Converting from T-Mobile to AT&T - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp

Rick Opp said:
I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
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I've never heard of either carrier being receptive to SIM unlocking, even when they're the "gaining" carrier, so I'm a little suspect of this. That being said, I moved from ATTWS to T-Mobile and had no trouble connecting to GPRS on the T-Mobile side, I suspect it will be the same for you. I would use the tools here to unlock the phone and just keep ATTWS's hands off my device.

Yup, unlock it with the tools here, find the AT&T GPRS settings, and go for it. I'm not sure if loading the AT&T Radio Stack would be good, maybe someone else knows? Mad Max, did you change to the T-Mobile radio?

Carlos said:
Mad Max, did you change to the T-Mobile radio?
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I have not. Am curious about other's observations. I'm running ATTWS's stack A.20.10 with no problems on T-Mobile, including full GPRS access. Only thing unusual seems to be that my signal meter always reads very low when I'm on T-Mobile, even in places where my other t-mobile phone is almost maxed out on signal strength. Others on the board have mentioned this, so I don't know if it's linked to my cross-carrier configuration or not.

All you have to do is get ahold of T Mobile USA's Customer Care Department and as long as you have had your account with them for at least 3 months and don't have any past due charges on it, they should be able to get you the SID unlock code. Just tell them you're going to be going overseas and one of the GSM carriers over there is giving you a prepaid SIM to use while in their country and they need you to have your Pocket PC Phone Edition unlocked. I had an unlocked one and used it just fine with the T Mobile OEM software in it. The only thing strange I guess is you'll be using ATTWS service with a T Mobile USA device. LOL! I won an SX56 from Siemens so now I'm using it. Bought my T Mobile one for $200 on eBay and resold it for $320. Talk about profit. I hope the IRS aren't reading these forums. LOL! 8)

So if I understand correctly, if I just unlock the SIM and take it into the local AT&T store they should be able to get it set up with both AT&T phone service and Internet, Right?
Thanks for the info

Rick Opp said:
So if I understand correctly, if I just unlock the SIM and take it into the local AT&T store they should be able to get it set up with both AT&T phone service and Internet, Right?
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You are correct sir. It will take a couple of minutes to set up the GPRS dial string and settings, but otherwise it will work perfectly.

Thanks for the help. I have already ordered the connector to make a serial cable.
One other thought before I do this...
Is there someone out there that has a Siemens with AT&T they want to trade for a T-Mobile ???
Rick :lol:

Rick Opp said:
Is there someone out there that has a Siemens with AT&T they want to trade for a T-Mobile ???
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It really is the exact same device inside: just burn a new ROM and you'll have the same device. That simple...

no prob
last weekend i went to t-mobile with my att xda and ordered service since att in so cal is beyond horrible. I signed up with a plan which gave me a free phone. He pulled the sim card that came with the phone out of the box and put it in my xda. in 1 minute i receved a sms that said "OTA OK" and my phone worked (with a full signal). I dont use internet but all you have to do is ask for the gprs connection string and type it in.

Apparently the phone was unlocked when they took it to the AT&T store. The tech said they could set up everything but the internet access.
Maybe the techs at that office don't know how to do it.
How do you go about finding out what the GPRS connection string is supposed to be? Is it device specific or location specific? Is it something I can get myself or does AT&T have to provide a unique string?
Is the internet access only offered in certain areas?
Or maybe someone can recommend a "qualified" AT&T office to take it to to get the service set up. I am in the Austin TX area.
I'm kinda new to this so bear with me.
Rick Opp :roll:

Rick Opp said:
How do you go about finding out what the GPRS connection string is supposed to be? Is it device specific or location specific? Is it something I can get myself or does AT&T have to provide a unique string?
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I think what they mean is that they don't know how to do it at the store, but you can get the info by calling into ATTWS customer care and asking for data tech support.
Like T-Mobile, the info is NOT device or location specific. Simply set the connection to be "Cellular Line (GPRS)" in the pull-down menu, and the access point name is "proxy". If you're asked specifically for a proxy server name ( I was in version 3, but not in ROM version 4) the ATTWS proxy server is "localhost".
In older ROM versions, there was more to do, but on 4.00.11, that's about all there is to it. If you need the other stuff like IP addresses for proxy servers and WAP gateways, let me know and I can post that two, but doesn't seem to be needed under ROM v4. I have the connection stuff for both ATTWS and Tmobile entered into two connections, because I sometimes flip SIMs between carriers, and it works great.

