Need help for rooting Blackview new BV9900E - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I received a BV9900E a few days ago. it's a nice Rugged phone.
But... I would like to put a custom launcher with custom widgets and custom animated wallpaper. But if I shut down the phone, I lost all my settings, the widgets and wallpaper. All must be reinstalled, and/or reconfigured.
I try to use whiteliste, did several tries and try various solutions found on the net but nothing helped ... I lose everything on each restart. Only stock widgets work.
I think I have found the beginning of an explanation here:
But for edit Build.prop, i have to root the phone.
I am not an expert for rooting phone and try like on the Blackview topic, but i don't find BV9900E/Android 10 specific stock ROM for now.
I only can find the BV9900E_S1_200929 rom and not the BV9900E_EEA_S900AA.
I try to root with the BV9900E_S1_200929 rom, Adb, magisk, but nothing happend.
Any solution is welcome !
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Modèle : BV9900E
System : Android 10
Num serie : BV9900EQEE002138
Build : BV9900E_EEA_S900AA_V1.0_20201103V04

Rooting a phone's Android doesn't require to re-flash phone's Stock ROM. A phone's Android is rooted when su binary got installed on it.
To prepare rooting you have to
Unlock phone's bootloader
Disable Android's DM-Verity & AVB locks
Flash a Custom Recovery like TWRP what is at 100% suitable to phone
To root Android you have to
Flash by means of this Custom Recovery or similar

Ok, thank's jwoegerbauer...
Unlock bootloader is ok. but impossible To disable DM-Verity and there is no TWRP for the BV9900E yet...
And i don't know, it's very strange because i can't mount system when i am on recovery mode for example.
Blackview has only one answer: It's not possible to do that.
I am not an expert with the handling of phones but I am not quite bad with technology either. I already had 2 phones that I ended up rooting but there, I do not succeed. I may have to wait a bit because this phone is brand new, the solutions may come from someone more expert than me.

Disabling Android's SElinux, DM-Verity & AVB is achieved by running specific ADB / Fastboot commands.
Mouning /system RW requires Android is rooted
Compile TWRP at your own if none matching available.

Ok, that sounds simple to you.
But when I search the internet there are thousands of answers that go in all directions ... It is not so easy for the uninitiated like me.
Do you have some links for illustrate what you say?

To disable the mentioned 3 locks you may consider to run a Windows CMD script like this draft
pushd "%~dp0"
set "adb=C:\ADB-FASTBOOT-R30\adb.exe"
set "fastboot=C:\ADB-FASTBOOT-R30\fastboot.exe"
set "su=C:\SU-Binary\su"
set "tmpdir=%TEMP%\%RANDOM%%RANDOM%"
set "su_binary_location=/data/local/superuser"
set "su_tmp=!su_binary_location!/su"
set /a cnt=0"
mkdir "!tmpdir!" 2>nul
if NOT exist "!tmpdir!\" ( goto :end )
set "dev=" & set "name="
!adb! devices
!adb! shell stop
call :install_temporary_root
!adb! shell "mkdir -p -m0666 /data/local/vbmeta"
for /f "tokens=1,4 delims= " %%a in ('!adb shell "!su_tmp! -c 'cat proc/mtd'"') do (
set "dev=%%a" & set "name=%%b"
echo !name! | findstr /C:"vbmeta" >nul
if !errorlevel! EQU 0 (
set "dev=!dev::=!""
!adb! shell "!su_tmp! -c 'dd if=/dev/mtd/!dev! of=/data/local/vbmeta/!name! bs=4096'"
!adb! pull /data/local/vbmeta/!name! "!tmpdir!"
set /a cnt+=1
!adb! shell "rm -Rf /data/local/vbmeta"
if !cnt! EQU 0 ( goto :end )
!adb! shell "!su_tmp! -c 'setenforce 0'"
!adb! reboot fastboot
!fastboot! devices
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /B "!tmpdir!"') do (
set "vbmeta_img=%%a"
if NOT [!vbmeta_img!]==[] (
set "vbmeta_partition=!vbmeta_img:.img=!"
!fastboot! --disable-verity --disable-verification flash !vbmeta_partition! "!tmpdir!\!vbmeta_img!"
!fastboot! reboot
rmdir /S /Q "!tmpdir!" 2>nul
!adb! shell start
endlocal & exit
!adb! shell "mkdir -p -m0755 !su_binary_location!" 2>nul >nul
!adb! push !su! !su_binary_location! > nul
!adb! shell "chmod 0777 !su_tmp!"
!adb! shell "chown 0.2000 !su_tmp!"
goto :EOF
where you of course have to adjust the pathname of ADB & Fastboot executables and the SU-binary
FYI: Have not tested such a script, it's on you to fix bugs if any given.

With regards to compile a TWRP at your own:
look inside here.

