XDA suitable for a 16 year old? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hello there..
I have recently discovered your website and it is very impressive, well done :lol:
In september i am going back to 6th form to complete my a-levels, and i believe that the XDA would be a good application to have....
But i was wondering does any one have an opinion on a 16 year old using the XDA mainly for social reasons? Has anybody had an experince like mine? Is it really worth the money? Also can it be used as an mp3 player?
Thanks very much for your time and effort in advanced.

Yes, it's a fine MP3 player if you have a bigish SD-card for the music, and some better headphones than the junk that comes with it.

yeah im planning on getting the 256mb sd card....
but doesn't the ear phones supplied come with a speaker in it, to use it as a hands free kit?

If you can wait a little, the XDA II will be available before december 2003 , and will be a lot better than the actual one :!: :wink:

XDA 2? is there something i should know about it?
is there a thread? what does it do?

how much do u think the new XDA 2 will cost?
thanks again for ur help

im 17 just finished 6th form and doing year 13 soon ive had an xda since i was 16 tis ok but if u use it for social and daily things expect it to get dents and scratches but other then that tis fine.
mp3 is good on it but movies are alot better lol
people call it a brick but when they see what it can do they love it lol.
other then that some peeps think ur werid holding this slab against your head till they figure out its actually a phone lol
imo get it

lol.....ok thanks :lol:
i really want to get it, but im not sure if i should wait until the XDA 2 comes out....
any suggestions?

well i guess u either work or you are a rich student :shock: so if you are in any of theose catagories id say yeah go for the xda 2 when its out. will be about £600 simfree though :S
(ill have to give it a miss as i need to save for my car insurance )

lol......im not that rich
i think i will just by the xda now, beacuse all that i have read about the XDA 2 the main difference i can find is that it has an intergrated camera.....and im not to bothered about that...

I think i will just by the xda now, because all that i have read about the XDA 2 the main difference i can find is that it has an intergrated camera.....and im not to bothered about that...
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I agree with the conclusion, but only because I have a hunch that the XDA2 is still a long ways off. But it has more than an integrated camera: Bluetooth and SDIO. You will really miss these, but then you can just sell it and get the XDA2 later.

it also have a 400Mhz cpu compared to xda1's 206Mhz
and it's cellphone is triband which you of cause dont need unless you travel to us or some other country which use 1900 Mhz
and it got optional Wireless LAN capability
and longer batt time
i'm just getting the xda1 myself since i cant wait for the xda2 which will most likely not come to where i live before Q1->Q2 04
and by then G3 (UMTS) pda phones will be just around the corner and then i could wait for those and end up waiting for ever

Social implications....
....put up with everyone calling it a "brick"... then repeat yourself 100s of times saying it isnt a phone, its a pda with a phone built into it. Then play some sample video, mp3 and start up the Rayman game, and watch them turn green with envy, and walk away saying "theyre glad they dont that brick"...

and show them jpg and avi files of sheep and goat p0rn which when you have a xda you always have with you for your viewing pleasure jk

i told my friend what i was getting, and now he is getiing an XDA now... :wink: lol
thanks to everyone who posted

I'd say it would be perfect if you go to college/uni, as you could fall asleep and record the audio from a lecture!
You could also play games with the atari VCS or Mame emulators, as well as its obvious mp3 capability.
Buy a soft or hard case (see my posts in the Accessories forum)
Great device but dont dare drop it! Its not a plastic nokia!
Dont surf the web or use it for email though, GPRS is damned expensive. Spam can be very pricey!

Sorry for invading this thread seems just like what I was going to say later anyway
Well I Just been searching through for the word camera (wonder if there was a review of the one I just purchased)
Well Tommorow Afternoon Im going to buy a XDA Im not that worried on the new one, and I think its perfectly fine for 16-17 yr old Im 17, I loved it when I had a go of it in herefords o2 shop, the bloke there wasnt saying nowt about XDA 2 and the price drop even though he was trying to hint on things
One thing that made me buy it is it has Excel and Word as Im doing a college course based around Office Software, im going to have a freindly word with one of the college technicians and install the uploading software onto my profile, had a good look around the back of the college computers and they only got serial ports so put in a purchase for a serial cable 2 save me carrying around hundred of floopys to take home
You made some great suggestions for therory leasons, great idea as a dictaphone , and taking photos of the board wont have to write it down, look like a prick but hey who cares
mp3, and games on the way home well I be in heaven, any ideas what type of games are availble for free, and a site?

try emule or kazaa best places for free appz

Well I am 50 years old and everybody that sees the xda young or old are amazed at its capabilities, I have satnav with tomtom 2 voice directions, a whole library of books, some good games, mp3s, codewallet for all my credit card details, wap access, the sky astronomy package which gives me planetary positions and interfaces to my telescope, click on a star/planet and the scope slews to it, and I also carry the odd short film on sd card. How can anybody fail to be impressed. Oh and its a phone too. And a dictionary, and a translator, talk into it in English and it talks in French/Spanish/German, providing the phrase is in its database.

