explorer error - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

HOW do i find out what version of explorer i use, and where can i update it ?
keep getting :
line : xx, char : and so on....
after pressing ok the page still loads fine...


does'nt work with PPC 2003 Phone sec edit = deinstall?

There are severeal problems since installation of PocketZenPhone...
- today screen shows "outlook E-mail", but I do'nt synchronize eMails
- I can't open the program "message"
- ...
My question: how can I deinstall the programm when it is ROM?

[BUG REPORTING] DizzyDen's IMEIme IMEI Generator

This program was initially ineteded to generate a unique IMEI based on your device S/N and update Dev's install zip files... it has become so much more, and as such there are many functions involved in this process.
Due to the complexity the program has taken on... far beyond what I initially intended... to report bugs please try to use the following as a template:
Function attempting: i.e. Updating ROM... In Place Upgrade... Update framework saved on computer... etc.
Error Messages: any error message you receive... or the last message you saw prior to the issue.
End result: i.e. TelephonyManager updated, ROM not... TelephonyManager updated framework.jar not... etc....
Environment: ROM in same folder as !IMEIme.exe... ROM on same drive as IMEIme.exe... ROM on different drive... etc. (same for framework if updating framework instead)
!IMEIme.ini settings: you can put your entire ini file if you'd like.
If you could take notes of EXACTLY what buttons you click on which prompt it would be EXTREMELY helpful...
As I said, this program has taken on functions I initially had not imagined including... the more features added, the more complex testing and tracking bugs becomes... I don't want to include a bunch of messages just for the sake of letting you know where in the code you are... would not be beneficial to you... more buttons to click for no reason, etc.
The more detailed you can be, the quicker I can see what is happening... otherwise I have to try to duplicate what I think you are doing when you get the error.
Everyone should click "Thanks" on bug report posts... they have been instrumental in getting the program where it is so far.
Adverse effects after running
First off, thanks for a wonderful application! Your app did in fact correctly give my Kindle a IDEI number, but it seems to have adverse effects.
Function attempting: Tried both in place Rom and update device and now attempting to use app with sound
Error Messages: Unfortunately DSP Manager has stopped (repeatably on any app)
End result: No sound and music apps crash. Some apps work but many do not. (I can provide logcat if needed)
Environment: Kindle Fire running cm9 using Hashcodes 3.0 Kernal latest (11) update.
!IMEIme.ini settings:
Use_In_Place = 0
Use_Previous_Patch = 0
Use_Serial_Number = 0
Use_MAC_Address = 0
Use_Manual_Input = 1
Encrypt_IMEI = 0
Use_IMEI(15) = 0
Use_ADB = 1
Use_ADB(usb) = 1
Use_ADB(WiFi) = 0
Clean_Up = 1
Include_Patch = 1
Device_Manufacturer = TI
Manufacturer_Device = Blaze
Device_Model = Full Android on Blaze or SDP
Build_Fingerprint = google/passion/passion:2.3.6/GRK39F/189904:user/release-keys
LCD_Density =
WiFi_IP_Address =
IMEI = 00127948612384612
Although I have tried multiple settings and configurations. I am sort of a noob so sorry if this is a silly problem.
Having looked into this... I can tell you there's nothing that the IMEI Generator does that would cause the issues you are seeing. I would recommend flashing a non-IMEI'd ROM for testing... then either do in place IMEI generation or running the IMEI Generator against the same ROM you flash.
For what you are doing... there are 2 files that are being modified, and neither should cause FC issues...
/sysem/build.prop for the manufacture, device, and build fingerprint
/system/framework/framework.jar is being extracted and edited to patch the IMEI in the GetDeviceID() function in android/telephony/TelephonyManager.smali and recompiled.
Clearing cache and dalvik cache may be something to try.
Thanks! Clearing both caches AFTER the install made it work great. I had been clearing all of the memory beforehand but it did not work. My apps now work great!
Motorola Razr GSM (SPDREM_U_01.6.7.2-180_SPU-19-TA-11.6_SIGNEuropeAustraliaEMEA_USASPDRICSRTGB_HWp2b_Service1FF) ICS.
I deodexed framework.jar because application seems to not work on odex files (as stock is), anyway new deodexed framework have not /com/android/internal/telephony/gsm/GSMPhone.smali file?! (or dir!!) infact !IMEIme tell me about this issue (no GSMPhone.smali found). framework patched do not present diffecence between original one. exactly the same. no /android/telephony/TelephonyManager.smali mod applied.
