Answering Machine - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Nokia 7650 has a program called Answring Machine which can answer incoming call automatically if you won't pick it up. Any similar program for O2 XDA?
Thank you!

Not that I know of, may be you need some additional software

If this is on a GSM network they have just given you a Voicemail box and you GSM phone forwards to a set number just for this function. Nokia's run symbian variant, I don't belive they have written an on board software for this.
Just go into settings, Phone, Services, Call forwarding and tell it to go to your office answer machine number, or home, or any number. Better if it is provided by your service provider as they may try to charge you a per call fee for non-network forward operations.

I had a Nokia 7650 some time ago, and there was some software that would answer the phone for you and act as an answerphone. Great little program, and worked a treat, espically when it cost me money to access my voice mailbox.
If it's possible to get a Symbian (the OS that the Nokia 7650 runs) emulator, then you could run that software!


Can SMS Message Centre numbers be manually added

I have got my SMS message centre number from my network provider and now want to be able to enter the info into my XDA. I cannot do it automatically by 'Get Voicemail & SMS settings' in Phone as it keeps returning an error.
What I want to know is, is there any way or any software that will allow me to be able to manually enter my networks SMS message centre number into my unit.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
Can you be more specific with the type of error message you receive?
Go to Start->Inbox. Take Tools->Options and touch and hold on SMS. Lo and behold, the Message Centre(er) number.
The error message I am getting is 'Network Error - Unable to read setting from the network'.
In response to your post "Auldg" I did that and entered in the Message Centre Number for 3 (my network provider) and pressed OK. My understanding is that this would have saved the number. Trying to send a text didn't work and I still got the error message "The sim card is invalid. Please contact your service provider for a new sim".
I know there is nothing worng with the sim as it works fine the phone supplied by 3. I have tried 02's message centre number following a conversation with them and this resulted in a failed SMS send as well. I know it is not the XDA as this sends txts using an old T-mobile sim.
When I looked at the SMS centre number again after entering two different numbers neither of them were there. Trying to select a network doesnt give 3 as an available network.
Does the XDA store the SMS centre number in the SIM card or the phone. If its the phone is there a way to hard code my sms centre number into it?? This is driving me mad as I can do everything else with my 3 sim as normal just not send texts
This '3' network, what is it? Is it a GSM provider or a 3G Networks Provider?
Ah "3" !
Are you in the UK on 3? This is a new GSM/UTMS network and I wonder if the SIM card has new fancy stuff on it the the XDA doesn't know how to handle. You are clearly a VERY early adopter, bless you.
I didn't have to enter my MC number (or Voice Mail number) when using my XDA on Orange so these must be picked up from the SIM. Maybe the 3 sim holds these details in a different place from the rest of the networks?
One for the xda-developers firmware gurus to take a look at I think.
And so can one of the XDA-Developer firmware gurus shed any light on this matter???
I didn't really switch for the new technology that 3 offers, quite the opposite in fact as I din't really need to use it. The reason being was the deal on free mins they offered, but that's by the by. I can still use the 3 sim in my XDA and make / receive calls using the 02 network (this is what it uses if it cannot pick up the 3 network) and also receive texts. Just not send them.
Can any development guru's PLEASE shed any light as to this situation and may be even be able to offer a solution. If its even only that its something that can be addressed in an upcoming firmware ROM.
Some divine inspiration from the gods would be hugely appreciated.
So, let me make sure I am getting this right. You currently have no way to set your SMS service center number in the device, and if you do using the normal options the number does not stick?
OK that said you can do a registry hack telling the reg to override the SIM and use "# you choose" number. See my thread towards the bottom on how to novice level write a reg key
I haven't yet looked up where the reg key for SMS service center number is but I’m going to guess it is located right above or below the location specified in the thread.
I'm just going to guess but I don't think forcing your machine to use a SMS service center number from the device end rather than the SIM end is going to solve your can receive but not send problem. Given the service center, number is what is used to send your SMS. If your device is not reading it from the SIM and you are hand putting it in and it's not sticking this sounds like SIM network problem not device problem, could be wrong though:? Let me know overriding the SIM works. Can you use that service center number to send SMS on other Mobile Terminals (handsets/cell phone) Does a regular cell phone see the SMS service center number from the SIM? If the software set the XDA uses to talk to the GSM network is failing, but works talking to other GSM networks...sounds like a service provider protocol or provisioning problem (the way they have their GSM network set up i.e. do they have their own towers or are they ridding on someone else’s footprint but have or do not have their own switches etc.)
You might also try un-checking or checking the use Unicode option under accounts SMS in Inbox, but this should really make no difference as this is only when necessary protocol anyways, but who knows. I still think it's on your service provider’s end/SIM. The XDA just talks to the network using GSM "Standard" agreed upon protocols for GSM. Now the provider can do whatever they like. These are just suggested standards so problems (maybe) like this from occurring. Anyway, let me know if this makes any difference. Always learning :lol:
You have hit the nail on the head exactly. When I try to enter the number manually it does indeed not stick. I have tried the sim in the original phone that it came with and it works as per normal. All the functionality is there.
The network I am on in the UK is a new network that is giving the 3G technology but this is only being rolled out and is not nationwide. They do piggyback onto another providers network (namely 02) when you are not in a 3G area so that you are always able to make voice calls / send tetxs.
I have no idea as to whether they have there own switches etc as its like trying to get blood out of a stone when talking to there customer services.
I have looked at the thread about editing / creating registry keys and did look at the key that you mentioned. Above the vmail key is an SMS key but opening it led onto all sorts of other fields and protocols which threw me. I am not sure which of these (if any) would be the correct one to start entering SMS Message Centre numbers into or what I would need to hard code it as a new registry key.
To this end I cannot see if hard coding it to make it stick works or not. Can you shed any light as to this??? Would be much appreciated if you could.
With thanks
I'm going to see if I can get my XDA to overide the SIM SMSC, I'll post success or
many thanks for your help

