Gone for a little while... - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I'm going to be gone for a few days, and probably will check back in on monday or tuesday. If you are above-average on clue, please answer as many of the newbie questions as you can. Be nice to one-another, and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

hmm. so we can't get drunk over the weekend?


Official Ap 4.0 Pre-release Thread

I have started this thread out of frustration regarding all the irrelevant BS being posted in the AP 4.0 coming but needs... and official AP 4.0 release threads.
It seems the team's request to not post in the official release thread is not being heeded so hopefully all the irrelevant and off-topic "I hope it is being released soon" and "Where is it?" type activity will end up here instead.
And when the ROM is released, hopefully the mods will flush this all down the toilet.
I am now putting on my fireproof underwear and waiting for the flame wars...
Thank you.
They'll probably still continue to post in the other 1 million threads anyway, including the one that clearly states DO NOT POST. Sigh.....Anyway, what are some of your expectations in the new ROM?
Hello tootallk, let me ask a question ....
Do you have children ?
Then you know the best way if you want children something to do. Tell them "DON'T DO THAT" or "DON'T REPLY HERE"....
Anyway - live is serious enough, let's have some fun.
Me first
Ok! my turn now! "How much longer? are we there yet?" Ha Ha, only kidding. Im feeling left out. With three daughters, a man needs a hobby.
Awesome job controlfreak! I um, of course I meant toyfreak...
responderman said:
.... With three daughters, a man needs a hobby.
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Looser - I've Full House with 5 children
no kids in my house unless you count me and my girlfriend
irus said:
no kids in my house unless you count me and my girlfriend
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OK - you can use the time until AP4 is released to start production
karneson said:
Awesome job controlfreak! I um, of course I meant toyfreak...
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How about remotecontroltoyfreak? I like it!
I just got fed up and had to vent. I honestly don't see how the team puts up with most of us...
EDIT: Hopefully the ROM will get relased soon and make this thread short-lived.
good thread idea mate. those people posting kinda ****ed me of because why cant they understand "DONT POST IN THIS THREAD". plus, theres people commenting on grammar, and im like wtf? at least if a junior posts there saying will this work on x7501 [a valid, but easily searchable question] and people reply with actually you should have worded your question like this... its a waste of time
My turn! my turn!
I can see the sea from here!
3yr old and a 7th month old is more than enough for me.....
being 17, I have no kids but instead i have cyber kids in facebook and xda! so while you lot can give your kids the attention they need, i just end up being on facebook more.. well at least england are on so im not on computer now lol
rorydaredkign said:
being 17, I have no kids but instead i have cyber kids in facebook and xda! so while you lot can give your kids the attention they need, i just end up being on facebook more.. well at least england are on so im not on computer now lol
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WOW 17 and owning a X7500! Are you some internet wizzkid?
Has anyone noticed the "...coming but needs..." thread has more replies than the 3.0 release thread (and that ROM has been out for months)?
lol.. nope i just have to do something with my time... i think it all started [my ppc obsession] when i was on mobile360.co.uk, looking at coming soon phones, and saw the athena.. i was like wtf, thats huge... then I did some research and picked up a SPV M3100 for about a hundred and fifty quid. Then 6 months later, being dropped loads and loads hadnt done it any good, and after trying to fix it, I sold it. Then I knew the device I wanted, having drawn the athenas outline on some paper, and putting my tytn inside the outline, it really wasnt that much bigger. So I got an ameo with a blocked imei from a guy on here, But circumstances were against me, and 3 weeks later I had to downgrade because of money probs. [the thing was, I sold it, and it didnt arrive in italy, so i ended up nearly 400 quid out of pocket, when it could have been like 130 in pocket, with an ameo] I picked up a touch enhanced, but no keyboard was really a drag. plus gprs and 210mhz made it really slow... so once my debt [thats why i wold mt ameo in the first palce] had been paid off, I got my second ameo... and its as good as the first time
So, am I some kinda of internet whizzkid, nah, im just an engineer, and need something to play with 24/7
By the way, ppc's are the reason I went from 3 A's and a D in my first as modules to like 2A's, 2B's, 2C's and 2D's in my second lot. But my recentest ones werent too bad, 2A's, 2B's and 2 E's, i should probably ban myself from my phone until exams are over on the 19th of june!
[edit] I noticed how the coming soon but needs thread is longer than the pk3 one.. how funny[/edit]
rorydaredkign said:
being 17, I have no kids but instead i have cyber kids in facebook and xda! so while you lot can give your kids the attention they need, i just end up being on facebook more.. well at least england are on so im not on computer now lol
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Wow 17 and no kids? Are you some virgin?
lol nope
but not being judemental, but I go to a catholic school, and I was born in Marriage, and dont live in a council house
[not trying to offend anyone]
I think it's time you take your own advice. When your phone is beginnen to affect your grades. That's BAD.
Get clean, NOW!
im going to get a hammer, and smash my athena with it
[suddenly has second thoughts, and starts to strangle himself for thinking something so stupid]
plus, I now actually do work, whereas last year, i just went on the net on my tytn...
and I have to educate my mate whose a touch owner on the greatness of flashing, hes had it 10 months, and not flashed once
so that kinda waste my time too...