OK, Great
thanks for the info.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
rick Opp

Making progress but still not quite there
We got the phone working. That was the easy part.
A new AT&T SIM was installed.
We entered the GPRS setup parameters given to us by the AT&T tech.
I was told that when the inverted "G" showed up in the signal strength status window that GPRS would be available. When the G showed up I could connect but IE bombed out saying the page could not be located when attempting to browse.
An AT&T tech told me to do a hard boot. After the hard boot, the G no longer shows up. I can still log on to GPRS but IE still bombs out.
Any suggestions?
The settings provided by AT&T are listed below. Perhaps someone could compare it to their settings ans see if maybe AT&T gave me bad info.
Connection name:
GPRS Connection
Cellular Line (GPRS)
Baud rate = 19200
Use server assigned IP address
Under Modem Tab:
Name GPRS Connection
Number +0 ~GPRS!proxy
Under Proxy Settings:
Both connects to internet and uses proxy server boxes checked
Proxy Server localhost
Advanced Settings:
HTTP localhost : 9090
WAP : 9201
Socks localhost ; 1080
Type = Socks 4
Thanks again for your help.

Rick Opp said:
I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
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Since this is not your device I would suggest that you just install the latest official Pocket PC 2002 AT&T ROM and Radio stack which can be downloaded from the below link (she can always later upgrade it to WM2003 if she want to) :
How to convert:
After you have the above needed file run it!.
Once it has finished 'unpacking files', cancel out of it and use Windows Explorer to go to the
C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder.
Now download adaptROM.exe from:
and place it in the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder
Then go to DOS and run adaptROM.exe from the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder.
After adaptROM has finished return to the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder and run upgrade.exe .

I'll give it a try tomorrow after work.
The saga continues......

After running adaptrom and installing the Siemens ROM update everything works perfectly.
Thanks for all the help.
These things are pretty cool. Maybe I'll get one for myself.

Glad to hear it worked out and yea they're pretty cool!


TMobile in Australia

I just wanted to pass on my experience with a 900/1900mhz device on the Australian Telstra network (900/1800mhz) for any other aussie's thinking of buying a US model to save some cash.
I initially bought this with the expectation that GPRS probably wouldn't work, but I figured this wouldn't matter that much as long as the phone did.
Anyway, after a call to Telstra, they told me it should still work fine on the 900mhz band so I setup my account for access to the network, put in the details and hey presto! GPRS!
I did however discover a missing component. The support guy was walking me through the process and asked me to put in the proxy information....huh? Not there! Is this something that has been removed from the developer rom or is it just the Australian XDA that has this extra tab in the connection settings? Luckily Telstra also offer a non-proxy connection so I was able to get around this anyway.

Can an AT&T SX56 be used in Canada?

Ok everyone, I am a REAL NEWBIE and I've read most of the posts reagrding the SX56 and Rogers AT&T (Canada) but I really need some assurances and/or specific responses to my questions. Please help out if you can...
I want to bid-on / buy an SX56 on eBay and have it shipped to Canada for use on the Rogers AT&T network.
Do I need to do anything to get it to work on the Rogers AT&T network here in Canada. I understand I can simply use my SIMM card from my existing GSM phone.
However, I was talking with a guy from Siemens Canada today, and he cautioned me about buying a unit from USA because he suggested that they are usually "locked" for use with a particular carrier (AT&T or T-mobile). As a PDA or phone he felt that it would work. But, if I want to access the web, he felt I wouldn't be able to do so in Canada UNLESS the unit is "unlocked" and re-configured for use in Canada.
Does anyone know anything about this? Or even IF it can be done?
I am fairly competent with technology and computers, so don't be afraid be specific.
MANY THANKS, in advance, for all your help.... I really want to get this unit but they're selling in Canada for $800 CDN
Blair (Guinness)
The device does have to be SIM unlocked. There are tools on this site to do so if you need to.....and elsewhere as well. If it is not SIM unlocked you will NOT be able to use your existing card. If/once it is unlocked it will work on Rogers AT&T....mine does.
If you would like to see one in action, or see the new XDAII come to our users group meeting in Toronto tomorrow evening (Thursday)
...I'll be the guy with the Guinness hat on.
I'll see you there... are you serious about the Guinness hat? If so, I'll look for you.
ACK! I wish I could go. I'm a good 8 hours' drive though, coming up from K'zoo, MI.
I've been using the SX-56 on Rogers for the past 4 months. Actually I just upgraded the radio yesterday and also threw on a cooked ROM and this is working so much better than before.
If I just knew how to make this work with the Rogers GPRS network for browsing life would be GREAT.
I have it set for
user: wapuser1
pw: wap
no DNS
but is there something required in the dial patterns?
Anybody have any tips for GPRS on Rogers in Canada?
Have you SUBSCRIBED to a DATA PLAN with Rogers AT&T yet?
I understand that you need to add the DATA PLAN to your existing service for it to work.
Somewhere else in this Forum I read this... "You do not use goam, simply change that to and user name is : wapuser1 and password: wap. do not put any D.N.S. or anything. give that a try."
I forgot to ask you...
You UPGRADED the Radio? What do you mean?
Also, which "cooked rom" did you use?
I'm guessing that you need to "copy" the ROM file onto an SD Card and then load it onto your SX56??? Is that correct? What size of SD Card do you need?
jimphill said:
I've been using the SX-56 on Rogers for the past 4 months. Actually I just upgraded the radio yesterday and also threw on a cooked ROM and this is working so much better than before.
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I do have a Data Plan with Rogers.
I think I need something modified in my Dial Pattern - not really sure how it should be changed.
Anyways - I went to and went to the Upgrades. i was able to get a new Radio version for the GSM portion of the phone - simply download, hook up via cable and run the RSupgrade that is included in the zip - phone works 1000000% better now.
In the same site you can create your own ROM - i made one and added / removed different apps. Then i ran the ROM upgrade utility - I made it as an EXE and it simply redid my os on the PDA portion - took around 45 min to copy everything over.
I can't wait to get this working properly....
It should work with the settings you are using. How strong is your signal? If you have a weak signal it's not likely to connect.
Otherwise call Rogers and ask them to reset your acount, then wait a few minutes and give it another go.
Are you available to answer a couple of questions over the telephone tonight?
Did I give you my phone number at the meeting last week?
I've had my SX56 working relatively well with Rogers for a few months now too. However, I find that my signal is very weak compared to my faithful Nokia 8390. Do any of you guys have a problem with a weak signal?
I'm using ROM: 4.00.16 and Radio:6.12

