Left-handed modifications ???? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I am lefthanded and it rather sucks, that it do not see the screen when I use the scroll-bar.
Does anybody have an idea if it is possible to flip the scrollbar to the left side ???
I did not find anything concerning PC2002, probably this did change for PC2003 ???
On the opther hand, if you look at a M$ mouse, I wonder if M$ knows, that there is something called lefthanded....


changing iMate phone buttons

hey, I've been thinking,.... I wonder if HTC has put out an API or SDK for altering the appearance/functionality of the phone buttons (soft buttons). Does anyone know if HTC has released this info OR if anyone has figured out another way of changing the appearance of the buttons. There are plenty of bright folks on this forum, thanks for your help. One day I'll be cool like you..... :wink:
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Thanks for the help. I probably didn't explain what I was looking for well enough. I'm basically looking for a way to skin the phone application on the iMate JAM so that I can change the button colors and mappings etc. I would really like to make my phone look like the rest of my theme. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
go here http://www.yorch.net/
and download some skins and mess with changing the different images to what you want them to be and use the skin sellector to use the skin altered to your needs

Can it be done? HotSwitch the DPI

Hello all,
I am about to get my mitts on an Ameo with Project Dual on and like using RealVGA on my Uni so looking forward to it on the big screen however as we all know some progs just will not take to working under VGA. In another thread that I started in Hack & Dev hacking in the hires string using reshacker was suggested but some programs still use QVGA for the touchscreen mapping so all the inputs are somewhere up in one corner or another for example.
My idea is this, would it be possible to have a wrapper or something similar that forces the screen back to 192dpi while running a non VGA happy app then hops back to 96dpi when you exit. This could help with a lot of apps from some of the GPS stuff to old games that people still like to play.
Is this possible or am I asking to much of the Windows Mobile platform
unfortunatly when changing the resolution, it has to soft reset, so I dont think this would be possible.
Another possible solution?
OK if we can't change the screens DPI on the go another thought is this . . .
At present some apps mainly games (although there must be a few applications like GPS or such with similar issues) can display the graphics at fullscreen 96dpi but the touchscreen only accepts input from the top left of your screen which is basically a QVGA 320x240 sized box as they were only ever programmed for that type of screen, I have attached a quick layout drawing to give the idea (the same thing would happen if the app is in portrait as well)
This leads to the problem that you have to guess where everything is in relation to the display which is not much use really, my idea is if we could hijack the input on the screen and translate the 96dpi x,y co-ords to the apps native 192dpi co-ords (halfing them should work I guess) so as far as the app is concerned it's back on a regular screen and everyone wins
If this is a possible way round it we just need a program similar to Hou Ming's (a.k.a. the Mad Programmer) Force-Hires tool to list which apps we want to fix and when it runs away we go

Transparent Taskbars

I've searched around a lot, but haven't seen if this could be done yet. I've heard that WM6.5 can do it easily, but I want to know if we can do it on 6.1 somehow.
I am no programmer/coder but if we can modify .task files and change the colors of the taskbar, shouldn't it be possible that we can make it clear/invisble too? Just curious.....
I think the screen would look much bigger if we could remove the bars yet keep the buttons there...
it can't be don without using something like spd pocket plus
the normal shell only support 1 colour given to the titlebar
and not even all colours then it does the garient shiny stuff itself
no way around that not even a way to get the colours it dont use
like white or something
Ok, thanks , I'll check out that app.