I tryied to patch framework by "update device" + adb usb, with no device connected i choosed my framework.jar in my pc.
Use_In_Place = 1
Use_Previous_Patch = 0
Use_Serial_Number = 1
Use_MAC_Address = 0
Use_Manual_Input = 1
Encrypt_IMEI = 0
New_Type = 1
Use_IMEI(15) = 0
Use_ADB = 1
Use_ADB(usb) = 1
Use_ADB(WiFi) = 0
Clean_Up = 1
Include_Patch = 0
Device_Manufacturer =
Manufacturer_Device =
Device_Model =
Build_Fingerprint =
LCD_Density =
WiFi_IP_Address =
IMEI = 02546451548481584
stock framework.odex, jar and my deodexed framework attached.
Yes... due to another user trying to use the generator on a device with a framework.odex file instead of framework.jar I am looking into the most effective method of handling that situation. As of now... the generator will not work for you to patch imei functionality into the framework on these devices.
i deodexed also framework.jar but no way to patch it, GSMPhone.smali is missing totally even in backsmalied odex too!!!!
I decided to apply the patch manually, but without this file and TelephonyManager.smali not regoular i was thinking about hard mod by motorola?! do you know something about?
Pls man, give me an hand, show me the way, backsmali it you too http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1634550&d=1357865096
I'm looking into the method to implement the imei into this.
do you mean into TelephonyManager.smali? I'm looking on it too. Seems so strange this framework...
Actually... looking through to find the best call to implement the patch into... TelephonyManager was the original method... but there may be better places to patch it.
invoke-direct {p0}, Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager;->getSubscriberInfo()Lcom/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneSubInfo;
move-result-object v2
invoke-interface {v2}, Lcom/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneSubInfo;->getDeviceId()Ljava/lang/String;
All does make sense now:
BUT, where is com.android.internal.telephony.iphonesubinfo!?!?! seems not present... all "internal" dir is missing here, backsmali fault or my fault?!
any news of this? =)
This is the best software for this!
I'm working on the best solution... I understand the desire for this... but I want to ensure the method I choose is the best overall... and to ensure I can properly detect which method to implement during the operation.
If you could zip your entire /system/framework folder and add your /system/build.prop file it would help me test some things I've been putting together for odexed systems.
attaching files
DizzyDen said:
If you could zip your entire /system/framework folder and add your /system/build.prop file it would help me test some things I've been putting together for odexed systems.
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Hi, Im attaching my files.
You can download here: w w w . 4 s h a r e d . c o m / z i p / j Q n n 9 8 _ B / s y s t e m . h t m l
Thanks for the help
Error ...
Hi Dizzy
I tried to use your update, but have a error ... My device is Motorola Razr XT910 with 4.0.4
after I choose the "framework.jar" he return this error:
Line 3710 (File: ".....\IMEI\!IMEIme.exe");
Error: Variable used without being declared.
After this the program close without any click to exit ..
Im, attaching a print screen
Tnx a lot man
waldirsp11 said:
Hi Dizzy
I tried to use your update, but have a error ... My device is Motorola Razr XT910 with 4.0.4
after I choose the "framework.jar" he return this error:
Line 3710 (File: ".....\IMEI\!IMEIme.exe");
Error: Variable used without being declared.
After this the program close without any click to exit ..
Im, attaching a print screen
Tnx a lot man
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Click to collapse
fixed... I guess nobody has been using the "Use Previous Fix" option for a while. New version uploaded... thank you for the bug report. The screen shots really helped track it down.
another error...
Hi DizzyDen,
I want to add an IMEI to my "SUPERPAD 6", but after the window: "IMEI is..." is displayed, then popup an autoit error window:
Line 3710 (File "..."): Error: Variable used without being declared.
Can you help?
Ponozka said:
Hi DizzyDen,
I want to add an IMEI to my "SUPERPAD 6", but after the window: "IMEI is..." is displayed, then popup an autoit error window:
Line 3710 (File "..."): Error: Variable used without being declared.
Can you help?
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Click to collapse
Before I start looking into this... note that the IMEI generator does not support de-odexing odexed systems yet... I would suggest using it on the ROM then flashing it to the device and let the device odex it again.