I also bought a bv9900e and have managed to unlock the bootloader, as guided here : LINK
Can i get some help with compiling TWRP ?


root problem: NookandZergy.bat not working here

Sorry for opening a new thread on this, but as new users can't post - for a good reason, I am sure - in the dev's section, I, being a new user, can't as well...
I have the same problem as described by haggardh and arko.amit, which is the nt not showing up when running the NookandZergy.bat after following all the steps mentioned, hopefully, properly. Running the NookandZergy.bat as admin gives an error message stating the command "adb" is unknown.
Just hoping to emphasise that this issue might be statistically significant (and worth looking into)...other than that this is just another me-too-post. Sorry once more.
Give this a go:
i had to download the program in that thread and delete all usb references to Nook from my computer.
My Solution to Root
Wurstwarenfachverkäuferin said:
Sorry for opening a new thread on this, but as new users can't post - for a good reason, I am sure - in the dev's section, I, being a new user, can't as well...
I have the same problem as described by haggardh and arko.amit, which is the nt not showing up when running the NookandZergy.bat after following all the steps mentioned, hopefully, properly. Running the NookandZergy.bat as admin gives an error message stating the command "adb" is unknown.
Just hoping to emphasise that this issue might be statistically significant (and worth looking into)...other than that this is just another me-too-post. Sorry once more.
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I experienced some of the same problems you and haggard wrote about and even some other users that were experiencing no serial number showing up when running the Nookandzergy.bat. After reading and a little experimentation of my own I got mine rooted last night. My test machine was Windows XP SP3 I am skipping the tgps.apk part on the Nook because I ran into no problems with it. It did goes as the instructions said. With that said make sure you put all the checks in the right place in the debug menu.
First of all if you can't run adb then you have the adb.exe in the wrong folder or you are trying to execute with the wrong path. Should be in the C:\ntroot directory. Open a command line up (Start > RUN >CMD)
You will need to change to directory c:\ntroot
Once your cmd prompt reads C:\ntroot you should be able to run adb. You really shouldn't have to unless you are running into a problem with the serial number not showing up after running zerg. If that is the case you can always run "adb devices" that will start the adb daemon and then run the command and tell you rather or not your computer is seeing the nook. If you get no devices connected then you are back to the driver issue.
My solution for the driver issue I got the same USB Mass Storage Device and then would try and change the driver to the Android one, but kept getting the above problem when trying to run zerg.
So I uninstalled the driver (Android and USB Mass Storage) and unplugged the Nook.
Then in Windows Explorer went to the usbdrivers folder and right-clicked on the file android_winusb.inf and clicked "install"
I then plugged the nook back in and the driver showed correctly in Device Manager as an Android device.
I then ran zergy again and it all worked an the ID showed up correctly.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestions. The OS is Win 7 64 if that matters.
I have de- and reinstalled the usb-driver several times in the device-manager (installing by "install..." from explorer's context menu doesn't work for this file and this OS) - the device just doesn't show up in command line, regardless whether I use the adb devices command or run the nookandzergy.bat.
Sounds definitely to be the driver. I read the link posted by AugustusBot helpful, but not sure it would work for sure. I had to uninstall and reinstall until finally I ran the INF like you mentioned that didn't work for you.
Does the device show up with an exclamation or as a USB mass storage device?
With no specific driver installed (intentionally, that is), the device is shown as both usb mass storage device and "nook tablet" with the yellow exclamation mark within the device manager.
I also used that usb deview tool mentioned in the other thread to wipe all usb devices. This doesn't do a permanent uninstall - as deleting the driver would. Unplugging a device and plugging it in again and it would just show up as it did before... Either way, the tool doesn't help here.
Have you right clicked on Nook tablet within device manager clicked properties > driver > update driver software > update driver > browse my computer for driver software > Let me pick from a list of device drivers > Have Disk > Browse > C:\ntroot\usbdrivers\android_winusb.inf
I just tried that process on a Windows 7 64bit and got an error saying the device driver is not compatible with a 64 bit OS. If you get the same error you may have to find the 64 bit version of that device driver or if you are familiar with working with XP classic within Windows 7 you may have better luck using it through that.
Try right clicking on the mass storage device and select to install manually then install from a specific location, have disk, then select the inf file for the driver... might work.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
I did install the driver both ways using the bat-file and manually through device manager, pointing to the folder that contains the inf-file. Actually, you can't point to a file but only to folders (saying "you", I mean "me", of course; is that different on your machine?)
(Why do I get a prevent-spam-wait-5-mins-message editing my own post? Weird.)
I have successfully updated the drivers under Device Manager and it changed from nook device with exclamation mark to android composite interface and and it still does not show up when running the nookandzrgy.bat file. I tried the methods listed here to no avail. Any new info out there?
armysean77 said:
I have successfully updated the drivers under Device Manager and it changed from nook device with exclamation mark to android composite interface and and it still does not show up when running the nookandzrgy.bat file. I tried the methods listed here to no avail. Any new info out there?
