Stuck programs on start menu... - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I have noticed after flashing the ROM that I have two stuck items on the start menu.
Forst one is my02 and the other is Action Update. Both of these give the message "Cannot find 'my02' (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and all the required libraries are available".
If I go into settings, menus and look at the list I can see two entries for both of the above. Either trying to untick the active one or select the inactive one gives the message "Unable to move that item".
So - is there a way to remove the ophaned items and replace them with working items??
Cheers - Rich

ok - figured it out....might be of help to others:
I went into file explorer and deleted the shotcuts from the /my device/windows/start menu folder.
All is well now...
Cheers - Rich


Today screen modifications in ROM?

My XDA Today screen displays 4 lines, they are:
- Tap here to set owner...
- No upcoming appointments
- No unread messages
- No tasks
I want to make a ROM without the first line and I want to add one line more for the number of files in \ProgrammFiles\Connections or which says 'no files' if there are not files in that folder
Can someone give me any clue?
Thanks in advance.
Hi ...
All of these are Today plug-ins ... and you can display/hide any of them.
Start -> Settings -> Today -> Items ... uncheck "Owner Info"
any additional data to be displayed on Today must be through a new plug-in either ready-made or you can develop it yourself using WM2003 SDK 8)
Changing Today items in registry
I finally found it.
First I deleted the item:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Owner Info"]
in default.reg, so It won't display anymore "Tap here to set owner information"
I didn`t add a new item but I think It is like adding a new line in registry, somewat like:
Of course, after this modification I ran mkrom and made a new rom.
Tanks for your patient.

Location Change

I'm new on this Forum, and have a question.
In the home screen, there is standing a icon for my music.
when i'm stand there i can go left and right.. now i want to change this location to my storage card. Hopefully somebody can help me with this.
I think this have to be done in the Register. I have the program CeRegistryEditor so i can do some tweaks in there.
Hope somebody will help me.
I'm not quite sure what exactly your question is but if you want to play music from your SD card ...
- go to "Start"
- start from the programs "Windows Media"
- press "Menu"
(maybe you have to select "Update Library" or "5" first if you haven't done already)
- select "Library" (or "4")
- select "Storage Card" (or "2")
- from now on your songs are selected from the SD card
thank you.. you're the best


HELLO GUYS BEEN LOOKING THROUGH MY DEVICE STORAGE AND NOTICED A FILE NAMED MTKLOG AND ITS A LARGE FILE AND HAS 4 OTHER FOLDERS INSIDE,aee-exp,config,mdlog,mobilelog..can someone explain what they are and are they needed.
is it safe to delete contents as it is 16.4GB.
deleting MTKlog folder
sas007 said:
HELLO GUYS BEEN LOOKING THROUGH MY DEVICE STORAGE AND NOTICED A FILE NAMED MTKLOG AND ITS A LARGE FILE AND HAS 4 OTHER FOLDERS INSIDE,aee-exp,config,mdlog,mobilelog..can someone explain what they are and are they needed.
is it safe to delete contents as it is 16.4GB.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Even I have a folder named MTKLOG. It is related to some mobile logging utility. I do not remember how I activated the mobile logs. The device storage got full within two days of activating the logs. Have you deleted the folder?
milindlokde said:
even i have a folder named mtklog. It is related to some mobile logging utility. I do not remember how i activated the mobile logs. The device storage got full within two days of activating the logs. Have you deleted the folder?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes safe to delete
sas007 said:
yes safe to delete
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks. I deleted the logs. It was the "system logger" that created the logs. It started again after deleting the logs as it found space for logging. I stopped all logs and also cleared all old logs from the options in "system logger". I even reduced the space required for each type of logs to 5mb each just to be safe, which were 300mb each initially.
I still do not know how to start/stop the "system logger" or its exact location, but my purpose have been served. I will post it if I find it again.
milindlokde said:
Thanks. I deleted the logs. It was the "system logger" that created the logs. It started again after deleting the logs as it found space for logging. I stopped all logs and also cleared all old logs from the options in "system logger". I even reduced the space required for each type of logs to 5mb each just to be safe, which were 300mb each initially.
I still do not know how to start/stop the "system logger" or its exact location, but my purpose have been served. I will post it if I find it again.
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Click to collapse
I face the same problem. do you please guide me from where i can configure 'system logger'?
I am no expert but can't you just deactive it in the enginner mode?
