Thanks to this join with NEO XL we edited this rom from GULLUM Touch XB.
All grafics are new.
And full of apps.
HTC Home
BatteryStatus (265)
HTC Enlarge title
HTC Enlarge Start Menu
Active Sync
Comm Manager (Touch Dual)
Internet Explorer
Peek Pocket
USB HDDrive (wm5torage)
Bubble Breaker
Audio Manager (Fixed)
HTC Albm (now with folder option)
Streaming Media
Voice Speed Dial
Windows Media Player
Office Mobile:
One Note1
Power Point
Call Firewall
Group SMS
Pim Backup 2.7
Sim Manager
SMS Backup
Pocket CM
Clear Temp
Cube Costumizer
Comm Manager Settings
Device Manager
Action Screen
Pocket RAR
Registry Editor
Screen Capture
Tool Bar Colors
Calculator (Touch skin)
File Explore (extension addon)
Network Wizard
WaitCursor Vista
Windows Live
PIE Cache in SD card
AdvancedConfig v1.1
Export Contacts
Mobile Secretary
Touch Keyboard
Thanks to Gullum for this Great rom
Step 1:
Passowrd: PDAVIET
Step 2:
is it with big storage?
big storage
uk19xx said:
is it with big storage?
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No my friend, is with full apps.
Nice collection..
I would like to try it but how's it's battery consumption? And also does the Htc Music player auto-turning off bug still there? Thanks! I guess you should add this app instead of the groupSMS.
for me
d1srupt3r said:
I would like to try it but how's it's battery consumption? And also does the Htc Music player auto-turning off bug still there? Thanks! I guess you should add this app instead of the groupSMS.
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battery consumption is ok and Htc Music player auto-turning off also. for the app i use that one for the next rom
All right I'll try it some time, I have loads of eBook software (skyscape softwares) in my phone right now and still lazy to re-install it again if I've flashed it in this ROM. I'll think about it though. By the way, can you share how you fixed the HTC Music Player problem? That would be nice and some of our folks can be relieved by it.
Thx to my friend Maxniper and the constructively cooperation. He built a excellent rom again for prophet users.
Cool man
dead link
Hy man,
The step1 link is dead, and in other threads too, could you upload it to here or other site?
thanx a lot!!
1st step
blato.gera said:
Hy man,
The step1 link is dead, and in other threads too, could you upload it to here or other site?
thanx a lot!!
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Sorry friend the link for 1st step is changed
1st step
I found an other link,
i cann't finish the installation,
its hang at the "running neomax black.tsk"there,..
Lets give it a try~~ ^_^
That's alright
paddyksk said:
i cann't finish the installation,
its hang at the "running neomax black.tsk"there,..
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just soft reset after you hear a beep sound while it looks like hanging
at the "running neomax black.tsk"~~~
Here is somemore pics~~~
can i upgrade using d new wm6 upgrade way ?
thanks a lot
i have 2 questions:
Is it possbile for you to load this on tour 4share? i cannot download from rs for some reason
Is it possible to use it in Gullum Kitchen?
thanks for the good work
matthieup said:
thanks a lot
i have 2 questions:
Is it possbile for you to load this on tour 4share? i cannot download from rs for some reason
Is it possible to use it in Gullum Kitchen?
thanks for the good work
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1. may need help from other members
2. not possible to use new upgrade method about this rom unless you have its " .nbf " .
so, PVtemp and run upgrade.bat is the way for it ~~~
just finished upgrading neomax, but my screen stuck at "installing waitcursor"....
what should i do ?
would be really appreciate it if u can put a link on your apps...
for example the nice dialpad and the Cube skin...
Hi, I have a htc touch as well and really liked the 6.1 Professional that Erofich bought to us... so I managed to make my StarTrek look really cool.. wanted to share these few things to people who use it..
1st is a black Vista theme.. just copy it and paste it in your phone's /windows folder and change it from the today settings..
2nd is my fav.. its called dcinobar.. which remove the bottom bar from the home screen in your 6.1... and that make's your wallpaper look really cool..
and 3rd is something that made me think to add this thread.. its to hide the sim contacts..
