Major Bugs in T-Mobile Rom 1.6 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Good morning to all of you from snowy Germany,
I'd like to introduce myself as former user of a MDA I who upgraded to MDA II in November.
Like many of you I lived through all (officially) published ROM upgrades offered by T-Mobile. Now, after having upgraded the MDA II to 1.6, I finally ask myself one question:
Do you think (as a member of XDA developers), that there is one single person on manufacturers side who is actually testing wether these ROM upgrades work and if yes, to which extend?
Here is my experience with 1.6 ROM:
First I changed my today screen to Windows Standard, but decided to like the T-Mobile screen better in the end. After reactivating T-Mobile screen the dropdown menu appears with white letters on white background. Only fix: cold reset :-(
Worst bit: any calendar or tasks notification is displayed with the known blinking red LED, but no matter what you do the LED goes on blinking forever (even if event is confirmed or deleted). No matter wether preset blinking time is unlimited or 15 minutes, the only way to stop it is again a: reset. If you are using your calendar notifications frequently for business, you end up resetting your device up to 10 times or more every day :-(
Again I have noticed that there are too many applications simultaniously launched and some of them are REALLY useless. Top ranking in wasting resources is CALLER ID. This program is causing so many problems that one have to wonder why there is no option to delete it from the operating system.
I'd like to know what your experiences are with MDA II (or similar) and I would higly appreciate any suggestions how to solve the mentioned bugs.
Beside these bugs, the MDA II is a very nice device with high engineering and build quality.
With kind regards

I have also the german t-mobile MDA2, i upgraded to t-mobile NL and 2 days later upgraded back to the new t-moble rom release, so everything is back to german, and I have none of your problems as stated above. I suggest you re-load the rom again, my MDA2 is proving itself a very steady work-made, even battery life is good, get a good days work from it,
However to be sure , i orderd an extra battary (just in case)

IA Caller ID
You can delete IA Caller ID, as well as some other programms you do not need from the Extended ROM and it will never bother you again. You have to know that after deletion you will have to do Hard Reset.
Also you can delete FlashMans from the Start Up folder - you will see how faster it will be (requires Soft Reset).
And go to - this will clean duplicate proccesses on your MDA II.
For sure all of this you have to do on your own risk, but there are a lot of instructions how to do that.
Contact me if you need a help with it.

Flashmans... actually I don't know what they do. Any harm removing them from Startup?

I believe that the flashman processes are related to the 'Permanent Save' feature. If you do not use this, you can remove them from the startup folder.
I have removed (or rather moved) the following entries:
Orange Support
This gives me the ability to have Activesync + 3-4 apps running in parallel.


O2 XDA II Hangs

Hi guys,
I have just bought an o2 xda ii and am having serious problems
was trying to establish a bluetooth connection with nokia 6600 and it just froze displaying the today screen
now xda hangs after switching on and nothing works only the bluetooth light keeps on flashing
cant try anything as it doesnt function at all.
Can anybody help
Isn't There anyone who can help me...??????
Isn't There anyone who can help me...?????? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
when you mean turn on do you talk about turn on as in turn on the top power connector
or a softreset ?
if you mean top power connector then that dont reset the pda you need to do a softreset
if you did mean a softreset then i dont know any other way then a hardreset which of cause delete all your data
Inderts the stylus in the reset hole, if that doesnt work then as the man said you will need to do a hard reset and all data will be lost, hard reset is done by pressing power while inserting stylus in reset hole.
Thanks for yr reply
I have aslo tried a hard reset but no luck
The device switches on and freezes on the blue O2 screen or sometimes goes thru the setup procedure & freezes at the today screen
Tried it a couple of times
Is there any other way please let me know.
Thanx again :? :? :?
Which ROM do you use? You can try to flash your ROM. There are plenty of treads on this forum on how to do this. Make sure you don't use a USB hub when connected to flash you're ROM. Your MDA II must be connected to a normal USB connection (I learned it the hard way....)
