activesync 3.7 problem/question!!! help!!! - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

why is it that activesync 3.7 will stop syncing with my pda? the last time it did it, i had to completely uninstall activesync and reinstall it. when i turn my phone on, it makes a sound to signify that new hardware has been connected, but activesynce remains dim. i don't remember having this problem with 3.6, however, i do recall the problem with 3.7. is there a way around this glitch?

have you got firewall software blocking it ? I run Active Sync 3.7 and have no problems other than not permanently allowing it access ('cos I'm paranoid) so it occasionally asks for permission...

Yes I agree with Spence, check your firewall if you run software like Zonealarm of the like.
If you still get problems with activesync, stop its process completely (alt-ctrl-delete.. processes.. wcescomm.exe) and relaunch the program. Or you could just reboot!!

yeah I used to run Zone Alarm until yesterday and have had a few permission niggles with it - finally ended up uninstalling it as it doesn't work properly with Mcaffee VirusScan anyway-
on reinstalling Virus Scan I was finally able to load the Mcaffee FireWall, and have had no problems at all with Active Sync once allowing it through... it even has a "trace" facility for tracking intrusion attempts .. (very cool in a geeky way)
..also did a leak test on the firewall and it's locked down!
VirusScan also now recognises my XDA and scans that as well as a bonus !! So my recommendation is to buy Virus Scan 7 with the firewall - it's about 40 quid.........!!


[Q] Application to log processes that ran?

I am wondering if there is an application out there that will log my activity so I can see what services or applications ran that day.
The reason for asking is that I suddenly developed an issue a few weeks ago where the data connection will, apparently randomly, turn itself on. I haven't ever been lucky enough to catch it right when the data comes on, and when I check task manager I don't see any applications running to cause it. I am thinking I maybe either inherited a virus at some point, or I have an application that is attempting to update itself or something. But I haven't installed anything for months so it could be any old program. I checked scheduled tasks but don't see anything there.
I have done 'the usual' of making sure weather, stocks, email are not causing it.
Many thanks in advance for any help or ideas.
greatbrit said:
I am wondering if there is an application out there that will log my activity so I can see what services or applications ran that day.
The reason for asking is that I suddenly developed an issue a few weeks ago where the data connection will, apparently randomly, turn itself on. I haven't ever been lucky enough to catch it right when the data comes on, and when I check task manager I don't see any applications running to cause it. I am thinking I maybe either inherited a virus at some point, or I have an application that is attempting to update itself or something. But I haven't installed anything for months so it could be any old program. I checked scheduled tasks but don't see anything there.
I have done 'the usual' of making sure weather, stocks, email are not causing it.
Many thanks in advance for any help or ideas.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Turn off "My Location"
Thanks for the reply. I'm assuming you mean 'my location' in google maps? When I manually click 'my location' it doesn't turn my data on (TMobile HTC TP2). Are you suggesting it actually can turn data on in some background mode? I thought it got the information from cell locations, no?
greatbrit said:
Thanks for the reply. I'm assuming you mean 'my location' in google maps? When I manually click 'my location' it doesn't turn my data on (TMobile HTC TP2). Are you suggesting it actually can turn data on in some background mode? I thought it got the information from cell locations, no?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, info from cell locations(data).
Start/Settings/Personal/Phone/GSM Services(CDMA for some)/Location Setting
It's used for Google, HTC weather updates, location on home screen, etc
tyvm. First of all, DUH!, I was attached to activesync when I tested it, so that's why it didn't connect to data.
When I follow your steps I don't see anything about 'my location' (WM6.1 TMobile) after Start/Settings/Personal/Phone. I have a tab just called 'services', but it's not in there. But anyway, I went to googlemaps and there I had the option to disable my location, so I am assuming that does the same thing. I'll leave that off for a few days and see if that solves the problem.
Many thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Unfortunately the 'my location' wasn't the problem as the data came back on again today.
I think the best way to resolve it is going to be the log file, so...
Is there any application out there that can log activity on the phone, i.e. that can tell me which applications, services and processes ran during the day?
Thanks very much.
Get SPB Wireless Monitor-it logs all data usage (3g, wifi, active sync, whatever). The demo is fully loaded.
TYVM! Can't wait for my rogue program to run again

MAJOR SLOWDOWN. anyone else?

