How to add tracelogger and ATDbg - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi group
As i understand the discussion about tracelogger and ATDbg, these tools were part of early versions of the xda.
-where do i get this tools
-is there a way to transfere this tolls on my xda
Any help/advice would be wellcome

rantanplan said:
Hi group
As i understand the discussion about tracelogger and ATDbg, these tools were part of early versions of the xda.
-where do i get this tools
-is there a way to transfere this tolls on my xda
Any help/advice would be wellcome
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The files should be in "windows" directory.
you can copy the files from older XDA.
I can send you the files,
if you'll give me your E-mail

atdbg == rilcomtemp
In my 3.15.15 I found that the atdbg program was changed to rilcomtemp.exe in the windows directory. You have to tell explorer to show all files to see it.


WM2005 for XDAII- which files in the FTP?

I promise that I've read the wiki page and searched for this, but I can't figure out which files in the FTP to download to follow the very well-written directions on upgrading my I-mate to WM2005.
I found EREdit, and the patch, and I think I found the actual upgrade (himalayaupgradeUT...) but I can't locate the NK.bfn that I need.
Any help is really appreciated!
Thanks so much to everybody who's put all the work into this.
H is the latest one
anyone know whst are the changes of this h version compare to g ?
buzz lightyear does being that he made it
guess it would be a good ideer
for him to make a history.txt or changes.txt for the 2005's so
people could get an idear about the changes
Rudegar said:
buzz lightyear does being that he made it
guess it would be a good ideer
for him to make a history.txt or changes.txt for the 2005's so
people could get an idear about the changes
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quite right, this would be useful...
Thanks for the input guys, but I must have not been clear.... I need "nk.nbf" as it is addressed in XDAjojo's magneto upgrade page. Can you help me get from the *.rar file you recommended to the file I need to upgrade via the xdajojo tutorial?
Thanks very very much!
loegel you must move on from that
the tutorial is ok but the patch its no longer needed
download the rar in ftp G or H and extract te files there is inside ht nbk you are looking for no need to patch
then open it with eromedit and chanhe if it to your settings (originaly they are
o2 www) save and flash
thats it
it will keep your corrent version of radio and extrom
rar files are like zip you unpack them using winrar or winace

how to get development tools for WM6 for O2 Atom?

Where can i find those development tools to upgrade O2 atom wm5 to wm6?
No sorrow to try myself.
tuhintt said:
Where can i find those development tools to upgrade O2 atom wm5 to wm6?
No sorrow to try myself.
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search for the following:
pkgtool.exe (package tool by bepe)
xipport.exe (xip editor by bepe)
imgfs tools (imgfs partition by mamaich)
Scoter Kitchen (ROM cooker with lots of built-in tools)
hex editor (AXE)
File comparer (ExamDiff)
rom update utility (by serialzs)
I hope that in your journey, we can collaborate and develop wm6 for Xda Atom.
Good Luck!
Thanks. I don’t realize lots of things i need to develop. But it doesn’t scare me, only one thing scare me is the time. Anyway, is there any Help/Documentation on this? Just have some Clue from where to start.
tuhintt said:
Thanks. I don’t realize lots of things i need to develop. But it doesn’t scare me, only one thing scare me is the time. Anyway, is there any Help/Documentation on this? Just have some Clue from where to start.
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The only documentation we have is this forum. So make use of the search function by google using advance options and change the site to
for starters, you need to learn to cook a ROM. then you learn to port a ROM.
good luck!