4th one which i am testing right now us called HTC X button.. whcih close's a windows rather then minimizing it
thank you for pointing that out lewnetoons.. i have updated it with Tom_fix_WM5 Storage and have also tested it..and its working fine.. and some thing else I tried out was the SPB mobile sheel 2 that i am using in my touch.. its working great.... and to be honest.. much faster then the touch.. .. the link to download that is
i would also be editing more things as i use it....
incase you found anything here useful.. the complete credit goes to Erofich.. i just had these file's in my hard drive.. i hope Erofich know's that he did a major thing for the StarTrek.. anyways the list of 6.1 expansion is endless.. i am also using fring right now.. which is a VOIP software from try it out..
took a small video showing off SPB mobile shell
wm5storage doesnt work on 6.1 for me.
wm6.1 pro
you need to be using the pro version, works fine for me
thank you for the vista theme, its really beautiful!
sapphire_pro said:
thank you for the vista theme, its really beautiful!
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Thank you sapphire_pro.. please dont limit your self.. you could add more by going to
and many more as this.. do search around.. am sure you would find a million themes..
dcinobar doesnt install on my says that the program is not intended for this device....i have a smartflip runing erofichs wm 6.1 does anyone have dcinobar that works for this?
im not sure if it will work on a startrek, as i have a hermes, just thought id let you know that if you install
HTC Task Manager
then you get the additional functionality of XButton too aswell as the taskmanager
But its posted in the startrek i thought it would be meant for it.. any alternative program that has same function as dcinobar?
i was referring to HTC Task manager as stated in my post
i dont own a star trek but thought you all might benefit from it rather than using X Button..
however the thread poster does own a startrek, and the dcinobar application works for him, so id suggest just wait until he can support you with it.
Read the first post carefully - its for Wm6.1 Professional, NOT Standard!
kind of my miss there mickeyt500 ...i have updated it.. anyways do try out the 6.1 pro version.. its worth it.. i am loading it on my 2nd StarTrek right now..
Could you tell me whether the Wisbar Application is Freeware or not?
Were can I get it?
wisbar is worth around $10
however i got mine off rapidshare by searching...
I installed numerous versions of the HTC Home and no matter what i do it does not show on the Today screen.
sujahat said:
wisbar is worth around $10
however i got mine off rapidshare by searching...
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How do i make the SPB Now screen as my Default Home Screen ? kind of like my default theme?
The homescreen on your youtube video, is that SPB now screen or Wisbar?
error 270
Hi guys, I am trying to flash 6.1Pro to my imate smartflip but keep getting error 270 (image file corrupted).
Any one else get this error?
800panda800 said:
Hi guys, I am trying to flash 6.1Pro to my imate smartflip but keep getting error 270 (image file corrupted).
Any one else get this error?
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run SoftSPL
thanks Erofich ! I use your RUU_STAR100_WM61PRO_V2 exe file, do I run softSPL first and then the intire exe file or do I need to run them all individually?
great rom work by the way!
Here's my 6.5 charmer ROMs
Added new rom Now with IE_8 and Face_book opal commManager
known bugs
A2DP stereo Bluetooth play back is perfect
please give me your feed back
P.S. Don't Forget to DownGrade to WM5 before Flashing any 6.xx Rom
DownLoad Blue_v1.0
DownLoad Black_v1.0
DownLoad Black n Gold
best regards
I load it an give it a try. My Feadback comes when it is installed.
I have it installed and it stuck at the Bootloader.
I have install it again and it was my Fault that it stuck at the Bootloader. It is an HTC Blue Angel Rom.
This Rom is great for the first !
Hi Swampy395,
your rom is great and worked very well (ON CHARMER). Thank you. Go on!
Hi Swampy,
this rom works really well and fast.
but sometimes, when I listen music over bluetooth I have little breaks.
have a nice day
P_Siebig said:
I load it an give it a try. My Feadback comes when it is installed.
I have it installed and it stuck at the Bootloader.
I have install it again and it was my Fault that it stuck at the Bootloader. It is an HTC Blue Angel Rom.
