Question Google Play System Updates – Activity Name - Google Pixel 6

I want to create a direct shortcut to check for Google Play system updates – does anybody know the Android activity I have to look for?
Google Play services provides an Activity .update.SystemUpdateActivity, but that one is for the regular system updates.


Representation of purchased apps in the Google Play Store

Because of the recent enhancements of the Google Play Store, we from have thought ourselves about ​​further improvements and opened opened an issue ( with the following content at Google:
Since the introduction of the Play Store are purchased apps no longer displayed filtered. Instead, in the category "All" appear in the category „Personal Apps“ now all apps that were ever loaded on the concerned account.
Currently, on pocketpc.pc is running a survey on this topic:
Also has a corresponding thread to this topic, with a reference to the above named survey, opened at the XDA Developers:
Link to this thread
From an upcoming update of the Play Store, we hope the following functions:
1. Filter for purchased apps (or a own, different, area)
2. Ability to delete apps in the category "All"
So please help us to make the Play Store more user-friendly and vote for a better future!
Link to Google Issue Site:

[Q] Admob without Google Play Services installed

Hi Developers
With Admob SDK now being a part of Google Play Services, I am not sure about the following:
Will the Admob ads work also on the devices without Google Play Services installed? Or do I have to make sure they are available?
According to Google Play Services developer instructions, availability should be checked using the GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable method. However, I am quite sure I read somewhere, that the ads should work even without Play Services installed on the device...
Thank You
Okay, based on my testing, Google Play Services are not required to be present on the device - Ads are shown as usual.
Apparently, referencing google-play-services_lib is sufficient.

Google Play App Publishing Question

Does Google have a documentation where they list all the automatic validations that are performed on an APK when you publish or update an app on Google Play? I am talking about things likes Invalid Signature, APK size over limit and etc. I am interested in the automated checks that are performed by Google; not manual checks/requirements like inappropriate content.

How to add Aurora Droid to the Android 11 "Open With" menu option list?

How can I add "Aurora Droid" as an option to the list that pops up in the Android "Open With" menu?
Like many here, I don't use the default Google Play client (normally I have disabled) and (for privacy reasons) I don't have any Samsung or Google account (or any other account) registered in the Android 11 settings of my Samsung Galaxy A32 5G phone.
Settings > Accounts and backup > Manage accounts === none
But it's OK to NOT have a Google Account registered to the phone because the Aurora Store app will spoof a sign-in to the Google Play repository, so I don't need (nor do I want) a Google account set up on the phone.
Even without a Google account set up on the phone, the Google Play app (aka will will still scan for and manually UPDATE about a score of "google apps" that it knows about (mostly these are the small subset of stock apps which come with the phone initially from the carrier).
Since the Google Play app can only find a tiny subset of the apps on the Google Play repository to update, there's really no value in enabling the Google Play app in my situation.
That's because even if I temporarily enable the Google Play app (aka the "Play Store" app. aka "") will only update a very short list of stock apps (about a score or less which it calls "Google Apps", but that's incorrect nomenclature as will also update pre-installed stock Samsung and T-Mobile apps).
It would be great if I could use the Aurora Store to scan for all the hundreds of apps that have updates on the Google Play repository, so that I can (if I want to) update any set of them at a simple tap of an update button after that list of hundreds of apps that have updates on the Google Play repository is enumerated.
However, as far as I can tell, the Aurora Store doesn't have a setting to manually check for app updates, en masse, on the Google Play repository without actually updating the apps (that is, the Aurora Store has a setting for AUTOMATIC updating, which isn't what I want, and of course, you can type in the name of any given app and the Aurora Store will allow you to update it - but that's also not what I want).
A workaround is to add any decent free ad free gsf free "app updater", where I can then manually update ALL my apps (whose lists are in the hundreds and not just the extremely few that the Google Play app updates).
Update Software Checker - OS Version Info, by Inspire Zone
App Update Checker - Update Software, by Pratham Tech
Software Update Checker : App & Game Updater 2021, by Pnixo
While these update checkers scan the Google Play repository to find HUNDREDS of apps that need updating, not just the score of apps that the app finds), and while these update checkers have a button to update each of the hundreds of apps whose newer version was found on the Google Play repository, ALL of them "open with" a list of apps that does NOT include the Aurora Store (see screenshots below).
How can I add "Aurora Droid" as an option to the list that pops up in the Android "Open With" menu?
To update the record, I still do not know what "magic" adds an app to the "Open with" list, but it happened again in this thread today:
How hard can it be to find a simple text editor that edits any text file stored anywhere you want it to be stored on your internal or external sdcard?
In that case, when you tapped on a text file in some file managers, the "Open with" contained the FOSS "Simple Text Editor" tool by Maxim Starkov (aka MaxiStar); but in other cases, that text editor wasn't part of the list of "Open with" options....
Sigh... I wish someone knew what the "magic" is that puts an application (such as a text file editor) into the "Open with" listing when you tap on a text file to edit it.
Otherwise, it's almost completely arbitrary - and that's sad if Android is really that random that the "Open with" list is essentially left to chance.

How can I add another app (e.g., "Aurora Droid") to the Android installer intent selection list (e.g., next to the "Google Play Store" selection)?

How can I add another app (e.g., the 'Aurora Droid' app) to the Android installer intent list?
(note this question has nothing to do, per se, with the example app as it could be any app)
When I doubleclick on a grayed-out app, I have the option of installing that missing app via the "Google Play Store" app, or the "Aurora Store" app, or the "F-Droid" app, or the "Yalp" app or the MuntashirAkon "AppManager" app, etc., but, unfortunately, the "Aurora Droid" app isn't one of the options presented in that installer intent listing.
Why is Aurora Droid missing from that list?
Is it on your list of options?
How do I add it?
Here are some illustrative details: (note the Planisphere app is just an example app)
1. A few orphan shortcuts resulted from the Android 11 to 12 upgrade
2. As one example, one of those orphan shortcuts is to the Planisphere app
3. Clicking that orphan shortcut knows _exactly_ what it is
4. And it knows that Planisphere isn't installed anymore
5. Luckily there is an intent option to install via Aurora Store
6. Which brings me to the 99-cent Google Play Store Planisphere page
7. If I instead choose to install via the F-Droid intent option
8. It brings me to the free F-Droid Planisphere page
9. Likewise, I could have chosen to install via the Yalp Store app
10. Or even via my (Muntashirakon) Application Manager app
11. But what if I wanted to install it via the Aurora Droid app?
12. How do I add Aurora Droid to the Android install intent list?
Here are screenshots illustrating the actions described above:
App is no longer installed
Shortcut knows what it is
App is found in Aurora Store
App is found in F-Droid
App is found in Aurora Droid
App is installed from F-Droid
The Android question will take an expert to answer because it's essentially hacking Android when you're not rooted.
The first question of Android developers is WHAT makes an app get in that installer intent list anyway?
Q: Why are these in the install intent list?
Yalp Store
F-Droid Store
Aurora Store
App Manager (Muntashirakon)
Q: But not this?
Aurora Droid Store
In summary, this thread asks HOW to add any app to any intent list, (using the example of adding the Aurora Store app to the installer intent list).