[Q] Atrix capable network in japan?

Ill be moving to japan by years end and was wondering what network could I use to work with the Atrix? And if anyone has any experiance living in japan, how does billing work?
From everything I've heard Japan has domestic market phones that make the Atrix look like old news. You might be better off getting a phone/plan locally when you get there.
...I beg to differ on that one.
Here in Japan, there are some good Android phones, but they're almost always locked down. For example my SH005. great phone except the battery won't last a whole day.
I picked up an Atrix I plan on unlocking and using that over here.
anything that has the 2100 band (pretty much all 3G phones in the US) will work on Softbank. if you're going there permanently, then if your phone is unlocked you can probably just drop the SIM in. if you're going temporarily then you will probably need to grab a prepaid SIM but it should still work in the phone. you pay for all minutes used, incoming calls are free, and softbank has a good deal on unlimited mail for prepaid (300 yen per month) plans.
shadowfalx had issues with softbank in JP.. he tried 2 Atrix handsets and couldn't get either of them to work with data..
It had to be his APN settings. I've used dozens of non-softbank phones over here, starting with my GSM WinMo Treo 750, and as long as the APN settings were correct, it worked on data fine. There's one other person with an Atrix I know here in Tokyo; He's a Google employee here. So I know it'll work.
Kueller said:
From everything I've heard Japan has domestic market phones that make the Atrix look like old news. You might be better off getting a phone/plan locally when you get there.
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Like what?
Japan is behind the times these days, still loving flip phones, blackberries and just joining the iphone love.
Symbian is alive and well in Japan. That should tell you everything.
starrwulfe said:
It had to be his APN settings. I've used dozens of non-softbank phones over here, starting with my GSM WinMo Treo 750, and as long as the APN settings were correct, it worked on data fine. There's one other person with an Atrix I know here in Tokyo; He's a Google employee here. So I know it'll work.
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Have you ever heard of people getting extremely high charges for data? I read about that on another forum (gaijinpot, search for "softbank bill" on the title, I can't link to it). They say softbank will usually not allow you to use a cell phone they didn't sell on their data network if you ask them directly. The thread is 3 or so moths old, I don't think too much has changed since then.
Again, it's all in the plan/APN settings you start off with beforehand, along with checking to see if you're getting ridiculous charges...
Some people go into the store, get a prepaid phone, then just swap the SIMs. No prepaid phone here comes with data!
Others are moving from a featurephone to a smartphone. Those have data, but are tied to a specific APN. When pulling down more data than allowed from that APN, they charge exorbitant fees. Hence plan changing is a good thing.
Finally, some people go from iPhone to another Android. iPhones here have totally different APNs they attach to.
It's all in the name controlling the plans for their customers, that's all. Connect to the one you're paying for, then you shouldn't have any problem.
Again, I used an AT&T treo 750, HTC Tilt, HTC Tilt 2, from T-mobile, and an out-the-box unlocked iPhone 3GS from Singapore with no issues. Of course you NEVER tell them that you're using a different phone from the one that's on their system. But as long as you're connected properly, they generally don't care.
That being said, theres another option called B:mobile here. They're an MVNO and use DoCoMo's network. They just sell you a prepaid SIM card. I may try them out, just to see what kind of service is there and if it could save me some ¥. This guy is test one right now actually:
Wow, that was really informative starrwulfe. I was looking for this kind of info because I just got an Atrix off of ebay and I plan to use it with a Dell Streak's SIM which I got from softbank on the 2-year contract. You're saying that if I backup my APN settings from the Streak I should have no problems on the Atrix, correct?
For the record, I pay about 9,000 yen per month. That includes ~6,000 for the unlimited data plan, ~1800 for the phone, and all the crap you have to sign in when you make the contract.
