I bought it as "unlocked". I wonder if it is locke - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

A problem for me, new in the matter, an easy question probably for you.
I bought a 32 mb xda as "unlocked".
I put my old 8 kb SIM (italian mobile operator),
but the xda does not work as a mobile phone.
When I try to switch the phone on, what happens is:
the xda asks for the PIN #, I digit it, fine.
The xda asks for an unlock code:
"SIM lock
please input unlock code".
I tried with the PIN, the PUK, 0000 (as the seller suggested) and 1234. Xda answers "The password is invalid".
Is it locked?
If not, what is it? May be this is due to the 8 kb SIM?
Please advise,

It sounds like the SIM card is locked, not the XDA. THe first PIN number is for the XDA itself and the 2nd is for the phone.
Try it in your old phone.

Sounds more like the xda to me. If its asking for the "SIM Lock", then the xda needs unlocking. But try a newer sim to be sure.

Sounds like the XDA is LOCKED.

SID unlock Code
If it ask for SID unlocked code then it is
xda Locked ...you need to contact O2 to get it unlock
or contact the seller for the code.
Otherwise try using a new Sim card and it should work.
The other thing..maybe give it a hard reset. Good Luck.

Jesus, not again.
Contact the point of sale.
It does not ask for the SID code - it is a 32meg unit and so asks for the SIM unlock code.
Bear in mind that 8k SIMs are the old phase 2 ones and may operate at 5v - xda requires a 3v SIM.


How do I SIM unlock?

Anyone know how I can unlock my SIM on my G4 8125?
hi friend you need lockwiz v3.0 i dont remember as well witch version is but also is for charmer and prophet
enjoy it
Where can I find this? And is it possible to brick a device trying to SIM unlock?
its a joke you will find here in the xda forum or the wiki also this program only reads the sim code unlock no faluire or brick device if you intent a cid unlock with a g3 unlocker you had a 10-35% of brick your phone
My CID is already unlocked on My G4 8125.... Had to pay 30 something bucks to do it though.. now I just wanna unlock the SIM... I found Lokiwiz here on the forums.. and I'm gunna attempt it as soon as someone comes over my house with a non-cingular phone with a sim card.. lol
30!?!?!?! ghehe ohw srry that's pretty ****** up when you can do it easy lie yourself
If Cingular is your carrier and you have been their customer for a while you can call them up and request a SIM unlock code. They are obligated to give you one.
you had all reason if you re a cingular custumer yo can speak with they to get the sim code in fact the cid unlock in a g4 cost 30 bucks - 20 euros for a g3 is free
I called Cingular.. and they gave me a SIM unlock code, but they said there was some other code I forget what they called it that they could only give me if I met certain criteria, like contract is up, purchased phone at full retail or are travelling out of the country for an extended period of time...
Where do I input the code they gave me? Just incase what they were referring to was something totally different then unlocking the SIM
You'll have to find a non-cingular SIM card and put it in your phone. When you turn it back on, it'll ask for the unlock code.
Im gunna have to get one of my buddies over here so I can try it.. lol
As mentioned earlier, find someone with a T-Mobile SIM card. Thats the easiest way to test. They (Att/Cingular) should have provided you with unlocking instructions.
btw after all how u do the sim unlock ???

