backlight keeps being disabled - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

i keep having the backlight disabed by magic. settings should allow for pen tap to turn it back on but it is actually disabled in the on/off tab. any one having this annoying problem or know a fix??
running 4.16.13eng and 4.16 radio

mmmm so am I. Annoying isnt it!
Any clues anyone??
New 64Mb XDA with 4.20 RSU and no unlocker

perhaps ur holding the power button down too ong and turning it off? :?:

@ gazzaman2k - thanks you are right. didn't know that did that...


Backlight Settings

Does anyone know whether the setting for the backlight is hardware or software. I really would like to conserve power by setting the backlight to a lower level and off is not an option.
Currently there are only two settings as you know and the ipaq has many settings.
Anyone know?
Anyone.. Anyone...Anyone
Tap SETTING/SYSTEM/BACKLIGHT the select On/Off menu.
thats not what he meant Chasl.
Bedammit, its hardware. I tried changing the value in a registry key, and it only accepts a value of 0 (off) or 255 (on). I wanted to reduce the brightness as well, but its not possible. you may think abt tinting the screen though!
I was hoping to save power.
Ho hum
I hope the XDA II has it...
Then again..
I may not get an XDA II

TPDisable seems to be kicking in randomly!

:? I have an intermittent problem in that my screen locks up at random times. It is only the screen locking up as the buttons still work. Its almost as if TPDisable.exe is running (but I removed if from the device)!!
Does anyone have a copy of TPEnable.exe that they could post? I would like to create a button shortcut to it so if the screen locks up again I can try to enable it again.
Or does anyone know of a similar problem and, more importantly, a solution?
Cheers All.
I've the TPDisable and TPEnable from my Dutch Orange ExtRom.
Have fun with it.
What does exactly the TPDisable and TPEnable do? :?
TPDisable is nothing more than disable you to use touch screen.
TPEnable is the same as it name it make you enable to use touch screen.
I had that problem too. In my case ,it occur in two program.
The first is Calligrapher and The second is spb Pocketplus.
Please check this two program before try to use TPEnable.
Thanks for the files, Krypt. I'll see if I can find a solution with them.
Tumtum, I have Calligrapher and PocketPlus but I don't know what I can do to avoid the problem apart from uninstalling them!
Just to update:-
I've added TPEnable to HotButtonPlus and when the screen locks up I simply select TPEnable using the HotButtonPlus button and it re-enables the screen. Not ideal I know but it saves a soft reset every time.
cojones said:
Just to update:-
I've added TPEnable to HotButtonPlus and when the screen locks up I simply select TPEnable using the HotButtonPlus button and it re-enables the screen. Not ideal I know but it saves a soft reset every time.
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Click to collapse
Excelent idea!...hope it will be solved this with new ROM...or some patch...fortunatelly I don`t have such problems...for now... :roll:

HTC Android Black Screen on Sleeping!

Hi, I got android on my HD2. The issue i'm facing recently is the black screen after the phone goes into sleep mode. Somehow I couldn't wake it up. The button lights up but not the screen. I have to take the battery out to resolve it. Any idea? is there a compatible issue between the ROM/radio and the android version?
I got stock ROM 2.13 with 2.10 radio and the Froyo 2.2 android!
i always found uising the hang up button caused this when i used android, using call pick up cured it, dont know if tht helps!
I have that it need several secound before comming out of sleepmode :S anyone has a solution for that?
Press the home button.
greg222 said:
Press the home button.
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Click to collapse
Are you sure man? It doesn't work for me.
davewang said:
Are you sure man? It doesn't work for me.
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Click to collapse
I had the same but it magically fixed itself.
same problem
davewang said:
Hi, I got android on my HD2. The issue i'm facing recently is the black screen after the phone goes into sleep mode. Somehow I couldn't wake it up. The button lights up but not the screen. I have to take the battery out to resolve it. Any idea? is there a compatible issue between the ROM/radio and the android version?
I got stock ROM 2.13 with 2.10 radio and the Froyo 2.2 android!
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Click to collapse
can any help wth this ?
Hey OP, i also had that problem and i have the same radio as you, from my experience if you change your Android Kernal to hastarin's 7.1 it could solve your issue, it did for me =]. Good luck
Note: pressing the home button when there is a SOD does not turn back on the display lol (it basically does nothing)
davewang said:
Hi, I got android on my HD2. The issue i'm facing recently is the black screen after the phone goes into sleep mode. Somehow I couldn't wake it up. The button lights up but not the screen. I have to take the battery out to resolve it. Any idea? is there a compatible issue between the ROM/radio and the android version?
I got stock ROM 2.13 with 2.10 radio and the Froyo 2.2 android!
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i have this exact problem with every rom i download, i also have the same radio and stock rom. have you had any luck?
You should try this:
Menu > Settings> Display > disable "Auto Rotate Screen"
Also what Android ROM are you running; what Windows ROM; What Class micro SD Card;....? You should provide more information...
Menu > Settings > LockScreen > disable "Auto Lock Screen"
Sorry for my english.
davewang said:
Hi, I got android on my HD2. The issue i'm facing recently is the black screen after the phone goes into sleep mode. Somehow I couldn't wake it up. The button lights up but not the screen. I have to take the battery out to resolve it. Any idea? is there a compatible issue between the ROM/radio and the android version?
I got stock ROM 2.13 with 2.10 radio and the Froyo 2.2 android!
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Click to collapse
also disable auto brightness...