[Q] Error free Script.bin to Script.fex conversion?

bin2fex conversion typo's
When converting script.bin to script.fex it shows
port? instead of portower
Extracted COMMON _SYS_CONFIG100000.fex with ext4_unpacker
and ext2explore shows portower but I get random junk symbols appearing throught the whole text like
;rtp_screen_size : ±íÆÁÄ»³ß´ç£¬ÒÔб¶Ô½Ç·½Ïò³¤¶ÈΪ׼£¬ÒÔ´çΪµ¥Î»
;tp_regidity_level : ±íÆÁÄ»µÄÓ²¶È£¬ÒÔÖ¸¸²°´Ñ¹£¬Ì§Æðʱ¿ªÊ¼¼Æʱ£¬¶àÉÙ¸ö10msʱ¼äµ¥Î»Ö®ºó£¬Ó²¼þ²É¼¯²»µ½Êý¾ÝΪ׼£»
; ͨ³££¬ÎÒÃǽ¨ÒéµÄÆÁ£¬5´çÆÁÉèΪ5,7´çÆÁÉèΪ7£¬
; ¶ÔÓÚijЩ¹©Ó¦ÉÌÌṩµÄÆÁ£¬Ó²¶È¿ÉÄܲ»ºÏÒªÇó£¬ÐèÒªÊʶȵ÷Õû
instead of
rtp_screen_size = 5
rtp_regidity_level = 5
is there any known error free converter that has been verified via checksums for doing bin to fex and vice-versa?

[Q][D605] Unable to downgrade

Hi everybody!
Trying to downgrade my stock KitKat V20D LG L9 II to some previous version via LG Flash Tool 2014 (tutorial http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2797190) but still getting stuck:
During the flashing the progress stops at 4 % and shows "Upgrade stopped due to an error"
Tried to use various firmware from http://lg-phone-firmware.com/index.php?id_mod=37 but non was working.
I have correct drivers + reinstalled multipletimes, COM port set to 41, tried two USB cables and 2 ports, tried both in Download Mode and with running phone.
The official LG Mobile Support Tool works fine - I can reinstall latest FW via it!
Running Win7.
Anything else I should try?
I'm really desperate now, spent 5 hours with no reason.
just try other lg flash tool. But if begines and it randomly errors, is probably the cable/usb port/computer issues. On my pc for example on most ports randomly erorrs, rarely finishes, and on other ports, works perfectly everytime. (i do have an unfit powersuplly so ....)
Neither the older LG Flash Tool is not working for me.
And I tried 3 different cables, different ports... And I have no other computer available right now. But the errors are not random, it simply dosnt work at all.
can u post the flasher log pls.
How can i get a log from LG Flash Tool 2014?
Dont know where the log is on LG Flash Tool 2014, but try the older version in the attachement, and the log is right in the main window.
This was simple - this tool doesnt recognize my phone at all.
[R&D Test Tools Log File]
14:22:43 : Launching SW update
14:22:43 : Unpacking KDZ
14:22:52 : KDZ file extraced
14:23:55 : Files were extracted.
14:23:55 : LGMobileDL Load.
14:23:55 : Port = -1
14:23:55 : Connecting to phone
14:24:18 : ===FINISHED===
Phone is on, connected in "LG Software" mode with original LG cable, COM port set to 41, USB debuggind enabled.
Ha, interesting!
In Download mode, the phone is recognized! But still not flashing, shows attached error message:
[R&D Test Tools Log File]
15:24:01 : Launching SW update
15:24:01 : Unpacking KDZ
15:24:12 : KDZ file extraced
15:25:16 : Files were extracted.
15:25:16 : LGMobileDL Load.
15:25:16 : Port = -1
15:25:16 : Connecting to phone
15:25:30 : Check Phone mode = 2
15:25:30 : Phone type check.......
15:25:30 : LGMobileDL.DLL Loading....
15:25:30 : _SetAuthMark Fail
15:25:31 : _SetAuthMark Ok : wAuthMark(65535)
15:25:31 : _DetachDLL Call
15:25:36 : _DetachDLL Call End
15:25:36 : Param : Path = C:\ProgramData\LGMOBILEAX\Phone\BIN_LGD605AT-00-V10a-EUR-XX-AUG-13-2013+0_Develop.wdb
15:25:36 : Param : moduleDir =
15:25:36 : Param : waitTime = 33000
15:25:36 : Param : UsbHighSpeed = 0
15:25:36 : Param : PhoneMode = 2
15:25:36 : Param : BinVersion = D60510A_00
15:25:36 : Param : AuthMark = 65535
15:25:36 : Call fn_StartUpgrade
15:27:17 : 3GQCT : wParam = 100, lParam = 0
15:27:17 : Step : Upgrade Error error code = 0
15:27:17 : ResetStartInfo() Call
15:27:17 : _DetachDLL Call
15:27:22 : _DetachDLL Call End
15:27:22 : FreeLibrary Call
15:27:22 : FreeLibrary Call End
15:27:22 : ResetStartInfo() Call End
15:27:22 : ===FINISHED===
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flash the kdz in download/rescue mode. Check what drivers apear in windows device manager thing (LG modem there ?). Make sure the phone battery is full. Did u install the msxml and windows enabler? Reinstall drivers. It errores on all ports in the same place, or it starts to send data and crashes after. Run the application in "administrative mode".
Everything tried, no effect.
But I tried to flash another version of firmware - D60520c_00.kdz and it worked!
So problem is solved now, thanks for your time
Chm, the 20C version is also not rootable :-/
Will try another computer to make downgrade.
Second computer, totally same situation! :/
Problem is probably in the phone, not in computer config.
lukas.stepka said:
Second computer, totally same situation! :/
Problem is probably in the phone, not in computer config.
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Click to collapse
is the 10A u got valid ? try a different one. Also 20D (and prob 20C too) is rootable, the only problem is that u just cant install a custom boot on it.
Yes, i tried dirrefent versions, non was working.
Are they? How?
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2732311 method also was not working for me.
And I want cyanogenmode, so I need probably custom recovery, do I?
lukas.stepka said:
Yes, i tried dirrefent versions, non was working.
Are they? How?
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2732311 method also was not working for me.
And I want cyanogenmode, so I need probably custom recovery, do I?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
for 20A-20D root: http://forum.xda-developers.com/opt...ot-l9-d605-stock-recovery-4-4-2-v20a-t2964723 , make an primary ext2/3/4 partition, boot in mormal recovery, and aplly zip (root_v2A.zip)
But if u want custom recovery u must go V10A. (unless TWRP workes installed via 20x, but i dont belive so, i use CWM so i dont know) Keep on trying different versions of 10A/computers, dont know what to say, if 1 kdz worked all should ...
OMG, of course, I was updating wrong file. Thank you, so the root is done now. First step, better than nothing.
OK, so if I want cyanogenmode, I have no chance now?
The 20C is only one KDZ which is working, older are not flashable for me. Tried different computers, cables, drivers, ports...

