show me some xda developer love - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

hey, just got my siemens sx56 yesterday, and i'm an xda n00b, wondering if you guys could help me out with a few things...
first off... killer apps. what do you guys use. what's cool. what should i try. i've owned a ppc pda before, but pretty much all i got on there right now is 4.0 student and battery pack. looking for resco's file explorer and pocket streets. also good games would be greatly appreciated...
second, i want to be able once i have a screen protector to dial with my fingers, and use the address book with my fingers as well... are there different xda dialers/phonebooks?
everybody on this board is so terribly helpful. thanks for helping me update the ROM yesterday. thanks, john

also that wmodem proggie... what can i do with it, how does it work?

and FINAL question... why is it that activesync 3.7 will stop syncing with my pda? the last time it did it, i had to completely uninstall activesync and reinstall it. when i turn my phone on, it makes a sound to signify that new hardware has been connected, but activesynce remains dim. i don't remember having this problem with 3.6, however, i do recall the problem with 3.7. is there a way around this glitch?

So you installed a new ROM. What did you get? There may be lots of cool things included with your new ROM, including dialers and what not.
Wmodem.exe only works with ROM versions 3.16.52, 3.17.03, 3.19.06 and 3.20.06, it has not yet been seen in 4.x (WM2003) ROMs.

" it makes a sound to signify that new hardware has been connected, but activesynce remains dim"
I get the same problem occasionally and have found the easiest way around it is to do a soft reset, then wait until it's fully up and running before putting the XDA back in the cradle. Annoying but it works.
Hope this helps.

AWESOME... soft reset finally FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKING worked... i owe you bigtime... i've been lulling over this for the past few days... thanks a lot man...


WM5 Upgrade - some questions

Ok, I know there are a LOT of posts already. I have read through a lot of them but I'm struggling a little so I'd appreciate any help anyone is willing to give.
I have upgraded my SPV M1000 to WM5 1.60c WWE. I used Buzz's install, in case you were wondering.
At first I had an issue with Activesync but then I found that I needed Activesync 4 for it to work. I have now installed that and it has sync'd fine.
I'm having trouble with the camera and record buttons but from what I've seen on here most people are and (for me anyway) it's not the end of the world.
My questions are:
1. I previously had 2003se on my device. When I installed it (or whenever it hard reset) an auto-install kicked in and installed some very handy apps (including MMS which is missing) and basically everything was configured for me. I've noticed that this isn't on this particular update. PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong but is that called the extrom? If so, can I get one for WM5? (A link would be nice! :wink: )
2. As I mentioned above, the camera button doesn't work but the camera does. However I'm really not impressed by the camera app. Why does this version only use a window on the screen when the old one used the whole screen?!? I know it makes no difference to the quality of picture taken but I'd much rather have the full screen view finder. is there an alternative for this?
If anyone can advise on this I'd really appreciate it.
Now I'm off home to re-install my fave apps!
Right, I'm on the verge of downgrading back to 2003SE and restoring back to where I was.
Well, I must say I do like the interface. It's nice. The new screens in the phone app are nice, it all works nice.
Now the problems.
First, my 'must have' app doesn't work. SPB Pocket Plus. I can't remember the exact error message but it was something about the version. I'm using SPB Pocket plus 2 by the way.
Second, I tried installing Tomtom 5. Didn't work. It failed on the PC, after clicking next on the verification screen. I've read through some posts and found possible ways around but it looks like it could take a little while and, to be honest, if I'm going to have trouble with other apps too I'd rather just downgrade without spending hours trying pointlessly to get it working.
Obviously the side buttons don't work but like I said before, that's not too important to me.
Now that I've written this all down it just looks like little niggles and why am I moaning but I still feel inclined to downgrade all the same.
If anyone can help me out then I'd really appreciate it.
Don't worry about this. I've decided to downgrade until I can guatantee that everything will work properly.

