O2 Cracked unit running in North America - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Is there a place to change the Frequency setting of the O2 XDA so it can pickup North American Networks eg 900/1900 Mhz.

O2 devices are all 900/1800 units PW10A and will not work in the USA. Only PW10B units are 900/1900.
The Bootloader is common between the two different hardware types.


Band Question

Can an At/T XDA I work on all three bands ,800/1800/1900?
Also what are the advantages that each band provides? ie. can one frequency reach a wider area...
they are the same as far as i know
but 900/1900 is only in us and some other places
900/1800 is only in eu and some other places
and no xda1 is only a dualband so it's 900/1800 or 900/1900
but xda2 is triband
GSM 900 is an older standard then 1800. When a phone is logged on to a 900MHz network it sends the dat with up to 2 watts, hile only sending with max. 1 watt in a 1800MHz network. As far as I know there are no special advantages/disadvantages of either. About 1900 I don´t know, since there is no such newtwork in Germany.
Can the XDA I work on all three bands if the band changer program is used?
will it work with the at/t, orange and tmobile?
not 100% sure if the bandswitcher works or if the hardware is locked to one or the other
will it work with the at/t, orange and tmobile?
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like a normal phone it will work on any cellphone company which ofer gsm

GSM 1800 or 1900?| Network loss

I don’t know how to find out what band my smartphone uses. It’s T-Mobile, so it should sell in US, where GSM band’s 1900. But my T-mobile was in box, designed especially for Russia. The letters are in Russian, a GSM band indicated on the box in big black font is 900\1800.
But device information tab in WM 2003 displays "Hardware Version: PW 10B1" (as far as I understand that means 1900 band). In spite of this on the back of my device is a sticker with PW10A2 sign. Where's the truth?
Maybe my device uses 1800 frequency?
But anyway in the band selection tab there's only 2 bands 800 and 1900 (
If my device supports 1800 band, how can I activate it?
The seller’s support tells T-mobile MDA supports 1800… But they can’t explain how to enable it.
I don't know whether connected my second problem with previous. I think it is.
Sometimes my device doesn't find network after it lost it. Example: after leaving an underground subway station. To find a network I have to turn the phone off and then to turn it on.
My radio version is T310. If this problem doesn't connected with the first, maybe I just should change a radio version to a newer one?
The sticker tells the truth normally. Are you going in to bootloader to choose your band?
How can I choose GSM band through boot loader?
Enter bootloader by holding power button while pushing stylus in reset hole, when bootloader appears push the button below antenna, you will then have all gsm options, choose 900/1800.
You may be S O L!!!
You better hope your XDA is not a 900/1800 MHz one otherwise you're going to be SOL unless you plan on living overseas because here in North America, the wireless carriers like AT&T Wireless, Cingular Wireless LLC and T Mobile USA use EDGE/GSM/GPRS on the 850 and/or 1900 MHz GSM aka Next Generation network. 900/1800 MHz GSM is used overseas and is considered the international GSM bandwidths. Cheers!
You may be S O L!!!
You better hope your XDA is not a 900/1800 MHz one otherwise you're going to be SOL unless you plan on living overseas because here in North America, the wireless carriers like AT&T Wireless, Cingular Wireless LLC and T Mobile USA use EDGE/GSM/GPRS on the 850 and/or 1900 MHz GSM aka Next Generation network. 900/1800 MHz GSM is used overseas and is considered the international GSM bandwidths. Cheers!

Using XDAII on 1800MHz Band

I've read that you can switch the band from 900MHz to 1800MHz on the XDA II but that the filters are optimised for 900MHz and the sensitivity is affected by switching to the upper band.
Does anybody know if these filters are the same in the unit sold as an Orange M1000 or is that actually optimised for the 1800MHz band that they operate on?!
not sure which filters you are talking about
xda1 is a dualband phone and works on 900/1800 or 900/1900
xda2 is a triband phone and works on 900/1800/1900
all Himalaya devices (xda2 mda2 m1000) are the same hardware and the only difference between them is that some operators put some paint and different software and preset settings on them