Sorry for the late reply as i was out of town
Dunno exactly how to identify the rom version but when switched on it shows
R 1.05.14
G 1337.14
D 1.03.00 USA
Can u please suggest what to do
You can see which ROM version you have by going to:
Settings, System tab and then Device information.
Mine says:
ROM version 1.60.00WWE
ROM date: 12/03/03
Radio version: 1.06.01
Protocol version: 1337.16
ExtROM version: 1.60.06
So I guess you can do a ROM upgrade. To find out how to do it, just do a search on this forum for ROM upgrade and you'll find detailed describcions on how to do it. Make sure that your device is not connected via a USB hub otherwise you can have some trouble getting it done.
Thanx for the prompt reply but the problem is that the device starts goes on thru the new device setup programme & hangs nuthing beyong that
So am unable to go to the system settings
Is there any other way i can see the rom version...
Well the colors at the beginning tell you which ROM you have (but are only very short on the screen so hard to read) but you can defenitely upgrade.
No Bluettoth Hardware Installed Error Msg
Hey, this sounds like the same problem I have too! I have just posted a new subject in the "Using It" section of this Forum. Does your device also suffer from the following i.e. when the software ha loaded and you hit the bluetooth icon, does this error message come up "There is No Bluetooth Hardware Installed on this Device"? Pls read my post below.
"I have an XDA II, bought from the UK. I live in E. Africa so sending it back is a hassle. EVer since I bought it, although it was OK for a few days, a msg then came up saying "There is no bluetooth hardware installed on this device". This means I cannot put b/t on or off. Also, it affects the performance of the XDA II as it crashes frequently and loses ActiveSync connections frequently. The odd thing is that SOMETIMES, after a hard reset, it's OK again. But then when I do a subsequent hard or even soft reset the same problem occurs! So it DOES work. But not consistently. I conttacted O2 by email & tel. They were semi-helpful. I returned the XDA II to the O2 repair centre in London by courier (expensive). It came back, apparently repaired, but they had addressed the wrong thing and the problem still persists! I am loathe to sending it back without trying something for it - if you have any suggestions. Perhaps I can try a Rom Update or something to see if it sorts it. Even O2 are baffled, but I do not have the privilege of sending it off again because of where I live. Any suggestions or advice please? Many thanks. "
'Frozen' O2 screen with bluetooth light flashing
Hi to all,
I 've been having similar problems since I got my unit last November. You may be able to relate with my problems.. screen won't respond to any taps.. when you send SMS, the 'Send' button freezes... tried soft resetting, sometimes lucky, gets back to normal... at worst, does a hard reset...
after a few months of no reliable answer from local and foreign XDA help.. i'm used to either removing my battery/sim.. wait for awhile.. try to find a place where there's better network signal.. then, puts back the SIM and battery.. many times a get lucky by doing this... but there are also times that I had to do hard reset.. like two hours ago..
Hopefully, some help will come ...
For those who have yet to develop a routine to address similar problem, you may try mine...
Helpless xda II fanatic(???)
Archel Angeles
I have similar experience too. I got my XDAII last November, it runs smoth without a single hang for the first month until one day in January, while using it reboot by itself, after that day the device will just reboot anytime anywhere!
Thinking that this might be caused by some installed softwae, I hard reset my device. After the initial setup then it hang while running the auto installation from the extended rom saying that some file is missing. I hard reset again and it still hang while running the auto installation but saying another file is missing. On the day alone, I hard reset my device for more than 10 times! Each time it will either hang on the O2 startup screen or during the auto installation. Until finally one time manage to pass through the initial setup and auto installation.
On the second day, I quickly bring my set to the service centre for repair, while I describe and showing the faulty set to the service officer, the device self reboot for another couple of times.
I took back my set two days later, the service officer told me they cannot find the fault of this so they re-flash the rom for me, and they have tested it with internet browsing, mms, sms etc without any problem.