ColonelZap said:
I am no expert but can't you just deactive it in the enginner mode?
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Click to collapse
You have a very good Android Jelly Bean OS system, but I get the feeling every Manufacturer does their own subtle unique OS because I can't find that.
I have a tablet that is similar to the JXD p1000 tablet, but it's generic, no branding. Definitely has the same specs.
But I have the same MTKLOG problem. How do you turn it off?
sas007 said:
yes safe to delete
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks - this helped me a lot
ColonelZap said:
I am no expert but can't you just deactive it in the enginner mode?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I do that but folder mtklog still any in sdcard ?
Yes, its perfectly safe to remove the files, but you have to also turn it OFF.
You do not want top have any logs running on your device!
They will quickly fill up your SD/eMMC card with junk, and if not fill it up, it will wear it out, in case the logfiles are recycled.
PS. If anyone has any info on how to read these log files let me know.
Just open them in notepad
Copy the .log files in your computer and open them using the notepad
hey-ya!!! I like to ask about my Celkon A62 regarding with memory. So actual problem is that when i restart my phone at that time one folder is automatically generate which is mtklog and start increase the size. After some time its totally full and pop-up the msg "Modem log is on the way"..... so what is how to remove this error....????
plzzzz give me a proper path....its irritating i want properly remove that folder......??????
I was able to deactivate the MTK logs using "Mobile Uncle".
-> Menu item "Engineer Mode"
-> Menu item "Engineer Mode (MTK)"
-> Scroll to the right to the tab "Log and Debugging"
-> Menu item "MTKLogger"
In the setting of MTKLogger, I did the following:
- Disable all the logs
- Change the "Log storage location" to "SD Card"
Then, I moved the existing log files from the internal memory to my SD Card. You could delete them instead. The files are here by default:
Hope that helps.
Great tip Robbo1.
"Mobile Uncle" was not compatible with my device (a Huawei phone), but this alternative from the Play store did the job too : "Engineer Mode MTK Shortcut"
From the main screen opened by this app, scroll across until you reach the "Log and Debugging" page. Click on "MTKLogger", then click on the 'STOP' icon (small square) at the bottom of the screen - that will stop all the logging.
THEN, click on the SETTINGS icon at top right (faders icon) and then on the "log storage location" and change to SD card if that's what you want.
I then, using the phones inbuilt file explorer deleted all the folders and files under the original MTLOG directory releasing several gigs of internal phone memory.
I think Mobileuncle MTK Tools might be the culprit
Only now I can read tip #14 referring to Mobileuncle. Oh well ....
Hi Everyone,
I recently got Asus ZenPad 10 and was having space exhaustion issues due to mtklogs.
This is how I fixed it:
Click 7 times on build number found in software update option in settings to enable developer options.
Go to Developers options under settings menu and change 'Logger Buffer sizes' to off.
Voila! The issue is fixed. Hope it helps!
:Hello sir .someone record my call log..this file saved In phone memory this file save mtklog name to solve this problem ..sir plzz give me solution ..this file saved in phone memory audio dump file n file not supported in my phone ..after every call this file save .even if I deleted..:
Ig23 said:
Go to Developers options under settings menu and change 'Logger Buffer sizes' to off.
Voila! The issue is fixed. Hope it helps!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This didn't fix it on my Z300M. Are you sure buffer size OFF doesn't mean "unlimited"?

No option to make Default Apps

Hello Forum,
Usually when you tap a link or document for the first time on a new device, you are presented with an list giving you the option to make one of the apps on the device the default app to open the link or document from now on.
In my case I just get a generic Android system error with a "report" button.
I solved the opening a link problem by using the option in Firefox to make it the default app.
However, for documents and anything else that may come my way, will crash instead of getting the familiar menu option mentioned above.
Any ideas, please?
Possibly an option that is turned on or off in system?
This is a stock ROM direct from Xiaomi. MIUI 10.1 Stable.
Thanks in advance.
I am using Solid Explorer file manager, there's such menu like you mentioned.

FIX: Whatsapp not Initializing / Whatsapp NOT Restoring Local Backup Android 12 Verified

Goal is for one Placeholder for Current Up to Date fix for those UNABLE to restore Whastapp to a new phone with Larger File Sizes. Whastapp does not seem to respond and the old options do not work.
So for those on an S22 / Android 12+ I have the up to date current solution after a few days and endless backup and restores and then proceeding to be locked out.
