does anyone has "caller2picture" ?
I have the trial version and I want to buy the full one, but on "pocket gear" I've seen a post of a user that bought the full version but he's still unable to assign more then 3 pictures.
Can I thrust them and buy the software or do I have to forget it ?
check here
I've used the trial version with more or less success, especially displaying a chimpanzee picture when my collegues tried to phone me :lol:
I've got the full version and it works fine. I've got about 10 pictures assigned to contacts.
can anybody explain how i can use it(call2picture)
you may excus me
i cant speak english verey well
xchange your the man...
need more ppl like you here
Caller2Picture Full Version
Can someone point me in the right direction i need to Dload this software but i aslo keep hearing that you are only able to use 3 pictures please email me any info U guys have. [email protected]
Thanks in advance
ALl this administrator going around deleting my posts... are a bunch of ass hole...
anyway, I will start a forum on my own xda forum later.... Which asshole please own up. Don't hide like a DOG
xchange said:
ALl this administrator going around deleting my posts... are a bunch of ass hole...
anyway, I will start a forum on my own xda forum later.... Which asshole please own up. Don't hide like a DOG
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Oh, please, give me a break... We're doing our best to create a fun experience for everyone. And besides, what hidden about the policy of removing warez trading?
This is not acceptable at all.... Xchange man those ppl are receiving us as their guests and why pay them back by insulting them??? 2 days ago this site or this forum has reached its 500 user and all of them are considering themselves as one family sharing and learning and teaching. Please reconsider your attitude as we all are here friends and one happy XDA, o2, QTEK, SX56 (forgot any?) Family...
Thanks for the ppl behind this site thanks for the members in this great forum God bless us all.
I have to agree with XDA developer Peter Poelman
come on xcahnge - $14 is not a lot for software... that is damned useful...
and entertaining, and intuitive. Instead of moaning why not just develop your own version of the software and distribute it as freeware?
I mean if it cost several hundred pounds and you used it three times you'd have cause to grumble.
Dont forget that programmers have mouths to feed - and being a software developer is as worthy a job as a train driver or electrician.
(Apart from Solicitors & Estate Agents)
I am none of these by the way, but I know plenty of programmers!
Dont forget that we need people like this to develop apps for our phones to make them "far more functional" than our friends nokias, or motorolas are.
Hold on a minute you dont like paying 14 dollars, but you have several hundred dollars worth of mobile phone!!!!
Just try it out. add three pics for your best friends and if you like it then just BUY NOW!
no thanks, I already got the serial no... caller2phone. I guess our opinion are different.
xda site
hi all
this is a great site and i normally log in daily i used to have a nokia communicator but the xda is a lot more usefull and the only real website for the xda is and that started a bit like this site but turned very quickly into a forum for selling software and not really intrested in the people or the product it would be s ahame for this to happen here there is loads of free software out there try downloading bear share and you will get loads of games. anyway keep up the good work on the website.
regards kevin beecher
So... what about sharing the serial!!!!
caller2picture is pants..
I only wanted to be able to select different ringtones... caller2picture adds its bloatware crap and removes another useful feature <sending an sms from the contacts> (or has nobody noticed?)
nobody has made a program with a little box that lets you do the same thing?
Leo said:
So... what about sharing the serial!!!!
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It is useless, because it is generated depending on number on your Register screen. And that one is probably calculated from your name/or other unique parameters of you xda.
Anyone got similar problem. The pictures aren't showing themselves regularly and consistently. They pop up many times less than they don't. Suggest anything, guys? :?
What is frustrating is I bought the full version, but it will not work with WM2003PE.
What is frustrating is I bought the full version, but it will not work with WM2003PE.
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The program does work with my ppc2003. Anyway, you have to remove your sd card before the installation since the system will automatically install the software to sd card even you choose to install on the default location. The Picture2Caller does have some bugs when installed to ppc 2003. That is the software fails to work with all contacts. Anyway, if you feel ok with this, go ahead. Cheers
I want to agree with Arzeb,
This is an AWESOME site, complete with smart helpful people. Please keep up the excellent stuff that gets done here.
xchange: please chill.
THANX to the rest of you.
Tried installing it again withot the SD card, still does not work. What happens is, it does not retrieve the contact's name, and phone numbers.
First of all, great site. Congratulations to all those involved with and to those who contribute to it.
I've owned this lill' gem for a week now and wow. I love gadgets!!
SMS - I've checked out a Arabic/English site
claiming to count your charactors as you type away. Has anyone used this software or downloaded it OR can suggest a better program?? AND if I do decide to get it, find it's garbage, can I get the original software back?