So up until today, I've had not one single issue with my flyer. It's been super speedy and very responsive. I left it last night on the charger uploading a video to YouTube. (WiFi only BTW.) When I woke up the upload was done and the battery was charged. But everything seemed super slugish. Just flipping between home screens was painfully slow. I restarted the tablet and was shocked to see the device hang on both shutdown and reboot. For much longer than normal. I've never seen it this slow. I went in and killed some un necessary services and processes ... No change. I restarted the tablet again and if seemed slightly faster. But not like before still. I haven't tried rooting I'm still 100% stock. Could it be a virus? If so does a factory reset take care of that. Is rather not have to do that but I'm willing If its sure to solve my issues. Any other ideas from anyone? My recent installs include Google+, VidTrim, xda, and soundcloud.
I'll post back here if things change or I find the culprit. In the meantime has anyone else run into similar slowdowns?
P.s. I was wondering if it was an HTC sense issue. It crashed on me once before rebooting the first time and seemed to take forever to load after powering on ... All the animations were laggy and the clock was off by about an hr..... Frustrating. I really like this device.
I get a major slowdown on my Flyer when connecting to 'free' public wifi sites. These are sites that provide free wifi after you have signed in via a web page where you enter a username/password or checked a box to accept some terms and conditions etc.
The wifi at my home or via my HTC Desire hotspot is fine as are all other wifi hotspots where I connect directly using the name and credentials stored in my Flyer. It's only these ones that require the additional login that give me trouble.
When it hits, the Flyer becomes unusable for anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes. Hitting the home button generally shows a blank screen that gradually (and I mean g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y) redraws. A message stating that HTC Sense has stopped appears and you have the option to restart sense, wait or tell HTC. None of these help as the message box just disappears and then reappears about 30s later. In all cases I've noticed that the sync icon is showing in the notification bar.
It's a real annoyance, but I can mitigate it if I login to the sites before the sync starts. Unfortunately if I accidentally wander into range of one of these sites, and the Flyer finds it and decides it's time to sync then it stops again and I have to very patiently wait for the screen to respond, pull down the notifications, switch to the config settings and switch off wifi. There is still a delay until the sync realises that the wifi is no longer available.
As I said above I also have a HTC Desire that connects to these networks with no problem. This is not running sense however as I needed more application space so instead it's running gingervillain 2.7 (android 2.3.4) and has no problems with the connection.
So I suspect Sense and some synching operation its running. Will do some more investigation tomorrow as more users come online at work.
Haven't heard of any Android viruses that slow down the system like you are talking about, only malware that is disguised as an app. So if you haven't installed anything recently, I would say not any type of malware.
Factory reset may help. But of course, that means starting from scratch re-installing all your apps, setting up your home screens, etc.
I'm attributing it to the fact that the thing had been up and running for like a week. After a restart it seemed to have cleared up. Note to self .. power down and reboot every few days.
I had something very similar...
I installed "a bunch of stuff", then went traveling (across Europe), and tried to use the gps as I went. The flyer slowed to a crawl and became very temperamental. It felt like something was hogging the processor. Several reboots did not fix the problem.
Even sometimes the unlock screen could not get enough processor cycles to complete the unlock.
I started uninstalling the various apps I had installed, and eventually normal service was restored (and has continued fine).
Unfortunately, I was not rigorous about the uninstalling sequence, so I can't be sure what caused it.
My suspicion is that it was an Engine I installed for Text-to-speech settings. But it is only a suspicion. Like I said I installed a bunch of stuff (stupid really).
If someone can point me to an installation history howto, I'll try to be more precise.

[Q] Bluetooth connection issue poss due to high memory usage?