[Q] How to sim unlock Rogers Son X10a

Hey guys... i hope if there is someone can help me. I got the network unlock code off from eBay seller for my Rogers Sony X10. As soon I entered the network unlock code, now the phone is sim locked.
This was the fourth X10 phone, but never encountered a sim locked on it after trying a network unlock.
I appreciate any help. Thanks!!
Lorennz said:
Hey guys... i hope if there is someone can help me. I got the network unlock code off from eBay seller for my Rogers Sony X10. As soon I entered the network unlock code, now the phone is sim locked.
This was the fourth X10 phone, but never encountered a sim locked on it after trying a network unlock.
I appreciate any help. Thanks!!
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As I understand, you bought unlock code at ebay, used it for your locked to ATT phone, but it didn't work and your phone is still locked, right?
Che Kirila said:
As I understand, you bought unlock code at ebay, used it for your locked to ATT phone, but it didn't work and your phone is still locked, right?
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" Hey guys... i hope if there is someone can help me. I got the network unlock code off from eBay seller for my Rogers Sony X10. As soon I entered the network unlock code, now the phone is sim locked."
rogers x10 not att.. thats odd.. did you do a search? Mobile in canada has had a good track record.. I would suggest you contact the seller and get the " unlock code "
Rockjock007 said:
" Hey guys... i hope if there is someone can help me. I got the network unlock code off from eBay seller for my Rogers Sony X10. As soon I entered the network unlock code, now the phone is sim locked."
rogers x10 not att.. thats odd.. did you do a search? Mobile in canada has had a good track record.. I would suggest you contact the seller and get the " unlock code "
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Oops, yeah, just after reading another thread about ATT. Usually seller doesn't care about "aftersale service". And the price for locked phones usually lower, than for unlocked. Look like mobileincanada is the best option. And they throw promotions sometimes even for 1 cent unlocking.
Rockjock007 said:
" Hey guys... i hope if there is someone can help me. I got the network unlock code off from eBay seller for my Rogers Sony X10. As soon I entered the network unlock code, now the phone is sim locked."
rogers x10 not att.. thats odd.. did you do a search? Mobile in canada has had a good track record.. I would suggest you contact the seller and get the " unlock code "
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It was network locked to Rogers. I usually buy the network unlock code off from eBay and and then I am good to go with any sim.
However this time, it went in to sim locked after trying it to network unlock. Now the phone is asking for the sim unlock code. I am with Fido.. i don't know if the phone wants original rogers sim unlock code which i don't have.
Lorennz said:
It was network locked to Rogers. I usually buy the network unlock code off from eBay and and then I am good to go with any sim.
However this time, it went in to sim locked after trying it to network unlock. Now the phone is asking for the sim unlock code. I am with Fido.. i don't know if the phone wants original rogers sim unlock code which i don't have.
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OK, I think I know the problem. After you entered the unlock code you got off ebay, that unlocked your phone. Now, whatever SIM card you have there, the phone is asking for the PIN number which is usually a 4 digit number. You can call the SIM card's operator and they will give it to you. If you enter the PIN number more than 3 times incorrectly, then it will ask for a PUK number.
batman_112 said:
OK, I think I know the problem. After you entered the unlock code you got off ebay, that unlocked your phone. Now, whatever SIM card you have there, the phone is asking for the PIN number which is usually a 4 digit number. You can call the SIM card's operator and they will give it to you. If you enter the PIN number more than 3 times incorrectly, then it will ask for a PUK number.
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I don't think they'll give PIN through phone for security reasons. Even if they send SIM card by mail, the PIN number is sent in separate mail. Maybe they send it again to mail address from the agreement, but they can require personal visit. I already forgot those things still exist...
I tried with several different sim cards but its the same result. Asking for "SIM unlock network code". The guy who provided me the code on eBay went vanished. No help from him. But he said the code he provided for the phone is right.
So I tried with a rogers sim... vola it works. But I am with Fido its not Rogers I want.
I called the service menu and it says "network - 0" and "sim - 0". Does 0 mean no futher unlock can be done?
Lorennz said:
I tried with several different sim cards but its the same result. Asking for "SIM unlock network code". The guy who provided me the code on eBay went vanished. No help from him. But he said the code he provided for the phone is right.
So I tried with a rogers sim... vola it works. But I am with Fido its not Rogers I want.
I called the service menu and it says "network - 0" and "sim - 0". Does 0 mean no futher unlock can be done?