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It's not blue angel you didn't read instruction's WAIT UNTILL SECOND CHIME's
ramrod said:
Hi Swampy,
this rom works really well and fast.
but sometimes, when I listen music over bluetooth I have little breaks.
have a nice day
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Hi There Thanks yes you do get a little skiping on second track, then it playes ok you can also turn your charmer off and media player keeps playing,
Hi, thanks for this ROM, I'll try it on my Charmer this evening (when I come home). I'll hope it'll be perfect. Now I'm using WM6.1 also from swampy395 and I'm absolutely satisfied
Hi Swampy.
It´s a nice fast rom, with great design. it is perfect to listen music over bluetooth. now i use mortplayer and have no skips or breaks.
i think, i have found a bug. in the calendar there are no birthdays from outlook.
and i can´t create repeating appointments with ssbh calendar touch.
is the power use higher as under WM 6.1, or is this the homescreenplugin?
is it possible to make a ROM without office, how much memory becomes free?
if you are able to integrate Adobe Reader?
have a nice day.
ramrod said:
Hi Swampy.
It´s a nice fast rom, with great design. it is perfect to listen music over bluetooth. now i use mortplayer and have no skips or breaks.
i think, i have found a bug. in the calendar there are no birthdays from outlook.
and i can´t create repeating appointments with ssbh calendar touch.
is the power use higher as under WM 6.1, or is this the homescreenplugin?
is it possible to make a ROM without office, how much memory becomes free?
if you are able to integrate Adobe Reader?
have a nice day.
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Hi there Thanks this is good feedback
power use taskmanager to close by tapping "x" and it will improve a bit but 6.5 doe's use more power but I haven't seen much difference may b mortPlayer?
Without office is easy about 1MB less I have CAB's for adobe and office
I also have PIE8 working now, skybox and widgets, facebook etc.
The rom is full in this build so more feedback with what you guys want, and don't want in the ROM and I'll check the boxes and build
I'll look at calendar and fix for next build
P.S. guys I don't use my charmer as a phone i only use it for mp3 player and navigetor so your feedback is needed
I'v seen plenty of downloads and not much feedback GUY's no feedback/No change so if you want it to change leave feedback
Is it possible to integrate Manila2D plugin? I used it in WM6.1 and I miss it in WM6.5. I don't like new today in WM6.5 so much.
Blekota said:
Is it possible to integrate Manila2D plugin? I used it in WM6.1 and I miss it in WM6.5. I don't like new today in WM6.5 so much.
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It may be posible there's no reasion that I know of y it won't work I'm buisy porting 21501 at the moment but if you download this
in the extrom folder you will find a M2D cab first disable chome in 6.5 then install cab, it's not the correct version for charmer but should work It will be slow don't worry test it and let me know if all works then i will fix a cab up 4 u
P.S. DON'T Try to flash the rom it's one of my BA rom's not 4 charmer
hello i also use WM6.1 made by swampy395 and its good one, but can u tell me how much RAM will i end up if i put ur 6.5WM on my htc?
antraxbreak said:
hello i also use WM6.1 made by swampy395 and its good one, but can u tell me how much RAM will i end up if i put ur 6.5WM on my htc?
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Hi there i have test programs installed, but if you save first image to your PC and open in any image editor you can zoom in and see the rom at clean boot
swampy395 said:
It may be posible there's no reasion that I know of y it won't work I'm buisy porting 21501 at the moment but if you download this
in the extrom folder you will find a M2D cab first disable chome in 6.5 then install cab, it's not the correct version for charmer but should work It will be slow don't worry test it and let me know if all works then i will fix a cab up 4 u
P.S. DON'T Try to flash the rom it's one of my BA rom's not 4 charmer
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Thanks for that. I will try and let you know, how it works
So I have tried M2D in WM6.5 and have to say it works perfectly and fast. It seems to be as fast as I have used it on WM6.1 also made by you
Blekota said:
So I have tried M2D in WM6.5 and have to say it works perfectly and fast. It seems to be as fast as I have used it on WM6.1 also made by you
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So your happy my friend
Hi! can i change splash screen of your rom to animated splash?
