RE O2 XDA for a XS56 - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

If anyone has picked up an XS56 while here in North America and has taken it back to Europe only to find it does not work, becuase of the frequency differences.
I have an O2 XDA unlocked would like to straight exchange for XS56 unlocked
Please conact me


UK XDA will it work in IReland

Hi All
Wondering if anyone could answer a query.
I have a friend selling his UK XDA and I said I would buy it. Just need to make sure it will work in Ireland on my 02 sim card here?
Anyones help would be great!!
Should be fine, you can download the latest updates from o2 ireland if necessary.
When you put in a new SIM card it will ask if you want to reconfigure unit with card to local settings, its foolproof.
Both UK & IRL gsm networks work on the same frequency.
eire xda
i come from cork but live in luton and my uk xda works fine even i have tried it with 2 different irish sims

HELP: How can i get my phone working on 1800hz...

I recently purchased a phone from USA it was a TMOBILE Pocket PC Phone Edition. It seems that i cannot use it on some networks in the UK because it's only 1900/800 hz compatible.
In the UK only 2 networks support this kind of frequency, none of which are cheap and stable imo.
Is there a way I can unlock this to make it work on 1800 hz?
Please let me know.
there is now ay to get the XDA to work on the 1800 Mhz frequecy if it is a USA unit. They are two seperate units, one tht operate 1900/900 Mhz for N. America and one 1800/900Mhz for Europe and Asia.
I may be able to help though. If you live in Europe and are not planning retuning to the US, I have a O2 XDA unlocked that I bought in Malaysia that I cannt use because I live in Canada and it is the 900/1800 Mhz model. I'm looking for someone to exchange my unit with.
Hi, you can contact me on [email protected]

Xda in Hong Kong

I was given a xda (O2) in UK. How can I use the phone (function) in Hong Kong?
well being that it was from UK and o2 one would asume that it's
900/1800 and unless hongkong use the US gsm which is 900/1900
then it would work
that is unless o2 dont have a network in hongkong and the xda is locked
but then you just need to unlock it
I am from NY but travel to HK often.
My XDA works great there. USA CDA is (900/1900)
so I pick up many networks on 900 mhz.
I can either use my NY sim card or buy a local one. I have good
luck with the Orange network.
Is your phone unlocked? If so, you should be able to slip in any HK sim card and go.
If this is an XDA I, you will want to look through this site for links to
cook your own ROM.
Good luck and Gung Hei Fat Choi!


This might be already posted being new to this form. I need help I purchased XDA model above from UK from ebay the phone is unlocked. After browsing i notice XDAPW10B is made for the states. Well I didn't do my homework before i purchased cingular is 1900 band which is my carrier. MY XDAPW10A is 900/1800 Band which i didn't realized ontil after sale. Can I flash rom to change where it will work on cingular band? what are my choices. Please help anyone
There was a file as part of the Special Edition ROM that could tell the software to switch between 900/1900 and 900/1800 however it wouldnt actually work as the hardware is different.
Affraid you cant use that model as a phone in the US
Thanks friend i was afraid that will be the case i will just resell on uk ebay

[Q]atrix AT&T and Europe

Hi,I live in italy and I'm going to buy an american motorola atrix AT&T.They said that the phone is unlocked and I can use it with every sim and 2/3g.Is it true?
can I use european rom?
What difference are there between usa and eur version of the phone?
BurningKoala said:
Hi,I live in italy and I'm going to buy an american motorola atrix AT&T.They said that the phone is unlocked and I can use it with every sim and 2/3g.Is it true?
can I use european rom?
What difference are there between usa and eur version of the phone?
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Hi I too have Motorola Atrix from At&t network unlocked currently using in o2-de. I have full 3g and 2g connectivity in Germany. And also I remember while travelling through Italy this summer had full 2g support there. So if the 3g services in Italy use the frequency band as in Germany u should be fine. But my guess is they are same and hence there should not be any problem.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
I have att version in Sweden and broke screen. Found out that no euro companies will fix us version. Had to send back to us to get fixed. This can take well over a month. Just beware!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Running an att atrix 4g in Slovenia, as of the 2.3.4 update all works fine (on 2.2.2 wifi stopped working in conjunction with mobile signal - long story, but Slovenia specific), so ye you shouldnt have any issues. Regarding fixing the phone, apparently Motorola UK does it for att atrixes aswell.
Another one running fine in Spain and UK.
Regarding roms, you must keep in mind that your phone is still the ATT model, so whenever you must apply device-specific patches (radios, etc), choose the ATT one.
I got this phone in September, and since then I've been in 6 different European countries. Worked perfectly everywhere In Italy I got a TIM sim card, had hdspa on all the time. You'll be fine, it's an excellent phone, the best purchase you can make
Have you already considered the European Atrix sold on Expansys? I bought it there and am very happy with it. You get a phone that is (hopefully) designed for Europe and coming with a "Retail" System and radio. Works very well in Italy.