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Mine is unlocked through cable and I have all 3 except SIM - it is 3 and no one is checked. One guy officially unlocked his phone and this is his service menu before and after:
*** Begin ***
The information in the SIM lock menu was :
[x] Network 10
[] Network subset 10
[] Service provider 10
[] Corporate 10
[] SIM 0
I received the new unlock code about an hour after I ordered it.
After writing the unlock code for the new IMEI I had this message on the first try :
Network unlock successful.
Yay! And the SIM lock menu now is :
[] Network 10
[] Network subset 10
[] Service provider 10
[] Corporate 10
[] SIM 0
*** End ***
Yes, it behaves like it is locked to network, so the code is wrong - it is time to open dispute for full refund and negative feedback for this seller. He will have the chance to settle the problem during the dispute. He can say whatever he wants, but the code didn't work at your phone.
So, you have two options - to find a new code or to go to cable unlock service. Use search or take a look to a fresh thread AT&T X10a Unlocked. Actually it is the last resort and costs $36.5 and $40 respectively. Since you have Rogers, check mobileincanada.com first - I din't get code for my phone, but they answered my email pretty fast and have good references. As I remember, they charge around $20, but promotions were up to (actually down to) 1 cent.
Che Kirila said:
Mine is unlocked through cable and I have all 3 except SIM - it is 3 and no one is checked. One guy officially unlocked his phone and this is his service menu before and after:
*** Begin ***
The information in the SIM lock menu was :
[x] Network 10
[] Network subset 10
[] Service provider 10
[] Corporate 10
[] SIM 0
I received the new unlock code about an hour after I ordered it.
After writing the unlock code for the new IMEI I had this message on the first try :
Network unlock successful.
Yay! And the SIM lock menu now is :
[] Network 10
[] Network subset 10
[] Service provider 10
[] Corporate 10
[] SIM 0
*** End ***
Yes, it behaves like it is locked to network, so the code is wrong - it is time to open dispute for full refund and negative feedback for this seller. He will have the chance to settle the problem during the dispute. He can say whatever he wants, but the code didn't work at your phone.
So, you have two options - to find a new code or to go to cable unlock service. Use search or take a look to a fresh thread AT&T X10a Unlocked. Actually it is the last resort and costs $36.5 and $40 respectively. Since you have Rogers, check mobileincanada.com first - I din't get code for my phone, but they answered my email pretty fast and have good references. As I remember, they charge around $20, but promotions were up to (actually down to) 1 cent.
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Much appreciated for the info.
This is what says on service menu;
[x] Network 0
[] Network subset 10
[] Service provider 10
[] Corporate 10
[] SIM 0
I got this phone from someone else. I wonder he screwed by entering wrong codes several times. I have opened up a dispute on PayPal. I am waiting for the resolution.
I guess its the cable option is the last resort for me, or just throw it on eBay for a Rogers sim card owner. I would check with mobilecanada first.
Lorennz said:
Much appreciated for the info.
This is what says on service menu;
[x] Network 0
[] Network subset 10
[] Service provider 10
[] Corporate 10
[] SIM 0
I got this phone from someone else. I wonder he screwed by entering wrong codes several times. I have opened up a dispute on PayPal. I am waiting for the resolution.
I guess its the cable option is the last resort for me, or just throw it on eBay for a Rogers sim card owner. I would check with mobilecanada first.
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I'm not an expert, but look like someone used all the attempts to enter unlock code, It seems to me, originally mine had [x] Network 9, so I had 9 attempts, but since I used cable method, that can reset those counters, I see 3 now. Usually dispute will take around a week if the seller don't show up and usually in favor to a buyer. But refund will stay at your PayPal account, not at original source and that sucks - it is a hidden charge for around 3% for cashing. I've heard that recently code unlockers offer cable unlocking too, so maybe mobileincanada would be cheaper option for you. And before you try to sell it, monitor prices for some time - it can be financially unreasonable since this market is pretty volatile and you would be able to lower your loss only and unlocked one can be more effective option. It is always easier to buy, than to sell.
Che Kirila said:
I'm not an expert, but look like someone used all the attempts to enter unlock code, It seems to me, originally mine had [x] Network 9, so I had 9 attempts, but since I used cable method, that can reset those counters, I see 3 now. Usually dispute will take around a week if the seller don't show up and usually in favor to a buyer. But refund will stay at your PayPal account, not at original source and that sucks - it is a hidden charge for around 3% for cashing. I've heard that recently code unlockers offer cable unlocking too, so maybe mobileincanada would be cheaper option for you. And before you try to sell it, monitor prices for some time - it can be financially unreasonable since this market is pretty volatile and you would be able to lower your loss only and unlocked one can be more effective option. It is always easier to buy, than to sell.
