IrDa error - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I just bought my xda and slowly am starting to get familiar with what it can do and cannot.
When trying to establish an IrDa connection with another portable phone I get the message that it can´t be done while the xda is connected to a desktop computer. Only I don´t have it connected to a desktop right now.
I tried to activate the IrDa connection through the "extras " button in the active sync menu. The xda got stuck each time and I have to do a soft reset. Can someone help me please?


myo2engine with a proxy and gprs

Im new to this forum and also new to the o2 XDA but i have got a slight problem with my XDA.
If i sync my XDA to my computer at work and attempt to connect to myo2engine ( i.e my email ) it just sits there saying "Sending Request" and it will time out. So what i have to do to browse the internet on my XDA ( which connects thru my internet connect, which is thru a proxy server ) and then when i attempt to do it again it works fine.
But then if i disconnect my XDA from my PC and i attempt to connect to myo2engine using the GPRS connection it also just sits there saying "Sending Request". So basically what i have to do is then reconnect to the internet using the GPRS and after that it works again. This is all very weird to me and doesnt seem right at all.
Im not sure if i have explained this very well or if anybody knows why this would happen?? I wonder if it has something to do with connecting thru work using the proxy server???
thanks for any help

how to connect xda to internet thru usb cradle

hi, i dunno why i can't figure this out anymore. when i used to have my xda cradled i was able to access the web not through gprs but the pc internet connection. i cant find the settings to get it to work anymore. whenever i access the web it tries to dial into gprs.
thanks for your help!!
Go to activesync on desktop, go to options/rules, make sure the bottom box is ticked and that it says internet in the box to the right of the checkbox. That might work.
hey... this helped!
Tahnks this helped me as well GREAT WORK!!

internet connection through ppc

I had a query. I use GPRS to surf the internet from my qtek 2020. I want to know If I can surf on my pc using ppc (GPRS) via the USB cradle, since I don't have serial cable.
I have read lots of discussions to surf the net on ppc using pc via lan/USB etc, but none where it says how I can use a USB cradle for the reverse process.
The reason for this is, I have unlimited usage scheme for my GPRS connection. (RS. 500 per month approx. 8-9 euros only). It is much cheaper than broadband connections, therefore I'd rather connect on my pc using ppc.
if your xda2 have wireless modem installed then you can surf from your pc using the usb cable or bluetooth or seriel or what ever you like
Problem with Modem
I'm trying to connect to the web via GPRS through USB and IR, but I am having no luck...
I have followed the instructions and used the files on the XDA official website, but everytime I try I get a message like error 732 or "could not connect to your device" the PDA flashes yellow for a few second before the error message...
Anyone elese had this problem? Is there a solution or do I need to upgrade OS? I still have a 1.53... Orange
read thumper's post he looks like he can get it to work
maybe he got some idears
I can now use my PPC as a Wireless modem with Ir
Thank Rudegar!
I read the post... at the beginning seemed out of topic, but then I have found the clue!!!
I think the proble was releted to the use of the SPB GPRS software... I could coonect to the GPRS service from the phone, but not using it as a modem... maybe we should tell it to the SW producer?
I also found out, strange, that the dialing string (the one with the APN" was within an extra set of "" which I don't remember to have inserted...
Next step is to get it to work through USB... is that SW was the problem I'll have a positive answer soon!
Thanks again,

I can´t syncronize with activesync 4.0 and w2k5 via USB.

