Qtek 1010 & melodys for mobile phone - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

All ringtones in qtek 1010 must be only *.wav format, but it is not good idea. When i am converting some music from mp3 to *.wav the wav file has 20-40 Mb (( Can anyone help me...may be there are some programms, that make wav file size lower (under 10 Mb)? or there are some programms that allows to play mp3 ringtones?

if you put 2003 on your qtek it will support mp3 vma and mid files
any audioeditor should be able to change wav to mono and limit the samplerate which makes the file smaller
www.download.com have plenty of such audio editors

but where can i get 2003, and is it easy to install it to my qtek? I am afraid...will my device work after i install 2003 on it? i never do it, can i break my device, while installing 2003?
... which converting programm can you recommend?

some reading and how to upgrade your xda to 2003
an ok audio editor
is Cool Edit


QTEK / P800 / Ringtones

I own the Qtek 1010 and the SE P800 but my favorite is the QTEK and using it most of the time. But i was wondering while the SE P800 can support WAV and MIDI ringtones the QTEK can only support WAV tones.
I have allot of MIDIs and good ones on the P800 and was wondering if there is a way to make the QTEK support MIDI tones.
Please advise me guys ...
In my case i had to convert *.mid to *.wav using Mid2Wav program and use them on all devices, i know its taking time and space but its working
Its going to be fantastic if there is a direct *.mid player.
I'm not sure if this will work, but try to install this .cab file that comes in the exteded rom portion of my MDA2.
Extract file from the attached .zip and place the .cab file in your My Documents folder in your Pocket PC and execute from there.
Good luck!
I believe this cab file is to support the Album s/w which is part of the MMS Composer 1.6.xx which comes into the XDA II ... it plays midi files perfectly, however it doesn't update the phone rings capabilities.
ARZLEB, you may consider using wma files as ring tones for WM2003 ... it gives very good sound quality and relatively small size than wav ... of course never like the midi size
If you must use mid files, make sure it has only one track ... the usual mid files come with 4 tracks at least.

Mp3's as ring tones?

does anyone know how to use mp3 files as ring tones? is it possible?
you need to use Mp3 to wav converter and convert the mp3 to a wav file, then put the wav file under \Windows\Rings and it will work...but take note, its pretty big after conversion to wav
hence why i wanted to use mp3s as ringtones rather than wavs in the first place
Is there no way that you can trick the software into accepting the mp3 file as a wav?! Ive tried using a .wav extention, but that doenst seem to work either.
Jeenious said:
hence why i wanted to use mp3s as ringtones rather than wavs in the first place
Is there no way that you can trick the software into accepting the mp3 file as a wav?! Ive tried using a .wav extention, but that doenst seem to work either.
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not possible at all...you must put the wav into Windows\Rings directory then go to select the ring tone as your default ringing tone..it should work just fine
Ofcourse it wouldn't be that hard for someone like the maker of PhonExt to create a program that wil let you run whatever you want when someone calls...
you can convert them to WMA which it makes the files smaller than MP3 and they sound just as good. that is of course if you have WM2003
You can use dbpowerAmp.com to convert the wav files into smaller bitrate, mono channels etc. This will make the file sizes much smaller... however, quality will start to suffer.
Yorch said:
you can convert them to WMA which it makes the files smaller than MP3 and they sound just as good. that is of course if you have WM2003
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Yorch, what program do you use to convert the mp3 files to wma??
brilliant then! problem solved. i can just use WMA.
I convert mp3s to WMA via "Windows Movie Maker". Simply drag the mp3 onto the timeline, then save the "movie" as a WMA.
dbpowerAmp is an excellent solution (and FREE) and super easier to use. Now if you happen to have the XP Plus Media Edition, it comes with a little prog that lets you convert audio back and forth, very easy.
By the way anything that you convert to 64Kbps on a WMA will come with excellent quality as a ringtone.
You can also use the free Windows Media Encoder to convert Mp3 to wma.
With this great utility you can also directly convert all your movies ,divx etc to wmv pocket pc format!!!
Jeenious said:
does anyone know how to use mp3 files as ring tones? is it possible?
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There is not a piece of software for ppc2002 that does is job good.
Simply convert them to wav with this great tool
:lol: 8)
three years later

using .wav files for ringtone?

Hi, I've searched for info on how to use .wav files for ringtones and have found only midi/polphonic files etc, of which I'm not to sure of how to do. I've tried moving some .wav files into the rings folder but all I get is a bip when I try it. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong and how to resolve this would be much appreciated. Thanks
they need to be PCM wav files
Thanks Rudegar. PCM is what? Is there a program that will convert standard .wav files to PCM .wav files. I'll do a search on the forum for info also.
Pulse code modulation, shortly PCM is the standard wav file :wink: . You might have tried a wav file with some kind of compression, and wm2002 cant handle that. In wm2003, you can use windows media also. Thats good if you want to have music as ringtones. Just put the .wma into the ringtones folder.

multi-file send via bluetooth & mp3 ringing tones???

hi !!
can we send multi files via bluetooth and use mp3 as ringing tone in WM2003SE????
and if we can do it, can i do it on my XDAII ROM1.72WWE??
no mp3 ms made wma to beat mp3 so ms are not likely to add much support for fancy mp3 things in their pda's
but wma's are just as good as mp3's and you can make a mp3 into a wma using CDex which is a free program
how you can send files really depend on what you mean
as in from pda to pda or from pc to pda or ..........
pda to pda
what program can do BT transfer?
did a search and found this
i have heard that the new Caller ID (on PDA2K and Jam) can use an mp3 as ringtoon..
is that right??
about the wma it's very gooooood i know that...and I am using it..thanx!
about the search i have tried many many times before i write the topic but it didn't work!!! (this page can't be displayed on IE) sorry!
I am using Resco Explorer Ver 5.0 and it can send via bluetooth but only 1 file per send!!!
i want to select many files and send them together to a phone or a pda or anything!!!
when i select multi files...Send To becomes gray and unselectable...
well i guess you could zip the files of cause that would not work if you wanted to send to a cellphone or something which dont have the options of unzipping

change alarm sounds

how can you change the alarm wav files in wm6 as they are very limited and short what folder could you import a wav or mp3 into
IMHO it's the same as in WM5 - put your WAV (not MP3) files into windows directory...
works atreat good work on charmer wm6 ...... thanks
you can use .wma files as well btw.
lol thats pretty stupid why only wav files and wma?
hmmm has anyone thought of a quick fix for this?
i want all my mp3s to be shown without having two copies, which is really stupid of microsoft
How can I add more melodys to alarm directory???
vlodeck said:
you can use .wma files as well btw.
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Really? On my HTC Artemis (O2 XDA) I was only able to get .wav files (PCM Uncompressed) to work for alarms, and then they must be less than approx 2.33mb (as reported by XP or ~2,450,000 bytes). They must be stored in the windows directory.
There are .wma files also in the windows directory but none of them appear in the clock & alarms drop down list. So I assumed .wma's can't be used for the alarms.
The .wav files must be 8bit or 16bit and either 8kHz, 11.025kHz, 16kHz or 22.05kHz (32kHz does not seem to work).
It's a bit annoying as I had a good .mid file as an alarm on my old Sony Ericsson and they are tiny (28.3kb). Converting it to .wav made it 2.5mb!!! So I had to trim it down to 2.33mb before it would work.