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Download the settings file listed in the post via your tablet, install using the package installer, enable debugging (checking both debugging options) run the script to root.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
I had no end of difficulties with the root process.
Running Windows 7 32 bit.
Procedure to root instructions neglect to emphasise the NEED to DROP the Nook Tablet into debug mode first before connecting it to the PC. I didn't do this, and so Window drivers were installed automatically on first connect, and this started a long trip trying to replace the drivers to no avail. Eventually managed to removed the drivers from all USB using the tools from another thread.
After that, I managed to install the USB drivers and have the Nook show up as an Android phone.
Unticked/ticked all debug mode a second time to ensure they are locked in place.
Run the Zergy.bat and get the numbers for ID of the tablet, and the thing starts to proceeds and then stops with an error stating that it is not a Tablet device... 8(
Gave up and re run the entire procedure on a Windows XP laptop (fresh install) and everything went through without a hitch. I now have a rooted Nook Tablet.
I suspect something in Windows 7 is interferring with the second script.
Key point:
Put Tablet in debug mode first.
Untick and retick the USB connection on Tablet before each attempt to run Zergy script.
Another thing I did, but was unsure if it fixed anything was manually changed the runmefirst.bat script to look like this:
@echo off
echo Please unplug your nook device before continuing!
if exist "c:\ntroot\.android\adb_usb.ini" echo You do not need to have it added!
IF NOT EXIST "c:\ntroot\.android\" md "c:\ntroot\.android"
echo 0x2080 > "c:\ntroot\.android\adb_usb.ini"
echo success!
echo now plug it back in
echo now install the drivers - instructions in the thread
echo **************************************************************
echo * Install "Nook" with the drivers I provided in this pack. *
echo * You can find the fixed drivers in the "usbdrivers" folder. *
echo * After your done you should have adb access through DOS! *
echo **************************************************************
echo "now you can run the Nook&Zergy"
ping -n 1 -w 2000 > NUL
and the nookandzergy.bat script to look like this:
@echo off
color 0c
adb kill-server
find "0x2080" "c:\ntroot\.android\adb_usb.ini"
if errorlevel==0 goto start
if errorlevel==1 goto novendor
adb kill-server
adb devices
echo did your nook Tablet show up?
echo type Y for yes and N for no
SET /P menunr=Please make your decision:
IF %menunr%==Y (goto check)
IF %menunr%==N (goto sorry)
echo first need to make sure you didnt lie about it showing up and check for root.
adb wait-for-device
echo verifying that your device is indeed a Barnes and Noble Nook tablet
del build.prop
adb pull system/build.prop
find "ro.product.device=blaze" build.prop
if ERRORLEVEL==0 SET device=Nook Tablet
if ERRORLEVEL==1 goto oops
echo now checking for root!
del su.txt
adb pull /system/bin/su su.txt
if exist su.txt echo already rooted! && goto prerooted
if not exist su.txt goto ok
echo your device is a %device% meaning we can continue!
ping -n 1 -w 2000 > NUL
echo now just making sure you WANT to root it!
set /p C=(Y/N)?
for %%? in (Y N) do if /I "%C%"=="%%?" goto ok1
goto choice1
set C1=%C%1
goto %C1%
adb push zergrush /data/local/zergy
adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/zergy;cd /data/local/;./zergy"
adb wait-for-device
adb install Superuser.apk
adb remount
adb push su /data/local/tmp/
adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp;chmod 777 su;cd /;mount -o remount,rw -t rootfs rootfs /"
adb push su /system/bin/su
adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
adb install busyboxinstall.apk
echo would you like to install gApps?
set /p C=(Y/N)?
for %%? in (Y N) do if /I "%C%"=="%%?" goto ok2
goto choice2
set C2=%C%2
goto %C2%
set gapps=yes
adb remount
adb push system\app\CarHomeGoogle.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/CarHomeGoogle.apk
adb push system\app\FOTAKill.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/FOTAKill.apk
adb push system\app\GenieWidget.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GenieWidget.apk
adb push system\app\GoogleBackupTransport.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GoogleBackupTransport.apk
adb push system\app\GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk
adb push system\app\GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk
adb push system\app\GoogleFeedback.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GoogleFeedback.apk
adb push system\app\GooglePartnerSetup.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GooglePartnerSetup.apk
adb push system\app\GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
adb push system\app\GoogleServicesFramework.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk
adb push system\app\LatinImeTutorial.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/LatinImeTutorial.apk
adb push system\app\MarketUpdater.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/MarketUpdater.apk
adb push system\app\MediaUploader.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/MediaUploader.apk
adb push system\app\NetworkLocation.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/NetworkLocation.apk
adb push system\app\OneTimeInitializer.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/OneTimeInitializer.apk
adb push system\app\Talk.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Talk.apk
adb push system\app\Vending.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Vending.apk
adb push system\etc\permissions\ /system/etc/permissions/
adb push system\etc\permissions\features.xml /system/etc/permissions/
adb push system\framework\ /system/framework/
adb push system\lib\ /system/lib/
echo Thank you for choosing to install gapps courtesy of anlog
ping -n 1 -w 2000 > NUL
echo Would you like to replace certain system applications to make you have a more tablet like experience?
echo this replaces Keyboard, Email, Gallery, and adds live wallpapers! Please select Y or N.
echo you need another launcher to be able to use live wallpapers.
set /p C=(Y/N)?
for %%? in (Y N) do if /I "%C%"=="%%?" goto ok3
goto choice3
set C3=%C%3
goto %C3%
adb push Email.apk /system/app/Email.apk
adb push Gallery3D.apk /system/app/Gallery.apk
adb push LatinIME.apk /system/app/LatinIME.apk
adb push LiveWallpapers.apk /system/app/LiveWallpapers.apk