Set Display timer to 10 minutes and do not let your screen go blank.
Follow Exactly: 2 Options one for those media files and wanted to keep the dates and one for those that done care.
Part 1
Backup your Whatsapp folder into a .Rar / Zip File. If you have a phone with An SD card just send this copy to your SD Card. Then plug that SD card into your computer Rar the file.- Ensure when "Rar'ing" you set to Store Creation / Access time
NO SD CARD: Upload to Google Drive (it should keep the dates as what you have.- Download the file to your computer or sync your computer to Google Drive and download as a Rar.
Part 2. ONLY IF DATES ARE WRONG (Otherwise go to Part 3 )
If dates are wrong you can follow my thread here:
- If you backed up your Whatsapp Folder over time you can use Beyond Compare to VERY easily transfer the dates from your old to the new so your Whatsapp on your new phone doesnt just change all of the dates to todays.
On your new phone Make sure you have the apps:A. RAR LabsB. MiXPlorer or Solid Explorer or any file viewerC. Backup of Whatsapp downloaded
Install Rar
Download Whatsapp
Open 1 time then Force Close Program
Open File Explorer (see Above MIX/Solid, etc)
Part 4 VERIFY Directories Created / Made
android> Media Folder
Created folder Labeled"com.whatsapp"
Sub Folder"WhatsaApp
Part 5. Extract Previous backup into New Folder
Open Rar File of Whatsap that you created
Extract Everything in the folder into:
Internal Storage/Android/media/com.whatsapp/Whatsapp
Copy the files ("msgstore.db.crypt14", "msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt14"...)
Change the date of the backup you want to use to msgstore.db.crypt14 (If the number is different change it to what you have currently)
When done Extracting change main Folder from
com.whatsapp to com.whastappOLD
Create new folder com.whatsapp
Copy all folders inside com.whatsappOLD to new folder
The reason for this is that if you delete or make an error during this process you lose all of the data so were saving you time in case you make an error and have to start gain. I had to do this 4x to get it right
Part 6 Installation
Delete / Remove all Google accounts and Contacts folder
Put new Sim Card into your new phone
Open Whatsapp and verify your phone numer (you have to use the same number as on your old smartphone)
Once Verified Put your phone into Airplane Mode
If next part does not work for immediate backup: When it asked you to grant access to your files for Google drive, ignore the message and instead close the app (press □ and wipe Whatsapp away)
If asked for access to files / Google Drive say Yes
When asked to give access to contacts say NO
When asked to have access to files say YES
You should then see Local Backup found. If your file is LARGE you need to WAIT until it shows the file size (mine took 25 minutes). Just ensure your phone is set to a long display timer
Part 7 BACK UP Restore Options (still in Airplane Mode FYI)
A. If you see a restore button:
When you FINALLY SEE the display size (should be large and have the restore date) of your backup click Restore
Once it begins Disable Airplane Mode
Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background). It should say complete / 100% and provide you a button for next
Whatsapp will say Initializing. Give it a few minutes.
If stalled close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
B. If No Restore Button:
If no restore button shows and you have Verfiy by Code (sms/Telephon)
Close App
Re-open app
Turn on Airplane Mode
When asked for Google Drive option to view contacts / folders/ file system (all in one question). Click Yes
When asked SEPARATELY for Contact Permission: Say NO <---- VERY IMPORTANT
you should have no contacts though so it should not ask,
Storage Permission: CLICK YES
If there is no restore option you, You should now see your local backup, press "restore backup" when it SHOWS THE FULL FIlE SIZE NOT BEFORE.
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet. 9. Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background), close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
C. If neither work above for you
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet.
You will see your local storage behind the popup saying allow google drive.
Wait until it shows the full flile Size
You will need to press add account and have your fingers ready for instant tapping between add account and instant tapping restore button
For some it has been 10-30 times doing this practice, you will luckily hit restore button
When progress bar says 100% it is restored.
You will still see app asking google drive option, don't click skip (this will reset the app ,leading to nothing restored)
When the app is asking to restore from google drive AND YOU HAVE HIT 100%, close the app right away (very important)
Open the app, and the app will ask you to set name, set your name
Initializing may take awhile. If it over 5-10 min ensure that airplane mode is off. Otherwise close app and try again.
If nothing works. Uninstall Whatsapp. Make the folders manually, keep only 1 data base file in the Database directory and transfer the internal structure of com.whatsappOLD into the new directory.
