Changing layout in Contacts in WM2003 - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I dont like how the info is laid out for my individual contacts on my phone..just curious, is it possible to edit so that i have have all the numbers together, all the emails together, etc..cause right now, everything is spread out and it looks rather unpleasing-...thanks for any help


Weird contacts sorting problem

Hi All,
Just bought hero last week and transferred my contacts from E71 to Hero using Outlook and HTC Sync.
The problem is, People program mixes up the list of my contacts. Here is what I see when I launch it:
My Name
A random set of contacts starting with A to Z
..(and so on)
- a divider line -
Remaining contacts with A
- a divider line -
Remaining contacts with B
..(and so on)
- a divider line -
Remaining contacts with Z
- a divider line -
Why does Hero shows some contacts without dividing them into alphabet? I have checked that all my contacts are "Phone" contacts and they show up alphabetical in Outlook (and was in E71)
are the random ones at the top just ones with Company names??
I know that happens on mine if i sync across contacts that have nothing in the 'Name' field in outlook, and just a company name instead.
No they are totally similar contacts. All of my contacts has name field and I do not use non-Latin characters. This is actually pretty weird. I'll try to add some screenshots when I get back home..
Thanks for the response
leventbb said:
No they are totally similar contacts. All of my contacts has name field and I do not use non-Latin characters. This is actually pretty weird. I'll try to add some screenshots when I get back home..
Thanks for the response
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That happened to me as well. I realized that for those contacts, I only had information in "Surname" field (even the first name was written there) thus it would add a space before this info and the space makes those contacts float there. This also applies when you have first name but no surname. HTC Sync sucks. To fix it, you can open these contacts in Outlook, change the name, change it back to original but in first-last name fields, save again, and then click the dropdown "File as" and select something else and select it back to "First, Last name" and then sync again... Something like this
cokbok said:
That happened to me as well. I realized that for those contacts, I only had information in "Surname" field (even the first name was written there) thus it would add a space before this info and the space makes those contacts float there. This also applies when you have first name but no surname. HTC Sync sucks. To fix it, you can open these contacts in Outlook, change the name, change it back to original but in first-last name fields, save again, and then click the dropdown "File as" and select something else and select it back to "First, Last name" and then sync again... Something like this
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks much man!
This really helped. Since the number of irregular names are limited, I've edited them on the phone.
leventbb said:
Thanks much man!
This really helped. Since the number of irregular names are limited, I've edited them on the phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you are more than welcome.
With Regard to Weird contacts sorting problem with HTC
I had the same problem as leventbb, etc on a brand new HTC Thunderbolt...and the old posts were 2 years ago so apparently HTC hasn't fixed it. For those who run in to this as well, here is wat I found. As much as it seems the contacts are out of order, in my cast it was because there was nothing in the last name field so HTC for some reason, but not in all cases put a space in front of it. So...if I chose to go to the very beginning of my contacts, the order was: those with nothing in any of the name fields, those which I just explaned that show now as having a space in front (only on the card, if you open it up it looks fine); those which start with numbers and then regular A-Z. When I tried copying the first name, delelting it and pasting it back and saving, it went into the correct A-Z place, but then all of a sudden was back in the "wrong" place in front of those contacts starting with numbers (because of the space that is back...). I am assuming it's because the Thunderbolt just synched.
To fix it, I found that by placing my cursor in the Last Name field and using my backspace key, that even though it acts like nothing is there, when I save it, it goes back to it's "right" place in A-Z and stays there.
Hope this helps someone else. It was a real problem when I thought contacts were missing when looking alphabetically, but could find them when I searched...

How to achieve a better contact organization?

One thing I really dislike on Android, is the very little flexibility on contacts organization. I can't seem to figure out a good way to organize all my contacts.
I have 2 problems with the current contacts organization:
Problem 1)
I like to have a contacts database with ALL my contacts and on that database I like to have the persons first and last name. However, for some of the contacts, I don't want to have their name displayed, I want to have something else instead; like a nickname for instance. I can't do what I want because of two simple things:
a) Google Contacts does have support for a "nickname" field, but Android doesn't. At least not on my Hero... I'm not sure but I believe the 2.1 ROMs already support this field if I recall correctly from the last time I tried one.
b) The People app on the HTC Hero (and probably the stock Android one but I don't know for sure) does not allow me to pick what I want to display as the contact's "name", if their real name or the nickname.
If these 2 things were possible, my problem would be solved. I could have my contacts database with their first and last names, but also with a nickname for some people where I could pick which one to display on my phone.
Problem 2)
My full contacts database on Google Contacts, includes every single person I ever contacted in my whole life since I had a mobile phone. Well, not exactly every single person cause I lost a few numbers over the years. But I have a big collection of names and phone numbers of people that I no longer can associate a face with or don't get in touch that often anymore.
However, I don't want to delete those numbers, so I know who's calling/texting/whatever (if that ever happens or if I need to contact them). But I also don't want all of them displayed on the main contacts list (People app on my case). Only a few contacts are the most important contacts to me, my family, closest friends, people that I get in touch from time to time, etc... Those are the ones that I wanted listed on the phone so I can quickly find one on the list if I need it.
Basically, I just want to hide a few groups of people from the main list. I still want/need them on the phone in case they call or I need to reach them (like I said above), but 95% of the time, they are cluttering the contacts list.
Now, it doesn't help much but, for those "less needed" contacts I placed them on a few different groups than the other "most contacted" contacts.
So, does anyone have any suggestions to help me fix, or at least workaround these organization problems? Does any one face the same or similar situations?
No suggestions, anyone?
Too complicated request?
aContact or Dialer One
This two app for contact maybe help you.
Not in evere question, but for me are very usefull.
You can switch betwen "saved" contact and all collected contact (google cont.).
aContact is for Android 1.5
Dialer One for Android 2.1 (1.6...?)