I'll answer. To get Anitmated screen you need HTC Animation like it is in my WM6.5. The other splash (The not animated one) will stay too and will be visible after the animated one. As much as I know you can't add HTC Animation after cooking (It never worked for me) but you can search for it and try your self. The animation is normally called Animation.gif .
Hope I was able to help
Ok about that! Thanks for the answer. But i think so, that i'll be stay for your rom with htc animation splash. Thanks a lot...
Krisz1975 said:
Ok about that! Thanks for the answer. But i think so, that i'll be stay for your rom with htc animation splash. Thanks a lot...
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Hi mate sorry been busy with other projects you can install animated start with my rom there are some cab files on the forum if you search you will find I don't add it I'd rather use the space for something usefull and the only time you'll see it is at first boot, I'v had this rom on my phone for 3 weeks now and I have not reset it once,
Very minimal Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM for XDA Serra.
Thanks to Ervius for his kitchen that made this possible!
Caution: I do not take responsibility for bricking your phone etc. This is done under your own steam and choice!
I have designed this ROM to be minimal and basic. On flashing memory footprint of 31% approximately. Run's smoothly and fast.
This ROM requires Hard SPL to be on your phone.
RADIO (Gives great call quality on the Serra and up to 12 Satellites on GPS): (AT&T)
CABS (Included in ROM under folder called Downloads):
Device Update
Task Facade 4.0
Check Google for latest CAB
Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
IE 8
Microsoft Office 2007
Standard Theme
Touch Pro SIP
SMS Registry fix (removes issue using MS autocomplete)
Fuze items removed and Touch Pro set (QWERTY etc)
Adobe Flashlite
Remote Desktop
Outlook Live
VoIP Protocol
Uploader + Advanced Account (Facebook / Youtube)
HTC Volume Control
Touch Flo
Downloads folder containing CABS
ROM Link:
My Site
This does work on Touch Pro but it is only confirmed to work on an XDA Serra.
thanks, sounds very interesting!
TF3D not from rhodium, but old one (from raphael) ?
Is it mean that i could upgrade my Serra (WM6.1) to WM6.5??
this could be a great 6.5 rom... has potential! thanks for sharing and we'll post feedback
Hi everyone!
Glad people are liking it so far. Have noticed a lot of downloads so fingers crossed some responses soon.
TF3D is basic of basic. I didn't include the HTC Home, I don't use it now the WM6.5 interface is improved. I also found that it killed battery life. I did include the HTC dialler, volume controls, task manager and gestures. The camera is also included.
Yes it does mean your 6.1 Serra can be on to 6.5 now. I have run it on my Serra for one week now. Battery is fantastic, up to 3 days with normal use. No issues found so far!
Looking forward to hearing back from you all. I'll make any mods people request.
Could you post few screenshots???
..nice rom guy!! very light!! i flash my tp..and all it's functionally....
that it's my screnshoot!!
i hope i can help tj1984 whit
p.s only problem the keyboard touch....little for my finger...
Try going to Settings - Input and changing to full Qwerty. That's the HTC Touch Pro keyboard. Much better finger wise. SMS issue also gone which means the auto input using the HTC one works.
I'll get some screen shots tomorrow including using TaskFacade. Post tomorrow evening.
Keep the ideas coming!
Screen shots uploaded on first post.
I'm trying to install windows live messenger from
and it does not work for me!!!
And the i could find the touch pro keyboard. only default keyboard available!!
I able access internet, but when i come to setup outlook live, it failed to connect to internet
'Operation time out' support code: 0x80040608
and Bug found
Go to Photo --> Menu --> View --> Calls and Contacts ---> Scroll down then u will able see it ( contacts overlap and can not read it)
am new to this so am not sure wat ta say how do i up grade ma serra from wm6.1 to 6.5 or7 plus is their any gud flashplayer because a can not find 1 on adobe to play thanx
I have a out of the box XDA Serra, QuickGPS does not work.. keeps saying "Connection Failed". Will this ROM fix this?
Also do you need to a HardSPL reset first? When I try doing a HardSPL reset it says it cannot connect to my PDA. Im using Activsync and the phone is Syned up.