It is important to have NO GOOGLE accounts nor Contact files. You can add these after.
Key thing is to let it Compute the size of the folder. If it cannot compute, it does not work. From there turn on the internet and click retry.
Shout out to Merlin Behling
and Rahil2009
XDA for those moving pics to a new phone:
My updated method as of 3-24-2022 has worked on over 30 phones for those that had issues. I will try to respond when I can but I need to stress this works on the latest S22 Ultra. I even spent more time looking at years of whatsap backups and using Beyond Compare 4 was able to get all of my photos and files updated on my new phone. If you have old photos with wrong dates I highly recommend that program
i found a slightly quicker way, this works assuming that BOTH your databases folders (original and new) have the same .crypt extensions (in my case it was .crypt14)
1) back up your ORIGINAL WhatsApp files from either
not my fault if you skip this step, you been warned, always make sure to have your backup.
2) install the latest Whatsapp
If asked for access to files / Google Drive say Yes
When asked to give access to contacts say YES
When asked to have access to files say YES
go ahead and send anyone a whatsapp message through whatsapp (this step cant be skipped or the db.crypt files wont be created)
4) go to Settings>Chats>ChatBackup
Select your google account
Backup using cellular <Enabled> ( this one is optional, if you are using WiFi you can use Wifi)
Include Video <Enabled>
Backup to Google Drive <Only When I tap Backup>
5 )Now COPY (not move, but COPY) ALL the contents of your original backed up WhatsAPP folder into the following directory
6) this is the tricky part, you are going to have to do this quick. NOTE: I did this using a computer since it was much faster to drag over and copy the files.
With the INTERNET access enabled and working you are QUICKLY going to choose Settings>Chats>ChatBackup>"BACKCUP" as soon as you click backup you need to QUICKLY COPY both the Databases and Backups folder from your original into the \SDCARD\Android\media\com.whatsapp\WhatsApp folder
it will ask you if you want to overwrite, just hurry and click yes. it should overwrite the files, i did this in about 2 seconds roughly.
whatsapp will start backing up and let it finish to 100%. once done exit out of whatsapp
7) now COMPLETELY uninstall whatsapp (this is to make sure the cache/data is gone and all related files). Once unisntalled then install it again. this should take you to the setup process again. Click yes to everything and when it asks you to restore choose from your google account choose your google account and it should start restoring. that it, now everything should be restored.
dpoverlord said:
Goal is for one Placeholder for Current Up to Date fix for those UNABLE to restore Whastapp to a new phone with Larger File Sizes. Whastapp does not seem to respond and the old options do not work.
So for those on an S22 / Android 12+ I have the up to date current solution after a few days and endless backup and restores and then proceeding to be locked out.
Set Display timer to 10 minutes and do not let your screen go blank.
Follow Exactly: 2 Options one for those media files and wanted to keep the dates and one for those that done care.
Part 1
Backup your Whatsapp folder into a .Rar / Zip File. If you have a phone with An SD card just send this copy to your SD Card. Then plug that SD card into your computer Rar the file.- Ensure when "Rar'ing" you set to Store Creation / Access time
NO SD CARD: Upload to Google Drive (it should keep the dates as what you have.- Download the file to your computer or sync your computer to Google Drive and download as a Rar.
Part 2. ONLY IF DATES ARE WRONG (Otherwise go to Part 3 )
If dates are wrong you can follow my thread here:
- If you backed up your Whatsapp Folder over time you can use Beyond Compare to VERY easily transfer the dates from your old to the new so your Whatsapp on your new phone doesnt just change all of the dates to todays.
On your new phone Make sure you have the apps:A. RAR LabsB. MiXPlorer or Solid Explorer or any file viewerC. Backup of Whatsapp downloaded
Install Rar
Download Whatsapp
Open 1 time then Force Close Program
Open File Explorer (see Above MIX/Solid, etc)
Part 4 VERIFY Directories Created / Made
android> Media Folder
Created folder Labeled"com.whatsapp"
Sub Folder"WhatsaApp
Part 5. Extract Previous backup into New Folder
Open Rar File of Whatsap that you created
Extract Everything in the folder into:
Internal Storage/Android/media/com.whatsapp/Whatsapp
Copy the files ("msgstore.db.crypt14", "msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt14"...)