adb push LiveWallpapersPicker.apk /system/app/LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Email.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Gallery.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/LatinIME.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/LiveWallpapers.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
@echo off
echo Please select 1 for Go launcher
echo Please select 2 for ADW Launcher
echo please select 3 for HoneyComb Launcher
echo Please select 4 for none of them and to continue to the debloater
SET /P launch=Please make your decision:
IF %launch%==1 (set launcherinstall="yes "& set launcher=GO)
IF %launch%==2 (set launcherinstall="yes "& set launcher=adw)
IF %launch%==3 (set launcherinstall="yes "& set launcher=Honeycomb_Launcher)
IF %launch%==4 (goto debloater)
echo %launcher%
adb install launcher\%launcher%.apk
IF %launcherinstall%=="yes " adb install launcher\Homecatcher.apk
goto debloater
echo Your device is not found, I'm sure USB debugging HAS to be enabled.
ping -n 1 -w 2000 > NUL
echo your device is NOT a nook tablet! Please try again with either usb debugging properly enabled, or with the correct device hooked up. You might also need to install drivers!
echo just incase you missed doing it, running runmefirst.bat
if exist runmefirst.bat call runmefirst.bat
if not exist runmefirst.bat echo No batch file found!
echo OK!
echo Thank you for using Indirect's batch script to root the nook tablet combined with Anlog's script to install gApps.
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /data/app/*.apk
set install=ok
if install==ok echo GOOOD JOB! Now rebooting!
adb reboot
ping -n 1 -w 2000 > NUL
echo Oops! You do not have the USB Vendor ID entered into the correct file! Running runmefirst to correct this.
ping -n 1 -w 2000 > NUL
call runmefirst.bat
goto vendorfixed
echo Your device was found to be rooted. Which is upsetting because now the root won't work again (you already have root) so you also can't use this script to install gApps or system mods.
echo _
echo because ADB doesn't allow us to remount unless adb is running as root (can't run without a kernel mod)
echo _
echo You can however download the one click unroot app in the Android Development section to unroot after you install it on your device.
echo _
echo However, before you do that, I suggest backing everything up as it COMPLETELY wipes the device (including the system partition) so you lose root and all mods.
echo _
echo Have a nice day!
ping -n 1 -w 10000 > NUL
echo Do you want to de-bloat the device?
echo This does NOT remove anything that would remove access to the nook function of E-reading and whatnot. Just removes
echo Hulu, default launcher (if you installed a new one), default search app (if you used gApps), Chess, Sudoku and thats it.
echo Search being removed will actually stop you from using the search function in the nook bar.
set /p C=(Y/N)?
for %%? in (Y N) do if /I "%C%"=="%%?" goto ok4
goto choice4
set C4=%C%4
goto %C4%
echo Please select 1 for Full Debloat (Launcher, games, Hulu and pandora, so basically 2,3, and 4.)
echo Please select 2 for Launcher only removal (Will only run if you have installed a new launcher) It's a safety feature.
echo Please select 3 for Game applications removal
echo Please select 4 for Media application removal (Hulu and Pandora) (NOT NETFLIX)
echo Please select 5 to run the EXTREME debloater (Does all of the above and
echo removes ALL barnes and noble apps from your device
echo so you lose ALL functionality towards B and N but
echo you have a normal android tablet
echo DO NOT ASK FOR SUPPORT WITH THIS OPTION, you will be ignored.)
echo Select 6 to finish this section of the script.
SET /P debloat=Please make your decision:
IF %debloat%==1 goto Full
IF %debloat%==2 goto Launcher
IF %debloat%==3 goto Game
IF %debloat%==4 goto Media
IF %debloat%==5 goto Extreme
IF %debloat%==6 goto complete
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Chess.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Sudoku.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Crossword.apk
if %launcherinstall%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/Home.apk
if %gapps%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/GSearch.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Hulu_Plus_159.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Pandora.apk
set gapps=no
goto debloatmenu
if %launcherinstall%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/Home.apk
if %gapps%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/GSearch.apk
set gapps=no
goto debloatmenu
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Chess.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Sudoku.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Crossword.apk
if %gapps%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/GSearch.apk
set gapps=no
goto debloatmenu
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Hulu_Plus_159.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Pandora.apk
if %gapps%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/GSearch.apk
goto debloatmenu
echo We will not be mad if you say no,
echo these apps that are removed do nothing to the tablet
echo but remove the ability to read from the library and in general use the entire nook as an e-reader / anything from barnes and noble
echo and it turns it into a normal android tablet.
echo I removed these apps and the tablet itself functions fine
echo I just can't use anything from B&N.
echo If you run this, I WILL NOT HELP YOU!
echo Use the one click unroot app to get back all of these apps.
set /p C=(Y/N)?
for %%? in (Y N) do if /I "%C%"=="%%?" goto ok5
goto choice5
set C5=%C%5
goto %C5%