OP, If you are going to stay in Japan long enough and you intend to use a lot of data on the Atrix you may want to consider getting a basic android smartphone from softbank on an unlimited data plan and swapping SIMs.
I have a Sharp Galapagos SH005 here now, but like you, I'm switching to an Atrix too (in fact it should be here before Saturday) and that's exactly what I plan to do.
Easy way to tell what APN you should connect to is to check the color of the SIM cards. Black ones are iPhone only cards, gray ones with green bands specifically say "SMARTPHONE" on them-- they go into the Android phones here. Feature phones have a regular gray card.
You can find the APN info and password easily by googling a little... But if you can back up your APN info, can you share it with me? mine is locked (current phone can't be rooted)
Ok, now I'm having trouble here with getting my Atrix set up on the Softbank network.
Phone calls and SMS work, but data doesn't.
Seems they have some unpublished APNs now with the new android phones. My Galapagos plugs into some other APN than what the normal silver cards did. Unfortunately I can't see what my APN is now on my current phone since they've locked that part out.
What I'm also afraid of is that they may have also started using things like imei checking and user agent binding as well. Great, now what can I do?
Sent from my SBM005SH using XDA App
Just so you know, I have this with sim card out of my iPhone and my atrix works on the softbank network. So it was see if only thing stopping me for connecting to softbank is apn info.
again if anybody has sharp galapogos APN information for softbank I would happily pay pal a donation
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
starrwulfe said:
It had to be his APN settings. I've used dozens of non-softbank phones over here, starting with my GSM WinMo Treo 750, and as long as the APN settings were correct, it worked on data fine. There's one other person with an Atrix I know here in Tokyo; He's a Google employee here. So I know it'll work.
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It was APNs....sort of. Motorola Atrix requires you to add your Username and Password to a file in '/system/etc/ppp/peers/pppd-ril.options'. With out this you can call and use wi-fi but can not use mobile data.
and for APN's this site is helpful:
Just remember is you want tethering and aGPS add them to the list in APN Type. So it should read default,supl,mms,agps,dun,tether remember NO spaces
Starrwulf do you have root on you Galappagos phone? if so you can look at the APNs.....Let me make a guide quickly and I will update this post.
SQLite editor
1) Open SQLite editor and accept the root permissions.
2) Go to Dialer storage.
3) telephony.db
4) carriers
This opens a database file with all the APNs preloaded on the phone. You should be able to look for the one that has a 'Yes' in the current field.
I assume this is the same or similar on the Galapagos (I don't have one specifically though)
Thanx _Dennis_ for being so helpful!
Unfortunately, this thing has no root-- or rather may have temporary root, but not full root.
If I could gain just enough access to that file, then maybe theres a good chance it's in there.
I don't think SuperOneClick works... any suggestions?
maybe try gingerbreak? it may gain you root but you may not be able to change anything, which would be ok.
Or even better do you have adb access? if so I will find the correct .db file.
--edit: correct file is /data/data/
or try these settings:
apn carrier="SoftBank Internet"
I'm on the freenode IRC channel #moto-atrix, my name is shadowfalx do to someone already having _dennis_ registered though, if you want more real time help
You, another friend of mine here on Gtalk, and I found that MoDaCo thread all at the same time!
Those settings did the trick actually! So now I'm good to go. Now I need to figure out how to push that other mms.apk thru ADB to get my useragent changed...
BTW I'm new to the Android Mod scene. I started messing with WinMo back in the States, then moved here and had a very hacked Tilt 2 on softbank... when it gave up the ghost, I went into the iPhone jailbreak scene. Now I'm here! So I'll accept any and all advice you can give me, sensei/senpai!
You don't really need the mms app Download 'Handcent' from the market and change the UA in settings. Also I suggest getting 'market enabler' requires root but it allows you to fake a US sim card in the market and get US only apps.
I have Hancent... But I don't see anywhere to change the UA in the settings.... Am I missing something?

