POP 3 setup - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I have an O2 xda with
Microsoft Pocket PC Version 3.0.12039 (Build 11178).
I am trying to setup a POP3 email account
However, in my "Inbox" program, in the options in "Services" of the
bottom tool bar menu list,
the "New Service..." is disabled, so I cannot set POP3 up.
Can someone please tell me how I can enable it?

Confirming you have setup a working connect under Start, Connections,
Connections? If so try doing a soft reset!


How to access an Exchange Server from PPC e-mail

This is a common question from corporate users, and the answer can be difficult because of the various ways that your network and server(s) may be configured. In this brief article I will try to touch upon the basic principles and give you enough information to at least understand what your specific configuration is and what needs to be changed.
First off, let's clarify some terminology:
Sync: To synchronize data, typically meaning mail/calendar/tasks. Outlook and Exchange have a special proprietary connection which keeps data synchronized between client and server. There is no true Exchange client for the Pocket PC.
POP3 & IMAP4: These are industry standard mail protocols. IMAP is a sync protocol.
Firewall: A device that blocks specific TCP ports (think of them as specific internet services like mail, web, FTP) from being accessed on your internal servers from the internet. A firewall is configurable for specific needs and access.
VPN: Virtual Private Network; a software layer that is established between two points on the internet and provides for secure data transfer. This is typically between a laptop/home user and a firewall device at a company. This basically "punches a hole" in the firewall for the authenticated VPN client user.
Active Directory: This is an authentication protocol used in 2000 Server, Exchange 2000, and newer. It can also run in "mixed mode" if you have older servers (IE, NT).
MIS: Mobile Information Server; this is software from Microsoft which allows you to do a full remote sync with Exchange. It will sync mail/calendar/tasks, but it takes much more time and data. This is generally impractical unless you have a large data transfer budget or have very little data to sync. MIS can NOT be run on a mixed-mode Active Directory installation nor on the old NT authentication scheme. You need to use it with native mode Active Directory only.
Now the absolute easiest way to sync your PPC e-mail is via IMAP directly to the Exchange server. To do this, your firewall needs to have the IMAP ports open between the server and at least the subnet of your wireless carrier. The ports are 143, 220, and 993. You can find out your carrier's subnet range by calling them, or by running vxUtil on your device while you have a connection and getting your IP configuration. Your Exchange server needs to have IMAP enabled, which literally takes just a few clicks. Any Exchange admin can do this in a few minutes.
On the Pocket PC, open the Inbox, tap the Services menu, New Service... Enter your e-mail address in the box, and press Next. Skip the automatic testing. In the next dialog enter your user info such as your real name (as you want it to be in the "from" field), your login name (typically [email protected], same as your e-mail address), and password. Hit Next, and select IMAP4 service type, then enter a name for this account (any name you want, this is for you to remember which account this is), hit Next. Here you will enter your mail server names. Typically this is mail.domain.com, but ask your IT department. Tap the options buttons and select "Outgoing mail requires authentication" then hit Next. Set your preferences here, hit Next twice, and you're done.
The only drawback to this method is a very slight security risk which can be averted by keeping the latest service packs on your Exchange server. This is the methodology I use and recommend, and that all of my clients use. I do not know of any specific security risks with IMAP, and find that most objections to it are based merely on FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). Unfortunately, FUD plays a big role in many IT decisions. The other factor is the nerds; they want to do lock things down just because they can or think they should. IMAP is a proven, secure, industry-standard protocol that is well-implemented on Exchange server 5.5 and above.
You can also use POP to get your mail. The drawback is that POP is not a sync protocol like IMAP. People using POP tend to run into issues with not knowing whether an e-mail is on the server or has been removed to a client. This makes it undesirable for the non-technical business user. The ONLY caveat for IMAP is that you should sync again after you've done anything with your e-mail to make that change to the server. IE, if you delete an e-mail on the client, it will not be deleted on the server until you sync again.
Now if your IT department refuses to allow outside access directly to the Exchange server, you may need to establish a VPN to the firewall. To do this you will need client software, and this is more complicated than what I'd like to discuss here. The best starting point is to ask the manufacturer of your firewall for a recommendation on a Pocket PC VPN client. Once you connect the VPN, then you can use IMAP as outlined above to get your mail. With a VPN, it will work just as if you were in the office.
Speaking of which, you can test these things using the pass-through function of ActiveSync while the device is in the cradle at the office. This will help you determine the source of a problem, for example. If you can connect in the office but not wirelessly, then you have a proper e-mail configuration but you have a network/firewall issue.
Please feel free to shoot any specific questions my way. However, this is meant as information you can use to guide your Exchange and firewall admins and not a complete how-to for the novice. If you do not have admins on site, someone will need to configure this. You can contact any qualified Exchange and/or firewall admin to help you with this, and I'm also available for implementation, design, and consulting work. My background is in wide area communications, security, and internet services.
Can anyone help me in the steps involved to remotely connect to my
microsoft exchange server 2003 remotely with GPRS T-mobile?
This is what I have working so far and each one has been incredibly
painful to set up, but working.
I have windows 2003 server running exchange 2003 server on a DC, and an
I-mate Jam running windows mobile 2003 2nd edition.
1) My ISP is T-mobile and running GPRS perfectly.
2) OWA (Outlook Web Access) is working perfectly from my lan computer.
ex. http://mail.manster.com:81/exhange
3) OMA is working perfectly from my phone.
4) I set up activesync 3.8 to be standard and connect to my exchange
server and that works perfectly if I put the netbios name
manster-4qgshpl.manster.local in the server name. Everything syncs fine
and it works. The passthrough on my activesync says to connect to
"internet" and I have pda connected to lan comp.
Not working:
1) I put my exchange server smtp name mail.manster.com in my activesync
and it no longer works.
What am I missing, I'm so close. Do I need to create a vpn or
something. How come I don't need vpn for owa and oma?
Note: When I change the exchange server to mail.manster.com and put
"work" in the passthrough it works but only when I have it connected to
computer. I also have to put for some reason mail.manster.com in the
proxy server and port 81. Even though I don't have proxy server. I need
to be able to do this remotely from anywhere with GPRS.
Thanks, I greatly appreciate any help.

