Automatic New Email Checking - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

This message contains all postings in this thread
dated before January 19th 2003
Subject: Automatic New Email Checking
From: Muddy
Date: 09 Jan, 2003 14:31:44
I've set my inbox to check for new messages every 60 minutes,
but this doesn't seem to work.
Only once have new emails appeared in my inbox without me
clicking the send / receive button (and even then the
notification didn't work - the LED was set to flash
Is there a work around for this?
I've heard it's a bug in PPC2002PE.
([email protected])
Subject: Checking Email
From: Jason Williams
Date: 17 Jan, 2003 14:19:53
Mine works fine but only if you run emil in on line mode. on the
inbox screen there is a hand icon. If it has a white box arround
it you are in online mode and inbox checking will work. if it
does not you are in offline mode. Tap the hand to change the
operating mode.


Email Receipt notification

This message contains all postings in this thread
dated before January 19th 2003
Subject: Email Receipt notification
From: Bobby Gallagher
Date: 06 Jan, 2003 19:13:15
I have my XDA set with GPRS on all the time and so I can receive
emails every 15min etc.
The emails come in OK but I get no notification or sound even
though these are switched on the the notification settings tab
All I get is an indication on the ToDay page that I have 1 or 2
unread messages in the inbox
Can anyone help please
Subject: Close inbox
From: Carlos
Date: 07 Jan, 2003 08:04:28
The only time I've seen this happen is if you have the inbox in
the foreground. If you close/minimize the Inbox, notifications
come back. That's really REALLY stupid, but the way it is.

Picture and ring tone assign

This message contains all postings in this thread
dated before January 19th 2003
Subject: Picture and ring tone assign
From: Xda.
Date: 08 Jan, 2003 13:37:11
Is there anyway to assign a different ringing tone to a specific
contact and/or a picture with every contact?
Subject: Yes
From: Alex
Date: 08 Jan, 2003 14:31:07
Try this:

hide dial notifications

This message contains all postings in this thread
dated before January 19th 2003
Subject: hide dial notifications
From: Cdavies
Date: 10 Jan, 2003 17:37:54
I've just stumbled upon this site - fantastic!
Does anyone know how to suppress/hide/disable the annoying
Dialling notifications that appear. I have a program which
dials and I dont want the user to see them. Could this be a
regisrty hack - if so how, and how do i access the regisrty??
[email protected]

How to backup SMS messages

This message contains all postings in this thread
dated before January 19th 2003
Subject: How to backup SMS messages
From: Ben Sebastian
Date: 14 Jan, 2003 01:28:00
Hi.. Is there any ways to backing up the SMS messages on the
xda (beside using the 'SD backup')... I'm going to have my
replacement unit, and don't want to lose my SMS messages.
Any replies will be very much appreciated. TIA.
Subject: I asked this a while back...
From: Anthony Newman
Date: 14 Jan, 2003 11:36:30
...and didn't get a response
I couldn't find a way to do it, I'm afraid!

SMS Delivery Always On?

Dear all,
How can I edit registry so that SMS Delivery Request always on by default?
Thanks a lot
This should work.....
Wrong SMS Inbox Date
Thanks Stev, it works.
My another problem: Why SMS Inbox Date is always based on time receive the SMS, not the real time like a common Handphone.
For example: I sent SMS to a friend at 10.00 PM, but his phone was not online yet. He was online at 10.20 PM, but I had already turned off the Phone on 10.10 PM. When operator wanted to send SMS Delivery report, it would pending till I turned it on.
When I turned it on tomorrow at 7 AM,
I've got SMS Report Delivery : 20 Aug 2006 : 07.00 AM. It is wrong, the right is 19 Aug 2006 : 10.10 PM
It is same with a common SMS.
For example: My friend sent me SMS at 10.00 PM, but my phone was not online, then tomorrow I turned it on at 7.00 AM,
The SMS Date is 19 Aug 2006 : 07.00 AM.
It must be 19 Aug 2006 : 10.00 PM not 19 Aug 2006 : 07.00 AM
How can I fix the registry for this wrong SMS Date?
Thanks a lot
LumpiStefan said:
This should work.....
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Click to collapse