The 'repaired' set works fine for another one month until couple of week ago it start to hang during some incoming calls. When call was received, I press the answer key to answer the phone, the device would just hang with the ballon still showing on the screen, i'm not able to answer the call at all.
Last Friday, I finally hard reset the device again and re-install some my software applicaton and games. Second day morning while I was waiting for my friend, I start to attach photo to my contact, just when I attached the first photo and click on the save, the device hang! I press the soft reset button and the screen goes off without rebooting. I press the reset button again but the screen just won't come back. I even took out the battery and put in my backup battery, still the screen refuse to come back! The screen only come back when I performed a hard reset.
Today i found another problem with the device, the free memory is getting lesser and lesser by itself! Just before I type this reply, I soft reset my device and leave my device on the momory status screen, the allocated momory for the program showing 63.02Mb, in used 16.96MB and the Free momory 46.06MB. Now the in use memory increases to 30.75MB while the Free memory drops to 32.27MB!! I did not run anything in the background, I did not even tough my device!!
Anybody here can help save my device?
I have the same problem now. It is really a nightmare for all of us!!!
Have a very similar problems 4 days in the row. Self-Blackhangs without any knowing reason. Impossible to use device longer then 10 min. HELP!!!
P.S. Some days before I try to uninstall Intellisync, wich I try, but does not use for a long time. Uninstall was unsuccessful cause .exe was "in use". There problems begins. May be. After one of hard-resets I remove .exe manually and then uninstall prog, but problems persists.
Hi guys, Fortunatly I do not have the same problems with my XDA II but I was thinking maby it is a type of software that has been installed on the device, I have noticed that some apps can cuase VERY strange things to happen (Even some THEMES!!!).... LOOK out for this..
Maybe you could try and run the XDA II after doing a hard reset as bare as possible... As in not installing any other themes or thirdparty software for a day or two and see if the device still gives your any problems... Will be interesting to find out.. I have had resets on my XDA II from using some themes avalible from the O2 website (that users have made not O2, but still) and since using the default theme I have not had a crash or a reboot since... (THIS TOOK ME FORVER to find out)... but might be worth a try..
Keep us all informed how you go with things.. Hopfully its just a pice of software or somthing simple like that...
So, guys, I think that there is a HW problem. MDA freezing during initial install or during HardReset before install. Maybe "motherboard" is microbroken or so on.
Week ago I return my MDAII to T-Mobile and they will repair it to some way. I will report this way to you all as soon as possible. Let we see.
Hi all,
I have the following devis info of mine:
ROM version 1.66.00WWE
ROM date: 02/20/04
Radio version: 1.10.00
Protocol version: 1337.18
ExtROM version: 1.66.101
This Rom works great, just search for it and upgrade!!
Wish you all luck!!!
sounds a lot like the problem I'm having.
Can any of you guys install a new rom at all? mine freezes up and activesync disconnects the second it does... So I guess when flashing your rom and having it freeze up on you, you'd be even further from a solution... thoughts pls
I fixed it guys...
seems a corrupted rom was the problem hitting bootloader mode (power + action + stylus) and installing a new rom fixed my problems
let me know how it works out for you guys

Bugs Report on WM2003SE (V2.02)

dear all,
First of all, thanks dcs and all others who have contributed so much to the completion of WM2003SE. Somehow, I think I should start a thread stating people's experiences on WM2003SE bugs, so that some geniuses may find ways to fix them. Here is my report on 3 day-usage when compared to the older version 1.72
1. The voice call cannot be made longer than the time specified in the power saving mode. In other words, the voice calls will be cut off when the phone turns itself off. I didn't encounter this problem using older versions. And this is truly annoying since I have to untick the saving mode to prolong my calls
2. When the sms is sent, the confirmation letter box sign appears and never leaves the screen. it stucks there until soft reset
3. Power consumption is fast
4. Some of the today plugin programs are so fond of playing hide&seek. Refreshing the today screen mitigate this issue.
5. When in landscape mode, sometimes scrolling the screen can cause multiple horizontal lines.
6. Found out that the original camera and caller ID are not totally compatible. I gotta go back to using those of 1.72 version.