Help, technical gurus - please

I recently bought a TyTNfor almost $900 including a 2 GB expansion card. Despite dozens of hours of trying to get it to work correctly, I find th TyTN almost intolerably buggy.
1) the phone loses connections frequently -- much worse than the Cingular 8125 or my old Treo 650.
2) numerous application programs either crash the device or do not run properly -- specifically, the player, the the automated download feature or of Audible Air, most of the SPB utility applications, SBSH Weather (VGA Icons), SBSH Ilauncher and others.
3) the battery life absolutely sucks. I get less than eight hours of operation -- with very few telephone calls. I do have Microsoft push e-mail turned on. However, this ought to work -- for God's sake, or what's the point?
4) the screen/stylus requires re-alignment at least twice a daily..
Is there anyone out there who can help me and walk me through the installation of a new ROM, or some kind of update that makes this device work in a tolerable manner?
I would be very happy to pay you for your consulting time. Otherwise, I want to try to get HTC to take this buggy phone back for a full refund and I will go back to using my old Treo 650.
Many thanks for your attention and future help.
ROM version
ROM date 07/22/06
Radio Version
Once I hear that you have alignment problems, then, from what I hear you have bad luck since you have one of the firt TyTns out there. I heard that HTC replaces these units. It hapens to be a common problem on the early devices.
I have my MDA Vario II (a variation of a Hermes) and till now 4 days long extremely happy with everything.
natgoldhaber said:
I recently bought a TyTNfor almost $900 including a 2 GB expansion card. Despite dozens of hours of trying to get it to work correctly, I find th TyTN almost intolerably buggy.
1) the phone loses connections frequently -- much worse than the Cingular 8125 or my old Treo 650.
2) numerous application programs either crash the device or do not run properly -- specifically, the player, the the automated download feature or of Audible Air, most of the SPB utility applications, SBSH Weather (VGA Icons), SBSH Ilauncher and others.
3) the battery life absolutely sucks. I get less than eight hours of operation -- with very few telephone calls. I do have Microsoft push e-mail turned on. However, this ought to work -- for God's sake, or what's the point?
4) the screen/stylus requires re-alignment at least twice a daily..
Is there anyone out there who can help me and walk me through the installation of a new ROM, or some kind of update that makes this device work in a tolerable manner?
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Well, I am sorry you are having these problems. I don't think most of them are a Tytn problems in general.
1) First I have heard of this. I have had the Tytn for a month now and don't have that problem. I move in and out of a 3g area and whether on GSM or UMTS, call quality has been great (better than my Wizzard in fact). Maybe your problem is a SIM issue since this phone is not supported by your carrier where you others might be? I went and got a new SIM when I got mine so I don't know if that could be an issue or not.
2) I don't use many apps. I do use SBSH Weather v1.3.3 (regular icons) and it works well. No issues at all, updates just fine etc. I thought the VGA icons were for devices with a VGA screen (Universal for example). To the best of my knowledge the Wizzard, Tytn etc are not VGA devices so I don't think it helps to use the VGA icons, and who knows, maybe it could cause an issue on a non-VGA device. I have heard that SPB has issues. Slingplayer also works well for me, streaming video runs great.
3) I get ~3-4 days out of the battery if just used for calls, weather updates, and light browsing. Heavy UMTS browsing or streaming cuts that down significantly to 24-36 hours. I don't use push mail so don't know there, but there might be a config setting that is causing your device to get polled too frequently. I do know that one time I went into the phone menu and Band page to set Band to UMTS only. I forgot I did that, left a UMTS area and the phone went into constant network search mode instead of switching to GSM. That drained my battery in something less than 8 hrs.
4) I also don't have this problem. There are many reports of this problem though and the only fix I am aware of is a replacement.
Bottom line is I suspect you have a bad phone (reception and alignment issues) as well as setup issues or program conflicts causing your apps problems.
try to upgrade to the lastest rom!
natgoldhaber said:
I would be very happy to pay you for your consulting time. Otherwise, I want to try to get HTC to take this buggy phone back for a full refund and I will go back to using my old Treo 650.
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I would love to take your money, but I think you should take it back and get something else. Maybe even a Treo. The reason I say this is because the TyTn is just not ready for Prime Time unless you are a power user or someone who doesn't feel the need to complain because it doesn't work properly. Power user go around these issues and figure out the problems.
This is no way an insult to you, it's just that if you can't deal with the problems, and you need to rely on a phone/pda, and email is very important to you maybe even go as low as to get a blackberry. In the meantime I personally would keep the TyTn and explore it and fully understand how it works. When you are ready to dive in and start using it as a "power user" then you will no longer need to worry about it's faults.
This is coming from 2 years of experience with the O2 Xda IIs. Which was the buggiest pocketpc phone that ever came out and today is one of the top, mainly due to the fact that once the ROM is hacked the development efforts go up considerably and you see increased productivity and usability.
But if you need the money, just get a refund.
Sorry about my blunt response, but I had a friend who I converted from a palm to a Blue Angel. He didn't like it so I got him into a wizard. He curse at it for a while, then he started loving it after a few weeks of using it. Now he would never go back to a Palm or a Treo or anything else. I got my TyTn only last week and have cursed it to hell and back several thousand times. But this is just the way it goes when you're one of the early adopters. Especially when the phone is not commercially available to the US and Canada.
Time heals all.
Fully agree with you axiom, the most sincere response you could have given him.
I also come from the BlueAngel and was one of the early adopters, now running helmi's 1.32 rom, that's why I truely understand what you mean
Thanks pof for backing me up. I am also still using my BlueAngel with with the 1.32 rom but primarily in my car for navigation. This way I don't have to spend another few hundred dollars on a Nav system. And it really bothers me when tomtom loads faster on my BlueAngel then it does on my TyTn, but then I am hopeful that the TyTn will prevail when the time is write and all our heads are in the right place.
As always, everyone is welcome to post their problems, concerns, and findings and I am always pushing people to hang in there because "I know" there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for all the thoughtful replys - but....
Perhaps this is a device that is a little too early for me. But I will not return it. I love the speed of the Cingular 3G network. And I am blown away by how well Exchange/Outlook push works. I would never go back to a Treo or to a Blackberry.
I was rather hoping someone may have an idea about an improved ROM. I did have a direct conversation with HTCEurope's tech support office. They said they were well aware of the problems with applications, especially with the Audible player. They wistfully referred to the folks in Taiwan creating a new ROM - any month now.
I hoped that one of you might feel that a beta Cingular or other ROM might fix some or all of my problems. And I hope that someone could talk me through the installation. I hope that is true.
Many thanks.
natgoldhaber said:
I hoped that one of you might feel that a beta Cingular or other ROM might fix some or all of my problems. And I hope that someone could talk me through the installation. I hope that is true.