Well on the way down to college on Tuesday few behind me was having a good laugh at this ring tone on this Nokia with a Poilce Siren then a some very desorted lyrics, never heard such good things from a phone, well except Wav files on XDA, its far ahead of that phone
I hope PDA Phones are pushed and marketed to hell, which is looking like they will be
Cant wait to get mine in my hands



does anyone has "caller2picture" ?
I have the trial version and I want to buy the full one, but on "pocket gear" I've seen a post of a user that bought the full version but he's still unable to assign more then 3 pictures.
Can I thrust them and buy the software or do I have to forget it ?
check here
I've used the trial version with more or less success, especially displaying a chimpanzee picture when my collegues tried to phone me :lol:
I've got the full version and it works fine. I've got about 10 pictures assigned to contacts.
can anybody explain how i can use it(call2picture)
you may excus me
i cant speak english verey well
xchange your the man...
need more ppl like you here
Caller2Picture Full Version
Can someone point me in the right direction i need to Dload this software but i aslo keep hearing that you are only able to use 3 pictures please email me any info U guys have. [email protected]
Thanks in advance
ALl this administrator going around deleting my posts... are a bunch of ass hole...
anyway, I will start a forum on my own xda forum later.... Which asshole please own up. Don't hide like a DOG
xchange said:
ALl this administrator going around deleting my posts... are a bunch of ass hole...
anyway, I will start a forum on my own xda forum later.... Which asshole please own up. Don't hide like a DOG
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Oh, please, give me a break... We're doing our best to create a fun experience for everyone. And besides, what hidden about the policy of removing warez trading?
This is not acceptable at all.... Xchange man those ppl are receiving us as their guests and why pay them back by insulting them??? 2 days ago this site or this forum has reached its 500 user and all of them are considering themselves as one family sharing and learning and teaching. Please reconsider your attitude as we all are here friends and one happy XDA, o2, QTEK, SX56 (forgot any?) Family...
Thanks for the ppl behind this site thanks for the members in this great forum God bless us all.
I have to agree with XDA developer Peter Poelman
come on xcahnge - $14 is not a lot for software... that is damned useful...
and entertaining, and intuitive. Instead of moaning why not just develop your own version of the software and distribute it as freeware?
I mean if it cost several hundred pounds and you used it three times you'd have cause to grumble.
Dont forget that programmers have mouths to feed - and being a software developer is as worthy a job as a train driver or electrician.
(Apart from Solicitors & Estate Agents)
I am none of these by the way, but I know plenty of programmers!
Dont forget that we need people like this to develop apps for our phones to make them "far more functional" than our friends nokias, or motorolas are.
Hold on a minute you dont like paying 14 dollars, but you have several hundred dollars worth of mobile phone!!!!
Just try it out. add three pics for your best friends and if you like it then just BUY NOW!
no thanks, I already got the serial no... caller2phone. I guess our opinion are different.
xda site
hi all
this is a great site and i normally log in daily i used to have a nokia communicator but the xda is a lot more usefull and the only real website for the xda is my-symbian.com and that started a bit like this site but turned very quickly into a forum for selling software and not really intrested in the people or the product it would be s ahame for this to happen here there is loads of free software out there try downloading bear share and you will get loads of games. anyway keep up the good work on the website.
regards kevin beecher
So... what about sharing the serial!!!!
caller2picture is pants..
I only wanted to be able to select different ringtones... caller2picture adds its bloatware crap and removes another useful feature <sending an sms from the contacts> (or has nobody noticed?)
nobody has made a program with a little box that lets you do the same thing?
Leo said:
So... what about sharing the serial!!!!
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It is useless, because it is generated depending on number on your Register screen. And that one is probably calculated from your name/or other unique parameters of you xda.
Anyone got similar problem. The pictures aren't showing themselves regularly and consistently. They pop up many times less than they don't. Suggest anything, guys? :?
What is frustrating is I bought the full version, but it will not work with WM2003PE.
What is frustrating is I bought the full version, but it will not work with WM2003PE.
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The program does work with my ppc2003. Anyway, you have to remove your sd card before the installation since the system will automatically install the software to sd card even you choose to install on the default location. The Picture2Caller does have some bugs when installed to ppc 2003. That is the software fails to work with all contacts. Anyway, if you feel ok with this, go ahead. Cheers
I want to agree with Arzeb,
This is an AWESOME site, complete with smart helpful people. Please keep up the excellent stuff that gets done here.
xchange: please chill.
THANX to the rest of you.
Tried installing it again withot the SD card, still does not work. What happens is, it does not retrieve the contact's name, and phone numbers.