msn messanger

hey guys....
can any one help me?
everytime i try to connect to msn messanger and sign in...its says:
Trouble connecting
Unable to connect with current settings."
That even happens when i am connected to wap already...
If i do go in to "settings" and set it up to wap....(even though it is) it doesn't sign in.....its just says signing in for ages..
If any one can help me i will be very grateful
I too used to have all sorts of problems like that
I used to set up my WAP settings and then next time i looked at the connection settings it had set the internet connection back to 'internet settings' it really was impossible to sort out. to use msn via wap you have ot set your 'internet connection' top combo box to 'wap settings' and hope it stays there.
after messing with it for ages, i installed the xda devel rom 1.1 and then cancelled all mention of the O2 configurator. then just put your wap settings as internet settings. so now anything that wants the net just connects to my internet connection, which is actually WAP.
MSN, ICQ and IE alll connect fine through my WAP connection.
hope thats of some help.
What version of the ROM are you useing? If you are on O2 in the UK and have PPC 2003 then I get the same thing. I think that this is a problem for everyone at the moment.
If not try running the O2 auto config from the settings menu. That will reset all the GPRS and WAP settings to default. This should work.
thanks for the replys
i have now sorted the wap problem out.....
but i got a new one
why does it take so long to sign into msn messenger? i am yet to properly sign in beacuse it take too long.......it keeps saying "signing in" and never makes it?
any ideas?
thanks again
hey guys....
new problem
right...when i have my usb (xda on the cradle) and then try and connect...it does it staraight away...but when i take it out.....it goes offline....???
also...i still cannot go on msn messanger...if it is not in the cradle.....
any advie would be great
That just means that your msn is not even attempting to use your dailup connection and is instead using your pass through connection to your desktop machine, i assume that your desktop has a net connection?
remove it from the cradle and disconnect any connections, then start msn messager and try to log in it should invoke the connection thing and try to connect to your 'internet settings'. if it fails to dail your wap number then this is your problem. and needs sorting before anything else.
hey...thanks for your reply
yeah my wap connection is fine....i have tested that
but when i try to sign in with the wap connection...it just keeps on sayin "signing in" and never gets there...
any ideas???
Have you entered your WAP settings in 'Internet Settings' or 'WAP Settings'?
Mine didn't work correctly until i deleted the 'WAP Settings' then manually entered my WAP account details into 'Internet Settings'

Adding Encryption stopped it from working

We have a number of Pocket PCs some sold as “Siemens SX56 from ATT” and some as “Pocket PC Phone edition from T-Mobile”.
We were using them on the internet to read E-mail from Novell GroupWise Web access E-mail.
All was fine until we added 40 bit Encryption to our Web access E-mail at which time all of the Pocket PC’s stopped receiving E-mail. They will try to go to the login screen but just sit there with the little earth icon spinning and then stop with the error ”The page you are looking for cannot be found“.
The GroupWise Web site still works for the people that are using an iPaq or a PC on the internet.
Is there anyone out there that has an idea of what I need to do to get my Pocket PCs working again?
bapglnet said:
]Novell GroupWise Web access E-mail.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi bapglnet,
GW Web-email system uses standard encryption protocol SSL over http. So, you need to use your company's webmail address to login to your mailbox!
If you were using traditional WinMobile email client, then check for SSL connection check box in Accounts->Accounts...->[pop3]->...Next...->Options...
OR compare your email settings with those guys who have iPAQs
ask your system administrator for webmail login address OR pop3 settings

MMS Working!-XDA I- Read this if u hate OPTUS cust support..