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Accessories.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/AppLauncher.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/B3AndroidReader.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/BnAppInstaller.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/BnAuthenticationService.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/BnCloudRequestSvc.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/BnConnectivityService.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/BnPolicyManagerSvc.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/CloudService.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/CryptoServer.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/DemoMode.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/DRPReader.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/GSearch.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Home.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/LatinImeTutorial.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Library.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/NookCommunity.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Quickoffice_Viewer_3.3.5.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/RDGEReaderAcclaim.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Reader.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Shop.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Social.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Hulu_Plus_159.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Pandora.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Chess.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Sudoku.apk
adb shell rm -r /system/app/Crossword.apk
if %launcherinstall%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/Home.apk
if %gapps%==yes adb shell rm -r /system/app/GSearch.apk
goto debloatmenu
echo you decided to not run the Extreme Debloater
echo now returning you to the debloater menu.
ping -n 1 -w 1000 > NUL
goto debloatmenu
My reasoning was prior to me changing the path from %USERPROFILE to C:\ntroot I was receiving an error in profile path due to Windows XP having the profile set to C:\documents and settings\kerry63\... and I was getting some error about not being able to parse the space in "documents and settings".
I would not imagine this needing to be changed on Windows 7 due to the fact that the %USERPROFILE should be C:\users\kerry63 hence no spaces. All the runmefirst.bat script does is place the .android folder with a .ini file that gives the vendor ID to the nookandzergy.bat script.
This is nothing new just trying to make sure all the bases are covered since people do run different Windows OS. I take no credit for the script just trying to give advice and procedures that helped me get mine working. I did have all the problems that everyone else spoke about.
I had to triple check the three changes made in the debug mode by tgps.apk on the NOOK.
Changed the script and then ran it.
Installed drivers and uninstalled them until I got the NOOK! and installed the .inf prior to the plugging in of the NOOK.
The above scripts are verbatim of what I used you can use them by just pasting them separately into notepad and naming them accordingly.
Hope this helps.
armysean77 said:
I have successfully updated the drivers under Device Manager and it changed from nook device with exclamation mark to android composite interface and and it still does not show up when running the nookandzrgy.bat file. I tried the methods listed here to no avail. Any new info out there?
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Make sure the Tablets is in debug mode and automount is unticked. Even if it is set correctly, untick and retick the settings BEFORE each attempt to run the Zergy script.
In my case, I manage to get it ot recognise the tablet, but the scripot aborted with an error stating that it is not a tablet device... 8(
Running the same procedure again on another laptop running xp worked.
kerry63 said:
Another thing I did, but was unsure if it fixed anything was manually changed the runmefirst.bat script to look like this:
My reasoning was prior to me changing the path from %USERPROFILE to C:\ntroot I was receiving an error in profile path due to Windows XP having the profile set to C:\documents and settings\kerry63\... and I was getting some error about not being able to parse the space in "documents and settings".
I would not imagine this needing to be changed on Windows 7 due to the fact that the %USERPROFILE should be C:\users\kerry63 hence no spaces. All the runmefirst.bat script does is place the .android folder with a .ini file that gives the vendor ID to the nookandzergy.bat script.
This is nothing new just trying to make sure all the bases are covered since people do run different Windows OS. I take no credit for the script just trying to give advice and procedures that helped me get mine working. I did have all the problems that everyone else spoke about.
I had to triple check the three changes made in the debug mode by tgps.apk on the NOOK.
Changed the script and then ran it.
Installed drivers and uninstalled them until I got the NOOK! and installed the .inf prior to the plugging in of the NOOK.
The above scripts are verbatim of what I used you can use them by just pasting them separately into notepad and naming them accordingly.
Hope this helps.
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If I got that right, you changed the paths replacing %userprofile% with c:\ntroot. Sorry for asking, as I should be able to find out myself, but... are there more changes made? (The runmefirst.bat you used is not the same (anymore) as in the root-thread by indirect.)
However, I replaced %userprofile% with c:\ntroot in both scripts. The outcome was an empty .android folder being created in c:\ntroot by the runmefirst.bat - this didn't happen before. Other than that still no device listed by adb.
I gave it one more try and used the runmefirst.bat from the - after that the nook was listed and more or less rootable (more: it kind of worked; less: the root script's command line just closed at some point within the debloating leaving the device in Idontknowwhat state... but it still seems to work)
However, as there are two files named runmefirst in the whole package, people should be told which runmefirst.bat to actually run first (or at all).
Thanks for all the advice! It did help.
I tried several computers and could not get the nook to install with the unknown devise question mark. I finally figured it out. I had an SD card already installed in the Nook. It kept getting registered as a mass storage device. I removed the SD card and started with a fresh install of XP. Everything worked perfect.
this orked for me that way... hope this help you guys.
dodgepot said:
Try right clicking on the mass storage device and select to install manually then install from a specific location, have disk, then select the inf file for the driver... might work.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
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thanks. for all the great minds and great Devs here.
Do you guys still have access to these files all links I've found point to a drop box folder that is out of order.

