Auto Speakerphone - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Has anyone found a software app similar to what the Jornada 928 has with auto speakphone mode. I know the trick with jumpering the pins on the connector, but would ideally like nice settings app that allows for enabled/ disabled type mode.


Preset - Custom configuration app?

Hello, I recently purchased a universal car dock off eBay and I would like to be able to use car dock mode with Pandora and possibly other configuration by only pressing one button. Basically it would turn on car dock mode, turn on bluetooth, gps, pandora, and whatever else I would like to open by just selecting the car preset. Then reverse it all when I leave my vehicle. Does anyone know of the best app to do all of this with the Mytouch 4G's car-dock mode?
Thanks much!

[Q] Car mode(s) and automatic activation with bluetooth

First question: is possible to automatically activate car mode when a bluetooh device is connected? (even better: when a particular bluetooth device is connected)
Second question: is "car mode" a generic feature of android, or vendor specific? because i noticed some anomaly: the car mode activated by vlingo speach recognition app and widget seems not linked to the standard one activated by apps like "Car Mode Control" (little steering wheel in notification area). There are 2 different car modes?

[Q] car mode shortcuts in ICS

Has anyone gotten any of the car mode enabler apps to work with ICS?
edit: I don't even see a car mode app installed...
Try Motorola Smart Actions
In the past I used Smart Actions to launch Car Mode by the time my RAZR connected to the Car's BT. Have you tried this? BTW: I also cannot find the link to car mode on my phone...
Yeah, I did the same thing and it worked great on GB...I ended up installing a 3rd pary car mode app which works awesome...
Did you try on smart actions?
same result - nothing launches..the screen just flickers...
If you're still looking for this I found an app called Car Mode Control where just enables car mode, not a dock shell, it will actually on load a shell if you already have one built into your phone. my problem was that I couldn't figure out how to get out of car mode and had to reboot the phone to get out.

Background Car Camera App

Hey Guys,
I am after a camera app with a rather specific set of requirements, at this stage I have an old Android phone installed in my car being permanently power by an Auxiliary battery (2nd car battery only for accessories), I use the phone as a GPS tracker so I can see where the car is and where its gone, the only thing it is missing is the camera.
So I wold like a Camera app that will record once it detects movement (preferably G sensor) or a bluetooth device (car stereo), as the device is always powered triggering from dock connection wont work,
I would hope it can work with the screen off so it wont draw stupid amounts of power.
Any Ideas?

Does LG G5 have a "car mode" feature when connected to car charger?

In SGS2 I had a car dock. When I put phone in then "car mode" was activated and I could utilize "car dock" state in Tasker. This feature was designed as special resistor between data cables like described here:
Fun with resistors (home/car dock mode + more)
Is it possible with LG G5? I mean are there any car chargers that will put LG G5 in car mode when connected?
I can switch my G5 into "carmode" using macrodroid app. After switching to on, i can see a steering wheel icon in the notification bar.
But until now, i do not know what the car mode does.
non-toxic said:
I can switch my G5 into "carmode" using macrodroid app. After switching to on, i can see a steering wheel icon in the notification bar.
But until now, i do not know what the car mode does.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Finally someone who uses macrodroid besides me. I think it's way better then tasker, less complicated. Wouldn't you agree?
Sent from my LGE LG-H830 using XDA Labs
sorry for OT.
I have made my own experiences with "automate" / "tasker" / "macrodroid" / "llama" in the last three years.
Unfortunately "tasker" has some restrictions if you do not use several different plugin.
If you will use, everything seems to be possible.
"Automate" is similar able tool , but drains my battery too much and needs to many plugins.
"Macrodroid" is very easy to use and has all functions they are needed. You can use the Tasker plugins too
and now b.t.t. please!
I tried to chat about it with LG support and it looked like they don't know what car mode is
It looks like I need another way to make G5 to know that it is in car dock. Bluetooth beacon maybe?
Try Auto Android; it's still in development so it isn't super polished but I feel google has done a good job making quite functional.
Ok, I did some research and will answer to myself:
It is not possible with any phone that use QuickCharge. USB data lines D+ and D- are used by QuickCharge protocol to control charging voltage, so there is no way to use them for other things.
I plan to use iBeacon and beaconradar app as alternative solution for automating car mode tasks.
If you use BT in your car, you can use this connection as a trigger in Tasker. So you can create some profiles for it.
non-toxic said:
If you use BT in your car, you can use this connection as a trigger in Tasker. So you can create some profiles for it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, I know, but I do not have hands free BT. I have BT-aux adapter in my car and I tried with tasker BT near profile but it does not work well. Delays are from 10 seconds to couple of minutes. iBeacon broadcasts itself every 300ms or so and should work better. It uses Bluetooth LE so I plan power it constantly from car and create tasker profile for two events: beacon in range and AC power on.