Change the date of the backup you want to use to msgstore.db.crypt14 (If the number is different change it to what you have currently)
When done Extracting change main Folder from
com.whatsapp to com.whastappOLD
Create new folder com.whatsapp
Copy all folders inside com.whatsappOLD to new folder
The reason for this is that if you delete or make an error during this process you lose all of the data so were saving you time in case you make an error and have to start gain. I had to do this 4x to get it right
Part 6 Installation
Delete / Remove all Google accounts and Contacts folder
Put new Sim Card into your new phone
Open Whatsapp and verify your phone numer (you have to use the same number as on your old smartphone)
Once Verified Put your phone into Airplane Mode
If next part does not work for immediate backup: When it asked you to grant access to your files for Google drive, ignore the message and instead close the app (press □ and wipe Whatsapp away)
If asked for access to files / Google Drive say Yes
When asked to give access to contacts say NO
When asked to have access to files say YES
You should then see Local Backup found. If your file is LARGE you need to WAIT until it shows the file size (mine took 25 minutes). Just ensure your phone is set to a long display timer
Part 7 BACK UP Restore Options (still in Airplane Mode FYI)
A. If you see a restore button:
When you FINALLY SEE the display size (should be large and have the restore date) of your backup click Restore
Once it begins Disable Airplane Mode
Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background). It should say complete / 100% and provide you a button for next
Whatsapp will say Initializing. Give it a few minutes.
If stalled close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
B. If No Restore Button:
If no restore button shows and you have Verfiy by Code (sms/Telephon)
Close App
Re-open app
Turn on Airplane Mode
When asked for Google Drive option to view contacts / folders/ file system (all in one question). Click Yes
When asked SEPARATELY for Contact Permission: Say NO <---- VERY IMPORTANT
you should have no contacts though so it should not ask,
Storage Permission: CLICK YES
If there is no restore option you, You should now see your local backup, press "restore backup" when it SHOWS THE FULL FIlE SIZE NOT BEFORE.
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet. 9. Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background), close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
C. If neither work above for you
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet.
You will see your local storage behind the popup saying allow google drive.
Wait until it shows the full flile Size
You will need to press add account and have your fingers ready for instant tapping between add account and instant tapping restore button
For some it has been 10-30 times doing this practice, you will luckily hit restore button
When progress bar says 100% it is restored.
You will still see app asking google drive option, don't click skip (this will reset the app ,leading to nothing restored)
When the app is asking to restore from google drive AND YOU HAVE HIT 100%, close the app right away (very important)
Open the app, and the app will ask you to set name, set your name
Initializing may take awhile. If it over 5-10 min ensure that airplane mode is off. Otherwise close app and try again.
If nothing works. Uninstall Whatsapp. Make the folders manually, keep only 1 data base file in the Database directory and transfer the internal structure of com.whatsappOLD into the new directory.
It is important to have NO GOOGLE accounts nor Contact files. You can add these after.
Key thing is to let it Compute the size of the folder. If it cannot compute, it does not work. From there turn on the internet and click retry.
Shout out to Merlin Behling
and Rahil2009
XDA for those moving pics to a new phone:
My updated method as of 3-24-2022 has worked on over 30 phones for those that had issues. I will try to respond when I can but I need to stress this works on the latest S22 Ultra. I even spent more time looking at years of whatsap backups and using Beyond Compare 4 was able to get all of my photos and files updated on my new phone. If you have old photos with wrong dates I highly recommend that program
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sir, thank you very much. This method works with some shortcuts as I have beeen migrating from Androis 7.1.1 to LineAge 19.1 android 12 on my poor Xperia Z5. I really underestimated the amount of jump from 7.1.1 to 12 and the complications it would bring together. Anyhow, I followed your steps with some small modifications such as I did not make .zip as my old whatsapp folder was already in the same device but at /internal storage/Whatsapp tree. So, I just followed parts 1,3,4,5 and 6 and 7A. Sony camera is still laggy and out of focus , very difficult to signin whatsapp web with QR code.
XeoNoX said:
i found a slightly quicker way, this works assuming that BOTH your databases folders (original and new) have the same .crypt extensions (in my case it was .crypt14)
1) back up your ORIGINAL WhatsApp files from either
not my fault if you skip this step, you been warned, always make sure to have your backup.