Oh please don't install the cingular beta ROM. Infact, as much I enjoyed using it for testing purposes, the last thing you want to do is start pushing ROMs. I am also waiting for a newer ROM, I was one of the first along with pof and others who installed the cingular roms and found some harsh truths, and some benefits. However, I went back to the dopod rom, with a radio update from the cingular rom. And this was a journey in possibly bricking my unit because going back from the cingular to one of the other roms is a chance and you need your original rom to go back.
If you must pursue upgrading your ROM, please keep a few things in mind:
1) And very important: If you don't know what you're doing, you could brick your unit.
2) A rom upgrade is only as good as the comments it has received from the users on this forum.
3) Most users who use the newest roms are, in most cases, advanced and understand that there will be problems.
4) Once you have started to upgrade your rom, you will be doing it all the time and be ready to reinstall your apps and settings.
If this is all ok to you and you have a back up phone, that you can use while you play with your TyTn, then go ahead and try the Dopod, Imate or TyTn rom. Look through the wiki and you will find all the information you need.
READ EVERYTHING FIRST, THEN START YOUR JOURNEY. The worst thing is having someone tell you "Do a search", or "RTFM", or "Read the wiki". People will respect you more and will be willing to help you more if your questions legit and the wiki can't help you out.
To start you off, I would suggest the Dopod ROM, with radio 1.16. This should take you about 1 hour to update. Then if you're not satisfied with this, then go to the TyTn or the IMate.
I hope this helps, and I have never seen anyone ask for money on here to help our fellow users and if they have, then shame on them. We are all here to learn and teach, this is what makes us a community of excellence.
I hope this helps you and many others on this board. Until the next rom, or hopefully the successful hack of the TyTn rom... Long live xda-developers!
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axiom: I took part of your last comment and updated the upgrading FAQs with it
As far as the screen alignment issue goes i am shortly sending my TyTN to HTC (in the UK) to get fixed under warranty (ie free)....the guy on the helpline was REALLY helpfull in sorting it out...they estimate a 5 day turnaround for it which is just SWEEEEET......shall be back to my P900 for a few days URGH!
So afaik the screen alignment can be sorted with an under warranty repair
pof said:
axiom: I took part of your last comment and updated the upgrading FAQs with it
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Thanks pof, I am very honored to me contributing to the wiki. Hehe.
There is one spelling mistake, can you change:
help you more if your questions legit and the wiki can't help you out.
help you more if your questions are legit and the wiki can't help you out.
axiom said:
There is one spelling mistake, can you change:
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I changed it, but remember that you can edit the wiki too... it's very easy, and if you need help, just ask
Dear Prof, Asukal and especially Axiom:
I want to thank you for your responses. I took the plunge last night and upgraded the phone radio ROM to the Cingular 1.16 version using the instructions and files from Asukal.
There were moments of sheer terror. The ROM upload to the phone took hours. In fact, I went to sleep and let it continue through the night. But when I woke up, there was the predicted error message on the TyTN. Just as instructed, after a reset, everything worked perfectly. I will write this up more thoroughly in a day or two after I have a chance to really test the radio.
But thanks for giving me the courage to try the upgrade. I am also including a snippet from a message I received from HTC Support about the next ROM:
"There are no ROM updates available for the TyTN at present, although are actively working one to address various issue customers are experiencing.
We are expecting this to coincide with the Windows Mobile 5 AKU3 update."
please help/ new to this
I have a 02 xda exec that has several programs that states that " either it is not signed in with a trusted cetificate, or one of it's commponent can not be found, you might have to reinstall or restore this file." My desktop had the backup files for the 02 exec but it crashed. im using my laptop to try to find out how to restore my files. I tried the update but that failed too. Please help.
I have a 02 xda exec that has several programs that states that " either it is not signed in with a trusted cetificate, or one of it's commponent can not be found, you might have to reinstall or restore this file." My desktop had the backup files for the 02 exec but it crashed. im using my laptop to try to find out how to restore my files. I tried the update but that failed too. Please help.
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This is the TyTn forum. You want to post this in the Universal forum.
natgoldhaber said:
Dear Prof, Asukal and especially Axiom:
I want to thank you for your responses. I took the plunge last night and upgraded the phone radio ROM to the Cingular 1.16 version using the instructions and files from Asukal.
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Congratulations and you are very welcome. Btw, which base rom did you stay with? I have noticed better reception with the 1.16 radio, how are you finding it?
axiom said:
Congratulations and you are very welcome. Btw, which base rom did you stay with? I have noticed better reception with the 1.16 radio, how are you finding it?
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ROM is version
Radio: (hurray)
Protocol: 32.53.7018H
I will give a full report on the radio tomorrow - not enough experience with it yet - and some very minor anomalies after the upgrade.
If you're experiencing shortened battery life, try changing the push email settings (active sync for the mail server) -- if you set it to other than "as they arrive" to an hour or so, for off-peak, it will really reduce the battery drain. Same with the settings for an POP3 email mailboxes -- change the polling interval to a longer duration. I've found that to be one of the biggest battery drains on my TyTN.
I've had a TyTN for more than 2 months and absolutely love it. Sold my k-jam (wizard) because I want the 3G if Cingular USA ever gets it working in my area. I've found the TyTN faster even on the EDGE network locally and better overall than my k-jam -- seems like the issues with the wizard have been largely addressed. Mind you I've never had the screen alignment problem so I can sympathize with those who do. I did switch my HTC ROM to the Imate ROM and I feel like the stability is better.
Slightly better
natgoldhaber said:
ROM is version
Radio: (hurray)
Protocol: 32.53.7018H
I will give a full report on the radio tomorrow - not enough experience with it yet - and some very minor anomalies after the upgrade.
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I think the Cingular 1.16 Radio ROM is just a bit better than the TyTN ROM that was native to my device. It seems very clear and it MAY hold the signal a bit better. My house is in a marginal area, switching constantly between GPRS and UMTS. That may make things difficult. My reception at home is clearer but about the same as my old Treo 650 in terms of maintaining a connection. The 8125 I had on trial from Cingular for a few weeks was better - but of course it had no UMTS.
Might be interesting for someone to do a hack which grabs GPRS during phone conversations in marginal areas and prevents going to UMTS during the call. ?????
I downloaded the fix4cat TyTN tweaker and set audio to "excellent." Not sure what that does, but excellent sounds good. I also enabled HSPDA, but that seems to do nothing.
Anyway I am happy.
The audible player still does not work worth beans (boohoo - their tech support is NO HELP AT ALL) and I had a really terrible experience with Chapura Pocket Mirror which I used successfully on the Treo for years. I need to synchronize public folders on my Exchange server. Any ideas? Chapura is brain dead, temporarily broke my device and made me spend hours recovering my programs and settings.
Finally - anyone ever able to get into a Cisco firewall and look at files on the company server with the VPN software in WM5??? I have tried using PPTP – no luck.
And really finally, thanks to everyone who helped. (Battery life better with push email off and TyTN magically stopped alignment drift completely and I am no longer a ROM virgin).