Call Tracking Software

Does anyone out there know of any phone software for "PPC 2003 Phone Edition " that tracks call duration over time? Another words like on Nokia phones, i would like to see how many outgoing and ingoing calls I made for the month and then can reset those totals to zero at the end of a billing cycle. Extra cool software would actually have user adjustable "Primetime" and "Evenings and Weekends" time slot settings.
I know in Pocket PC 2003 Phone software, I can look at the "Call Duration" tab in the device manager. In the least, would anyone know where in the registry to hack that back to zero on a monthly basis?

request for skype (full) app

First off I have to say Im a proud member of the best phone produced (till today), Htc Hero. Everything looks and feels and fullfills my needs accordingly, besides one thing. And this one thing bugs me alot.
Why have skype launched this "lite" crap, with no real voip at all? And that on a internett phone... Something is not right at the skype department!
Because of my personal situation Im dependent on skype voip services (the only reason why im not throwing my htc touch cruise away). So heres the request: make my (love)life a bit easier, bite the skype developers in the arse and/or help porting/create a skype client for android that can make full use of voip.
I hope some developers here will take the job and get the well earned fame that will come with it!
ps: I do know that there are some alternatives, google voice is not for europe yet and truphone is crashing at the opening.
sipdroid is true VoIP, SIP-based. It will work with a wide variety of hardware and software IP phones.
Volker1 said:
sipdroid is true VoIP, SIP-based. It will work with a wide variety of hardware and software IP phones.
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Hey, from what I can tell this doesnt work with skype, is this the case or am I just being blonde?
I think skype didn't do a full VOIP application otherwise it will literally chew through many bytes of your data plan and thus would be very expensive for the end user on a mobile network - obviously wifi and skype wouldn't be a such a problem.
I am guessing and assuming that "skype lite" works the similar way to iSkoot (Winmo equivalent) where it uses the voice channel (and some jiggery-pokery) to make a call to another skype user - which to my knowledge is how the 3 network is able to offer unlimited skype calls (using iSkoot, not sure about skype lite but if anyone knows, let me know!)
If skype is listening, perhaps an option in "skype lite" application to specify how the voice is carried out (ie via data channel or the voice channel) might be a good idea.
But feel free to correct me on that!
ps, did anyone see the comments made on skype lite on the market place (by Mattman 9-aug-2009) saying that skype lite appears to be a "phishing app scanning for paid skype accounts and should be reported to google and ftc" - is that true?
danchappers said:
Hey, from what I can tell this doesnt work with skype, is this the case or am I just being blonde?
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It doesn't work with skype since skype is a proprietary app that works with nothing else. Though there is a workaround, gizmo5 has a SIP<->skype gateway. Never tried it, though.
tweedie said:
I am guessing and assuming that "skype lite" works the similar way to iSkoot (Winmo equivalent) where it uses the voice channel (and some jiggery-pokery) to make a call to another skype user - which to my knowledge is how the 3 network is able to offer unlimited skype calls (using iSkoot, not sure about skype lite but if anyone knows, let me know!)
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Essentially, when you initiate a call with Skype Lite, what it does is communicate back to Skype servers on the data channel with details of whom you want to contact (Skype username, phone number etc). The Skype servers then set up a link from a local phone number to your required destination, and send this number back to your phone which Skype Lite then dials.
So your phone essentially calls a Skype phone number over the standard voice channels (and usually consuming your inclusive minutes), and this call is routed over the Skype network to your required destination.