2) install the latest Whatsapp
If asked for access to files / Google Drive say Yes
When asked to give access to contacts say YES
When asked to have access to files say YES
go ahead and send anyone a whatsapp message through whatsapp (this step cant be skipped or the db.crypt files wont be created)
4) go to Settings>Chats>ChatBackup
Select your google account
Backup using cellular <Enabled> ( this one is optional, if you are using WiFi you can use Wifi)
Include Video <Enabled>
Backup to Google Drive <Only When I tap Backup>
5 )Now COPY (not move, but COPY) ALL the contents of your original backed up WhatsAPP folder into the following directory
6) this is the tricky part, you are going to have to do this quick. NOTE: I did this using a computer since it was much faster to drag over and copy the files.
With the INTERNET access enabled and working you are QUICKLY going to choose Settings>Chats>ChatBackup>"BACKCUP" as soon as you click backup you need to QUICKLY COPY both the Databases and Backups folder from your original into the \SDCARD\Android\media\com.whatsapp\WhatsApp folder
it will ask you if you want to overwrite, just hurry and click yes. it should overwrite the files, i did this in about 2 seconds roughly.
whatsapp will start backing up and let it finish to 100%. once done exit out of whatsapp
7) now COMPLETELY uninstall whatsapp (this is to make sure the cache/data is gone and all related files). Once unisntalled then install it again. this should take you to the setup process again. Click yes to everything and when it asks you to restore choose from your google account choose your google account and it should start restoring. that it, now everything should be restored.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi XeoNoX,
May I know your methods work on old phone number or new phone number? Ahh.. I guess it's for a new number.
dpoverlord said:
Goal is for one Placeholder for Current Up to Date fix for those UNABLE to restore Whastapp to a new phone with Larger File Sizes. Whastapp does not seem to respond and the old options do not work.
So for those on an S22 / Android 12+ I have the up to date current solution after a few days and endless backup and restores and then proceeding to be locked out.
Set Display timer to 10 minutes and do not let your screen go blank.
Follow Exactly: 2 Options one for those media files and wanted to keep the dates and one for those that done care.
Part 1
Backup your Whatsapp folder into a .Rar / Zip File. If you have a phone with An SD card just send this copy to your SD Card. Then plug that SD card into your computer Rar the file.- Ensure when "Rar'ing" you set to Store Creation / Access time
NO SD CARD: Upload to Google Drive (it should keep the dates as what you have.- Download the file to your computer or sync your computer to Google Drive and download as a Rar.
Part 2. ONLY IF DATES ARE WRONG (Otherwise go to Part 3 )
If dates are wrong you can follow my thread here:
- If you backed up your Whatsapp Folder over time you can use Beyond Compare to VERY easily transfer the dates from your old to the new so your Whatsapp on your new phone doesnt just change all of the dates to todays.
On your new phone Make sure you have the apps:A. RAR LabsB. MiXPlorer or Solid Explorer or any file viewerC. Backup of Whatsapp downloaded
Install Rar
Download Whatsapp
Open 1 time then Force Close Program
Open File Explorer (see Above MIX/Solid, etc)
Part 4 VERIFY Directories Created / Made
android> Media Folder
Created folder Labeled"com.whatsapp"
Sub Folder"WhatsaApp
Part 5. Extract Previous backup into New Folder
Open Rar File of Whatsap that you created
Extract Everything in the folder into:
Internal Storage/Android/media/com.whatsapp/Whatsapp
Copy the files ("msgstore.db.crypt14", "msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt14"...)
Change the date of the backup you want to use to msgstore.db.crypt14 (If the number is different change it to what you have currently)
When done Extracting change main Folder from
com.whatsapp to com.whastappOLD
Create new folder com.whatsapp
Copy all folders inside com.whatsappOLD to new folder
The reason for this is that if you delete or make an error during this process you lose all of the data so were saving you time in case you make an error and have to start gain. I had to do this 4x to get it right
Part 6 Installation
Delete / Remove all Google accounts and Contacts folder
Put new Sim Card into your new phone
Open Whatsapp and verify your phone numer (you have to use the same number as on your old smartphone)
Once Verified Put your phone into Airplane Mode
If next part does not work for immediate backup: When it asked you to grant access to your files for Google drive, ignore the message and instead close the app (press □ and wipe Whatsapp away)
If asked for access to files / Google Drive say Yes
When asked to give access to contacts say NO
When asked to have access to files say YES
You should then see Local Backup found. If your file is LARGE you need to WAIT until it shows the file size (mine took 25 minutes). Just ensure your phone is set to a long display timer
Part 7 BACK UP Restore Options (still in Airplane Mode FYI)
A. If you see a restore button:
When you FINALLY SEE the display size (should be large and have the restore date) of your backup click Restore
Once it begins Disable Airplane Mode
Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background). It should say complete / 100% and provide you a button for next
Whatsapp will say Initializing. Give it a few minutes.