I hate to be that guy..

but anyone have status on rooting the v3 leak or the others?
Your being that guy....
Feel sure it would be top thread if there was any info. Not trying to be an a$$ just keeping the forum clean.
morphius2036 said:
Your being that guy....
Feel sure it would be top thread if there was any info. Not trying to be an a$$ just keeping the forum clean.
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well yeah but sometimes i feel like devs might be holding out on us (no offense to anyone). and maybe they have figured out how too but its unstable or something
Nikolai2.1 said:
well yeah but sometimes i feel like devs might be holding out on us (no offense to anyone). and maybe they have figured out how too but its unstable or something
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maybe its because of ppl like you they are holding out. do you think yuo asking in yet another thread if its been done its going to make a dev that might be holding out so oh ya, here you go, now i will give it to you?
as stated a zillion times, they will release it when they release it. they enjoy doing this stuff and love to show their work off, so when its done, it will be posted and as stated above, be first post in forum as everyone will be hitting it up
lol kevlar very well said. im sure there are tons of ppl waiting and to post numerous threads asking isnt going to make it available any faster..it will be done when its done. glad i waited for root and didnt jump the gun on leak
Its funny if you think about it. They couldn't wait for root and used the leak, now they are being impatient about root on the leak. How can anybody win with these people?
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Well, not everyone who upgraded realized it was a leak and not root, thus, being very interested in finding an exploit. When a popular site that is all about unlocking phones has a tutorial that has you install the leak first then you become SOL. That being said, there are already threads just like this on the next page making this quite redundant.
homer169 said:
Its funny if you think about it. They couldn't wait for root and used the leak, now they are being impatient about root on the leak. How can anybody win with these people?
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
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To quash some of the preconcived notions that the Devs screwed you all into putting Leak on and waiting it out..There are at least 4 I know of and I was a tester for one of them and we all have leak. I went another route and you all had the same opportunity to do the same so winning and moaning about the leak root won't Make it happen faster.
JCase, Jamezelle, Framework(I think), Me, Captainkirk TheFuzz we all had leak v1 on our phones first to test if it was ok. Mistakes are made and that is how you find out how it works.
Some one close this thread. It is poison to the Forum.
....but you went there anyhow?
Self loathing ftw?
The devs aren't withholding anything. You are free to come to the irc in channel #root to see what is being worked on.
The reason you don't see a whole lot posted on the forums about it is because the methods we are working with are not simple and there isn't much to say about it. Us posting things will just get more and more people asking about it, which detracts from the actual dev's time that are working on it.
In other words, when root is found, you'll know. PERIOD.
You messed up by installing leak, suck it up and fork out the $90 for a replacement. Not a big deal and you end up looking like an butthead (like me) by asking over and over if its rooted yet. Don't you think the forum would be flipping it's poop if leakers got root? There would be 30 threads about it and they would all probably be on the home page. Keep your pants on and your mouth closed or buy a new phone.
WalkingTaco said:
You ****ed up by installing leak, suck it up and fork out the $90 for a replacement. Not a big deal and you end up looking like an asshole (like me) by asking over and over if its rooted yet. Don't you think the forum would be flipping it's **** if leakers got root? There would be 30 threads about it and they would all probably be on the home page. Keep your pants on and your mouth shut or buy a new phone.
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Ya know man ive seen posts by you all over the place and you have the worst attitude out of everyone here. Fine, i asked a really stupid question, get over it. ITS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL.
im surprised youre not banned yet
and to everyone else, sorry to be a nuisance.
Nikolai2.1 said:
Ya know man ive seen posts by you all over the place and you have the worst attitude out of everyone here. Fine, i asked a really stupid question, get over it. ITS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL.
im surprised youre not banned yet
and to everyone else, sorry to be a nuisance.
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Yeah yeah yeah, I've read that line a million times. I may word things a little inappropriately but I do think that I say things a couple people would like to. You can't honestly disagree with what I'm saying about if it was rooted then you would know.
WalkingTaco said:
Yeah yeah yeah, I've read that line a million times. I may word things a little inappropriately but I do think that I say things a couple people would like to. You can't honestly disagree with what I'm saying about if it was rooted then you would know.
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Well no man i completely agree and yeah its my fault for jumping the gun but im just saying, chill for a little bit. its just an internet forum, no need to get all pissed off
Nikolai2.1 said:
Well no man i completely agree and yeah its my fault for jumping the gun but im just saying, chill for a little bit. its just an internet forum, no need to get all pissed off
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I'm not pissed off, I was just stating a point. You're the one who seems to be upset with me.
Sorry if I offended you, I'm not gonna post in this thread anymore, don't want to muck it up.
WalkingTaco said:
I'm not pissed off, I was just stating a point. You're the one who seems to be upset with me.
Sorry if I offended you, I'm not gonna post in this thread anymore, don't want to muck it up.
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Whatever man
Mod close this thread
in b4 404!
Sorry, had to be said.
I have an idea... go back in time and never install the leak... root the phone instead and wait to install jcase's plain jain OTA rom.... hmm, now thats an idea.
You want OTA or root, you shouldn't have installed the leak... you jumped the gun... no ones fault but your own. BTW the devs aren't holding anything back.. well maybe they are, but you may never know! You have been dismissed, Good day sir!
That's enough guys... play nice.
Edit: Thread moved to General