So your phone essentially calls a Skype phone number over the standard voice channels (and usually consuming your inclusive minutes), and this call is routed over the Skype network to your required destination.
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foxmeister > that is exactly what I am thinking. The "skype lite" software is calling a special number over voice channel and its routed over the skype network to the required destination as you said. I think this is identical to how "iSkoot" works and thus the "three" network users can get free unlimited skype-to-skype calls because it identifies a particular number its calling to be free.
If the "skype lite" and "iSkoot" is calling the same special number, It should in theory be able to get the free unlimited skype-to-skype calls using the "skype lite" application. I guess there is only one way to find out! There does seems to be iSkoot application for android but can't seem to be able to find it on the market place!
Bump that thread
it was a request i made for this same exact thing on the skype forums.
They would be the ones to publish the app.
Skype, iSkoot and
After finally disassembling the code, there is a hidden easter egg on the "about" screen for the iskoot application. If your lucky to have the G1 phone, type in @1905 and it will bring up the advance menu where you can specify to use the three network.
If you're unlucky to have the htc hero (like me!), you have to use the window dos command "adb shell" to connect to the phone, then do "/system/bin/input text @1905" and allow you to enter that key on the about screen.
Its not perfect. But it seems to make a call to the uk three number (+44..882 + +44..874).
Once in the advance menu, put into the url (using keyboard, or use that "input text" command) and save it (I can't remember if I had to tick the "Auto Pilot Mode" on or off, but try with it off first)
It will take a little time to sign in (or even a couple of attempts) you should get your buddy list and able to make a call
By the way, don't have it use the wifi. It seems better to have it sign in via 3g, but I could be wrong. And second, there is an awful lot of http 404 response errors coming back from three network (doesn't seem to effect it), but neverless, its just putting a strain on your phone I would imagine - plus, not sure if those 404 http responses coming back will use up your data allowance. so do some testing first! Its just a little difficult to test properly when all the other apps wants to use you internet data allowance! (is there an app for that?)
Anyway, just letting you know what i have found. if those HTTP 404 is gonna be a problem, I can tweak the code, but probably won't be able to share that apk file as I am not sure where the law stands on that!
Warning: Haven't fully tested it yet, so don't blame/slag me if its starts to eat into your credits!
tweedie said:
After finally disassembling the code, there is a hidden easter egg on the "about" screen for the iskoot application. If your lucky to have the G1 phone, type in @1905 and it will bring up the advance menu where you can specify to use the three network.
If you're unlucky to have the htc hero (like me!), you have to use the window dos command "adb shell" to connect to the phone, then do "/system/bin/input text @1905" and allow you to enter that key on the about screen.
Its not perfect. But it seems to make a call to the uk three number (+44..882 + +44..874).
Once in the advance menu, put into the url (using keyboard, or use that "input text" command) and save it (I can't remember if I had to tick the "Auto Pilot Mode" on or off, but try with it off first)
It will take a little time to sign in (or even a couple of attempts) you should get your buddy list and able to make a call
By the way, don't have it use the wifi. It seems better to have it sign in via 3g, but I could be wrong. And second, there is an awful lot of http 404 response errors coming back from three network (doesn't seem to effect it), but neverless, its just putting a strain on your phone I would imagine - plus, not sure if those 404 http responses coming back will use up your data allowance. so do some testing first! Its just a little difficult to test properly when all the other apps wants to use you internet data allowance! (is there an app for that?)
Anyway, just letting you know what i have found. if those HTTP 404 is gonna be a problem, I can tweak the code, but probably won't be able to share that apk file as I am not sure where the law stands on that!
