Software for auto-ignore incoming calls - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi, I want to know is there any software we can use to ignore incoming calls from contacts in certain categories? I use only 1 number for business and personal things, it would be very useful for me if I can auto-ignore calls from Business category after business hours
Thanks folks...

Just wanted to add to the question. I was using Nokia3650 previously and it came with a utility named "BlackList". You could put in contacts in the blacklist and they woudl always get a message of "The number your dialling is not responding at the moment". Is there any such utility available for the XDA :? ?

I would love to have such a utility.........If anyone came accross it, PLEASE post it

Just set that business number to other short "beep" ringtone and u won't get any attention when te call comes in.

is there already a blacklistprogram?

from this thread

Of course there is such a program. It is called Smart Filter(commercial unluckily). I will post it tomorrow (my network is a bit... down... so I'm writing from my MDA! ). Any way, if you don't wanna wait for me to post it - try google!

Search for CallerFirewall on this forum. It's a freeware

Re: CallerFirewall
Tekflow said:
Search for CallerFirewall on this forum. It's a freeware
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Isn't this CallerFirewall in Chineeze?
SmartFilter is good.

Yes, but it has been translated to English (look further down in the same thread)

CallerFirewall rocks. It's ugly to look at, you need to soft-reset your phone sometimes to get blocked callers added properly, but it's very effective and free. Even though it's clunky to use, it's not like you need to be worried about using this program every day, right?

Hi everybody,
I'm using CallerFirewall for some time now and it works great, no problems so far. But u can't block callers by category, u can do it only individually.


[Q] Contact Search Function at Dialer

hello everybody,
i'm loharisan. i got a big Q for all of u that has used X10. Actually i've been using Windows Mobile 6.1 for almost 4 years till today. The most helpful and utilitarian function in WM 6.1 is contact searching mode at dialer.
if i'm gonna call 'JAMES' in my phone book directory, i just have to hit '5,2,6' at the T9 dialer pad then the contact no of james will appear without having had to search or browse for 'JAMES' in full contact list.. then by clicking at the contact appeared on the dialer screen i can directly call the person.. it is really helpful btw.
now after looking review at youtube and reading i notice that there is no explainantion about the capability of doing so in most recent reviews. actually i'm planning to get x10 this week.
so the question is, does android/ X10 is able to that? just as simple like WM6.1?
please comment and mail me at [email protected]. your kind help is very much appreciated. tqvm
I feel your pain. AS far as I know it doesn't, unless of course, you can find a dialer in the market that implements that behavior.
If you want a 1 click dialer you can try "MeContacts". "Any cut" is also nice if you want a shortcut for a direct dial in your desktop.
After the update to 2.1 in September you can use this app:
Guys.. I have the answer for you.. found it a while back and have been using this as my dialler ever since.. it's called "superdial" by Episode6
You'll love it.
im_iceman said:
Guys.. I have the answer for you.. found it a while back and have been using this as my dialler ever since.. it's called "superdial" by Episode6
You'll love it.
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Seam pretty good! thanks
The app aTakePhone has that function too.