[Q] Why I need 10 posts to reply, but many posts there from peoples with just 1 or 2?

This is very strange. I tried to post reply on the ICS Passion ROM thread, but then I been redirected to a page saying I need more than 10 posts before I can post there. However, there are many replies on that same thread, by peoples with just 1 or 2 post count.
Is there something I did wrong?
stupidpig07 said:
This is very strange. I tried to post reply on the ICS Passion ROM thread, but then I been redirected to a page saying I need more than 10 posts before I can post there. However, there are many replies on that same thread, by peoples with just 1 or 2 post count.
Is there something I did wrong?
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You need 10 posts to do it in the dev section. You should be able to reply in the general or other sections. Why they can I am not sure. Are they doing it with a computer or by phone maybe?
Thanks. I don't mind I need 10 to post if that's the rule. I just wondering why some peoples, like me, has to follow that rule, but some don't required.
It could be the date they join. Some have been here forever with little to no posts.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I believe that the cutoff is around 2009 or older. Grandfather clause. Remember when there wasn't a "thanks" button?
Oh I see..... so this 10 post rule is something new (relatively). Thanks for the explanation.
Now I just have to work hard for my 10 posts.
I always wondered the same exact thing... I noticed some dude two days ago posting in the development and had 3 posts... I think under our profile there's a referral option so maybe they got referred my an existing member. That's my guess
Took me a year to get 10 post!
10 posts is a pain, but I understand they don't want everyone mucking up the Dev threads. Sometimes they are hard enough to keep up with what is going on in them.
Still trying to come up with 10 myself
maracuya said:
Still trying to come up with 10 myself
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well...let's have an irrelevant conversation, and get you guys up to par!!
i had an omlette for breakfast...you guys omlette fans?? i suck at smalltalk
TopShelf10 said:
well...let's have an irrelevant conversation, and get you guys up to par!!
i had an omlette for breakfast...you guys omlette fans?? i suck at smalltalk
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I had a cigarette for Breakfast, I wish it was an omelet... Maybe this Reese's Cup will suffice.
Nullnvoyd said:
I had a cigarette for Breakfast, I wish it was an omelet... Maybe this Reese's Cup will suffice.
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sounds delicious....i actually quit recently, havnt had a butt since january 3rd!!! (10 year smoker)...ive moved onto vaping (ecigs) and havnt looked back, im a big advocate for it for people who want to quit...i never thought id be able to stop
TopShelf10 said:
sounds delicious....i actually quit recently, havnt had a butt since january 3rd!!! (10 year smoker)...ive moved onto vaping (ecigs) and havnt looked back, im a big advocate for it for people who want to quit...i never thought id be able to stop
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I quit... For a Solid Month cold turkey... I picked it back up again. I bought a e-cig once. My kid picked it up and blew into it. and killed it. I didn't buy a new one. Maybe I should try again.
Nullnvoyd said:
I quit... For a Solid Month cold turkey... I picked it back up again. I bought a e-cig once. My kid picked it up and blew into it. and killed it. I didn't buy a new one. Maybe I should try again.
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if its something youre really going to consider, you have to invest in a good one. the initial investment in a starterkit will run you between $60-$90, but you ultimately save a ****ton of money AND health from there on out.
those crap ecigs from the convience store/mall kiosk are a horrible misrepresentation of the vaping world, dont buy those.