Warning: Haven't fully tested it yet, so don't blame/slag me if its starts to eat into your credits!
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works well so far thank
Glad it worked for you. Just keep an eye on your credits. Its kinda hard to do especially when all those apps is trying to use up your internet data allowance too! Wish there was some sort of app that can control what can use the wifi or the mobile internet.
Does your mobile internet icon appear ok or it is it constantly showing both the up/down arrow as white? if so, it might drain your battery a bit quicker because of the streaming internet traffic.
Glad it worked out ok for you. Just keep an eye on your credits which is a bit hard to do since all your other apps wants mobile internet access!
Check your battery level too - if you have both the up/down arrow on the mobile internet constantly on, you might find that it might drain your battery a bit quicker.
I just wish there was an option somewhere (perhaps an app?) that can allow to set what programs can use which method of internet (mobile or wifi)
Hi tweedie, I did as you wrote in post #9, I also noticed that the url was already input so I didnt need to type in. Is it because I already adb pushed .xml document as per iskoot thread in Dream section?
@LordLucan - most probably yes. That easter egg screen reads/writes from that xml file that you pushed.
By the way, I wasn't aware of that xml push method as per dream forum (doh!). When you used skype - did you find that your internet icon (that H icon at the top of the screen) was constantly showing up/down white arrows? And whats your battery life like?
@tweedie, Yes H symbol is constantly on. Pity! It would be good if it drops down to 3G. Battery life is about 10 to 12 hrs from full charge on standby with sipdroid also running.It may be little above average since mine is a data sim and not used from normal mobile gsm calls.
Also noted that V 2.51 (Modaco) is fractionally better that early v2.
By the way, have thought about doing same trick on Skype Lite from Market? Its a much lighter client and may be good on data/battery. I have the apk file should you need.
tweedie said:
I just wish there was an option somewhere (perhaps an app?) that can allow to set what programs can use which method of internet (mobile or wifi)
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Such an apps exists, it's called Droidwall and is a firewall application which con block or unblock wanted apps from either 3g or WiFi. Sadly it does not work on MoDaCo custom rom right now, but I just registered and will give Paul a note. Seems like there is only one kernel module missing.
thanks for that Droidwall, sounds just the app I needed
@Lord Lucan
thanks for checking. This indicates to me that the xml push method and the easter egg way is both working the same way and both is probably getting a load of HTTP404 error back from 3 network (and possibly shortening its battery life).
Its possible that skype lite might have some configuration files that can be set to make it call a "3 network" number, but I doubt it would work.
I am guessing that iSkoot makes a url request to 3 network (a custom iskoot server perhaps?) to sign in, get messages, makes calls, etc. And when you make a skype call, it tells that iSkoot server (not skype) that you are making a call to X and prepares a call. Your phone will then make a voice call to that special skype-to-skype number and because its prepared (and somehow knows its you) it directs your voice to the skype at the other end. Again, its just a guess work from the traffic I've been looking at from iSkoot on winmo devices.
Hi Tweedie, Thanks.
Just a thought. 3 Australia have been marketing HTC Magic and I wonder if users there had skype client on their handset.
Early on I phoned 3 and an advisor said there will be a skype client on Hero but I think he didnt know what he was talking about!!!
I'm with 3 Australia with the Magic and can confirm that there was no Skype app installed on the handset.
Using the steps mentioned here I've managed to get skype running over x-series, but still can't make SkypeOUT calls tho - only Skype to Skype.
Word is the Skype is going open source - at least for it's Linux version.
This should hopefully make it fairly simple for a full blown native Skype app on Android.

