It's possible to make the expiration of a program? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

How can i modify the expiration date of a program?
Can i use the registry to modify this?

Hard reset
Try Hard Reset. It works for me.


How do I uninstall SPB GPRS Monitor?

Cooked my own ROM and got an expired trial version with it. Remove Programs in Settings does not list it.
Is there a way I can unistall it, or at lease stop it from running? Like a registry setting?
do a hard reset
The only way to fully uninstall GPRS monitor file is to do a hard reset.
aao588 , I don't think hard-reset will help, seems like he has 'cooked' the GPRS monitor into the rom. After hard-reset the program will be still in the rom, unless he flash it with another rom.
e1design, I don't use this software, not sure about it, you can try look into the \Winodws\Start up folder, delete the .lnk or exe file that start this program.
First remove it from the Today items
Then go to \Windows\Startup and delete the file called GPRS Notify
Finally soft reset
Tekflow said:
First remove it from the Today items
Then go to \Windows\Startup and delete the file called GPRS Notify
Finally soft reset
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're right - it worked. Thanks!

security software for wm2003

Hi, i am working in a projecto form wm2003. The customer wants to know if exists any users managment in the operative system, independent of the application that we are developing. for example, the customer want that when the pda starts the user enters a user and a password and if the fails for 10 times then the pda is hard resetted. Do you know something about it? may be some utility? some api of the OS?. Could we develop a tool tha substitute the tipical 4 digists security pin of wm2003?. Thankss
please DO NOT post your Q to every topic - it is really annoying :evil:
by the way: in one of your topic you'll find my answer to your question...
so, nothing personal...
looks like You are searching for
but if someone hard resets the pda then this software will be erased and he will use the pda
You could set the xda 2 so that the program auto loaded from extended rom after hard reset, you could even store the data for the program in the extended rom also. There is also the storage area in flash rom that is not erased when hard reset.

XDAUnlock - when to use?

Morning all,
Is it advisable to use XDAUnlock on a 'clean' machine(Hard Reset), or can I just use it as a regular program, you know, without having to reset?
I don't use Outlook on my PC so syncronization is not an option.
The Batman
Active sync --> complete backup...
Thanks for that, Bonzo.
I'll do it later
Much appreciated.
Well what do you know?
I ran XDAUnlock, it's already unlocked ................. Go figure

PHM Reset

I had up my XDA II and everything I learned from this forum are able to help me to solve all the outstanding issue except for the PHM reset icon on the bottom RHS of the Screen.
How do I remove this icon as I m afriad to accidentially trigger and all my data is gone.
Anyone can help, pls advise
No need to be affraid. PHM reset warns you before doing soft reset. It is there because Traylaunch has put it there. Go to contol panel and delete the entry from Tray launcher. You can also Uninstal PHM reset from control panel remve progams menu.
By the way soft resetting does not delete your data if you have saved it properly.
anyone knows how to soft-reset without warning using phm reset?
Ask again...
Is there any parameter with "PHM Reset" to use ist, without the warning message?

Conclusive timestamp for ROM installation

Hello everyone,
We have developed an apk, and we need a definitive timestamp in order to determine the time that the device was last flashed. This timestamp should be unique only for flash, and not factory reset. Any ideas on how this could be achieved?