Development Request - Keyboard idea

Hi all,
I had an idea for a better keyboard for the streak, but I can't find any step-by-step walkthroughs for making android keyboards. If there's one available, let me know and I should be able to tackle this.
If not, I think the streak needs a split keyboard. Imagine the left half of the keyboard on the left third of the screen, the right half on the right third, and a big numpad/d-pad in the middle third. When I'm typing in landscape mode, I know I'd appreciate minimizing my thumbs' reach.
Any takers? Or good keyboard making tutorials?
-- David Z
I thought the same thing when i first got my streak.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Great Idea!
If someone does make one you should add settings so you can control where the DPAD is, so you could make it like the original Dell Keyboard too!
I'm guessing you've not tried swype then?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
While we're on the subject of thumb reach, might I suggest a portrait keyboard with more keys on the left/right side, so you don't constantly mis-type those O's and P's as a leftie (for example), when using the streak one-handed?
I was thinking of a real multitouch keyboard.
First, you have the standard qwerty keyboard, with shift, enter en dpad buttons. A tab button would be cool too.
Second, if you tap and hold the keyboard (anywhere) and slide it to the left, on the right side it will reveal the nummeric keys, where you can input your numbers. Releasing the keyboard and it'll slide back in position. Slidng the other way around, gives other keys.
I'm dreaming of such a keyboard a long time now.
Radddogg said:
I'm guessing you've not tried swype then?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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I'm guessing you blatantly did not read the OP's idea then?
Zelman said:
I think the streak needs a split keyboard. Imagine the left half of the keyboard on the left third of the screen, the right half on the right third, and a big numpad/d-pad in the middle third. When I'm typing in landscape mode, I know I'd appreciate minimizing my thumbs' reach.
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If somebody makes this, I will personally buy them a drink
I love the Streak, but my thumbs don't...
Hi guys- I don't know of any tutorials, but basically you need to create a custom IME (that's the term used by Android SDK). There is an android SDK example for creating an IME I believe. Also, here is the source code for a Latin keyboard IME someone made:
+1 to the initial idea.
Myself and my office mate were just discussing UI's and both of us agreed that a split keyboard option would make the streak far more ergonomically friendly and probably speed up typing.
BTW, for mocked up examples of what we are talking about see:
I would really love to see a keyboard like this!
Dell's 1.6 stock keyboard makes good use of the additional space instead of just making the buttons ridiculously large, but it really should be symmetric.
With smartphones getting larger and tablets on the rise it's high time for new keyboards, so I think not only the Streak would benefit from it!
All thumbs up for the idea!
Here's an idea: find a developer and start up a kickstart for this... Perhaps we could post this to the general android development forum.
Basic Version
Hey all,
Here's a basic version. It's just a slightly modified version of the soft keyboard that comes with the SDK. It's only usable it in landscape mode, unless you have really small fingers.
Any thoughts/ideas/feedback? Basic changes may be within my ability. A lot of the programming is way over my head, so if anyone wants the source to do some fancy stuff, let me know.
Zelman said:
Hey all,
Here's a basic version. It's just a slightly modified version of the soft keyboard that comes with the SDK. It's only usable it in landscape mode, unless you have really small fingers.
Any thoughts/ideas/feedback? Basic changes may be within my ability. A lot of the programming is way over my head, so if anyone wants the source to do some fancy stuff, let me know.
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Nice work will give it a try
Works fine i would just prefer the buttons to be a bit bigger about double the size infact and would like the numbers on the end and not in the middle and the numbers a different colour but thats me other than that a great start thanks
Awesome! Some color / shading might help to distinguish between the letters and numbers and more easily find keys. May be its something you adjust to but i find myself having to search for letters.
Two other layout thoughts. 1) maybe stretching out the spacebar a bit. since thats a frequently pressed key it'd be nice to have it by the other letters and closer to the thumbs., 2) rearranging the numpad to have the zero at the bottom center as with a typical dialer numpad. This would require splitting the spacebar into two segments.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
gtg203a said:
Awesome! Some color / shading might help to distinguish between the letters and numbers and more easily find keys. May be its something you adjust to but i find myself having to search for letters.
Two other layout thoughts. 1) maybe stretching out the spacebar a bit. since thats a frequently pressed key it'd be nice to have it by the other letters and closer to the thumbs., 2) rearranging the numpad to have the zero at the bottom center as with a typical dialer numpad. This would require splitting the spacebar into two segments.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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Can't get color to work, yet. Good idea on the spacebar(s). Check this version out.
Here's the current state of things (as of the build above). I'm going to look more into changing the color of the number keys, but I don't think it's really as necessary with this layout. Any and all suggestions are welcomed, and I will let you know what I can/can't/will/won't do.
Also, anyone with android programming experience who can tell me things like, "What are the image format requirements for icons like the one on the delete key?" please let me know if you can offer expertise.
Zelman said:
Can't get color to work, yet. Good idea on the spacebar(s). Check this version out.
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hi thanks alot for the keyboard, its amazing, only 1 bug/error or maybe its just me, as i type a text, after every fullstop, it automatically changes to capital which is good, but it doesnt change back to small case letters after the first letter has been typed, for example if i type this and then stop. IT CONTINUES LIKE THIS. hope u understand? plz help cause otherwise this keyboard would be perfect for me
kag8 said:
hi thanks alot for the keyboard, its amazing, only 1 bug/error or maybe its just me, as i type a text, after every fullstop, it automatically changes to capital which is good, but it doesnt change back to small case letters after the first letter has been typed, for example if i type this and then stop. IT CONTINUES LIKE THIS. hope u understand? plz help cause otherwise this keyboard would be perfect for me
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I have definitely seen the same issue. I will take a look at the source, but if anyone has the SDK and has a good eye for troubleshooting code, feel free to post hints.