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Thanks for your reply.
I sent mobilecanada a message asking any help on cable method. If you know any one else does the same please let me know.
Thank you.
Lorennz said:
I sent mobilecanada a message asking any help on cable method. If you know any one else does the same please let me know.
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Better be specific why you need cable - they can have a non-cable solution for counter reset. For other options take a look at relatively fresh threads with personal experience and other useful information - AT&T X10a Unlocked - post #10 (code - it is PayPal link, but you can ask Lancez for more info) and [Q] AT&T X10a carrier unlock - post #34 (cable). But I was sure you already read those threads.
Che Kirila said:
Better be specific why you need cable - they can have a non-cable solution for counter reset. For other options take a look at relatively fresh threads with personal experience and other useful information - AT&T X10a Unlocked - post #10 (code - it is PayPal link, but you can ask Lancez for more info) and [Q] AT&T X10a carrier unlock - post #34 (cable). But I was sure you already read those threads.
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Mobilecanada said they can't help and its only software unlock is possible. I am looking for someone who can help me with that.
Lancez seems to provide only unlock codes... i'm not sure if that still work with my phone
Lorennz said:
Mobilecanada said they can't help and its only software unlock is possible. I am looking for someone who can help me with that.
Lancez seems to provide only unlock codes... i'm not sure if that still work with my phone
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what happened? have you used all 10 attempts? i think i might be able to help you. coz there are 4 set of codes and only 1 is for network unlock. but i didnt bother to figure that out yet.
Lancez said:
what happened? have you used all 10 attempts? i think i might be able to help you. coz there are 4 set of codes and only 1 is for network unlock. but i didnt bother to figure that out yet.
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He wrote recently: "I got this phone from someone else." I don't think it worth to buy a code to be sure that it doesn't work. I don't know how behaves the phone with no more attempts for a code. As I understand, this service menu shows that it is time to reset counter or go to cable. Maybe your friend has cable option too. The more options, the less prices. Otherwise - Sweden GSM... Or HTCcode - it used to be a good service too, but when servers were down, he didn't show up that anger his customers, so I can not advice him without any risk.
Che Kirila said:
He wrote recently: "I got this phone from someone else." I don't think it worth to buy a code to be sure that it doesn't work. I don't know how behaves the phone with no more attempts for a code. As I understand, this service menu shows that it is time to reset counter or go to cable. Maybe your friend has cable option too. The more options, the less prices. Otherwise - Sweden GSM... Or HTCcode - it used to be a good service too, but when servers were down, he didn't show up that anger his customers, so I can not advice him without any risk.
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actually there is a code for counter reset, it's called "unfreeze code". apperently, the server is not down, they just can't access it anymore. because i just got 2 more happy customers last night
Hi, a similar thing happened to me when I first got my x10 (I didn't try to unlock it, just use the sim from my old phone) and it asked me for the network unlock code. Tried couple of times,then it got locked. So I paid 10 bucks, got a new sim card from Rogers and then everything worked fine
Not sure if it helps...
Lancez said:
actually there is a code for counter reset, it's called "unfreeze code". apperently, the server is not down, they just can't access it anymore. because i just got 2 more happy customers last night
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So in his case currently he has one cable option, right? I don't think, the trick with a new SIM card will work - I remember something like this happened with first iPnones - they didn't recognized old ATT SIM as genuine. If the SIM is relatively new, it is the phone counter issue.
Che Kirila said:
So in his case currently he has one cable option, right? I don't think, the trick with a new SIM card will work - I remember something like this happened with first iPnones - they didn't recognized old ATT SIM as genuine. If the SIM is relatively new, it is the phone counter issue.
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It still works with Rogers sim cards. From what I figured out now that it cannot be unlocked using unlock code method anymore. I checked HTCCode and they seems to provide cable unlock code for $50/. But in its forum seems to have many unhappy customers. Some has not even got their refund from PayPal.
I just listed the phone on eBay. Lets see how it goes. Thanks much for your time for trying to help me .