T9 search in stock dialer

Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Same problem as you mate, the dialer sucks due to this fact. I went for go dialer instead. Works well and has video call (i think...?) And nice grouping of contacts if you have lots...
At least it gives the correct search if nothing else
I'd too stick to the default dialer if it actually worked.
Good luck, and please post here if you find a hack for it.
if you mean t9, try dialer one from market.
sent from my SGSII via T*patalk
Yes, sorry...
I wanted to say t9
To reply to the other posts, neither GO contacts nor Dialer One fits my needs. I've tried almost dialers...
And want to have the t9 for the dialer section and not for it's contact section.
So, I also hope that some skilled developer will find a solution for us.
I'll keep posting any news anyway.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I'm curious but what about dialer one isnt meeting your needs? It searchs first and last name and by number, in both contacts and call logs, all similtaneouly. Brings most often contacted to the top, etc. I'm wondering if its the company name? Not sure as that gets included in the return as I have my contacts set up by name except where then company is the name itself and then I have different numbers set up under that contact. Just curious as I'm always looking for a better mousetrap. I'm sure someone will be along to point at that requests do not belong in this section as stated in the faq above.
krabman said:
I'm curious but what about dialer one isnt meeting your needs? It searchs first and last name and by number, in both contacts and call logs, all similtaneouly. Brings most often contacted to the top, etc. I'm wondering if its the company name? Not sure as that gets included in the return as I have my contacts set up by name except where then company is the name itself and then I have different numbers set up under that contact. Just curious as I'm always looking for a better mousetrap. I'm sure someone will be along to point at that requests do not belong in this section as stated in the faq above.
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Yeh Dialer one searches business name and just about everything in the contact info. I wouldn't go back to stock even if it did search properly, even though that is why I left it. I personally don't see whats missing in Dialer one either so curious what the topic author finds is missing.
Edit: Except he DOESN'T want T9 when searching contacts and only in the dialer. Not sure of the reason for this but hey. He could always use the stock contact manager still and only use the dialer for making calls.
Oh, I assumed he was using T9 search. I dont even have a contact shortcut on the home screen. A lot of people don't realize its actually less clicks to get to a number through T9 on the dialer than any other search method.
krabman said:
Oh, I assumed he was using T9 search. I dont even have a contact shortcut on the home screen. A lot of people don't realize its actually less clicks to get to a number through T9 on the dialer than any other search method.
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I agree. Pretty much all contact methods are easily accessable in Dialer one by entering just a few numbers for detailed t9 prediction then clicking on their contact photo choose call, sms, email, video call, full contact info, facebook, google maps.....
Jus thought I'd say I have no affiliation with Dialer one, just a happy user
I hear you. The stock dialer is woefully inadaquate in terms of enhanced functionality and search. Was used to much better before I got to android. Like I said though, always looking for a better mousetrap or just learning something new that makes things either easier or faster.
I have been using Rocket Dialer. its the best i saw amongst all T9 dialers
First of all, this post was intended to rise a challenge for developers for finding a solution to have a real T9 search on the stock dialer.
Second, I agree that there are many other dialers out there, most of them better than the stock dialer.
Third, Dialer One does not show the company within the returned results. So, if you search JO and you have more "Doe, JOhn" you will see these results without knowing who-is-who. Will you going to open each one in order to find the right John that you want to call?
Anyway, the discussion slipped to a discussion about different dialers, as I can see. All right, maybe this could give ideas to a good developper for implementing the best funtions in a new dialer... or to modify the stock one.
Keep posting, maybe will improve our Android smartphones.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
try youlu address book from the market... its has the best t9 search and interface.
stefanjadex said:
Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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dialer from ZSKF4 has that feature. perhaps you can try flashing that rom. bear in mind that's an Asian rom.
stefanjadex said:
Third, Dialer One does not show the company within the returned results. So, if you search JO and you have more "Doe, JOhn" you will see these results without knowing who-is-who. Will you going to open each one in order to find the right John that you want to call?
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Ahh so you want to show the company name in in the results. Now I re read your message its pretty obvious now I think of it... Ooops.
I agree maybe we should list things that people like from all dialers and maybe some devs can add these functions to the stock dialer.
I thought you meant search say "Nike" and show all people who work for Nike.... of which Dialer one does but it will also show your best mate "Nikelodeon Smith" as well... but will not show the company name in the search names....
Thank you for your suggestion. Can you try please to post a screenshot with a search result ?
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I'm glad that you saw the point. Where I want to arrive is: using our Android handsets also for business, not only for fun.
This is mean that they really should be SMARTphones, helping us to use them better and faster.
Ar regarding your suggestion, let's do it!
I'll start a new post for that purpose and I'll post the link here.
Meanwhile, everybody is welcome to post here their suggestions.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
stefanjadex said:
Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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Did you ever get any solution for this very annoying problem?
njallotkar said:
Did you ever get any solution for this very annoying problem?
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Are you referring to searching for company names too in the dialer?
After reading this post I found this app that does it well - Eir Fast Dialer.
You do have to go into the settings to enable company names though but it seems to work well after that.
jjdoctor said:
I have been using Rocket Dialer. its the best i saw amongst all T9 dialers
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It consumes memory heavily

