HTC Sense weather animations on unlock - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've searched and searched, but no luck. So I have to believe with all of the Android know-how on this forum that someone can do this.
I don't want to use Sense as my launcher or keep the stock lockscreen either (I use Apex and Widgetlocker).
*I just want a simple app that commands the HTC sense full screen weather animations.
Teslacoil was able to do it with HTC Sense 3.0 on gingerbread 2.3.3 and 2.3.4, but won't work on ICS/JB/Kitkat.
And after downloading almost all of the other lockscreen replacements, none of them have this functionality either (unless you know of one that does?)
So can someone please develop this for me or point me in the right direction to do it myself?
No I'm not interested in beautiful widgets, Fancy widgets, or HD widgets animations.
I am willing to pay! Thanks for helping me with my request (I know it's just a silly weather animation).

It's been a month, but no replies.
So a bump in hopes that someone with know how will see this.


Porting ui from another android device?

So I know this is possible (in theory),as I have seen non sense phones running sense. I am just looking for someone to point me in the right direction for information on how to do this (not sense of course). I downloaded the system dump from the captivate and was trying to figure out if its possible to port the home/launcher interface from it to the eris. I'd like to do in in a way that would be just like using a home replacement like adw or launcher pro, where you can toggle between it and the stock home. Not sure if that is possible but any info would be greatly appreciated.

[Q] How can I get this custom lockscreen + launcher?

First of all, I know that this is running on a different device (I guess it is a Desire variant) and I also understand that this probably means that this launcher+lockscreen are only for 480x800 devices. But i thought someone would know some more information about it:
Basically, it has a different style of lockscreen (and it displays the time in an interesting way, for example EIGHTforty) and then has a similar style for the UI.
Can anyone help me out? If this launcher is not available for the Hero, then is it maybe for the Legend or the normal Desire (not the HD), or perhaps the ZTE Blade or the Samsung Galaxy S? That's all the android phones I have, so here's hoping someone knows more about this. I am not interested in the ROM this guy is running, but simply the custom UI/launcher and lockscreen.
Thanks in advance.
I know that clockr (available on the market) would display the time like that and using widget locker you could put that on your lockscreen? I think he is using a modded widgetlocker.. Mod data for modding widget locker can be found seaching ( WidgetLocker Mods Custom Lockscreens XDA.
the status bar could be themed using the gingerbread theme for the hero available in the themes and apps part..
widgetlocker and clockr area abailable on the market.. another one called TYPOCLOCK may be better...
Seems like LauncherPro and Widget Locker. He does a lot of mods for these apps, most of which can be found on the LauncherPro forums (currently down) or on his site -

MIUI Sense 2.1 (slider) lockscreen

I am searching for a MIUI lockscreen that looks like the sense 2.1 one (the slider). However i am unable to find one. The only ones i find are sense 3.+ ones.
Can somebody help me?
It has to be has to look like the real one and with music controls.
I would really appriciate some help in search of this lockscreen
There's one like it on the theme manager called examinationEX

Best Sense3.0-like Lockscreen?

I saw a lot of apps like Agile Lock but no one looks like the real Sense 3 Lockscreen, so I wonder if I can just grab some htclockscreen.apk from SFM or other Sense3.0-based ROM for Wildfire and put it in my RemPuzzle with "Sense 1.0".
I already searched, but couldnt find an answer to this.
i got go locker & the sense 4.0 theme on it. i really enjoy it there is also a sense 3.0 theme for it, which is also great.
Try Agile Lock
Agile lock is beautiful project who is delete from the market by the author because of HTC lawyers.
It's really similar and fun. The best SENSE 3.0 lockscreen except the original SENSE 3.0 lockscreen
I found this link. Catch

[Q] Lockscreen

Hi there. Noob to Android so be kind to me! Is there a way to get a fully functioning AOSP lockscreen on Sense? I tried renaming HTC lockscreen and it does work somewhat. But I can't add targets or change the widget.
GE 3.2
Yeah honestly this was one of the main reasons why I flashed the GE 3.2 rom from Android Revolution. I just love the lockscreen. Only things I miss in sense are the camera and the gallery. If you find anything out let me know.