[Q] cannot wake up from sleep

my new archos 101 often cannot wake up after sleep (deep sleep or screen timeout).
tried many methods: wifi disabled, battery booster, flight mode, sounds disabled... no luck.
i installed new fw, 2.1.8 and arctool with markets and google app and some games.
uninstalling maps and disabling wifi location didnt help. whats strange, is that sometimes screen turn on after 30s+ seconds..
i am new, but is there any way to check what's a process blocking it?
write to logs or connect via usb and check?
help very much appreciated
I'm having the same problem...
I just keep pressing the on/off button until the screen turns on. Didn't find a fix yet.
>>> i installed new fw, 2.1.8 and arctool with markets and google app and some games.
those were my 1st steps with archos, so dont know if it works in previous firmware.
right now, i dont want to do hard reset.
There is allready a discussion about this.
It seems that after the press, the archos is waking up, but the displaylight itself doesn't come up.
If you switch the display to abough 30% ( Settings/Display ) this doesn't happen again.
NOT kidding: the Archos has trouble turning on when cold. Try warming it on the radiator if its <15 degrees celcius.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
turned out, it is TRUE... 30% solved it!
btw, pretty ridiculous bug..
fzelle said:
There is allready a discussion about this.
It seems that after the press, the archos is waking up, but the displaylight itself doesn't come up.
If you switch the display to abough 30% ( Settings/Display ) this doesn't happen again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
30% of what? Increased brightness? I went to settings/display and couldn't find percentage level
As i don't have an english version, i can't tell you what you should read there,
but which other setting in display has percentages?
no % displayed, but just set if for 1/3 of the progress bar.
Jeezus, i cant believe it, but i can confirm that it's a brightness setting issue. It's so ridiculous but it's true. I have been frantically trying to find a solution to this problem for the past 30 mins, and turning the brightness setting to 40% worked to restore the screen after the soft sleep mode, when previously i had to keep rebooting the damn thing by longpressing the power button. THANKS A MILLION, GUYS!
Ohh i see i am not alone = ]
Thank you for the Workaround!
Sent from my A101IT using Tapatalk

Softbuttons vibrate is weak when the lights are off

Recently, when my phone is exposed to brightness, and the softkey light goes off, the vibrate on the softkeys become very weak. When my phone is in darker places, and the lights go on, the vibrate is solid and good.
I haven't made any changes on my phone that I can think of could cause this. I'm running 2.3.6 rooted. Only changes I've made are some CPU tweaks and overclock.
I found a similar thread about this problem on the Motorola forums, but no good answer. They thought it was a powersaving feature, but this is an issue that only happens for some.
Is there any tweak to always enable the lights when screen is on? That'd be better for me.
Am I really alone about this? Id love a tweak that enables the lights all the time.
Thanks in advance
There is an app in Play Store called Lux. I believe it will let you have the buttons lit all the time. I find my Razr Maxx has weak vibration. I don't use the soft key or keyboard vibration but the notifications are weak.
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately that didn't work, the app didn't have any feature to control the lights of the buttons.
Just to clarify thoygh, I'm talking about the 4 buttons on the bottom of the phone. I'm not sure anymore if these are the soft keys.
Anyone know another workaround? Thanks in advance.
i use screendim and theres an option in there to make the backlights to stay on all the time.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda premium
Screendim did the trick for me, however the buttons will now stay lit even when screen is off, which is a battery drainer. I'll just have to live with this, it's not that big of an issue I guess...
Thanks for your replies guys