Anyone have full licensed Pocket PC Software to give away?..

realise the pocket pc software are quite expensive... Anyone want to share their license copy, games, utility etc. I guess all can benefit right?... Rather we all purchase on our own.
Or may be we can all chip in to buy.... We can use services like Paypal to remittance money to each other.
Me interested in the Age of Empires Gold Edition. Anyone got a full license one. Nyditot Virtual Display 3.01 ?...
I'm just speaking for myself here...
I have no major moral objections against copying copyrighted software, but I can also see the point of software companies trying to make a buck. I even co-own a small software company that will be trying to make a buck soon. But please believe me when I say that this is not the reason I'm posting this message.
I would hate to see warez being traded on this system. I've seen what frequent warez trading does to the atmosphere of communities like ours. Before long, professional traders will post requests. People will offer to pay for stuff, warez ftp server addresses 'for-the-day' will be posted, etc. etc. etc.
There's plenty of good forums on Usenet that have plenty of (alt.binaries.)warez posted to them. They have much less good productive atmosphere to waste and they work well.
Well I don't think warezing software is something terribly wrong (it's not a theft usually), but if somebody likes the software, he should buy it. However, nobody can expect a 18 year old czech student to spend 80 bucks for SSH client he uses once a week.
I think those who use software to make money (companies, managers etc...) should buy the software. Those who just "play" with software and install and deinstall applications 5 times a day can get a warez copy. But if I find a great piece of soft I want to keep (forever), I buy it.
(I don't buy software, I'm a poor student and the software fee doesn't repay itself).
And another thing... I would never trade software here - in public, in a tech forum with guest access...
If you can afford an XDA and the phone contracts that go with it, you can afford the software - most programs are only 10-15 USD. A few like AoE are more, and I can tell you worth the extra money.
Basically, i find it rather amusing the comments given. Anyway, my intention is not to spread the so called 'piracy'. The intention was to share files with your so called neighhours. If you think my sharing for example DVD - THe spider man to let the neighhour watch or use, then the whole world must be pracitising that, even your neighhouhood video store is spread 'piracy'. I mean people can always rent it and duplicate at their home right?......
Furthmore, forum is more less like a obtaining information, sharing etc. That's why I use the words like sharing. Wanna to charge those sharing information. If you think this kind actions is bad, I think this forum shall stop hacking the XDA stuff..
I got my new 02 XDA 64MB at US$500 only.... Spend so much $$$ on electronic stuff for what?........ Earniing money is not an easy task. and for you info only a few program is US$10/= Most are more that U$20/=. IF you get 10 how much will it be, and the money is only for 1 version. don;t forget the accessories thats comes with it. If you think u have extra $$$ to spend on this software. Share with it someone who is not as rich as u.
there is loads of free stuff out there if you want it a forum like this is brillant for info but there is a wide range of others out there
My two cents in what seems to become a long thread.
First to answer mac's orignal question. I can't help you (currently :lol: )
In response to XDA developer Peter Poelman's response I want to submit that in order to keep this forum alive we certainly don't need the professional traders.
As for software licensing. I have been/am on both sides. User and author. It's annoying if people just copy whatever they like, especially if they make a lot of money with it.
My justification so far has been. I use 'evaluation copies' for 2 or 3 weeks or so and if it is still in use I buy the software. Is it legal? Probably not? Is this wrong? Probably yes, but I can sleep at night.
We all invent 'our rules' for the world. If you want to be safe, stick with the rules. If not just be prepared to have your [email protected]# kicked every now and then.
Although I sympathise with the argument of being a student, etc etc, that doesn't justify it (nor do my own 'rules' do that). What would you charge someone with 5 children and being a single parent?
And most of the times there are alternatives. For instance in the windows space there is a lot of free software around and some of them are real jewels. If you are curious: www.nonags.com.