[Q] HTC Titan II: Unlock/Android Inquiry

Hi everyone,
My wife just got a FREE HTC Titan II from the MS Challenge today. I guess they were completely out of stock on the HTC Titan so they gave us the Titan II.
Now being an Android guy myself with no interest in coming to Windows phone I am very new to the whole windows phone world. I do have a couple questions that I don't see in the thread that I would like to ask, everything else I think I can handle with the search button.
First, my wife and I have T-Mobile and we would like to unlock the phone to use on T-Mobile. I am very aware that I am not going to get 3G or 4G until next year, but in the mean time whats the best recommended place to get a unlock code that would work for this?
Second, Is there currently, or in the works a plan to port Android to the HTC Titan II. If so and direction/links or info would be awesome.
Third, is there anything else that anyone can think of that I would need to fun this phone on T-Mobile?
The search button didn't work all that great for me, so thank you everyone for this very noob question.
synergeticink said:
Hi everyone,
My wife just got a FREE HTC Titan II from the MS Challenge today. I guess they were completely out of stock on the HTC Titan so they gave us the Titan II.
Now being an Android guy myself with no interest in coming to Windows phone I am very new to the whole windows phone world. I do have a couple questions that I don't see in the thread that I would like to ask, everything else I think I can handle with the search button.
First, my wife and I have T-Mobile and we would like to unlock the phone to use on T-Mobile. I am very aware that I am not going to get 3G or 4G until next year, but in the mean time whats the best recommended place to get a unlock code that would work for this?
Second, Is there currently, or in the works a plan to port Android to the HTC Titan II. If so and direction/links or info would be awesome.
Third, is there anything else that anyone can think of that I would need to fun this phone on T-Mobile?
The search button didn't work all that great for me, so thank you everyone for this very noob question.
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1. There are some Threads about unlocking sites .. One Two
2. No, Even though the Sensation XL is very similar I highly doubt android will ever run on the Titan II... Sure if alot of interest was taken on the Titan II and talented developers jumped ship then sure anything is possible.. But its a lonely place around here.
3. Besides having it sim unlocked you can download "Connection Setup" from the HTC apps in the Market to load the proper APN's and MMS settings.. Once you have those setup you shouldn't have data issues.
Thank you so much!!! Really helpful. I really do hope with the Windows Challenge thing alot more people join this Dev section.
Do you know what the APN settings would be for T-Mobile when setting up that connection setup?
synergeticink said:
Do you know what the APN settings would be for T-Mobile when setting up that connection setup?
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I think connection setup will feed in the pre-entered APN settings automatically.
However, if after connection setup + reboot - you don't get the 3g connection then you might have to add the APN manually. But I highly doubt you would have to do anything manually.
synergeticink said:
Do you know what the APN settings would be for T-Mobile when setting up that connection setup?
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Blank everything else
drupad2drupad said:
I think connection setup will feed in the pre-entered APN settings automatically.
However, if after connection setup + reboot - you don't get the 3g connection then you might have to add the APN manually. But I highly doubt you would have to do anything manually.
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Every time I opened connection setup it would give me that error message I listed above. I put in and nothing else, but not getting any connection. Going to test again today because I live on a hill and I might not be getting 3g up here
synergeticink said:
Every time I opened connection setup it would give me that error message I listed above. I put in and nothing else, but not getting any connection. Going to test again today because I live on a hill and I might not be getting 3g up here
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With Tmobile you won't get 3G only Edge, but aslong as you have the right apn and data enabled i don't see why you shouldn't have a connection
Tachi91 said:
With Tmobile you won't get 3G only Edge, but aslong as you have the right apn and data enabled i don't see why you shouldn't have a connection
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Gotcha, thank you.
You shouldn't have to mess with APNs. Just get HTC Connection Setup and let it run -- it will configure everything correctly and you will have data (2G in this case due to the UMTS frequency discrepancy between AT&T and T-Mobile), SMS, and MMS.
I have done this as recently as yesterday with a Titan and a Radar.
tai4de2 said:
You shouldn't have to mess with APNs. Just get HTC Connection Setup and let it run -- it will configure everything correctly and you will have data (2G in this case due to the UMTS frequency discrepancy between AT&T and T-Mobile), SMS, and MMS.
I have done this as recently as yesterday with a Titan and a Radar.
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Like I mentioned earlier, connection setup does not work with the Titan II, it says that the carrier is not in the database. It says to do it manually.
synergeticink said:
Like I mentioned earlier, connection setup does not work with the Titan II, it says that the carrier is not in the database. It says to do it manually.
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Which unlock service did you end up using? Do you have to enter the unlock code every time the phone is rebooted?
Beefvvl said:
Which unlock service did you end up using? Do you have to enter the unlock code every time the phone is rebooted?
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Reboot the phone multiple times and never had to enter the code again. Got the code in 5 minutes after purchase.
Did you ever get the phone working on tmobile?
Not sure yet, I will try later today and see.
Does the titan II need to be unlocked to use the htc connection setup's manual features? I have straight talk and the ATT APN works for accessing the 4G but doesn't allow picture messaging. Is there another apn editor I can use or do I have to unlock to access those settings?
Good question, I honestly don't know. I would assume not if all it does is update the APN.
eightypea said:
Does the titan II need to be unlocked to use the htc connection setup's manual features? I have straight talk and the ATT APN works for accessing the 4G but doesn't allow picture messaging. Is there another apn editor I can use or do I have to unlock to access those settings?
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Doesn't Connection Setup have a Manual Setup option in its settings?
Tachi91 said:
Doesn't Connection Setup have a Manual Setup option in its settings?
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There is manual 'selection' option, but doesn't let you enter APN settings. It's the same case with Giffgaff, Tesco Mobile, Asda mobile, Vectone mobile, Lebara mobile and Lyca mobile in the UK.
drupad2drupad said:
There is manual 'selection' option, but doesn't let you enter APN settings. It's the same case with Giffgaff, Tesco Mobile, Asda mobile, Vectone mobile, Lebara mobile and Lyca mobile in the UK.
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yeah I was wondering if that's still the case with unlocked Sims.