Unknown Caller

Hello I have a HTC Fuze currently running Titanium 28005.
I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem also. When someone calls me from a cell phone if they are in my contacts or not it comes up as Unknown Caller but if someone calls me from a land line it will come up as it should.
I have tried installing Titanium 28005 and 21877 , Standard 28005 and 21877 also the Leo EnergyROM and still no matter what I do it comes up as Unknown Caller.
Everything I have tried to do:
Install different Roms
Hard Reset
Soft Reset
Deleting all of my contacts and putting them in again. With or without area codes and 1 with area codes.
Tried NRGZ28 Tachi Dialer Disabler.
Tried searching xda-developers with google.
I am sorry if I am being a "noob" or something and if I seem like I am bableing on I am just trying to give as much info as I can.
Caller Display falls into two major categories:
The majority of landline service providers include Caller Name Display (CallID) as part of their service offering. When someone wishes to keep their number private, they must pay a fee. Note that some landline service providers split the service offering as follows:
Display telephone number (usually free)
Display telephone number and name (enhancement, fee)
As cellular telephone numbers are private by default, most subscribers (you) must be pay a fee to provide the number. Many cellular service provider "include" the feature as part of a basic (voicemail, sms, etc.) cellular feature package.
The majority of cellular service providers do not include Caller Name Display (CallID) as part of their service offering. The cellular subscriber must pay a fee to receive the telephone number of the calling party.
What this means:
When you call a landline number, your number would be displayed providing the providing the following rules are met:
You have not requested privacy.
The caller cellular service provider offers the number (and name) to other telco networks.
The landline customer is able to receive number (and name) display via their landline service provider.
You are paying for the Caller Name Display feature.
Your device is capable of processing number (and name) information.
When you call a cellular number, your number would be displayed providing the other cellular customer is paying for the service to display telephone numbers (and names).
You have not requested privacy.
The caller cellular service provider offers the number (and name) to other telco networks.
You are paying for the Caller Name Display feature.
Your device is capable of processing number (and name) information.
When you receive a call from a landline number, the number (and name) will appear on your display providing the following rules are met:
Caller has not requested privacy.
The caller landline service provider offers the number (and name) to other telco networks.
Your cellular service provider offers CallerID - some providers only offer number display, other offer number and name (CNAP).
You are paying for the Caller Name Display feature.
Your device is capable of processing number (and name) information.
When you receive a call from a cellular number, the number (and name) will appear on your display providing the following rules are met:
Caller has not requested privacy.
The caller cellular service provider offers the number (and name) to other telco networks.
Your cellular service provider offers CallerID - some providers only offer number display, other offer number and name (CNAP).
You are paying for the Caller Name Display feature.
Your device is capable of processing number (and name) information.
Update: What it is, is that when ever a Verizon cell phone calls me it comes up as unknown caller. As an example when my girlfriend calls me (AT&T Phone) it comes up with her contact info. When ever a friend with Verizon calls me it comes up as Unknown Caller. I have tested this with all of my friends that are on Verizon My girlfriend has the same problem on her LG Vu that still stock nothing has been done to the phone, but my mothers phone works when a Verizon phone calls her. I have not changed anything on my bill or anything in the past 2 years only thing I have done is change phones.
Everything was working just fine in till Saturday I started getting the unknown caller problem. My friends have also mentioned that when they call me they hear a wired noise like a computer trying to connect to the internet thorough dial up then it starts to ring.
I contacted AT&T today and they are looking into the problem. It might have something to do with them merging with Centennial Wireless
I will keep people posted if they are interested in knowing what come out of it. And if someone can throw in there two cents on what they may think it to be be my guess I am willing to try anything. I hate now knowing who is calling.
Next time you speak with AT&T, ask them to "repush" your SIM profile as well to eliminate the possibility of profile corruption.
I received a call from a Verizon line yesterday, this morning actually a little after midnight. Showed up. I am on AT&T.
Update: I just Re-Flashed the orignal HTC Rom that they provide on there website
(HTC FUZE RUU Raphael Cingular US 5.11.502.2 Radio Sign Raphael 52.64c.25.35 Ship)
And had my friend call me and everything came up as it should so it might be the rom I flashed to my phone witch was Phoenix 2 28005 11-27-2009
altho att might have done something with out contact me so i am going to re flash the Phoenix 2 28005 11-27-2009 and check
Update: Ok flashed Phoenix 2 28005 11-27-2009 and everything is working as it should. I don't know if AT&T did something or not but now when someone on Verizon calls me it comes up as it should.
when it comes unknown caller, is it display their number just below unknown caller?

[Q] Android App Suggestion Needed : Communications Hub

I will be travelling to another country, however I wish to keep my (home country) current mobile connection (number) active since a lot of local (banking etc ) services and sms alert notifications are received on my home country mobile number.
I plan to keep my mobile switched on and hooked to the charger to let it run :
Hence I am looking for an Android App to :
1. Monitor the incoming calls and selectively based on rules either decide to offer a IVR recording to leave the message (recorded on the SD card in wav or amr format) OR forward the call to another predefined number (presumably my cell number in the visited country). The caller wont have to pay the charges for international calling, since the outgoing call from the cell is originated and the caller and receiver are connected as if being on a conference call.
2. Similarly monitor the incoming SMS and based on rules either store locally or forward to predefined international number.
3. For point number 1, an option to upload the recorded voice messages to an online service like google drive or dropbox, with the filename containing the caller number/name and date/time of the call, and delete from the phone after a successful upload. This way I can retrieve the voice messages via internet instead of using the mobile operator voice recording service.
Back in the days on my Nokia N95 there used to be an excellent symbian application which was able to do most as described above and more, I am looking for a similar type pf application on android.
I have seen that an app exist but it is more focused on the security and blocking aspect .
I am looking for an app which let you run a mini PABX on the mobile to offer similar functionality.
Does anything like this exists...Need your guidance and suggestion to find the correct app.
P.S :
The company making the symbian app, is maybe out of business but you can read about this excellent app (Interactive Voice Call Master) over here

