searching contacts by phone number - possible?? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

had an incoming call which was only number based - wished to do a search of contacts by phone number ie STD code to see if I knew who it was. seems you can only search contacts by name ? is it possible to search contact entries by info contained in them ie all entries with std 0208 or search the notes associated with the contact for a keyword?
any ideas please

start menu
On the start menu there is a find function. Run this with what your looking for eg uk mobile numbers "07" then it automatically searches through, all the contact details. including phone numbers, email, notes , files etc...
Just sift through the crap and you'll get what you want.

@madmanfree - thanks fella - thought it may be under contacts but see they habe general find for all data under this


The whole name appearing in SMS header thing...

Since WM2003 it's great not having to use the sms name fix programs to make names from Outlook appear on incoming texts.
However, it's still the case that if you click on someone's name in Contact and select Send SMS, it just puts the number in the To box, rather than the name and / or number.
If you reply to someone who has already sent you a text through the context menu whilst reading the message, it DOES put the name of the other person in.
Is anyone aware of any programs etc that will make the xda work in this way? It can't be that the name would cause a problem as it works perfectly fine when you reply to existing sms's with it in.
I'd appreciate any comments on this.
Instead of selecting the contact and creating the SMS message, create a new message and start typing the name of the contact. A pop up box appears with contact names in and when you select the contact their name is entered in the TO line.
Just goes to show you don't get anywhere if you don't ask huh?
I should have thought Pocket Outlook would work the same as normal Outlook, but just always did contacts > name > send SMS. Now it's just New > Message and type in the name.
Cheers for that!
PS - this forum is great

[Q] Utterly stupid importing of "All Contacts" from Google.

Hi All,
Before you say it, I know what I'm doing and understand how Google contacts work, I had a HTC HD2 (thanks Pongster and XDA!) and I am used to Android.
I know how Google contacts work, infact I submitted a bug fix to AweSync to fix up their syncing of Google Contacts with Lotus Notes.
Why does the Samsung Galaxy 1 (and 2!) show me _ALL CONTACTS_ when trying to SMS people? or when I try to save a newly dialled number into contacts, it shows all contacts?
I don't want to SMS an email address! I don't want to sift through 1,300 contacts yet this idiot phone is showing me them.
It's listing email Address's in the SMS TO: field - yet I've CLEARLY unticked "All contacts" and I've made it only show contacts with a phone number.
What is wrong with this thing?
EDIT: also, forgetting my ring tone every time I reboot isn't impressing me either.
Okay, I can't answer all your problems, and I do agree that the management of contacts on this phone is pretty poor, but there's obviously ways round certain issues.
One thing that will immediately help you is to use the contacts app to send SMS, rather than the SMS app. Select your contact (filtered as shown in your post) and you can swipe them left to SMS or right to call. That's a pretty handy feature.
However, if you're sending a message to more than 1 person you're back to square 1. I'd strongly recommend getting GO SMS Pro and GO Contacts (both free) from the Market. They're excellent replacements and I'm sure you'll be a LOT happier with them.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
johncmolyneux said:
Okay, I can't answer all your problems, and I do agree that the management of contacts on this phone is pretty poor, but there's obviously ways round certain issues.
One thing that will immediately help you is to use the contacts app to send SMS, rather than the SMS app. Select your contact (filtered as shown in your post) and you can swipe them left to SMS or right to call. That's a pretty handy feature.
However, if you're sending a message to more than 1 person you're back to square 1. I'd strongly recommend getting GO SMS Pro and GO Contacts (both free) from the Market. They're excellent replacements and I'm sure you'll be a LOT happier with them.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Would go contacts solve my issue when saving a new phone number into my contactl ist?
wizzbang3 said:
Would go contacts solve my issue when saving a new phone number into my contactl ist?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It does what you describe above. I don't know what you expect it to do though. You dial a number, click "Add to contacts" or "New contact" to either list all your contacts or create a new one.
is there any solution to this, i quite like the messaging app, but find it quite annoying when i have to search through hundreds of contacts, or else exit out to the contact application to text some1 who's actually in my contacts list ....
Its not a deal breaker for me, i prefer the stock than go sms or handcent, or any alternative i've tried, so if there is no fix i'll grin and bear it but if there is please help out
.... its not that i prefer the stock to any other, its just that no other provides anything that makes me want to move from stock, and since both will be running anyways it seems pointless to be wasting battery .... also i found double contacts problems with other apps aswell
Osmosae said:
is there any solution to this, i quite like the messaging app, but find it quite annoying when i have to search through hundreds of contacts, or else exit out to the contact application to text some1 who's actually in my contacts list ....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's just poor design by Samsung.
wizzbang3 said:
It's just poor design by Samsung.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why? I think it is a good idea, since I very often MMS to email addresses! It is very handy to automatically downsize an image to MMS size when you are sending it to a person who you know will be looking at the email on their phone (e.g. my friend in Japan doesn't have MMS at all, over there nearly everything is email).
Been wondering about this too, i know the contact app you can customize what to show, which is fine, but the sms app show everyone you have been in contact with on google. Only "fix" i've found so far is to use another SMS app that can filter the contact list.
The solution is very simple. Just open display options in contacts and select only display contacts with numbers. Also untick everything that you don't want it to display. I don't save any numbers in phone or sim card so I save it to gmail account.
Even if I select only gmail it shows lots unnecessary contacts. So I went to gmail on my laptop and opened the contacts (phone book or something like that. Its been over a year so I don't remember)
I created a new category (u can choose an existing one) and transferred every single contact that I needed under it.
And thats it. Everytime I format my phone I just go to contact display settings on my phone and only choose the category that I made. And it only shows the contacts that I need.
It works also if u want to save a contact. I chose to save contacts to my gmail account when it asks. And everytime u save it saves it to the category that u choose.
I have been using this over a year and work flawlessly. I remember beig sick of choosing amongst 1000s of contacts.
I tried to explain as I could. If there is a problem ask me I will try to help.
I realized this doesn't answer ur question about sms. This doesn't fix that SMS list behaviour.

