Problem when trying to build Android from source - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Sorry if it is in wrong section but...
I have got a problem and I can't find a solotion for it. I have a Xperia Z Ultra and I am trying to build AOSP Android using the guide Sony provided, but when I hit "make" it gives me an error that I have wrong java version, it looks like this (pic in attachment). I have tried different versions, added them to PATH but it still isn't working properly. Could any of you guys help a 15 yo student to learn that things? Thanks in advance!

Please, could anyone help me?

teddy74eva said:
Please, could anyone help me?
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I would recommend checking out the first step of this guide here on compiling AOSP that deals with setting up JDK specifically it recommends using Open JDK 7 instead. Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance in solving your problem.

Okay thanks a lot, I have managed to do it yesterday but now I'm stuck with compiling, it gives me an error when I try to build it, some conflicts in libnfc-nci, trying to cherry-pick some needed fixes also succeed in error, I'll do a screenshot when I come back from school but again, many thanks

Okay, now when I try to compile I have some errors, when I do repo sync it tells me at the end that some files need to be merged, like in pic 1. When I try to compile it gives me an error that a separator is missing in a file, like in pic 2. And when i try to cherry-pick the fixes (as in pic 3) it throws me another error, as in pic 4. My main question is: how could I merge files and what is it? Thanks in advance!


[DEV] I want to develop Android apps. Please help.

Hey guys.
I'm an experienced .NET Developer and developed with java a little. I want to start developing Android apps on Windows.
I downloaded everything and my app runs, but once i debug it i get a strange error: "The JAR of this class file belongs to a container "Android 2.1-update1" which does not allow modifications to source attachments on its entries".
While looking on the internet to find a solution i came upon a few blogs that explain that i need to get the android source:
I'm having an immense headache getting it because nothing works. There's no simple guide to do this.
If any of you know the error and can help me solve it i would appreciate it.
Also, if you know how to get the source please let me know. I'm going crazy here.
lorin.bute said:
Hey guys.
I'm an experienced .NET Developer and developed with java a little. I want to start developing Android apps on Windows.
I downloaded everything and my app runs, but once i debug it i get a strange error: "The JAR of this class file belongs to a container "Android 2.1-update1" which does not allow modifications to source attachments on its entries".
While looking on the internet to find a solution i came upon a few blogs that explain that i need to get the android source:
I'm having an immense headache getting it because nothing works. There's no simple guide to do this.
If any of you know the error and can help me solve it i would appreciate it.
Also, if you know how to get the source please let me know. I'm going crazy here.
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You say you downloaded "everything", but not what "everything" is. For mainstream development (using only public API), you don't need the Android sources.
Get the SDK, and Eclipse ADT if you want the most straightforward environment, import one of the example projects, and get it running on the emulator/device. It's pretty much all explained in this tutorial project. Then you can see what's up with your particular program. Good luck!
I have Eclipse, the latest ADT and the latest SDK. I installed the packages for 2.2 and 2.1 with the Google APIs.
I'm trying to make a simple tip calculator app. If i don't make a certain check in my app everything runs ok. As soon as i check if 3 EditTexts have text in them i get that error.
If i don't need to check, my app is behaving ok.
if(txtbillamount.getText().toString().equals("") || txtpercentage.getText().toString().equals("") || txtpeople.getText().toString().equals(""))
The hello world apps works fine.
lorin.bute said:
I have Eclipse, the latest ADT and the latest SDK. I installed the packages for 2.2 and 2.1 with the Google APIs.
I'm trying to make a simple tip calculator app. If i don't make a certain check in my app everything runs ok. As soon as i check if 3 EditTexts have text in them i get that error.
If i don't need to check, my app is behaving ok.
if(txtbillamount.getText().toString().equals("") || txtpercentage.getText().toString().equals("") || txtpeople.getText().toString().equals(""))
The hello world apps works fine.
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Do you have an else statement?
Yes I do have an else statement. I display a pop up message in the else statement.
I would recommend getting acquainted with a little bit of java code as it is very different than .net
Your dev env seems too be ok since, The hello world app works ok as you stated, its your coding.
Coming programming it was confusing for me at first.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA app
Problem solved.
Yes, i was coding something in a wrong way. Java is different in many aspects.