Cell site - Is there a download for finding what cell site you're currently conected to? My skanky ole Nokia 3310 comes with this facility and it would make my calender year if this feature could appear on my "today" screen.
Don't be too hard on me. As I said I've owned the Qtec 1010 for a week and this is my first posting. Any advice would great.
Hi people, had my TyTN for over 2 weeks now (HTC Branded tytn....HT628 serial number)
Just have a few questions:
1. Are upgrades easily done on the TyTN
2. What are these 'ROMs' i keep hearing about??
3. What KILLER apps do people use on it??
(excuse my newbie-ness)
You cant be serious...or you simply just have more money than brains.
1. Yes, but be prepared to re-install all of your apps.
2. Roms are basically the core operating system for the TyTn's, Roms and upgrade go hand in hand(ie, to upgrade your tytn you put a new rom on it)
3. Check out SBSH software and SPB software, both companies make alot of software alot of people use, there is also an abundant amount of freeware out there.
For reviews of applications, pop over here
For a list of apps that are considered 'must haves' check here
ChaoticDruid said:
You cant be serious...or you simply just have more money than brains.
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ChaoticDruid - Give the guy a chance.. we all started somewhere moving to your first "smartphone" must have left you asking some questions too...
ChaoticDruid said:
You cant be serious...or you simply just have more money than brains.
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I'm sorry has my asking questions on a forum offended you in some way?? why bother replying if uve got nothing constructive to say.
Umm, I just got my first cell phone, a LG C2000 about 3 months ago, and have yet to get a TyTN, all I know is before I spend $750 on a device, I read reviews and such, and the first review I read something about ROM's, and well I didnt know about ROM's, but a very easy search on google led me to the answer, and what do you know...during my research, I came across many forums with "must have" software for the TyTN, I'm not out to flame people..but when someone apparently has not even helped themselves at all, I just cant always keep my mouth shut.
It's like this dude bought a TyTN cause it looked cool, showed it off to his friends for a few weeks, and now wants to know how to use it.
ChaoticDruid said:
Umm, I just got my first cell phone, a LG C2000 about 3 months ago, and have yet to get a TyTN, all I know is before I spend $750 on a device, I read reviews and such, and the first review I read something about ROM's, and well I didnt know about ROM's, but a very easy search on google led me to the answer, and what do you know...during my research, I came across many forums with "must have" software for the TyTN, I'm not out to flame people..but when someone apparently has not even helped themselves at all, I just cant always keep my mouth shut.
It's like this dude bought a TyTN cause it looked cool, showed it off to his friends for a few weeks, and now wants to know how to use it.
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In the words of that great scholar, Bill Murray: Lighten up, Francis! This is a board to help others, not to stomp on them...
ChaoticDruid said:
Umm, I just got my first cell phone, a LG C2000 about 3 months ago, and have yet to get a TyTN, all I know is before I spend $750 on a device, I read reviews and such, and the first review I read something about ROM's, and well I didnt know about ROM's, but a very easy search on google led me to the answer, and what do you know...during my research, I came across many forums with "must have" software for the TyTN, I'm not out to flame people..but when someone apparently has not even helped themselves at all, I just cant always keep my mouth shut.
It's like this dude bought a TyTN cause it looked cool, showed it off to his friends for a few weeks, and now wants to know how to use it.
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I read PLENTY of reviews....even saw the podcast about was such reviews that drew my attention to it in the first place. I was going for the P990i. Dont tar people with the newbie brush when all they ask is a simple set of questions! Im sure there are only a minority (when compared to the size of the userbase) of people who actually know anything about ROMs and upgrading. How many O2 customers have an XDA and arent aware of what ROMs do/are....MANY im sure.
Im just sorry my first post became the bait of a flameboy..........rant over
mrvanx said:
ChaoticDruid said:
Umm, I just got my first cell phone, a LG C2000 about 3 months ago, and have yet to get a TyTN, all I know is before I spend $750 on a device, I read reviews and such, and the first review I read something about ROM's, and well I didnt know about ROM's, but a very easy search on google led me to the answer, and what do you know...during my research, I came across many forums with "must have" software for the TyTN, I'm not out to flame people..but when someone apparently has not even helped themselves at all, I just cant always keep my mouth shut.
It's like this dude bought a TyTN cause it looked cool, showed it off to his friends for a few weeks, and now wants to know how to use it.
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I read PLENTY of reviews....even saw the podcast about was such reviews that drew my attention to it in the first place. I was going for the P990i. Dont tar people with the newbie brush when all they ask is a simple set of questions! Im sure there are only a minority (when compared to the size of the userbase) of people who actually know anything about ROMs and upgrading. How many O2 customers have an XDA and arent aware of what ROMs do/are....MANY im sure.