Lumia 920 Internet Sharing, evidence of ROM tampering from Rogers?

I originally posted this to WPcentral but no one seems to care... I find it quite compelling and I thought I'd share...
I have read a lot of different forums that The Lumia 920 from Roger has a hard time working with other carriers when unlocked. Specifically, internet Sharing seems to be broken.
Some have speculated that the phone is supposed to "detect" or "read" the settings right off the sim card but all the Rogers phone owner have reported that this is not happening.
I like evidence, not speculation. So I went ahead and downloaded the RM820_1232.2109.1242.1002_RETAIL_nam_canada_200_02_100347_prd_signed ROM off nokia's web site using NaviFirm+ 1.7. then I hex-edited the rom itself...
Boy is that stuff interesting. I found a section written in XML called "OEMCustomizationPackage". That sounded too good to be true... so I dug up the xml and found a bunch of interesting settings like custom ring tones, initial tile placement BUT...
I also found this...
<Component ComponentName="ConnectivityCustomizations">
<Setting Name="ADC path set" Value=""/>
<Setting Name="ADC enabled" Value="0"/>
Call me crazy but ADC in WP8 parlance stands for "automatic data configuration" and unless I'm dumb as a rock, the setting sure seems to me like it's disabled!!!
Now of course If only there was another line that said <Modified by your carrier to make your life miserable = 1> but sadly there aren't.
So it begs the question... was the setting disabled by Nokia?, Rogers? or worst... Microsoft?
I don't expect I'll have an answer to this but I have a support call in with Nokia that got bumped to Level 2 support... the conversation will get interesting
I looked at the OEMCustomizationPackage XML for the ATT firmware and ADC is disabled (tested on RM820_1232.2109.1242.1001_RETAIL_nam_usa_100_01_95122)
did the same for a random European firmware... settled on the France firmware (RM821_1232.2109.1242.1001_RETAIL_eu_france_267_01_95741 ) and the setting is NOT IN the OEMCustomizationPackage XML
Now I'm not gonna waste any more bandwidth testing other firmwares but this is evidence enough to prove there was a deliberate effort to cripple the North American firmware by ATT and Rogers. I cannot wait to talk to the support rep from Nokia and hear what he has to say... Best case scenario, they let me have a generic Firmware and I'm home free... but most likely, they'll release an app just like they did with the lumia 900. It was called "Nokia Network setup"
Hmmm, that's an interesting find! Keep us updated if Nokia comes back to you with anything.
I’m stuck over in the UAE right now. I have a brand new 920 from AT&T that I can’t use because no one can sim unlock them yet. Would it be possible to flash this thing with another ROM and get it sim unlocked so I can use it over here?
I remember buying the samsung focus and windows breaking the device to change registry settings. This was the same issue that the Focus had...unfortunately i don't remember the explaination that was given but it was Samsung saying that automatic data configuration, for whatever reason, frequently configured the device wrong or just wouldn't work so they disabled the setting. I think it a BS excuse considering they have the registry entry why would you disable it and why wouldn't it work in the first place....just my 2 cents. But, I don't believe it too much to be a conspiracy theory going on lol.
Flashing ROMs normally does not change the status of the SIM lock, so no for you over at UAE.
Considering the OEM customizations: yes, branded phones run the same software as unbranded devices but there might be settings to allow or disallow certain functionality. Also the Apps loaded by default on a hard reset are different (OEM Apps can be included).
So while the update package to get your 920 and my 920 to the Apollo+/Portico Update most likely will include the same binaries that does not mean that you have the same functionality available (some carriers who only operate on 3G for example removed the possibility to switch their devices into 2G only mode). Internet Connection Sharing was another feature that was disabled on some branded devices although drivers, etc. are deployed onto those devices as well.
StevieBallz said:
Flashing ROMs normally does not change the status of the SIM lock, so no for you over at UAE.
Considering the OEM customizations: yes, branded phones run the same software as unbranded devices but there might be settings to allow or disallow certain functionality. Also the Apps loaded by default on a hard reset are different (OEM Apps can be included).
So while the update package to get your 920 and my 920 to the Apollo+/Portico Update most likely will include the same binaries that does not mean that you have the same functionality available (some carriers who only operate on 3G for example removed the possibility to switch their devices into 2G only mode). Internet Connection Sharing was another feature that was disabled on some branded devices although drivers, etc. are deployed onto those devices as well.