If stalled close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
B. If No Restore Button:
If no restore button shows and you have Verfiy by Code (sms/Telephon)
Close App
Re-open app
Turn on Airplane Mode
When asked for Google Drive option to view contacts / folders/ file system (all in one question). Click Yes
When asked SEPARATELY for Contact Permission: Say NO <---- VERY IMPORTANT
you should have no contacts though so it should not ask,
Storage Permission: CLICK YES
If there is no restore option you, You should now see your local backup, press "restore backup" when it SHOWS THE FULL FIlE SIZE NOT BEFORE.
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet. 9. Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background), close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
C. If neither work above for you
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet.
You will see your local storage behind the popup saying allow google drive.
Wait until it shows the full flile Size
You will need to press add account and have your fingers ready for instant tapping between add account and instant tapping restore button
For some it has been 10-30 times doing this practice, you will luckily hit restore button
When progress bar says 100% it is restored.
You will still see app asking google drive option, don't click skip (this will reset the app ,leading to nothing restored)
When the app is asking to restore from google drive AND YOU HAVE HIT 100%, close the app right away (very important)
Open the app, and the app will ask you to set name, set your name
Initializing may take awhile. If it over 5-10 min ensure that airplane mode is off. Otherwise close app and try again.
If nothing works. Uninstall Whatsapp. Make the folders manually, keep only 1 data base file in the Database directory and transfer the internal structure of com.whatsappOLD into the new directory.
It is important to have NO GOOGLE accounts nor Contact files. You can add these after.
Key thing is to let it Compute the size of the folder. If it cannot compute, it does not work. From there turn on the internet and click retry.
Shout out to Merlin Behling
and Rahil2009
XDA for those moving pics to a new phone:
My updated method as of 3-24-2022 has worked on over 30 phones for those that had issues. I will try to respond when I can but I need to stress this works on the latest S22 Ultra. I even spent more time looking at years of whatsap backups and using Beyond Compare 4 was able to get all of my photos and files updated on my new phone. If you have old photos with wrong dates I highly recommend that program
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Thank you very very much, I've been frustrated with How BADLY Whatsapp handling migrating to new s22. As I need those chats for work and I have 4 GB of data (those images and document that I'm to lazy to organize aka delete), so I need to locally restore while Whatsapp give me no choice but restore from Google Drive (zzzzzz).
I specially register to write this thank you messages. That's how much helpful your post is.
As for me to counter DATE being wrong. I use 'My Files' inside old Galaxy phones to compress Whatsapp Folder to 7zip, then copy those to S22 using 'Nearby Shares'. All the DATE is intact after extracting.
dpoverlord said:
Goal is for one Placeholder for Current Up to Date fix for those UNABLE to restore Whastapp to a new phone with Larger File Sizes. Whastapp does not seem to respond and the old options do not work.
So for those on an S22 / Android 12+ I have the up to date current solution after a few days and endless backup and restores and then proceeding to be locked out.
Set Display timer to 10 minutes and do not let your screen go blank.
Follow Exactly: 2 Options one for those media files and wanted to keep the dates and one for those that done care.
Part 1
Backup your Whatsapp folder into a .Rar / Zip File. If you have a phone with An SD card just send this copy to your SD Card. Then plug that SD card into your computer Rar the file.- Ensure when "Rar'ing" you set to Store Creation / Access time
NO SD CARD: Upload to Google Drive (it should keep the dates as what you have.- Download the file to your computer or sync your computer to Google Drive and download as a Rar.
Part 2. ONLY IF DATES ARE WRONG (Otherwise go to Part 3 )
If dates are wrong you can follow my thread here:
- If you backed up your Whatsapp Folder over time you can use Beyond Compare to VERY easily transfer the dates from your old to the new so your Whatsapp on your new phone doesnt just change all of the dates to todays.
On your new phone Make sure you have the apps:A. RAR LabsB. MiXPlorer or Solid Explorer or any file viewerC. Backup of Whatsapp downloaded
Install Rar
Download Whatsapp
Open 1 time then Force Close Program
Open File Explorer (see Above MIX/Solid, etc)
Part 4 VERIFY Directories Created / Made
android> Media Folder
Created folder Labeled"com.whatsapp"
Sub Folder"WhatsaApp
Part 5. Extract Previous backup into New Folder
Open Rar File of Whatsap that you created
Extract Everything in the folder into:
Internal Storage/Android/media/com.whatsapp/Whatsapp
Copy the files ("msgstore.db.crypt14", "msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt14"...)