Im just sorry my first post became the bait of a flameboy..........rant over
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mrvanx - On behlaf of PPC users everywhere, welcome to the show. There are a lot of useful forums out there and plenty of people willing to help out without judgement or frivilous flaming. Anyway, have you gotten your TyTN to make video calls yet? Here in the US, Cingular doesn't support this feature so I haven't been able to use it. Just wondering.
pidrissi said:
....have you gotten your TyTN to make video calls yet? Here in the US, Cingular doesn't support this feature so I haven't been able to use it. Just wondering.
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Yer ive only made one video call so far as not many people i know have a 3G handset, unfortunatly it wasnt cross network so im yet to see if the networks here in the UK (T-Mobile, Vodefone, 3, Orange and O2) are cooperating with eachother...(MMS wasnt FULLY cross network until about a year into it!!!!)
The person in question has a clamshell-type Samsung handset and the video quality between was brilliant! My UMTS reception is patchy here in York but it was fine. Ended up getting cut off as the other person lost thier UMTS. As said above this was a video call O2 to O2 so couldnt comment on other networks just yet.
Speedwise my UMTS connection has been as high as 944kbps when tested on which i thought was astonishing!!!
When im out of range for 3G it just reverts back to standard GSM and GPRS.
P.S: Thanks for the encouraging words.
Reception of TyTN vs Wizard
Hi folks,
Any other input on the reception of the TyTN and it's variants (8525)? I've got myself a KJAM and an 8125 and I have horrible reception at home. Even did the antenna hack - it adds a little, but still spotty.
I'd like to upgrade to the 8525 for 3G and increased processing power, but the cost isn't worth it for me if the reception is still as bad as the Wizard/KJAM/8125.
As I have a T-Mobile branded device I cannot register it (S/N not recognized) so I wonder what software updates are available in the restricted area for Hermes? Are there any new ROMs? Patches? Thanks!
P.S. If someone could upload the contents to some hosting service it would be great. I'm afraid to ask for a serial number of a genuine TyTN device however if anyone feels like sharing why not
No Updates ....
I have the same problem. I have a Cingular 8525.
I have a Cingular 8525 and it let me register it.. just enter the Serial # from behind the battery ..
EDIT: Woops, I guess it didn't let me.. lol .. I swear it said 'Thank you for registering your phone' or something like that
Madcap, calm down...You cannot register your 8525 from cingular for a TyTn, but here is a link to download the official version....
Yeah I have that one installed already.. I guess I will wait for the Cingular version.. should I hold my breath? lol
If you're in America...make sure you've got the right website.
Not sure if this will help. And I'll start with a disclaimer that I'm just starting to delve into this site so it's very possible I have no clue what I'm talking about .....
That being said, two weeks ago I received a warranty replacement for mine. I went to the HTC website ( and followed the links for registering my device so I could see if they had WM6 there before I started pulling variants from here (tried three so far...still going to check out others). It wouldn't let me enter my S/N. Kept telling me it wasn't a valid number. So I called (America number) to see if there was a problem with the site. I received a call back within 24 hours stating others were calling about the same thing and that she would check on it. She also said that in the meantime I should make sure if I was in America that I was using the site specifically for us, Went there and no problem. A disclaimer on their main site would have been helpful. Hope this may help you.
Cingular 8525 - vp3g's ROM
"The more I learn, the more I learn how much I have to learn!"
Madcap, I think cingular will have all that cingular media crap on it. Then one of the cooks will tweak it and make it better, plus we will not have to downgrade out ipl,spl
well, I think it's also going to have the 'video share' option as well as PTT will be functional.. and stuff like that.. along with all the Cingular 'please let us milk your wallet' media stuff..
I guess if you use the PTT function, I had it and could not find anybody to PPT with....What is video share? I know that theTyTn has the Video call....
My bad...
Video Share allows one of the participants in a voice call to send live video of what they are looking at to the other participant. Like PTT, you have to have the same phone or carrier..Cingular
Video Share is just like Video Call I guess.. if you go to cingular's website there is a interactive tutorial on videosharing.. I heard the 8525 will be compatible eventually, but our cameras are on the back..
just read a bunch on it. video sharing will cost a bit more and it is almost the same as a video mms. Maybe that is why we see 600 now as the limit for mms. "Video Share allows one of the participants in a voice call to send live video of what they are looking at to the other participant." Like sign me up and find someone that also has signed up......When I had PTT i could not find one person to talk with.