[B]Bluetooth need to re-match after Prophet reboot or lost connection[/B]

With WM6, I had matched my bluetooth earphone with prophet,then I can see the BT headphone symbol on dialing menu.However, if I reboot Prophet, the connection will lost,when I making a call, it won't auto connect to my BT earphone(the WM5 rom did),I have to open setting->connect>BT rematch it to use my earphone.
The problem also happens if,
1.First build connection between phone and BT earphone.
2.Take away the phone only(far enough to let them unable to communicate)
3.Take back the phone and make a call. The BT connection won't re-connect untill you re-matching it.
It makes me very inconvience, thanks a lot if someone can help me to fix it.
Thank you!
I have the very same problem in all of PDAViet's roms. After soft reset the bluetooth partnership setting is gone (although the symbol of the paired device is still there..) I have asked for a fix several times but no one seems to care.. Very strange that only a few people seem to make regular use of their bluetooth headset....
jean-luc said:
Thank you!
I have the very same problem in all of PDAViet's roms. After soft reset the bluetooth partnership setting is gone (although the symbol of the paired device is still there..) I have asked for a fix several times but no one seems to care.. Very strange that only a few people seem to make regular use of their bluetooth headset....
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Why do you complain so unsympatically? Remember that you flashed your device yourself. Nobody forced you, nobody let you pay for the software. You downloaded all by yourself a file that a smart person somewhere in Vietnam or Thailand or Russia or where ever, has put together becourse his hobby is to fool around with his PDA. That same person was so friendly to let the whole world join in on his party.
But don't complain when that person don't like to spend his time on your problems, for as far we know his doesn't have a BT headset at all and isn't interested in that functionality. It will become a whole different piece of meat when you had purchased the ROM, but you haven't....... did you....?
rondol1 - I like your thinking, my sentiments exactly.
is there anyone can help?
Same sproblem with other bluetooth devices
I think it is not just a BT headset problem but a BT stack problem. I'm using a BT GPS and I had to re-pair GPS and Prophet each time I use (althoughit seems like it is already paired)
It is irrelevant maybe but similar problem exist on e-mails. I create an account for my email provider, download e-mails, but after a reset it looks like my e-mail setting are gone (have to re-configure it) But even when it seems settings are gone I can see it on my today plugin that I have such number of e-mails ( I can get to see them)
rondol1 said:
Why do you complain so unsympatically? Remember that you flashed your device yourself. Nobody forced you, nobody let you pay for the software. You downloaded all by yourself a file that a smart person somewhere in Vietnam or Thailand or Russia or where ever, has put together becourse his hobby is to fool around with his PDA. That same person was so friendly to let the whole world join in on his party.
But don't complain when that person don't like to spend his time on your problems, for as far we know his doesn't have a BT headset at all and isn't interested in that functionality. It will become a whole different piece of meat when you had purchased the ROM, but you haven't....... did you....?
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I did NOT "complain" about the problem not being fixed so far, but about the missing reaction of some of this community when I posted the question about the status of this problem on new ROMs several times (which this forum should be there for) and there was just no answer at all. Because I do not want to flash my device with every new "release" only to find out that the problem is still there. I am indeed aware of the fact that not everyone is using BT functionality and that a new OS manually adapted to an "older" device is something that cannot be free of issues from the beginning.
Any change on this behaviour with the new PDAViet ROM Touch? Anyone tried?
Same problem
Thanks for All and for every thing they did to make prophet for WM6 but this bluetooth problem is really killing me also every time i am using my car bluetooth i have to pair
Same problem in all rom's
Have tried almost all rom's, same problem.
The problem seems not to be releated to the diffrent BT stacks. Have tried different. Also it is not related to the BT devices. Have used Handfree. Stereo headset. GPS unit. Serial ports on remote PC etc. All have the same problem. Works when paired. Then after a soft reset unit are still in the BT list. But they have all have to be re paired to work.
Surely have something to do, with the units loosing most, or some of the settings after reset. Its an anoying problem, which we all will have to look into.
All the new rom's are nice to have, and to play with. But if we wants the rom's to be good for regular and daily use. We sure needs to fix this problem.
I will start to do my own little investigation, trying to fix the problem.
The problem is the same in all rom's. So if its solved in one rom, I'm pretty sure its solved in all roms. (99% sure , I think)
MaRyNoFear said:
Have tried almost all rom's, same problem.
The problem seems not to be releated to the diffrent BT stacks. Have tried different. Also it is not related to the BT devices. Have used Handfree. Stereo headset. GPS unit. Serial ports on remote PC etc. All have the same problem. Works when paired. Then after a soft reset unit are still in the BT list. But they have all have to be re paired to work.
