where to get jogbutton - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Does anyone have a copy of jogbutton. I have tried everything and cant get it, Thanks John

Look under Software at http://www.yorch.net/



Good day to all,
I was curious to know if someone who owns the XDA I or II might be willing to send me a copy of his or her 'Handsfree.exe' found usually in his or her \Windows directory...
Sadly, I do not own a copy of this file thus I am unable to use my speakerphone and I would tremendously appreciate it if someone were to help me.
Thank you in advance,
??? It doesn't come pre-loaded on the device??
I just went through my files and I dont have it either
maybe its not always pre loaded if someone is willing to share it, it would be much appreciated [email protected]
i only had that file in my /windows/startup dir. and i deleted it, an i can still use speakerphone, just the lil mssg that informs u; that its on; doesnt show up, buts it stll works

whats orange uk operator code?

I think this is a stupid question but having spent 2 evenings trying to find it
I decided to bite the bullet and ask!
I fear it might be "ORANGE UK" making my question even stupider????
also when I run himagetdevicedate on my m1000 I get a file in windows folder cal deviceinfo but it just contains a "U" and nothing else - any ideas?
As far as i know, it is ORANGE . I might be wrong, but I have flashed my phone more than a few times and I am sure that is what comes up on my Himagetdevicedata text file. When you run getdevicedata, you need to copy the generated txt file to your PC to be able to read it, otherwise you will just get rubbish. Have you tried that?
seems to work! - thanks mate

XDA I - OSImageTool Version 1

Tried to make a copy of my ROM to SD Card. Dialog Box shows it copying but after completing in 6mins or so nothing shows on the card. I want to back up prior to copying XDA ROM and unlocking. Any advice would be appreciated.
you dont really need to save it on your sd card. You can just back it up in a file on your pc. click the browse button beside the combo box(ie the button with 3 dots) and select a name and a path. it would transfer the os to your pc and u can keep the back up there where its safer. :wink:
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I've already tried that and I just get an error message - Unsupported target filetype - don't know how to write destinationfile c:\Program Files\etc...
okay this is what you'll do :: put this line in the destination "c:\rom\os.nb1"; for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap. :roll:
Thanks again but unfortunately entering c:\rom\os.nb1 in the destination dialog didn't work. It returned: error opening c:\rom\os.nb1 for writing. The system cannot find the path specified. error opening target device.
PS. Should also add I didn't quite understand your reference to "for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap
PS. Should also add I didn't quite understand your reference to "for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap
check the image i just sent u. ull see what i asked you to click for the source.(Device Memory (current rom))
then for the destination clikc the 3 dots on its side and type in a name eg os.nb1 and lcick open. :!: :?:
Thanks, man. It looks like that's done the trick. It's currently copying. Once that's done I believe I need to load the XDA ROM to facilitate the unlock. Many thanks for your help.
no probs men. but i need to unlock some 2 more phones an am having a hell of a time. my bros samsung e700 and my dads hp6315. do u by any chance know how i can get that done
I wish I could reciprocate but unfortunately I don't know much about my Wallaby let alone those you've mentioned. I've just downloaded the XDA ROM and my device is not accepting it. Reading stuff on the forum to try to figure out what the problem is. Don't want to take away from your other problems with the Samsung and HP but let me know if you've heard of any problems as to why a device won't accept the XDA ROM. I'm probably doing something wrong.
Cheers for now.
okay i see you really do not know much. now all you have to do is get the special edition rom u get. then use the same program u used to backup your rom to upload the new one. i really want you to be 100% sure you have a back up. then duplicate the back up for safety reasons. Then extract the speacial edition rom. if its just the rom u got the use the program to do it. if its the whole installation u got a progamm called PROGRAMME A should open and it will guide you throught. Then i hope your phone is a wallaby/qtek 1010/ o2 xda/tmobile MDA they are all the same. else your better stop now. then why dont you lets chat i think it had be easier. yahoo ::nowoxi or msn ::[email protected]
Unfortunately, I haven't IM loaded currently. However, what you told me is a big help. I do have the MDA version of the phone so I'll try that when I get back as I have to leave right now. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted as to how it works out.
Hi nowoxi,
got a problem with OSImageTool, I did my own ROM copy but now how can I upload it to my device in case of need(mine is 2020..)? Do I need a SD card or I can do it directly from the xda image program? Many thanks
P.S. if you find a Yahoo mess request,well...it's me!
Didnt really get your compostition. I dont know where to start from or what to think. I know you have a problem and i know its with the ostool but i really dont get (understand) what your problem is. The rom u said u have. is it one you cooked up or the one on your phone before. then wher edo u wanna send stuff to. your phone or you wanna backup the one on your phone :?:
Sorry for the confusion, here's the story.
I'm the owner of an Orange SPV m1000, I received it last week and don't know much about PocketPC....my device is an English version, I'd like to convert it to an Italian one. I found an ITA ROM (it's for Qtek 2020 but it should work..) and soon I'd like to try to flash it. In case of need (maybe something wrong in the flashing...) I'd like to keep a copy of the original ROM installed in my device so I used XDAtools to get one, as you explained in this thread. Now I have this .nb1 file in my pc and the question is: can I upload it from my pc directly in case something goes wrong during the upgrade flashing? Or should I copy the .nb1 file to the SD card first and then try to flash from it ( but in what way?) ? Hope to made it clear now, thanks to your help!
P.S. Still looking the forum for a guide on using the imagetool....please be patient :wink:
Well you can restore it directly from your pc. just follow the steps in the thread. for source instead of selecting something in the combo box. click the 3 dots at the side then use your phone as destination. i hope that helps you out.
Sure thing!
Just one more question: what happen after I have finished upload the .bf1 file to my device with imagetools? It's a kind of autostart procedure or do I have to make some move? Thanks again, bye from Italy
I'm back and about to try to load the XDA ROM based on your instructions. However, question: do I have to removed the existing ROM from my device or will the XDA ROM simply overwrite it?
Hope you're around this Sunday evening/Monday morning!
The rom will be overwritten.

[Q]Does Gameboid work on KaosFroyo?

I have been trying to get Gameboid to work with my eris(KF V34). Does GB work with 2.2 ROMs? My problem is that I can select the BIOS file that you need and it says that that is connected, but nothing else will happen, also when I click on a game file(file.gba) it says that the file is not found.
I have tried to find a way to contact the developer of GB, but no luck of finding how to contact him.
Sorry if this is the wrong sub-forum.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
worked fine for me


hey everyone i am having problems with deodex'ing my phone, i did a system pull ran the program SVAdeodexer on the folder it made. everything worked fine for what i can tell, but i cant seem to figure out howto get it on my phone from there, any help would be greatly appreciated

