Sounds to Caller? Is it possible? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I've been reading the forum for about a month, and have a question about the feasibility of something (or where to get it if its already been developed). I have a T-mobile PPC/PE and want to be able to play sounds while on a phone conversation (i.e. play an MP3 so both parties on the phone can hear it). options to allow it to play only to user, only to caller, or both would be nice, but so far I haven't even seen the issue addressed anywhere (I'm probably going to regret saying that - the question has probably come up before and my searches just didn't use the right terms).
So does a program exist that can do this? Is it possible to do?

Just checked, and it does indeed appear that you can't make the PDA produce any sounds while in call. The PDA can record, because the call recording function wouldn't work otherwise.
No clue how to solve this.


Titan and Voice Command Incoming Call Announce Fix

Hello all. I'm not sure if this has been posted here, but thought I'd post again. I take no credit for this fix. Voice Command works well on my Mogul, running dcd 1.67, but incoming calls were not being announced.
This fixed my problem:
yeah, I found this before but forgot where it was. Thanks for pointing it out again.
Too bad this still doesn't fix the verification prompt issues
Im having a hard time opening the vociecommand file on my desktop. How do I install the file to my mogul (Sprint)
emillz615 said:
Im having a hard time opening the vociecommand file on my desktop. How do I install the file to my mogul (Sprint)
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UNZIP IT! (winzip,winrar,windows xp uncompress utility)
Disable Voice Command before you attempt this
Overwrite your existing (on your mogul) files from the zip. Make sure you can see hidden/system files
\Program Files\Voice Command\
Enable voice command.
I need voice announce to work on the T-Mobile Dash 3G
OK. Hi. My name is Chris. I am totally blind. NO seriously I mean it. I have a program on the phone that reads the screen to me called Mobile speak, from Any who, irrelavent as that is, LOL! Basically, here is what I found from talking to HTC. I won't squeel on the lady who told me this, as she said she's not supposed to tell me this, however she felt real bad due to my unique situation with blindness. Basically, the eal is: No matter what phone you use, if it has WM 6.1, this MSVC regardless what hack you use, isn't gonna work with announcing calls. There apparently, was a hotfix that MS did not include in WM 6.1 that was meant to be in there but wasn't. Without this hotfix, htc says hack or not, rom update or not, older/newer version of VC, isn't gonna fix things. They wanna give us the update, but they can't even make it themselves till A, that hotfix is emplemented, or B, W6.5 is released. I can't use the cooked 6.5's as they don't work well with Mobile Speak. Plus the start menu doesn't work period with MSpeak. I got the zip file up here, quit msv, replaced files, restarted, no go no show. still no announcing of calls. She reads everything else fine, but not that. So I present you all with a couple questions. Can I please get the Dash 6.0 version of Windows Mobile from someone with a US Dash 6.0, and put it on here? Yeah 3G won't work any more, and some other things won't either, likely, however, if you all think in theory it would work, I'd be willing to try it. I already unlocked with spl my phone, so, that's all good. If this doesn't work, can you all get me a program as an alternative to VC that will audibly announce calls? I need this as due to my blindness, I can't read the caller ID with MObile speak while phone is ringing as it's drowned out by ring tone. if I turn ringer down, that works except, caller ID only is spoken by MS once, so if I'm outta the room, well, yeah... good luck. you're officially screwed. This unlike you all is not a wanted feature, due to my disability, it's a need, so please! can someone help me. Even if we have to really go a pain in the effin arse's way really round about? I've been reading you all's threads here both related and unrelated to this. Yall're awesome, so surely I say: someone up here's gotta! have some idea. I can't wait for 6.5, then longer for Code Factory to do their magic to get Mobile speak working. I'm sorry, that's just not satisfactory.
Please E-mail me with any help.
[email protected]
Voice Command Call Announce issue
I tried copying the files from the Zip, could only get 3 of the 4 into my phone, made it freeze, had to uninstall and reinstall VC. Still cannot get incoming calls to announce on a newly upgrade ROM.

[Q] Android Notifications sent to Touchpad?

