Telnet on unix systems and wireless LAN set up - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

A few questions that O2 have yet again not been able to supply.
1) Can you set up a tenet connection using the xda onto any unix based system. If not could you run the gauntlet of using terminal services to run a telnet seesion via the office computer?
2) I presume you can dial up your LAN with the xda. But can you connect to a wireless LAN. What equipment would be needed both in the office and in the xda. Are Wireless LAN cards available to fit in the xda. Again all Linux?
Thanks for your help.



Can I configure the XDA to connect to my office LAN using the USB connection !?!!?!??!
or is the device only capable of connecting over a wireless connection
which adapter is appropriate???
once connected, can the LAN internet connection be used by the XDA?
Absolutely. You set up 'desktop passthrough' in activesync (on the desktop). This will give you access to the LAN and internet.
ok- I have done that - and selected the "work" settings (on the desktop) do I need to configure anything on the device... if so - what?!?!
appreciate your help
No, as soo as the device connects to active sync, all the configuration is done. You should then be able to use pocket IE etc.
I can't remember exactly, but you may need to configure it as 'Internet' if you want to browse with Pocket IE etc.
cool - seems to working a treat!!!!!
disks to exlpore
can you use the screen of the xda to explore the network drives?
I may be doing something wrong. So a quick 1,2,3 would be helpful..
Unfortunately not. You need to know the path of the share you want to connect to. (ie \\Servername\sharename). You can then connect to this from file explorer
Good article on the subject

Browsing desktop web server from xda

Hi all,
I know we can connect to the internet using desktop connectivity with ActiveSync.
Now, I want to develop some simple WAP application and place it in my http://localhost (desktop IIS) for testing purpose. How can I browse it this site from my xda?
Anyone can help? TIA.
try http://<ip-number of Desktop PC>
It doesn't work at all. Beside, I use dial-up connection in my desktop, so the desktop doesn't have any ip before connecting to the internet, and I want to develop the application offline.
I tried to assign permanent ip address to my desktop in without connecting and it still doesn't work.
internal network
I doubt you have networked computers but here goes...
If you have a network card in your PC for networking. Then you have an IP address with this. normally "192.168.???.???" so you could use that.
Hope this may be of help ..
You will need to be connected to the internet on your PC before you try to browse, or you will need to configure internet connection sharing while your xda is cradled for it to work.
Though I can't test this (no webserver running), it's gotta work:
Put your XDA in the cradle, and the go in VXutil and go to info. There, under the adapter called "Serial on USB," you should see some IP config info. The "Default Gateway" should be the IP of your machine (as your XDA sees it).
Just for kicks, mine turns out to be
I've tries but since my desktop computer is not network and I don't have any ethernet card installed, I cannot assign IP address to this machine?
What is Vxutil anyway?
rezz16 said:
I've tries but since my desktop computer is not network and I don't have any ethernet card installed, I cannot assign IP address to this machine?
What is Vxutil anyway?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes use usb asycn to pda -
setup VPN or non-vpn
first setup VPN network in computer
link to that in pda
no password ect
admin or guest with autologon on direct contact will do
I use say etc

Passthrough Communication with ActiveSync

I'm trying to analyse how Activesync is working and which communication
protocol(s) does is use.
Especially I'm interested in, to find out, what kind of communication is possible via USB "passthrough" connectivity!
Suppose the following environment:
Pocket PC 2002 is cradled and connected via USB with the desktop PC. ActiveSync 3.6 is used for communication. Passthrough connection is
At the first view, it seems, that PPC communicates TCP/IP via USB with the desktop PC. But I'm really unsure, because I can neither ping the desktop from PPC, nor I can ping the PPC from the desktop side.
(Microsoft says that PPC has IP and desktop PC has IP, Subnet:
Ping from PPC to its own IP is working. But nothing more. Name resolution, pinging external host names is working.
Ping from desktop to is not working. Furthermore I can't find any adapter, wich is using this IP address on my desktop!!!???
As well I found out, when using passthrough, that PPC seems to communicate with wcescomm.exe, located in the ActiveSync directory on the desktop PC (seems to be a kind of proxy software).
So far. Here my questions:
- did anybody made any experiences with wcescomm.exe ?
- how does PPC communicate with this prog? maybe via TCP/IP, or any
application protocol?
- which services could be used via this connection (apart from http, dns, etc.)?
kind regards,