BTW, I gotta admit that I prefer WM2003SE to any other previous version
Any other comments? :roll:
Um, i have the modified asian to english version of SE.
I have none of the bugs that you have, but i have one other.
I cant get any ringtone when recieving a call.
i also live here in thailand and i just finished upgrading to the asian wm2003 se rom. no problems so far...only change i've seen is that when i reboot and try to access the phone immediately; there's a message saying "the phone is not yet ready, please try again in 15 seconds".
bt is fine; i THINK the blue led is flashing a little faster..but i could be wrong...
landscape mode is fine although as expected some games or apps have screens which are "cut up". this was warned when installing; a message appeared saying "the program you are installing may not display correctly because it is not designed for wm2003se"..or something like that.
power consumption seems to be the is ringing fine...though i still have to figure out if my ringtonex (mtux) is working properly...
so far so good and i like this rom. seems stable to me.
cheers then
forgot to mention that i use animated today for themes, and the wm2003 se doesn't have any effect on it. works well even in landscape mode....
chinese font can't display with clear type mode in ENG SE
I just upgraded to Eng SE. I love the SE upgrade except the following.
I have third party software ("Small Knife") installed in it so that I can read and type chinese. However, when I rotate it to SE mode, the fonts seemed ugly compared with portrait mode. It's definitely the clear font working not working in SE mode.
Any solution?
2. When the sms is sent, the confirmation letter box sign appears and never leaves the screen. it stucks there until soft reset
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this sounds very much like the issue that people have when they set pocketplus or other programs to close applications insted of minimizing them
this happen on all 2002, 2003 roms
if people close outlook before the msg is sendt
of cause i dont know if SE have that bug no matter what
those are the issue on the ENG ROM
not happening to us on CH ROM
Robson said:
...only change i've seen is that when i reboot and try to access the phone immediately; there's a message saying "the phone is not yet ready, please try again in 15 seconds".
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This is normal that happen in all roms, after reboot you have to wait for the phone to operate.
try different sim card, I got the same problems with OLD sim :twisted:

WM5 (UK T-Mobile) to WM6 (Black Majik) and the latest (1.43) Radio

My Experience of Upgrading – thanks to Modaco and XDA Developers - See link for latest update -
Having just successfully upgraded everything I thought fellow (junior) Hermes owners might like to know of my experience. For those of you about to embark on such a move, and especially for those on T-Mobile UK, you will hopefully find this useful. There are plenty of links throughout this post that should help.
1. Preparation. Having read what felt like all the information here on this forum, and others, I finally decided to start the upgrade work to take my Vario II (UK T-Mobile Hermes) to the latest (phone) radio, the latest Windows Mobile Professional 6 Black Majik build and also to CID and SIM unlock the phone to boot! All without a single problem after a significant amount of reading – but most significantly by simply following the instructions and understanding what they were asking me to do before carrying out what might actually render my Hermes a ‘Brick’ with no warranty! The XDA Dev Hermes Wiki is a great place to start and so is the upgrade guide. Warning: If you are nervous about the upgrade there is a serious amount of reading required to counter those fears.
2. Backing up. I keep very little on the actual device so all I had to do was note all the settings and backup the call records and SMS messages. I used Pim Backup to backup the calls and messages and in fact found plenty of installation .cab files that could be run from the device to restore the T-Mobile settings to allow GPRS, SMS and MMS etc.