Surely have something to do, with the units loosing most, or some of the settings after reset. Its an anoying problem, which we all will have to look into.
All the new rom's are nice to have, and to play with. But if we wants the rom's to be good for regular and daily use. We sure needs to fix this problem.
I will start to do my own little investigation, trying to fix the problem.
The problem is the same in all rom's. So if its solved in one rom, I'm pretty sure its solved in all roms. (99% sure , I think)
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I know why this is but so far I havn't figured out how to solve it.... the problem is that settings are stored in the ram and not the rom... the way we need to get it to work is have the regestry moved to the extrom and that way it can be writen to directly without having to keep the regestry in the ram..... this can be done but I havn't fully understood how this is don't because I've been trying so hard to figur uot the X button problem... but I'm reading up on how to do that
gullum said:
I know why this is but so far I havn't figured out how to solve it.... the problem is that settings are stored in the ram and not the rom... the way we need to get it to work is have the regestry moved to the extrom and that way it can be writen to directly without having to keep the regestry in the ram..... this can be done but I havn't fully understood how this is don't because I've been trying so hard to figur uot the X button problem... but I'm reading up on how to do that
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Thats correct. Seeting in RAM are lost, and there by Bluetooth pairing, email settings etc. Now knowing what causes the problem, some one clever, sure will some up with a solution. Will try to se if I can contribute with anything.
MaRyNoFear said:
Thats correct. Seeting in RAM are lost, and there by Bluetooth pairing, email settings etc. Now knowing what causes the problem, some one clever, sure will some up with a solution. Will try to se if I can contribute with anything.
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Strange thing is, I've tried a few WM6 ROM, but never had any problems with lost emailsettings. I use it a lot, and just as everybody, I have to do a soft reset, once in a while...
So, the RAM storage as you describe isn't lost in all cases but also written to ROM.
As for BT I only use my gps-receiver and even that one only now and then It seems t work fine, but to be honest most of the time I've flashed my Prophet between several times....
I've the same problem with BT : always working with BT GPS, always loosing my BT Headset (try with 3 differents Headsets ...).
Be with devellop's team for correct this probem, and not with guy who critic this post without an BT Headset .... This is a forum and the critic is here to help the building of a 'very good' and more stabe as possible WM6 Rom ...
All together for the future ....
rondol1 said:
Strange thing is, I've tried a few WM6 ROM, but never had any problems with lost emailsettings. I use it a lot, and just as everybody, I have to do a soft reset, once in a while...
So, the RAM storage as you describe isn't lost in all cases but also written to ROM.
As for BT I only use my gps-receiver and even that one only now and then It seems t work fine, but to be honest most of the time I've flashed my Prophet between several times....
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try change your battery or just pull out your battery overnight, i'm sure you will experience this problem. Sometimes on my phone when battery goes below 50% if I reset will loose setting sometimes. Just annoying but i can live with it.
The only way to keep your bluetooth, wifi and email settings all the time without worries is to use WM5.
If someone wants to try the bug, just soft-reset the phone while connected to the PC via activesync.
I guess that you will lose your settings (i'm not 100% sure because I'm now using WM5).
That are things I didn't try indeed. But at the other hand, what hould I want to do all that?
Tried the battery-change right away. Everything is still in order, no settings missing, time and date still as it should, email working as it allways did.
I did shut down my device first though.
rondol1 said:
Tried the battery-change right away. Everything is still in order, no settings missing, time and date still as it should, email working as it allways did.
I did shut down my device first though.
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You might be one of the lucky ones then. I believe majority of us looses settings at various times. what model specs are your device do you have anyway? is it new when u purchased? the reason i asked cuz somewhere i read there is a "button cell battery" might be a wizard thing not prophet devices.
kenxu said:
You might be one of the lucky ones then. I believe majority of us looses settings at various times. what model specs are your device do you have anyway? is it new when u purchased? the reason i asked cuz somewhere i read there is a "button cell battery" might be a wizard thing not prophet devices.
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I did buy my S200 new, without any branded OS, that means straight from Qtek. It's a G4, other specs Im willing to tell when you can precise what you want to know.
But... I don't want to be arrogant... when I read the many bug-reports I get the feeling that a majority don't use their device as it is supposed to. If you imagine that it is a small device with very limited hardware specs, it's not hard to understand that it isn't as foolprove as your desktop computer...
But again, it's just a feeling I get by reading many post, I also know that some of you have serious issues that cannot be explained from maluse point of view.