Hey guys,
im abit outa my usual field!! I have a hermes!
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a kitchen that works with the prophet os.nb, i need to dump and run PKGtool (if there is a prophet equivalent) but the most important thing is that i can dump the OS.nb.
I have been looking throught your forum and wiki, and they are very limited (compared to the hermes), i have google searched and found faria's kitchen, and the one in the sticky on the WM6 section but these only allow buildos.exe
I need to dump a prophet ROM so i get a DUMP folder. can anyone help me with this?
(appologies for this post)
thanks for your help in advance
read the manuel from cocking kitchen.
NetrunnerAT said:
read the manuel from cocking kitchen.
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Cant find "cocking kitchen" is there any chance you can give me a link please.
bennec83 said:
Hey guys,
im abit outa my usual field!! I have a hermes!
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a kitchen that works with the prophet os.nb, i need to dump and run PKGtool (if there is a prophet equivalent) but the most important thing is that i can dump the OS.nb.
I have been looking throught your forum and wiki, and they are very limited (compared to the hermes), i have google searched and found faria's kitchen, and the one in the sticky on the WM6 section but these only allow buildos.exe
I need to dump a prophet ROM so i get a DUMP folder. can anyone help me with this?
(appologies for this post)
thanks for your help in advance
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in most cases you can just rename the OS.NB to nk.nbf .nba .nbh or what ever you need for hermes... I usaly to it the other way around or down load Core Proffessional Kitchen by anichillus
from Here
bennec83: 3 cross-posts! Nicee... Next time, something like that - temporal ban.
You've been warned.
vlodeck said:
bennec83: 3 cross-posts! Nicee... Next time, something like that - temporal ban.
You've been warned.
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appologies, stupid mistake!!

Kitchen for GENE and New GENE??

Hey Guys,
Its been a while since i am visiting this forum. I've seen that most of the phone specific Upgrading/Modifying sections have atleast one thread about a kitchen for that particular phone. But this is not the case with P3400 and P3400i also known as GENE and the New Gene.
Why is it so? There are 3-4 ROMS available for gene and now 1 for the New Gene too but none of the authors have shared the kitchen they used for the purpose.
I know there is a thread by a moderator in this forum where he has shared the tools he used for the purpose, but the thread is not written in such a way that it can be of use for a new person.
So i request all the senior members who have experiance with cooking roms for P3400 and P3400i to share the process and tools in a clear way so more good ROMs can be made by other people too or atleast some modifications can be tried out to make the existing ones work better.
That would be a good step for all.
I made a Kitchen for gene and i'm planning to release it soon. I need to correct some bugs and made a tutorial.
here is the link
but i don't have account on
if any body has account download and create mirror link
Thanks Ankit, i managed to create an account on by translating russian into english by the Yahoo Babelfish service. It was quiet difficult but i somehow managed to do it. Currenlt downloading the file. Will post a mirror soon.
In the meantime, can anyone suggest a filesharing website where i can upload it for free and forever? On rapidshare they delete the uploaded file after sometime.
Hey guys!
Here is the mirror link for the GENE Kitchen. This kitchen is for both new and old gene. Kudos to Ankit for finding it
But one thing still unsolved, the readme file is in i dont know what language, its not even Russian. And the files inside the kitchen also contain russian versions as far as i can guess.
Can anybody throw some light on how to use this kitchen to generate a stock WM 6.1 ROM without any custom software and ALL the default software. One thing i can guess is that if i want all the default features included then i'll have to move all the stuff from "Removed from Sys" folder to Sys folder. Am i right?
krazy_about_technology said:
can anyone suggest a filesharing website where i can upload it for free and forever? On rapidshare they delete the uploaded file after sometime.
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ankit360 said:
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Ya i thought about that, but i guess 4Shared is good too. Is anybody having problem downloading the kitchen from 4shared?
Any updates on the Kitchen Guys??? I have managed to get the translation of the Readme done by Google translate. I have attached the translated file.
This kitchen is made from a Russian ROM as a base. So its unusable as far as i am concerned. Some tools, although are intresting. I have managed to make an automated batch script to dump a ROM Image's (.nbh file) contents into a folder. I call it ROMAnalyzer
To use it:
Extract the to a folder. Copy your ROM file to the directory. Now drag it to either FullDump.cmd or OSDump.cmd to start the process. Check out the output folder for the dump.
The difference between FullDump and OSDump is that FullDump dumps the imgfs filesystem and also leaves the XIP, NB and TXT files in the output folder for furthur analysis. OSDump just dumps the OS files.
Don't know whether it would be useful to anyone or not. Just sharing what i got. I use it to look into new ROMS after downloading them to see whats included, and sometimes, copy stuff off them like games, tones etc

Tool for comparing/merging files

Hi Community,
I'm searching for an app for merging and /or comparing the content of any kind of files as WinMerge do for Windows.
Do anyone know such a tool for our Android Devices?
redplate said:
Hi Community,
I'm searching for an app for merging and /or comparing the content of any kind of files as WinMerge do for Windows.
Do anyone know such a tool for our Android Devices?
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hi there,all questions go to Q&A forum..