3. The Upgrade. I did the upgrade in 7 stages getting more ambitious with each, I did not encounter one single problem and did this over a 3-day period plucking up courage as I went. This is not the optimum path to upgrade but allowed me to get familiar after first protecting my investment with Hard-SPL from OliPro – I also wanted the radio most initially:Insurance 1. Using Paul’s guide I dumped my old T-Mobile supplied WM5 OS ROM so that I had an option to get back to at least the basic WM5 build should I need to consider warranty claims. This worked OK but was undoubtedly the most complicated part of this process that use many quite advanced tools – not for the beginner I would suggest! I doubt that many will do this and I would not recommend it (I can post the dumped ROM) as others already have now) Warning: if done wrong I suspect that this is the most likely part of this process to wreck the device!​Insurance 2. Having read the guides (see MrVanx and his Hermes Guide) I upgraded the IPL and SPL with Hard-SPL (thanks Olipro) to avoid ‘bricking’ (wrecking) my phone -took less than 10mins.​Radio. The radio was my first upgrade goal because I’d read good things about improved reception etc. So I went straight for the latest extracted radio ROM ( from the XDA Radio ROM page as this had good reports on UK T-Mobile. - took only 6 mins.​WM6. Having read lots (and lots and lots…) I opted for the Black MAJIK ‘cooked’ ROM because it had so many good reviews (see XDA and 4WinMobile and Modaco) and liked the look of it (note: you can easily change the theme away from Black to more conventional appearance). The download site is and there are lots of applications and configuration files here. (thanks Jasjamming) - after some pre-reading the actual upgrade too only 5 mins!​SIM & CID Unlocking. To get access to the extended ROM for additional storage space I had to use Pofs cooked radio ROM to make the device "Super CID" - this also removed the SIM (operator) lock and the CID (language) lock. I was then able to use HTweakC (one of many tweakers) to mount and unlock the ROM. This fix now allows me to use any operator SIM card, install any language OS ROM and also to mount and unhide the Extended ROM (Note: in WM6 it appears that this fix by Pof is required to write to the Extended ROM whereas in WM5 it can be done solely with a registry hack). Thank you Pof because the batch file did it all without problem (albeit I was really quite nervous because the Hard-SPL was removed and the radio downgraded temporarily). - this took a longer 18 mins in total (after reading). – this left me with the wrong radio and the potential to ‘brick’ my device with subsequent upgrades so…..​Insurance. I put Hard-SPL back on (to protect the device) before…​Radio. Re-upgrading back to the latest radio​I now had a perfectly functioning Vario II with all the latest software ROMs installed and it was future proofed against my further upgrades and testing of ROMs that will certainly come after this….
5. Re-Building. I used a .cab file created by Lordsmiff on Modaco (here) to configure my T-Mobile settings and it all worked. I used the backup of the call logs and SMS messages from the Pim Backup software to restore those and then I started the installation of all the software I wanted. Of course I also had to configure pop3 access to my e-mail, enter my correct Device ID and all my personal details.
6. Problems. I had very few problems. The Internet connection would not work for my pop3 account access (OK for web browsing though) and I found that a setting (settings-connections-connections-Advanced (tab) and Select Networks button) needed to be changed to “T-Mobile Internet” from “My Work Network”. Not all of my call log was reinstated so I lost some calls. I also found out initially that I could not get full ‘write/delete’ access to the Extended ROM because it needed to be SIM/CID unlocked (or at leats part of that) before running one of the tweaking programs. That was all!
7. My Software. I installed all my usual software with no problem and all is working very well: Spb Mobile Suite/backup & Diary, SK Tools, TT6, Modaco CamerAware, Comm Manager Pro, and MS Livesearch.
8. Result. All is great so far and I have a nicer looking, slightly faster, better radio reception phone that holds 3G longer. Bluetooth pairing with my handsfree Jabra BT250 is fine and the BT pairing to my GPSlim 240 is OK too. Wifi at home also works without issue (still limited range as before). Yes it all took lots of effort to avoid the problems but it has been a free upgrade and I owe a few donations to those that made this possible – a GREAT BIG thank you to all you cooks and developers out there .
I hope this helps some of you - of course reading the Wiki is excellent free guidance offered by many (some not so politely!)