Industry responds with free software containing banners and adds, we all hate them, install cracks/patches to get rid of them. Wake up guys. They give it away for free and still we whine. (yes, I hate adds and banners to and I kill them whenever possible). I think we shouldn't whine about initiatives like Palladium if we copying everything we can get our hands on.
Overall my advise is: don't use THIS forum for conducting that behaviour and for the rest live and let live. In my opinion its a forum for undertanding the XDA and its technology. I don't even have one yet ( :evil: ) but I have learned a lot already. One could argue about some of the things tht could be done with the XDA (un-simlocking of accidently locked phones) but it's mainly discussing the device, software and accessoiries.
Being nosy is not a crime.
Having knowledge is not a crime.
But using knowledge could be a crime.
And even the first 2 can be a crime depending on where you live.
Pfffffffffft, I must be PMS'ing. Sorry people :wink:
I think games should be paid for....
but as far as tools etc goes I think it would be fair to follow the GPL...
You pay for what you make money with.
I'm a frequent visitor to alt.binaries....pocketpc and I've probaly downloaded 700mb or so in pocketpc warez since I bought my XDA...
I have an easynews account which archives newsgroup posts from the last 30 days.
That software I downloaded because I thought it looked interesting; not because it was there. Out of those god knows how many programs I have 12 programs that I keep on my xda at all times... these I have registered:
Battery Pack 2003 <<< really good
Resco Explorer 2003
Lextionary <<< prolly the best dictionary tool
Marble Worlds
Diamond Mine <<< addictive as hell
Speedball 2 << we love the Amiga !!
Pocket C64 <speaks for itself>
Small menu <<< damn good btw
The others I played with for a while and then dumped because they were errr CRAP ? or there were other better alternatives (atleast in the power monitoring area)
Diamond mine I downloaded months ago... and only registered yesterday.
I dont believe in buying stuff I dont need.. and downloading them gives me more time to decide whither I'm going to keep it... or fire it onto a DVDRW and forget about it after a month.
I also have a wares copy of Autocad Studio Max 5 on my computer... $5k to buy in the shops...
most people dont learn this program at Uni (atleast the good ones anyways). Most of them pick up a copy when they are in their early teens and continue to learn with it till they master the techniques. After doing so they go to Uni and get the bit of paper... later on they get a job with a company which has bought a license to the application.
Autocad arent missing out on my license... I'd have never considering paying the $5,000 in the first place.
Some people say that 3D Animation is a craft. I've known people who have been 'learning' it for the past 7 years. Where would Autocad get its budding new business licenses if the 3D warez market dried up and only the large software houses could afford them?
Games are different, you cant make money from them.
I bought StarScape the other day for the PC.
download the demo and give it a go
I normaly run games in 1600x1200 or above... but the fact this runs in 640x480 makes no difference.
You might also want to check this site out for some more quality game play... and best of all they are free 8)
http://www.tierraentertainment.com/ (reworked kings Quest I&II)
http://www.back2roots.org/ (shtuff from eons ago)
games from the era of when gaming had gameplay, hand drawn graphics and not just a billion polygons fired at it.
Strange comment from a 3D artist.
hi mac
try bear share there is loads of software on there i dont think we should trade games on here i used to use another site for my nokia communicator and it started to trade software and now it gives very little free and has turned into a business venture about selling software and not the product which it was originally meant to help promote amongst fellow users
Well, we'll be relasing a game soon aswell and i would like to think that if people download the demo and they are happy with it, that they would then go on to buy the full version. Its not like the average pocket pc game costs a fortune.
The way I look at it is if people dont buy software, people will stop writing it, I have purchased many games/apps, and am glad i supported the writers of such software. As a result newer and better versions are released, i prime example is Battery Bar along with Journal Bar, fantastic bit of software.

New XDA?

