battery drain while sleeping - Huawei MediaPad, T-Mobile SpringBoard

last 3 nights I noticed huge battery drain, about 1% per hour, anybody knows where is the problem?
my tab runs stock ICS rom and stock kernel
thanks for help

after some diagnostics I found that GoogleServicesFramework is battery drainer (not sure, it has most wakelocks in betterbatterystats - about 50 in 5 hours and its awake time is about 1:30)

Try the OsiMood ROM I previously was very disappointed in battery life, but after switching to OsiMood battery life is much much better - especially in sleep mode. Overnight unplugged it drops only 1-2%.

I downloaded autostarts and disabled startup of GSF on every event and left only Application Installed event (if disabled, market wont download any app)...seems that battery life is back to normal...99% at the morning (no keep awake time in battery stats) so it is fixed without changing rom , I did this procedure also on my phone and its battery drain during night is greatly reduced


Different battery discharge rate. Any ideas?

Hi guys. I'm running on CheckROM revoHD4 and while sometimes I lose 10% of battery overnight today I dropped 30% in 3.5 hours doing absolutely nothing with screen off and not a huge ammount of apps running on the background. And its not the first time I notice inconsistent discharge. When I installed this ROM battery would last for 20h/3h screen/3h voicecalls. now sometimed it doesn't even last half of that. Any ideas?
You should check the battery info via Settings > About Phone > Battery Stats to see if you find a proccess that is huging the battery.
Also you could download Better Battery Stats from the Market and find which proccess are the ones doing the more Wake Locks and how much time they have done it. You could find for example an app thats been doing that for hours and that could be the cause of the battery drain.

Poor Battery Life on Captivate Running 4.0.4

I have a Captivate running Dark Knight's 4.0.4 and the battery life I get is very poor. Usually it says that Android OS or Google Services is taking about 30, 40+ percent in battery life. I get about only 10 hours of use with the device, and i still get battery drain even when it is in sleep. I've checked better battery stats and gtalk_async_conn has been waking up the device. I disabled all syncing, and in the Play Store disabled automatic checking for updates. I've tried calibrating my battery also but nothing, mainly since the phone cant turn on for some reason while it is charging. But no matter what I do, that process is still killing my battery. Does anyone know how to fix this? I had the phone off and charging for 12 hours, and 1 hour has past since i turned it on, using the phone for about 3 minutes, and the rest of the time it was in sleep, and the battery is down to 91%. Please Help!

WTF... Android system consuming 90% overnight in deep sleep

I did a complete charge last night before I hit the sack. Battery was around 96%, today morning 80%!
I flashed stock ROM using TWRP, on first charge cycle battery is fine - just 1% overnight drain with 8 hrs SOT. On second charge cycle this issue hits me everytime.
All my radios are usually off (WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth, Data).
Android system sucks my battery during sleep and it was at 90% consumption when I woke up (See screen shot #1).
My phone seems to be in deep sleep a good portion of that time (See WLD statistics #1).
Also attached screen shots from WLD for Summary, Kernal / Partial wakelocks & Alarms.
Device is rooted.
Going crazy trying to find out what's happening.
I have tried 3 different ROM's which have great battery life as reported by other users here for my mobile (Mate 8). But I always end up with the same battery drain issue on second charge cycle after flashing a ROM.
Bump! Anyone?
Any experts that could help out here?
I have searched a lot but no solid solution.

Overnight battery drain.(idle time)

Normal battery drain is 6-7% overnight.Even if i turned on aeroplane mode, the battery drain overnight is 3-4%.
Any Remedy?!
You have to find the cause of the drain. I get a drain of 0.6-0.7% per hour overnight. If that's the level you're at, then you're fine, (I don't know how long you sleep- can't make that calculation). Some setups can go below that but really your phone should be consuming some energy overnight. If it's much higher than that, use gsam battery or better battery stats to figure out 1. No of times each service is waking your device. 2. Are there any apps that are consuming a lot more than everything else. Charge your phone above 90% and let it be overnight as you normally would. What you do after will depend on what you find out, what rom you have, what kernel you have, what your phones unlock status is and what kind of performance/usability you are willing to give up.
PS. Don't turn off sync or turn on battery saver at night. That actually causes some apps to misbehave. As an overall fix , naptime or greenify with aggressive doze are good. Just don't use both at the same time

Xiaomi Mi note 10 lite battery drain Issue .

Hey I hope you guys are doing great !
Well i bought this phone like last month and the battery was working fine for the first few days but then its battery started decreasing faster than before while using the same apps as before. The most battery drains while its still in the idle conditions and overnight.
At first it would only loose like 1 or 2 percent over night but now it looses like 1 percent battery every hour it stays idle.
I have attached 2 screenshots below to show what I'm talking about . Both screenshots were taken 1 day apart and as you can see , sometimes the battery works fine but sometimes it drains a lot and its mostly when its idle. Kindly suggest me something if you got anything in mind that what might be the issue here.
Maybe the radio of your phone, that's what's draining mine fast.
And Facebook is a well known battery drainer
If you tap on the graph once, it allows you to find out the battery drain for specific time intervals and their length can be adjusted as well. Please do that and tell us which app or apps are draining the most battery during standby. Btw is your aod on? Aod prevents the device from sleeping properly so the battery drain can rise up to 2% per hour if its on. If that is not the case as well, try turning off location and nfc if they are not being used, and turn off wifi and cellular before going to sleep and then check the drain. Also try disabling google play protect from play store, and check out the link below which improved battery life for many people including myself:

