where do i get .def(LIBRARY RILGSM, RIL)for rilgsm.dll, ril? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi all,
I am trying to write my own API's for communication between pocketPC and SIM.
Can any one please guide me where to find ril.dll and rilgsm.dll relateds and how to open these library.
I have gone through the mesasge posted(Posted:Sat Feb 01, 2003 23:50) by 'W4XY' on .def's, can you please tell me how did u got this? do we get definition of these function prototypes? such as:RIL_SendSimCmd @ 93 ;
RIL_SendSimToolkitCmdResponse @ 100 ;
RIL_SendSimToolkitEnvelopeCmd @ 98 ; etc.
please help me
Thanks and regards


Cell id

I'm developing an application on SmartPhone SDK 2003.
I need to extract the cell ID from telephone.
How can I do?
If you have any suggetion, I'll be happy.
Thank you.
You might want to check out http://www.cell-profiler.de/
Maybe the developer would point you in the right direction
Keith Burke
I feel the XDA (I&II) badly need network monitoring software
thanks, but the site is under costruction.
I don't have to buy but i've to deploy the software for my thesis.
I've downloaded from the site http://viewcvs.xda-developers.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xdautils/#dirlist the following class: debug.cpp, debug.h, ril.h, riltest.cpp, riltest.h, stringutils.h, stringutils.cpp, vectorutils.h, vectorutils.cpp.
I've create a new project and build it.
But RIL_GetCellTowerInfo response:
RIL_GetCellTowerInfo: 80004001
RES: 00000001 000000a6 10 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
RES: 00000001 000000a7 :shock:
I think that 80004001 (hexadecimal) mean that it don't work (not implemented)
I have no more idea how to do this. Could anyone to help me?
Yes the site is under constuction, but their support email address is on that page.
He [dutty] also frequents this forum semi regularly. Maybe if you post a message for him, or even PM him. He's generally an approachable guy, he may help you.
Check topic
I haven't dabbled in the RIL myself, so can [EDIT : Should read "can't"] help you there, sorry. But you are developing for the XDA / XDA II, I take it. Not sure but I think the RIL applies to XDA and the like.
Thanks, but i'm developing on SmartPhone 2003 platform in eVC 4.0
It's possible that nobody know RIL for smartphone??? :?
for the xda2 you can get the cellid via a device specific API, 'RIL_DevSpecific, see RilClass.cpp
it is quite likely different for your smartphone.
to see if your device supports cell info notifications, you have to see if the string '+CREG=2' is somewhere in your rilgsm.dll.
you can extract rilgsm.dll from your rom using dumprom
Excuse me,
I don't understand how to use dumprom on smartphone!!!
Can you help me?
I´m looking for a way to read cell ids for some weeks now and didn´t find anything valuable. Some working programs, but theyre all closed source...
I´m working with basic4ppc on win mobile 6. If there are any advances, PLEEAASE let me know ^^
Does at least, any program work?
Have you tried http://usuc.dyndns.org/tv/gsm/GSMCelluloz/ ?
Does it help ?
If you have problem, try the debug version and send me file files created in \Temp.
I may help if you have problem, but I don't do any basic4PPC...

How to dump the rom of a G4 ?

I have here a G4 with the stock OS/rom that really interests me. Its the vodafone PTG rom wich i need to flash on another g4 i have that is in english.
The question is : how can i do a rom from that wizard ?
Thanks !
PS. of course i can upload the rom for anyone who needs if after
First you must know if the phone is CID unlocked
If it is then just get "mtty" and make a "r2sd all"
If it's not then i think you must do it by steps using programs like awizard
anyone feel free to correct please
i dont think its cid unlocked, almost for sure that is locked
I Cant Make Full Backup, Need Help (g4) Cingular 8125 Sim & Cid Unlocked
I have tryied everything nothing had worked I'm able to Backup OS & Extended Rom. Not a nubby even doing sd backup happens same thing I can make individual backup like IPL, SPL, Extended Rom, OS ect. But I want full backup and I cant. When I use aWizard it does great job but on the radio.nba part this is the message that comes out. I have tryied everithing all the programs availables on all forum this has been a 8 day proyect please some one can help me. HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP. ITS A CINGULAR 8125 (G4) UNLOCKED SIM & CID BY CHECK-IMEI. PLEASE SOMEBODY ANY ADVISE.
r2sd all
R2SDBackup() Pls. insert SD card !!
Cmd>r2sd all
***** user area size = 0x3B880000 Bytes
R2SDBackup() - Download type = 5
usTotalBlock = 1 sizeof(SDCARD_SIGNATRUE_TABLE)=512
Start address = 0x80000000 , Length = 0x800
Start address = 0x80000800 , Length = 0xC0000
Start address = 0x800C0800 , Length = 0x40000
Start address = 0x80100800 , Length = 0x280000
GSM - dwSize = 345DF
GSM Page0
Start address = 0x4E3D4C0 , Length = 0x3900000
Start address = 0x743D4C0 , Length = 0xA00000
The read size is not matched, load failed!
Some Image (8) load failed, we can not backup All images...
============== aWizard 1.3 beta 2 ===============
- By ahlok_hk -
- [Credits] -
- itsme for 'itsutils' -
- MachinaGod for 'RapiUnlocker' -
- MachinaGod for 'lokiwiz' -
- mamaich for 'WM5 ROM editing tool' -
- psneddon and kenu for Logo Converter -
- nicob for scripting tips -
- xda-developers.com, buzzdev.net n oths -
* Please Choose one of the following options:
a - View README file
e - Enable RAPI (Run this after each hard reset)
b - Backup Radio, OS and Extended ROM from device
s - Write Backup Splash Logo (.nba) to Wizard
c - Convert + write BMP(240x320) Splash Logo to Wizard
r - Write Radio ROM to device (!! RUN unlock CID 1st !!)
w - Write OS ROM to device (!! RUN unlock CID 1st !!)
q - Quit this program
!!! ATTENTION! Please use this tool at your own risk!!!
* Type letter then press [Enter]:B
* Backup Wizard ROM Version 1.0
* Please enter the name of "folder" to save the ROM image to (e.g. "QT-1_6_3_4-W
WE"), no space pls
* Then press [Enter], or q to to main menu:radio
* Backup Radio ROM? (y/n/q):Y
* Backup OS ROM? (y/n/q):N
* Backup Extended ROM? (y/n/q):N
* Backup Splash ROM and HTC Logo? (y/n/q):N
* Please make sure the following before running this option:
* - your have connected your Wizard to the PC with USB ActiveSync connection,
* - already run the option 'e' at least once after the last time you hard reset
the Wizard
* then press [Enter] to start, or q to main menu:
[14:29:32.28] Backup Radio ROM [ROM\radio\radio-Radio.nba] Start
* This process takes about 5 to 8 minutes depends on CPU Speed.
* Please wait.....
3 partitions, 2 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 39 07 01 06 27 2c 17 3e 17 05 06 ec
CopyTFFSToFile(0x50000, 0x280000, ROM\radio\radio-Radio.nba)
ERROR: ITReadDisk: outbuf==NULL
[14:30:18.59] Backup Radio ROM [ROM\radio\radio-Radio.nba] End
Press any key to continue . . .
rebeldishman: dude--This is the 3rd post of this information (at least) from you. Post it once and be patient. By the way, it has been answered already in the other forum.)

to all the .cab specialists ;)

i've absolutely no experience about creating .cab-files, so is it maybe possible to anyone of you creating me one or more .cab's containing a few settings and altering a few reg-keys? i would appreciate beeing able to use this in my sd-config further on an maybe it could be useful for some other german located people using wwe-roms...
so here we go:
first i need a .cab switching my regional settings to german, and activating the connection-wizard using the param's "deutschland" and "Vodafone" , if possible.
second i have some reg tweaks, as there are (i post the altered values only):
HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/ShowSim : DWORD = 0
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_0 : Name = Neue Email
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_1 : Name = Neue SMS
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_2 : Name = Neue MMS
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_3 : Name = Neuer Termin
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_4 : Name = Neue Aufgabe
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_5 : Name = Neue Notiz
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_6 : Name = Neuer Kontakt
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/APLauncher/App2_2 : Name = Aufgaben
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/APLauncher/App2_3 : Name = Termine
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini/App1_1 : Name = Musik
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini/App1_2 : Name = Fotos
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini/App1_3 : Name = Videos
would be very great when sombody could do this for me! many many thanks in advance.....
you can use a cab manager to create cabs.
cabs can contain only reg settings while no other files in it.
you can find a 30 day trial one here:
i don't know any other freeware if there is..
here is a cab containing the reg entries in your post..
didn't test it but it should work,
u can backup those entries before, but i think it's not necessary..
hay, thank you very much for your quick support!!!
i will have a look at the cab-manager right now but allthough anybody can have a look at the regional- and connection-wizard settings? thans to all!
malsehn said:
hay, thank you very much for your quick support!!!
i will have a look at the cab-manager right now but allthough anybody can have a look at the regional- and connection-wizard settings? thans to all!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't think you can activate the connection-wizard by using a cab. perhaps you can change the default settings, but you will still have to run the Wizard (mannually or by a sort of scripting). If I knew how, I would help you out but unfortunally ... I don't...
You could create a cab that creates a shortcut to the Wizard so that on start up it will be loaded... (It may also be possible using a setup.dll file, but I have no idea how to implement this kind of functionality)
hi folks, sorry for diggin' out this old thread once more
i owned myself an artemis now and so i need a little modification on this settings- cab file once made for my old prophet..
so i asked myself, if one of you would be so kind again...
here are the reg tweaks that i would appreciate to have in one cab for usage in my sdconfig:
HKCU/ControlPanel/Phone/ShowSim : DWORD = 0
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_0 : Name = Neue Email
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_1 : Name = Neue SMS
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_2 : Name = Neue MMS
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_3 : Name = Neuer Termin
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_4 : Name = Neue Aufgabe
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_5 : Name = Neue Notiz
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/ActionScreen/APP_6 : Name = Neuer Kontakt
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/APLauncher/App4 : Name = Aufgaben
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/APLauncher/App5 : Name = Termine
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/CustAPLauncher/App1 : Name = Rechner
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/CustAPLauncher/App11 : Name = Softreset
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/CustAPLauncher/App2 : Name = Radio
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/CustAPLauncher/App5 : Name = Dateien
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/CustAPLauncher/App6 : Name = Livesuche
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/CustAPLauncher/App8 : Name = Notizen
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini/App1_1 : Name = Musik
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini/App1_2 : Name = Fotos
HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini/App1_3 : Name = Videos
i've made my changes to the previous version in red, so maby you only have to modify the old cab attached above...
many many thanks in advise to that, i never get through to making cab files myself..
Here is the new cab modified with settings in RED based on the old.
thank you for your very quick support!!! this is a cab now with all the old settings and with the red ones changed respectively added on it, to get you right? wow, that's great!!! many many thanks!!! im very happy now and so the next hardreset can come for me...
For networkwizard setting;
Put new on the registry:
new key such as:
xxxyy and the value of the Brand of your GSM operator
where xxx is MCC and yy is MNC (Five digit number)
And for Vodafone there are three Vodafone operator on Germany so you could put the key such as:
"26202"="deutschland" (or "Vodafone" which ever you like)
"26204"="deutschland" (or "Vodafone" which ever you like)
"26209"="deutschland" (or "Vodafone" which ever you like)
Then tap networkwizard.
Hope this will help you.

[TUT] How to name and mark a thread. !!Please make sticky!!

A howto on how to mark threads good.
Because I'm pissed by threads with titles, that say nothing I've done a tutorial on how to name and mark threads right. I use things done in much forums and my own ideas.
Let's start.
First: How to name a thread good.
You have to use a thread that says much, for example “How to change the bootscreen“ and not “bootscreen“ or “question“ or something like that.
Second: How to mark threads.
Let's take the example from before.
The title “How to change the bootscreen“ could be a tutorial, but also a question. Now it is a question.
We use the [] tags for that. In them we write QUE for question. In our example this would be “[QUE] How to change the bootscreen”
You can also use more marks at once.
For example: “[ROM][WM6.1][WWE] Charmer Mobile 6.1”
Now a list of useable forms in the []:
TUT = tutorial
WM5 = WindowsMobile5 ROM
WM6 = WindowsMobile6 ROM
WM6.1 = WindowsMobile6.1 ROM
QUE = Question
APP = Application
IDE = Idea
REQ = Request
REF = Reference
THE = Theme
MOD = Moderation
DIS = Discontinued
Lang codes:
WWE = World Wide Edition
ENG = English
GER = German
And so on.
When I've forgotten some please post and I'll add to main thread.
Please make this sticky Vlodeck. Thank you.
Answered on PM.


Im still alive in trying but still stuck in haret mean while i created a android version that SHOULD work if i could boot it more on this later!
If you are a dev or got any thing to ask i opened a chat in EFNET (IRC)
Channel name is #DroiD2 see you there!
It seems windows 6.1 works with haret alot better.
I installed this rom
and used the exe from UPDATE 4 and the default.txt from UPDATE 3.
Now it don't restart or boot it freeze so it is a step closer of booting android.
Since the HTC Touch Cruise have the exact same specs we could use those roms to run it on the HTC Touch2 so ill almost get in android now we are one step closer again!
I was searching in the other android post for this device and found a haret that works but still no android boot.
I will attach the file below and make a short movie of my progress so far now.
Remove the ''.zip'' part to get it work.
Update time!
At this moment i am fixing the default.txt and getting one step closer now!
Here is the new default.txt code
Set RAMSIZE 0x8000000
Set RAMADDR 0x1000000
set MTYPE 2305
set KERNEL zImage
Set initrd initrd.lzma
Set cmdline ""board-mega.panel_type=1 pm.sleep_mode=1 mddi.width=320 mddi.height=480 no_console_suspend board-htcmega-battery.battery_capacity=1100 clock-7x00.mddi=0xa51 lcd.density=160 ppp.nostart=0 sys_partition=/sdcard/andboot/system.img data_partition=/sdcard/andboot/data.img"
Still i getting this error.
''Terminating haret due to unhandled exception (pc=011c4640)''
A older Haret might fix it but don't know at this moment i am using 0.5.2
But i am getting one step closer now!
Ok this is a kernel and rom that might also work on the Touch2 and got the correct settings also.
But i need still a MTYPE without that i can't boot.
Here is the default.txt code for now.
set RAMSIZE 0x08000000 set RAMADDR 0x10000000 set MTYPE 2293 set KERNEL zImage set initrd initrd.lzma set cmdline "no_console_suspend ppp.nostart=0 hw3d.version=1 mddi.width=240 mddi.height=320 clock-7x00.mddi=0xa51 board-htcpolaris.panel_type=1 board-htcpolaris.no_boot_vibration=0 sys_partition=/sdcard/andboot/system.img data_partition=/sdcard/andboot/data.img"
I know it is from the porlaris but they have the same hardware so it SHOULD work.
Here is a link to the rom i trying to use for now.
It appears the HTC Touch Cruise have also the exact same specs and hardware and that device got a android port!!! (NAND/SD HARET/ANDBOOT)
Only diffrence of those two are HTC Touch Cruise have other hard buttons and have Windows CE kernel 5.2 and the HTC Touch2 got Windows CE 5.2.2
But this gonna make it even more easy!
Since no one have ported droid to this device yet i gonna make a start my self.
I am also want some help ofcourse but back to main topic.
Since this cpu is a 32bit Qualcomm MSM7225, 528MHz ram 256mb and rom 512mb android porting dont need to be hard at all!
In fact really easy to-do because there alot phones with the same specs same as the Touch2 and they run droid also.
Here is a device list with same cpu ,amount of rom/ram and resolution
HTC Tattoo A3232 (HTC Click 100)
T-Mobile Pulse Mini (Huawei U8110)
HTC Wildfire A3333 (HTC Buzz)
Vodafone 858 Smart (Huawei U8160)
So porting droid to it won't be that hard.
The close one to the Touch2 is HTC Click only some buttoms are diff (and some other functions i dindt talk about it yet).
There is hope and Project DroiD2 will bring it!
pple come and say "hey i can delevop an adroid for mega" but no one finished.
i still have same phone for one year. and still waiting for a real developer to do that. if you can really really do that, all i am saying is just make a beta or something and lots of people will be ready for donate or something.
(sorry for my english. not my native language)
well this time some one gonna do i just got this phone i won't give up until i created droid fot it
look here. i think machine type should be 3041
untouchables221 said:
look here. i think machine type should be 3041
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no that is just a database ID the MTYPE 2305 is correct
Hi RDilus,
Touch2 resolution is 320x240
In your Update 4 : mddi.width=320 mddi.height=480 lcd.density=160
Is that correct?
i gonna ask donation if i proof i can really do it!
so ill show first a begin if it realoly boot etc then i gonna ask donations