I read in this month's issue of Stuff magazine that a new version of the XDA will be released later this year.
Browsing on internet I found only one link that showed a picture of a xda with a blue back panel and could as well be the original model.
Has anyone heard about this and maybe know where to find more info on this (if O2 will support them for instance) and some specs and maybe photo's?
There will be a new version of the XDA but it's not certain yet which company/ies will be releasing it. I heard some rumours about bluetooth, more memory and a faster processor, I haven't heard anything on SDIO support yet.
Bluetooth would be great, WiFi would be fantastic. Maybe even GPS and a 56K color screen (for the freaks among us to watch movies)?
Anyone know the mail adress/website of HTC who makes them? Have some requests of my own....
Hope someone will post here as soon as they find out more..
If it has the newer Xscale CPU it's very likely it will support SDIO. The SD controller is build-in the CPU and all Xscale CPU's support SDIO.
Ok, first off, getting your electronics info from "Stuff" magazine is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA. Plus all magazines like that are typically posted about two months after they are written, making them pretty useless for new developments.
Secondly, predicting a new XDA is like predicting that the sun will come up tomorrow, that winter will come in a few months, or that the curry I ate today will sting my ass tomorrow. It's obviously going to happen.
It's worthless until they say "on this date a new XDA with these features will be available." And when they can do that, you'll already have read it here two months earlier.
pc pro
i have a pc pro subscription. They had a review of the new iPaq with pocketPc 2k3. they went on to mention that all the pocket devices will be getting the update. including XDA.
Tomorrow never comes? But we old get older, and hopefully wiser...
Right Carlos...
One of the main reasons for a forum is for guys like me to wonder about stuff. Ask questions to other users with the same interest. Sometimes intelligent questions and some times less intelligent, but always within the region of interest of other forum readers. If you feel a threat is dumb, don't read it and especially don't reply on it. No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
I had a question, couldn't find it in the forum so I asked. Big Deal.
is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA
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Anyway, PPC2K3 will appear on the XDA: Maybe not today; maybe not tomorrow; but soon and for the rest of your life.
::Bonkers eyes that revolve around three times per second because of copious amonts of beer:: Oh, not allowed that emoticon yet?
No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
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Sorry, I wasn't laughing AT you, but WITH you... I posted what I did because many people don't realize just how that publishing process goes--it's very lengthy and full of PR assholes. Those "what's new in electronics" columns are one of my pet peeves. And I'm a gruff asshole by nature anyway, so it came out worse than intended.
Hehe, no harm done. At least you were true about Stuff Magazine and most of it's other companions.
So.... When is the new model comming out?
Playboy says next week...
..... it will have more intellectual articles about geopolitical situation? :wink:
in this article
Taiwanese ODM High Tech Computer (HTC) Corp will ship an updated PPC 2003/ARM4 version of its Falcon (aka Spaceneedle, Wallaby) PPC Phone Edition design, as sold by AT&T, mm02 and T-Mobile, before the end of June.
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and yesterday being the end of june, they seem to have missed the deadline... : [
This may be of interest..
I spoke to T Mobile UK about when the MDA was going to be introduced. They said that it was originally going to be introduced in March but now has been put back to the end of this year (because of techical difficulties?).
I wonder if they are planning to introduce the new unit.
New XDA details
This s the response I received from Carrier Devices regarding the New Qtek (XDA):
"There are plans for a new Qtek device, however I can't give out any official information. It won't be available until the end of the year, but will have Built in Bluetooth, SDIO and be tri-band"
please refer to topic http://xda-developers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1500 for further information about the XDA II
I guess I got my initial question answered, so as far as I'm concerned, this topic is now out-of-date
thanx for all the replies!
New XDA gets a mention at the register
As usaul no details about it though
The article on the register hints at WiFi.
Saying that users can seamlessly jump from hot spot to gprs...
Bet it will all cost a small fortune though!!
Who cares Martin! Us suckers will still buy it, it's only money!
If somebody has the time...
Bring back the wishlist for XDA II and make it a sticky.
Bring on SDIO and the bluetooth!!!!