I have 3 people to talk with on PTT.. It's mainly for my drunken amusement.. lol.. when I am drunk at 3 I have a tendency to drunkPTT people.. as opposed to Drunk dialing.. because if they are available, they can hear me, and can't ignore my call
Yep, Just think what you can do with Video calls......Show who you came out with at 2am........
lol.. That might not be a good thing for me.. The beer goggles get me everytime.
Is it a bad thing, I ordered the HTC TYTN from my Service Provider and I don't even have it yet and I am looking for tweaks, hacks and accessories.
I found this forum from Howard Forums. The Wiki for my phone (on this site) helped me tremendously. So thank you to all the contributors of that.
Well my first order of business will be getting Streets and Trips Mobil running on it and for that I am going to need a GPS. From what I gather reading other threads a wired GPS is a bad idea if not futile. So Bluetooth it is. I did a quick Ebay search for a few models I saw mentioned here, and came up with some very wide ranges in prices. I am leery of buying a "cheap" one from Ebay as I have made that mistake before thinking I am getting a great deal only to find out what I bought was flaky at best and junk at worst. So I am looking for some feedback from other people running Bluetooth GPS units on there Hermes type phones.
Ok next question,
Rom, Burnt, Fried, Baked, Cooked, I think they are coming to make me away he ha ha, to the funny farm........ (you have to be older (30-40) to get the joke.
Windows Media 6 sounds awesome, however I don't really want to brick my phone on my first tweak. What is the safest way to update from WM5 to WM6. I am on Rogers AT&T in Canada and would like to maintain most if not all of the features that will come with the phone. From what I understand the Rogers Branded phones have some "unique" registry settings that could be altered when you update to WM6. I am willing to loose them if I have to, in order to update, however if there is a way to keep them I would really prefer it. Specifically the new Named Caller ID. (displays the name of people calling you even if you don't already have them in your phone book)
What should my first tweaks be, are there any really good "to die for" apps out there......
My first love in life is (my wife) however for this topic lets just say cars and driving, hence why I want streets and trips.
My second love is computers and modding. I am also into movies and video's, so big storage will be a must. I want to be able to bring along a couple gig of music and video's with me.
I hope I have not driven anyone away with so many questions. If you can answer even one of my questions that would be helpful, if you can answer them all YOU ARE A GOD.
Thanks in Advance for listening to a newbie post.
first off.. welcome to the forums.. believe me when i tell you youll have tons of fun on new your toy..
secondly, i think you should take time knowing your new toy before you delve into tweaking or playing with it...
thirdly, read up and not until then and coupled with you being comfortable with your device should you consider starting messing with it..
hope this helps you for a start and good luck.
oopss. . .forgot addressing your subject line.. (got engrossed reading the body of your post that i do not think mentioned anything about the subject line )
i would suggest you look into BT-818, its small, compact has long battery life (32 hrs. and 32 satellites) and the battery can be replaced by you. i know a lot of members here will recommend something smaller but for me i think being practical without sacrificing functionality is essential..
Thank You Bapski for the quick reply, I have spent the last 2hrs reading through those pages and I don't think I have even scratched the surface of it all. Finding the FTP site link is going to save me a lot of time searching for files.
I hear alot about Black Magic, and CID unlocking. I came across a thread about how to unlock the phone without having to really do much. I guess this is a pretty simple procedure?
Well I have lots more reading to do thanks again for the links. (And I thought I covered most of it in the Wiki)
Well the phone arrived today.
I gave it a charge for about 5hrs and have been kinda playing with it.
Edited because I figured out how to fix my contact issues.
Now next up is upgrading to WM6. I really want to do this upgrade before I spend hours learning and tweaking WM5 which sounds like it will be a waste of time. However I am terrified of bricking the phone. I have downloaded the CID Unlocker and although it sounds as easy as hell, I want to make sure that the unlocker won't kill my phone. What numbers should I get off the phone to verify all this.
Are there any version numbers off of the phone that would / should be added to a database for anyone else to compare with older phones. I skimmed over a database that listed some phones with problems and what phones had what installed. This is a Rogers Branded HTC TYTN phone.
I am not a complete Tech Moron, I just don't know anything about Phones. (I run an Apache Web Server as well as an FTP Server and a separate Media Server)
If anyone has suggestions or thoughts about the safest way to update the phone with the least amount of risk, I would be really interested in hearing about it. I am going to do the update at some point its just a matter of me being comfortable enough with the software to do the updates.
P.S. I found a local supplier for a Bluetooth GPS for $79 which I will be picking up next weekend. Not sure how your board posts URL's so here it is straight up.
Capt Fiero said:
Well the phone arrived today.