Not sure if this has been asked yet, searching didn't give me any results anyway - but apologies if its been asked.
HP Touchpad + HP Pre3 connect and the tablet can be used to read text messages etc along with a few other features
So, I was wondering if anyone has fiddled with trying to get Android to connect to WebOS for SMS/Missed call alerts?
closest thing I can think of right now would be using Phone Portal to connect your Motorola device. It uses WiFi and the browser.
Wish there was a way to do that.
Have you tried DeskSMS? It sends your SMS's to your Gmail.
Might be any good?
Bouncer5 said:
Have you tried DeskSMS? It sends your SMS's to your Gmail.
Might be any good?
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Nice one! I think that could be a viable option until someone figures out how to either make an app for android/webos to do it, or something more advanced.
I was just about to post this, theoretically it shouldn't be impossible to achieve although I'm far from an expert in the area (read: not an expert at all). I'd happily donate to any developers which could create a patch for it, as I'm sure would many other touchpad owners.
Blank2k2 said:
Nice one! I think that could be a viable option until someone figures out how to either make an app for android/webos to do it, or something more advanced.
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Glad I could help!
I was reading somewhere else about this, Someones looking to transfer by bluetooth, as any other option currently would no be viable apparently
Bouncer5 said:
Glad I could help!
I was reading somewhere else about this, Someones looking to transfer by bluetooth, as any other option currently would no be viable apparently
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Yep, I'm expecting a bluetooth app for it.
Must admit i'm annoyed with how restricted the feature is - i mean the car, tv, and pc can all get text alerts from the phone. (Actually that's a lie, the car stopped getting text messages when i went to android)
So i'm sure its doable, its just a matter of getting a dev interested in doing it - unfortunately I wouldn't know where to start.
Blank2k2 said:
Yep, I'm expecting a bluetooth app for it.
Must admit i'm annoyed with how restricted the feature is - i mean the car, tv, and pc can all get text alerts from the phone. (Actually that's a lie, the car stopped getting text messages when i went to android)
So i'm sure its doable, its just a matter of getting a dev interested in doing it - unfortunately I wouldn't know where to start.
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Well aint you all fancy!
My phone bearly gets texts messages nevermind anything else!
There's already a discussion about this.
See the last post in the thread.
Port your number to google voice. Then I have txt sent and missed calls going to email.

[Q] Want "ping" instead of "plop" when dialling

Now while I like the "nature" theme of the SIII as much as the next guy, I've got one problem with it.
Like the title says, I really dislike the "plop" sound that you get when dialling, and would much prefer to have a proper (?) dialling tone, e.g. where each key has a different note.
Try as I might, I can't find any easy way to switch to dial tones like I had on my old SE X10, so unless someone out there's got a solution, I can see I'm going to end up switching off dial noises altogether.
Why hasn't anyone answered this question? It's important to have these tones when calling an automated system.
gentleart said:
Why hasn't anyone answered this question? It's important to have these tones when calling an automated system.
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It does actually send the correct tone down the line, you just hear a different one locally. It's hard to say if there is an easy fix, because there should be a sound assignment to each key in the Phone apk or related, and if Sammy has replaced them all with a single one, it might not be so easily modified to point each button at a seperate sound.
All I can suggest is to get an alternative dialer, perhaps the AOSP one?
When I called my bank, it didn't work. I switched from short tones to long ones and it still didn't work.
If I can find a different dialer I guess I'll try it.
gentleart said:
When I called my bank, it didn't work. I switched from short tones to long ones and it still didn't work.
If I can find a different dialer I guess I'll try it.
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That's very strange because it's practically a critical feature that the phone dialer can send DTMF tones. I use it regularly myself so I can promise you that it does work for some of us, it could very well be a problem with your bank. Try rip the phone apk out of a Cyanogen build or similar if there are no dependencies, or if you get a dialer from the play Store pay careful attention to how reliable it is and its permissions, just in case.
I asked this question weeks ago and no one has come up with any 'fix' for it...
The tones you hear when pressing a key have nothing to do with the tones the phone sends as described.
Try calling another phone and pressing the keys, you should hear a distinction between all single tones. (If not, please have your ears checked )
Did you have a good connection when calling the bank? The tones heavily rely on a halfway acceptable connection.
If you still want to hear distinct tones, try other diallers such as Go Dialler. They might be able to do it since it's onlce purely cosmetical.
It could be a problem on the bank's end because Google Voice works.
d4fseeker said:
The tones you hear when pressing a key have nothing to do with the tones the phone sends as described.
Try calling another phone and pressing the keys, you should hear a distinction between all single tones. Did you have a good connection when calling the bank? The tones heavily rely on a halfway acceptable connection. If you still want to hear distinct tones, try other diallers such as Go Dialler. They might be able to do it since it's onlce purely cosmetical.
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I'm going to agree with what's said here - while plopping noise IS annoying, I've not had any problems with automated "Press 1 for ..., press 2 for ..., or wait on the line and an operator will assist you" services - they all seem to work. So, the problem - for me at least - is purely cosmetic.
I'd assumed that the plop had been part of the theme that Sammy had applied to the SIII, in which case an experienced themer should be able to undo this in favour of some a bit less crappy. Although not being a 'droid developer or themer myself (merely a user) I've no idea where to start looking for that kind of info - fingers crossed that it's in a configuration file somewhere in the system.
I have been annoyed by this also. I myself am so use to hearing dial tones, that I'm just missing the sound, and just want them back.
I found this, where a user replaced the waterdrop with DTMF tones........but its for the Galaxy s......Good news is the zip has all the tone .ogg's. Maybe someone can look and it and figure out a way to port?
I'm also missing the well known DTMF tones and pissed about that bubbles.
"Nature inspired" concept and our device desing is very nice but this chage is absolutely stupid.
Nature don't has phones growing in trees an phone calling couldn't sound like a leaking tap.
Hope somebody was able to port this SII mod to our device...