about 900/1800 900/1900 mhz

I would like to know how many differences there are between this two kind of dual band.
i've bought a T-mobile from USA (i'm still waiting for it so i don't have it now) and i saw that it is a 900/1900. I'm in italy, so i would like to know if i'll use only 900 or 1900 too (i think in italy 1800 is used).
i think i'll have to unlock it, the vendor told me it is a pocket pc 2003, do XDAunlock, work on it?
(i'm sorry for the last off topic question...i post here to not make too many post around the forum)
lyka said:
I would like to know how many differences there are between this two kind of dual band.
i've bought a T-mobile from USA (i'm still waiting for it so i don't have it now) and i saw that it is a 900/1900. I'm in italy, so i would like to know if i'll use only 900 or 1900 too (i think in italy 1800 is used).
i think i'll have to unlock it, the vendor told me it is a pocket pc 2003, do XDAunlock, work on it?
(i'm sorry for the last off topic question...i post here to not make too many post around the forum)
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I'm sorry to tell you since your network works on 1800 Mhz your new T-mobile PW10B1 wont work on this frequency it's made for 900/1900 Mhz if you unlocked it or not it's not gona work, you need the PW10A1 devices they work on 900/1800 Mhz.
but there are cellphone companies in eu who use 900 maybe there are some in your country
if not well thats too bad
oh....no..... :shock:
is there anithing i can do? radio update??? something like this!
Your special edition ROM can help me?
from what i've been able to understand about the 900/1900 then it's a hardware limit the GSM part of the xda1 will have to be physically removed which would most likely be way more expensive then getting a new device
of cause i could be wrong
The XDA1 is available in two flavours (from what I read):
USA: 900/1900 bands
EU: 900/1800 bands
Since both flavours support the 900 band, you should be able to use it in Europ on one of the 'old' networks.
In Holland both KPN and Vodafone have nationwide coverage on 900MHz.
Since TIM is and 'old' company too (Telecom Italia isnt it?) I guess theyre on 900 too. To be sure: check the websites of the Italian mobile operators. Be aware that reception in some areas might be less than if you could use both 900 and 1800 bands as more and more operators are extending their networks on 1800 only (because of lack of free 900 band frequencies). I noticed this a few years back in France where in rural areas there was no coverage with a 900 phone and full reception with a 900/1800 phone (same network).
Reading the forum i've read that is possible to chose band 900/1800 and 900/1900 by bootloader and pressing calendar...can this be true for some model?
p.s. Of course TIM uses 900...i wonder if it will ever use 1900 one day
i think UTMS or some other replacement will take over before us and eu start to use the std's of eachother
just another question, i found information about special edition rom. It says that with bandswitch.exe some devices may work with other "not natural" band. So i'll try when my XDA will be shipped.
TIM wil NEVER use 1900, at least not in Europe. The 1900 band is not available for telecoms in Europe (just like the 1800 band is not available in USA)
I've got T-Mobile from US working in Russia on 800/1800 through ROM upgrade. What it did - it removed SIM Lock and turned the device into 3-band. Works perfect.
i haver never heard about anybody being able to make a dualband into a triband using just software the filters and mixers in the hardware part og the gsm are different
I have never heard about that either. As far as I know frequencies are hardware based. Otherwise we could flash our XDA's to anything we wanted.
I have researched this for weeks and weeks since I need my XDA I to work on the 850Mhz network in the US quite badly.
Please post exactly how you did it
I got the same problem you do but reverse , I'm in the U.S and bought the phone from Europe ( qtek 1010 ) my phone will not work in the U.S because the network here is 1900 and in europe 1800. If you want I can trade with you if you have the same phone. I got all the package in a box.
My email is [email protected]
U can reach me on this email if you wish to exchange.
There are 3 major networks in Italy that have 900 mhz networks.
They are:
Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM)
GSM 900/1800
Vodafone Omnitel N.V.
GSM 900/1800
Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA
GSM 900/1800
If you are within any of their networks you should have service with your
current Wallaby. (XDAI). You should be able to insert your sim card and go.
Some ROMS auto select the available network, others do not. There is also a program that you can cook into a ROM that give you a software selctable band switch.
I hope this helps?
Just to clarify my last post:
It has been discussed on this forum, for a few years, that you cannot
change a 900/1900 phone to 900/1800 using software.
However since your phone does operate on 900 mhz and there are
900 mhz throughout Italy, including Sardinia, you should have no problem using your current phone. In fact I have used my USA 900/1900) XDAI in Italy.
Let us know how you make out.
900/1900 T-Mobile -- Swap for an 900/1800 XDA ?
Straight swap...I made a mistake and bought a T-Mobile from the US thinking it would work in NZ....it won't and everyone on the forums agrees....so only option is to replace with a European one...
If anyone is interested, post a reply and we can set something up.
Cheers, Hamish
I live in Jamaica, we have to GSM networks, 850/1900 & 900/1800 my XDA1 works well on both networks... although signal strength from the 900/1800 is stronger it makes no big difference... I believe the shorter band is essential in buildings etc. so wait till you get the phone and give it a try.
I tried the Band Switching application in the Special Edition ROM, it made no real difference.
Slightly off topic can someone point me to an explanation of UMTS???

What Frequencies Is My One Max Equipped With?

I'm using Telstra in Australia and I'm very suspicious that my imported phone that was purchased through Kogan doesn't have the 850Mhz 3G band that Telstra operates on. The phone was advertised as having 850Mhz 3G.
Is there any way of telling what frequencies that my variant of the phone is equipped with?
fastboot getvar all will tell you model number,then research that model number for band frequencies