What am I doing wrong?
I just loaded your ROM on my XDA Serra, so far I really like it
I have a question thouigh, you metion a Radio ROM in your first post, if that doesnt work for me how can I restore the stock Radio?
Ive installed the Radio ROM you recommended but im still getting no satalites. Ive got TomTom Navigator 7.450.9028, is that too old? Also should I enable AGPS?
Ive just installed TomTom v7.910.9185 and getting the same problem? Please help
The ROM rocks by the way
elrasho said:
Ive just installed TomTom v7.910.9185 and getting the same problem? Please help
The ROM rocks by the way
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check out video and learn right gps receiver for htc:
tangcmin said:
I'm trying to install windows live messenger from
and it does not work for me!!!
And the i could find the touch pro keyboard. only default keyboard available!!
I able access internet, but when i come to setup outlook live, it failed to connect to internet
'Operation time out' support code: 0x80040608
and Bug found
Go to Photo --> Menu --> View --> Calls and Contacts ---> Scroll down then u will able see it ( contacts overlap and can not read it)
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I have the same problems but winth EnergyROM v3. I think all these ROM are the same..
i dont know if its just me but when i open up camera i get a black screen but then when i take it, it shows the picture.
kinda annoying when i cant preview my photos... any help?
Removed cab's because of a complaint by Microsoft
just install
Hi i just tryed your cab and it does install.
On my phone i now have 2 folder for office
one which has word mobile,onenote,excel,powerpoint (which i think is 2007 came with room)
the other is called office mobile 2010 and has word,powerpoint and exel mobile in it
all the programs from both folder work however im unable to tell if its both version or just one (sorry to new to niki)
I am able to save and all the other stuff i would expected from office.
Im using d-trains 345-23114-3G at the moment.
Hope that helps
Thanks mate, that really helps now I now the cab is working
Thx mate for sharing the office file!
Thx mate for sharing the office file!
Works like a charm!
Very much appreciated!
could have compressed the cab?
Rataplan said:
Ok because I have some problem with my phone I'm not able to test the Office 2010 cab, I already post the cab in my other thread but didn't get any feedback and I need feedback if the cab is working.
So here is the Office 2010 cab without beta.
Office 2010
Have fun,
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Thank you so much for this .
howdykeith said:
could have compressed the cab?
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Here is a compressed version of the cab. Haven't tested it though, only compressed it, since I have a new phone running on Android.
wmn79 said:
Here is a compressed version of the cab. Haven't tested it though, only compressed it, since I have a new phone running on Android.
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Thanks wmn79 will add it at the first post.
@ nabboR you're welcome
@ howdykeith compressed cab added on the first post, thanks to wmn79
@ Viper89 you're welcome
Sorry for the late reply, but I really appreciate your feedback
Thread moved at [OP} request.
Works on WinMo 6.1? No timebomb in this version?
zinconnu said:
Works on WinMo 6.1? No timebomb in this version?
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No timebomb, I think it's working on wm 6.1 , plse try and keep me informed.
75% of it works on Windows mobile 6.1. Powerpoint gives me a not a valid application error.
SDreamer said:
75% of it works on Windows mobile 6.1. Powerpoint gives me a not a valid application error.
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Arf... posible to uninstall it without problem (and recover the old office after) ?
Yes, i ask a lot of questions, but i don't want to crash my phone (important for my work)...
Works OK, on my phone. But is has only Word, Excel, Powepoint. It installed everything in a new folder and kept old 2007.
powerpoint is not working on my windows mobile 6 pda, word and excel perfectly working.
try this, apparently should be the one get from Marketplace
note for moderators: if this is not in the way of the rules, delete the link
Is possible to have the italian version?
Copy/paste possible with this new version ?
Tried on Hermes (Pays Rom wm6.1).
Word and Excel are good. I can open and modify and save files.
Powerpoint doesn't run >> ppt is not a valid ppc app.
Onenote stays old version by the About page.
It seems Outlook stays old version too.
After unstalling all part of wm 6.1 office are OK again.