I gave it a charge for about 5hrs and have been kinda playing with it.
Edited because I figured out how to fix my contact issues.
Now next up is upgrading to WM6. I really want to do this upgrade before I spend hours learning and tweaking WM5 which sounds like it will be a waste of time. However I am terrified of bricking the phone. I have downloaded the CID Unlocker and although it sounds as easy as hell, I want to make sure that the unlocker won't kill my phone. What numbers should I get off the phone to verify all this.
Are there any version numbers off of the phone that would / should be added to a database for anyone else to compare with older phones. I skimmed over a database that listed some phones with problems and what phones had what installed. This is a Rogers Branded HTC TYTN phone.
I am not a complete Tech Moron, I just don't know anything about Phones. (I run an Apache Web Server as well as an FTP Server and a separate Media Server)
If anyone has suggestions or thoughts about the safest way to update the phone with the least amount of risk, I would be really interested in hearing about it. I am going to do the update at some point its just a matter of me being comfortable enough with the software to do the updates.
P.S. I found a local supplier for a Bluetooth GPS for $79 which I will be picking up next weekend. Not sure how your board posts URL's so here it is straight up.
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safest way is to change your bootloader if your going to flash... its pretty much simple if you have a stable computer and dont pull out your USB while your flashing.... if you dont have enought confidents yet, read more about your phone....
best safety precaution we do here is to install hard spl 2.10.. with this installed, it is said youd be able to avoid bricking (unbrick) your phone if something goes wrong.
safest and fool proof way is to read MRVANX GUIDES
follow all instructions to the letter and youll never go wrong.. i know thats how i did it.. just choose whatever ROM there is on the guides for a start and then once you get the hang of it, you can try other ROM's as you please..
Ok my first ever change to the phone, Hard SPL 2.10 v7 has now been installed on the phone. Followed the guids exactly and worked like a charm. I have not ran any "unlocking software" yet. I guess that is my next step and then loading the official HTC WM6 update.
Yee Haw, I am rocking out now.......
Ok I did the Bootload update.
Then followed the guides again
I updated the Radio and then updated to Fara's Super Clean WM6.
Dang I was all paranoid for nothing, most of this is just click through and go.
There was a few times the Phone asked me questions that were not listed on the guides, but I think I just said, Yes Allow every time it asked anything and all went well.
congratulations... good to hear everything worked out well...
congratulations.. good thing your upgrade went well...
I updated to radio ver 1.41 and am having issues with network connection. GPRS does not want to work and when I am connected to my home wireless router it is spotty at best. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. As well as the range seems to be drastically reduced.
Any suggestions?
Capt Fiero said:
I updated to radio ver 1.41 and am having issues with network connection. GPRS does not want to work and when I am connected to my home wireless router it is spotty at best. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. As well as the range seems to be drastically reduced.
Any suggestions?
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try 1.50........
Thanks, I will try that.
if that dont work try 1.50.10/1.51
I installed Radio version 1.50 and everything is or at least seems to be working great. Lots of things that I am tweaking in WM6.
2 things,
When I had the Rogers WM5 installed I had a a type of Windows Messenger Installed locally that worked well, and now it is gone. Where Do I re-download that from. I have done some searching and only came up with a web based messenger for Mobil phones that loads in I.E.
Next question How do I do batch text messaging. On my old Motorola Razr I could simple compose a message open up my contacts and then go through and check off all the names I wanted to send it to and hit send and it would send to all the people. However in the TYTN I have to add each person separately.
Is there a way to send batch text message with the TYTN?
Ya know I think this thread has moved far enough off topic that it is time that I just start a new thread in diffrent section for all my "newbie questions"
I would like to offer a huge thanks to all that helped me out the past few days learning a new piece of tech. I am still going to have a lot of questions as time goes on. So you can keep your eyes out for me in other Hermes sections. If anyone ever has a car question drop me a PM.
For a Bluetooth GPS you seriously cant go wrong with this:
Garmin mobile 10.
Its small, very small.. easy to use. It uses garmins software on your phone. Its not very expensive. has at least a 22hour battery.
It checks traffic when planning routes.. it can tell you gas prices for nearby gass stations, you can check weather, tell it to avoid almost anything.. its just amazing.
Just to update this thread, I did finally buy a Bluetooth GPS. Final price was $61 including shipping. Its a JRT-29 the website, kinda sucks, but the unit itself is really nice. About the size of an old slide out tray matchbox. 42ch and works perfect. Came with a car charger USB Cable and software to use it on a PC as well as a mobil phone. (did not need the software for my phone, just my PC)
Thanks again for everyones help.