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Thank you!
most carrier branded wp phones have adc turned off since wp7 days. That is nothing new and certainly expected. typically, you can turn it back on once you sim unlocked your phone and you are lucky enough to find network setup app from the manufacturer,
The network setting app is here!!
As an update to my adventures, I did find the Nokia network setup app... it's called "access point". I tried to do a marketplace search but no results... but a guy over at WPCentral just dropped the marketplace link
I'm apparently too new to post outside links so PM me and I'll get you the link...
I just browsed to the link on my phone and was able to install the app. It add an "access point" item to the setting menu just like the Dev ATT phone they handed out prior to launch
My phone is still locked to Rogers so I have no idea if the app will help me overcome the tethering issues once I get there. on Dec 19th my "30 days on contract" are up so the nasty Rogers people will run out of excuse to deny my unlocking so I'll buy the thing and get as far away from this carrier as I can and hopefully I can get functional Internet Sharing going.
To any Canadian who's lucky to have an unlocked 920 with internet tethering problems... can you confirm this is working?
rancorbeast said:
As an update to my adventures, I did find the Nokia network setup app... it's called "access point". I tried to do a marketplace search but no results... but a guy over at WPCentral just dropped the marketplace link
I'm apparently too new to post outside links so PM me and I'll get you the link...
I just browsed to the link on my phone and was able to install the app. It add an "access point" item to the setting menu just like the Dev ATT phone they handed out prior to launch
My phone is still locked to Rogers so I have no idea if the app will help me overcome the tethering issues once I get there. on Dec 19th my "30 days on contract" are up so the nasty Rogers people will run out of excuse to deny my unlocking so I'll buy the thing and get as far away from this carrier as I can and hopefully I can get functional Internet Sharing going.
To any Canadian who's lucky to have an unlocked 920 with internet tethering problems... can you confirm this is working?
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it's work, my phone is Rogers unlocked, and use in telus, now it's perfectly internet sharing enabled. Everyone wanna see that link, just search " access point in nokia lumia 920, and the first post from wpcentral , the link is inside.:laugh:
cao0215 said:
it's work, my phone is Rogers unlocked, and use in telus, now it's perfectly internet sharing enabled. Everyone wanna see that link, just search " access point in nokia lumia 920, and the first post from wpcentral , the link is inside.:laugh:
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Thanks for the link. Got the app installed and chose Telus from available access points. Tried turning on connection sharing but I'm getting the same error as before. Is there any other steps to follow?
Great news! but...
cao0215 said:
it's work, my phone is Rogers unlocked, and use in telus, now it's perfectly internet sharing enabled. Everyone wanna see that link, just search " access point in nokia lumia 920, and the first post from wpcentral , the link is inside.:laugh:
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Wow great news !! Can you confirm a few things for me...
1- Can you confirm you are getting stable and long lasting internet sharing... a lot of people report success but then they write back to report that is stops working...
2- What is your batch number? (mine is 44/2012 it's in the sticker on your box where the IMEI number is )
3- What firmware are you running? (mine is 1232.2109.1242.1001)
4- Did you get the phone unlocked by Rogers or a web site?
Thanks for the feedback! I too want to switch to Telus but with so many users reporting problems with internet sharing, I was getting desperate.
rancorbeast said:
Wow great news !! Can you confirm a few things for me...
1- Can you confirm you are getting stable and long lasting internet sharing... a lot of people report success but then they write back to report that is stops working...
2- What is your batch number? (mine is 44/2012 it's in the sticker on your box where the IMEI number is )
3- What firmware are you running? (mine is 1232.2109.1242.1001)
4- Did you get the phone unlocked by Rogers or a web site?
Thanks for the feedback! I too want to switch to Telus but with so many users reporting problems with internet sharing, I was getting desperate.
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from last post until now, it's stable. I ll let u know tomorrow for more results.
by rogers
sjeffrey said:
Thanks for the link. Got the app installed and chose Telus from available access points. Tried turning on connection sharing but I'm getting the same error as before. Is there any other steps to follow?
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For sjeffrey's sake...