Caller ID Faker

I used this site for a while now but just realized they have an app which works just as good as the site. Unlimited free calls but the calls only last two minutes without a paid account. Two minutes is more than enough time to disguise your number on a call or to prank someone. It also lets you change your voice just like on the site. It will also record your calls so you can post your pranks to Facebook.
Someone has too much free tiime on their hands. lol
I used this app before its funny.. love to prank my wife at work.. lol
Nice find bro, just in really like this app.
I wish in this section of the forum they will put 50% apps threats and 50% themes. I am aware that xda is 98% for rooted guys, but I love to read threads about apps (non rooted) I assume that there is a bunch of people like me outthere.
Maybe I'm a nombre and there is a forum exclusively for news about apps but I searched in the market and those app reviews apps are ****
Send from the Noteorious BIG 5.3" Bell Canada
eviltango said:
Nice find bro, just in really like this app.
I wish in this section of the forum they will put 50% apps threats and 50% themes. I am aware that xda is 98% for rooted guys, but I love to read threads about apps (non rooted) I assume that there is a bunch of people like me outthere.
Maybe I'm a nombre and there is a forum exclusively for news about apps but I searched in the market and those app reviews apps are ****
Send from the Noteorious BIG 5.3" Bell Canada
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Ever just check out the home section under xda under android apps and games? ..there's alot out there for non-rooted users as well...but you need to root that baby.. lol...
I mentioned "Evil Operator" by the PrankDail bunch in the previous thread and it does more than just fake caller id's........
You set it up to call two phone numbers out of your book and both phones ring with the caller id of your choosing and when they pick up they're talking to one another. It can get really funny if you set up with 2 people who dont like each other to begin with! LOL! Heres the web based version.......
and listen to some of these recorded pranks users pulled on folks using it, some of them are hilarious.......
Check out this recording, its funnier than hell..........
HDCowboy said:
I mentioned "Evil Operator" by the PrankDail bunch in the previous thread and it does more than just fake caller id's........
You set it up to call two phone numbers out of your book and both phones ring with the caller id of your choosing and when they pick up they're talking to one another. It can get really funny if you set up with 2 people who dont like each other to begin with! LOL! Heres the web based version.......
and listen to some of these recorded pranks users pulled on folks using it, some of them are hilarious.......
Check out this recording, its funnier than hell..........
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omg. lol. These pranks are hilarious. What an amazing app.
lmao great apps
HDCowboy said:
I mentioned "Evil Operator" by the PrankDail bunch in the previous thread and it does more than just fake caller id's........
I checked that link, and listened to those pranks.. that's some funny stuff. Thanks
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porkenhimer said:
I used this site for a while now but just realized they have an app which works just as good as the site. Unlimited free calls but the calls only last two minutes without a paid account. Two minutes is more than enough time to disguise your number on a call or to prank someone. It also lets you change your voice just like on the site. It will also record your calls so you can post your pranks to Facebook.
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Oh man this is soooooo kewl! The voice changer is kind of lame, woman makes you sound like helium or Donald Duck, but the number spoof is spot on. Bravo, mate. Oh, and thanks.
Anybody wanna buy a snappin turtle.........he ain't afraid of me ............
This changes alot but I come back to the best!
Error shows as enter your phone number in the setup screen. What should I enter
porkenhimer said:
I used this site for a while now but just realized they have an app which works just as good as the site. Unlimited free calls but the calls only last two minutes without a paid account. Two minutes is more than enough time to disguise your number on a call or to prank someone. It also lets you change your voice just like on the site. It will also record your calls so you can post your pranks to Facebook.
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Error shows as enter your phone number in the setup screen. What should I enter
Is there some an app for middle east for free because my country isnt supported
porkenhimer said:
i used this site for a while now but just realized they have an app which works just as good as the site. Unlimited free calls but the calls only last two minutes without a paid account. Two minutes is more than enough time to disguise your number on a call or to prank someone. It also lets you change your voice just like on the site. It will also record your calls so you can post your pranks to facebook.
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is there some an app for middle east for free because my country isnt supported
Not working any more.
Free Caller id changer
Hi Friends , Here i will tell you how to fake someone else's number. This is very simple process no need to worry about this. There is a App that let you call someone from a different number for free in India found on technofizi website
I use voip provider very much. substitution of numbers works
It wants phone number in setup but it hs no setup option
It wants phone number in setup but it hs no setup option