I’ll report back here on any problems I have and if anyone spots an error then please let me know and I will fix it so I do not mislead others.
EDIT - latest update (all going well) here.
Good Luck!
Nice 100th post, and nice guide as well
I have completed the stages (except reinstall the radio? why? mine was still the correct version after installing black) expect my T-Mobile settings are not working. I cant get MMS's to download using any settings cab I have found.
Is there anyway to manually edit these settings?
Extremely good, thx a lot
I have gotten mms working.
Here are the settings incase anyone else wants to check theres.
NOTE: this does not include your internet GPRS setting but you CAN use the general T-Mobile internet connection as your dialer
Gateway port (if no field to enter port tag on end of gateway with a
(thats a example of how to insert the port to the gateway)
Size limit (I believe):
Hope this helps anyone out there.
Keywords (I used these to search the forums, hope it helps others):
T Mobile
Multimedia Message
ZeroHour said:
I have completed the stages (except reinstall the radio? why? mine was still the correct version after installing black) expect my T-Mobile settings are not working. I cant get MMS's to download using any settings cab I have found.
Is there anyway to manually edit these settings?
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In my original post (at top) I included this:5. Re-Building. I used a .cab file created by Lordsmiff on Modaco (here) to configure my T-Mobile settings and it all worked. I used the backup of the call logs and SMS messages from the Pim Backup software to restore those and then I started the installation of all the software I wanted. Of course I also had to configure pop3 access to my e-mail, enter my correct Device ID and all my personal details.​Did you try that .cab I even posted a link directly to it so that others could benefit from my experience and the good work of "Lordsmiff" over at Modaco - of course it's T-Mobile UK but there are lots of cabs that do a similar job for other networks in other countries.. It worked absolutely perfctly for me and if you had done so I doubt that you would have had any problems at all.
If you used the cab file and it did not work then please post a reply.
Have you noticed a great deal of difference with the radio upgrade?
good reference!
@Tony, thanks for the very good detailed outlined upgrade reference. It should be helpful for others to see the complete process from start to finish.
WM5 to WM6 (Black Majik) and the latest (1.43) Radio - UPDATE
This is an update to my original post at the top of these postings
My Black MAJIK Experience - Going well so far!
All going very well still and no problems at all with any software. Some slight slow-down after installing all the software but that is to be expected with any OS build. The main problem with slow-down (only slight) appears to be caused by Today screen plug-ins - the HTC Home Plug-in in particular.
Likes: Very Stable, absolutely no Micro SD card issues (had them with WM5), looks and ease of use of the WM6 Internet sharing capability which even my daughter can share on her Mac laptop!
Dislikes: very few indeed - go for it! There is a newer Black "Satin" in creation (JJ working on this right now) which is based upon the official HTC WM6 build - might try that next when others have posted on their experience. My only small dislike is the lack of contrast on the start menu with the black theme - in bright light it's easy to miss selections.
Problems: On a couple of occasions the speed dials have gone missing (suspect I caused it). I locked-up the device once and had to hard-reset but that was my fault again because I used too many Today screen plug-ins and it would not boot completely. Now have Monocube Safe Mode 2 (recommended) installed and so I can push the limits of Today plug-ins and not fear being unable to boot-up now.
Radio - I had absolutely no problems with the 1.43 radio but of course had to try the even newer 1.47 version. This new one seems little diffrent so far so I'll give a week. Do not forget to check Hard SPL is still on your device before flashing updates - the super CID/SIM unlock removes Hard SPL - so you need to put it back. BTW - there are instructions on how to remove the SIM lock without applying the Super CID fix - they seem more complicated but it might be worth a look before you embark upon the Super CID route.
Unless you see more from me then assume that my experience with Black MAJIK and the latest radios (1.43 and 1.47) are all going well. If you want more detail before embarking then just PM me - but read this whole post first.
Have a look at the Kaiser Homeplug.