If you have struggled to enable MMS on you XDA I then read further...
OS: PPC2002
ROM: 3.20.06 ENG
ROM DATE: 07/30/03
RADIO: 4.21.00
Service Provider: OPTUS (Australia)
Software you need: EZWAP ver:2.5 (search google for a download)
Other things before starting: I am under the impression that you need to ask your service provider to enable mms on yor account before it will work? I got my sim-card in Feb 2004, and never asked optus to enable mms on my device (i only asked them for their server settings - which they couldnt give me cuz they suck) Mine works, so i'm assuming its enabled by default. Just ask them anyways.
And finally before we start: This xda is not (to my knowledge) cooked in any way. It is just as i got it.
I've tested this 3 times now, and it worked perfectly every time. Since i'm using optus (prepaid) and i couldnt find ANY details anywhere on the net for optus network MMS settings, i'm posting it here for all who are just as fed up with the lame-ass customer service as i am.
(This is quite a long post, but im taking it hell into detail here. Another thing.. its written in dumbass language so if i say something like "click OK (top right of screen)" then just think of all the newbies )
Network Settings for GPRS
start > settings > 'connections' tab > "Connections"
(i'm assuming you did an auto-config when you first started the unit)
Click Optus GPRS...
You should have the following details:
name: Optus GPRS Internet
modem: Cellular Line (GPRS)
baud rate: 19200
no checkboxes should be selected, and 'use server-assigned IP address' should be selected.
select 'use server-assigned addresses'
click OK (top right)
click NEXT
access point name: mms (if i remember correctly this used to be set to 'internet'
click FINISH
only select checkbox 'This network connects to the Internet'
click OK (top right)
(you are taken back to CONNECTIONS main screen)
click OK again
close the window and go back to today screen
start > programs > "EzWAP v2"
click TOOLS
select OPTIONS
GENERAL tab (tabs at bottom of screen)
Connection should be: "Optus GPRS Internet"
"Connect Automatically" checkbox should be selected.
Home Page: file://windows/ezos2.wmlc
"break line after images.." checkbox should be selected.
select the GATEWAY radio button
Address: Port: 9201
NO CHECKBOXES SHOULD BE SELECTED HERE - this was a big problem earlier on
Connection Timeout: 50
Retries: 5 x timeout: 100
PUSH tab
"Enable Push" should be selected.
Address is left blank.
Port: 2948
"Connectionless Push Gateway" should be selected.
"WTLS secured connection" should NOT be selected.
No changes.
"allow client identifier to be sent through headers" should be selected.
nothing in textbox
"allow geographical location..." should be selected.
MMS tab
Message Server: http://mmsc.optus.com.au:8002
sender address type: "Phone Number"
Sender Address: {your phone number in normal form... e.g. 0431405405 NOT +61431405405}
Message Expiry: Max
"Delivery report" should be selected.
"Read report" and "hide sender" should NOT be selected.
This should work now when you send or receive MMS messages!!! yayy!
Here are a few problems i've picked up; they might happen to you and then again might not... if anyone has a solution for them please let me know
1) When you get a mms message, it will display a notification on your screen. When i choose to 'get now' it just does nothing. I have to go to my inbox and the message is there, then select to download. Not a big problem, but kinda irritating? I think someone else in these forums had the same problem.
2) Whenever i used my phone on my XDA it doesnt allow me to 'close' the phone-application. thus its always running in the background then. It's like i'm just swapping between the today screen and phone. ANyways, the problem is this:
the MMS works as long as i havent used the phone. It seems that the phone application (or connection or whatever) is conflicting with the EzWAP software, or the GPRS connection or something. The only way i can get MMS to work after using the phone is by doing soft-reset. Then everything works fine. I'm guessing that if your phone is closing properly then you wouldnt have this problem at all.
If this has happened to anyone (the phone not closing) and you have fixed it please let us know!
3) This is unrelated to MMS.
I cant do a soft-reset when my SD card (1GB Ridata 66X) is inside the unit. When i do this, i just get a blank white screen. When i take the card out and soft-reset then it works fine. Any ideas?
Thats it, happy MMS'ing!!!
The cost (for anyone interested) of sending a mms message to myself and receiving it was AU$0.60 in total. This is on the OPTUS network, using prepaid.
ok, if this even helped ONE person then i'm happy
His Lordship JayDA I
yep one it is me
well thanks for your so precise explanation
cos of it i manage to config my access to vodafone.pt and send a mms
so THANKs thank you thanks
some problems still but.....time is on my side lol
thanks aggain
need EZWap 2.5
Hi, can anyone please send me the complete send the link of ezwap 2.5, i dont seem to find any evaluation version of it.
I am in a desperate need of MMS on my Qtek 1010.
Please help me
Thanking you in advance

tesco inetrnet phone

anyone know the complete settings for tesco internet phone i would like to get this working with my hero also if i can i will be able to convert 3 other people to android lol
Not overly sure if this will work but download sipdroid from the market, once installed open it and press menu, select sip Account settings, in Authorisation username add ur tesco internet phone telephone number, password: your password, leave domain empty, port:5060 if that doesnt work try 5061 and leave Protocol as TCP..
Hope this helps if not, sorry