ppl where foolish enough to donate first without any update or anything but i am diff and i will proof i can do it somehow and when the time is finally there then i gonna ask very please with sugar on top for donations lol
I will keep this thread clean, please keep the thank posts away and use the thanks button instead.
RDilus Hello!
As I can I help you this it.The most problem with "in preloader" in haret - as I think in asmstuff.s.I try to get vibro GPIOS and add this to haret source code,but nothing...I think we need to find the correct address in the function MMU_Trampoline.In any case, we need to work with Haret HD Mini sourcesode.If you can - contact with me in Skype(kipill-nn).
Look where:
@ Cotulla: this code only for HTC PHOTON (HTC HD MINI)
.section .text.trampoline
.global mmu_trampoline, mmu_trampoline_end
LDR R6, =mmu_trampoline2
LDR R7, =0xACCFF000 [COLOR="Red"]Why this?[/COLOR]
MOV R8, R7
MOV R4, #(mmu_trampoline2_end - mmu_trampoline2)
LDRB R5, [R6], #1
STRB R5, [R7], #1
SUBS R4, R4, #1
BNE 1b
LDR R0, =0x0FFFF000 [COLOR="Red"]And why this?[/COLOR]
Sorry for my English...
kipill said:
RDilus Hello!
As I can I help you this it.The most problem with "in preloader" in haret - as I think in asmstuff.s.I try to get vibro GPIOS and add this to haret source code,but nothing...I think we need to find the correct address in the function MMU_Trampoline.In any case, we need to work with Haret HD Mini sourcesode.If you can - contact with me in Skype(kipill-nn).
Look where:
@ Cotulla: this code only for HTC PHOTON (HTC HD MINI)
.section .text.trampoline
.global mmu_trampoline, mmu_trampoline_end
LDR R6, =mmu_trampoline2
LDR R7, =0xACCFF000 [COLOR="Red"]Why this?[/COLOR]
MOV R8, R7
MOV R4, #(mmu_trampoline2_end - mmu_trampoline2)
LDRB R5, [R6], #1
STRB R5, [R7], #1
SUBS R4, R4, #1
BNE 1b
LDR R0, =0x0FFFF000 [COLOR="Red"]And why this?[/COLOR]
Sorry for my English...
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well first of all if you could help would be amezing
second i don't have skype but we can contact in IRC
if you wanna use IRC just go to mibbit and search for EFNET and enter #DroiD2
and use you're Skype or XDA Forum name
here is a direct link to mibbit
Hey guys,I can help too.I can do testing and research.I am searching forums for some guide on asmstuff and trampoline.
BTW i am ready to brick my device for android
count me in for the donation. but prove it first anyway thank you for your effort to restart this
I seen your thread in the polaris threads just a few things
The polaris is MSM7200 cpu not MSM7225 so probably not the best for comparison the wildfire is closer but i think building from source is your best bet.
Also I think the main area to look at is haret code as the haret doesn't like the msm7225 chip.Try adding a earlyharetlog.txt to your haret folder to see whats going on.Good luck
Any news? I hope you are a true developer...
I haven't got a touch2 but you need to get haret working on your phone you could try this one http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=284592&d=1266872927 and make sure you have earlyharetlog.txt in the same folder.
Also check if you have a network connection then you can use haretconsole to see whats going on.
If you build your own kernel you can enable debugging so you can see what's going on.
All is ready
All is ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
viola.lory said:
All is ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Click to collapse
How ready? If so place it. A bmp file alone is not good enough. Place something only if it is real.
tjabbe said:
How ready? If so place it. A bmp file alone is not good enough. Place something only if it is real.
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Click to collapse
yes, sorry.... do you know any developers who can port android on mega?
meknb said:
Also I think the main area to look at is haret code as the haret doesn't like the msm7225 chip.
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i believe the same as well that you should build haret from scratch. the main problem between msm7200 and msm7225 is that msm7225 DOESN'T have L2 cache in which the codes for msm7200 uses. this is why the current haret build doesn't work with mega.
Rdilus told me the porting is bad...PHONE ****!!!

