02 XDA - Writing a web page for it - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Does anybody have a list of guidelines to follow when writing a web page for the 02 XDA.
It would seem obvious to not make it graphics intensive, and size it appropriately for the screen, but I'm looking for the more subtle tips.......not using javascript etc.....
Many Thanks
Alex Stevens

Chubby said:
Does anybody have a list of guidelines to follow when writing a web page for the 02 XDA.
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Just rather obvious ones:
Strip everything unnecessary from the HTML
Minimize graphics, both in size and complexity
for GIF's: less colors in palette
for JPG's, higher compression
[*]Try to accomplish cool graphic effects using stylesheet tricks instead of images whenever possible
[*]GPRS is slow, so images may take a while. So specify sizes for all images, so the layout looks right immediately.
[*]Make sure it's viewable with graphics turned off (sensible alt-texts, one gif per button, etc...)
There's many more things one could do. I guess when you've done the above, it all comes down to UI design: trying to estimate how much to cram in one screen, based on various properties of your target audience and many other factors.

XDA developer Peter Poelman said:
[*]Try to accomplish cool graphic effects using stylesheet tricks instead of images whenever possible
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Stylesheets are not supported on Pocket Internet Explorer 2002. There is also a section in the Pocket PC 2002 SDK dedicated to building web application for PPC2002.

jrom said:
Stylesheets are not supported on Pocket Internet Explorer 2002.
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Whoops, I stand corrected. Thanks...

Does anyone know if XDAs will ever have stylesheet capability and if so when :?: ?

Style Sheets and XDA
WM2003 supports CSS as we use them heavily in an app. Annoying things that you often forget about are no on mouse over (hover) - logical. when you think about it, but annoying if you forget!