How to determine app that caused sound

Hi, Wizards:
I have a Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 running Overcome 3.3.1. On occasion, when all else seems quiet, the device will suddenly decide to play the /system/media/audio/notifications/12_Tweeters.ogg sound file (sounds something like a bird chirp), and I would like to find the application that causes this sound file to be played. I ran the Log Collector app (v1.1.0) and poured through its output, and that is how I determined which file is being played,
In the latest instance, the log shows:
09-06 08:40:24.230 I/MediaPlayer( 306): The actual path is:/system/media/audio/notifications/12_Tweeters.ogg.
Before that, I can see references to (306) like "KeyguardViewMediator" in the same second. In fact, there are hundreds of references to 306 within parentheses in the log, mostly involving Sensors and PowerManagerService BatteryService. But I don't see a way to trace back to the originator. (Frankly, I also don't have any indication that the '306' is important.)
How would I go about finding the reason that MediaPlayer was kicked off in the first place? (My goal is to find the application that suddenly decides to play this sound file, and to understand why it does so. After all, I'm being notified of something, right? Wouldn't it be swell to understand the reason for the notification, instead of just "Hey!" ?)
I've searched for general information on how to figure out what the Log is trying to tell me, but to no avail for something like this. Is there enough information in the typical Log Collector output to determine this information? If so, where can I read up on how to trace this? If not, then what might I do to trap/identify this?
I appreciate any pointers you may have on this.
delovelady said:
Hi, Wizards:
I have a Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 running Overcome 3.3.1. On occasion, when all else seems quiet, the device will suddenly decide to play the /system/media/audio/notifications/12_Tweeters.ogg sound file (sounds something like a bird chirp), and I would like to find the application that causes this sound file to be played. I ran the Log Collector app (v1.1.0) and poured through its output, and that is how I determined which file is being played,
In the latest instance, the log shows:
09-06 08:40:24.230 I/MediaPlayer( 306): The actual path is:/system/media/audio/notifications/12_Tweeters.ogg.
Before that, I can see references to (306) like "KeyguardViewMediator" in the same second. In fact, there are hundreds of references to 306 within parentheses in the log, mostly involving Sensors and PowerManagerService BatteryService. But I don't see a way to trace back to the originator. (Frankly, I also don't have any indication that the '306' is important.)
How would I go about finding the reason that MediaPlayer was kicked off in the first place? (My goal is to find the application that suddenly decides to play this sound file, and to understand why it does so. After all, I'm being notified of something, right? Wouldn't it be swell to understand the reason for the notification, instead of just "Hey!" ?)
I've searched for general information on how to figure out what the Log is trying to tell me, but to no avail for something like this. Is there enough information in the typical Log Collector output to determine this information? If so, where can I read up on how to trace this? If not, then what might I do to trap/identify this?
I appreciate any pointers you may have on this.
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Log Collector should give you enough information to solve the problem. I suppose one simple and quick solution you could try is go into /system/media/audio/notifications/12_Tweeters.ogg and just delete the file. If you delete the file, then when it wants to play that sound it won't be able to because it doesn't exist, and then it shouldn't bother you anymore.
shimp208 said:
Log Collector should give you enough information to solve the problem.
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That's encouraging. Sorry I wasn't clear. Where might I find out how to read the log in such a way?
shimp208 said:
I suppose one simple and quick solution you could try is go into /system/media/audio/notifications/12_Tweeters.ogg and just delete the file. If you delete the file, then when it wants to play that sound it won't be able to because it doesn't exist, and then it shouldn't bother you anymore.
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Hmmm... to me, that sounds like "If the fire alarm bothers you, just remove the battery." I do appreciate your reply, but that doesn't that sound to me like a good idea since I don't know the cause... I do welcome advice regarding figuring out that cause.
I had a problem with audios starting to play randomly. Googling led to many possible causes.
The only one I remember is the fix that worked for me - simply installing and running once a program available free from the market called DisableAutoPlay.
It disables the feature where plugging headphones in causes auto-playing. Mind you I wasn't doing anything with headphones when my music started randomly, but apparently there can be some intermittent hardware malfunction that makes the phone think you are plugging headphones in (perhaps limited to Samsung phones like mine IIRC... I have an Infuse).
electricpete1 said:
I had a problem with audios starting to play randomly. Googling led to many possible causes.
The only one I remember is the fix that worked for me - simply installing and running once a program available free from the market called DisableAutoPlay.
It disables the feature where plugging headphones in causes auto-playing. Mind you I wasn't doing anything with headphones when my music started randomly, but apparently there can be some intermittent hardware malfunction that makes the phone think you are plugging headphones in (perhaps limited to Samsung phones like mine IIRC... I have an Infuse).
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Thanks. I will keep that in mind if the time comes that I need to take such action.
I'm sorry I'm apparently expressing my intent so poorly. My goal, to be clear, is to find out WHY the alarm is sounding, not to prevent it. (I reserve the right to want to prevent it in the future, but right now the point remains.)
I will try to track down the author(s) of Log Collector and see where that leads me. If I find out anything useful, I will post back here.
delovelady said:
Thanks. I will keep that in mind if the time comes that I need to take such action.
I'm sorry I'm apparently expressing my intent so poorly. My goal, to be clear, is to find out WHY the alarm is sounding, not to prevent it. (I reserve the right to want to prevent it in the future, but right now the point remains.)
I will try to track down the author(s) of Log Collector and see where that leads me. If I find out anything useful, I will post back here.
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Id also look into using logcat to try and solve your problem take a look at this guide to reading and writing logcat files.
Reading and Writing Logs in Android