I have already download the new w2k5 to my XDAII and now I can´t wyncronize it via USB with the new ActiveSync 4.0
I have tried via infrared and it works, but when i put my XDA II in the credle, and I try to do it via USB it doesn´t works... Any idea?¿
are u sure the File/Connection settings/allow USB connection is checked??!!! :wink:....... otherwise,u cannot synchronise via USB...
RAGO :lol:
Yes, everything it´s ok
I don´t know what could it be... Maybe reinstalling activesync 4.0...
thanks 4 all.
The problem with the USB conection of my xda II and activesync 4.0 still kickin´...
I have read something abaut the same problem in another post? Or it´s just a dream?
It's kinda strange what's happening with u... :?
Now am not sure,but try the following:
*u must have service pack 2 installed(it's a prerequisite)
1-on ur mobile:go to active sync/menu/connections check synchronize all PCs using this connection,and in the window tab below choose USB.
2-try changing the USB port on ur PC.
3-try restarting ur PC,and ur mobile as well...
4-make sure the File/Connection settings/allow USB connection is checked
5-make sure ur cable is functionning well(try another device if u can,or another cradle if possible)
Good luck....
RAGO :lol:
I´m trying to synchronize in a IBM T21 Laptop... Maybe USB 2.0 not soported? Does anybody knows if ActiveSync 4.0 and wm2k5 only works with USB 2.0 ?
Many Thanks
spend some time today to make it work.
first check on device manager if under network adapters exist "windows mobile-based device" and is ok (not with ! sign),
then go to control panel at network and internet connection > network connection.if you have network card there will be one local area connection (or maybe much depend how many network cards have in pc).when conected pocketpc (wm2005) will create another local area conection,connect and disconect to see what number have ex. local area connection 2.right click properties then better tick on show icon on notification area to see what is about connection.go to advanced windows firewall > general tab turn off,at advanced tab unmark this area connection only,( I want to say to unmark local area connection 2 or what number have this connection between pocketpc and pc) leave marked other local area conection (if is present) to keep protect your pc from ok in that window,now you are back in properties page check at general tab >tcp/ip protocol > properties to be selected obtain an ip address automatically press ok ok again. now in pocketpc go to start > settings > connections > network cards here select connect to "work" and adapter remote-ndis host select "use server assigned ip address" ok ok again.dissconect and connect pocketpc to pc.look at taskbar right-down corner of monitor,near clock,you should see appear network connection icon.first time at every connection between two little monitor will be a red dot going from one to another,in this time computere search for dhcp server to receive ip address,in short time (4-5-6 seconds) link will be active icon will be clear not fading like previous and the two monitors will blink.if this is not happened check on control panel > Performance and Maintenance > Administrative Tools > services if dhcp client is started,if not start it manual and change startup type to automatic.if until now everything is ok disconnect pocket pc, dezinstall old version of active sync install version 4.0 build 4343 restart pc.after pc started up connect pocketpc to pc,it should work.if still not work dezinstall active sync and from control panel uninstall windows mobile-based device disconect pocketpc restart pc install active sync and connect pocketpc,in this way windows reinstall networ driver and now must work ok.
btw I forgot to tel to check at active sync allow usb connection.
good luck.
Thank you very much for everything gabiz_ro.
Ok, I´m going to tell you what I have realized trying to follow your instructions.
Firstable I don´t have that you call:"windows mobile-based device" Or I didn´t find it... I have looked at Lan or Internet connection.
Then, I have tried to find out the conection that you talk abaut that it must be created when I connect my PPC, but I didn´t find it too. I tried to find it conecting the XDA II via USB and via Infrareds (remember that via IRDA does works)
Finally I changed at my PPC what you say abaut remote ndis host, I saved it, and disconnected and connected again, but it didn´t appear anything at taskbar right-down corner of monitor...
I don´t know what to do... And I´m sure that the problem is hosted the new activesync 5.0 or in wm2k5, cause one hour ago, when I came back to w2003se, I synchronized the ppc correctly with the credle via USB...
I´m feeling very weird with it, cause when I put the PPC in the credle (with wm2k5 and actvesync 4.0) the normal sound of the PC when you connect something reconigzed, don´t sounds... what I hear is the double "tun tun" that sounds when you connect something not recognized.
Many thanks
wm2003 is identified by windows as usb device.
but wm2005 like a network connection.
right click on "my computer" > properties > hardware > device manager.expand network adapters,and here when conected pocketpc to usb you'll see "windows mobile-based device"
local area conection 2 (or other number,in raport with how many network cards are installed on pc) you''l find in start > control panel > network and internet conection > network connection.but appear only when xda is connected if xda is disconected that "local area connection" dissapear too,and xda must be identified and driver installed (windows mobile-based device show without any ! symbol in control panel).infrared connection will not work here.on that local area network who represent connexion between pc and xda right click > properties and mark show icon on notification area.....
if you hear other sound like you say,maybe xda is not identified or windows didn't install corect driver.take a look to see in control panel what is wrong.expand universal serial bus to see if ther is some unknow device or something wrong.
there is control panel print-screen and taskbar area prinscreen.
I think that finally thanks to you we have discovered the problem...
I don´t have everything you talk abaut in the device list...
But what I have is this: Generic RNDIS (PROTOTYPE- Remembber to change id Vendor)
It is with the yellow alert icon.
But what could I do to put it right?
Problem FIXED!
That was the problem... It was not recognized, and with alert yellow icon... Thank you very much gabiz_ro, if you´ll didn´t helped me, now I would be changing back to w2003se
Thank you very much again
glad to can help.
Problem with sync on WM 5.0
Hi, All. Anyone HELP ME pls.
When I finished upgrade my device to WM2005, my Active Sync (4.0) not working, on USB mode.
Only it's working with Bluethooth.
And I saw on PC Device Manager -> Unknown Windows Mobile Device.(Generic RNDIS (PROTOTYPE--Remember to change idVendor)
How can I fix this Problem? :?:
re-install drivers for this device
Hoe installeer je de drivers opnieuw. Volgens mij heb ik die niet
Frenske :lol:
Yes, everything what you need to do, is to click on update drivers, and everything will be fixed
Best Regards
click Update!!!
Windows cannot find this driver...
But I fixed this problem, whereas after than my device is dead. (not working radio, calendar, bluetooth etc...)
Now WM2005 is not good working on XDA II.
try deleting the device, restart pc and have windows find it again.
Ive got the same problem, where can I get the drivers to fix this???
Thanks Peter
IIve got my MDA PRO for afew days now.
I coudnt sync with active sync 4.
I did a rom update and de beta version of active sync 4.2
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This PDA is like the world in my hand.
Greetings pocket pc freaks