from XDA back to a mobile phone

My upgrade t610 will arrive later this week. Must be a good phone, as its been out of stock.. A few instability issues with the XDA have made my mind up. This is what I now choose:
t610 - main mobile (like normal people..)
XDA - as a PDA. (like a posh git!)
Can anybody who has gone this illogical way back in time also, please give some advice, and comments. Is it easy to cope going back to an ordinary mobile handset again? Or did you move back to the XDA . .
All comments very welcomed please.
hi i dunno what id do without my XDA lol
i was like this with nokias when the 3510i was 1st released i had one of the 1st units out i thought it was the dogs bollocks then the 7210 ect.. came out i was like um im bored of this so i was gonna get a big pda phone i though......
7210 i could only just afford, 7650 i want badly and i can only just afford, p800 out my league, spv i want but id like the XDA more but XDA was way way out my price range
so i was going to get the spv as my mate had the spv and another had the 7650 i was impressed by both....
but one day browsing ebay i found an XDA for £190 buy it now so i got it and i was like damn being with nokia all that time and moving to another make is a big step....
but after
nokia are cheaply made peices of ****e :| now campared to the XDA
but now i have kinda like taken a fancy to the 6600 and 3650 but the thing that sucks about them is no SD slot :| only mmc and only 128mb tops which plain sucks.
so i want the XDA 2 when its out but i know im not gonna be able to afford that.
but if the XDA1 had bluetooth i would keep but i really want bluetoohe
this has made me thought of getting a 3650 and then a ipaq 3870 so i can use the net on the move using bluetooth and also have a mobiule phone/camera to take pics and put them on my ipaq.
but im not too sure as i love the XDA lol
sorry for the comfusion just i wont be able to move down from XDA to a normal phone it would have to be PDA style or ahve PDA features atleast
once you have tasted the cream how can you go back to uht long life milk on your corn flakes? just buy jeans with big pockets.
The Xda promises me a mobile office and to a certain
extend it has. I no longer feel guilty sitting in a coffee bar when I should be behind a desk
I can envisage working well into my old age too if it means I can sit in a beach somewhere instead of behind a desk. And when my memory finally goes....
speaking as an XDA newbie - I've had mine about a month now - and not to mention the CPW billing issues :evil: ... I personally have to agree, but that there is a time and a place for each unit. Let's face it there are times when the XDA is just a bit inconvenient and you wish you had a sturdy little nokia in your pocket.
The beach thing sounds great, but do you really want to use the unit in that environment ? that's when your digi fun-cam-fone comes in handy for me.. 8)
I've also suffered a few glitches which make me wonder if they haven't got the application quite "right" yet ? (a la 3..) for true mobile comms - certainly the costs are prohibitively expensive, i.e. the service providers need to drop costs to consumers and speed up the service. But also the phone software doesn't seem to work too well with the PC side ? Or is that me ? :wink:
So in summary I think there's a place for the XDA, e.g if my music career takes off I can be fully mobile with all my demos in tow etc - the possibilitys are endless, but for now I'll keep checking my pop mail from work, playing pacman in meetings, getting annoyed that I can't get through the company firewall to get work e-mails (bugger that one!)
he he I dont actually take my xda to the beach.
What I am trying to say is that I am more in love with the concept of mobile computing and how it can change the way we work.
I mean why retire when you can continue "working" at the beach if you know what I mean.
To free us from the tyranny of being tied to our desk or office thats the promise.
This is very exciting and I am looking forward
to seeing what came out in this type of devices.
There is of course a portion of the population (even a majority) that cannot be bother with the complexity
or for whom voice call reliability is absolutely critical and lets face it the xda is not quite "there" yet.
Hi All,
It's an interesting argu ... however, let me remind you all how we can now have a tablet PC instead of the old days when I was lucky to get XT with 20MB HD PC on my desk. I believe the XDA (as a concept) is still a baby. It has its own challenges (battery life for now). Also, the wireless comm is evolving too fast (GSM -> GPRS -> UMTS -> ... ??? ) ... I can see that day comming when you will no longer be able to say is it a phone or computer :wink:
For now, one have to decide: either you need a mobile computer, or a computerized mobile
Hmmmm...something to make you think here:
'tis true alquerty - I myself did a support job where I was laptop based, and found myself working from home due to the timings of various procedures. The line started becoming blurred for me then.. checking logs whilst shaving and all sorts..
Going back to the previous point about the XDA being a baby. Absolutely. The idea of us having a mobile unit that does everything has surely been around for yonks. Thunderbirds, Joe 90 - video watches and all that. We're getting there, that's what I meant about the application, it just hasn't been fully realised yet - give 3G a little while and we'll all be there soon anyway :lol:
Bring the points together and you could end up with this nightmare-ish vision of the future, with no communicative boundaries. You can always be found. But I guess the question you have to ask is "do you want to"? - Which is where I think the doubters come in - I guess they just like their privacy, and regard voice as definitive ? (i.e. "if I'm speaking to them then I'm available")
Interesting debate !
The Nokia Communicator has a good principal. I think these things go back to the nineties? Anyway, the office away from the desk.. You open up the communicator, and there it all is waiting for you. qwerty keyboard, reasonable screen, and some useful apps.
I remember the best thing that nokia did with that was the fax. You were able to send and recieve faxes with that thing superbly.
From memory this might have been the first mobile with speaker phone as well. Stick the phone on the kitchen table and sit round it having a conversation. Pioneering days.
Yes ppc has come a long way. Playing strip poker on the sly and such is great. But the fundamentals of the business users are not forfilled. For this market a reliable functioning piesce of equipment is required. Nokia seem to have this side covered?
Anybody ever seen a nokia communicator (9190 I think...) being used with a pocket pc? How daft would that be!!!
well my XDA is now sold ill miss it getting a 3650 to try out.
if i dont like it then straight back to the XDA but ill get a 64mb version this time round thats if i dont like the 3650.
if i like the 3650 ill get an ipaq with built in bluetooth and a gps unit so that way i can still use the net using 3650's bluetoohte and have a cam and pics in instant + mms and reliable signal on the phone
shame bout it being a sybian phone and not CE
>>shame bout it being a sybian phone and not CE
If its CE then it wouldnt be reliable would it and you are back to square one? HaHa
ok ok its getting better with each rom update
Must be a good phone, as its been out of stock.
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Don't delude yourself. A year ago I wanted a T68 badly to use with my Jornada via Bluetooth. Must be a good phone--it was back-ordered three weeks, right? First one was DOA. Second one lost the "up" direction on the joystick in about a week. Third one went two months before it just started rebooting itself. Replacement for that was DOA.
Meanwhile I moved up to the XDA and cannot imagine going back. I had to use a regular phone for most of a day when I hosed up a radio stack update and thought I was going to lose my mind.