[Q] Remotely connect to network

Hey boys and girls, first post here =] loving the galaxy s2 (iPhone 4 convert!)
As the title states, has anyone found a way of remotely connecting to a network via 3g with the basic applications being WOL (wake on lan) and file retrieval?
Would be a very handy tool to have to remotely start/shutdown PC's as needed, not sure on the feasibility of creating such an app or if it is already in existence.
I use WOL from Market. Waking up pc's over 3g is a bit of a hit or miss. It will wake up the pc sometimes. I had to make sure port 9 (did both tcp and udp to be safe) was forwarded on my router - in conjunction with a dynamic dns account also in my router settings.
I use a combination of 2x client from the market or teamviewer - they both work well. Teamviewer requires a server on your computer.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App

[Q] PC Remote Control over WiFi

as it shows on the title,is it possible to connect my android based device to my PC via wifi hotspot and control it from my phone,its like teamviewer but without having to connect to the internet ,i.e the connection would be between the pc and cellphone directly.
i hope my point is clear.
Sometime like RDP will work over a LAN, but having never used a wifi hotspot I'm not exactly sure if the connection would be correct. Connected to the same router a phone would be able to use RDP to connect to the local IP (usually 192.168.x.x) without ever going through the internet.
If I tether my Droid 3 and the Windows 7 laptop with bluetooth this method works with any app that supports Microsoft RDP. You would also need to be using a Windows version with RDP host support to get this to work.
thanks for your reply
I'm looking for a remote desktop app for the Android that uses (or is able to use) a bluetooth connection to connect. Or if that's not possible, a local wifi connection, ie: direct from my droid to my computer's wireless card, using only my local area connection.
Does anyone know an app that will do this?
It needs to give me the full screen of my computer, so nothing like Gmote or any remotes used for media centers will work for this project. I'd also like it to keep my screen on the computer while I use it, instead of locking it up.
Basically PhonemyPC but without having to use the internet to do so.
My reasons? I'm trying to connect to and control my Carputer running Centrafuse in my Eclipse. So that I can leave the car running, go outside of it, and pull up the full screen to push buttons and control the car's media center (and more) or even from the back seat. You know.. for the ladies Without having to send every command over 3g to verizon's servers, back out to a tower, and back into my carputer, slowing things waaay down. Thanks!
Well you could use Microsoft RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) if your carputer is running Windows XP Pro or 7 Pro/Ultimate. Bluetooth support is better on Windows 7 as it has a newer stack. RDP host functionality is not included in home edition versions of Windows. The biggest advantage of Microsoft RDP is it doesn't require any extra software on the Windows host and is relatively easy to connect to. For the Android device, just search the market for your any remote desktop program that supports RDP. A disadvantage to RDP is that it sends the host system back to the Windows login screen when a remote session starts. This is a security feature so others can't see what you are doing and I don't think it can be disabled.
You could also try VNC, its similar to RDP and will work on other OSes, home versions of Windows, Linux, etc.
Either bluetooth or wifi tether (which is basically ad-hoc) should work. If the computer can surf the internet from the phone then it must be getting a local IP assigned.
Thanks for your suggestion.
However, this doesn't seem to apply yo what I need as A. It's for a mac (I have a PC) B. it doesn't seem to be an actual live streaming remote PC type of program, more like a monitoring program that sends you screenshots and data every few minutes, and finally.. from what I can tell their app is for ipod only, no android.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but thanks anyways
have you tried 2x client rdp/remote desktop?
after reading more of what you are trying to do...if you just want a media center remote, use myremote donate. it gives you keyboard and mouse control, as well as a full media center remote. works off wifi. you would need to download the server app for your puter off their website, and their client app connects to the server app to allow control of the computer. I use it all the time as a media center remote control. works awesome!
Try gPad, it's awesome. I hope that's what you're looking for. =)