When I was on stock ICS of apps that run constantly I had total recall and lightflow installed. My phone would auto connect to my car without fail. I installed doubletwist and started to have problems. Sometimes it would connect and other times it wouldn't. It seemed if I had been using airtwist or using the phone a lot prior that it would fail. On restarting the phone it would boot and auto connect. When it failed to connect it I checked task manager and the memory usage was quite high.
I moved to stock JB and all was fine again. I assume JB manages memory better than ICS. Then I installed tasker and now I have a problem again.
I can only think with a lot of background processes running it is interfering with the bluetooth connection.
Is this the case and is there a way round it? I have just set developer options to kill anything as I leave it to see if this helps.
I would appreciate any other suggestions.
Got in the car earlier and the phone didn't connect. This is driving me nuts. I don't want to start removing programs if there is a simple fix. It must be related to something I have installed as it has been fine in the past.
I nobody else having this issue?

Detection of Keylogger

Good morning,
I have a Galaxy Tab S that is rooted. Yesterday morning I woke up to a Skype message tone hoping that my family had sent me a message. However, I noticed that messages were sent to few of my contacts with an attachment from my account. It is obvious that something fishy is going on. I am just not sure how bad it is. My tablet is the only device with my skype account.
I ran two antivirus software scans 1) Kaspersky - no issues detected and 2) AVG. AVG identified two warning
1) "Unsecure privilege mode detected. Your device is running in High Privilege mode (i.e., it has been rooted) we recommend using only genuine firmware"
2) Enabling 'USB Debuggin' is not recommended unless you use your device for software development purposes.
I just rooted my device and am not using any custom ROM. I have rooted it about close 3 years now and never had any issue. With regards to the second message, I don't ever recall enabling the 'USB debugging' and I can't even find that option to turn it off.
Can someone please let me figure it out what is going on with my situation and what are the next steps. I haven't rest my accounts as it was useless cause this is the only way to access the internet. I would first solve the virus or keylogging issues (if the case) and then fix on working resetting the accounts.
I use only my office machine (which I am using it right now) to access my bank accounts or my personal emails. The tablet is mostly for Streaming apps, games, and Skype.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and advice.

Random Ads & Strange Behavior

Hey Guys -
I recently upgraded to a Galaxy S9+ and overall love it despite not being able to root. For the past couple of weeks, I've had a three very annoying issues though. I've tried many things to resolve, but so far can't figure out solutions. Below are thr issues and what I've tried to fix each. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
1. Random ads open in default browser (Firefox) no matter what I'm doing / what app I'm in
It doesn't matter what app I'm in, every 5 min or so Firefox opens on top of whatever I'm currently using without warning and displays an ad in a webpage. I use the Ublock tool in Firefox so sometimes it opens to a blocked webpage
What I've tried to fix:
- Closed all tabs, cleared history / personal data, then force quit Firefox
- Restarted phone
- Tried many malware apps like Malwarebytes but scans come in clean
- Uninstalled apps not installed from Google Play (only a couple)
- Put all apps not needed to run in background asleep
- Disabled notifications for apps I don't need
2. Display configs randomly apply
I have my screen set to turn off after 2 minutes and also have "always on display" enabled during the daytime which is different than simply leaving display on. Currently, though; after 2 min the screen just dims - that's it. If I hit a button to turn screen off it works, but if I place it on charger after doing this, the lock screen appears and it just Dom's after 2 minutes too. Basically, always on display only works after I press a button to power display off
What I've tried to fix:
- Verifying settings we're correct
- Setting configs differently then reverting them
- Disabled all MacroDroid / AutoMagic scripts
- Installed Greenify to put apps to sleep thinking one may be keeping device awake
3. Secure Startup Reverts
My work uses InTune and requires strict policies and settings in order for sync to work - one of these is Secure Startup where you must enter your passcode after reboot. Every couple of days or after a reboot, this setting Reverts from being enabled to disabled this making my phone daily compliance and stopping sync of work stuff. I must manually reenable it, then jump through hoops to get it compliant again. This has been an issue since I got the phone.
Any suggestions for any of the above?
You could have a malware in your phone. When I had my note 8 I experienced something similar with the ads, it was very annoying. Long story short... I had to do a factory reset
I agree with TonyGzl92. It is probably Malware.
If the problem persist and you have deleted all installed apps and still get the problem you will ned to perform a factory reset and watch the phone after every app you install.
I had the issue with the screen just dimming instead of going completely off, and it was a conflict with an app I had installed. Pretty sure it was a Play Store app, but it's been long enough I no longer remember what app it was.