Change the date of the backup you want to use to msgstore.db.crypt14 (If the number is different change it to what you have currently)
When done Extracting change main Folder from
com.whatsapp to com.whastappOLD
Create new folder com.whatsapp
Copy all folders inside com.whatsappOLD to new folder
The reason for this is that if you delete or make an error during this process you lose all of the data so were saving you time in case you make an error and have to start gain. I had to do this 4x to get it right
Part 6 Installation
Delete / Remove all Google accounts and Contacts folder
Put new Sim Card into your new phone
Open Whatsapp and verify your phone numer (you have to use the same number as on your old smartphone)
Once Verified Put your phone into Airplane Mode
If next part does not work for immediate backup: When it asked you to grant access to your files for Google drive, ignore the message and instead close the app (press □ and wipe Whatsapp away)
If asked for access to files / Google Drive say Yes
When asked to give access to contacts say NO
When asked to have access to files say YES
You should then see Local Backup found. If your file is LARGE you need to WAIT until it shows the file size (mine took 25 minutes). Just ensure your phone is set to a long display timer
Part 7 BACK UP Restore Options (still in Airplane Mode FYI)
A. If you see a restore button:
When you FINALLY SEE the display size (should be large and have the restore date) of your backup click Restore
Once it begins Disable Airplane Mode
Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background). It should say complete / 100% and provide you a button for next
Whatsapp will say Initializing. Give it a few minutes.
If stalled close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
B. If No Restore Button:
If no restore button shows and you have Verfiy by Code (sms/Telephon)
Close App
Re-open app
Turn on Airplane Mode
When asked for Google Drive option to view contacts / folders/ file system (all in one question). Click Yes
When asked SEPARATELY for Contact Permission: Say NO <---- VERY IMPORTANT
you should have no contacts though so it should not ask,
Storage Permission: CLICK YES
If there is no restore option you, You should now see your local backup, press "restore backup" when it SHOWS THE FULL FIlE SIZE NOT BEFORE.
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet. 9. Ignore the message regarding Google Drive and, when your backup has been restored (look at the progress bar at the bottom in the background), close the app
Open Whatsapp again and you should see now your old and new messages alltogether!
C. If neither work above for you
Disable airplane mode and activate Wifi / mobile internet.
You will see your local storage behind the popup saying allow google drive.
Wait until it shows the full flile Size
You will need to press add account and have your fingers ready for instant tapping between add account and instant tapping restore button
For some it has been 10-30 times doing this practice, you will luckily hit restore button
When progress bar says 100% it is restored.
You will still see app asking google drive option, don't click skip (this will reset the app ,leading to nothing restored)
When the app is asking to restore from google drive AND YOU HAVE HIT 100%, close the app right away (very important)
Open the app, and the app will ask you to set name, set your name
Initializing may take awhile. If it over 5-10 min ensure that airplane mode is off. Otherwise close app and try again.
If nothing works. Uninstall Whatsapp. Make the folders manually, keep only 1 data base file in the Database directory and transfer the internal structure of com.whatsappOLD into the new directory.
It is important to have NO GOOGLE accounts nor Contact files. You can add these after.
Key thing is to let it Compute the size of the folder. If it cannot compute, it does not work. From there turn on the internet and click retry.
Shout out to Merlin Behling
and Rahil2009
XDA for those moving pics to a new phone:
My updated method as of 3-24-2022 has worked on over 30 phones for those that had issues. I will try to respond when I can but I need to stress this works on the latest S22 Ultra. I even spent more time looking at years of whatsap backups and using Beyond Compare 4 was able to get all of my photos and files updated on my new phone. If you have old photos with wrong dates I highly recommend that program
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i just found this forum and thread.
your post seems helpful.
however, I got stuck on part 6,
"If next part does not work for immediate backup: When it asked you to grant access to your files for Google drive, ignore the message and instead close the app (press □ and wipe Whatsapp away" ->
what is the button you refer to? in this step, i choose button 3 horizontal line, then wipe it all running application, then open again, it show same message, then I tap back button, then it just ask profile name.
what I missed
thanks in advance

