Mail sending question - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I have a using outlook on the PPC PE for my POP3 mail account. I can dl and receive messages fine, but the problem lies when im trying to send messages to domains OTHER than my POP3 domain. Example, i cannot send mail to hotmail or yahoo accounts at all. I get an "Invalid Message Recipient" error. Anyone familiar with this problem or could offer some advice? THanks in advance

Your ISP does not allow submissions from the Internet. If you change the smtp server to the one provided by your GPRS service provider then you should be able to send.

where to change ?? please can u tell me step by step how to
where to change ?? please can u tell me step by step how to do it

It sounds like that when you set up the new pop account in the inbox you ticked the verify user name with you online provider.
If this is the case the solution is
inbox tools options address (then deselect that service provider or add all the new one you wish to check.
Hope this helps

Many of the public email hosters block email if none of their domains are in the "To", "Cc" or "From" fields.
So probably you just need to enter "correct" e-mail address in POP3 service settings. E.g. if your e-mail is located on - you need to enter [email protected] as your own address - and no mail will be blocked by Just thy to check "howto's" on your mail hoster website.

HOWTO: Sending mail through GPRS
In fact: they usually check whether one of their users is a recipient for the mail . For this they use the 'Envelope-to', which is what the remote mail server supplies in the SMTP protocol using 'RCPT TO:', and not a line from the mail (otherwise BCC would not work).
If not, they check whether the sending machine is on their network. They usually do this by IP-number, so putting the right mail address in the from line would not help.
So: you need to use the SMTP server supplied by your GPRS provider when sending mail, and not the SMTP server of your ISP.

this is a good thread.
After all, how can you set different usernames/passwords for both services for different ISP's
e.g POP (incoming) from PIPEX
SMTP outgoing using
Without using two "services" set up on the xda. After all how much of a pain it would be to switch between them, remembering to click the white box on the pop service when you've sent from the other service... argghh.
Am I the only person that hates the way this is setup. Anyone tried a third party POP/SMTP program other than the Microsoft Pocket Outlook Inbox?