WM6 first impressions

I will be willing to answer any questions you have regarding wm6
my first impressions of it are pretty good... its running quite stable on my athena with apps installed
-spb mobile shell (does not work if autohide is disabled)
-spb brain evolution
-spb diary (installing this did significantly slow it down)
-wisbar advance beta 4
-resco explorer
-resco keyboard
-ae button plus
-htc audio plugin
there are some more but im copying some files so i cant use the phone
intially its very very fast... much faster than wm5 noticbly so
It does seem to support native vga as in device info the resolution is listed at 640x480
i dont however see the terminal client for remote login... i could be lookin in the wrong place? i dunno
the included dialer skin / theme is quite nice
Everything seems to be working flawlessly i havent tried voip yet...
IE data speeds seem to be significantly faster for me... as compared to wm5
Ill be posting more later once i use it a bit more...
Mind to share Windows Media Player Skin
No issues found yet. The device seems *a lot* snappier, and indeed the GPS fix occurs a lot faster. I now also suddenly have a fix inhouse ... (allbeit near the window). In WM5 that simply would not happen.
boinger66 said:
It does seem to support native vga as in device info the resolution is listed at 640x480
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This resolution is listed in the WM5 too, does your device have smaller buttons, menus etc?
bydandie said:
This resolution is listed in the WM5 too, does your device have smaller buttons, menus etc?
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no the icon sizes seem the same but when I try to install a qvga skin it takes up the same portion when running previosly in wm5 with truevga mode
so I think it is truevga mode
also while typing the text prediciont works real well
Ergh, can I get rid of the horrible GREEN comm manager?
Other than that, its wm6 again.. Ahh, sigh of releif.
If you change the theme of your device to the windows default and then restart it should get rid of the horrible skin. For some reason mine kept the phone dialler skin until I had restarted again, but now it's not so green any more.
My first impressions are that the device itself runs very well with WM6. So far no real hassles. The only thing I have discovered is that TomTom 6 now thinks my device is a new device so it looks like WM6 has changed the hardware ID. I am still able to use my device. I had to manually active the maps though and the TomTom application for downloading maps and updates won't let me change my device to the 'new' one.
boinger66 said:
no the icon sizes seem the same but when I try to install a qvga skin it takes up the same portion when running previosly in wm5 with truevga mode
so I think it is truevga mode
also while typing the text prediciont works real well
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Yep, the buttons are large. I'm not quite with you with the other comment, could you post a screenshot? Have you managed to get the smaller homescreen top/bottom bars without installing VGA hack software?
Apart from that, everything is a lot faster, typing on the keyboard is more responsive and I'm happy, deffo worth it just for the proper email client alone.
bydandie said:
Yep, the buttons are large. I'm not quite with you with the other comment, could you post a screenshot? Have you managed to get the smaller homescreen top/bottom bars without installing VGA hack software?
Apart from that, everything is a lot faster, typing on the keyboard is more responsive and I'm happy, deffo worth it just for the proper email client alone.
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well for example if you use a plugin for a qvga device...
it wont fill the screen
it only takes the same amount of screen space as it would on a qvga device
ie about 1/4 of the screen (i would post a pic but i removed the software)
so that leads me to believe its vga
no VoIp
I can't find the option, did you find it?
boinger66 said:
well for example if you use a plugin for a qvga device...
it wont fill the screen
it only takes the same amount of screen space as it would on a qvga device
ie about 1/4 of the screen (i would post a pic but i removed the software)
so that leads me to believe its vga
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Hi boinger66,
My main reason for getting the athena is because I do a lot of reading & editing on-the-go mostly pdfs, docs, spreadsheets & powerpoint files. Can you tell me if using these programs with lots of words on-screen (PIE, pdfs,docs, xls) whether there is an increase in the real estate? Is there less scrolling etc, just like you'd see with the vga hacks? Also, are options available to change the resolutions on the fly? Does using the "High Res" option in PIE make a huge difference than before?
Many thanks for your help
boinger66 said:
well for example if you use a plugin for a qvga device...
it wont fill the screen
it only takes the same amount of screen space as it would on a qvga device
ie about 1/4 of the screen (i would post a pic but i removed the software)
so that leads me to believe its vga
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If I'm not asking much, can you make a youtube?
Abram said:
Hi boinger66,
My main reason for getting the athena is because I do a lot of reading & editing on-the-go mostly pdfs, docs, spreadsheets & powerpoint files. Can you tell me if using these programs with lots of words on-screen (PIE, pdfs,docs, xls) whether there is an increase in the real estate? Is there less scrolling etc, just like you'd see with the vga hacks? Also, are options available to change the resolutions on the fly? Does using the "High Res" option in PIE make a huge difference than before?
Many thanks for your help
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The IE high resolution and fit to screen do help, but it also makes the test pretty small. As an example, when displaying yahoo.com, and set to high resolution and fit to screen; the whole width of the web page is displayed.
hey can i install antena wm6.0 in o2 atom life....pls try to help me out...
pls send some sdp softwares to my mail [email protected]
Abram said:
Hi boinger66,
My main reason for getting the athena is because I do a lot of reading & editing on-the-go mostly pdfs, docs, spreadsheets & powerpoint files. Can you tell me if using these programs with lots of words on-screen (PIE, pdfs,docs, xls) whether there is an increase in the real estate? Is there less scrolling etc, just like you'd see with the vga hacks? Also, are options available to change the resolutions on the fly? Does using the "High Res" option in PIE make a huge difference than before?
Many thanks for your help
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let me answer your questions....
1)there is no increase in real estate vs wm5 except in PIE
2)There no no option to change resolution on the fly
3)Yes it does (Pie and Hi-res)
these comments are based on my experience with uni and not athena but are valid for all VGA devices
Additionally there have been reports that VGA Hacks don't work with the later cores of wm6 (the release candidate)
faster than wm5. i had it on xda exec and when i changed to x7500 I kinda missed it but its back baby.
I was happy to see wm6 yesterday. i bought an iphone to see how it is and i was actually disappointed but wm6 made my day.
Thank you xda-dev.
Guys try using Mvr True VGA 1.2 it works..
i dont think you guys are understanding what i am saying
it is true vga
they just made the icons and buttons the same size for easy viewing
if you make smaller icons you get the realestate increase
for example if you install a qvga plug in it will not work...
it will take up the upper left corner of the screen only ... this can be observed by installing the htc audio manage today screen plugin
"Uni" VGA resolution file may work for Athena
I think some expert developers needs to extract the VGA<->QVGA toggle cab files or setup files from "Universal WM6 ROM" and give a try....
May be it will work for our Athena as well....
What do you guys say?
I was really hoping that new ROM is gonna solve this problem...and we will not have to use TrueVga type hacks...
WM6 is fast
Battery problem still here
The Battery problem is still here. You can see only 10, 20, 30, 40 % .... but never 94 %