[Q] coolpad 7236, problems

hello, hope i post it in the right place, if not, please move it.
i bought the phone coolpad 7236, based on snapdragon 200 msm8212 chip.
i found out that i got the chinese version of the firmware, so the seller gave me a link for the multi language firmware:
there are some files there, offical flashtool, quallcom flash files (to be used with the flashtool), drivers, and an archive containg a script that should replace the entire system folder via adb.
i translated the .cmd file and here it is:
@echo off
CD "%~d0%~p0"
set id=7236
taskkill /F /IM tadb.exe >nul 2>nul
taskkill /F /IM bdadb.exe >nul 2>nul
taskkill /F /IM sjk_daemon.exe >nul 2>nul
taskkill /F /IM romaster_daemon.exe >nul 2>nul
taskkill /F /IM AndroidInterface.exe >nul 2>nul
taskkill /F /IM adb.exe >nul 2>nul
adb.exe kill-server >nul 2>nul
echo .
echo The ROM for models£º%id%
echo .
echo Flash this ROM, please brush into the bottom of the package custom 7236
echo Brushing the bottom package, the phone is switched, the screen splash screen again after connecting USB
echo Note: During the brush machine, the phone screen is blank, do not operate the phone buttons until the phone automatically restart
title %id% ¹ú¼Ê°æ By Kyle
color 1B
adb -d push boot.img /tmp/.
echo Begin transmission system file, about 300M, wait. . . .
adb -d push system7236.tar.gz /tmp/.
adb -d shell mount /data
adb -d shell mount /system
adb -d shell rm -r /system/*
adb -d shell rm -r /data/*
adb -d shell tar -zxvf /tmp/system7236.tar.gz -C /
adb -d shell dd if=/tmp/boot.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot
adb -d shell reboot
echo Finished, the phone will automatically enter recovery, the recovery interface, you can directly select reboot system now
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as you can see, it deletes the system folder and should put the contents of the archive as new system folder.
unfortunally this only made the first step, as soon as the script deleted the system folder, the phone stopped working.
i tried using adb shell to do it manually, but it didn't complied to simple commands as "dir" "ls" "cp" "pull" "push", the phone became a brick.
then i tried using the flashtool, the company says that in order to use it you should dial
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and then choose test mode or something in order to allow the flashtool put it in download mode, obiously i can't do that now. i figured that when i hold the power button the screen turns white, making the phone discoverable as quallcom hs-usb diagnostics or something like this, it doesn't work with the flashtool (it searches for qdloader device).
then i tried dumping system.img from other coolpad 7236 device, i used this tutorial: and i got 800MB file, the fastboot refused to get it, then i used this fastboot:
waited for 30 minutes, but it was stuck on sending.
also, i couldn't get the fastboot to work, i tried to flash the boot.img that the seller gave me in the link, but the fastboot got stuck in "writing", the fastboot also ignored simple commands such as reboot.
the stocvk recovery is not helping either because i don't have signed for it.
is there anything else to do beside sending it back to china?
and, is there any GOOD WAY to replace the contents of the system folder (in case i get another chinese like this) without bricking the phone?
Figured it out, nevermind
kkffiirr said:
Figured it out, nevermind
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I'm new to all this. And I am having a Coolpad 7236 currently. It is also in Chinese and I do not know how to read that....Sigh...
Good phone with some flaws.
I'm interested in rooting it and flushing out the software to install a new one but I do not know how.
Can help?
Use Google translate
Hi. I have the same problem. I am not able to follow the guide from the link you provided. Can you please put in simple terms how I can flash the multi language firmware in my coolpad. If yes, that would be a great help for me
wow, very old post...
here are the steps:
1. install adb drivers, get adb software, set the phone to enable usb debugging and root it with root genius.
2. download the system dump from:!9JRTmYyD!MgZR1CITlfUMFM5FUtBlkVCg7u97djHYg8rkmudRbtc
3. download the kernel dump from:!EBIH1TRZ!hfesnz3FkZXnaEHw6T5sA1DH98spXAGY594j-0HU-Hw
4. copy the files from 2 and 3 to the phone storage root.
5. start adb shell session by:
adb -d shell
6. enter the following commands:
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/system.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system
note: the first dd shouldn't take much time, while the second might be long, be patient and wait for it to finish, and then reboot
Thanks, kkffirr... The link for Kernel dump is not working.... It says the file has been removed! ?
The Imperium said:
Thanks, kkffirr... The link for Kernel dump is not working.... It says the file has been removed!
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try this!IZpwgIJA!hfesnz3FkZXnaEHw6T5sA1DH98spXAGY594j-0HU-Hw
I have been trying for more than a week now, but not able to root the phone... This is so annoying...
The Imperium said:
I have been trying for more than a week now, but not able to root the phone... This is so annoying...
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it worked for me with root genius back then