I have followed your instructions and installed the new radio and black majik and have used it for a couple of weeks. I have experienced problems with voice calling. The Icon tells me there is no service provider (T-mobile in my case), I can't make voice calls but SMS and internet still work. A hard reset solves the problem - but then I need to reload everything - annoying to do once per week.
I will probably try a different radio, unless people have other ideas?
Working good here on T-Mobile (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Where abouts are you?
hughk said:
I have followed your instructions and installed the new radio and black majik and have used it for a couple of weeks. I have experienced problems with voice calling. The Icon tells me there is no service provider (T-mobile in my case), I can't make voice calls but SMS and internet still work. A hard reset solves the problem - but then I need to reload everything - annoying to do once per week.
I will probably try a different radio, unless people have other ideas?
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I have still had no radio/phone problems at all. If you have the Hard SPL still on the device (it will be unless you did the Super CID bit) then you can just flash new radio ROMs to the device without ANY need for a hard reset. The radio is completely idependant from the OS. It sounds to me like you must either have a radio/phone hardware problem (were there any issues before upgrading?) or the radio flash upgrade was not completed correctly. Did you use the radio ROM linked to from this site?
I'd suggest that you check HardSPL is there then simply run the radio ROM update again. Providing you do this correctly and do not brick your device by doing something silly - like disconnecting USB or power - the upggade of radio should have no impact upon the data or programs installed on your device - and that also includes all your SMS/MMS, E-mail and Conenctions settings.
Good luck

WM6 on SDA II - sucess, minor issues

yesterday I quite successfully installed WM6 on my German SDA II. I used the 1010 ROM form this Thread: WM6 for SPV 550 and it was quite effortless. I had to restart mtty for a couple of times but finally it worked and the phone wasn't bricked. Greatest obstacle during the installation phase was to change the language from Chinese to English.
The phone works well, but since I bought it just yesterday I can't compare the OS to the previous one. To me it seems OK.
Until now I encountered some problems while using the phone:
First there is no Java included in the ROM, so I had to install and modify IBM's J9 (had a minor vribra issue with that).
Secondly, I cannot access voice commands, the phone just doesn't do anything.
And finally, t9 annoys me while writing messages. On my other smartphone, a Wm2003SE device, I can use the *-key to cycle through all input modes. This doesn't work with the 1010 ROM, instead it shows me a list of symbols in between which is annoying when you (at least try to) use correct upper and lower case writing.
Has anyone a solution for the t9 issue? That's a thing that really bugs me.
read read read, it was be many times .....
Don't misunderstand me: I have t9. But on my WM2003 phone I was used to cycle through the options (abc/Abc/ABC/123/t9/T9/T9) by pressing the *-key. This still works for abc and so on but I cannot switch from t9 to T9 because then the same list of Symbols like on the #-key appears, meaning that I have to close the list, hit the key again.
just hold "*" for the list ?
I was confused by the list. But now I just realized that I have to hit * once more, the list will go away and everything works as expected.
I also talked to the friend of whom I bought the phone and he tells me that it now works *much* faster; e. g. the camera took a while to start, now it's just a blink of the eye.

MWg Atom Life & T-Mobile (USA)

Hello Everyone!
My first post here... hopefully someone can help me out here before I start "taking chances" and flashing my new MWg Atom Life. (I've never had good luck flashing ROMs, so it's a bad thing for me... lol)
Anyways, I have a BlackBerry Pearl 8100 (the original one) and my Atom Life (pre-loaded with WM6) just arrived today. So I went over to the T-Mobile store and had them replace my BlackBerry Connect Data plan with their "T-Mobile Total Internet Add-on".
Now, keep in mind that I have done alot of custom .NET CF development on WM and have used it alot as part of the testing process for those applications, but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to connect to T-Mobile's EDGE network. I've configured the ISP/Modem settings correctly (and tried both "" and "") BUT everytime I try to turn on the "Data" session, it says that it "Cannot connect for an unknown reason".