iCaller - simple CallerID app - alpha version

iCaller v0.1.0.3 alpha
Simple CallerID application which extends system default Incoming Call screen with full-sized pictures, additional contact information and fully customized interface.
Currently, it is an alpha version, which means that it may contain bugs and do not work correctly on some devices. Please give me the feedback, I'll be fixing issues.
You may get it also at my new home site
- Lightweight
- Expands default incoming call screen without affecting its behavior
- Full-sized contact picture
- Pictures can be stored on a Storage Card or in Pocket Outlook database
- Picture can vary for the same contact depending on its phone number (just name the picture with a number, e.g. 5554433.jpg)
- Customized interface based on HTML (using system HTMLView control, thanks for idea goes to mrproper)
- Screen lock functionality
- Speed improvements
- Bugfixing
- Unpack contents of the archive in a folder on your device, e.g. \Program Files\iCaller (do not forget to copy zlibce.dll too!)
- Check settings.ini - it is configured for English version of Windows Mobile OS, you may need to replace sSysCallerWndTitle option from 'Phone - Incoming...' to your localized name of system default Incoming Call window
- Launch iCaller.exe
For detailed instructions refer to readme.html
Stop and restart iCaller each time you modify the settings.ini file!
Thanks will test with manila about time just a simple fullscreen caller
Does not work with manila 2D as the manila caller id cuts Icaller out also the call delay is much worse on my 5-6 times before ring is herd ?
wapvirus said:
Thanks will test with manila about time just a simple fullscreen caller
Does not work with manila 2D as the manila caller id cuts Icaller out also the call delay is much worse on my 5-6 times before ring is herd ?
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Haven't tested with Manila yet. Probably it will require modifying sSysCallerWndClass and sSysCallerWndTitle options in settings.ini to properly hide Manila CallerID. I'll investigate the delay issue too. Thanks for the feedback!
mmh, this is a feature that is build in s2u2 allready (runnes on any device, fullscreen), so where is the different if this is ready?
So this might only be usefull if there is really someone out there who does not use s2u2 , (maybe throttlelock users)
bluemetalaxe said:
mmh, this is a feature that is build in s2u2 allready (runnes on any device, fullscreen), so where is the different if this is ready?
So this might only be usefull if there is really someone out there who does not use s2u2 , (maybe throttlelock users)
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In fact, I've installed S2U2 and uninstalled it two days after, didn't like the weight and functional overload. So it's up to users to decide
truburt said:
In fact, I've installed S2U2 and uninstalled it two days after, didn't like the weight and functional overload. So it's up to users to decide
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Not to forget that iCaller works usefully on Smartphones whereas I, for one, have never gotten anything working with S2U2 on a Smartphone. Plus it's lightweight and since you're using the HTMLViewer that means it's also pretty configurable.
I've got a few ideas myself on themes for it...!
Kermit Woodall
Managing Editor
I assume you can put this in the startup drawer/folder or put a .lnk to it there to start this everytime the phone starts?
Kermit Woodall
Managing Editor
You say its customizable with graphics..Is this a whole skin/theme ability or just replacing already existing files ?
And is it possible to have gfx for tapped state as well ? And transparent PNG files ?
If so, I would be really interested in skinning it (once its stable and fast ^^).
And, maybe I get this wrong but what do you mean by "screen lock functionality" ?? Sounds like S2U2
mmh, its lightwight, of course because it has not much functions, so wait two weeks and we will see because it seems that there is a lock function coming too
The other thing is that you need this and a screenlocker application and a volume control application and and and. with s2u2 you can disable parts of programm. Just my thoughts about another calleer iD.
But maybe usefull for non touch devices or other lockers, as i said.
hey Schmidler, Oesterreich gehoert wieder zu Deutschland *kleiner Spass aus Bayern