[APKMULTITOOL] Error when signing (sign apk with android market 13 & 7 zip, sign, in)

[APKMULTITOOL] Error when signing (sign apk with android market 13 & 7 zip, sign, in)
Hello folks, I have stumbled upon a small problem using APKMultiTool ...
When I try to sign my apk (It's a unity apk meaning I only edited 1 of the dll files.) It fails.
The error it gives me, even in log (26) is useless.
|26-07-2018 -- 13:55:05,73|
java version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13, mixed mode)
Press any key to continue . . .
I do have the environment path for system, directed to my JDK java path.
The APKMultiTool is opened with Administrator and it's at root(c:\APKMultiTool) <
Heres the code it gives me at the end of option 7: (zip, sign & install)
Compressing res\layout\com_facebook_placepickerfragment_list_row.xml
Compressing res\layout\com_facebook_search_bar_layout.xml
Compressing res\layout\com_facebook_tooltip_bubble.xml
Compressing res\layout\com_facebook_usersettingsfragment.xml
Everything is Ok
Signing Apk
Usage: signapk [-w] publickey.x509[.pem] privatekey.pk8 input.jar output.jar
"An Error Occurred, Please Check The Log (option 26)"
The error afterwards in the log file and when using 26, is still the same.
Now I'm going to just try to sign the unsigned apk. First the one that was just zipped.
I do this with option 13: Sign apk with android market
Please make your decision:13
*Notice this option requires you to have the Java JDK installed before this option will function*
*Notice you need to go into your Environment Variables and set the path to your JAVA_HOME*
*For example define it as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_43 as a system variables slot not the User Variables*
Press any key to continue . . .
Signing Apk
Only one alias can be specified
Please type jarsigner -help for usage
"An Error Occurred, Please Check The Log (option 26)"
I am unable to type jarsigner -help, in CMD it does not exist as a command, and in APKMT it closes the prompt. The log file and 26 gives me the same error text so far, meaning it was not even updated.
(Note: I open ALL prompts as Administator, also APKMT)
I am at a complete loss...
Would be really grateful for input :3 thanks a lot.
Am unable to install unsigned apk on rooted bluestacks 3n device. :3
... I found out that if I used the new tool
APK Easy Tool, everything became more organized and much easier to work with. I got it working and are happy to say that my first mod was succesful, yay.
Happy modding everyone
For reference, the apk I modded was Galactic Rush for Android