[Q] What's the name of this ROM?

Aparently I cannot post this question elsewhere so I ask you all here.
I saw once a custom ROM that i liked very (very!) much. The idea behind it and the general looks of it. But i don't remember how it was called.
Maybe you could help me a little. I'll try to describe it:
-it has a clean interface like a list on the homescreen (not like classic android homescreen more like windows phone 7/8 homescreen)
-every message or email it is shown in this windowish homescreen
-every item on the homescreen has on the left side color stripes depending of what kind of item it is (email/message/notification etc)
-the central item on the homescreen menu is somehow a little highlighted
That is all i remember from the screenshot i saw. For my device (S5660), the ROM developement i remember it was interrupted or stopped but i really want to find it...maybe someone ported it...
I also remember the developers built a website especially for the ROM and it was mainly for high-end devices. I found the ROM very original and practical and i truly want to find it.
So... anyone knows the name of the ROM?
Thank you so much in advance.
I don't know but your device developement has no where ner stopped, it has android 4.0. Here is a link to all the roms for it:
thanks but...
Thanks for the quick response but i didn't say that the entire android developement for my device has been stopped no no...you get me wrong. I said that i remember clearly that the developement on the ROM i'm searching for had been stopped for gio.. Thanks for the link anyway... I've tried to find it but nothing so far. I still hope that someone with a high end device knows what i'm looking for.
takologistics said:
Aparently I cannot post this question elsewhere so I ask you all here.
I saw once a custom ROM that i liked very (very!) much. The idea behind it and the general looks of it. But i don't remember how it was called.
Maybe you could help me a little. I'll try to describe it:
-it has a clean interface like a list on the homescreen (not like classic android homescreen more like windows phone 7/8 homescreen)
-every message or email it is shown in this windowish homescreen
-every item on the homescreen has on the left side color stripes depending of what kind of item it is (email/message/notification etc)
-the central item on the homescreen menu is somehow a little highlighted
That is all i remember from the screenshot i saw. For my device (S5660), the ROM developement i remember it was interrupted or stopped but i really want to find it...maybe someone ported it...
I also remember the developers built a website especially for the ROM and it was mainly for high-end devices. I found the ROM very original and practical and i truly want to find it.
So... anyone knows the name of the ROM?
Thank you so much in advance.
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is this what you are talking bout? http://spiritdsgn.deviantart.com/art/Windows-Phone-Style-for-Android-355556107
unfortunetly it is not
It is a nice finding so thanks man...but apparently it isn't what i'm seeking. The main screen It is more like a list of notifications in real time wich have on their left side tiny colored stripes depending of their nature. But again thanks for the answer.