Running it on ATT Tilt, stock 6.1 rom, with HTC Home Plugin. Works great so far. I like the HTML layout, it can be customized quite easily.
I have been looking for something like this for a while now, I'll test some more and report back.
yes, S2U2 already got a lot of functionality, but its true that it´s memory intesive.
[OFF-TOPIC] @bluemetalaxe: xD ja klar, Deutsches Reich nichwahr kennst ja hoffentlich http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGPGSyCreJA [/OFF-TOPIC]
athis is exactly what I have been looking for for a long time!!!
огромное спасибо!
Going to try on my wizard to see how it works. hopefuly it will rescale my outlook contact photos to something more reasonable.
Here is a smaller picture for the no caller id.
it is saved as a 2color png in 8bits
weighs less than a kb as oposed to the 7kb in the one you posted.
(This should make a lot the difference with speed as well)
bluemetalaxe said:
mmh, this is a feature that is build in s2u2 allready (runnes on any device, fullscreen), so where is the different if this is ready?
So this might only be usefull if there is really someone out there who does not use s2u2 , (maybe throttlelock users)
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I'm not using S2U2 or ThrottleLock, and I do find this application could be very useful.
truburt said:
In fact, I've installed S2U2 and uninstalled it two days after, didn't like the weight and functional overload. So it's up to users to decide
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i have to agree with you.. S2U2 is heavy and pointless for some people. i don't use it and nor need it. I'll be using iCaller, no doubt about it.
pilgrim011 said:
I'm not using S2U2 or ThrottleLock, and I do find this application could be very useful.
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I think that the big difference is that it is so lightweight.
You can have as many pictures as you want for your people on storage card without making PIMVOL as huge as mine (1.5mb) and only for few contacts!
can you immagine if I had pictures for ALL of my 200+ contacts??? that would probably add up to 5mb!
Hi Burt,
Installed on my HTC Touch on program files , but still getting the small screen with the picture on the background.
How do i get rid of the small old screen showing the number & get only the new full screen.
here is what happened on my wizard:
installed ran testcalled from a friends phone.
at the top of the screen I got 3 pictures (same ones from my outlook. under it the blue screen. under that the standard windows mobile bubble.
I think that there needs to be some kind of a scaling engine for outlook photos. at least double size. and the background needs to change from the scarry blue to a black or very dark grey.
looking forward to an update. thanks for trying to tackle a problem that many cant seem to care about
truburt said:
iCaller v0.1.0.2 alpha
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many many thanks for sharing this useful application, I attach italian.lng (rename .txt in .lng) for Italian users.
I'm trying to change the font size in default theme to have it bigger, but I don't know which value I have to write instad of "{ font-size: large; }"
Thanks in advance.
Ciao, Andrea
Genius2000 said:
many many thanks for sharing this useful application, I attach italian.lng (rename .txt in .lng) for Italian users.
I'm trying to change the font size in default theme to have it bigger, but I don't know which value I have to write instad of "{ font-size: large; }"
Thanks in advance.
Ciao, Andrea
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I just found how to change the font size "{ font-size: 180%; }", now I would like to change also the font color, any hint?
Ciao, Andrea
S.V.I said:
here is what happened on my wizard:
installed ran testcalled from a friends phone.
at the top of the screen I got 3 pictures (same ones from my outlook. under it the blue screen. under that the standard windows mobile bubble.
I think that there needs to be some kind of a scaling engine for outlook photos. at least double size. and the background needs to change from the scarry blue to a black or very dark grey.
looking forward to an update. thanks for trying to tackle a problem that many cant seem to care about
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this is exactly what happened to me