Atom's Wifi module only functioning after storage in the fridge! Is there a solution?

Dear Xda Experts!
My name is Guy, I own an Xda Atom and I critically need your help...
About a month ago my life became miserable as the wifi module of the poor device has stopped functioning completely: It doesn't start when I click Menu->Turn on Wifi, doesn't respond to wireless manager clicks, fails the self diagnostics test etc.
After looking all over the relevant internet forums, I've found This post, suggesting I put the atom in the fridge for a few minutes. I've done that - and suprisingly - the wifi began functioning for a few minutes time. After that, it returned to its normal state of misfunctioning.
I understand that the problem is being caused by some sort of a heating problem within the device.
Is there a solution to this problem?
Rom experts (especially Jiggs) : is there a registry edit that might help, maybe to take some pressure of the processor, or to prevent the disappearance of the wifi as the device heats?
I bought the Atom especially because the wifi ability, as it is highly important to me, and as for now I'm seriously disappointed. The O2's support's laconic response was "Try the official ROM" (My warranty period is over).
Needless to say, I have already tried Hard resets, Rom upgrades of all kinds, flashing and reflashing, taking out the battery for a few days and nothing worked.
Please try to assist,
Your help will be much appreciated.
Thank you all,
Guy Sando.
Same with me.
Hi Guy,
I have the same problem with my Atom.
I tried to reinstall ROMs/Hard Reset and nothing helped.
One day in the morning after charging it all over the night, the WIFI suddenly started to work, but only for few hours.
Hope someone would have an idea.
Do not used wireless manager or the wrlsmgr. try using Wifi Utilty by ALE**** i forget
Bye try to flash with the AKU 3.3.3 or AKU3.3F
jeffkewin said:
Do not used wireless manager or the wrlsmgr. try using Wifi Utilty by ALE**** i forget
Bye try to flash with the AKU 3.3.3 or AKU3.3F
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Dear Jeffkewin, thanx for the response.
Do you have a link or maybe a bit more specific name of the software that you recommended? (Btw, Software replacement seems a bit like a long shot, because of the fact that the "fridge-therapy" works for the wifi...)
As for the AKU's - I've tried them both, they're really nice, but none of them has fixed my wifi issue...
Maybe The upcoming WM6 Rom will. I keep my fingers crossed...
Thanks again,
Can u goto the Settings, Connections, use the Wi-fi Utility.
Ignore the Turn on and off button. Turn on is turn off, turn on is turn on.. that the only text bugs, but the software is working fine.
Try SPB phone suite wireless icon
it happened to me one time while trying to reflashed ROM. When im going to Wireless Manager, I cant open my wifi. But if im trying to open it in SPB Phone suite , its working...maybe try this software. download it and i will give to you the serial for registration. But first try if it is work then thats the time i will give to you...
jeffkewin said:
Can u goto the Settings, Connections, use the Wi-fi Utility.
Ignore the Turn on and off button. Turn on is turn off, turn on is turn on.. that the only text bugs, but the software is working fine.
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generalriden said:
it happened to me one time while trying to reflashed ROM. When im going to Wireless Manager, I cant open my wifi. But if im trying to open it in SPB Phone suite , its working...maybe try this software. download it and i will give to you the serial for registration. But first try if it is work then thats the time i will give to you...
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Thank you Jeffkewin and Generalriden,
Unfortunately, The solutions you proposed are not working. I have tried Phonesuite, Hitch-hiker and many more - none have worked.
I have also tried ignoring the text in the "Wifi utilities" application (In many different Rom versions) - still no good...
Has someone encountered the same problem and got it solved? Is there something about the Rom version that can fix this?
Thanks again,
If you're using the official ROM and it's not working, then this is more hardware related. 'Fridge Theraphy' is not normal for your device. You have no choice but to go to service center, have it estimated for cost. You can buy now a brand new Atom at $250 or less.
Alternate solution would be a $50-$100 SDIO wifi card, but I think none would fit the miniSD slot.
There are miniSDIO wifis. They're pretty much the only miniSDIO devices. However, you're still better off getting a new device.
Sounds like your wifi module's overheating. This is a hardware problem (just like cracking speakers) and there's no way to fix it permanently short of a physical repair.
Good News
I had the same problem.
I tried almost every single possible solution which was discussed on this forum, including the Fridge Therapy. Fridge therapy really worked for a couple of minutes.
Finally, I took it to the service center and they said, the problem is with the board and the cost of repair is $400/-.
I was put off and challenged to see, something which works after the fridge therapy will stop working at room temperature.
Finally, I realized, the last thing beyond the ROM which I changed was the MS Active Sync. I had using Active Sync Ver 4.5. It seems to have some conflict. I reverted back to Active Sync Ver. 4.1 and reflased the original rom.
It worked and Active Sync Ver. 4.1 is working perfectly fine for my device. After the WiFi worked, I reflashed it to Jiggs latest WM6 ROM and its working well.