[Q] call forward from and to specific number

Dear All
I'm sure everybody had this already that he got calls from unwanted numbers, and they don't stop.
I usually use blacklist pro (bought version) with android 4.1.1 it doesn't work currently, probably it has something to do with pdroid, i'm using a cyanogen rom.
So far i'm more intrested in call forwarding instead of blocking.
I am locking for an app which can forward this annoying caller to another number, or all numbers which are not in my contact list.
so far i couldn't find an app doing exactly this what I wanted to.
(It does not matter if the forward counts on my own phone bill, because i've got flat anyway...)
so does someone know an app for this?
would this anyway technicaly be possible?
chruez said:
Dear All
I'm sure everybody had this already that he got calls from unwanted numbers, and they don't stop.
I usually use blacklist pro (bought version) with android 4.1.1 it doesn't work currently, probably it has something to do with pdroid, i'm using a cyanogen rom.
So far i'm more intrested in call forwarding instead of blocking.
I am locking for an app which can forward this annoying caller to another number, or all numbers which are not in my contact list.
so far i couldn't find an app doing exactly this what I wanted to.
(It does not matter if the forward counts on my own phone bill, because i've got flat anyway...)
so does someone know an app for this?
would this anyway technicaly be possible?
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well all those so called 'Call blocking or forwarding' apps available on stores are not compatible enough to wrk efficiently with JB based roms, due to lack of upgradation of those apps from there developer's
so ICS based roms r better for ur issue, since they can support those apps
Sun90 said:
well all those so called 'Call blocking or forwarding' apps available on stores are not compatible enough to wrk efficiently with JB based roms, due to lack of upgradation of those apps from there developer's
so ICS based roms r better for ur issue, since they can support those apps
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I know, but this was not the point of my thread!
copy from above;
So far i'm more intrested in call forwarding instead of blocking.
I am locking for an app which can forward this annoying caller to another number, or all numbers which are not in my contact list.
chruez said:
I know, but this was not the point of my thread!
copy from above;
So far i'm more intrested in call forwarding instead of blocking.
I am locking for an app which can forward this annoying caller to another number, or all numbers which are not in my contact list.
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as i said please use google for the same if u put 'Call forwarding apps for android' in the search u will get a lot of them, choose the one that suits ur needs
Sun90 said:
as i said please use google for the same if u put 'Call forwarding apps for android' in the search u will get a lot of them, choose the one that suits ur needs
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I try staying nice and calm but it's hard not getting mad..
So listen, I don't post stupid questions in a form because i'm lazy or i can't use google. In reality i've been searching such an app which exactly supports my needs for few hours, i've also tested few apps, but sadly my search was unsuccessfull.
Considering that the world is full of noobs posting sometimes unhappy,not well explained or just unintelligent posts I can partially understand your replies.. PARTIALLY!
But this is a Question and Answers forum and you do NOT have to write me "use google there are lot of apps and search the one for your needs"
If you CAN'T give a competent answer do not reply!
If you do not understand what exactly has been requested, read the topic until you do and then reply only if your answer is competent!
Now please do no more post reply on this thread you're not hitting the topic anymore and you can't help further!!
If somebody knows an App which exactly fullfills my needs, feel free to post it..
@ OP
Have you found such an app? I am also in search.
myawan said:
@ OP
Have you found such an app? I am also in search.
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Same here @ OP
Would really appreciate a response.
The OP's outrage at being told to use Google is just as hilarious as it was almost two years ago.
I just want to be able to forward calls from specific contacts (not send to voicemail). I currently have all undesired callers automatically hung up on.
Hi frnd,
I found out a method which works perfectly for me....Hope this will be useful for u as well.
first add the particular number from which u don't want to receive calls to a call blocking list app.( i used cm security app)
second, go to your call settings, and enable 'call forward when busy' to your any other number or to which number u want the calls to forward
That's if the blocked number called u, it will get hang up and automatically redirected to another number..