Custom SMS Tone on WP8?

WP8 gives you the option to change SMS, email, etc tone, but I want to use my own sound. Anyone know if this is possible on WP8?
crawlgsx said:
WP8 gives you the option to change SMS, email, etc tone, but I want to use my own sound. Anyone know if this is possible on WP8?
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would like to know as well. Thanks!
Unfortunately no. You can only use custom ringtones. Txt, voicemail and Email have to use one of the canned tones. That and the ability to not have unread text or voicemail repeat notifications. My phone is also my pager and when on call, I need this to go off mored than once to wake me up most times. I'm hoping to find an app to address this but for now, these are about the only things I really find annoying about the phone.
Returning for Android
Well after searching for an app to allow custom tones for messages, etc to no avail, I've decided to return the phone and go back to Android. Not only are the options there but there are also better apps such as SMS Popup which I can't live without when my on-call rotation comes around again.
NeedleRat said:
Well after searching for an app to allow custom tones for messages, etc to no avail, I've decided to return the phone and go back to Android. Not only are the options there but there are also better apps such as SMS Popup which I can't live without when my on-call rotation comes around again.
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Never really understood the need for this, as long as it makes a sound I am good But I guess thats a personal choice to make. Good luck with Android
pencilcase said:
Never really understood the need for this, as long as it makes a sound I am good But I guess thats a personal choice to make. Good luck with Android
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Simple, my phone is also my pager and when I am on-call for ~ 2,000 Windows servers, if something goes wrong, I need those pages to wake me up. Something the stock one-time-only tones won't do. I know I'll do well with Android, used it for a few years but had hopes for WP8. Perhaps future uprades will provide basic functions/features Andoird and to some extent Apple offers in their products.
Still nothing on this? What the F#$k is wrong with MS? Since MS can't or wont' can we get Nokia to do this, I mean they are doin all the work from MS anyway.