Internet Shareing Problem

I try to share my sprint touch pro's internet to pc by Internet shareing in conn mgr.When I click connect ,it try to connect ,then the status show check usb cable connection.And then report error ,and ask me to check my username and password.But I just can connect to internet in my phone.Anybody got ideas for this?Thanks!
1 - Do you connect your phone to the internet using your data plan?
2 - Do you tell Internet Sharing to use your Sprint connection and USB cable?
3 - When you get the message to check your USB connection, do you make sure your phone is connected to the PC with a USB cable?
2、How to tell Internet Shareing to use Sprint connetion?
3、Yes,I have connected the pc and my phone with usb cable already.
Now,I do active data connection by hand through conn mgr, and the status now could be waiting for network.but when I try access internet from pc the error still exists and cannot connect
ICS on
vincentchan said:
I try to share my sprint touch pro's internet to pc by Internet sharing in conn mgr.When I click connect ,it try to connect ,then the status show check usb cable connection.And then report error ,and ask me to check my username and password.But I just can connect to internet in my phone.Anybody got ideas for this?Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So, I've noticed that flashing with the recent update ( from HTC for Sprint Touch Pro kills the hack* used to circumvent Phone As Modem. The steps used for the Touch Pro 2 do not work, either: there is no CM_Guardian or HTC_CM_Guardian in any of the registry (there is a HTC_CM_Guardian process running, though and the file is in the Windows root dir, protected of course).
*Entails deleting the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings\ForceCellConnection
Thanks dwellman.It works now.
BTW,what is the Sprint Touch Pro MR?
I meant to say: has anyone found a work around-- short of flashng a custom ROM or rolling back-- to the problem? The problem being that there seems to be no way to tether the Touch Pro with the new updte from HTC.
Aha! See, juggling multiple forums is taking it's toll, but I found what I was looking for:
Hopefully this will work. I haven't tested it yet, but I wanted to go ahead and put this in as well as flesh out the post to make the indexers find it better-- I've been searching for about 5 days.
Most of the problem with the Internet Sharing connection is because the Internet connection Sharing in the Windows Device Manager is disable. Press Enable button and problem solved.
If the internet is not connected by any reason verify always in Device manager.

