How to enable Double tap to Wake Screen - Samsung Galaxy Mega

Is there any module to wake the screen by double tapping the screen in mega 5.8 when we are using custom rom say cm12.1/13?


Home key double tap - rebind

Like many other s2 users I am becoming annoyed with this double tap crap, about 50% now go to the voice command. What I an after is boot to disable double tap, but rebind it to the same as a single tap, and go to the home screen...
TLDR how to make double tap = single tap plz??

Add Double Tap 2 Wake error

i do add these lines for Double Tap To wake and i did sync&build but i didnt see any change my rom i dont see this settings any where on rom
where do i wrong

Tap to wake / air wake?

Hi guys
I'm interested in this device but need to know if it has some kind of alternative way to wake the device up.
Especially dt2w or air wake (waving hand over proximity sensor)?
Stock kernel doesn't support tap2wake, what I would suggest is install AcDisplay from play store, where you can set double tape2sleep and wave to wake. It is a great app and works really fine on stock/Ozcan rom. It also support widgets, and few more features. If you also install gravity box, you can set double tap to sleep on back button or menu button.

Double tap to wake / shut down for RN3 Mediatek

As the title suggests, I'm looking for an app or anything even flash to let me turn the screen on and off with a double tap on the screen. Thanks to anyone who can help me
nova launcher
Nova gives only tap to shut down...not to wake up
To wake up use: "Wake Gestures"

Double tap to wake d2w?

I m on Android 10 stock rom. I can see it is possible to wake fingerprint icon by double tapping. So why isn't or is it possible to wake screen by double tapping?
No root btw, maybe via adb commands..