[Q] i got this tab today, just epic. but can it be unlocked?

I got it today after selling my xpeira play, and its just pure epic and its my first tab so happy to own it.
But this is from japan, and its locked to docomo I guess. When i insert my sim it says to enter the unlock code
So is there anyway to unlock this?
Thanks for every comment
I presume you need the code from the simcard ?
Yes sir I called customer care but they said they cannot provide me that :O
yohandesilva1 said:
Yes sir I called customer care but they said they cannot provide me that :O
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Is it a new simcard or is it from your old phone ?.If it's your old simcard then surely you should know the code ?
Vinny1967 said:
Is it a new simcard or is it from your old phone ?.If it's your old simcard then surely you should know the code ?
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Its my old sim card but I dont think its asking for the sim lock code. its asking for the "SIM NETWORK Unlock Code"
Have you finally found the way to unlock sim network lock? I've bought my Tablet S from Japan and it's sim network locked. I can't find any solution at the moment. Please let me know, if you found the way. Thank you!
yohandesilva1 said:
Its my old sim card but I dont think its asking for the sim lock code. its asking for the "SIM NETWORK Unlock Code"
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Your network service provider must be able to give you the unlock code!
Kermit33 said:
Your network service provider must be able to give you the unlock code!
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Nope, I called em and asked.. they said look for a third party as its illegal for em to give the code to me.,
there where number generators back in the old sim unlocking days, you need imei, phone type, and serviceprovider where the tablet came with.
Dont know if they still make that kind of generators but you can always try
yohandesilva1 said:
Nope, I called em and asked.. they said look for a third party as its illegal for em to give the code to me.,
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Come on it's totally rubbish!! they should be able to give you the code upon you providing them with identification! This is what service providers doing here and I got my forgotten sim unlock code once from 3. The code prevents improper/unauthorized use, e.g. someone stole your phone and put the sim card in his own mobile phone.
Or you can try reporting loss of your sim card and ask for replacement card with the unlock code.
Hope this information helps.
Kermit33 said:
Come on it's totally rubbish!! they should be able to give you the code upon you providing them with identification! This is what service providers doing here and I got my forgotten sim unlock code once from 3. The code prevents improper/unauthorized use, e.g. someone stole your phone and put the sim card in his own mobile phone.
Or you can try reporting loss of your sim card and ask for replacement card with the unlock code.
Hope this information helps.
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Thank you for your advice. I think you misunderstand here. We are not talking about 4-digit "PIN Code". We are talking about "SIM Network Unlock Code" which is locked by a provider who don't want us to use other provider's sim card with the phone.
visuwat said:
Thank you for your advice. I think you misunderstand here. We are not talking about 4-digit "PIN Code". We are talking about "SIM Network Unlock Code" which is locked by a provider who don't want us to use other provider's sim card with the phone.
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I know it's not the 4 digit PIN Code. Misunderstanding maybe. Here we only have two unlock code set by the service providers, the first one is as described in my previous post, the other is the device unlock code to lock the phone and will only be disclosed upon contract expiry (some service provider will not provide this code to clients but simply unlock the phone upon contract expiry).
Kermit33 said:
I know it's not the 4 digit PIN Code. Misunderstanding maybe. Here we only have two unlock code set by the service providers, the first one is as described in my previous post, the other is the device unlock code to lock the phone and will only be disclosed upon contract expiry (some service provider will not provide this code to clients but simply unlock the phone upon contract expiry).
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Thank you again for the suggestion. I think it's difficult in my case because I bought the Tablet from Japan but I'm using it in Thailand. So, I might try to contact DOCOMO to ask for sim network unlock code.
visuwat said:
Thank you again for the suggestion. I think it's difficult in my case because I bought the Tablet from Japan but I'm using it in Thailand. So, I might try to contact DOCOMO to ask for sim network unlock code.
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Same thing here, Mine is also from japan and locked to docomo. I saw this site that unlocks the device it costs $64

Sim Unlocked?