Might sound wiered, but the fact, I could resolve this issue by reverting back to Active Sync. 4.1.
Hope this helps to all dissappointed users of Atom.
Anand Bhargava said:
I had the same problem.
I tried almost every single possible solution which was discussed on this forum, including the Fridge Therapy. Fridge therapy really worked for a couple of minutes.
Finally, I took it to the service center and they said, the problem is with the board and the cost of repair is $400/-.
I was put off and challenged to see, something which works after the fridge therapy will stop working at room temperature.
Finally, I realized, the last thing beyond the ROM which I changed was the MS Active Sync. I had using Active Sync Ver 4.5. It seems to have some conflict. I reverted back to Active Sync Ver. 4.1 and reflased the original rom.
It worked and Active Sync Ver. 4.1 is working perfectly fine for my device. After the WiFi worked, I reflashed it to Jiggs latest WM6 ROM and its working well.
Might sound wiered, but the fact, I could resolve this issue by reverting back to Active Sync. 4.1.
Hope this helps to all dissappointed users of Atom.
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Dear Anand,
Thank you very much for your help.
I'm anxious to see if that's gonna work for me as well.
I'll try going back to AS 4.1 right now and will let you know.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Many thanks again!
I'm happy for you mate, but that just sounds like the biggest load of bollocks I've ever heard it just proves how unpredictible and unreliable our Atoms are, my Wifi has also gone on the blink for one or two weeks at a time and then for no apparent reason it fixes itself. Although I suppose running the Atom Exec rom in the Atom doesnt help nor the fact we run overclock apps to 624MHZ
I have now finished downgrading to AS 4.1 and to the official ROM.
Unfortunately, that did not do the trick. Thinking about it, seems like Homer is right:
The AS doesn't start communicating with the device until its connected to the desktop, after the HR and the SR that follow the ROM upgrade. therefore, there's no obvious reason why it should affect the wifi module, which seems to be off even before that connection. In addition - Anand, how did you get the AS 4.1 to work with the WM6 ROM? Isn't AS 4.5 the only version that works with WM6?
As been said, our devices are totally unpredictable, which is really disappointing. I'm happy for you, for getting everything running, and I hope that my device will do that as well soon.
I'll be more than glad if someone here will be able to assist in that matter.
Thank you all,
guysando said:
I have now finished downgrading to AS 4.1 and to the official ROM.
Unfortunately, that did not do the trick. Thinking about it, seems like Homer is right:
The AS doesn't start communicating with the device until its connected to the desktop, after the HR and the SR that follow the ROM upgrade. therefore, there's no obvious reason why it should affect the wifi module, which seems to be off even before that connection. In addition - Anand, how did you get the AS 4.1 to work with the WM6 ROM? Isn't AS 4.5 the only version that works with WM6?
As been said, our devices are totally unpredictable, which is really disappointing. I'm happy for you, for getting everything running, and I hope that my device will do that as well soon.
I'll be more than glad if someone here will be able to assist in that matter.
Thank you all,
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i think guys,IMHO, if the problem doesnt have a solution, change mobile and get the better one. So far, my atom pure is working great so i can wait to buy an iphone ;-)
guysando said:
I have now finished downgrading to AS 4.1 and to the official ROM.
Unfortunately, that did not do the trick. Thinking about it, seems like Homer is right:
The AS doesn't start communicating with the device until its connected to the desktop, after the HR and the SR that follow the ROM upgrade. therefore, there's no obvious reason why it should affect the wifi module, which seems to be off even before that connection. In addition - Anand, how did you get the AS 4.1 to work with the WM6 ROM? Isn't AS 4.5 the only version that works with WM6?
As been said, our devices are totally unpredictable, which is really disappointing. I'm happy for you, for getting everything running, and I hope that my device will do that as well soon.
I'll be more than glad if someone here will be able to assist in that matter.
Thank you all,
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I have not yet syncronized my device with WM6 and AS 4.1. I just used it to reflash the Atom.
Also, I have heard, of AS to have an impact on WiFi Connectivity in the past.
Mine is still working fine. Infact, WiFi with WM6 is working much better than WM5.
Also, another thing which my help to have a logical conclusion is the fact, that when I used to sync with my laptop's WiFi on, my PDA's WiFi used to dissappear and when the Laptop's WiFi was off, it used to work well.
To be honest, I tried many things, starting flashing the first Atom update to the cooked roms, with AS downgrade. I wanted to share my experience, was quite excited that it may help many other like me.
Feel sorry for you :-(
WIFI mulfunction
It sounds completly reasonable - a sofware conflict.
I have the same the problem.
However, one morning after recharging my ATOM for a complete night, the WIFI module suddenly worked in the morning till I......used the active sync 4.5 to synchronize it.
I will try to reinstall the 4.1 version and see how it works for me.