VM env. for Stock ROM and Mod

I'm currently woring on creating a complete VM and a document with instraction of getting from compile to flahsing from begining.
The complete enviroment will be set and ready with the Stock ROM (currently targeting 4.0.2.A.0.58) and the Android OS.
This will allow users to be able to take this VM and start right a away to change the Stock ROM and integrate changes for that from other modes.
will update this thread when it's done. and links for download (unless someone will be faster the me )
18/12 Update:
Just now finish creating an working and compiling enviroment with 2.3.4_r1 of Android
now working on making it to work with the Sony Ericson source code...
I need a little help here... i have followed the steps in Google:
and also the Journal:
i have compiled the code and got it up and running and also in emulator with the command line that was written in the Journal and the Android is working..
now i try to understand the Sony Ericson guide:
I have downloaded the ARM cross-compiler and installed it, was really bad instructions on how to install it. but just need to run: sh ./the_downloaded.bin
and installed it correctly
after installing the ARM cross-compiler successfully done a make to the kernel but only after fixing the symbolic link that from some reason was attach to 0x86 arch and not arm.
the paths where different since i used the default installer path and match the same version that they used: 2010q1
so first done this for the .config :
ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=~/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- make semc_zeus_defconfig
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then run the make:
ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=~/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- make
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now i got kernel compiled!
the question is:
i know that with the Android compiling i got 3 files in the /source_android/out/target/product/generic:
1. ramdisk.img
2. system.img
3. userdata.img
do i need to use the ramdisk from the Android for the next steps of SE guide ?
1. Getting a RAM disk and extract it
2. Re-package it with all of the kernel of SE that we just compiled
3. Assembling the boot.img using the mkbootimg
moreover, after i assemble the files i want to make a really clean installation and cleaning all the flash and installing all in a vanilla mod.
what should be the next steps ?
I thought that the community here will help in this small matter so we will have more pepole that could join the efforts of making brtter and cooller roms... I guess I was wrong. All I wanted to do is help the dev community and create the full step by step guide to starting developers in the android world....
Sadly I'm forced to end this thread due to lake of knowledge...
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
labbala said:
I thought that the community here will help in this small matter so we will have more pepole that could join the efforts of making brtter and cooller roms... I guess I was wrong. All I wanted to do is help the dev community and create the full step by step guide to starting developers in the android world....
Sadly I'm forced to end this thread due to lake of knowledge...
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
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im sorry i would help but i dont know much lol srry no one that knew could or would help
I hope that you are able to get this working.
i will use it when it is finished
Edit: what have you exactly done?
Maybe i can help
all i wanted to do is to download all the source codes and compile it and then creat the same version (for this case the .58) manually and get to the same images that need to be flahed.
i wanted to create from this a complete tut that others that have allot of knowladge in development could start working without the stragling of setting up an eviroment or all the issues about how to get from compiling to acctuall creating an .img to flash it on your device.
just a simple "out of the box" solution so pepole could get and work right a way without wasting time in assembling the source codes and setting then env.
ok, and where are you?
I mean what have you done for now??
please see the second post.. it's all there..
yes you need that ramdisk for the kernel.
but you need to edit the ramdisk to work with the xperia play.
i can do that, can you upload it??
what i'm going to do now is, i'm going to upload all the VM to the web and write the complete tutrial for all the steps i have done so far and then we could continue. thank you for trying to help!
if you need some help PM me!

[Q] I have sync the source of CM, how can I start to compile Rom for my own phone?

My phone has no official or unofficial CM supported ROM. I want to compile one myself.
I have builded the Linux environment, and sync the source code.
So now how can I get to start? Should I change the Drivers? or anything else?
Is there any complete Tutorial or Guide for that????? I have searched but I can find nothing about that!!
Who can help me!!
Thankssss soooooooo much! Vielen Dank!
Sorry for my poor English :>
You will have to create a device tree......
Does your phone match requirements for Cyanogen Mod?
Im in the same boat. No info on how to get your prop files.
Maybe Google building device tree.
Good luck.

NEED HELP! HAVE to declear a activity in androidmanifest (cm4.2.2)

Hello community,
i will make it short as we're all busy i think.
i added a shortcut in my systemUI's ''recent apps'' it works well if i use it with samsung taskmanager
now i wanted to point it to ''running apps'' in settings. i dont worked. catlog says i have to add permission into sysUI's manifest.-->done. NOW, the problem is:
NOW, it says i have to declear this activity in manifest , i looked in it but the listed under several points also i have no idea wher exactly put it in and problems with some values (i dont know what to do?!?!)
so before talking useless stuff, i attached screens of catlog. also i attach the androidmanifest.xml (decompiled, zipped) so may u take a look
thank's a bunch for everyone who readed this. ive allready tried to solve it 2 weeks. ah and im running cm10.1 LX.
& pls if u dont know how to get forward pls dont post, i need HARD facts
peace, bejunk.
THIS thread will be closed if its done also i will add a [solved] tag. until then PLEASE HELP !!!

[Q] "Cannot find symbol" error while compiling an AOSPA build

I'm trying to compile Paranoid Android for my Nexus 4 and I got stuck on the same error that I can't find how to solve...
Maybe someone knows what the kind of message I get means, here is the end of my last attempt, it's about variables missing in the file "" or something like that :
Thanks, some help would me very much appreciated!