I have the Tmobile S3 (t999) and got the unlock code from them since I will be traveling overseas. I entered the code by typing in *#7465625*638*# to pull up the enter network key box. After entering the code it tells me the unlock is unsuccessful.
I figured I would try inserting an AT&T sim card and try to put in the code that way. When I inserted the AT&T sim, it worked and I was able to make a call.
I typed in *#7465625# to check to see if the phone was unlocked and it still tells me it is locked. That can't be right, can it? If I go overseas and use a foreign sim, does anyone know if my phone will work?
My phone worked fine on using a foreign sim. It still says it's locked if I type in *#7465625#
if the ATT sim worked, you should be fine.
lucky you, ATT wont unlock ours yet )=
dLo GSR said:
if the ATT sim worked, you should be fine.
lucky you, ATT wont unlock ours yet )=
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True, AT&T will unlock it for free for you after some time has passed..
Yesterday, I decided to pay $25 to cellunlocker.net and I had my code for my i747 in 40mins..
SwervFusion said:
True, AT&T will unlock it for free for you after some time has passed..
Yesterday, I decided to pay $25 to cellunlocker.net and I had my code for my i747 in 40mins..
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yeah, i asked AT&T yesterday and they said 1) it was too soon and 2) i'm still in my 30 day return window so it's ineligible. but i'm going to london in 2 weeks so will probably have to cough up the $25..
i just called telus. i asked if they could unlock my set set, they stated yes BUT
- i must wait 3 moth after the set is first activated
- there is a $50 charge
i stated that i could get it unlocked cheaper via a 3rd party , they did not care and wouls not budge on price
Ok... heres how it works... i almost screwed myself... when u enter that network unlock code and dont put in a att or diff. Sim and enter the code it WILL NOT UNLOCK UR PHONE!!! ONCE you put in a diff /att sim a screen will pop up asking for code... IF YOU ENTER YOUR CODE WITHOUT A ATT/DIFF. SIM
you only get 3 trys before this self destruct action is taken... How do i know? I called tmobile and they said I entered the code twice and failed and i only have one more chance to unlock correctly before perment lock to network!!! So fingers crossed that Tomarrow i get att sim and dont mess up...
I have heard of a reset code but you have to buy it and im not 100% sure about this...
If anyone knows were to get a reset code let me know please ... just incase... I dont want to return my phone.. I ended up with a keeper and a replacement might not be as good... thnx
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
spodie said:
Ok... heres how it works... i almost screwed myself... when u enter that network unlock code and dont put in a att or diff. Sim and enter the code it WILL NOT UNLOCK UR PHONE!!! ONCE you put in a diff /att sim a screen will pop up asking for code... IF YOU ENTER YOUR CODE WITHOUT A ATT/DIFF. SIM
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Nothing software related is permanent
There was an unlock method for the Captivate that involved modifying /efs/nv_data.bin. Pretty sure something similar will eventually come along for the i747.
modest_mandroid said:
Nothing software related is permanent
There was an unlock method for the Captivate that involved modifying /efs/nv_data.bin. Pretty sure something similar will eventually come along for the i747.
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no, that's the problem. nv_data exists on the international SGS3 but not on the US variants. that is why we don't have an unlock solution but they do.
anyway, i called AT&T last week and they gave me my code with no problems.

Country based carrier unlock (Now you can use your phone with any sim at any place)

If you know this simple procedure then call me a noob
I got a HTC legend from UK which was locked with the Vodafone carrier and was not working here in Pakistan, so i did some searching on getting an unlock code to unlock it but it was costing me money ( Some inner-cheapness stopped me from paying ). But I found an easy way to unlock and use it anywhere in the country.
1) Use a phone which is local bought and is already unlocked.
2) Put in a sim card and put up a sim card lock/PIN Code ( usually '0000' because it's easier to remember).
3) Put it in the carrier locked phone and start the phone.
4) When the phone asks for the Sim card/PIN unlock code, enter it and Voila!
5) If this was helpful then don't forget to hit the Thanks button
You sir have earned your first thanks.
I wish I could test this though. If I had an extra AT&T (second biggest carrier in America) phone I would set up a sim lock code on my unlocked AT&T S3, and try it out! Samdung phones are easy to unlock though Samsung thinks people don't know about the dialer exploit where you go into the menus and find "NV DATA LOCK INITIALIZE".
On the One S there is a guide as well. It involves using terminal, entering a code that shows the IMEI and NV LOCK code, flipping and then adding the number. If this is a universal way looks like we figured it out lol.
Phone unlockers shouldn't be charging so much for unlocking phones, especially if it's illegal in some ways now.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
SuperAfnan said:
You sir have earned your first thanks.
I wish I could test this though. If I had an extra AT&T (second biggest carrier in America) phone I would set up a sim lock code on my unlocked AT&T S3, and try it out! Samdung phones are easy to unlock though Samsung thinks people don't know about the dialer exploit where you go into the menus and find "NV DATA LOCK INITIALIZE".
On the One S there is a guide as well. It involves using terminal, entering a code that shows the IMEI and NV LOCK code, flipping and then adding the number. If this is a universal way looks like we figured it out lol.
Phone unlockers shouldn't be charging so much for unlocking phones, especially if it's illegal in some ways now.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
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Yeah I've heard about the Samsung thing, but never tried it on there because i've never got a locked samsung phone. The terminal seems to be a bit difficult for some people ( especially me ) but I guess this thing works on all HTC phones because of the manufacturer thing maybe, not sure about xperia or sony phones though, Will try it if i get my hands on one.
P.S Thanks for the First Thanks appreciate it