i can give you good recommendations if youre interested.
TopShelf10 said:
if its something youre really going to consider, you have to invest in a good one. the initial investment in a starterkit will run you between $60-$90, but you ultimately save a ****ton of money AND health from there on out.
those crap ecigs from the convience store/mall kiosk are a horrible misrepresentation of the vaping world, dont buy those.
i can give you good recommendations if youre interested.
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I will definitely take suggestions. I have researched and researched and had a hard time making decisions on one product
Nullnvoyd said:
I will definitely take suggestions. I have researched and researched and had a hard time making decisions on one product
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it is a huge online industry, with a alot of great products >> but unfortunately those great products are buried under a tone of inferior products...it can be like finding a needle in a haystack.
a lot of people start researching, and just get so overwhelmed that they just say "fck it, ill just go buy a pack of smokes."
ill PM you the site where i started.
I suppose my problem is never shutting up.
I'm a lurker and have been for over a year. I understand the need to have people make productive posts, but I don't want to. BLAH POOP!
Sounds good to me. I've been a lurker for a long time, but work schedule has finally slowed down to less than 50-60 hrs/wk so I might actually be able to contribute some good thoughts.

[Q] Walmart Order--Awaiting Inventory?

i checked today and it still says "Awaiting Inventory". How much time should we give them before we cancel the order and just buy from Verizon? i know we are all trying to save money but i want me phone now! :crying: What should we do?
They might not update it right away. I'm hoping mine ships today...
There is already a thread for this.
But no, no changes as of yet. For me, I'll give it a week. $100 is worth that long for me. But if it goes more than that, I'll probably just break down and cry.
Honestly, I haven't seen that many people post here or on the Verizon forums that they ordered from big W. I wonder how many did.
wooties said:
There is already a thread for this.
But if it goes more than that, I'll probably just break down and cry.
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It'll be ok man, it'll be ok. We're all in the same boat. *Bro hug*

I want to help Someone

I have not been here lately since I bought a Note 4 and gave my Note 3 to a family member.
Before I gave it away I ordered an extra battery and a cradle charger. They have arrived and have been sitting there.
If you need them, they are yours.
I have given things away before and I do not ask for anything in return. I do not do it for "thanks" or popularity.
Fact is God has blessed my family this week and laid it on my heart to do this again.
Anyway, the battery is OEM and the cradle is 3rd party. I have never used them.
The only thing I ask is you pay it forward one day.
PM me or reply here. Please don't take advantage it you really don't need or plan on selling.
Edit: l can not promise super fast delivery because I am not allowed to drive due to seizures so it depends on schedules and getting a ride
I will take them off your hands if no one else has PM'd you before me. Thanks!
sfld said:
I will take them off your hands if no one else has PM'd you before me. Thanks!
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Ok. I have waited for awhile for takers and you got it.
PM me where you want them sent, use po box if you think I'm gonna pull something on ya, and i will try and get them out this week. I will notify you when I ship them.
Please let me know when you receive them and that they are working well.
Any questions or whatever pm me and I will answer.
Thank you to those who sent messages. Meant a lot.
ok,think you.