[Q] Smart dial - only 1 number (from a list)?

I just received my SGS2 and I'm trying to get to grips with it..
I'm on Villain ROM 2.4.2.
My question is about the smart dialling feature. It appears to find the contact that I want ok, the problem here is that it will only allow me to choose the first number that is saved under the contact and offers no way to access a different number for the same contact.
I have many contacts that have a home landline number as well as a mobile telephone number and in the majority of the cases, it defaults to finding the landline number and doesn't let me choose that contact's mobile number instead or any other number I might have saved for that contact.
I know that there is a little arrow/drop list option next to the found contact's name but it just brings up other possible matches to different contacts - not any other numbers?
I hope that makes sense! Does anyone have a solution for this?
I think I know what you mean and if you press the little arrow and you see the list of possibles you need to click the contact for the person you want and it gives you a further list of all the numbers stored for that contact.
You have to be careful though because you mustn't first press your desired contact on that first list or will "lock in" the first number stored for them.
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for that. I'm sure I tried doing that but now you've described it better, it definetely works. Would much prefer it if they could just list all the numbers straight off..

[Q] 'highlighted' telephone numbers within contact notes field

I wonder if anyone has a solution to the following:
My colleague syncs their contacts with MS Outlook to her Galaxy S3 and keeps numerous additional details regarding their clients in the 'notes' field of each contact.
I have attached a screen shot of a similar situation using an HTC One X. Where the additional information contains a telephone number - the number itself is automatically highlighted and one touch loads the telephone number into the phone's dialler.
However, with the Samsung, all the information, including telephone numbers is in plain text and you can't load numbers to dial from there. A long press offers to copy the text - but only the entire 'notes' field!
This may seem insignificant but when the phone is used for business and for professional purposes you use the 'notes' field of a contact to keep lots of ancillary information which may include other telephone numbers it seems like a significant oversight. You suddenly find yourself one handed, trying to find a pen to copy down information on paper that should be easy to load with a single touch.
It works if numbers are sent as an sms to the phone so I don't see why it doesn't work within a contact's notes field like in the HTC.
If anyone can suggest a way around this I'd be very interested to hear and also if you think it's worth contacting Samsung themselves?
Many thanks in advance.

[Q] Stock contacts and SMS apps - configuration problems

I moved from Samsung Galaxy S2 to S3 with a later Android version (4.3), and there are just a couple of things that are driving me crazy as far as the stock contacts and sms apps are concerned.
Before I decide to move to other apps (which I don't really want to do as I've been pretty glad about the stock apps so far):
How to change the generic picture for contacts?
I liked the earlier format with simple silhouettes in different colours and I totally hate the new creepy-looking faces with a smile, eyes, nose etc. (sorry, I am not allowed to post outside links yet, which is why I had to remove all the sample links from this question and the following ones, which may make my questions a little more difficult to understand).
How to remove the contact pictures besides the text messages?
Before, the text messages were displayed with text bubbles only.
Now there are little annoying contact pictures next to the messages. I've found a couple of threads about it on the Internet but no real solutions, unfortunately.
And this one has been bugging me since Galaxy S2:
How to hide all those contacts that include no phone number (i.e. those imported from my Google account)?
I am able to hide the contact in the normal view (if I simply scroll down the list, only phone contacts are displayed) but whenever I use the in-app search option, the e-mail contacts appear, too, which is pretty annoying (I use the search to find someone I want to call, not if I want to write an e-mail).
Anyone, anything? I know these aren't exactly the most interesting or serious problems, and they're rather Android- than phone-related... but I've spent a lot of time researching this and I've found no solution whatsoever (besides using other apps).
Question [Q] Stock contacts and SMS apps - configuration problems
I moved from Samsung Galaxy S2 to S3 with a later Android version (4.3), and there are just a couple of things that are driving me crazy as far as the stock contacts and sms apps are concerned.
Before I decide to move to other apps (which I don't really want to do as I've been pretty glad about the stock apps so far):
How to change the generic picture for contacts?
I liked the earlier format with simple silhouettes in different colours and I totally hate the new creepy-looking faces with a smile, eyes, nose etc. (sorry, I am not allowed to post outside links yet, which is why I had to remove all the sample links from this question and the following ones, which may make my questions a little more difficult to understand).
How to remove the contact pictures besides the text messages?
Before, the text messages were displayed with text bubbles only.
Now there are little annoying contact pictures next to the messages. I've found a couple of threads about it on the Internet but no real solutions, unfortunately.
And this one has been bugging me since Galaxy S2:
How to hide all those contacts that include no phone number (i.e. those imported from my Google account)?
I am able to hide the contact in the normal view (if I simply scroll down the list, only phone contacts are displayed) but whenever I use the in-app search option, the e-mail contacts appear, too, which is pretty annoying (I use the search to find someone I want to call, not if I want to write an e-mail).
Hi! Changing default generic picture is not possible without root at least(i think it might be best to use a custom rom maybe), removing the picture next to each sms is linked with the contact list so you should try other sms apps from playstore for that and hiding contact with no number in contact list is impossible - try to make a group with the ones that have number and one group with the ones that don't have numbers or remove the email only contact from google contact list(on gmail). Hope i gave you some directions Cheers!