[Q] Unsolvable Hero question....

UPDATE: ok, ive figured out part of the problem so maybe a solution will be easier. After experimenting, iheld down my menu key and it opened the keybrd, hitting the speak button initiate my call for as long as i talk, once i stop it tries searching and does its job. SO, there is a problem between the voice recognizer initiating when it should turn on....or something like that.
could not find ANYTHING in my settings that would turn this on permanently.
ideas? thx
hey guys, first time poster long time reader.
huge fan of what everyones been doing here so maybe i can get help cause ive been unable to find any solution.
PROBLEM: In car bluetooth handsfree communication for PHONECALLS only, competely not working.
Ok, so i have had my telus htc hero for 2 years now, everything worked fine on stock 1.5 and upgrd 2.1
once i started having trouble with memory and no a2sd, i bit the bullet and flashed CM6.1 and loved it, but thats when my BT trouble began. ever since then, it hasnt worked. It will pair, connect and if i receive a call the music(which works fine) will pause and the phone will ring, but when i answer it.. complete silence from both ends.
I flashed CM7.0.0(maybe 7.0.1?) beta3, thinking it would solve the problem and no luck.
After several weeks of searching i came across ELELINUX last night, read the changelogs and it said BT worked fine. so i flashed 7.1.0 RC1 v3.1 to find the exact same problem persisted.
I am out of ideas and threads to read...if ANYONE has a suggestion they think will work, i am all ears.
Thx so much for any help and sorry for my long first post.
Sounds like trouble with the roms bluetooth stack. I'd test a stock rom and see if that solves the problem. If it does, its probably the roms you're using.
Hmm ok. I just assumed that since the build said "Bluetooth working", that it would! Lol
But ok thanks man, I guess I just search for that with "stock hero rom" right?
Ill give it a whirl and see what's up. I wish someone knew of a working 2.2 Rom for hero, sheesh
167 views and no solutions and you call yourselves developers....shame!
mattprime86 said:
167 views and no solutions and you call yourselves developers....shame!
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Calm down, just because your problem still exists, doesn't make it our fault, or our responsibility. If anything, its your responsibility. If you want it fixed, contact the developer of the rom. If that doesn't work, try developing a fix yourself, and see the time, skill and patience it takes. Until then, quit raging against the hardworking fellows here and let us move on to bigger things. If you truly want bluetooth, you can always unroot and go back to stock to fix your problem. Beggars can't be choosers.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Sorry, that was supposed to be read in a comical fashion with no actual bitterness :/ prob should have made myself clearer.