cao0215:did you have to input Telus's APNs, or did the app just pull the data from the SIM card like it's supposed to?
And sjeffrey: please provide your batch number and firmware version so we can document this and try to help you out!
cao0215 said:
from last post until now, it's stable. I ll let u know tomorrow for more results.
by rogers
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This is truly exciting !! :laugh: maybe I'll call Rogers tomorrow and bug them until they let me unlock it even if it has not been 30 days so I can try this out!!!!
rancorbeast said:
For sjeffrey's sake...
cao0215:did you have to input Telus's APNs, or did the app just pull the data from the SIM card like it's supposed to?
And sjeffrey: please provide your batch number and firmware version so we can document this and try to help you out!
This is truly exciting !! :laugh: maybe I'll call Rogers tomorrow and bug them until they let me unlock it even if it has not been 30 days so I can try this out!!!!
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the telus apn i ve already typed into, and i didnt change it. The only thing i open access point, and choose TELUS active, then i got consistent internet sharing, no problem .
Great find! I can confirm this is working on my unlocked Rogers 920 on Bell. I downloaded the app and selected the Bell profile, and changed my apn under cellular to Turned on tethering and worked right away. Thanks again for posting this!
Service: Telus
Unlocked by:
Firmware: .1002
Manufacture week: 46
I had set APN to regular and set access to point Telus. That didn't work.
Just for the hell of it I switched the manual APN entry to and switched the access point to Koodoo and back to Telus to force it to refresh.
I was able to turn on tethering but I lost data. So it's basically same behavior as before.
Hopefully I can get tethering to work. I'm jealous some of you are getting it to work and I don't :S
rancorbeast said:
As an update to my adventures, I did find the Nokia network setup app... it's called "access point". I tried to do a marketplace search but no results... but a guy over at WPCentral just dropped the marketplace link
I'm apparently too new to post outside links so PM me and I'll get you the link...
I just browsed to the link on my phone and was able to install the app. It add an "access point" item to the setting menu just like the Dev ATT phone they handed out prior to launch
My phone is still locked to Rogers so I have no idea if the app will help me overcome the tethering issues once I get there. on Dec 19th my "30 days on contract" are up so the nasty Rogers people will run out of excuse to deny my unlocking so I'll buy the thing and get as far away from this carrier as I can and hopefully I can get functional Internet Sharing going.
To any Canadian who's lucky to have an unlocked 920 with internet tethering problems... can you confirm this is working?
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Amazing find! I can confirm that this works for me. Unlocked Rogers Lumia 920 on the Telus network.
Here is the link from the WPC post:
edit 1: Never mind, it doesn't work any more.
edit 2: It's hit and miss. Working again a day later after switching from to and back.
richhy said:
Amazing find! I can confirm that this works for me. Unlocked Rogers Lumia 920 on the Telus network.
Here is the link from the WPC post:
Never mind, it doesn't work any more.
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No!!!! Don't say it stopped working!
I knew this was too good to be true.
sjeffrey said:
No!!!! Don't say it stopped working!
I knew this was too good to be true.
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so far my internet sharing is working well.
rancorbeast said:
As an update to my adventures, I did find the Nokia network setup app... it's called "access point". I tried to do a marketplace search but no results... but a guy over at WPCentral just dropped the marketplace link
I'm apparently too new to post outside links so PM me and I'll get you the link...
I just browsed to the link on my phone and was able to install the app. It add an "access point" item to the setting menu just like the Dev ATT phone they handed out prior to launch
My phone is still locked to Rogers so I have no idea if the app will help me overcome the tethering issues once I get there. on Dec 19th my "30 days on contract" are up so the nasty Rogers people will run out of excuse to deny my unlocking so I'll buy the thing and get as far away from this carrier as I can and hopefully I can get functional Internet Sharing going.
To any Canadian who's lucky to have an unlocked 920 with internet tethering problems... can you confirm this is working?
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I created this account just to say thank you! This internet sharing issue has been bugging me for weeks. I can confirm it's working on an unlocked rogers Nokia 920 on Wind. I just installed the access point app, deleted the APN I had manually entered, ran the app and selected Wind as my operator and now everything works including internet sharing.