mConvert - WVGA (V.2) - Attractive Mobile Unit Converter

The result of a bored uni student on holidays, mConvert is a Windows Mobile unit converter.
And now, Version 2 of that slick, finger friendly converter is out. After much feedback suggesting more categories would be good, I have added 10 categories, meaning you can now convert in the following categories:
This is now a powerful converter app, able to rival many of the other converters on the market. And best of all? It's still FREE!! But as before, donations are kindly accepted (on FreewarePocketPC site).
I have tried to make the UI as attractive as possible, as this makes or breaks an app in my opinion. Hope you like it.
I decided to make the app free as nobody likes paying for this stuff, including myself. The aim of mConvert was not only to make an effective converter for mobiles, but to also showcase the potential Windows Mobile has.
For the VGA version, visit:
For the FreewarePocketPC site (location to donate) visit:
05/07/2010 (Version - Added various conversions
21/05/2010 (Version - Added ability to use a "Result" value as an "Input Value" by hold-clicking the result and selecting "Use as Input Value", bug fix (bug#2)
20/05/2010 (Version - Added splash screen, bug fix (bug#1)
15/05/2010 (Version - Added 10 extra categories with a large amount of new unit conversions, minor UI change
06/05/2010 (Version 1) - Added ability to convert between Sq/Ft > Acres and Acres > Sq/Ft
Bug#2 (Version - Error in "Mph/s > Kph/s" conversion formula Status: Fixed
Bug#1 (Version - Using hardware back button would permanently close a screen, not allowing user to re-open. Status: Fixed
[System Requirements]
Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5)
Windows .NET Framework 3.5
WVGA Resolution Screen
Touch Screen
Check out the pics below and download.
Hi, thanks for sharing this app....and welcome to the forums..
I have just downloaded and tried it out and I must say its the best looking converter I've seen and really easy to use too, works great on my HD2
Thanks again!
No worries mate, thanks for the great feedback!
Hope you enjoy it!
I agree. Simple and easy to use.
Just wondering if you could add weight conversions???
thex said:
I agree. Simple and easy to use.
Just wondering if you could add weight conversions???
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Thanks for downloading! The reason there are only five unit categories is basically because my coding skills are very limited at the moment. If I was to make a sixth category, it would disappear off the bottom of the screen, as the app does not allow the user to move the screen around, if that makes any sense.
If I can work it out, or someone can reference a site where it explains it, I might include it.
looks great, i hope you can make a VGA version soon, like it was said, this seems to be the best looking converter to date
paulmahoney40 said:
The result of a bored uni student on holidays, mConvert is a Windows Mobile unit converter.
I have tried to make the UI as attractive as possible, hope you like it.
I decided to make the app free as nobody likes paying for this stuff, however if you really like it, feel free to donate at the FreewarePocketPC site - Just go to FreewarePocketPC and search mConvert (I could not post a link here as I am new to the forum - if someone can post a link that's much appreciated )
System Requirements:
Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5)
Windows .NET Framework 3.5
WVGA Resolution Screen
Touch Screen
Check out the pics below and download.
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Please ... Can you do this program for VGA? ... Thank you.
FreewarepocketPC Direct Link
Thankz for this app!
Hi Paul,
If you thinking of adding additional categories, rather than putting them on the same page and having to scroll down, you could always make a new page and add page number links to the top of each (if that makes sense).
it's just a suggestion, but thanks again for the app!
Hoping to make a VGA version when uni slows down, pretty insane at the moment.
Mass13 said:
FreewarepocketPC Direct Link
Thankz for this app!
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Thanks for the direct link mate
l3mm said:
Hi Paul,
If you thinking of adding additional categories, rather than putting them on the same page and having to scroll down, you could always make a new page and add page number links to the top of each (if that makes sense).
it's just a suggestion, but thanks again for the app!
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Great idea l3mm!
When uni slows down I'll look into that - I'll see if i can add some more categories, and I'll try and make a VGA version - seems to be a popular request.
paulmahoney40 said:
Thanks for the direct link mate
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welcome, u did the work, I just copy/paste
Gets me to think of uconvert .. pretty close
Would it be an idea if the predefined converting options would be read from an XML file?
This way others can add to this list.
Very nice looking app!
Btw just wandering which language do you use to program this on?
ock said:
Very nice looking app!
Btw just wandering which language do you use to program this on?
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I did this is VB.NET - basically what I learnt at uni but adapted for mobile.
Images were done in GIMP
Hi there mate, welcome to the programmers world ... Here is a little tip to add more calculations without losing to much space:
Remove the = button, calculate on the fly. Saves you some space, and saves the user a click.
Add a dropdown with categories: Weight, Distance, Speed, etc....
Add a second dropdown which is filled with the items from the selected category: Inch/feet, Inch/cm etc
I didn't do much VB.net/C# lately, but with a little research it wouldn't be to hard to do, keep motivated!
Thanks a lot!!
very useful app.
Great program! But do you think you could add "sq.ft. > acres" and "acres > sq.ft." in the area conversions? I work in a landscaping company and those are my 2 most used calculations.