answering machine for android ?

I'm looking for an application that answering machine for my Galaxy Note, but I can not find it.
You know of any application that works well?
socmoi said:
I'm looking for an application that answering machine for my Galaxy Note, but I can not find it.
You know of any application that works well?
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voicemail lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Not google. Voicemail of your provider!
I already look for that.
I dont think you can.
Voice mail is the best choice you have.
some japanese android phones(like my sh-12c) have build in answering machine , not sure but maybe someone already made some good port !?
u can set the answering machine time when to pickup and to 3 different modes (normal,drive and manner)
there is an example video
i really love this function and miss this on my galaxy note T_T
Yes that would be great i used to have this on my Simbian phones voice mails are recorded straight to your device
someone attempted this on windows mobile but not Android yet (perhaps to many restrictions )
I was also looking for this type of application recently. Used to love this on my symbian but was shocked when i realised this had not been done fro droid as yet.
Is there a reason why it seems "impossible" on Android? Many of us have to PAY for voicemail and PAY with our minutes for retrieving voicemail!
And to those who would replay that this is a legal/privacy issue (like I've read elsewhere), I say, why should I trust my voicemail to my phone company or, God forbid, to Google?
Ridiculous omission
I want the same thing for my Note2, and for my S2 before that. It is a complete joke that Android does not have it built in. It is one area where Symbian is superior to Android. At the moment my only options are to have my provider turn off voicemail and refuse all messages, or to have them pile up which is incredibly inconvenient - if I have a meeting with somebody and they leave me a message there is no way I can go through a dozen messages to get to the latest one (especially without pen and paper to hand). Not to mention my provider does not even give me the phone number of the person that left the voicemail.
I've been waiting years for a simple voicemail app. It's pathetic one hasn't appeared. Even my Sony Z5 had it over a decade ago.
Other links asking for the same:
Voice mail is not the solution especially in India, I tried to pull the trick using tasker, but android had two audio channels n thus I failed, need it badly though
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
so my already saying in the "sh-12c root thread" lets make an own answering machine apk based on the japanese sharp one which worked fine for me in germany.
if everyone have same network talk flatrate and just my answering machine app take the call instead of me and record the saying... its free for everyone. ..
ill post the dumped files here again later.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
and again I'm not alone in this search...yeah I'm a precious symbian user too
and here I was thinking that I'm prolly not using the right keywords to search
BTW we even had a software to set up an IVR on our phone in symbian
Count me in, I tried a couple of apps... They don't work quite as you expect though
+1 for answering machine app.
Sadly, I don't think it's an option on regular Androids due to either hardware or programming constraints. Doubt it's due to lack of user interest.
Hmmmm, maybe it's conspiracy by telco provides so they can rake in more $$$$.? (reaches for tin foil hat)
Again, for the benefit of the head scratchers out there ... Voicemail is NOT a free god given right to all phone users in the world. It costs money with some service providers. Hence the desire for "in phone" answering machine application.
hullo mail is a voice mail app that I use. It works in Ireland, the UK and America I think.
Sent from my HOX
You can also try my VoiceMail profile with tasker !
CoolJoseph96 said:
You can also try my VoiceMail profile with tasker !
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Will have to see if that works.. Looks good.. You are a genius if this works..
Obviously! Let me know how it works in my thread. Any advice are welcome and i'll be glad to support you !
you should be able to use your voicemail.