HOWTO: POP3 and SMTP made EAZY! on the X01HT

Hello everyone, this is for everyone who would like to get POP3 E-Mail working perfectly on there Hermes.
Model: X01HT
Boot loader: 1.09
ROM: RUU_HERMES_HTC_WWE_1[1].35.255.2_1.35.255.102_1.08.00.10_SHIP.EXE
Carrier: Softbank
Alright, you might have gotten MMS mail to work as I did and then you realized that there are some heavy limitations that correspond with the MMS setup; however there are none with POP3. So POP3 is the obvious choice because it can work with Softbank’s free internet connection without having to do some nifty proxy action to get your MMS mail to work (and we are not sure that part is free yet). Thankfully there is a solution but being a newb like I am it took me a while to figure it out, and I believe there are other newbs out there, so this HOWTO is for all the newbz like me.
All right.
#1. Get a Gmail account, or if you have a pop account with another internet provider this will work too! However, you still need a Gmail account so you can use their SMTP server and send E-Mail from your phone! Your current provider's sendmail server won't work due to your ISP's security restrictions! You need a public sendmail server and the obvious choice is Google... since it's free... makes sense? Just agree damnitt! Ok, get your gmail account at
#2. Go into Pocket Outlook or "Messaging" on your X01HT!
- Click on
- "Menu" -=>"Tools" -=> "New Account"
- Now you are at "E-mail Setup 1/5"
- Type in your email account which people will see as your return email address
eg. [email protected]
or eg. [email protected]
- Now you are at the "Email Setup 2/5" Auto configuring
- It will do it's auto configuration so let it do it's thing
- Now "Email Setup 3/5" User Information
- Type in your name, people will see this name.
- Here is where it gets important, if you have a Gmail account, type in your username from your gmail account, if you are using your ISP's POP3 account, then type in your username from your ISP.
eg. cool
- On password of course type in your password from your Gmail account or your ISP's pop3 account, click on save password checkbox then click next.
- All right you are successfully on the "Email Setup 4/5" screen! WOO, that means you’re awesome.... I think, so... we are almost there. You should see something that says "Account Type: POP3" and name "Name this anything you want" then click on next.
- "Email Setup 5/5" is your heart beginning to beat fast... I know mine is.... I LOVE EMAIL... It’s so friggen exciting! OKKKK here we go... onto one of the final steps.
- Under "Incoming Mail:" write your mail server's name, if it is Gmail, then type, "" (995 is the port you are connecting on), if it is your own E-mail POP3 server from your own internet service provider usually it is just connecting on the default POP3 port of 110 and so you just need to type in your pop3 server.
- Under Outgoing mail server this HAS TO BE LIKE THIS, because there are VERY few free mail servers in the world and Google just happens to be one of them, so I would highly recommend getting a Gmail account for this because.... it is free, free=good and "="=Softbank. HA ... never mind... OK… here we go... to continue the most step by step email setup in history... ok ... here we go..
- "Outgoing Mail:"
- Click -=> "Options" (Options 1/3) then Click -=> "Next" -=> (Options 2/3) then this is important, if you are completely on Google, and you are using a google email address to pop, then you must click on "Require SSL Connection" but if you are using your ISP's email address then do not click on the checkbox.
- Click on "Outgoing Mail Requires"
- Click on "Use Separate Settings"
- Click on "Outgoing Settings"
- Type in your Gmail username under "Username"
- Type in your Gmail password under "Password"
- Click on the checkbox "save password"
- Click on "Require SSL for outgoing Mail"
- Click on "OK" in the top right hand corner of the friggen LCD screen damnitt
- Click on "Next" You will then see a message box and within the message box is "Get message headers only", you can change this to "Get full copy of messages" but... I don't, I really don't see any reason too, because we all get friggen spam and there will be an option below each email to download a full copy of the email if we really there is no point cuz if you look underneath it, it will say in a checkbox "Include 2KB of message body" which is more than enough to get a good idea of what is going on..... Anyways.... yer done...
- Click on "Finish"
This has been brought to you just cuz, for some reason I had a seriously huge problem figuring this one out, anyways, hope this can help some people, and If you have any comments or questions, feel free to message me, it never hurts to help . And..... umm.. ya... gnite'!
WHAT THE HELL? I JUST EDITED IT TO MAKE A SPELLING ERROR AND IT DELETED MY ORIGIONAL POST???? I HAVE THE ORIGIONAL POST AT HOME, I WILL FIX IN A COUPLE HOURS!!!?!??! THE HELL!? .... this is retarted. **FIXED** sorry about the delay, but damn that was an annoying problem, well, I guess I will just not edit any of this stuff at work anymore.....
"So POP3 is the obvious choice because it can work with Softbank’s free internet connection"
Kilihari, Softbank has a free internet connection?
larsuck said:
"So POP3 is the obvious choice because it can work with Softbank’s free internet connection"
Kilihari, Softbank has a free internet connection?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
no, it was his mistake. he wanted to say, "softbank's flat rate internet connection."
qtotter said:
no, it was his mistake. he wanted to say, "softbank's flat rate internet connection."
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
heh.. softbank wouldn't offer anything for free
Thanks for the guide Kilihari looks good ..
good guide joe! sure lot's of people will find it useful...
thanks kilihari
Mail limit
Thanks for the guide, but i am running into a small problem. I am only able to retreive the first 275 messages in my gmail account. Is there a limot in mobile outlook that I can change? Thanks
keep getting Incoming e-mail password
@kilihari -
i followed your set to setup gmail and defined a POP3 gmail. i tried to connect to the gmail and did a send/receive from the mail Menu option. then i keep getting the Incoming E-mail password screen. retype the username and password, it did not retrieved my gmail e-mail
please advice.
Very good explanation Kilihari! Great work.
I was wandering though how would this affect the phone bill if you dont have the flat rate unlimited internet?
I want to keep my bill as low as possible, so although I got the Gold plan from the promotion I didn't get any internet package.
solve own problem:
after you have completed Kilihari's POP3 setup how to guide. you need to sign on to your gmail account, from there select Setting, select Forwarding and POP configuration option. make sure you Enable POP gmail setting.
Any chance to configure Gmail in order to have the emails sent from your Hermes (using the Gmail SMTP) appear in the sent folder of the gmail web interface ? Would be perfect...
Reply to the last post about Gmail.
No, when you send from gmail then it will always make the email appear like it was sent from Gmail, I have not found a workaround. So I called my internet provder at home here and I am allowed to send from my Japan internet provider from my Keitai. So that was cool, but the best workaround that I can say to do would be to have Gmail forward all the email back to your email address that is on your keitai (hermes).

How to set up Yahoo Mail

The Hero just doesn't recognize Yahoo Mail. I wrote to HTC Customer Service and they were quite helpful - sent me some manual configuration but nothing came out of it. Help anyone?
post their response out definitely helps
Here is their answer:
Dear Konstantin, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns. You recently wrote us about an issue that you have encountered with your HTC Hero To clarify your issue, you stated that you were unable to configure your yahoo email account To configure a POP3 E-Mail account on an Android handset do the following: Open the Applications tab Select E-Mail Select Next Enter the E-Mail address and Password Select Next Note: If the end-user has a popular email account for their handset, simply enter the email address, and password. The application will set everything up. If the system can’t find the setting for the end-users POP3 mail, it can be set up manually. The Android end-user will need to enter the POP3 server name and SMTP server name. Select POP3 account Press Next Press Next Press Finish Note: To add more accounts (up to five), from an Inbox or the accounts screen, tap Menu and then tap Add account. Email settings look up Incoming Protocolpop3 Port:110 Encryptionnone Outgoing Protocol:smtp Port:587 If the above steps do not resolve your issue, we invite you to visit the support area on our Web site. Please go to: Or you can go to:, select your country and then click on the Support tab. You can also call our Call Center at: +44 8458900079if you have further questions. Thank you once again for your continued patronage. Best regards, Europe customer support team HTC Corp. Global Service Division
man that's hard to read. some spaces and breaking it up would be good....
Have you gone into the settings on the yahoo mail website and enabled POP access to your account? it is disabled by default, and not everyone can activate it for free...
course, if you haven't done this then it won't work. if you already have done this and used it on another phone via pop3, then ignore me.
if you followed his instruction and still get an error message, chances are you have not yet paid for Yahoo! Mail P$l$u$
Consider switching to gmail / GoogleMail?

[Q] Help! Yahoo mail sync bug?

Hey guys,
omni here with what should be a relatively easy question/fix...
There may be a post on this already, but I searched around for a good 10 minutes, and at least I know I'm in the right section (not spamming dev)
I have Yahoo! Mail liked through my MotoBlur Accounts so that it will show emails in my Universal Inbox (standard Messaging app). It works intermittently, and what is really strange is that when it ISN'T working (when it has the orange error/caution symbol over the syncing icon), the stored password under Accounts is randomly modified to a 20-ish character string (my password is much fewer characters). I can go back and change the password while its in the mood not to work, but it never seems to sync. Then I forget about it and it randomly connects later. As you can imagine, this gets quite annoying... I'm running GreyBlur 1.0 and SteelBlue 1.15 (compatible; the problem was happening long before layering this theme). I do move around campus alot, which switches to new wifi networks or to 3.5G.
So to sum up the question: how can I stop MotoBlur's Accounts/Yahoo! Mail from changing my password and losing connectivity (not sure which comes first/causes the other)?
Great thanks to this community's wonderful attitude and android wizardy!
-bump- (oh noes, its happened again!)
Bumpitty bump
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Issue Summary
In order to improve security, Yahoo recently disabled non-secure (non-SSL) connections to their IMAP e-mail servers. As a result, customers with devices running the Android operating system may encounter errors when attempting to setup or access their Yahoo e-mail account via the device's native e-mail client.
Customers attempting to setup a Yahoo e-mail account for the first time will receive an authentication failed or similar error when using the automatic setup method (only e-mail address & password are entered).
Customers who previously setup a Yahoo e-mail account may receive an error or be unable to retrieve new e-mail messages.
Critical Must Know/Must Do
New users (or existing user attempting to add a new Yahoo/AT&T account): use the Manual Set up option to enter the required server settings.
Existing users: If their Yahoo/AT&T account stops syncing, direct them to Edit the account settings and enable SSL.
Server/Protocol - IMAP
IMAP/Incoming Server -
Security Type - SSL (or "secure connection" option)
Incoming Port - 993
Outgoing Server -
Security Type - SSL (or "secure connection" option)
Outgoing Port - 465
To find out how to edit the settings go here:
After following these instructions, hit the thanks button to show some love.
Thanks a hundred times over!

Mail: how to configure different incoming/outgoing servers?

a) I'm not changing my server config.. being the internet, I'm sure some responders will attempt to go that route... Mail on my Sensation works just fine
b) not ready to switch to CM7 yet... I'd like to get this working on WebOS and try that for a few weeks.
So.. I want to configure my mail such that my acct is
[email protected]
So my linux box (call that aggregates my incoming mail from several sources, and runs an IMAP server... For outgoing mail, I *relay* thru the outgoing webhost (call that b/c no one accepts mail from dynamic addrs anymore.
The Mail acct setup _seems_ to have all of the needed fields, but I can never get that page to allow me to "sign in" (the green box is always greyed out).. I always have to hit Back to the simple addr/pwd page.
and everytime I go back to that page, and enter my [email protected], it changes the incoming server to that.
I'm baffled.
I easily got this to work with the HTC Sense/Mail and with K-9 on Android.
thanks for any help,
Partial success...
Today.. and no idea why, the green "sign in" button finally was willing to become highlighted...
I can now see my incoming mail.. to do that I had to manually find and copy the certificate from my home linux box (TLS) to the Touchpad.. it was refusing to connect saying
the server's security certificate is not a trusted certificate
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
.. I've never had any other email client raise this objection.
Still working on the outgoing connection.. I use hostmonster as my webhost and outgoing relay... its having trouble
Outgoing Mail Server. The Server's security certificate is not valid for the domain
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it looks like I need to get a copy of that self-signed certificate as well...
sigh.. is there any alternative email client? I'm not finding one in the app catalog... I've never seen any email client be this @[email protected]

Sending attachments via Exchange not working

I do face a strange problem on my Flyer (3G / HC) using Vodafone SIM.
If I try to send a mail with an attachment bigger than 10KB via the stock mail app (T-online via Exchange Activesync) it stays forever in the "out" box.
Mail with attachment 2KB or 4KB is working.
Also working is forwarding an attachment.
The same account is working on WP7 device with same settings. Therefore it doesnt look like a provider issue ?
Same account on Flyer with IMAP is working. Other Exchange Accounts via touchdown also working.
Does someone have an idea of where I can have a look at ?
Seems that this could be a generic issue with T-online and Exchange on Android (3.x ?) devices.
Telekom stated in their german forum that they could reproduce with their "Test-flyer". (sorry, not allowed to post the link)
Are there some more people in that forum who face the same problem ?
Hate to be late to the party, but this has been happening at my company with all of our Android phones. Sending, forwarding, or replying to e-mails with attachments remain in the outbox indefinitely. Sometimes they will send after an exchange reboot or after a couple of weeks. Here is a solution I found on the microsoft forums:
Sign In to Vote
Solution found in my case:
In Exchange Management Console, go to Server Configuration > Client Access > Exchange ActiveSync tab.
Double click Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync Properties. Go to Authentication tab, and make sure Basic authentication is checked (mine already was) and check "Ignore client certificates" (default is set to Accept).
Cycle the WWW Publishing Service, and attachments should send.
MCITP Enterprise Admin/Server Admin, MCSE NT, 2000, 2003Marked As Answer byguitarfishFriday, April 15, 2011 3:30 PM
Thank you- I was going crazy!!!