How to flash multiple zip files via ADB Sideload?

Hey guys, as per the title, I'm trying to flash multiple zip files via ADB. I am tasked with a project of flashing nearly 100 devices over the next week or so, and my standard method of imaging is a bit thwarted since i need to flash a firmware and ROM package on these Xiaomi Redmi Note 5s before I flash my custom ROM to it. When I run adb sideload and flash a zip, it will close adb sideload. I then need to unlock the device, and re-enable ADB sideload again.
Is there any way of stacking zips in adb sideload? I don''t see any arguments that would enable this. Alternatively, is there a standar ADB command to enable sideload in TWRP? I couldn't find any information on this either. Advice would be appreciated
I have the same problem, did you find a solution ?
adb sideload does not work for me
lapwat said:
I have the same problem, did you find a solution ?
adb sideload does not work for me
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Why not make use of a Windows CMD script to perform a mass-sideload of ZIPs?
@echo off & setlocal
set "zip_files_repository=C:\ZIP-FILES-REPOSITORY"
echo Sideloading ZIPs contained in %zip_files_repository% ...
for /F "skip=1" "tokens=*" %%t in ('adb devices 2^>nul') do ( set "mode=%%t" )
if not "?%mode%"=="?" (
echo %mode% | findstr /C:"device" >nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( goto :done_sideload )
) else (
goto :done_sideload
for /F %%a in ('dir %zip_files_repository% /B') do (
set "zip_file=%%a"
if "?%zip_file%"=="?" ( goto :done_sideload )
set "zip_file=%zip_files_repository%\%zip_file%"
adb reboot sideload
timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul
for /F "skip=1" "tokens=*" %%t in ('adb devices 2^>nul') do ( set "mode=%%t" )
if not "?%mode%"=="?" (
echo %mode% | findstr /C:"sideload" >nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
adb sideload %zip_file%
) else (
goto :done_sideload
echo Job done.
timeout /t 10 /nobreak >nul
endlocal & @echo on & exit

We have a Tablet which we cannot root to enable ram swapping.