I can make and receive phone calls just fine and the GSM network is automatically detected as "T-Mobile". Any suggestions to get the data plan working?
Thanks in advance!
Here's what worked for me (Atom Life/Windows Mobile 6 and T-Mobile USA), just follow the steps below in "paint by numbers" fashion:
Go to Settings -> Connections Tab -> Connections icon, then...
Under GPRS Settings, "Add a new modem connection"
Next page: Enter a name (I used "T-Mobile Data") and select "Cellular Line (GPRS)" - Note that choosing simply "Cellular Line" will not work, must be GPRS.
Next page: Access Point Name:
Leave the next page blank and the Advanced settings at their default, and just click "Finish"
Let me know if that works for you.
And while you're at it - once you get Edge going, let me know how you handle voicemail notifications. I don't get a VM "flag" from T-Mobile, and my work-around - YouMail - doesn't seem to be able to send text messages to my device (interesting, since I get all other text messages). That's my biggest (my ONLY) problem with the Atom Life and T-Mobile - having to guess if I have a voicemail message.
Those are the exact same steps I followed, but I put in '' AND '' instead of '', since according to this Wiki, I have to use the other ones:
I went ahead and tried your suggestion anyways and it is now working, although I don't know if there are any port/connection limitations when the 'wap' access point is used.
At this point, everything has become more and more frustrating. The firmware is very buggy and the slightest program crash takes everything down requiring a power-cycle. Then the my date/time settings get lost everytime I do that (while everything else remains there).
Do I have a bad ROM? Should I re-flash it? If yes... from where would I get the official firmware again? Remember, this is an MWg branded Atom Life that was purchased in the USA from Expansys, so I don't know which firmware/ROM I should get for this.
Interesting. I bought the black MWg Atom Life and had issues with the ROM, too. Extensys told me to go to the MWg site and download the latest ROM, but none of the ROM downloads would install (ROMs were IMEI-specific, and my IMEI was not listed). So I upgraded to the XDA (White) Atom Life, branded with the original O2 rather than MWg, and I like the ROM version a lot more (has all the original O2 software).
It sounds like your ken with these devices is likely keener than my own, but the first time I loaded my device it too was prone to crashes. It had this annoying habit of refreshing the screen at random intervals - not as in refresh rates but as in the screen going blank for a second and then redawing itself. I resolved the issue by doing a hard reset and re-installing my software, soft-resetting after each install. It then ran smoothly for a few days, but when I realized I was missing a lot of good software, I decided to switch to the Limited (white) XDA version. Right from the get-go, the O2 seems much more stable than the MWg; hardware is identical save for the color, so it's the firmware.
I should add that Extensys has so far been really good to deal with - very helpful and they seem interested in keeping me a happy customer. Rare, yet so refreshing. Don't be afraid to call them about this.
atom life on t-mobile usa
i am using the atom life (mwg version, running 6.0) on t-mobile. if anyone comes up with a fix for the email notification icon, let me know.
also, anyone knows whether voice commander will announce incoming calls on this phone (right now, it does not!) let me know!
ps. i f i can answer anybody's questions, just let me knw
So there is one problem I am having with T-mobile and my Atom Life is that since I got it I get the VM flag on my phone but I DO NOT HAVE ANY VM's! I searched for this all over the net but seems like I'm the only one who has that problem and everyone has the opposite problem of no VM flag at all and they have to guess for voicemail. If anyone knows anything that can be done please tell me.
badfaz said:
So there is one problem I am having with T-mobile and my Atom Life is that since I got it I get the VM flag on my phone but I DO NOT HAVE ANY VM's! I searched for this all over the net but seems like I'm the only one who has that problem and everyone has the opposite problem of no VM flag at all and they have to guess for voicemail. If anyone knows anything that can be done please tell me.
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Click to collapse
do you have a registry editor i need a copy of your registry because you have the value set for in you phone some how thier is not registry info in my phone at all for the hkcu vm

