flashing it away and had to reverse the key settings again so no clue but if this'll help here it is http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1961001
don't be scared it's only a phone
ogd x d2g x2 sg3
old ladies ^
Even better. I was too lazy to copy in a file so I just used ES File Explorer to navigate to system/usr/keylayout/tegra-kbc.kl and then I just used ES's text editor to swap the key settings. I rebooted and all was well after that.