[APP] Ubuntu Blackjack

I just started working on a series of card games for Ubuntu Touch. I think these will be great additions to the platform's app ecosystem. You can view some screenshots of my progress here: https://plus.google.com/110587021591787005452/posts/9yRiPbRxSFJ
Please let me know if you have suggestions
Is it possible to change the background color? All Ubuntu Touch applications have this ugly purple.
Maybe green would look good.
But great work!
To98 said:
Is it possible to change the background color? All Ubuntu Touch applications have this ugly purple.
Maybe green would look good.
But great work!
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Yeah, that can easily be changed. Green could look like a nice card table. I'll experiment. But, form follows function!
5m0k3 said:
But, form follows function!
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Yeah, that's true. But from the pictures I can't tell you what does work.
Are you going to publish your app on launchpad or do you want to make a paid app?
I can't tell you what does work.
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I finished nailing all the known bugs in blackjack, so that's completely functional.
Are you going to publish your app on launchpad or do you want to make a paid app?
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I intend to publish it to launchpad soon, so the community can use it to develop better apps. I'll update this thread when I get around to that
hoorayy card games
try this for background
top to bottom
could you try making other card games like Tri-Peak or Pyramid
Updates here: https://plus.google.com/110587021591787005452/posts/g8AJCC2gsUC
Major Update: https://plus.google.com/110587021591787005452/posts/Xm8CJyrDYNz
Highlights include
-Device Convergence: Different layouts for different screen sizes
-Improved Game Play Features
-High Scores
Source code available: https://code.launchpad.net/~brad-4/ubuntu-blackjack/main
Can you add this to a ppa?, I use my Nexus 7 as my primary computer which is running Ubuntu Touch and would rather download a built package instead of compiling.
Thanks for the hard work by the way!!!
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
I wanted to share a few screenshots highlighting the progress of the Ubuntu Blackjack app. The app has seen a number of significant improvements since I last provided an update here:
When I began, I intended to include several card games in one app, but somebody suggested that I focus on one game and try to make it really enjoyable to play. The idea was that the game would be the experience that other developers see and want to emulate. I heeded this advice, and focused on blackjack. Initially, the game was very simple. A deck was generated, and the player simply drew cards, but there was no real motivation to continue playing. I implemented additional gameplay features so the game would involve a fair amount of strategy, rather than sheer luck. Still, the game needed an objective, so I devised a system for keeping score, with increased stakes as the rounds progress. Naturally, I had to add a database to store the top 10 scores! Later, I realized it would be nice to share high scores with friends, so I utilized the Online Accounts and Friends APIs to allow sharing of scores on social media networks. Hopefully this publicity will draw more users to the Ubuntu Touch platform.
Next, I focused on audio/visual improvements. I incorporated feedback from the Ubuntu community, including an Ubuntu design clinic, to implement designs that are simple and functional, yet visually appealing. I included realistic animations and textures. It was important that the design be convergent so it will look good on all screen sizes and take advantage of the available screen real estate as it scales up. Consequently, blackjack is a great way to pass a few minutes on phone, tablet, or desktop! Next, I packaged a rich set of free audio and added a toggle to the settings page, so the user can choose to play with sound for a more immersive experience.
I want the user experience to be pleasant from start to finish, not just while the game is loaded. To balance all these new features, I had to make changes to improve load time. I also decided to add a splash screen, so the user has visual feedback while loading is in progress. A splash screen is much more pleasant to look at than a blank white screen.
Download the app today from the click store on your Ubuntu Touch device and let me know what can be improved!

Edit PDF

Good evening to everybody,
I m searching for a complete app that allows you to full edit a pdf. I know there are a lot of apps for reading and editing pdf, but i can't find an app that satisfay all my needs.
In particular what i need is:
- Possibility to edit pdf with spen: writing some notes, highlight in a confort way and so on..
- Search for a word in the pdf file, so the apps must recognize the text and don't open it like an image;
- Palm rejection
Thanks in advice!
Try Xodo - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xodo.pdf.reader&hl=en
techops said:
Try Xodo - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xodo.pdf.reader&hl=en
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Thank you for your advice, is what i m using rn. But sometimes i dont find it very user friendly
What I don't like about xodoo is that it doesn't catch the differences in pressure while I m writing
Thew-95 said:
What I don't like about xodoo is that it doesn't catch the differences in pressure while I m writing
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New update adds pressure sensitive ink stroke support.
Amindpdf has these functions you mentioned

