Need app-lock - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anyone have details, links, or ideas? I need something that locks app to device so that they cant be uninstalled without password. Have a child impossible to get up for school and want to install xtreme alarm clock and them not able to remove it.
Galaxy tab 7

Smart Home Screen & Application Locker (With Guest Mode access)
There are more than 250 App Locks in the Google Play marketplace. How is this one different, all the features seem to be the same in each of the app.
We developed an app that would solve one of the biggest issues with app lockers. When I use app lock on my phone, it does not mean that I can keep the home scree of the phone unlocked. Therefore, when I want to you use a protected app (protected by any app locker from the market), I would first need to unlock the home screen and then unlock the app. This two step process becomes too tedious when a user has to use any app frequently. For example, in case you are chatting with a person, the replies do not come soon enough that you are chatting on run time basis, so the app and the screen get locked. You would need to open both of them in order to reply to the chat message.
We came up with a solution that is combination of an app lock as well as a home screen lock. The user can select all the apps that he wants to keep locked and private. The user then creates a master password/ PIN/ Pattern and a Guest Password/PIN/Pattern. When the home screen is unlocked using the master password, all the protected apps get automatically unlocked along with the home screen. So when you are using your own phone, you do not have to input two passwords.
In case someone borrows your phone, or want to just have a look at it or make a small call; give them your Guest Password/ PIN/ Pattern. The home screen will open with this Guest Password, but all your protected apps continue to be locked.
We believe that such a combination is not available on any of the apps that are marketed. Therefore, we went ahead and filed a patent on it as well. We hope you would like the app. You can download it for free from


[Q] APP Lock

I use APP Lock and love it. However, I find it annoying to unlock apps manually when I want to use a particular app.
To solve this, APP Lock included a widget that unlocks or locks "set" of apps. The problem is that when the phones goes into screen lock and is used again, the unlock setting remains and leave all of my apps vulnerable.
Is there an app out there that will "lock" when the phone goes into screen lock?
bump. am i the only one with this issue?
Searh for a different app lock. Unless the dev for that app is going to update that app. I dont think it has anything to do with the phone.
-Once you go NOTE, you'd say 4 inches a Joke
Near the very top of the article are 5 very good apps for locking apps down, just look at each and see which has an interface that is usable. Unfortunately, I dont have any recommendations as to a specific app and how securely it locks down an app, most store the passwords in a plain text file that are visible to anyone with a Linux machine if your phone is currently rooted.
I use a combination of hiding or freezing apps AND password protecting them. It takes someone really knowledgeable (and willing to snoop) to first unfreeze an app in TB, then go to Go Launchers' app drawer to un-hide an app, then figure out the 16 alpha(upper & lower case)/numeric/symbols password to open my LastPass and banking apps. You just have to remember that you have to FIRST hide the app, then freeze it when you are done using said app (so you have to do it in reverse order).

[Q] Hide screen reading (and maybe root)

A few weeks ago, my banks decided to introduce a "pushTAN" option for their online banking interfaces where you have to install an app on your phone - both use the same one, developed by some software company - and TANs are then sent to the phone as a push notification. Sounds nice, but the app obviously wants to "protect" me and closes every time I launch it because it detected "suspicious screen reading activity" - of course, because I got the great AutoInput and AutoVoice Tasker plugins installed which need to be granted screen reading permissions in the accessibility settings.
This is bad because I really need to use the pushTAN apps (one bank only has the old-fashioned TAN list which I want to get rid of and the other one decided to charge money for their smsTAN option) and I don't want to be required to change the permissions every time I need to receive a TAN on the phone.
My question: Is there a way to hide screen reading rights (and maybe root because I think about rooting my phone and I'm pretty sure the app will detect that, too) from a specific app?
Or is it possible to set up a Tasker action which toggles the rights when I launch the app and toggles them back when I quit it?
Does anybody have an advice for me?
I would be interested, too.

is possible lock apps with fingerprints?

good morning. with my lg g5 is only possible to lock gallery and start phone and few other... but is not possible to add locked apps like facebook, whatsapp and others i want. can anyone confirm that are necessary third part apps for do this or how can i do? thanks
It not if you will, works for me great
There are plenty of apps in the play store that do this: locker&c=apps
i am looking for an app or a mode to lock some apps without locking phone login. every app i know requires to lock even login phone with fingerprint, so when i turn on display need fingerprint. i don't know so! i look for lock only some apps. is possible??
There is a tasker plugin that can do this called Material Design Plugin. If you're not familiar with the "am" and "pm" commands in Android, it will take some research before it will work, however.
It not if you will, works for me great

[Q] How to lock the setting menu Only? just like the store demo?

Sorry for posting this because I googled and it came up with lots of unrelated answer.
How to lock the setting screen on Android? I wanted to lock my parents phone so they don't disable their sims card and complain they can't call anyone...
Like in the store demo, you can play with the phone without password but it requires password to use setting screen
I prefer without extra apps.
Thank you

Security ????

Company I work for uses Honor 7s phones , we have 40 altogether running a dedicated app for our business. we have installed Mobilock Kiosk to lock down the phones and set a default app (company app) to start as soon as the phone boots up.
Mobilock is password protected which prevents the home screen from being displayed along with access to other apps ie Google Play, facebook etc,etc.
Problem we have however is if the notification panel is pulled down user has access to settings etc. I have searched for information and tried several "free" apps to prevent this happening but this has proved tiresome and fruitless, any ideas, info would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance

