New XDA? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I gather that there is another version of the XDA coming in the autumn with an improved screen and built-in antenna that is rumoured to be tri-band. Anyone else heard this or got more information?

A lot more needs doing to the XDA than making it look pretty.
The lists in the forums show many short comings....

Rubbish! Who said anything about making it "pretty"! The XDA is a highly successful piece of kit and continue to evolve.


New XDA?

I read in this month's issue of Stuff magazine that a new version of the XDA will be released later this year.
Browsing on internet I found only one link that showed a picture of a xda with a blue back panel and could as well be the original model.
Has anyone heard about this and maybe know where to find more info on this (if O2 will support them for instance) and some specs and maybe photo's?
There will be a new version of the XDA but it's not certain yet which company/ies will be releasing it. I heard some rumours about bluetooth, more memory and a faster processor, I haven't heard anything on SDIO support yet.
Bluetooth would be great, WiFi would be fantastic. Maybe even GPS and a 56K color screen (for the freaks among us to watch movies)?
Anyone know the mail adress/website of HTC who makes them? Have some requests of my own....
Hope someone will post here as soon as they find out more..
If it has the newer Xscale CPU it's very likely it will support SDIO. The SD controller is build-in the CPU and all Xscale CPU's support SDIO.
Ok, first off, getting your electronics info from "Stuff" magazine is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA. Plus all magazines like that are typically posted about two months after they are written, making them pretty useless for new developments.
Secondly, predicting a new XDA is like predicting that the sun will come up tomorrow, that winter will come in a few months, or that the curry I ate today will sting my ass tomorrow. It's obviously going to happen.
It's worthless until they say "on this date a new XDA with these features will be available." And when they can do that, you'll already have read it here two months earlier.
pc pro
i have a pc pro subscription. They had a review of the new iPaq with pocketPc 2k3. they went on to mention that all the pocket devices will be getting the update. including XDA.
Tomorrow never comes? But we old get older, and hopefully wiser...
Right Carlos...
One of the main reasons for a forum is for guys like me to wonder about stuff. Ask questions to other users with the same interest. Sometimes intelligent questions and some times less intelligent, but always within the region of interest of other forum readers. If you feel a threat is dumb, don't read it and especially don't reply on it. No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
I had a question, couldn't find it in the forum so I asked. Big Deal.
is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA
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Anyway, PPC2K3 will appear on the XDA: Maybe not today; maybe not tomorrow; but soon and for the rest of your life.
::Bonkers eyes that revolve around three times per second because of copious amonts of beer:: Oh, not allowed that emoticon yet?
No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
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Sorry, I wasn't laughing AT you, but WITH you... I posted what I did because many people don't realize just how that publishing process goes--it's very lengthy and full of PR assholes. Those "what's new in electronics" columns are one of my pet peeves. And I'm a gruff asshole by nature anyway, so it came out worse than intended.
Hehe, no harm done. At least you were true about Stuff Magazine and most of it's other companions.
So.... When is the new model comming out?
Playboy says next week...
..... it will have more intellectual articles about geopolitical situation? :wink:
in this article
Taiwanese ODM High Tech Computer (HTC) Corp will ship an updated PPC 2003/ARM4 version of its Falcon (aka Spaceneedle, Wallaby) PPC Phone Edition design, as sold by AT&T, mm02 and T-Mobile, before the end of June.
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and yesterday being the end of june, they seem to have missed the deadline... : [
This may be of interest..
I spoke to T Mobile UK about when the MDA was going to be introduced. They said that it was originally going to be introduced in March but now has been put back to the end of this year (because of techical difficulties?).
I wonder if they are planning to introduce the new unit.
New XDA details
This s the response I received from Carrier Devices regarding the New Qtek (XDA):
"There are plans for a new Qtek device, however I can't give out any official information. It won't be available until the end of the year, but will have Built in Bluetooth, SDIO and be tri-band"
please refer to topic for further information about the XDA II
I guess I got my initial question answered, so as far as I'm concerned, this topic is now out-of-date
thanx for all the replies!
New XDA gets a mention at the register
As usaul no details about it though
The article on the register hints at WiFi.
Saying that users can seamlessly jump from hot spot to gprs...
Bet it will all cost a small fortune though!!
Who cares Martin! Us suckers will still buy it, it's only money!
If somebody has the time...
Bring back the wishlist for XDA II and make it a sticky.
Bring on SDIO and the bluetooth!!!!

What would you ask Samsung? (Because I may ask them)

Okay, so someone from Samsung is going to be callig me soon. I assume it's related to #NeverAgain.
What would you guys want to know, or tell, samsung?
If I agree (maybe even if I do not) I will ask them.
Okay, I have finished the call. I hit on every topic from this thread/my twitter. I am very limited with what I can say RIGHT NOW though. I do feel that (& hopefully) shortly a lot of good will come from all of this.
I am NOT willing to throw my hands in the air and yell "hooray," but the Olive Branch is absolutely extended and this has the potential to be a huge win for the community, and Samsung.
I do feel this is less a PR move and more that our collective voice was heard. I really hope that is the case anyway. Still a little ways to go.... but I have to applaud them for their efforts so far, even though everything else they've done to this point has been a let down in my eyes.
I hate I solicited your Q's, and am unable to give answers... just wanted to let you guys know what I could say, and that I left the call a bit optimistic, hope that helps some.
Why the lack of support for us vibrant owners? What did we do besides buy millions of your phones?
You will need to be as clear as possible... hard to yell lack of support when froyo and source are available now. Granted it was slow and done terribly.. both the misleading deadlines AND the lack of an OTA.
Gingerbread or at least 2.2.1
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
s15274n said:
You will need to be as clear as possible... hard to yell lack of support when froyo and source are available now. Granted it was slow and done terribly.. both the misleading deadlines AND the lack of an OTA.
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Ok. Why the delay on froyo? Also why not an OTA update? Just seemed like the threw us a bone to shut us up with the kies update?
Tell them we need an easy way to get our problems through.. Some type out forum or a public way to brainstorm ideas.. Maybe you can get a job out of this..
Rfs has to go.. It cripples the device.. Ext4 has been proven a better file system.. An aosp build that we choose to flash if wanted.. Maybe through kies.. A metal back we can buy to give our phones that weight we always wanted..
Awesome, plese keep the good ideas going...
How about a definitive answer on the choice of rfs over ext4?
I know we have ext4 on our own, but im just curious as to why they made the decision in the first place.
Anything else? Call is happening shortly.
why don't we have the drivers source? Also will we be getting gingerbread?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
neotoky said:
why don't we have the drivers source? Also will we be getting gingerbread?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Yeah, driver source was on my list, though I think I know the answer.
I'll report back. Keep adding.
neotoky said:
why don't we have the drivers source? Also will we be getting gingerbread?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I think that's the question most people are gonna want an answer to. Something tells me they aren't going to be able to tell you much, but Ill hold out hope.
We at XDA are a completely different type of customer. We like good specs, but we also like to be able to tinker with our phones. Currently, HTC is the most XDA friendly. If Samsung gave us the tools we needed, wed have no reason to switch up phones. We already have some of the best hardware, we just want great software to go with it.
Ask them if they are in a service business and not just a hardware business any more. As soon as they started provided hardware that needs updates, they need to provide those updates to keep their customers happy.
Also ask them if they are planning on inviting the XDA developers to their development tree so that we don't have to get leaked source code but can get it straight from Samsung. Maybe if we sign a waver that we take responsibility for our own actions. To be adults.
Also ask if they are going to allow critical feedback on their website of their devices and not censor them to only accept good feedback?
please tell these Nazis to make an option for the incoming call volume delay. it drives me nuts
OP updated. Sorry but I was asked to not share a lot of what we discussed, and I will listen to that demand.
I will say I feel like this is a potentially great thing. Here is hoping that all parties can find a mutual ground and we will all benefit.
s15274n said:
OP updated. Sorry but I was asked to not share a lot of what we discussed, and I will listen to that demand.
I will say I feel like this is a potentially great thing. Here is hoping that all parties can find a mutual ground and we will all benefit.
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I understand that you can't reveal anything, but Id say if the guy that spearheaded the NeverAgain campaign is satisfied with the conversation, things should be much brighter in the future.
I see that SGS variants are the first Android devices that brought Samsung a major success in smartphone battles, and obviously they were not ready to deal with all sorts of demands. I am happy to see them reaching out to their customers and to see a work in progress.
thegreatcity said:
... if the guy that spearheaded the NeverAgain campaign is satisfied with the conversation, things should be much brighter in the future.
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I'm cautiously optimistic. This could easily dissolve into nothing, or it could be a genuine game changer. The ball is in Samsung's court, but others will have a large impact on the outcome too (no names).
s15274n said:
OP updated. Sorry but I was asked to not share a lot of what we discussed, and I will listen to that demand.
I will say I feel like this is a potentially great thing. Here is hoping that all parties can find a mutual ground and we will all benefit.
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Ok since they have chosen you to discuss....... That is nice of them,
BUT, WHEN is this going to happen? This is the third or forth iteration of "Dangling the carrot" telling us something wonderful is coming........
Did you ask about the time line ?

Do Samsung Read These Boards?

Do you all think the lads at Samsung who made the phone and do the updates read these S3 forums?
I'm pretty sure they do. It would make sense.
Yup they do , at least I know for SGS2 ...Even they answered on some things and matters...
They dont have unlocked bootloaders otb for no reason now
Sent from the phone of Gamers
They read a lot more than the average noob!
Sent from the asylum
A lot of companies read forums for ideas, one company that runs an online game I play pays people to browse fansites for feedback and ideas for new content. I imagine Samsung do the same.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
No they dont read the boards per se as their are far to many stupid or repetitive posts .
What Samsung do as do is keep a general eye on the modding scene .
JJEgan said:
No they dont read the boards per se as their are far to many stupid or repetitive posts .
What Samsung do as do is keep a general eye on the modding scene .
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I hope that's not true. There's no other way for them to get bug reports, or see what "features" are annoying users more than helping them.
Bugs in final firmware slipped through internal testing or else they wouldn't exist, and there's no bug tracking service unlike Android itself: you can only contact customer service (correct me if I'm wrong). They'd be very foolish not to read the boards, especially XDA.
However, the continuing presence of the cell standby bug is making me think they are perhaps just very foolish. The fix is so simple, I cannot imagine how they could have seen it and then still not implemented it.
I believe all manufacture do reading it, who knows some Dev work with them right.
If they are actually reading these stuff....then I just wanna tell them to make a replacement for the recent apps button....I mean long pressing the home button for recent apps sucks.....make a replacement plz.....we can do a bit faster multitasking with it...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Its possible Samsung employees who misbehave are forced to read these boards as a punishment .
But honestly of what use are the multiple posts how do i root/unroot where is my stock rom just received an update and all the other like minded posts . Only section worth them reading is the Original Development .
JJEgan said:
Its possible Samsung employees who misbehave are forced to read these boards as a punishment .
But honestly of what use are the multiple posts how do i root/unroot where is my stock rom just received an update and all the other like minded posts . Only section worth them reading is the Original Development .
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ya, atleast they should stick their eyes to both the development sections. Im pretty sure most of the samsung rom developers will have their eyes on these forums especially xda, but implementing the idea they get from here and getting the approval for it is questionable
They certainly will have noticed the cm10 thread xd and surely it will have influence on their early release date even be earlier than expected
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Maybe not Samsung themselves but pr/marketing firms they hire to do market research.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Well reading the boards is one thing, but actually taking the comments for real is an entirely different matter. Not all the people online are honest for starters, and also don't forget phoney users who are actually plain old fashioned industrial competition.
One last thing coz I worked for a manufacturer once, is that they have a special department for watching that kinda stuff. Problem is if they listen to what these guys have to say coz most of the time they are much more busy doing research trying to stay ahead of the market rather than fix old dogs. And those geeks who know about XDA already know how to root the damn phone like myself and get the most out of it anyhow, so why bother. And for the other losers who don't know anything about Android, they seriously never notice the difference. Trust me... I worked for a manufacturer and I have heard the complaints myself. They are much more worried about getting their call logs back than by the bugs in the OS code !!
Sent from my GT-I5500 using xda app-developers app
Any amount of Homebrew Apps and ideas end up on phones and consoles so it's obvious they reading forums to see what we want so other manufacturers aren't getting a head start on ideas.

[Petition] Optimize your App! A List of Developer Petitions

Hello all!
See below for this thread on other forums.
Android Tablet Forum
Click here to subscribe to this thread. I recommend it!
I'm a fellow Nexus 10 owner. I love my device, but I'm a bit tired of facing applications that are low-resolution and unoptimized for the incredible display we have on the Nexus 10. Even tablet-optimized apps are lacking. Aren't you frustrated? Hence, I thought we could do something about it as a community.
Which is the purpose of this thread!
Here's how it will work. This first post will serve as a compilation of all the petitions made to any and all developers to optimize their applications for tablets, and also the Nexus 10's display. Any subsequent posts in this thread shall be for petition requests and discussion, which I will personally put together and post up to the petition site being used for this purpose (Care2 as of this thread's posting). I will then add a direct link to that petition to this thread, sorted by category. Feel free to make any suggestions or to criticize! I will also start us off with a petition I have already created myself: to the developers of the Bloons TD series of games, Ninja Kiwi.
I'll try to keep things simple! Keep on topic, please, and try your best to sign each and every petition. Its the only way we'll be able to actually push developers to optimize their applications for tablets like ours! So, without further ado, let us begin!
Petition List
Bloons TD 5 - Optimize Bloons TD 5 for Android Tablets
Facebook - Optimize Facebook for Android Tablets
Instagram - Optimize Instagram for Android Tablets
This is likely Google's job, not ours. In any event, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are three that immediately spring to mind. Not because they are low resolution -- not sure what you mean there -- but because the layouts are so clearly designed for smaller screens. I shouldn't have to opt for Friendcaster, Tabstagram, and Plume.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
JasW said:
This is likely Google's job, not ours. In any event, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are three that immediately spring to mind. Not because they are low resolution -- not sure what you mean there -- but because the layouts are so clearly designed for smaller screens. I shouldn't have to opt for Friendcaster, Tabstagram, and Plume.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
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No, it's the app devs job. The point of this is to show them that there is a need for this to be done by enough of their user base to merit the work hours it will take them to implement it. What they don't know ends up hurting us. It is actually an excellent idea.
A dedicated Facebook app should be a priority. My mate has an iPad and I found myself looking longingly at the sickness of the dedicated app. Something needs to be done to put a stop to this sick perversion!
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
JasW said:
This is likely Google's job, not ours.
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I would tend to agree with Brees on this one, which you could probably guess. I think Brees put it excellently!
brees75 said:
No, it's the app devs job. The point of this is to show them that there is a need for this to be done by enough of their user base to merit the work hours it will take them to implement it. What they don't know ends up hurting us. It is actually an excellent idea.
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Its the job of the application developers to get out proper apps. Google has done TONS of work already. Now we need to show these guys that we, the users, actually care about proper tablet applications, and that it is worth the investment.
Thats why I created this thread - if we don't do something about it, no-one will! I'm going to try to get as many signatures as possible, and I'm going to spread this thread across multiple forums if necessary. springs to mind.
Eztiban said:
A dedicated Facebook app should be a priority. My mate has an iPad and I found myself looking longingly at the sickness of the dedicated app. Something needs to be done to put a stop to this sick perversion!
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Exactly! I'm tired of this sort of thing. This needs to be put to a stop. I'll create the petition.
Like previously said all those social apps need optimization for sure. And the xda app needs optimization. I think there's an HD version but it costs money
Sent from my Xperia Play (r800x)
brees75 said:
No, it's the app devs job. The point of this is to show them that there is a need for this to be done by enough of their user base to merit the work hours it will take them to implement it. What they don't know ends up hurting us. It is actually an excellent idea.
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CWalkop said:
I would tend to agree with Brees on this one, which you could probably guess. I think Brees put it excellently!Its the job of the application developers to get out proper apps. Google has done TONS of work already. Now we need to show these guys that we, the users, actually care about proper tablet applications, and that it is worth the investment.
Thats why I created this thread - if we don't do something about it, no-one will! I'm going to try to get as many signatures as possible, and I'm going to spread this thread across multiple forums if necessary. springs to mind.
Exactly! I'm tired of this sort of thing. This needs to be put to a stop. I'll create the petition.
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You'll excuse me if I seem overly cynical about this. I used to be a BlackBerry user. Well over two years ago, some folks on Crackberry launched a campaign to bombard Reid Hastings, the president of Netflix, with email to get Netflix on the BlackBerry platform (the OS 6 devices like the Torch had then fairly recently come out). If you are familiar with Crackberry, you know that they are a rabid, fanatical horde. Nothing happened. Then came the petitions -- and the like. They are still going on more than two years plus later, and despite the fact that BlackBerry now has quite decent phones and a decent OS in BB10, there is still no Netflix on the platform.
EDIT: Holy! I already have 4 signatures for Facebook on Android Tablets and I haven't even posted it anywhere yet! That shows something.
C'mon guys, I'll post it up in the main thread. Vote for it now!
JasW said:
You'll excuse me if I seem overly cynical about this. I used to be a BlackBerry user. Well over two years ago, some folks on Crackberry launched a campaign to bombard Reid Hastings, the president of Netflix, with email to get Netflix on the BlackBerry platform (the OS 6 devices like the Torch had then fairly recently come out). If you are familiar with Crackberry, you know that they are a rabid, fanatical horde. Nothing happened. Then came the petitions -- and the like. They are still going on more than two years plus later, and despite the fact that BlackBerry now has quite decent phones and a decent OS in BB10, there is still no Netflix on the platform.
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I think your points make sense, but they aren't a valid reason really to cause Netflix to develop for BB10. The marketshare simply isn't there.
With Android, however, the market has shown that it is a valid platform (and I hate to say that as if it was an option - c'mon. ANDROID IS AWESOME! ); it makes sense for them to update, and it only helps us out. We need to show them that we actually CARE. If they understand that, then they will update for us without question. If they have any business sense, that is.
Same with BB10 (which is, quite frankly, a very nice OS - it even has NFC Beaming support between BB and Android devices). If they had the market AND Crackberry screaming like it was/is, they would get a proper app quite quickly.
This deserved a quick update post: the petitions for Facebook and Instagram are now online. Facebook already has a few votes!
I just signed Facebook one.
Sent from my Xperia Play (r800x)
What's the address part for?
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Mannn121 said:
What's the address part for?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
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So that you can be stalked lol. No need to put you real address I made one up and it didn't even check if it was right
Sent from my Xperia Play (r800x)
Mannn121 said:
What's the address part for?
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Yeah, what abdel said lol.
Its mostly to confirm that you're a real person with a real place to live, that kinda stuff.
CWalkop said:
EDIT: Holy! I already have 4 signatures for Facebook on Android Tablets and I haven't even posted it anywhere yet! That shows something.
C'mon guys, I'll post it up in the main thread. Vote for it now!
I think your points make sense, but they aren't a valid reason really to cause Netflix to develop for BB10. The marketshare simply isn't there.
With Android, however, the market has shown that it is a valid platform (and I hate to say that as if it was an option - c'mon. ANDROID IS AWESOME! ); it makes sense for them to update, and it only helps us out. We need to show them that we actually CARE. If they understand that, then they will update for us without question. If they have any business sense, that is.
Same with BB10 (which is, quite frankly, a very nice OS - it even has NFC Beaming support between BB and Android devices). If they had the market AND Crackberry screaming like it was/is, they would get a proper app quite quickly.
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BB's problem is definitely rooted in market share, something that Android in general obviously has no problem with. But the numbers dwindle considerably when you're talking about Android tablet market share, and then on top of that, you've got to consider how many Android tablet users really care that there are some apps that are just scaled up phone versions. Apple cared enough to do something about it -- remember that was one of the criticisms of the first iPad, i.e., that it seemed just like a oversized iPod. Google has not been responsive on this front (nor on others for that matter).
Anyway, I don't want to discourage anyone, so have at it.
Signed them all and subscribed to thread, will check daily to check for new petitions
JasW said:
BB's problem is definitely rooted in market share, something that Android in general obviously has no problem with. But the numbers dwindle considerably when you're talking about Android tablet market share, and then on top of that, you've got to consider how many Android tablet users really care that there are some apps that are just scaled up phone versions. Apple cared enough to do something about it -- remember that was one of the criticisms of the first iPad, i.e., that it seemed just like a oversized iPod. Google has not been responsive on this front (nor on others for that matter).
Anyway, I don't want to discourage anyone, so have at it.
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Don't worry, you're not discouraging (me, at least).
Android Tablet market share has been steadily on the rise - in fact, it rivals the iPad. According to many statistics, they are slated to pass (if they have not already) Apple devices in tablet market share by the 3rd quarter. I listed 3 (or 4?) links in all of the petitions.
As for Google, they have been doing a great job lately. They added dedicated tablet sections to Google Play, and have been pushing developers to adhere to the guidelines constantly. I say keep up that pressure!
lvnatic said:
Signed them all and subscribed to thread, will check daily to check for new petitions
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Thanks! We need more people like you here. Keep it up!
As for everyone else, keep an eye out for new petitions; and, most importantly of all:
We have hundreds of views on this thread, yet most people don't seem to want to take 60 seconds and sign the petitions, oddly enough. And this is a Nexus 10 forum. Keep it up, anyway! We CAN do this with enough time.
Signed them all
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
One of these days I plan to actually try to learn some Android development; I'll be sure to make whatever apps I make optimized for the N10 though :good:

Now ARM the chip designer have withdrawn from working with Huawei
The media love to fuel the fire. Calm down and wait this out, all will be back to normal soon enough.
Calm your tits guys. Your p30 pro wont be effected with any of these issues. Stay calm and zoom on.
Yea exactly, calm down everyone. I think everything will be back to normal soon, Huawei is too big to die IMO
And China waiting it out until they feel the need to reply back by crippling Apple and Snapdragon via TSMC.
seems like samsung will be good during all this?
This has nothing to do with the P30 Pro anyway... You already have the chip in your phone. They're not going to retrospectively come and hoof the chip out of your phone lol
Boah really, every news about Huawei is a value to write a new topic here?
Its a developer forum, not a news feed. To much people joining xda without knowledge what xda is.
If anybody wants to read news about huawei he can read his own newsfeed.
Its anoying to see every day a new thread which supplier has stopped working with huawei.
Flash-User said:
Boah really, every news about Huawei is a value to write a new topic here?
Its a developer forum, not a news feed. To much people joining xda without knowledge what xda is.
If anybody wants to read news about huawei he can read his own newsfeed.
Its anoying to see every day a new thread which supplier has stopped working with huawei.
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Guides, News, & Discussion...... What a weird place to see news and discussion threads.
Flash-User said:
Boah really, every news about Huawei is a value to write a new topic here?
Its a developer forum, not a news feed. To much people joining xda without knowledge what xda is.
If anybody wants to read news about huawei he can read his own newsfeed.
Its anoying to see every day a new thread which supplier has stopped working with huawei.
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All information allows people to make fully informed decisions, including people who may be thinking of developing for a specific platform.
Arguing that some news shouldn't be reported because it doesn't suit your agenda has a name, it's called censorship.
This news is relevant and important as it shows what impact the tangerine buffoon can have on devices that people spend large amounts of money on.
He's come out and stated today that Huawei could be included in a Trade Deal, as if it wasn't obvious weeks ago that he was just trying to use them as leverage to put pressure on the Chinese.
Don't shoot the messenger for delivering the message, be grateful that someone can be bothered to make sure you know anything that may be relevant to your purchasing decisions, that can save YOUR money.
pinsb said:
All information allows people to make fully informed decisions, including people who may be thinking of developing for a specific platform.
Arguing that some news shouldn't be reported because it doesn't suit your agenda has a name, it's called censorship.
This news is relevant and important as it shows what impact the tangerine buffoon can have on devices that people spend large amounts of money on.
He's come out and stated today that Huawei could be included in a Trade Deal, as if it wasn't obvious weeks ago that he was just trying to use them as leverage to put pressure on the Chinese.
Don't shoot the messenger for delivering the message, be grateful that someone can be bothered to make sure you know anything that may be relevant to your purchasing decisions, that can save YOUR money.
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No I suspect what he means is the ban has nothing to do with the P30 which is what this section of XDA is for.