Contacts suddenly not showing a-z list.

On my photon the phone's contact list is not listing a scroll selection of a - z like it userd too? Similar to the ipod touch/phone you could see while scrolling down your contact list a, b, c, d, etc. on the right hand side and you could tap the letter you needed to get to the contact quickly. For example i want to call John and instead of scrolling all the way down to my "J"s i would just tap the letter "J" on the right hand side and it would list all of the contacts in "J".
Anyone else have this feature randomly missing or know what might have caused it. I just noticed it this week.
I am rooted with no custom roms or bootloaders, the issue happened weeks after my root?
Its in the contact display options, I think its the only show contacts with phones setting. Needs to be unchecked. You must have messed with some contact settings. Happened to me too.
Thanks man that did it, too bad it duplicates contacts from facebook so one has a number and the other is just there account info that you cant add anything too.
That is probably the reason i messed with the settings in the first place.
Thanks again!

[Q] Stock contacts and SMS apps - configuration problems

I moved from Samsung Galaxy S2 to S3 with a later Android version (4.3), and there are just a couple of things that are driving me crazy as far as the stock contacts and sms apps are concerned.
Before I decide to move to other apps (which I don't really want to do as I've been pretty glad about the stock apps so far):
How to change the generic picture for contacts?
I liked the earlier format with simple silhouettes in different colours and I totally hate the new creepy-looking faces with a smile, eyes, nose etc. (sorry, I am not allowed to post outside links yet, which is why I had to remove all the sample links from this question and the following ones, which may make my questions a little more difficult to understand).
How to remove the contact pictures besides the text messages?
Before, the text messages were displayed with text bubbles only.
Now there are little annoying contact pictures next to the messages. I've found a couple of threads about it on the Internet but no real solutions, unfortunately.
And this one has been bugging me since Galaxy S2:
How to hide all those contacts that include no phone number (i.e. those imported from my Google account)?
I am able to hide the contact in the normal view (if I simply scroll down the list, only phone contacts are displayed) but whenever I use the in-app search option, the e-mail contacts appear, too, which is pretty annoying (I use the search to find someone I want to call, not if I want to write an e-mail).
Anyone, anything? I know these aren't exactly the most interesting or serious problems, and they're rather Android- than phone-related... but I've spent a lot of time researching this and I've found no solution whatsoever (besides using other apps).
Question [Q] Stock contacts and SMS apps - configuration problems
I moved from Samsung Galaxy S2 to S3 with a later Android version (4.3), and there are just a couple of things that are driving me crazy as far as the stock contacts and sms apps are concerned.
Before I decide to move to other apps (which I don't really want to do as I've been pretty glad about the stock apps so far):
How to change the generic picture for contacts?
I liked the earlier format with simple silhouettes in different colours and I totally hate the new creepy-looking faces with a smile, eyes, nose etc. (sorry, I am not allowed to post outside links yet, which is why I had to remove all the sample links from this question and the following ones, which may make my questions a little more difficult to understand).
How to remove the contact pictures besides the text messages?
Before, the text messages were displayed with text bubbles only.
Now there are little annoying contact pictures next to the messages. I've found a couple of threads about it on the Internet but no real solutions, unfortunately.
And this one has been bugging me since Galaxy S2:
How to hide all those contacts that include no phone number (i.e. those imported from my Google account)?
I am able to hide the contact in the normal view (if I simply scroll down the list, only phone contacts are displayed) but whenever I use the in-app search option, the e-mail contacts appear, too, which is pretty annoying (I use the search to find someone I want to call, not if I want to write an e-mail).
Hi! Changing default generic picture is not possible without root at least(i think it might be best to use a custom rom maybe), removing the picture next to each sms is linked with the contact list so you should try other sms apps from playstore for that and hiding contact with no number in contact list is impossible - try to make a group with the ones that have number and one group with the ones that don't have numbers or remove the email only contact from google contact list(on gmail). Hope i gave you some directions Cheers!

How to show contacts with phone numbers ONLY?

I tried searching the net, but everything I can find relates to MM or earlier. I definitely fixed this issue when I first got this phone, so that only people with numbers were shown in my contacts list. Now I upgraded to Nougat just a few hours ago, and now I can't figure out how to do that again. That option doesn't seem to exist anymore! Am I missing something?? Or did they remove this option from the stock Contacts and Phone apps?
This is absurd. Pulling up Contacts shows a huge list of everyone I've ever interacted with over email, which is beyond stupid, imo. If I need to reach some person via email whom I don't text/call, then that's what the Gmail app is there for. What's the point of this mess? Sorry about the mini rant.
Same Problem
Same Phone, Same Problem, Same Question?!
I'm convinced now that, yes, Google really did think that a dysfunctional Contacts app is what the people want. So, the only solution here is to switch to third party apps. Oh well, not a big deal I guess.
I found a work around, create a new label in contacts and all the contacts with numbers to that label. Then you can customise the view on your phone to display only that label. If you ever add any contacts in the future with a phone number just ensure you add them to that label which you can do via your phone.