Android security cam or system?

OK..... As some of you know I own a deli/restaurant. We were broken into recently (no I don't have a security system and yes I'm a dope), luckily they only got us for $200-$300. I understand all of the obvious options we have for a system and I will be putting those in place asap.
Here's the thing.... there was no sign of forced entry. I have business partners (wasn't them) and 2 employees with keys (really don't think it was them) but possibly someone that knows any of the above got their key. None of that matters (my tiny brain will investigate that)....
Is there a security system or cams that could be linked to any of my android phones or tablets? If anyone knows of a system anything close to what I'm talking about, that would be really cool.
I'll be meeting with Time Warner and my wife just mentioned adt about a system but..... if I could any how have cams going to my tablets or phones that would be even more helpful, if it was an inside job.... and I hardly EVER think that way but there was no sign of forced entry. Also it happened the day of the Hurricane so the cops said anything outside with finger prints wouldn't show a thing.
Just saw something similar on the Nook Color forum and was wondering why I didn't ask this question to you guys the day it happened.
Money is somewhat of an option (as it is to most people) but having something feeding to my android devices would be priceless.
If this is an obvious answer please let this thread sink but if there is a way to have security running to my phones or tablets please speak up.
Sent from my unrooted Galaxy Tab.
Costco has an 8 camera dvr system for~ $300. Web accessible...I am getting one for my home.
Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
There are plenty of systems that will link to your devices, aft included. I will go find some for you
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Everfocus brand dvr systems have a free app called mobile focus, links in to dvr for realtime, also supports ptz over WiFi, 3g, or 4G... I've installed tons of them
And u can use any camera that is bnc or composite with bnc converters
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Wow guys! Thank you for the quick informative responses. This is a serious matter to me and really means a lot.
Sent from my unrooted Galaxy Tab.
bigsc said:
There are plenty of systems that will link to your devices, aft included. I will go find some for you
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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phreezex said:
Everfocus brand dvr systems have a free app called mobile focus, links in to dvr for realtime, also supports ptz over WiFi, 3g, or 4G... I've installed tons of them
And u can use any camera that is bnc or composite with bnc converters
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im4Christ92 said:
Costco has an 8 camera dvr system for~ $300. Web accessible...I am getting one for my home.
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Thanks to everyone else that posts. Lol
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f#cken BUMS !!!
any suggestions for those that want the wireless route of camera? where I want to mount mine I wont have any existing cabeling for video and even getting power to it is gonna be tricky.
Really want remote viewing control on phone, recording dvr either onsite or in the cloud. most seem to be hardline cameras still except for the IP cameras which dont work with most typical dvr's ive seen at first glance. I know they make transmitters to convert the wired camera to wireless but thats adds a ton of clutter too as ones ive seen are bulky.
Try logitech alert 750e on Google.
HTC EVO 3D @ 1.7GHz running silverneedle kernel and viperROM
Go to android market and download alarm. Com, but you need to have vivet alarm system. I have them and with this app I can see my front of house with the cam I have placed inside the bird house. Lol
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I can also monitor who goes in and out the front door or and window that is opened, I can adjust my ac system and lock or unlock the from door. Lol
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I hate geovision dvr cards, but they have an android app finally. Most systems can be viewed from a web browser, but you'll want to make sure that there is an app for them as it makes viewing the video remotely much easier.
If you don't want to worry about finding an app for a specific brand go with wireless cameras. Don't get the kind that need a base unit. Get some that can be linked to a wireless router. You can then setup an existing computer to record the video or get a new computer dedicated for just this. Since each camera uses its own up address you can use one of the many ip camera apps in the market.
If you need help with anything send me a pm. I do camera installs and repair as a side job.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
unCoRrUpTeD said:
I hate geovision dvr cards, but they have an android app finally. Most systems can be viewed from a web browser, but you'll want to make sure that there is an app for them as it makes viewing the video remotely much easier.