The tablet is a Billow X103, nearly 2 years old with Android 7.0 1Gb Ram 16G memory and 32G SD. There are no TWRP/CWM recovery boot .imgs and none of the regular one click root apps work. Processor is a Mediatek 8320 I believe.
The bootloader is unlocked. There is no update for it so no OTA or stock firmware files. Where can I obtain a payload.bin for this tablet. Is it possible to extract it from the device with Python/Payload dumper etc so that I can use it to obtain the Boot.img in order to root it with Magisk. I have contacted the manufacturer, they did not reply. Any ideas anyone?
Android 7 OTAs don't contain payload.bin
Thanks, OK I did not know that, So How do I go about getting root on this device, with only the device available, ie there is no stock firmware apart from that on the device itself?
I should have asked how can I extract the boot.img from the device ?
boissano said:
I should have asked how can I extract the boot.img from the device ?
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You for example run a DOS script like this
set "adb=C:\ADB-FASTBOOT-R30\adb.exe"
set "dev=" & set "name=" & set /a success=0
!adb! devices
!adb! shell "mkdir -p -m755 /data/local/boot"
for /f "tokens=1,4 delims= " %%a in ('!adb shell "cat proc/mtd"') do (
set "dev=%%a" & set "name=%%b"
echo !name! | findstr /C:"boot" >nul
if !errorlevel! EQU 0 (
set "dev=!dev::=!""
!adb! shell "dd if=/dev/mtd/!dev! of=/data/local/boot/boot.img bs=4096"
set /a success=1
goto :done_backup_boot
if !success! EQU 1 (
!adb! pull /data/local/boot/boot.img C:\boot.img
endlocal & exit
FYI: Haven't tested it. It's on you to fix bugs if given.
boissano said:
I should have asked how can I extract the boot.img from the device ?
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By using SP Flash tool...
boissano said:
So How do I go about getting root on this device ...?
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Android is rooted when the SU-binary is present in Android OS. Because in your case you can't access Android's /system partition ( means: mount /system partition as RW), you have to put SU-binary into non-system-critical /data partition - for example into /data/superuser , and afterwards give this binary the necessary rights via chmod and chown commands.
CXZa said:
By using SP Flash tool...
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Without root which is the final aim, SP Flash tool does not access the firmware, it is only OK to flash a cooked boot.img
jwoegerbauer said:
You for example run a DOS script like this
set "adb=C:\ADB-FASTBOOT-R30\adb.exe"
set "dev=" & set "name=" & set /a success=0
!adb! devices
!adb! shell "mkdir -p -m755 /data/local/boot"
for /f "tokens=1,4 delims= " %%a in ('!adb shell "cat proc/mtd"') do (
set "dev=%%a" & set "name=%%b"
echo !name! | findstr /C:"boot" >nul
if !errorlevel! EQU 0 (
set "dev=!dev::=!""
!adb! shell "dd if=/dev/mtd/!dev! of=/data/local/boot/boot.img bs=4096"
set /a success=1
goto :done_backup_boot
if !success! EQU 1 (
!adb! pull /data/local/boot/boot.img C:\boot.img
endlocal & exit
FYI: Haven't tested it. It's on you to fix bugs if given.
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Something along these lines looks to be the best way, it looks daunting but not much worse than rooting an HTC 10 years ago. Next time I will get wifey an easily rootable tablet with 4GB of ram to start. She plays games designed by **** developers where ram requirements increase with every update currently at 95% of total.
jwoegerbauer said:
Android is rooted when the SU-binary is present in Android OS. Because in your case you can't access Android's /system partition ( means: mount /system partition as RW), you have to put SU-binary into non-system-critical /data partition - for example into /data/superuser , and afterwards give this binary the necessary rights via chmod and chown commands.
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Thanks ,will check this out too!
boissano said:
Without root which is the final aim, SP Flash tool does not access the firmware, it is only OK to flash a cooked boot.img
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Okay, have fun!

Android Phone memory imaging process

Hi Friends
One of my friend has accidently reset his "one plus 7T" phone to factory mode .
I want to recover photos and videos from this phone.
As phone memory is hidden by manufacturers and is not accessible easily , I want some help to make image of phones internal memory.
I have read that I will have to do following so that memory will be accessible -----
1) Root the phone.
2) Enable USB debugging in developer options.
Is anything else is also required besides this ? Is there any highly reliable software / hardware ( not like cellebrite which is exorbitanatly costly) which can root the phone irrespective of make /android version ?
I am fearful that if something goes wrong in the process phone may get damaged permanantly .
How safe it is to root the phone ?
Can someone pls. suggest a good software having inbuilt drivers of all latest phones and which will make forensic imaging of phone's memory ?
Thank you.
You already know it:
1. Phone's Android must be rooted
2. USB-Debugging must got enabled
If these 2 requirements are fulfilled then you can fetch the partition that holds the userdata via dd command.
Here example of a related UNTESTED Windows command script:
@echo off & setlocal
set "dump_directory=userdata"
set "dump_location=C:\USERDATA"
rmdir /S /Q "%dump_location%"
mkdir "%dump_location%"
adb devices
for /F "tokens=1,9,11 delims= " %%a in ('adb shell "su -c 'ls -al /dev-block/platform/*/by-name' 2>/dev/null"') do (
set "characteristics=%%a" & set "directory=%%b" & set "block=%%c"
if NOT "?%characteristics%"=="?" (
set "type=%characteristics:~0,1%"
if "%type%"=="l" (
if "%directory%"=="%dump_directory%" (
adb shell "su -c 'mount -o rw,remount %block% /%directory%'"
adb exec-out "dd if=%block% bs=4096 | gzip" > %dump_location%\%directory%.img.gz
goto :dump_done
endlocal & @echo on & exit
hi jwoegerbauer
Thank you so much for your help. Can you pls. suggest any windows pc based app ? I am absolutely not proficient in terminal command level work so will prefer any app. which will make sector by sector Image of the memory.
Thanks again
I don't make use of 3rd-party-apps: I do all by means of Windows command scripts ( read: BAT files what by nature are apps ) utilizing ADB as shown above.