If you don't want to worry about finding an app for a specific brand go with wireless cameras. Don't get the kind that need a base unit. Get some that can be linked to a wireless router. You can then setup an existing computer to record the video or get a new computer dedicated for just this. Since each camera uses its own up address you can use one of the many ip camera apps in the market.
If you need help with anything send me a pm. I do camera installs and repair as a side job.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Let me talk to my business partners and wife tonight or tomorrow morning and I'll shoot you a pm after I talk to them. This seems to be a fairly cheap option w/out monthly fees or a base. I also have a sneaky suspicion that maybe someone is going in after we close and eating or feeding their friends and family like kings.
I work 7 days a week and close the business quite a few of the days. Sometimes I get a gut feeling that things weren't the wah they were when I left the night before. Soooo..... If I could be watching my business at night while yucking it up on xda, that's a win/win.
Sent from my unrooted Galaxy Tab.
I don't have any information for you, but just want to show my sympathy toward your situation. It would be terrible if someone you trusted with the keys was doing it or even giving the key to their friends to do it. I am a Union Committeeman at the shop I work at and I just had to sit in with a maintenance man of ours while he got fired for stealing from the company. He was using his key to come in after hours and stealing copper wire and brass fittings and taking them to the scrap yard for money. The Plant manager was suspicious that it was an inside job and took pictures of the cars and people he suspected and took them down to the local scrap yard. They identified the guy and his car and even gave him a copy of the invoice he signed himself(dumbass). He lost a decent job over $76. There was nothing the Union could do to fight it because he was basically caught red handed. The Plant Manager gave him the option to either resign his position on the spot, or he could try to fight it and he would get the cops involved. He admitted doing it and resigned. Anyway, I hope you can catch whoever is doing it. I hope it's not the people you have trusted with keys, but it just sounds strange to me that there are no signs of forced entry. It may cost you now to install a camera system, but will save you $ in the long run. Good Luck bro.
housry23 said:
I don't have any information for you, but just want to show my sympathy toward your situation. It would be terrible if someone you trusted with the keys was doing it or even giving the key to their friends to do it. I am a Union Committeeman at the shop I work at and I just had to sit in with a maintenance man of ours while he got fired for stealing from the company. He was using his key to come in after hours and stealing copper wire and brass fittings and taking them to the scrap yard for money. The Plant manager was suspicious that it was an inside job and took pictures of the cars and people he suspected and took them down to the local scrap yard. They identified the guy and his car and even gave him a copy of the invoice he signed himself(dumbass). He lost a decent job over $76. There was nothing the Union could do to fight it because he was basically caught red handed. The Plant Manager gave him the option to either resign his position on the spot, or he could try to fight it and he would get the cops involved. He admitted doing it and resigned. Anyway, I hope you can catch whoever is doing it. I hope it's not the people you have trusted with keys, but it just sounds strange to me that there are no signs of forced entry. It may cost you now to install a camera system, but will save you $ in the long run. Good Luck bro.
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Thanks! I tried doing a little detective work myself but lead me nowhere. They got me for the $100 bucks I leave in the till everynight to start the next day with and got my change box (roughly $200) where I keep all my rolled quarters, dimes etc to make change for the register ( this is where my detective work came in) . I went to a local change for dollars machine vendor but so many people use those daily (including myself when our home change cup gets full) that it would be impossible. I went to local stores and told them to keep an eye on anyone paying with rolled change. That's about the extent of my detective abilities. If I knew any crack dealers they would be the first ones I would ask if anyone's has been buying crack with rolled quarters (haha) .
As for food possibly missing at night is weighing heavy on my mind due to the whole trust issue when you hand a key to your business to someone you trust. I really don't think its anyone with the keys but maybe someone they know grabbing the key while they're sleeping or whatever.
I'll get the bastard whoever it is.
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spookytay said:
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Thanks for the link!
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